965 resultados para Industria têxtil - Brasil


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El objetivo es analizar la evolución de la productividad de las industrias manufactureras en el Brasil y México entre 1995 y 2009, donde se registró un marcado crecimiento de la competencia internacional. Se consideran 14 sectores industriales utilizándose dos métodos basados respectivamente en: i) el modelo de Leontief (1951) para medir el consumo de bienes intermedios empleados en la producción; y ii) el análisis de la productividad total de los factores (ptf). Los estudios realizados revelan que la industria ha seguido trayectorias distintas en los dos países. En México, el aumento de los requerimientos de bienes y servicios importados se compensó con la disminución de los requerimientos de bienes y servicios nacionales y con el incremento de la ptf en la producción. En el caso brasileño, el mayor aislamiento de los mercados de bienes manufacturados para el comercio exterior parece haber contribuido al débil desempeño de la productivi


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Este documento reúne las conclusiones de un extenso trabajo emprendido por la EPE hace tres años y cuyos fines principales son la concepción y realización de una base de indicadores de eficiencia energética, gracias a los cuales se podrán observar y medir la evolución y el resultado de las políticas y programas nacionales de eficiencia energética emprendidos por Brasil.


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Este documento consolida os resultados de um extenso trabalho que vem sendo realizado pela EPE há três anos e que tem por objetivos principais o desenvolvimento e o preenchimento de um banco de indicadores de eficiência energética, para fins de monitoramento do desempenho de eficiência energética no Brasil.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Retrata a trajetória histórica da Companhia Têxtil de Castanhal (CTC), uma indústria localizada na Amazônia, voltada à fiação e tecelagem de fibras de juta, demonstrando como ela se posicionou frente à cadeia produtiva da juta no Brasil, conseguindo manter-se no setor têxtil por tanto tempo, mesmo diante das adversidades, tornando-se a líder nacional na fabricação de produtos de juta. O período retratado foi de 1966 a 2006, abordando alguns aspectos sobre a origem, questões históricas e socioeconômicas desse tipo de fibra natural, com o propósito de alicerçar um melhor entendimento sobre as razões do fundador para o surgimento da Companhia, a gestão da familia Pacheco Borges, estratégias adotadas, entraves, inovações, expansão e movimento no mercado.


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Traçar a identidade do microempreendedor da área têxtil da cidade paulista de Franca, analisando as suas especificidades, seu caráter inovador e os reflexos de suas atividades no espaço coletivo é o desafio a que se propôs o pesquisador Mateus Beordo. Ele mostra nesta obra que o ramo de confecções emergiu da crise da indústria calçadista, tradicional na cidade e atrelada à história de seu desenvolvimento econômico (Franca firmou-se como importante polo de calçados a partir dos anos 1930). Desde a década de 1990, no entanto, com o processo de globalização e a abertura do mercado brasileiro, a indústria calçadista viu-se em dificuldades diante da concorrência internacional. Com o conhecimento obtido na produção de calçados, porém, mulheres passaram a montar microconfecções em suas residências, já que a atividade exigia baixos investimentos iniciais - em geral, bastava adquirir uma máquina de costura, tecidos e outros artefatos para a montagem e modelagem de lingeries. E o que era, a princípio, uma simples alternativa de renda familiar, foi ganhando vulto: hoje parte da produção das microempresárias é exportada para Europa, Estados Unidos e Japão. De acordo com o autor, o estudo permitiu não somente a identificação do caráter empreendedor das microempresárias da área têxtil de Franca, como uma reflexão sobre suas condições de vida e trabalho, por meio de seus problemas concretos, potencialidades e estratégias


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CCurrently there are various systems for the evaluation of environmental impacts of buildings, known as tools of environmental certification. Among these, the tool LEED for New Construction and Major Renovations has been the most widely used and accepted worldwide, in assessing the sustainability of buildings. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the tool for LEED certification for construction work in Brazil, which ranks fourth in the world ranking records certification of sustainable buildings. It was found in this analysis that the assumptions of this tool are encouraging the use of more sustainable and less impactful on the environment as it promotes the deployment of innovative projects from a technological standpoint, , as well as the valuation of enterprises certified. Also, very significant results obtained in terms of energy efficiency and environmental quality in occupied buildings


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This work approaches the main eco-efficient techniques and materials that can be used to ensure the proper functioning of the habitat with the main objective of preserving energy and reducing the ecological impact. The harnessing of energy to run a house using materials in a correct way makes it possible to achieve the goals related to its rational use. So, the more consolidated techniques need to be studied separately to determine the global effect on housing. The results obtained, with the aid of standard NBR15220 ABNT, were a series of ecotécnicas that can be used in 8 relatively homogeneous zones. This study was made to create a public awareness of the current environmental problems that society is facing nowadays and the urgent need to practice responsible use of energy


