947 resultados para Individual bonus plan and collective bonus plan


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Este estudo objetiva identificar os principais desafios que a Agência X encontrou no caminho do desenvolvimento de um modelo de gestão de pessoas por competências e quais as possíveis formas de superar esses desafios, tendo como foco a percepção e o entendimento dos entrevistados. A organização estudada procura, há tempos, amadurecer o processo de elaboração de um plano de cargos e salários baseado em mérito e competência, que culminou na aprovação da nova modelagem institucional em gestão de recursos humanos. Com este ferramental típico da iniciativa privada, dedica-se a Agência X, fortemente, à criação de um ambiente favorável para uma gestão eficiente e produtiva, claramente alinhada aos conceitos de uma adhocracia e de uma organização inovadora sustentável. Ocorre que todo processo de mudança organizacional encontra seus desafios e seus obstáculos. No complexo ambiente das empresas públicas, este processo não é diferente, sendo ainda mais forte e evidente. Elaboraram-se, nesta pesquisa, três tipologias de grupos organizacionais, tendo como base a forma de entrada na organização: o Grupo 01 “da Oposição” – os funcionários com entrada pró-forma, o Grupo 02 “Favorável Financeiro” – os funcionários com entrada por concurso público e o Grupo 03 “Favorável Meritocrático” – os funcionários com entrada por concurso público e que exercem cargo de confiança. As análises demonstraram que os funcionários com entrada pró-forma são contrários ao novo plano por motivos que perpassam condições financeiras e motivos de ordem técnica. Os demais grupos são favoráveis ao novo plano exatamente pela lógica inversa, ou seja, motivos financeiros e motivos de ordem técnica são identificados como os principais incentivadores da nova modelagem institucional. Os maiores desafios encontrados pela Agência X foram: o enorme período apático da própria organização em relação às questões meritocráticas, como na demora pela realização de seu primeiro concurso público, a falta, no passado, de um comando superior dentro da empresa com o intuito de fortalecer a instituição no cenário nacional e internacional com foco na valorização das atividades e ações realizadas pelo seu corpo funcional, e a acomodação instalada nos empregados, fruto de gestões passadas que não se preocupavam com a gestão por resultados, perdendo o foco no desenvolvimento sustentável. Por fim, neste cenário de estagnação, a Agência X entendeu a lógica de poder e os aspectos culturais envolvidos nos grupos organizacionais, e optou, mesmo sabendo das resistências que seriam encontradas, pela priorização da profissionalização, e gestão por resultados e competência. Desenvolver as competências individuais e coletivas alinhadas com as estratégias organizacionais foram fatores determinantes para a Agência X vencer obstáculos e conseguir, depois de muitos anos, implementar uma ferramenta típica da gestão privada na esfera pública, com foco em competências, mérito e resultados, sendo assim, o maior avanço histórico da organização no sentido de fortalecer seus funcionários e robustecer a empresa dentro do cenário político nacional e internacional.


