186 resultados para Irritation


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BACKGROUND: Others have reported ocular toxicity after adjuvant chemoendocrine therapy, but this study looked at ocular toxicity in similarly treated patients from large randomized clinical trials. METHODS: Information was retrieved on incidence and timing of ocular toxicity from the International Breast Cancer Study Group (IBCSG) database of 4948 eligible patients randomized to receive tamoxifen or toremifene alone or in combination with chemotherapy (either concurrently or sequentially). Case reports of patients with ocular toxicity were evaluated to determine whether ocular toxicity occurred during chemotherapy and/or hormonal therapy. Additional information was obtained from participating institutions for patients in whom ocular toxicity occurred after chemotherapy but during administration of tamoxifen or toremifene. RESULTS: Ocular toxicity was reported in 538 of 4948 (10.9%) patients during adjuvant treatment, mainly during chemotherapy. Forty-five of 4948 (0.9%) patients had ocular toxicity during hormone therapy alone, but only 30 (0.6%) patients had ocular toxicity reported either without receiving any chemotherapy or beyond 3 months after completing chemotherapy and, thus, possibly related to tamoxifen or toremifene. In 3 cases, retinal alterations, without typical aspects of tamoxifen toxicity, were reported; 4 patients had cataract (2 bilateral), 12 impaired visual acuity, 10 ocular irritation, 1 optical neuritis, and the rest had other symptoms. CONCLUSION: Ocular toxicity during adjuvant therapy is a common side effect mainly represented by irritative symptoms due to chemotherapy. By contrast, ocular toxicity during hormonal therapy is rare and does not appear to justify a regular program of ocular examination. However, patients should be informed of this rare side effect so that they may seek prompt ophthalmic evaluation for ocular complaints.


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Pollakisuria in adult goats can be caused by diseases of the urinary tract and by distension of parts of the genital tract leading to irritation of the bladder. Hydrometra is the most common cause of uterine distension in goats and usually can be resolved by prostaglandin injections. But other pathologies of the uterus can generate a similar syndrome. A dwarf goat was presented at the clinic with a history of chronic pollakisuria and tenesm. An initial ultrasonographic examination of the abdomen led to the suspicion of hydrometra, but treatment with injections of prostaglandin were not successful. Blood samples revealed low progesterone and high oestrogen values. A laparotomy was performed and an enlarged uterus with 1.5 L of mucous content and cystic ovaries were found and partially removed. A single solid leiomyoma was diagnosed histologically in the uterine wall. Two months later the goat's condition had deteriorated and therefore she was euthanized. Necropsy and pathohistological examination revealed the presence of a metastasized adenocarcinoma of the uterus. In this case, the pollakisuria provoqued by distension of the uterus was not caused by hydrometra, but by neoplasia. The syndrome and the pathogenesis of the adenocarcinoma in consideration of the hormonal status of the patient is discussed.


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A shortage of petroleum asphalt is creating opportunities for engineers to utilize alternative pavement materials. Three types of bio oils, original bio oil (OB), dewatered bio oil (DWB) and polymer-modified bio oil (PMB) were used to modify and partially replace petroleum asphalt in this research. The research investigated the procedure of producing bio oil, the rheological properties of asphalt binders modified and partially replaced by bio oil, and the mechanical performances of asphalt mixtures modified by bio oil. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) is conducted on the test results for the significance analysis. The main finding of the study includes: 1) the virgin bioasphalt is softer than the traditional asphalt binder PG 58-28 but stiffer after RTFO aging because bio oil ages much faster than the traditional asphalt binder during mixing and compaction; 2) the binder test showed that the addition of bio oil is expected to improve the rutting performance while reduce the fatigue and low temperature performance; 3) both the mass loss and the oxidation are important reasons for the bio oil aging during RTFO test; the mixture test showed that 1) most of the bio oil modified asphalt mixture had slightly higher rutting depth than the control asphalt mixture, but the difference is not statistically significant; 2) the dynamic modulus of some of the bio oil modified asphalt mixture were slightly lower than the control asphalt mixture, the E* modulus is also not statistically significant; 3) most of the bio oil modified asphalt mixture had higher fatigue lives than the control asphalt mixture; 4) the inconsistence of binder test results and mixture test results may be attributed to that the aging during the mixing and compaction was not as high as that in the RTFO aging simulation. 5) the implementation of Michigan wood bioasphalt is anticipated to reduce the emission but bring irritation on eyes and skins during the mixing and compaction.


