847 resultados para Inflammatory bowel disease. Caulerpin. Colitis


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TGF-beta ist ein Schlüsselmolekül zellvermittelter Immuntoleranz. So spielt es neben seiner pleiotropen Rolle in Immunzellen auch bei der Tumorentwicklung eine große Rolle. Das TGF-beta hat bei der Tumorentwicklung eine duale Rolle. So dient es in frühen Phasen als Tumorsuppressor, währenddessen es in späten Phasen der Entwicklung als Tumorpromotor wirkt. Eine strikte Regulation des TGF-beta Signalweges ist daher für ein funktionierendes Immunsystem von essentieller Bedeutung. Die Ubiquitin Ligase Smurf2 ist dabei ein wichtiger negativ Regulator des TGF-beta Signalweges.In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte eine neue Spleißform des Smurf2 (dE2Smurf2) aus murinen CD4+ T-Zellen isoliert werden, deren Funktion in vitro und in vivo in T-Lymphozyten untersucht worden ist. Für diese Spleißform konnte zudem eine humane Relevanz nachgewiesen werden. Mit Hilfe von Überexpressionen in Cos7 Zellen konnte eine veränderte Lokalisation der Smurf2 Spleißformen (WT und dE2) festgestellt werden. Dabei konnten lysosomale und endosomale Kompartimente bei der Kolokalisation mit dem dE2Smurf2 Konstrukt beobachtet werden. Das Spleißen des Exons2 führte dabei zu Änderungen der Topologie der N-terminalen C2-Domäne, wodurch sich eine veränderte Lokalisation in der Zelle beschreiben ließ. Mit der veränderten intrazellulären Verteilung erfuhr auch die Funktion der dE2Smurf2 Ubiquitin Ligase eine Änderung. So konnte überraschenderweise eine positive Signalinduktion des TGF-beta Signalweges beobachtet werden, was im Gegensatz zum beschriebenen WTSmurf2 stand. Durch eine Überexpression des dE2Smurf2 Proteins in T-Lymphozyten wurde der TGF-beta Signalweg in CD4+ und CD8+ Zellen positiv reguliert, dabei wurde der TGFbetaRII vermehrt exprimiert und gleichzeitig fand eine verstärkte Phosphorylierung der Transkriptionsfaktoren Smad2 und Smad3 nach TGF-beta Stimulation statt. Die transgenen T-Lymphozyten waren somit sensitiver gegenüber TGF-beta. Dies führte zur Hypothese, die durch Western Blot Analyse bestätigt werden konnte, daß das dE2Smurf2 nach Überexpression seine WT-Form bindet und dadurch degradiert. Die Degradation der Ubiquitin Ligase war dabei Smad7 abhängig. Zur Analyse des Einflusses der Ubiquitin Ligase dE2Smurf2 auf die Differenzierung von CD4+ T-Zellen, sowie ihre Rolle bei der T-Zell Proliferation, konnte gezeigt werden, daß durch die höhere Sensitivität gegenüber TGF-beta naive T-Zellen unter Einfluß von TGF-beta und IL6 vermehrt in TH17 Zellen differenzierten. Zudem konnte gezeigt werden, daß die Proliferationsrate transgener naiver CD4+ T-Zellen bei geringen Mengen von TGF-beta starkt vermindert war. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, daß bei einer Differenzierung der naiven CD4+ T-Zellen in TH1 Zellen, diese signifkant weniger das proinflammatorische Zytokin INFγ produzierten.So zeigten in vivo Versuche, daß die transgenen Tiere in der Entwicklung von Kolorektalen Karzinomen protektiert waren. Sowohl im kolitisassiziierten Tumor Modell als auch bei der spontanen Entwicklung von Tumoren im APCmin Modell. Dies konnte zum einen auf eine deutlich verminderte Entzündung (geringere Produktion an Zytokinen durch verminderte Proliferation) des Darms und zum anderen durch eine stärkere Produktion an zytotoxischen Genen, wie Perforin, INFγ und Granzym B erklärt werden. Interessanterweise konnte jedoch im Transfer Kolitis Modell eher eine proinflammatorische Wirkung des dE2Smurf2 Proteins nachgewiesen werden. So wiesen die immundefizienten Mäuse, in denen die transgenen T-Zellen injiziert wurden, eine signifikant stärkere Kolitis auf als die Kontrollen. Dies konnte mit einer Überproduktion an IL17 sezernierenden T-Zellen erklärt werden. Klonierungsexperimente führten zudem zur Identifikation einer bisher nicht beschriebenen nicht kodierenden RNA. Diese zeigte in Kombination mit dem dE2Smurf2 Protein in einer Reportergen Analyse eine Hyperaktivierung des Smad3 Promotors. Diese Daten liefern zum einen ein genaueres Modell über die Regulation des TGF-beta Signalweges sowie wichtige Erkenntnisse zur Pathophysiologie chronisch entzündlicher Darmerkrankung und daraus resultierende Tumorerkrankungen. So entwickelt sich das dE2Smurf2, Teil des TGF-beta Signalweges, als attraktives Zielprotein für die Modulation von chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen und (kolitisassoziierte) Kolonkarzinomen.


