956 resultados para Irregular satellites


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In last decades, control of nonlinear dynamic systems became an important and interesting problem studied by many authors, what results the appearance of lots of works about this subject in the scientific literature. In this paper, an Atomic Force Microscope micro cantilever operating in tapping mode was modeled, and its behavior was studied using bifurcation diagrams, phase portraits, time history, Poincare maps and Lyapunov exponents. Chaos was detected in an interval of time; those phenomena undermine the achievement of accurate images by the sample surface. In the mathematical model, periodic and chaotic motion was obtained by changing parameters. To control the chaotic behavior of the system were implemented two control techniques. The SDRE control (State Dependent Riccati Equation) and Time-delayed feedback control. Simulation results show the feasibility of the bothmethods, for chaos control of an AFM system. Copyright © 2011 by ASME.


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Some orbital characteristics of lunar artificial satellites is presented taking into account the perturbation of the third-body in elliptical orbit and the non-uniform distribution of mass of the Moon. We consider the development of the non-sphericity of the Moon in zonal spherical harmonics up to the ninth order and sectorial harmonic C 22 due to the lunar equatorial ellipticity. The motion of the artificial satellite is studied under the single-averaged analytical model. The average is applied to the mean anomaly of the satellite to analyze low-altitude orbits which are of highest importance for future lunar missions. We found families of frozen orbits with long lifetimes for the problem of an orbiter travelling around the Moon.


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Effects due to resonances in the orbital motion of artificial satellites disturbed by the terrestrial tide are analyzed. The nodal co-rotation resonance, apsidal co-rotation resonance and the Lidov-Kozai's mechanism are studied. The effects of the resonances are analyzed through the variations of the metric orbital elements. Libration and circulation motions for high orbits with high eccentricities are verified for the Lidov-Kozai's mechanism.


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In this work, the resonance problem in the artificial satellites motion is studied. The development of the geopotential includes the zonal harmonics J20 and J40 and the tesseral harmonics J22 and J42. Through successive Mathieu transformations, the order of dynamical system is reduced and the final system is solved by numerical integration. In the simplified dynamical model, two critical angles are studied, 2201 and 4211. Numerical results show the time behavior of the semi-major axis and 2 angle.


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An analytical expansion of the disturbing function arising from direct planetary perturbations on the motion of satellites is derived. As a Fourier series, it allows the investigation of the secular effects of these direct perturbations, as well as of every argument present in the perturbation. In particular, we construct an analytical model describing the evection resonance between the longitude of pericenter of the satellite orbit and the longitude of a planet, and study briefly its dynamic. The expansion developed in this paper is valid in the case of planar and circular planetary orbits, but not limited in eccentricity or inclination of the satellite orbit. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A concepção e o desenvolvimento de projeto para urbanização de área de ocupação irregular com a finalidade de fornecer moradia digna à população precisa considerar possível impacto negativo que gera na população envolvida, tanto nos processos sociais quanto nos físicos. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é, a partir de um estudo de caso em Belém do Pará e de adaptações de pesquisas desenvolvidas sobre o tema, contribuir para a minimização do impacto negativo que um empreendimento desse tipo pode causar, em virtude de conflitos comuns encontrados entre a cultura da população envolvida e a linguagem técnica de seus executores. A pesquisa está dividida em três etapas. A Etapa A foi constituída do estudo exploratório de um Empreendimento Habitacional de Interesse Social (EHIS) da Companhia de Habitação (COHAB) do Pará, desenvolvido para uma área de ocupação irregular, com o objetivo de compreender seu desenvolvimento e identificar os principais as principais barreiras encontradas pelos executores. A Etapa B teve como foco conhecer como a população beneficiária estava vivenciando o projeto objeto do estudo exploratório da etapa anterior assim como suas expectativas quanto ao seu resultado final. A Etapa C foi constituída da análise dos dados coletados na etapa B, da discussão comparativa dos resultados das duas etapas anteriores e das conclusões. As principais contribuições deste trabalho dizem respeito ao melhor entendimento do impacto negativo causado na população envolvida visando melhores soluções para empreendimentos semelhantes.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study at aims performing the stability analysis of the rotational motion to artificial satellites using quaternions to describe the satellite attitude (orientation on the space). In the system of rotational motion equations, which is composed by four kinematic equations of the quaternions and by the three Euler equations in terms of the rotational spin components. The influence of the gravity gradient and the direct solar radiation pressure torques have been considered. Equilibrium points were obtained through numerical simulations using the softwares Matlab and Octave, which are then analyzed by the Routh-Hurwitz Stability Criterion.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Uma grande parte da população brasileira reside hoje em locais considerados inadequados, seja pela ilegalidade ou pelo risco contínuo de catástrofes. Todo ano são noticiadas novas tragédias decorrentes dessas ocupações irregulares, exigindo tomadas de providências emergenciais e preventivas por parte dos responsáveis pela gestão do espaço público. A compreensão desse problema exige uma análise histórica da formação desses aglomerados urbanos, ou favelas, verificando os motivos que impedem ou desestimulam a elaboração de leis rígidas e aplicáveis para esses casos, bem como a elaboração de diretrizes de planejamento e projetos que possam ser implantados para solucionar estas questões nos locais necessitados