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Objective: Whether or not a protective stoma reduces the rate of anastomotic leakage after distal colorectal anastomosis is still discussed controversially. It does however facilitate clinical management once leakage has occurred. Loop ileostomies seem to be associated with a lower morbidity and a better quality of life compared to loop colostomies. Generally, diverting loop ileostomies are secured at skin level by means of a supporting device in order to prevent retraction of the ileostomy into the abdomen. However, due to the supporting rod, difficulties may occur in applying a stoma bag correctly and leakage of faeces onto the skin may occur even with correct eversion of the afferent limb. Our aim was to compare morbidity and time to self-sufficient stoma-care in patients having a loop ileostomy with rod to those without rod. Methods: A total of 60 patients necessitating loop ileostomy were analyzed. Patients received surgery in of the two involved institutions according to inhouse standard procedures. 30 patients had an ileostomy with rod (VCHK Inselspital) and a further 30 without rod (KSW Winterthur). Morbidity and time to self-sufficiency regarding stoma care was analyzed during the first 90 postoperative days. Morbidity was determined according to a scoring system ranging from 0 to 4 points for any given set of possible complications (bleeding, necrosis, skin irritation, abscess, stenosis, retraction, fistula, prolapse, parastomal hernia, incomplete diversion), where 0 = no complication and 4 = severe complication. Continuous variables were expressed as median (95% Confidence Interval). For comparisons between the groups the Mann-Whitney U test was used, between categorical variables the X2 test was applied. Results: There were no significant differences in length of hospital stay or time to self-sufficient stoma-care between the groups. Although not significant, patients with a rod ileostomy had a tendency towards more stoma-related complications as well as stoma-related reoperations. The number of patients reaching total self-sufficiency regarding stoma care was higher after rodless ileostomy. Conclusion: According to our data, rodless ileostomies seemto fare just as well as those with a supporting rod, with equal morbidity rates and more patients reaching self-sufficient stoma care. Therefore routine application of a rod for diverting loop ileostomy seems unnecessary


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Lateral meniscal cysts are relatively common, but only in rare instances do they cause common peroneal nerve irritation. There are, we believe, no cases reported in which both the sensory and motor functions of the nerve have been compromised. We present a case of a lateral meniscal cyst that became palpable and led to symptoms of numbness and weakness in the distribution of the common peroneal nerve. The MRI findings were of an oblique tear of the lateral meniscus with an associated multiloculated meniscal cyst that coursed behind the biceps tendon before encroaching on the common peroneal nerve. Surgical resection confirmed the tract as located on the MRI and histology confirmed the mass to be a synovial cyst. Resection of the cyst and arthroscopic excision of the meniscal tear led to resolution of the symptoms in 3 months.


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Galactorrhea is a relatively common condition, but has rarely been seen following breast reduction surgery. To date there are only seven cases reported in the literature, all in premenopausal women. Postsurgical galactorrhea is a diagnosis of exclusion and differential diagnosis is extensive. Common causes should be excluded first. We present the case of a 56-year-old postmenopausal woman who underwent bilateral breast reduction and developed galactorrhea 2 months postoperatively. MRI scan of the skull as well as Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH), prolactin levels were normal. She was on long-term hormonal replacement therapy. Because of suspected nerve-related pain in her right breast she was commenced on amitriptyline. We hypothesise that galactorrhea may have been caused by underlying neuroma or irritation of the anterior branch of the T4 intercostal nerve or hormonal replacement therapy or a combination of both.


