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OBJECTIVE: New routes for cell transplantation into the brain need to be explored as intracerebral or intrathecal applications have a high risk to cause damage to the central nervous system. It has been hypothesized that transnasally administrated cells bypass the blood-brain barrier and migrate along the olfactory neural route into the brain and cerebrospinal fluid. Our goal is to confirm this hypothesis by transnasally administrating Wharton’s Jelly mesenchymal stem cells (WJ-MSC) and neural progenitor cells (NPC) to perinatal rats in a model of hypoxic-ischemic brain injury. STUDY DESIGN: Four-day-old Wistar rat pups, previously brain-damaged by combined hypoxic-ischemic and inflammatory insult, either received WJ-MSC or green fluorescent protein-expressing NPC: The heads of the rat pups were immobilized and 3 ml drops containing the cells (50’000 cells/ml) were placed on one nostril allowing it to be snorted. This procedure was repeated twice, alternating right to left nostril with an interval of one minute between administrations. The rat pups received a total of 600’000 cells. Animals were sacrificed 24h, 48h or 7 days after the application of the cells. Fixed brains were collected, embedded in paraffin and sectioned. RESULTS: Transplanted cells were found in the layers of the olfactory bulb (OB), the cerebral cortex, thalamus and the hippocampus. The amount of cells was highest in the OB. Animals treated with transnasally delivered stem cells showed significantly decreased gliosis compared to untreated animals. CONCLUSION: Our data show that transnasal delivery of WJ-MSC and NPC to the newborn brain after perinatal brain damage is successful. The cells not only migrate the brain, but also decrease scar formation and improve neurogenesis. Therefore, the non-invasive intranasal delivery of stem cells to the brain may be the preferred method for stem cell treatment of perinatal brain damage and should be preferred in future clinical trials.


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Sexuelle Belästigung am Telefon ist ein in der bisherigen sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung vernachlässigtes Alltagsphänomen. Die vorliegende Studie zur Analyse dieses Phänomens wurde repräsentativ für Deutschland durchgeführt. In der ersten Phase der Studie wurde eine Ausgangsstich-probe von mehr als 3000 Personen mündlich mittels eines Fragebogens zu unerwünschten Ereignissen am Telefon im vorangegangenen Jahr befragt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, welche verschiedenen Formen von Belästigung in welchem Umfang vorkommen (Stöhnanrufe, sexuelle Beleidigungen etc.). Dabei wurden die Häufigkeit sowie das Ausmaß der durch die sexuelle Belästigung hervorgerufenen Belastung analysiert. In der zweiten Phase wurde den Personen, die im vorangegangenen Jahr oder jemals in ihrem Leben ein Ereignis am Telefon als sexuell belästigend erlebt hatten, ein ausführlicher Fragebogen zu der von ihnen erlebten Belästigung zur schriftlichen Beantwortung vorgegeben. Schwerpunkt war dabei die Analyse des Verarbeitungsprozesses. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, welches (verbreitete) unmittelbare emotionale und kognitive Reaktionen auf sexuelle Belästigung am Telefon sind (Angst, Ärger etc.) und welche Copingstrategien angewandt werden (Vermeidung, positive Selbstinstruktion, Informationssuche, Suche nach sozialer Unterstützung etc.). Dabei wurde untersucht, inwieweit attributions-, kontroll- und streßtheoretische Ansätze Vorhersagen für die Bewältigung dieser Erfahrung ermöglichen.