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Les patients atteints de maladies inflammatoires de l'intestin (MII) ont un risque accru de développer un cancer colorectal dû aux lésions épithéliales secondaires à l’inflammation chronique. La vitamine D (vD) régule NOD2, gène impliqué dans la réponse inflammatoire et dans la susceptibilité aux MII, et induit son expression dans les monocytes et dans l’épithélium intestinal. Dans ce projet, nous avons d’abord induit le cancer colorectal associé à la colite ulcéreuse (CAC) en administrant un traitement combiné d’azoxyméthane (AOM) et de dextran de sulfate de sodium (DSS) aux souris C57BL/6J. Par la suite, nous avons étudié l'effet d’une carence en vD3 sur le développement du CAC et évalué la capacité préventive d’une supplémentation en vD3 sur la tumorigenèse, et vérifié si cet effet est médié par NOD2, en utilisant les souris Nod2-/-. Les C57BL/6J et les Nod2-/-, ayant reçu une diète déficiente en vD3, étaient moins résistantes au CAC par rapport aux souris supplémentées. Le pourcentage de perte de poids, l’indice d’activation de la maladie (DAI), le taux de mortalité et le poids relatif du côlon (mg/cm) chez les souris déficientes en vD3 étaient plus élevés en comparaison avec celles supplémentées en vD3. Une augmentation du score d'inflammation et de la multiplicité tumorale corrélait avec une expression accentuée de l’Il6 dans les colonocytes des souris déficientes en vD3. La vD3 régulait l’expression génétique de Cyp24, Vdr et de gènes pro-inflammatoires chez les C57BL/6, comme chez les Nod2-/-. En conclusion, la supplémentation en vD3 peut prévenir le développement du CAC indépendamment de NOD2.


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Les patients atteints de maladies inflammatoires de l'intestin (MII) ont un risque accru de développer un cancer colorectal dû aux lésions épithéliales secondaires à l’inflammation chronique. La vitamine D (vD) régule NOD2, gène impliqué dans la réponse inflammatoire et dans la susceptibilité aux MII, et induit son expression dans les monocytes et dans l’épithélium intestinal. Dans ce projet, nous avons d’abord induit le cancer colorectal associé à la colite ulcéreuse (CAC) en administrant un traitement combiné d’azoxyméthane (AOM) et de dextran de sulfate de sodium (DSS) aux souris C57BL/6J. Par la suite, nous avons étudié l'effet d’une carence en vD3 sur le développement du CAC et évalué la capacité préventive d’une supplémentation en vD3 sur la tumorigenèse, et vérifié si cet effet est médié par NOD2, en utilisant les souris Nod2-/-. Les C57BL/6J et les Nod2-/-, ayant reçu une diète déficiente en vD3, étaient moins résistantes au CAC par rapport aux souris supplémentées. Le pourcentage de perte de poids, l’indice d’activation de la maladie (DAI), le taux de mortalité et le poids relatif du côlon (mg/cm) chez les souris déficientes en vD3 étaient plus élevés en comparaison avec celles supplémentées en vD3. Une augmentation du score d'inflammation et de la multiplicité tumorale corrélait avec une expression accentuée de l’Il6 dans les colonocytes des souris déficientes en vD3. La vD3 régulait l’expression génétique de Cyp24, Vdr et de gènes pro-inflammatoires chez les C57BL/6, comme chez les Nod2-/-. En conclusion, la supplémentation en vD3 peut prévenir le développement du CAC indépendamment de NOD2.