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The questions involving environment and society have been increasingly considered into account when companies make business decisions. However many of them have not yet incorporated sustainability effectively in their business plan, sometimes performing only a few external actions and outside their area of expertise. The concept of corporate sustainability is within this context, and therefore the practice of companies consider, the environmental and social issues into their strategies, along with economic issues. This work has as main objective to identify what are the key indicators and related practices of the concept of corporate sustainability that has been introduced in companies on environmental reference of a certain sector of the Brazilian economy. The sector that was chosen is electric power, having enormous significance both in economy, society and environment. The results indicate that the main practice are in the areas of energy efficiency, security and good relationship with its key business stakeholders


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How companies can sell their surplus production capacity of electric power in Brazil? This work was developed from the question presented and focusing on clarification of procedures to enter the Brazilian electricity market by providing basic guidelines based on resolutions by National Agency of Electric Energy, National System Operator procedures and rules of the Assembly of Electric Energy Commercialization. It features subsidy to companies that fit this profile to evaluate the possibility to sell their surplus electricity. The general aim was to analyze the procedures and the necessary steps to make this sale happen. Was developed through a literature review where an overview of the Brazilian electric sector and a case study of a company that has excess capacity of electricity, but doesn’t make its marketing. Resulted in the expected clarification as well as the incentive for companies through the information presented, the entry in this trade since power is still crucial to the country's economic growth and ensure its availability in quantity demanded is a challenge of the utmost importance for satisfactory results are achieved economic development contributing to the progress of our society


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Este estudo analisa o desenvolvimento do processo de integração vertical na indústria petroquímica brasileira a partir da década de 90, focando nos determinantes para este movimento e confrontando com o mesmo processo adotado em grandes empresas mundiais da indústria


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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After years of stagnation, the naval construction industry in Brazil has been experiencing a period of recovery caused by investments in the oil and gas sector and the implementation of governmental programs that aimed to regenerate it. However, efforts in learning and innovations are needed in order to reinsert the country in this activity and achieve international levels of competitiveness. Based on literature about learning processes and continuous improvement practices and their impact in the innovative and productive processes, this paper aims to identify the main tendencies, mechanisms and procedures to improve the construction and management processes in the Brazilian naval construction industry. The methodology used for the data analysis classifies obtained information from magazines and annals of congresses of the sector, according to the established analysis categories (phenomena). Such categories study information related to the productive and technological processes of the industry, the main internal and external relations of the industrial park, the management of resources and processes, policies, investments, etc. The data was collected in the period 2004-2010, and more than 500 registers that show a dominance of the investment phenomenon, especially in the increase of productive capacity, were catalogued. In addition to this, there is evidence of modernization in the manufacturing plan and the equipment, diverse forms of cooperation, implementation of human resources management practices and engineering or processes and products. Hence, a process of catching up governs and is guided by modernization and increase training in this industry.


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The present work focuses on addressing the financing made by BNDES to sucroalcooleiras plants located in the State of São Paulo in Brazil. The study points out the Bank loans at São Paulo due to accumulation of plants technical objects that BNDES loans provide the State, with the installation of new equipment, machinery and services in canavieiros enterprises for electric power generation. Sucroalcooleiras plants are getting financing from BNDES to expand and diversify power generation in the country, mainly in São Paulo, because residential and industrial consumption of electricity grows annually. The offer of new financing to sucroalcooleiras plants for energy production Sao Paulo electric provides continued technical density in São Paulo and the expansion of regional inequality in the country. Therefore, the present study highlights for the period 2008 to 2013 the BNDES financing for are sucroalcooleiras plants in order to highlight the consolidation of technical objects in the State and show that the funding will help in the expansion of regional disparity


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Este artigo tem como objetivo resgatar a trajetória das histórias em quadrinhos brasileiras na década de 1970, considerada de especial relevância para o avanço da arte gráfica sequencial no Brasil. Nesse período, observa-se, de um lado, iniciativas de pequenas editoras localizadas em vários estados brasileiros, e, de outro, empreendimentos feitos por editoras de grande porte na publicação de material nacional. Como estudo de caso, apresenta a revista Crás!, produzida pela Editora Abril, de São Paulo, que reuniu talentos veteranos e jovens da arte gráfica sequencial brasileira. A análise dessa publicação revela as dificuldades do quadrinho brasileiro frente às necessidades e limites das editoras comerciais e do mercado editorial no país.