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The heparan sulfate (HS)-fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling system is a ubiquitous regulator that senses local environmental changes and mediates cell-to-cell communication. This system consists of three mutually interactive components. These are regulatory polypeptides (FGF), FGF receptor (FGFR) and heparan sulfate proteoglycans (FGFRHS). All four FGFR genes are expressed in the adult liver. Expression of the FGFR1–3 genes is generally associated with non-parenchymal cells while expression of the FGFR4 gene is associated with parenchymal hepatocytes. We showed that livers of mice lacking FGFR4 exhibited normal morphology and regenerated normally in response to partial hepatectomy. However, the FGFR4 (−/−) mice exhibited depleted gallbladders, an elevated bile acid pool and elevated excretion of bile acids. Cholesterol- and bile acid-controlled liver cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase (Cyp7a), the limiting enzyme for bile acid synthesis, was elevated, unresponsive to dietary cholesterol, but repressed normally by dietary cholate. These results indicated that FGFR4 was not directly involved in liver growth but exerted negative control on liver bile acid synthesis. This was confirmed in transgenic mice overexpressing the constitutively active human FGFR4 in livers. The transgenic mice exhibited decreased fecal bile acid excretion, bile acid pool size, and expression of Cyp7a. Introduction of this constitutively active human FGFR4 into FGFR4 (−/−) mice restored the inhibition of bile acid synthesis. Activation of the c-Jun N-terminal Kinase (JNK) pathway by FGFR4 correlated with the repressive effect on bile acid synthesis. ^ To determine whether FGFR4 played a broader role in liver-specific metabolic function, we examined the impact of both acute and chronic exposure to CCl 4 in FGFR4 (−/−) mice. Following acute CCl4 exposure, the FGFR4 (−/−) mice exhibited accelerated liver injury, a significant increase in liver mass and delayed hepatolobular repair, with no apparent effect on liver cell proliferation and restoration of cellularity. Chronic CCl4 exposure resulted in severe fibrosis in livers of FGFR4 (−/−) mice compared to normal mice. Analysis at both mRNA and protein levels indicated an 8 hr delay in FGFR4-deficient mice in the down-regulation of cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) protein, the major enzyme whose products underlie CCl 4-induced injury. These results show that hepatocyte FGFR4 protects against acute and chronic insult to the liver and prevents accompanying fibrosis. ^ Of the 23 FGF polypeptides, FGF1 and FGF2 are present at significant levels in the liver. To determine whether FGF1 and FGF2 played a role in CCl 4-induced liver injury and fibrosis, we examined the impact of both acute and chronic exposure to CCl4 in both wild-type and FGF1-FGF2 double-knockout mice. Following acute CCl4 exposure, FGF1(−/−)FGF2(−/−) mice exhibited accelerated liver injury, overall normal liver growth and repair, and decreased liver collagen α1(I) induction. Liver fibrosis resulting from chronic CCl4 exposure was markedly decreased in livers of FGF1(−/−)FGF2(−/−) mice compared to wild-type mice. This study suggests a role for FGF1 and FGF2 in hepatic fibrogenesis. ^ In summary, our three part study shows that specific components of the ubiquitous HS-FGF signaling family in the liver context interfaces with metabolite- and xenobiotic-controlled networks to regulate liver function, but has no apparent direct effect on liver cell growth. ^


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Epidemiological studies have led to the hypothesis that major risk factors for developing diseases such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease and adult-onset diabetes are established during development. This developmental programming hypothesis proposes that exposure to an adverse stimulus or insult at critical, sensitive periods of development can induce permanent alterations in normal physiological processes that lead to increased disease risk later in life. For cancer, inheritance of a tumor suppressor gene defect confers a high relative risk for disease development. However, these defects are rarely 100% penetrant. Traditionally, gene-environment interactions are thought to contribute to the penetrance of tumor suppressor gene defects by facilitating or inhibiting the acquisition of additional somatic mutations required for tumorigenesis. The studies presented herein identify developmental programming as a distinctive type of gene-environment interaction that can enhance the penetrance of a tumor suppressor gene defect in adult life. Using rats predisposed to uterine leiomyoma due to a germ-line defect in one allele of the tuberous sclerosis complex 2 (Tsc-2) tumor suppressor gene, these studies show that early-life exposure to the xenoestrogen, diethylstilbestrol (DES), during development of the uterus increased tumor incidence, multiplicity and size in genetically predisposed animals, but failed to induce tumors in wild-type rats. Uterine leiomyomas are ovarian-hormone dependent tumors that develop from the uterine myometrium. DES exposure was shown to developmentally program the myometrium, causing increased expression of estrogen-responsive genes prior to the onset of tumors. Loss of function of the normal Tsc-2 allele remained the rate-limiting event for tumorigenesis; however, tumors that developed in exposed animals displayed an enhanced proliferative response to ovarian steroid hormones relative to tumors that developed in unexposed animals. Furthermore, the studies presented herein identify developmental periods during which target tissues are maximally susceptible to developmental programming. These data suggest that exposure to environmental factors during critical periods of development can permanently alter normal physiological tissue responses and thus lead to increased disease risk in genetically susceptible individuals. ^