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Triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 (TREM-1) potently amplifies acute inflammatory responses by enhancing degranulation and secretion of proinflammatory mediators. Here we demonstrate that TREM-1 is also crucially involved in chronic inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). Myeloid cells of the normal intestine generally lack TREM-1 expression. In experimental mouse models of colitis and in patients with IBD, however, TREM-1 expression in the intestine was upregulated and correlated with disease activity. TREM-1 significantly enhanced the secretion of relevant proinflammatory mediators in intestinal macrophages from IBD patients. Blocking TREM-1 by the administration of an antagonistic peptide substantially attenuated clinical course and histopathological alterations in experimental mouse models of colitis. This effect was also seen when the antagonistic peptide was administered only after the first appearance of clinical signs of colitis. Hence, TREM-1-mediated amplification of inflammation contributes not only to the exacerbation of acute inflammatory disorders but also to the perpetuation of chronic inflammatory disorders. Furthermore, interfering with TREM-1 engagement leads to the simultaneous reduction of production and secretion of a variety of pro-inflammatory mediators such as TNF, IL-6, IL-8 (CXCL8), MCP-1 (CCL2), and IL-1beta. Therefore, TREM-1 may also represent an attractive target for the treatment of chronic inflammatory disorders.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coumarins represent an important class of phenolic compounds with multiple biological activities, including inhibition of lipidic peroxidation and neutrophil-dependent anion superoxide generation, anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressor actions. All of these proprieties are essential for that a drug may be used in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. The present study examined intestinal anti-inflammatory activity of coumarin and its derivative, the 4-hydroxycoumarin on experimental ulcerative colitis in rats. This was performed in two different experimental settings, i.e. when the colonic mucosa is intact or when the mucosa is in process of recovery after an initial insult. The results obtained revealed that the coumarin and 4-hydroxycoumarin, at doses of 5 and 25 mg/kg, significantly attenuated the colonic damage induced by trinitrobenzenesulphonic acid (TNBS) in both situations, as evidenced macroscopically, microscopically and biochemically. This effect was related to an improvement in the colonic oxidative status, since coumarin and 4-hydroxycoumarin prevented the glutathione depletion that occurred as a consequence of the colonic inflammation. © 2008 Pharmaceutical Society of Japan.