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In recent years, issues involving public safety have gained more prominence in scientific debates, the media, and common sense, because undoubtedly the feeling of fear and insecurity caused by the increase in violence overall, has spread like construction element of social representations, both in individual levels, as well as collectively. Violence is a social phenomenon existing in human manifestations, from the older societies, ie it was present in all historical periods, but in different ways in the subjective and objective, having had the task of being the central element in modeling process for the formation of individual behavior, both in older societies as in modern society. However, it has a peculiar feature of acquiring new contours to the extent that the individual and collective behaviors are modified in relation individual-violence. In this sense, the institutions that establish the order from the control of violence, have their social representations in the context of social relationships permeated by elements of violence, fear and insecurity, that shift the subjective feeling of insecurity, or existential, for a concrete plan and goal, namely to the level of physical insecurity in daily life in the modern world. The objective of this study was to capture the construction of social representations of the population in Aracaju on the police institution and the figure of the policeman in the contemporary context. We focus our attention only to the institutions of order, which constitute the field of the apparatus of public security and social protection of our state


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As a result of the prediction of irreversible changes on necessary conditions to maintain life, including human, on the planet, environmental education got the spotlight in the political scenario, due to social pressure for the development of individual and collective values, knowledge, skills, attitudes and competences towards environmental preservation. In Brazil, only in 1999 the right for environmental education was officially granted to people, having the status of essential and permanent component in the country s education. Since then, it has been Government s duty, in each federal branch, to plan actions to make it happen, in an articulate way in all levels and modalities of the education process, both formally and informally. This work of research has environmental education in the school as subject matter, and aims on analyzing social and political mediations established between this National Environmental Education policy and the contexts associated to the legislative production process, the political nature of the conceptions about environmental education that underlie Law 9.795/99 (Brazil, 2009c) and also Rio Grande do Norte Government s actions and omissions related to the imperative nature of the insertion of environmental education in the schools ran by the state, during the ten years this law has been in force. The investigation of the subject matter was led by a social and historical understanding of the social and environmental phenomena, as well as of the education system as a whole, considering that only through a dialectical view we can see the real world, by destroying the pseudo-concreteness that surrounds the topic. While analyzing, we assumed that in face of the dominance of a social organization in which market regulations rule on environmental ones, by developing individual and collective critical conscience, environmental education can become a threat to dominant economical interests in exploiting natural resources. The results of this research suggest that as an educational practice to be developed in an integrated, continuous and permanent fashion in all levels and modalities of formal education, environmental education has not yet come to pass in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, due to the neglect and disrespect of the government when facing the need of promoting the necessary and legally appointed measures to make it present in the basic education provided by the state. The legislators silence when it comes to approving a regulation on environmental education essential to define policies, rules and criteria to teaching the subject in the state and the omission from the public administration regarding critical actions in order to integrate in public schools the activities related to the National Environmental Education Policy, represent a political decision for not doing anything, despite the legal demand for an active position. This neglecting attitude for the actualizing of strategically concrete actions, urgent and properly planned for the implementation of environmental education in schools in a multidisciplinary way, exposes the lack of interest the predominant classes have in such kind of education being made available, as it could be developed based on a critic political view, becoming a political and educational action against dominance. When analyzing the basic principles and fundamental goals in Law 9.795/99 (Brazil, 2009c) the development of a critic environmental education is really possible and concurs with the National Environmental Education Policy, reflecting the social and political mediations established between this public policy and the contexts associated to its legislative production process, which are responsible for approving a regulation which also represents the mind of the people about environmental protection above anything else


