911 resultados para Iot,Robustezza,SMARTM3,Lastwill,Publish,Subscribe,Contesto Semantico,Dependability,TCP
"The tragical history of Piramus and Thisbe", the 8th ed. with special t.-p., has imprint: London, Printed for C. Harper, 1708. "Loves riddle", with special t.-p., has imprint: London, Printed by B. Motte, for C. Harper, 1707; "Naufragium joculare", with special t.-p., has imprint: Londini, typis B. Motte; veneunt apud C. Harper, 1707.
Paged continuously.
In preface to pt. 6, p. xi misnumbered ix.
Mode of access: Internet.
Signatures: 2 leaves unsigned, A-I⁴, K².
Mode of access: Internet.
Many studies reveal that adaptors are more ready to accept the status quo, whereas innovators are less likely to do so. This raises the question: Do adaptors and innovators subscribe to opposing values? A study is conducted with the following hypotheses. H1 predicts that adaptors are more likely to subscribe to CONSERVATION values like security, conformity, and tradition. H2 predicts that innovators are more likely to subscribe to OPENNESS TO CHANGE values like self-direction and stimulation. The respondents consisted of 243 students from Singapore with an average age of 17.9 years and 195 students from Australia with an average age of 19.1 years. These respondents answered a survey that contained the Kirton Adaption-Innovation (KAI) inventory and the Schwartz value survey. For the Singapore sample, KAI was negatively correlated with CONSERVATION: r = -39, p <.0001; but it was positively correlated with OPENNESS TO CHANGE: r = .14, p <.05. For the Australian sample, KAI was negatively correlated with CONSERVATION: r = -.15, p <.05; but it was positively correlated with OPENNESS TO CHANGE: r =.32, p <.0001. A standard regression analysis indicated that CONSERVATION was the most significant predictor (P = -.43, p <.0001) of KAI, followed by OPENNESS TO CHANGE (P =.37, p <.0001) and Nationality (P =.21, p <.0001). The significant finding associated with Nationality could be attributed to the fact that the Singaporean respondents were a highly select and innovative group of individuals who were aspiring to work in the media industry.
In this tutorial paper we summarise the key features of the multi-threaded Qu-Prolog language for implementing multi-threaded communicating agent applications. Internal threads of an agent communicate using the shared dynamic database used as a generalisation of Linda tuple store. Threads in different agents, perhaps on different hosts, communicate using either a thread-to-thread store and forward communication system, or by a publish and subscribe mechanism in which messages are routed to their destinations based on content test subscriptions. We illustrate the features using an auction house application. This is fully distributed with multiple auctioneers and bidders which participate in simultaneous auctions. The application makes essential use of the three forms of inter-thread communication of Qu-Prolog. The agent bidding behaviour is specified graphically as a finite state automaton and its implementation is essentially the execution of its state transition function. The paper assumes familiarity with Prolog and the basic concepts of multi-agent systems.
Internet of Things (IoT) can be defined as a “network of networks” composed by billions of uniquely identified physical Smart Objects (SO), organized in an Internet-like structure. Smart Objects can be items equipped with sensors, consumer devices (e.g., smartphones, tablets, or wearable devices), and enterprise assets that are connected both to the Internet and to each others. The birth of the IoT, with its communications paradigms, can be considered as an enabling factor for the creation of the so-called Smart Cities. A Smart City uses Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to enhance quality, performance and interactivity of urban services, ranging from traffic management and pollution monitoring to government services and energy management. This thesis is focused on multi-hop data dissemination within IoT and Smart Cities scenarios. The proposed multi-hop techniques, mostly based on probabilistic forwarding, have been used for different purposes: from the improvement of the performance of unicast protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) to the efficient data dissemination within Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks (VANETs).
The Internet of Things (IoT) consists of a worldwide “network of networks,” composed by billions of interconnected heterogeneous devices denoted as things or “Smart Objects” (SOs). Significant research efforts have been dedicated to port the experience gained in the design of the Internet to the IoT, with the goal of maximizing interoperability, using the Internet Protocol (IP) and designing specific protocols like the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP), which have been widely accepted as drivers for the effective evolution of the IoT. This first wave of standardization can be considered successfully concluded and we can assume that communication with and between SOs is no longer an issue. At this time, to favor the widespread adoption of the IoT, it is crucial to provide mechanisms that facilitate IoT data management and the development of services enabling a real interaction with things. Several reference IoT scenarios have real-time or predictable latency requirements, dealing with billions of device collecting and sending an enormous quantity of data. These features create a new need for architectures specifically designed to handle this scenario, hear denoted as “Big Stream”. In this thesis a new Big Stream Listener-based Graph architecture is proposed. Another important step, is to build more applications around the Web model, bringing about the Web of Things (WoT). As several IoT testbeds have been focused on evaluating lower-layer communication aspects, this thesis proposes a new WoT Testbed aiming at allowing developers to work with a high level of abstraction, without worrying about low-level details. Finally, an innovative SOs-driven User Interface (UI) generation paradigm for mobile applications in heterogeneous IoT networks is proposed, to simplify interactions between users and things.