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The study of protein expression profiles for biomarker discovery in serum and in mammalian cell populations needs the continuous improvement and combination of proteins/peptides separation techniques, mass spectrometry, statistical and bioinformatic approaches. In this thesis work two different mass spectrometry-based protein profiling strategies have been developed and applied to liver and inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) for the discovery of new biomarkers. The first of them, based on bulk solid-phase extraction combined with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization - Time of Flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) and chemometric analysis of serum samples, was applied to the study of serum protein expression profiles both in IBDs (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis) and in liver diseases (cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, viral hepatitis). The approach allowed the enrichment of serum proteins/peptides due to the high interaction surface between analytes and solid phase and the high recovery due to the elution step performed directly on the MALDI-target plate. Furthermore the use of chemometric algorithm for the selection of the variables with higher discriminant power permitted to evaluate patterns of 20-30 proteins involved in the differentiation and classification of serum samples from healthy donors and diseased patients. These proteins profiles permit to discriminate among the pathologies with an optimum classification and prediction abilities. In particular in the study of inflammatory bowel diseases, after the analysis using C18 of 129 serum samples from healthy donors and Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and inflammatory controls patients, a 90.7% of classification ability and a 72.9% prediction ability were obtained. In the study of liver diseases (hepatocellular carcinoma, viral hepatitis and cirrhosis) a 80.6% of prediction ability was achieved using IDA-Cu(II) as extraction procedure. The identification of the selected proteins by MALDITOF/ TOF MS analysis or by their selective enrichment followed by enzymatic digestion and MS/MS analysis may give useful information in order to identify new biomarkers involved in the diseases. The second mass spectrometry-based protein profiling strategy developed was based on a label-free liquid chromatography electrospray ionization quadrupole - time of flight differential analysis approach (LC ESI-QTOF MS), combined with targeted MS/MS analysis of only identified differences. The strategy was used for biomarker discovery in IBDs, and in particular of Crohn’s disease. The enriched serum peptidome and the subcellular fractions of intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) from healthy donors and Crohn’s disease patients were analysed. The combining of the low molecular weight serum proteins enrichment step and the LCMS approach allowed to evaluate a pattern of peptides derived from specific exoprotease activity in the coagulation and complement activation pathways. Among these peptides, particularly interesting was the discovery of clusters of peptides from fibrinopeptide A, Apolipoprotein E and A4, and complement C3 and C4. Further studies need to be performed to evaluate the specificity of these clusters and validate the results, in order to develop a rapid serum diagnostic test. The analysis by label-free LC ESI-QTOF MS differential analysis of the subcellular fractions of IECs from Crohn’s disease patients and healthy donors permitted to find many proteins that could be involved in the inflammation process. Among them heat shock protein 70, tryptase alpha-1 precursor and proteins whose upregulation can be explained by the increased activity of IECs in Crohn’s disease were identified. Follow-up studies for the validation of the results and the in-depth investigation of the inflammation pathways involved in the disease will be performed. Both the developed mass spectrometry-based protein profiling strategies have been proved to be useful tools for the discovery of disease biomarkers that need to be validated in further studies.


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BACKGROUND: Neuropeptides, such as substance P (SP), are mediators of neurogenic inflammation and play an important role in inflammatory disorders. To further investigate the role of the SP pathway in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), we analyzed the following in normal intestinal tissue specimens and in tissue specimens from patients with Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC): neurokinin receptor-1 (NK-1R); its isoforms (NK-1R-L and NK-1R-S); its ligand SP, encoded by preprotachykinin-A (PPT-A); and the SP-degradation enzyme, neutral endopeptidase (NEP). METHODS: Real-time quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction was used to simultaneously determine the expression of NK-1R-L, NK-1R-S, and PPT-A. Protein levels of NK-1R and NEP were determined by immunoblot analysis. RESULTS: In noninflamed small-bowel tissue samples of CD patients, PPT-A mRNA expression was significantly increased, whereas there was no difference between inflamed or noninflamed UC and normal intestinal tissue samples. Examining subgroups of diverse intestinal segments from CD and UC samples with various levels of inflammation revealed no differences in NK-1R-L and NK-1R-S mRNA expression, whereas there was a tendency toward overall lower NK-1R-S mRNA copy numbers. Immunoblot analysis showed upregulation of NK-1R protein levels in cases of IBD, with more pronounced enhancement in cases of CD than in UC. For NEP, there were no differences in protein levels in normal, CD, and UC intestinal tissues. COMMENTS: These observations suggest a contribution of SP and its receptor, NK-1R, in the local inflammatory reaction in IBD and particularly in ileal CD. Moreover, significant upregulation of PPT-A mRNA in the noninflamed ileum of these patients suggests an influence of inflamed intestines on their healthy counterparts.