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The aim of the present study was to develop a physiologically compatible inhalation solution of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and to compare the pharmacokinetic and analgesic properties of pulmonal THC versus pulmonal placebo and intravenous (iv) THC, respectively. Eight healthy volunteers were included in this randomized, double-blind, crossover study. The aqueous THC formulations were prepared by using a solubilization technique. iv THC (0.053 mg/kg body weight), pulmonal THC (0.053 mg/kg), or a placebo inhalation solution was administered as single dose. At defined time points, blood samples were collected, and somatic and psychotropic side effects as well as vital functions monitored. An ice water immersion test was performed to measure analgesia. Using a pressure-driven nebulizer, the pulmonal administration of the THC liquid aerosol resulted in high THC peak plasma levels within minutes. The bioavailability of the pulmonal THC was 28.7 +/- 8.2% (mean +/- SEM). The side effects observed after pulmonal THC were coughing and slight irritation of the upper respiratory tract, very mild psychotropic symptoms, and headache. The side effects after iv THC were much more prominent. Neither pulmonal nor iv THC significantly reduced experimentally induced pain.


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Die Integration des Islam ist vor allem über unabhängige Rechtssysteme erfolgt. Dieser Artikel verfolgt Wegmarken und rekurrierende Konflikte in diesem Prozess, vergleicht einen individualrechtlichen und korporativen Pfad der Integration im Hinblick auf ihre Möglichkeiten und Grenzen, und weist auf durch selbstläufig rechtliche Integration evozierte Spannungen zwischen Recht und Politik hin. Es besticht die Elastizität liberaler Institutionen gegenüber einer Religion, die in nicht geringem Maß Irritation für diese sein muss.