Full Text: August 2001 saw the birth of the British Journal of Diabetes & Vascular Disease (Figure 1): an open-access peer review journal.1 Free to publish and free to read. The founding editorial board and publisher (MediNews Diabetes) aimed to deliver a free journal to the diabetes team and vascular professionals with a special interest in diabetes. Despite the shifting sands of time and a change of publisher (SAGE) the journal has remained true to its founding philosophy - publication is on merit, not on ability to pay and free online access remains available worldwide (www.bjdvd.com) plus an extensive – mainly UK - print circulation. Evolution- The journal attracted much attention and was soon receiving good quality experimental and clinical science manuscripts. However it was felt that these articles, especially experimental and pre-clinical studies, were not within the focus of the British Journal of Diabetes & Vascular Disease, thus Diabetes & Vascular Disease Research was conceived –and is now also a SAGE journal and has an impact factor of 2.59. Over the years the organisation of topics has changed, for example the Healthcare management, The diabetes care team and Trans-cultural medicine sections have been absorbed into the Achieving Best Practice and Current Topics sections which better reflect the broader-based content of submitted material. Landmark Studies was a regular highly popular section – but how many truly Landmark Studies are undertaken? Not enough to warrant special attention 6 times a year for 12 years. Interestingly one of the studies reviewed is consistently amongst the top ten of our most read online articles.2 The British Journal of Diabetes & Vascular Disease has also challenged convention with the production of two Jubilee issues.3,4 The celebrations for the golden and diamond jubilees of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II afforded opportunities to reflect on changes in the understanding and treatment of diabetes during her reign. Most of the articles in these issues were written by authors who had first hand experience of the changing face of diabetes and vascular disease care. The increased costs of print and post – both financially and environmentally mean that digital communications are likely to become more popular (assuming that these approaches have a smaller ecological footprint). The British Journal of Diabetes & Vascular Disease is pleased to be able to celebrate its 12th birthday as an original open-access journal, with an ongoing commitment to support authors to publish free of charge whilst providing free reader access. As for what the future holds: tomorrow is another day. References 1.British Journal of Diabetes & Vascular Disease 2001; 1: 1-92. 2.Levy J. Impotence and its medical and psychosocial correlates: results of the Massachusetts Male Aging Study. Br J Diabetes Vasc Dis 2002; 2: 278-80. 3.British Journal of Diabetes & Vascular Disease. (Golden Jubilee Issue) 2002; 2: 415-480. 4.British Journal of Diabetes & Vascular Disease. (Diamond Jubilee Issue) 2012; 12: 266-380.
Researchers interested in exploring topics of concern to the hospitality industry can discover a wide range of areas to be explored and a variety of sources to fund the research. The authors discuss a four-step plan for conducting and publishing quality research, including tips for the writing process.
La tesi esplora la co-esistenza di computazioni embodied e disembodied nei moderni sistemi software, adottando come caso di studio il recente trend che vede sempre più coesi e integrati sistemi per l'Internet of Things e sistemi Cloud-based. Si analizzano i principali modelli di comunicazione, protocolli di comunicazione e architetture situate. Inoltre si realizza una piattaforma IoT Middleware cloud-based per mostrare come la computazione possa essere distribuita lato embodied e disembodied.
Hoy en día la mayor parte de los sensores de energía IoT (Internet of Things) están orientados a la medida de corriente alterna (AC). No son aptos para monitorizar equipos que no estén conectados a la red eléctrica (baterías, paneles fotovoltaicos, etc.) o que formen parte de otros equipos más grandes y que estén situados detrás del transformador (ej. aceleradores de cómputo en supercomputadores). El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo principal construir un sistema, con una instalación sencilla y reducida, que permita la monitorización de consumo de dispositivos conectados a corriente continua. Toda la información recogida será mostrada a través de una interfaz web, que nos permitirá observar los cambios en el consumo en tiempo real con un intervalo de actualización especificado por el usuario. Además el sistema será robusto, con bajo coste de implementación y permitirá una alta escalabilidad, ya que el objetivo del proyecto es que sea escalable a nivel de centro de datos o institución.