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Researchers have historically emphasized the contribution of caspase-3 to apoptotic but not necrotic cell death, while calpain has been implicated primarily in necrosis and, to a lesser extent, in apoptosis. Activation of these proteases occurs in vivo following various CNS insults including ischemia. In addition, both necrotic and apoptotic cell death phenotypes are detected following ischemia. However, the contributions of calpain and caspase-3 to apoptotic and necrotic cell death phenotypes following CNS insults are relatively unexplored. To date, no study has examined the concurrent activation of calpain and caspase-3 in necrotic and apoptotic cell death phenotypes following any CNS insult. The present study employed oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD) to determine the relative contributions of caspase-3 and calpain to apoptotic and necrotic cell death following OGD. Experiments characterized a model of OGD by evaluating cell viability and characterizing the cell death phenotypes following OGD in primary septo-hippocampal co-cultures. Furthermore, cell markers (NeuN and MAP2 or GFAP) assessed the effects of OGD on neuronal and astroglial viability, respectively. In addition, calpain and caspase-3 mediated proteolysis of α-spectrin was examined using Western blot techniques. Activation of these proteases in individual cells phenotypically characterized as apoptotic and necrotic was also evaluated by using antibodies specific for calpain or caspase-3 mediated breakdown products to α-spectrin. Administration of appropriate caspase-3 and calpain inhibitors also examined the effects of protease inhibition on cell death. OGD produced prominent expression of apoptotic cell death phenotypes primarily in neurons, with relatively little damage to astroglia. Although Western blot data suggested greater proteolysis of α-spectrin by calpain than caspase-3, co-activation of both proteases was usually detected in cells exhibiting apoptotic or necrotic cell death phenotypes. While inhibition of calpain and caspase-3 activity decreased LDH release following OGD, it was not clear whether this effect was also associated with a decrease in cell death and the appearance of apoptotic cell death phenotypes. These data demonstrate that both calpain and caspase-3 contribute to the expression of apoptotic cell death phenotypes following OGD, and that calpain could potentially have a larger role in the expression of apoptotic cell death than previously thought. ^