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Die Blicke, die die Wissenschaft auf Islam und Muslime in der Schweiz wirft, sind in den meisten Fällen entweder auf Subjekte gerichtet, oder sie behandeln die soziale und kommunikative Konstruktion jener Phänomene nur mit Blick auf einzelne Teilsysteme der Gesellschaft wie Politik und Massenmedien (respektive öffentliche Diskurse) ohne gesellschaftstheoretische und funktionalistische Rückbindung. Die vorliegende Arbeit positioniert sich in dieser Beobachtungslücke und nimmt die vielfältigen Beobachter der Gesellschaft von Islam und Muslimen in der Schweiz in den Blick. Fragt man danach, welche Strukturen sich wie irritieren lassen, treten die Phänomene Islam und Muslime in den Hintergrund, und auf dem analytischen Schirm erscheint die Gesellschaft selbst. In der Folge werden die umfangreichen Kommunikationsleistungen sichtbar, die eine Irritation in verschiedenen Teilsystemen – nicht nur in der Politik oder den Massenmedien, sondern genauso im Recht, der Religion, der Kunst oder der Wirtschaft – auslöst. Sei es, dass Eltern ihre Kinder aus religiösen Gründen nicht am gemischtgeschlechtlich erteilten Schwimmunterricht an öffentlichen Primarschulen in Basel teilnehmen lassen wollen, oder dass ein muslimischer Verein im Zuge des Um- und Ausbaus ihres Vereinslokals in Langenthal ein Minarett auf dem Dach desselben errichten will: diese und andere Gesuche, (teil-)öffentlich soziale Vielfalt in der Form religiöser Differenz auszudrücken, regen eine Fülle von Beobachtungs- und Kommunikationsleistungen an. Den Hauptteil der vorliegenden Studie bildet denn auch die Analyse der vielfältigen Reaktionen in zwei Konfliktfällen zur Nichtteilnahme am gemischtgeschlechtlich erteilten Schwimmunterricht in Primarschulen Basel-Stadts und dem Baugesuch für ein Minarett und eine Kuppel als Teil des Ausbaus eines Vereinslokals in Langenthal. Die beiden Fälle wurden deshalb ausgewählt, weil ihre anfängliche Irritation quer durch die gesellschaftlichen Teilsysteme hindurch und über mehrere Jahre hinweg Antwortversuche auslöste und die empirische Analyse deshalb über mehr und aussagekräftigeres Material verfügen konnte, als es in anderen, ansonsten für eine Analyse prinzipiell auch denkbaren, Konfliktfällen, beispielsweise zur Einrichtung eines muslimischen Grabfeldes auf einem Friedhof oder dem Tragen eines Kopftuchs an der Schule, bei der Arbeit oder beim Sport, möglich gewesen wäre. Die Beobachtung des Umgangs mit diesen beiden Instanzen sozialer Vielfalt (aber auch in inhaltlich anders gelagerten Fällen der Differenzbearbeitung) macht sichtbar, dass und wie Erwartungen verunsichert und Lösungen für die Aufhebung dieser Unsicherheiten gefunden und ausprobiert werden. Die zentrale Einsicht der Studie lautet, dass selbstreproduzierende und selbstorganisierende Systeme, wie es Recht, Politik, Massenmedien, Kunst und Religion unter den Bedingungen einer funktional differenzierten, modernen Gesellschaft sind, aufgrund ihrer spezifischen Funktionsweise in der Gesellschaft ihre eigenen Zugänge zu religiöser Vielfalt entwickeln, die sich nur schwer miteinander vereinbaren lassen. In anderen Worten interessiert sich das Rechtssystem für die rechtlichen Folgen des Auftauchens islamischer Normativitäten, die Politik für daraus resultierende Machtansprüche, oder die Massenmedien für das aus der Vielfalt resultierende Konfliktpotenzial. Um gleichzeitig diese Einsicht in kürzeste Form zu bringen und die Wahl des Titels der vorliegenden Studie zu erläutern, sind Islam und Muslime kommunikativ konstruierte Artefakte. Sie werden jeweils dazu, was die Gesellschaft – respektive die sozialen Systeme, aus denen diese besteht – aus ihnen vermittels ihrer eigenen Beobachtungsleistungen macht. Dies schliesst natürlich die im vorliegenden Text kommunizierten Beschreibungen mit ein, da auch sie nichts anderes als einen Vollzug von Gesellschaft darstellen. Die Analyse von Konfliktfällen zu muslimisch-religiöser Diversität in den folgenden Kapiteln will dementsprechend keine Aussagen über Islam, Muslime und ihre Hintergründe und Motivlagen, die zu Konflikten führen könnten, treffen. Jenseits dieser subjektorientierten Beschreibungen genügt es dem Anspruch der vorliegenden Arbeit jedoch auch nicht, nur das Kursieren von Differenzsemantiken oder Diskursen über Islam und Muslime festzustellen – obwohl dies einen Teil der Analyse bildet. Diese gesellschaftlichen Problematisierungen von und die mannigfaltigen „Umgangsformen“ gegenüber Islam und Muslimen, oder allgemeiner: gegenüber Fremdheit, Differenz, Vielfalt – sollen zudem auf ihre funktionalen und gesellschaftsstrukturellen Ermöglichungsbedingungen und Grenzen hin untersucht werden. Wenn die vorliegende Studie Konfliktfälle analysiert, die als muslimisch bezeichnete Personen in die Kommunikation miteinbeziehen, liegt ihr Forschungsinteresse also auf einer Beobachtungsebene zweiter Ordnung und in den Formen des kommunikativen Umgangs mit Kontingenz und Vielfalt in der Form von „Islam“ und „Muslimen“ – und dafür, wo die Grenzen dieses Umgangs liegen. Dementsprechend sind die beiden fallanalytischen Kapitel (4 und 5) nach systemspezifischen Problemlösungen des Rechts, der Politik, der Massenmedien, der Kunst und der Religion strukturiert. Der Einsatz eines systemtheoretischen Analyserahmens, wie in Kapitel 2 dargestellt, in Kombination mit einer adaptierten Methode (in Kapitel 3 diskutiert) ermöglicht es dabei,spezifische, system- oder beobachterspezifische Unterscheidungsleistungen zu erkennen, die den jeweiligen Problemlösungsstrategien zu Grunde liegen. Die Bezeichnung „systemtheoretisch“ deutet dabei bereits an, dass sich der Analysefokus von individuellen Akteuren mit Motiven und Handlungen weg und in Richtung überindividueller, also sozialer, Kommunikationsstrukturen verschiebt. Die erkenntnistheoretischen Grundlagen der alltäglichen und wissenschaftlichen Beschäftigung mit dem, was gemeinhin „Realität“ genannt wird, werden gleich in Kapitel 2 diskutiert, um die Basis für die darauffolgenden konstruktivistischen, kommunikations-, system- und differenztheoretischen sowie funktionalistischen Überlegungen der hier verwendeten Methodologie zu schaffen (Kapitel 3). Der empirischen Erforschung der kommunikativen Mechanismen des Umgangs mit (sozialer Vielfalt, hier: Islamität zugeschriebener) Kontingenz widmet sich die vorliegende Arbeit daraufhin anhand der beiden obengenannten Fallstudien des Schwimmunterrichts in Basel-Stadt (Kapitel 4) und des Minarettbaugesuchs in Langenthal (Kapitel 5). Eine Analyse der kommunikativen Unterscheidungsleistungen, die Objekte durch sprachlichen Ein- und Ausschluss (und blinde Flecken) konstruiert, fördert die Schlüsselstellung von System- und Gesellschaftsstrukturen, tradierten Gesellschaftsbildern, Integrationsvorstellungen und dem ungebrochenen Vertrauen in die Möglichkeit gesellschaftlicher Steuerung für die Grenzen des Umgangs mit sozialer Vielfalt zu Tage. In der Fallstudie zum Schwimmunterricht in Basel (Kapitel 4) treten einander die Beobachtungsperspektiven des Rechts, der Politik, der Erziehung und der Massenmedien gegenüber, und ihre verschiedenen Funktionslogiken werden sichtbar. Angesichts dieses Befunds gesellschaftlicher Ausdifferenzierung zeichnet sich die Schwierigkeit ab, noch vom Nichtbesuch des Schwimmunterrichts aus religiösen Gründen als einem Problem zu sprechen. Im Gegenteil: in der funktional differenzierten, modernen Gesellschaft stellt der Widerspruch, das „Nein“ der Absage an den Besuch des gemischtgeschlechtlich erteilten Schwimmunterrichts, ein Mehrfachproblem dar. Er wird von mehreren Systemen gleichzeitig, aber aufgrund ihrer Funktion und Strukturen unterschiedlich beobachtet. Darüber hinaus lassen sich auch innerhalb politischer Kommunikation von Seiten der Integrations-, Erziehungs- und Ausländerpolitik drei unterschiedliche „Lösungsansätze“ feststellen. Das Kapitel beschreibt diese funktionale Differenzierung für das Rechtssystem, die Politik und die Massenmedien anhand empirischer Daten wie Gerichtsurteilen, Verwaltungsakten und -publikationen, politischen Vorstössen, massenmedialen Produkten und Interviews. Der Aufbau des Kapitels orientiert sich an jenen systemischen Zugängen. Der Befund der funktionalen Differenzierung wird in einem zweiten Schritt den Selbstbeschreibungen der Systeme gegenüber gestellt, um in den jeweiligen Erwartungsstrukturen die semantischen Grenzen des Umgangs mit Fremdheit respektive Vielfalt aufzudecken und den Weg für Alternativen zu ebnen. Die Fallanalyse zum Minarettbaugesuch in Langenthal (Kapitel 5) ermöglicht eine Überprüfung der Ergebnisse aus der Analyse zum Schwimmunterricht. Im Fall Langenthal bestätigt sich der Befund der systemisch differenzierten Zugänge zum Konfliktfall, wobei zusätzlich zum Recht, der Politik und den Massenmedien in diesem Fall auch die Systeme Religion und Kunst kommunikativ beteiligt sind. Auch dieses Kapitel ist analog zur Fallanalyse dees Schwimmunterrichts entlang der systemischen Zugänge aufgebaut. Durch die Vergleichsmöglichkeiten mit dem Fall Basel können im Fall Langenthal empirische Befunde zu den Formen und Grenzen gesellschaftlicher Selbstbeschreibungen und dem Umgang mit sozialer Vielfalt noch vertieft werden, und um die religiöse und künstlerische Dimension erweitert werden. Das Schlusskapitel (Kapitel 6) rollt die Befunde zur zentralen Bedeutung von Gesellschaftsstruktur und -bildern, Integrations- und Steuerungskonzepten für den Umgang mit islamischer und anderen Formen sozialer Vielfalt – und seine Beschränkungen – noch einmal auf. In der Folge setzt es sich auf der Grundlage der bisher erarbeiteten Erkenntnisse mit einem alternativen Ansatz des Umgangs mit Differenz, der Selbstreflektion, auseinander. Und schliesslich werden die Implikationen dieser Art von Analysen für die Islamwissenschaft sowie wissenschaftliche Anschlussmöglichkeiten diskutiert.