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The Social Representation Theory provides subsidies to scientifically analyze what is called common sense, suggesting that thought be given credibility to the individual, from the assignment of logic to it. The Representations allow us to interpret, understand, explain and thus classify information, events and people. In this sense, this study aimed to analyze how social representations of the actors of the intinerant traders who operate in Ponta Negra/RN can be used as an element for tourism planning. To achieve the desired goals, we conducted a qualitative study, from a descriptive study, using methods of data collection the research literature, the technique of free association of words and the questionnaire, applied with 90 intinerant traders who work in Ponta Negra/RN beach. As tools of data analysis were used to analyze literature, and software EVOC and SPHINX. This research has revealed the predominance of people in itinerant male, between 18 and 28 years, with incomplete primary education, no contributors of Previdência Social and working seven days a week. The core elements of representations brings that explain that their knowledge is guided by collectively shared knowledge in the culture of tourism, which is seen as something that brings economics benefits (money) to the society, from the travel and entertainment. The plan represents the forward thinking, based on development plans that seek improvements and organization. The structure and operation of tourism planning in Natal/RN, there were no representation of intinerant traders. It is concluded that understanding the needs of itinerant traders provides grants to developing strategies for the development of tourism. This is achieved from its inclusion in tourism planning, since it enables tourism managers to understand how they are capturing, interpreting and acting on their next reality, since these representations are fundamental in forming opinions and the establishment of individual attitudes and collective. Thus, it is an important theory to be used to subsidize social research with individuals living reality and local needs, but which is the margin of decision-making processes of economic in the Brazil


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It starts with the understanding that the relationship between society / nature is largely problematic in a context of socio-environmental crisis. In this context, we use the principle of hope to plan and work out new ways of understanding social reality, the relationship between science and alternative knowledge. The research is to investigate how the actors influence the social construction of urban environmental policy of the city of Mossoró / RN with reference to the processes of implementing the Master Plan and Agenda 21 of the municipality. The hypothesis of this research is that the Environmental Policy in Mossley has a normative character that is expressed primarily in the creation of an institutional political framework to manage environmental issues involving so incidental and or functional society participation mossoroense. Thus questioned who are the actors that build environmental policy Mossoró / RN. The specific objectives of this research are: Identify the environmental dimension of the Master Plan Agenda 21 articulated Mossoró / RN mapping information from the managers, engineers and members of the Municipal Environment and Municipal Council of Cities on the operation of urban environmental policy mossoroense and how it is performed by the Manager of Environmental Management in conjunction with the Department of Environment and Territorial Development (SEDETMA) and Executive Management of Urban Development. As a methodology, we used the method of the sociology of absences and emergencies in conjunction with the ecology of knowledge and productivity. It is a qualitative research and documentary, which was used as the Master Plan documents Mossoró / RN, minutes of meetings of boards and complementarity were carried out 12 semi-structured interviews with managers and directors of the Urban Environmental Policy of the Municipality of Mossoró / RN. They used also the social analytical or thematic maps for the translation of the dialogue among social partners, managers and directors who make the Environmental Policy Council. We conclude that these dialogues and experiences point to the construction of an environmental policy more participatory and effective, committed to individual and collective transformation of society mossoroense


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Includes bibliography