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HLA-G is a non-classical MHC class Ib molecule predominantly expressed in cytotrophoblasts and under pathological conditions also in chronically inflamed and in malignant tissues. Recently an increased expression of HLA-G was found in ulcerative colitis (UC), but not in Crohn's disease (CD). The HLA-G gene is located in IBD3, a linkage region for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). A 14-bp deletion polymorphism (Del+/Del-) within exon 8 of the HLA-G gene might influence transcription activity and is therefore of potential functional relevance. To investigate whether the 14-bp deletion polymorphism is associated with IBD, 371 patients with CD, 257 patients with UC and 739 controls were genotyped. The heterozygous genotype (P = 0.031) and the Del+ phenotype (P = 0.038) were significantly increased, whereas the homozygous Del- phenotype (P = 0.038) was significantly decreased in UC when compared with CD. Thus, the 14-bp deletion polymorphism within the HLA-G gene displayed significant differences between UC and CD. Moreover, a significant increase of the Del+ allele (P = 0.002) and the Del+/Del+ genotype (P = 0.013) and a consecutive decrease of the Del-/- genotype (P = 0.024) were observed in those CD cases positive for ileocecal resection. Thus, a potential effect of the HLA-G gene in IBD may affect both UC and CD. Other polymorphisms linked to the 14-bp deletion polymorphism might also contribute to immunopathogenesis. As there are several partly functional polymorphisms within the promoter region potentially influencing HLA-G expression, further studies in IBD are necessary in the context of differential expression of HLA-G between UC and CD.


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OBJECTIVES: Recently, a genome-wide association study showed that single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the chromosome 4q27 region containing IL2 and IL21 are associated with celiac disease. Given the increased prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) among celiac disease patients, we investigated the possible involvement of these SNPs in IBD. METHODS: Five SNPs strongly associated with celiac disease within the KIAA1109/TENR/IL2/IL21 linkage disequilibrium block on chromosome 4q27 and one coding SNP within the IL21 gene were analyzed in a large German IBD cohort. The study population comprised a total of 2,948 Caucasian individuals, including 1,461 IBD patients (ulcerative colitis (UC): n=514, Crohn's disease (CD): n=947) and 1,487 healthy unrelated controls. RESULTS: Three of the five celiac disease risk markers had a protective effect on UC susceptibility, and this effect remained significant after correcting for multiple testing: rs6840978: P=0.0082, P(corr)=0.049, odds ratio (OR) 0.77, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.63-0.93; rs6822844: P=0.0028, P(corr)=0.017, OR 0.73, 95% CI 0.59-0.90; rs13119723: P=0.0058, P(corr)=0.035, OR 0.75, 95% CI 0.61-0.92. A haplotype consisting of the six SNPs tested was markedly associated with UC susceptibility (P=0.0025, P(corr)=0.015, OR 0.72, 95% CI 0.58-0.89). Moreover, in UC, epistasis was observed between the IL23R SNP rs1004819 and three SNPs in the KIAA1109/TENR/IL2/IL21 block (rs13151961, rs13119723, and rs6822844). CONCLUSIONS: Similar to other autoimmune diseases such as celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes, Graves' disease, and psoriatic arthritis, genetic variation in the chromosome 4q27 region predisposes to UC, suggesting a common genetic background for these diseases.