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Meningitis is the most common serious manifestation of infection of the central nervous system. Inflammatory involvement of the subarachnoid space with meningeal irritation leads to the classical triad of headache, fever, and meningism, and to a pleocytosis of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Meningitis is clinically categorized into an acute and chronic disease based on the acuity of symptoms. Acute meningitis develops over hours to days, while in chronic meningitis symptoms evolve over days or even weeks. Aseptic meningitis, in which no bacterial pathogen can be isolated by routine cultures, can mimic bacterial meningitis, but the disease has a much more favorable prognosis. Many cases of aseptic meningitis are caused by viruses, primarily enteroviruses, but bacteria and noninfectious etiologies also cause meningitis with negative cultures. Symptoms of meningeal inflammation with CSF pleocytosis that persist for more than 4 weeks define the chronic meningitis syndrome. The diagnosis is based on the patient history, clinical evidence of meningitis, CSF examination, and often imaging studies. The differential diagnosis is broad, and the predominant CSF cell type can provide clues as to the underlying disease. Empiric therapy is primarily based on the age of the patient, with modifications if there are positive findings on CSF gram stain or if the patient presents with special risk factors. In patients with chronic meningitis, a definite diagnosis is often not available or delayed for days, in which case empiric therapy may have to be initiated. It is important to cover the treatable causes of meningitis, for which the outcome is poor if treatment is delayed.