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El Daño Cerebral Adquirido (DCA) se define como una lesión cerebral que ocurre después del nacimiento y que no guarda relación con defectos congénitos o enfermedades degenerativas. En el cerebro, se llevan a cabo las funciones mentales superiores como la atención, la memoria, las funciones ejecutivas y el lenguaje, consideradas pre-requisitos básicos de la inteligencia. Sea cual sea su causa, todo daño cerebral puede afectar a una o varias de estas funciones, de ahí la gravedad del problema. A pesar de los avances en nuevas técnicas de intervención precoz y el desarrollo de los cuidados intensivos, las afectaciones cerebrales aún no tienen tratamiento ni quirúrgico ni farmacológico que permita una restitución de las funciones perdidas. Los tratamientos de neurorrehabilitación cognitiva y funcional pretenden, por tanto, la minimización o compensación de las alteraciones ocasionadas por una lesión en el sistema nervioso. En concreto, la rehabilitación cognitiva se define como el proceso en el que personas que han sufrido un daño cerebral trabajan de manera conjunta con profesionales de la salud para remediar o aliviar los déficits cognitivos surgidos como consecuencia de un episodio neurológico. Esto se consigue gracias a la naturaleza plástica del sistema nervioso, donde el cerebro es capaz de reconfigurar sus conexiones neuronales, tanto creando nuevas como modificando las ya existentes. Durante los últimos años hemos visto una transformación de la sociedad, en lo que se ha denominado "sociedad de la información", cuyo pilar básico son las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC). La aplicación de estas tecnologías en medicina ha revolucionado la manera en que se proveen los servicios sanitarios. Así, donde tecnología y medicina se mezclan, la telerrehabilitación se define como la rehabilitación a distancia, ayudando a extender los servicios de rehabilitación más allá de los centros hospitalarios, rompiendo las barreras geográficas, mejorando la eficiencia de los procesos y monitorizando en todo momento el estado y evolución del paciente. En este contexto, el objetivo general de la presente tesis es mejorar la rehabilitación neuropsicológica de pacientes que sufren alteraciones cognitivas, mediante el diseño, desarrollo y validación de un sistema de telemedicina que incorpora las TIC para avanzar hacia un nuevo paradigma personalizado, ubicuo y ecológico. Para conseguirlo, se han definido los siguientes objetivos específicos: • Analizar y modelar un sistema de telerrehabilitación, mediante la definición de objetivos y requisitos de usuario para diseñar las diferentes funcionalidades necesarias. • Definir una arquitectura de telerrehabilitación escalable para la prestación de diferentes servicios que agrupe las funcionalidades necesarias en módulos. • Diseñar y desarrollar la plataforma de telerrehabilitación, incluida la interfaz de usuario, creando diferentes roles de usuario con sus propias funcionalidades. • Desarrollar de un módulo de análisis de datos para extraer conocimiento basado en los resultados históricos de las sesiones de rehabilitación almacenadas en el sistema. • Evaluación de los resultados obtenidos por los pacientes después del programa de rehabilitación, obteniendo conclusiones sobre los beneficios del servicio implementado. • Evaluación técnica de la plataforma de telerrehabilitación, así como su usabilidad y la relación coste/beneficio. • Integración de un dispositivo de eye-tracking que permita la monitorización de la atención visual mientras los pacientes ejecutan tareas de neurorrehabilitación. •Diseño y desarrollo de un entorno de monitorización que permita obtener patrones de atención visual. Como resumen de los resultados obtenidos, se ha desarrollado y validado técnicamente la plataforma de telerrehabilitación cognitiva, demostrando la mejora en la eficiencia de los procesos, sin que esto resulte en una reducción de la eficacia del tratamiento. Además, se ha llevado a cabo una evaluación de la usabilidad del sistema, con muy buenos resultados. Respecto al módulo de análisis de datos, se ha diseñado y desarrollado un algoritmo que configura y planifica sesiones de rehabilitación para los pacientes, de manera automática, teniendo en cuenta las características específicas de cada paciente. Este algoritmo se ha denominado Intelligent Therapy Assistant (ITA). Los resultados obtenidos por el asistente muestran una mejora tanto en la eficiencia como en la eficacia de los procesos, comparado los resultados obtenidos con los de la planificación manual llevada a cabo por los terapeutas. Por último, se ha integrado con éxito el dispositivo de eye-tracking en la plataforma de telerrehabilitación, llevando a cabo una prueba con pacientes y sujetos control que ha demostrado la viabilidad técnica de la solución, así como la existencia de diferencias en los patrones de atención visual en pacientes con daño cerebral. ABSTRACT Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) is defined as brain damage that suddenly and unexpectedly appears in people’s life, being the main cause of disability in developed countries. The brain is responsible of the higher cognitive functions such as attention, memory, executive functions or language, which are considered basic requirements of the intelligence. Whatever its cause is, every ABI may affects one or several functions, highlighting the severity of the problem. New techniques of early intervention and the development of intensive ABI care have noticeably improved the survival rate. However, despite these advances, brain injuries still have no surgical or pharmacological treatment to re-establish lost functions. Cognitive rehabilitation is defined as a process whereby people with brain injury work together with health service professionals and others to remediate or alleviate cognitive deficits arising from a neurological insult. This is achieved by taking advantage of the plastic nature of the nervous system, where the brain can reconfigure its connections, both creating new ones, and modifying the previously existing. Neuro-rehabilitation aims to optimize the plastic nature by inducing a reorganization of the neural network, based on specific experiences. Personalized interventions from individual impairment profile will be necessary to optimize the remaining resources by potentiating adaptive responses and inhibiting maladaptive changes. In the last years, some applications and software programs have been developed to train or stimulate cognitive functions of different neuropsychological disorders, such as ABI, Alzheimer, psychiatric disorders, attention deficit or hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The application of technologies into medicine has changed the paradigm. Telemedicine allows improving the quality of clinical services, providing better access to them and helping to break geographical barriers. Moreover, one of the main advantages of telemedicine is the possibility to extend the therapeutic processes beyond the hospital (e.g. patient's home). As a consequence, a reduction of unnecessary costs and a better costs/benefits ratio are achieved, making possible a more efficient use of the available resources In this context, the main objective of this work is to improve neuro-rehabilitation of patients suffering cognitive deficits, by designing, developing and validating a telemedicine system that incorporates ICTs to change this paradigm, making it more personalized, ubiquitous and ecologic. The following specific objectives have been defined: • To analyse and model a tele-rehabilitation system, defining objectives and user requirements to design the different needed functionalities. • To define a scalable tele-rehabilitation architecture to offer different services grouping functionalities into modules. • To design and develop the tele-rehabilitation platform, including the graphic user interface, creating different user roles and permissions. • To develop a data analysis module to extract knowledge based on the historic results from the rehabilitation sessions stored in the system. • To evaluate the obtained results by patients after the rehabilitation program, arising conclusions about the benefits of the implemented service. • To technically evaluate the tele-rehabilitation platform, and its usability and the costs/benefit ratio. • To integrate an eye-tracking device allowing the monitoring of the visual attention while patients execute rehabilitation tasks. •To design and develop a monitoring environment that allows to obtain visual attention patterns. Summarizing the obtained results, the cognitive tele-rehabilitation platform has been developed and evaluated technically, demonstrating the improvements on the efficiency without worsening the efficacy of the process. Besides, a usability evaluation has been carried out, with very good results. Regarding the data analysis module, an algorithm has been designed and developed to automatically select and configure rehabilitation sessions, taking into account the specific characteristics of each patient. This algorithm is called Intelligent Therapy Assistant (ITA). The obtained results show an improvement both in the efficiency and the efficacy of the process, comparing the results obtained by patients when they receive treatments scheduled manually by therapists. Finally, an eye-tracking device has been integrated in the tele-rehabilitation platform, carrying out a study with patients and control subjects demonstrating the technical viability of the developed monitoring environment. First results also show that there are differences between the visual attention patterns between ABI patients and control subjects.