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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La ricerca si propone di definire le linee guida per la stesura di un Piano che si occupi di qualità della vita e di benessere. Il richiamo alla qualità e al benessere è positivamente innovativo, in quanto impone agli organi decisionali di sintonizzarsi con la soggettività attiva dei cittadini e, contemporaneamente, rende evidente la necessità di un approccio più ampio e trasversale al tema della città e di una più stretta relazione dei tecnici/esperti con i responsabili degli organismi politicoamministrativi. La ricerca vuole indagare i limiti dell’urbanistica moderna di fronte alla complessità di bisogni e di nuove necessità espresse dalle popolazioni urbane contemporanee. La domanda dei servizi è notevolmente cambiata rispetto a quella degli anni Sessanta, oltre che sul piano quantitativo anche e soprattutto sul piano qualitativo, a causa degli intervenuti cambiamenti sociali che hanno trasformato la città moderna non solo dal punto di vista strutturale ma anche dal punto di vista culturale: l’intermittenza della cittadinanza, per cui le città sono sempre più vissute e godute da cittadini del mondo (turisti e/o visitatori, temporaneamente presenti) e da cittadini diffusi (suburbani, provinciali, metropolitani); la radicale trasformazione della struttura familiare, per cui la famiglia-tipo costituita da una coppia con figli, solido riferimento per l’economia e la politica, è oggi minoritaria; l’irregolarità e flessibilità dei calendari, delle agende e dei ritmi di vita della popolazione attiva; la mobilità sociale, per cui gli individui hanno traiettorie di vita e pratiche quotidiane meno determinate dalle loro origini sociali di quanto avveniva nel passato; l’elevazione del livello di istruzione e quindi l’incremento della domanda di cultura; la crescita della popolazione anziana e la forte individualizzazione sociale hanno generato una domanda di città espressa dalla gente estremamente variegata ed eterogenea, frammentata e volatile, e per alcuni aspetti assolutamente nuova. Accanto a vecchie e consolidate richieste – la città efficiente, funzionale, produttiva, accessibile a tutti – sorgono nuove domande, ideali e bisogni che hanno come oggetto la bellezza, la varietà, la fruibilità, la sicurezza, la capacità di stupire e divertire, la sostenibilità, la ricerca di nuove identità, domande che esprimono il desiderio di vivere e di godere la città, di stare bene in città, domande che non possono essere più soddisfatte attraverso un’idea di welfare semplicemente basata sull’istruzione, la sanità, il sistema pensionistico e l’assistenza sociale. La città moderna ovvero l’idea moderna della città, organizzata solo sui concetti di ordine, regolarità, pulizia, uguaglianza e buon governo, è stata consegnata alla storia passata trasformandosi ora in qualcosa di assai diverso che facciamo fatica a rappresentare, a descrivere, a raccontare. La città contemporanea può essere rappresentata in molteplici modi, sia dal punto di vista urbanistico che dal punto di vista sociale: nella letteratura recente è evidente la difficoltà di definire e di racchiudere entro limiti certi l’oggetto “città” e la mancanza di un convincimento forte nell’interpretazione delle trasformazioni politiche, economiche e sociali che hanno investito la società e il mondo nel secolo scorso. La città contemporanea, al di là degli ambiti amministrativi, delle espansioni territoriali e degli assetti urbanistici, delle infrastrutture, della tecnologia, del funzionalismo e dei mercati globali, è anche luogo delle relazioni umane, rappresentazione dei rapporti tra gli individui e dello spazio urbano in cui queste relazioni si muovono. La città è sia concentrazione fisica di persone e di edifici, ma anche varietà di usi e di gruppi, densità di rapporti sociali; è il luogo in cui avvengono i processi di coesione o di esclusione sociale, luogo delle norme culturali che regolano i comportamenti, dell’identità che si esprime materialmente e simbolicamente nello spazio pubblico della vita cittadina. Per studiare la città contemporanea è necessario utilizzare un approccio nuovo, fatto di contaminazioni e saperi trasversali forniti da altre discipline, come la sociologia e le scienze umane, che pure contribuiscono a costruire l’immagine comunemente percepita della città e del territorio, del paesaggio e dell’ambiente. La rappresentazione del sociale urbano varia in base all’idea di cosa è, in un dato momento storico e in un dato contesto, una situazione di benessere delle persone. L’urbanistica moderna mirava al massimo benessere del singolo e della collettività e a modellarsi sulle “effettive necessità delle persone”: nei vecchi manuali di urbanistica compare come appendice al piano regolatore il “Piano dei servizi”, che comprende i servizi distribuiti sul territorio circostante, una sorta di “piano regolatore sociale”, per evitare quartieri separati per fasce di popolazione o per classi. Nella città contemporanea la globalizzazione, le nuove forme di marginalizzazione e di esclusione, l’avvento della cosiddetta “new economy”, la ridefinizione della base produttiva e del mercato del lavoro urbani sono espressione di una complessità sociale che può essere definita sulla base delle transazioni e gli scambi simbolici piuttosto che sui processi di industrializzazione e di modernizzazione verso cui era orientata la città storica, definita moderna. Tutto ciò costituisce quel complesso di questioni che attualmente viene definito “nuovo welfare”, in