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OBJECTIVES To establish an effective alfaxalone concentration to be used for bath immersion of fire-bellied toads (Bombina orientalis) and to describe its effects. STUDY DESIGN Prospective experimental study. ANIMALS Thirteen oriental fire-bellied toads. METHODS The study was carried out in two phases. The pilot phase involved five animals and aimed to identify an alfaxalone concentration capable of producing induction of anesthesia, defined as immobility with a head down position and loss of responsiveness to stimulation with a stick. The following trial in an additional eight toads used the effective alfaxalone concentration established during the pilot phase. Data from 11 animals (three toads in the pilot study and the eight additional toads) were analyzed. Twenty minutes after immersion in the anesthetic solution, the toads were removed from the bath, and heart rate, respiratory rate, the righting, myotactic and the nociceptive withdrawal reflexes were evaluated every 5 minutes. The loss of both righting and nociceptive withdrawal reflexes was considered indicative of a surgical depth of anesthesia. The time elapsed from anesthetic induction to return of righting reflex, the quality of recovery and the occurrence of undesired effects were observed and recorded. RESULTS Immersion was found to be a suitable anesthetic technique for oriental fire-bellied toads and 200 mg L(-1) alfaxalone concentration produced anesthetic induction in 10 out of 11 toads. Side effects, such as skin irritation, erythema and changes in cutaneous pigmentation, were not observed in any animal. The duration of anesthesia ranged from 10 to 30 minutes after removal of the toads from the alfaxalone bath, and surgical depth of anesthesia was never achieved. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE It was concluded that alfaxalone anesthesia induced by immersion in a concentration of 200 mg L(-1) is only suitable for toads undergoing non-invasive short procedures.


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Against the background of an unexpected upswing in pilgrimages, this article states the thesis that pilgrimage enables a strengthening of one’s identity. In addition, the problem of a fragmented and indefinite identity is sketched, with reference to Zygmunt Bauman. In contrast stands a model of identity (connected with Albrecht Grçzinger) in which one contributes to a tradition in which one already is situated. In its main part, the article investigates the various factors of pilgrimage that contribute to this process of gaining one’s identity. Thus, a route frequented as much as theWay of St. James forms an already patterned space that offers the pilgrim traditioned roles to adopt. Walking, as a characteristic element of pilgrimage, is interpreted as physically generating and distinctively opening the space in which pilgrims understand themselves in the world. It also can be shown how walking as a form of physical being that leads from an instrumental relationship to one’s body to an immediate being in living one’s life, conveys certainty about one’s self and the world, activates one’s potential to overcome challenges, and provides self-empowerment. The author makes a strong case for a definition of pilgrimage oriented to an understanding of the hardship of crossing a foreign land, which is an image of a goal-oriented understanding of existence. The resulting poles of self-assurance and self-estrangement in pilgrimage are, in connection with Wilhelm Gräb, interpreted as an expression of a truly known but at the same time distanced self-understanding. Pilgrimage is therefore a form of physical self-interpretation in which people learn to view and be aware of their self-familiarity. Finally, against the background of this representation, criteria are elaborated for organizing a pilgrimage journey that is conducive to identity.