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Background:: The first major Crohn's disease (CD) susceptibility gene, NOD2, implicates the innate intestinal immune system and other pattern recognition receptors in the pathogenesis of this chronic, debilitating disorder. These include the Toll‐like receptors, specifically TLR4 and TLR5. A variant in the TLR4 gene (A299G) has demonstrated variable association with CD. We aimed to investigate the relationship between TLR4 A299G and TLR5 N392ST, and an Australian inflammatory bowel disease cohort, and to explore the strength of association between TLR4 A299G and CD using global meta‐analysis. Methods:: Cases (CD = 619, ulcerative colitis = 300) and controls (n = 360) were genotyped for TLR4 A299G, TLR5 N392ST, and the 4 major NOD2 mutations. Data were interrogated for case‐control analysis prior to and after stratification by NOD2 genotype. Genotype–phenotype relationships were also sought. Meta‐analysis was conducted via RevMan. Results:: The TLR4 A299G variant allele showed a significant association with CD compared to controls (P = 0.04) and a novel NOD2 haplotype was identified which strengthened this (P = 0.003). Furthermore, we identified that TLR4 A299G was associated with CD limited to the colon (P = 0.02). In the presence of the novel NOD2 haplotype, TLR4 A299G was more strongly associated with colonic disease (P < 0.001) and nonstricturing disease (P = 0.009). A meta‐analysis of 11 CD cohorts identified a 1.5‐fold increase in risk for the variant TLR4 A299G allele (P < 0.00001). Conclusions:: TLR 4 A299G appears to be a significant risk factor for CD, in particular colonic, nonstricturing disease. Furthermore, we identified a novel NOD2 haplotype that strengthens the relationship between TLR4 A299G and these phenotypes.


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Ulcerative colitis is a common form of inflammatory bowel disease with a complex etiology. As part of the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium 2, we performed a genome-wide association scan for ulcerative colitis in 2,361 cases and 5,417 controls. Loci showing evidence of association at P 1 × 10 5 were followed up by genotyping in an independent set of 2,321 cases and 4,818 controls. We find genome-wide significant evidence of association at three new loci, each containing at least one biologically relevant candidate gene, on chromosomes 20q13 (HNF4A; P = 3.2 × 10 17), 16q22 (CDH1 and CDH3; P = 2.8 × 10 8) and 7q31 (LAMB1; P = 3.0 × 10 8). Of note, CDH1 has recently been associated with susceptibility to colorectal cancer, an established complication of longstanding ulcerative colitis. The new associations suggest that changes in the integrity of the intestinal epithelial barrier may contribute to the pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis. © 2009 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.


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Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) describes a group of chronic relapsing inflammatory conditions of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis being the two most common. Ulcerative colitis affects the colon, with the inflammation limited to the colonic mucosal layers. In contrast, the full thickness of the gut wall can be inflamed in Crohn’s disease, and any part of the GIT can be affected – from the mouth to the anus, though the small and large intestine are most commonly involved...


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It has become clear that inflammation is beneficial to man, there are situations though that the inflammatory response causes damage to the host that is harmful to health. When the inflammatory response fails or is too strong, the health of the host is damaged and disease can occur. The implication of intestinal disease caused by an ineffective immune response is of great social and economic burden to society. The overarching purpose of this thesis is to assess inflammatory signalling targets associated with immune mediated disorders such as IBD, IBS and inflammatory liver disease. By assessing these targets and modifying their function I hope to contribute and expand further the pre-existing information on these disorders and improve the therapeutic interventions available in these debilitating conditions. I will assess the role of inflammation in disorders of the GI tract and liver IBD, IBS, hepatic inflammatory injury and furthermore, I will use pharmaceutical agents to activate and suppress components of the immune system. I will examine the inflammatory response in experimental models of disease for IBD and liver injury, I will attempt to alter these pathways using pharmaceutical intervention to delineate the disease causing mechanism that may lead to clinically relevant therapeutic interventions. In regards to IBS, I will attempt to improve the existing knowledge that exists in relation to the pathogenesis of this functional bowel disorder. I will attempt to define a mechanism by which the low grade mucosal inflammation that has been demonstrated by others arises and what this inflammation is induced by. The overall aim of this thesis is to attempt to further understand the mechanisms behind GI and liver disease. Looking at the inflammatory response in these specific conditions and how they can be altered may lead to exciting new therapies for inflammatory conditions in the gastrointestinal tract.