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With the growing body of research on traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury, computational neuroscience has recently focused its modeling efforts on neuronal functional deficits following mechanical loading. However, in most of these efforts, cell damage is generally only characterized by purely mechanistic criteria, function of quantities such as stress, strain or their corresponding rates. The modeling of functional deficits in neurites as a consequence of macroscopic mechanical insults has been rarely explored. In particular, a quantitative mechanically based model of electrophysiological impairment in neuronal cells has only very recently been proposed (Jerusalem et al., 2013). In this paper, we present the implementation details of Neurite: the finite difference parallel program used in this reference. Following the application of a macroscopic strain at a given strain rate produced by a mechanical insult, Neurite is able to simulate the resulting neuronal electrical signal propagation, and thus the corresponding functional deficits. The simulation of the coupled mechanical and electrophysiological behaviors requires computational expensive calculations that increase in complexity as the network of the simulated cells grows. The solvers implemented in Neurite-explicit and implicit-were therefore parallelized using graphics processing units in order to reduce the burden of the simulation costs of large scale scenarios. Cable Theory and Hodgkin-Huxley models were implemented to account for the electrophysiological passive and active regions of a neurite, respectively, whereas a coupled mechanical model accounting for the neurite mechanical behavior within its surrounding medium was adopted as a link between lectrophysiology and mechanics (Jerusalem et al., 2013). This paper provides the details of the parallel implementation of Neurite, along with three different application examples: a long myelinated axon, a segmented dendritic tree, and a damaged axon. The capabilities of the program to deal with large scale scenarios, segmented neuronal structures, and functional deficits under mechanical loading are specifically highlighted.


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Thioredoxin (TRX) plays important biological roles both in intra- and extracellular compartments, including in regulation of various intracellular molecules via thiol redox control. We produced TRX overexpressing mice and confirmed that there were no anatomical and physiological differences between wild-type (WT) mice and TRX transgenic (Tg) mice. In the present study we subjected mice to focal brain ischemia to shed light on the role of TRX in brain ischemic injury. At 24 hr after middle cerebral artery occlusion, infarct areas and volume were significantly smaller in Tg mice than in WT mice. Moreover neurological deficit was ameliorated in Tg mice compared with WT mice. Protein carbonyl content, a marker of cellular protein oxidation, in Tg mice showed less increase than did that of WT mice after the ischemic insult. Furthermore, c-fos expression in Tg mice was stronger than in WT mice 1 hr after ischemia. Our results suggest that transgene expression of TRX decreased ischemic neuronal injury and that TRX and the redox state modified by TRX play a crucial role in brain damage during stroke.