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OBJECTIVE Precise adaptable fixation of a supracondylar humerus osteotomy with a radial/lateral external fixator to correct posttraumatic cubitus varus. INDICATIONS Acquired, posttraumatic cubitus varus as a result of a malhealed and unsatisfactorily treated supracondylar humerus fracture. Idiopathic, congenital cubitus varus (very seldom) if the child (independent of age and after complete healing) is cosmetically impaired; stability of the elbow is reduced due to malalignment (hyperextension); secondary problems and pain (e. g., irritation of the ulnar nerve) are expected or already exist; or there is an explicit wish of the child/parents (relative indication). CONTRAINDICATIONS In principle there are no contraindications provided that the indication criteria are filled. The common argument of age does not represent a contraindication in our opinion, since angular remodeling at the distal end of the humerus is practically nonexistent. SURGICAL TECHNIQUE Basically, the surgical technique of the radial external fixator is used as previously described for stabilization of complex supracondylar humeral fractures. With the patient in supine position, the arm is placed freely on an arm table. Using a 4-5 cm long skin incision along the radial, supracondylar, the extracapsular part of the distal humerus is prepared, whereby great caution regarding the radial nerve is advised. In contrast to the procedure used in radial external fixation for supracondylar humeral fracture treatment, two Schanz screws are always fixed in each fragment at a distance of 1.5-2 cm. The osteotomy must allow the fragment to freely move in all directions. The proximal and distal two Schanz screws are then connected with short 4 mm carbon or stainless steel rods. These two rods are connected with each other over another rod using the tub-to-tub technique. Now the preliminary correction according the clinical situation can be performed and the clamps are tightened. Anatomical axis and function are checked. If these are radiologically and clinically perfect, all clamps are definitively tightened; if the alignment or the function is not perfect, then further adjustments can be made. POSTOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT Due to the excellent stability, further immobilization not necessary. Immediate functional follow-up treatment performed according to pain. RESULTS Adequate healing is usually expected within 6 weeks. At this time the external fixator can be removed in the fracture clinic. Because the whole operation is performed in an extraarticular manner and the mobility of the elbow is not affected, deterioration of function has never been observed. Also regarding the cosmetic/anatomical situation, good results are expected because they were already achieved intraoperatively.


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BACKGROUND Hand eczema (HE) is a common skin disease with major medical psychological and socio-economic implications. Onset and prognosis of HE are determined by individual as well as environmental factors. So far, most epidemiological data on HE have been reported from Scandinavian and recently German studies. OBJECTIVE To investigate the characteristics and medical care of patients with chronic HE (CHE) in Switzerland, and identify risk factors. METHODS In this cross-sectional study, data from patients with chronic HE were obtained by means of medical history, dermatological examination and patient questionnaires. Multiple logistic regression analysis was applied to identify risk factors for high severity and dermatology life quality index (DLQI). RESULTS In seven dermatology departments, 199 patients (mean age 40.4 years, 50.8% female) with CHE (mean duration 6.6 years) were enrolled. Moderate to severe HE was reported by 70.9% of patients, and was associated with age <30 or >50 years, localization of lesions and pruritus. Because of the CHE, 37.3% of patients were on sick leave over the past 12 months, 14.8% had changed or lost their job. Practically all patients applied topical therapy, 21% were treated with alitretinoin, and 21% with psoralen plus UVA light (PUVA). The effects on the health-related quality of life was moderate to large in 33.7% and 39.4% of CHE patients, respectively. Factors associated with a high impact on DLQI (mean 9.7 ± 5.8) were female sex, lesions on back of the hands and pruritus as well as mechanical skin irritation and wearing gloves. CONCLUSION In agreement with recent studies, the Swiss data demonstrate the high impact of CHE on medical well-being, patient quality of life and work ability. As it is associated with an intense use of health care services, high rate of sick leave, job loss and change, CHE may cause a high socio-economic burden.