contrapposizione a quello essenzialmente basato sull’istruzione, sulla sanità, sul sistema pensionistico e sull’assistenza sociale. La ricerca ha quindi analizzato gli strumenti tradizionali della pianificazione e programmazione territoriale, nella loro dimensione operativa e istituzionale: la destinazione principale di tali strumenti consiste nella classificazione e nella sistemazione dei servizi e dei contenitori urbanistici. E’ chiaro, tuttavia, che per poter rispondere alla molteplice complessità di domande, bisogni e desideri espressi dalla società contemporanea le dotazioni effettive per “fare città” devono necessariamente superare i concetti di “standard” e di “zonizzazione”, che risultano essere troppo rigidi e quindi incapaci di adattarsi all’evoluzione di una domanda crescente di qualità e di servizi e allo stesso tempo inadeguati nella gestione del rapporto tra lo spazio domestico e lo spazio collettivo. In questo senso è rilevante il rapporto tra le tipologie abitative e la morfologia urbana e quindi anche l’ambiente intorno alla casa, che stabilisce il rapporto “dalla casa alla città”, perché è in questa dualità che si definisce il rapporto tra spazi privati e spazi pubblici e si contestualizzano i temi della strada, dei negozi, dei luoghi di incontro, degli accessi. Dopo la convergenza dalla scala urbana alla scala edilizia si passa quindi dalla scala edilizia a quella urbana, dal momento che il criterio del benessere attraversa le diverse scale dello spazio abitabile. Non solo, nei sistemi territoriali in cui si è raggiunto un benessere diffuso ed un alto livello di sviluppo economico è emersa la consapevolezza che il concetto stesso di benessere sia non più legato esclusivamente alla capacità di reddito collettiva e/o individuale: oggi la qualità della vita si misura in termini di qualità ambientale e sociale. Ecco dunque la necessità di uno strumento di conoscenza della città contemporanea, da allegare al Piano, in cui vengano definiti i criteri da osservare nella progettazione dello spazio urbano al fine di determinare la qualità e il benessere dell’ambiente costruito, inteso come benessere generalizzato, nel suo significato di “qualità dello star bene”. E’ evidente che per raggiungere tale livello di qualità e benessere è necessario provvedere al soddisfacimento da una parte degli aspetti macroscopici del funzionamento sociale e del tenore di vita attraverso gli indicatori di reddito, occupazione, povertà, criminalità, abitazione, istruzione, etc.; dall’altra dei bisogni primari, elementari e di base, e di quelli secondari, culturali e quindi mutevoli, trapassando dal welfare state allo star bene o well being personale, alla wellness in senso olistico, tutte espressioni di un desiderio di bellezza mentale e fisica e di un nuovo rapporto del corpo con l’ambiente, quindi manifestazione concreta di un’esigenza di ben-essere individuale e collettivo. Ed è questa esigenza, nuova e difficile, che crea la diffusa sensazione dell’inizio di una nuova stagione urbana, molto più di quanto facciano pensare le stesse modifiche fisiche della città.


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La presente tesis aborda el estudio sobre los llamados mat buildings, que surgen entre los años cincuenta y sesenta del pasado siglo. Los mat buildings, también llamados “edificios esteras” o “edificios alfombras”, nacen en gran parte como consecuencia de los desacuerdos e insatisfacciones de los CIAM con el reduccionismo funcionalista y los principios de compartimentación funcional. Estos nuevos modelos remplazan el modelo de ciudad entendido como una colección de edificios individuales por una concepción de un patrón urbano. No es la suma de la longitud, la altura y el ancho sino más bien una densa alfombra bi-dimensional, con una configuración de formas que ofrece al mismo tiempo un orden repetitivo y una infinita diversidad de secuencias con infinitas posibilidades de adaptación donde el hombre vive y se desplaza. Estas características que irán apareciendo en la obras de muchos de los arquitectos que forman parte del grupo Team X son los que Alison Smithson empieza a revelar en su artículo, con la ambición de manifestar una nueva sensibilidad y una nueva forma de entender y ver la arquitectura. Los mat buildings y los cluster serán los códigos utilizados por diferentes miembros del Team X para pensar una arquitectura y un urbanismo alternativo al propuesto por los CIAM. Mediante ellos encuentran el camino para una nueva estética de la conexión con un desplazamiento desde una concepción determinista de la forma arquitectónica (una forma cerrada y en general definida a priori) hacia una actitud más libre, más abierta, fundamentada no tanto en la entereza de la forma global sino en cuanto a la intensidad de sus redes internas y de sus diferentes niveles de asociación. La tesis tiene como propósito final cuestionar si esta tipología de edificios, cuyo principio de base es siempre una matriz geométrica abierta (trama, retícula, malla), con crecimiento ilimitado, puede redefinir la frontera entre ciudad y edificio y, por tanto, entre público y privado, individual y colectivo, estructural e infraestructural, permanente y variable. Por ello, se presenta un estudio histórico y crítico en profundidad