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Brief periods of cardiac ischemia trigger protection from subsequent prolonged ischemia (preconditioning). ɛ Protein kinase C (ɛPKC) has been suggested to mediate preconditioning. Here, we describe an ɛPKC-selective agonist octapeptide, ψɛ receptor for activated C-kinase (ψɛRACK), derived from an ɛPKC sequence homologous to its anchoring protein, ɛRACK. Introduction of ψɛRACK into isolated cardiomyocytes, or its postnatal expression as a transgene in mouse hearts, increased ɛPKC translocation and caused cardio-protection from ischemia without any deleterious effects. Our data demonstrate that ɛPKC activation is required for protection from ischemic insult and suggest that small molecules that mimic this ɛPKC agonist octapeptide provide a powerful therapeutic approach to protect hearts at risk for ischemia.


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The only treatment of patients with acute ischemic stroke is thrombolytic therapy, which benefits only a fraction of stroke patients. Both human and experimental studies indicate that ischemic stroke involves secondary inflammation that significantly contributes to the outcome after ischemic insult. Minocycline is a semisynthetic second-generation tetracycline that exerts antiinflammatory effects that are completely separate from its antimicrobial action. Because tetracycline treatment is clinically well tolerated, we investigated whether minocycline protects against focal brain ischemia with a wide therapeutic window. Using a rat model of transient middle cerebral artery occlusion, we show that daily treatment with minocycline reduces cortical infarction volume by 76 ± 22% when the treatment is started 12 h before ischemia and by 63 ± 35% when started even 4 h after the onset of ischemia. The treatment inhibits morphological activation of microglia in the area adjacent to the infarction, inhibits induction of IL-1β-converting enzyme, and reduces cyclooxygenase-2 expression and prostaglandin E2 production. Minocycline had no effect on astrogliosis or spreading depression, a wave of ionic transients thought to contribute to enlargement of cortical infarction. Treatment with minocycline may act directly on brain cells, because cultured primary neurons were also salvaged from glutamate toxicity. Minocycline may represent a prototype of an antiinflammatory compound that provides protection against ischemic stroke and has a clinically relevant therapeutic window.


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Severe heat stress causes protein denaturation in various cellular compartments. If Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells grown at 24°C are preconditioned at 37°C, proteins denatured by subsequent exposure to 48–50°C can be renatured when the cells are allowed to recover at 24°C. Conformational repair of vital proteins is essential for survival, because gene expression is transiently blocked after the thermal insult. Refolding of cytoplasmic proteins requires the Hsp104 chaperone, and refolding of lumenal endoplasmic reticulum (ER) proteins requires the Hsp70 homologue Lhs1p. We show here that conformational repair of heat-damaged glycoproteins in the ER of living yeast cells required functional Hsp104. A heterologous enzyme and a number of natural yeast proteins, previously translocated and folded in the ER and thereafter denatured by severe heat stress, failed to be refolded to active and secretion-competent structures in the absence of Hsp104 or when an ATP-binding site of Hsp104 was mutated. During recovery at 24°C, the misfolded proteins persisted in the ER, although the secretory apparatus was fully functional. Hsp104 appears to control conformational repair of heat-damaged proteins even beyond the ER membrane.


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Replication protein A (RPA) is a highly conserved single-stranded DNA-binding protein, required for cellular DNA replication, repair, and recombination. In human cells, RPA is phosphorylated during the S and G2 phases of the cell cycle and also in response to ionizing or ultraviolet radiation. Saccharomyces cerevisiae exhibits a similar pattern of cell cycle-regulated RPA phosphorylation, and our studies indicate that the radiation-induced reactions occur in yeast as well. We have examined yeast RPA phosphorylation during the normal cell cycle and in response to environmental insult, and have demonstrated that the checkpoint gene MEC1 is required for the reaction under all conditions tested. Through examination of several checkpoint mutants, we have placed RPA phosphorylation in a novel pathway of the DNA damage response. MEC1 is similar in sequence to human ATM, the gene mutated in patients with ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T). A-T cells are deficient in multiple checkpoint pathways and are hypersensitive to killing by ionizing radiation. Because A-T cells exhibit a delay in ionizing radiation-induced RPA phosphorylation, our results indicate a functional similarity between MEC1 and ATM, and suggest that RPA phosphorylation is involved in a conserved eukaryotic DNA damage-response pathway defective in A-T.