sobre los mat buildings, analizando detenidamente y por orden cronológico cinco de sus obras más paradigmáticas: el Orfanato en Ámsterdam de Aldo Van Eyck, la Universidad Libre en Berlín de Candilis, Josic y Woods, el Hospital de Venecia de Le Corbusier y Guillermo Jullián de la Fuente, el edificio administrativo de la Centraal Beheer en Apeldoorn de Herman Hertzberger, y por último el MUSAC en León, realizado por Mansilla y Tuñon. Las cuatro primeras obras pertenecen al periodo Team X y son precursoras de muchos otros proyectos que aparecerán a posteriori. La última obra analizada, el MUSAC, es estudiada conjuntamente con algunas obras del arquitecto japonés Sou Fujimoto y otros casos contemporáneos con la intención de manifestar cómo arquitectos de horizontes muy diferentes vuelven a recurrir a estos modelos de crecimientos ilimitados. Mediante el estudio de varios ejemplos contemporáneos se examinan las repercusiones, transformaciones y evoluciones que estos modelos han tenido. La exploración contrastada permite apreciar adecuadamente la pertinencia de estos modelos y los cambios de modalidades y de procesos que advienen con la aparición en el panorama contemporáneo de la noción de campo y los cambios de paradigma que conlleva. Estos nuevos modelos abren nuevos procesos y forma de abordar la arquitectura basada en las relaciones, flujos, movimientos y asociaciones que son caracterizados por diferentes patrones que vienen a alimentar todo el proceso del proyecto arquitectónico. El estudio de estos nuevos modelos nos indica las cualidades que puede ofrecer la revisión de estos métodos para empezar a tratar nuevas cuestiones que hoy en día parecen ser, permanentemente, parte de la condición urbana. XII ABSTRACT This thesis deals with the study of the so-called mat buildings which emerged between the fifties and sixties of the last century. Mat, or carpet, buildings appeared largely as a result of the CIAM’s disagreement and dissatisfaction with functionalist reductionism and the principles of functional compartmentalisation. These new models replaced the model of the city, seen as a collection of individual buildings, with the concept of an urban pattern. It is not the sum of the length, height and width but rather a dense, two- dimensional mat with a configuration of forms offering both a repetitive order and an infinite diversity of sequences with endless possibilities for adaptation, where man lives and circulates. These characteristics, which appeared in the works of many of the architects who formed part of Team X, are those that Alison Smithson started to reveal in her article with the aim of manifesting a new sensibility and a new way of understanding and seeing architecture. Mat buildings and clusters were the codes used by different members of Team X to plan an alternative architecture and urbanism to that proposed by the CIAM. With them, they found the path for a new aesthetic of connection, with a shift from a deterministic concept of the architectural form (closed and generally defined a priori) towards a more free, more open attitude based not so much on the integrity of the overall form but on the intensity of its internal networks and different levels of association. The end purpose of this thesis is to question whether this type of building, the basic principle of which is always an open geometric matrix (grid, recticle, network) with unlimited growth, can redefine the boundary between city and building and, thus, between public and private, individual and collective, structural and infrastructural, and permanent and variable. To this end, an in-depth historical and critical study of mat buildings is presented, analysing carefully and in chronological order five of the most paradigmatic works of this style: the Orphanage in Amsterdam, by Aldo Van Eyck; the Free University of Berlin, by Candilis, Josic and Woods; Venice Hospital, by Le Corbusier and Guillermo Jullián de la Fuente; the Centraal Beheer administration building in Apeldoorn, by Herman Hertzberger; and lastly, the MUSAC (Contemporary Art Museum) in León, designed by Mansilla and Tuñon. The first four works are from the Team X period and were the precursors to many other projects that would appear later. The last work analysed, the MUSAC, is studied together with some works by Japanese architect Sou Fujimoto and other contemporary cases to show how architects with very different perspectives revert to these models of limitless growth. Through the study of several contemporary examples we examine the repercussions, transformations and evolutions these models have had. The contrasted research XIII allows us to properly appreciate the importance of these models and the changes in forms and processes that came with the emergence of the idea of field in the contemporary arena and the paradigm shifts it entailed. These new models opened up new processes and a way of approaching architecture based on relationships, flows, movements and associations characterised by different patterns that feed the entire process of the architectural project. The study of these new models shows us the benefits that a review of these methods can contribute to addressing new issues that today appear to be a permanent part of the urban condition.