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Based on the observation that removal of tumors from metastatic organs reversed their chemoresistance, we hypothesized that chemoresistance is induced by extracellular factors in tumor-bearing organs. By comparing chemosensitivity and proteins in different tumors (primary vs. metastases) and different culture systems (tumor fragment histocultures vs. monolayer cultures derived from the same tumor), we found elevated levels of acidic (aFGF) and basic (bFGF) fibroblast growth factors in the conditioned medium (CM) of solid and metastatic tumors. These CM induced broad spectrum resistance to drugs with diverse structures and action mechanisms (paclitaxel, doxorubicin, 5-fluorouracil). Inhibition of bFGF by mAb and its removal by immunoprecipitation resulted in complete reversal of the CM-induced chemoresistance, whereas inhibition/removal of aFGF resulted in partial reversal. Using CM that had been depleted of aFGF and/or bFGF and subsequently reconstituted with respective human recombinant proteins, we found that bFGF but not aFGF induced chemoresistance whereas aFGF amplified the bFGF effect. aFGF and bFGF fully accounted for the CM effect, indicating these proteins as the underlying mechanism of the chemoresistance. The FGF-induced resistance was not due to reduced intracellular drug accumulation or altered cell proliferation. We further showed that an inhibitor of aFGF/bFGF (suramin) enhanced the in vitro and in vivo activity of chemotherapy, resulting in shrinkage and eradication of well established human lung metastases in mice without enhancing toxicity. These results indicate elevated levels of extracellular aFGF/bFGF as an epigenetic mechanism by which cancer cells elude cytotoxic insult by chemotherapy, and provide a basis for designing new treatment strategies.


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Transient global ischemia induces selective delayed cell death, primarily of principal neurons in the hippocampal CA1. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying ischemia-induced cell death are as yet unclear. The present study shows that global ischemia triggers a pronounced and cell-specific reduction in GluR2 [the subunit that limits Ca2+ permeability of α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionic acid (AMPA) receptors] in vulnerable CA1 neurons, as evidenced by immunofluorescence of brain sections and Western blot analysis of microdissected hippocampal subfields. At 72 h after ischemia (a time before cell death), virtually all CA1 pyramidal neurons exhibited greatly reduced GluR2 immunolabeling throughout their somata and dendritic processes. GluR2 immunolabeling was unchanged in pyramidal cells of the CA3 and granule cells of the dentate gyrus, regions resistant to ischemia-induced damage. Immunolabeling of the AMPA receptor subunit GluR1 was unchanged in CA1, CA3, and dentate gyrus. Western analysis indicated that GluR2 subunit abundance was markedly reduced in CA1 at 60 and 72 h after the ischemic insult; GluR1 abundance was unchanged in all subfields at all times examined. These findings, together with the previous observation of enhanced AMPA-elicited Ca2+ influx in postischemic CA1 neurons, show that functional GluR2-lacking, Ca2+-permeable AMPA receptors are expressed in vulnerable neurons before cell death. Thus, the present study provides an important link in the postulated causal chain between global ischemia and delayed death of CA1 pyramidal neurons.


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Ischemic stroke is the most common life-threatening neurological disease and has limited therapeutic options. One component of ischemic neuronal death is inflammation. Here we show that doxycycline and minocycline, which are broad-spectrum antibiotics and have antiinflammatory effects independent of their antimicrobial activity, protect hippocampal neurons against global ischemia in gerbils. Minocycline increased the survival of CA1 pyramidal neurons from 10.5% to 77% when the treatment was started 12 h before ischemia and to 71% when the treatment was started 30 min after ischemia. The survival with corresponding pre- and posttreatment with doxycycline was 57% and 47%, respectively. Minocycline prevented completely the ischemia-induced activation of microglia and the appearance of NADPH-diaphorase reactive cells, but did not affect induction of glial acidic fibrillary protein, a marker of astrogliosis. Minocycline treatment for 4 days resulted in a 70% reduction in mRNA induction of interleukin-1β-converting enzyme, a caspase that is induced in microglia after ischemia. Likewise, expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase mRNA was attenuated by 30% in minocycline-treated animals. Our results suggest that lipid-soluble tetracyclines, doxycycline and minocycline, inhibit inflammation and are neuroprotective against ischemic stroke, even when administered after the insult. Tetracycline derivatives may have a potential use also as antiischemic compounds in humans.