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El cuerpo, como conjunto organizado de partes que configuran el organismo, es una entidad metamórfica. El ser humano procura dar continuidad a esta condición mutante que le caracteriza, mediante diversas acciones de carácter arquitectónico. A partir de la observación de los procesos naturales, el individuo se autodefine artificialmente, transformando su realidad innata en una versión distorsionada de sí misma. Por adición, sustracción o modificación, la piel como última capa natural, se convierte en lienzo de manipulación plástica primordial para asegurar la existencia y controlar la identidad, individual y colectiva. La evolución experimental de estas intervenciones primarias, permite suplantar la piel natural por una reinterpretación construida; una piel exenta y desmontable con la que proyectar un yo diferente provisionalmente. El uso constante de esta prótesis removible e intercambiable, provoca que el cuerpo desnudo se transforme en un cuerpo vestido, en un entorno social en el que la desnudez deja de ser el estado natural del ser humano. La piel artificial se construye mediante una gran diversidad de procesos proyectuales, siendo la transformación de la superficie bidimensional en envolvente tridimensional el más utilizado a lo largo de la existencia de la vestimenta. El plano, concebido como principal formato de revestimiento humano, se adapta a su irregularidad topográfica por modelado, perforación, fragmentación, trazado, parametrización e interacción, transformándose en una envolvente cada vez más compleja y perfecta. Su diseño implica la consideración de variables como la dimensión y la escala, la función y la forma, la estructura, el material y la construcción, la técnica y los instrumentos. La vestimenta es una arquitectura habitacional individual, un límite corporal que relaciona el espacio entre el exterior e el interior, lo ajeno y lo propio, el tú y el yo; un filtro concreto y abstracto simultáneamente; una interfaz en donde el vestido es el continente y el cuerpo su contenido. ABSTRACT The body as a whole, organized of parts that make up the organism, is a metamorphic entity. The human being seeks to give continuity to this mutant condition which characterizes him through various actions of architectural character. From the observation of the natural processes, the individual defines itself artificially, transforming its innate reality into a distorted version of itself. By addition, subtraction or modification, the skin, as the last natural layer, becomes canvas of primary plastic handling in order to ensure the existence and to control the identity, both individual and collective. The experimental evolution of these primary interventions allows to impersonate the natural skin by a constructed reinterpretation; a free and detachable skin together with which to be able to project, temporarily, a different “I”. The constant use of this removable and interchangeable prosthesis causes the naked body to be transformed into a dressed body, in a social setting in which the nudity is no longer the natural state of the human being. The artificial skin is constructed by a variety of projectual processes; the most used throughout the existence of the outfit is transforming the two-dimensional surface into a three-dimensional covering. The plan, conceived as the main human lining format, adapts to its topographic irregularity by modeling, drilling, fragmentation, outline, parameters and interaction, thus becoming a type of increasingly more complex and perfect covering. Its design implies the consideration of different variables such as the dimension and the scale, the function and the shape, the structure, the material and the construction, the technique and the instruments. The clothing is an individual residential architecture, a body boundary which relates the space between outside and inside, between the external and the self, between “you” and “I”; at the same time a specific and abstract filter; an interface where the dress is the container and the body its content.


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La présente thèse vise à évaluer le degré d’implantation et d’utilisation de systèmes de mesure de la performance (SMP) par les décideurs des organisations de réadaptation et à comprendre les facteurs contextuels ayant influencé leur implantation. Pour ce faire, une étude de cas multiples a été réalisée comprenant deux sources de données: des entrevues individuelles avec des cadres supérieurs des organisations de réadaptation du Québec et des documents organisationnels. Le cadre conceptuel Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research a été utilisé pour guider la collecte et l’analyse des données. Une analyse intra-cas ainsi qu’une analyse inter-cas ont été réalisées. Nos résultats montrent que le niveau de préparation organisationnelle à l’implantation d’un SMP était élevé et que les SMP ont été implantés avec succès et utilisés de plusieurs façons. Les organisations les ont utilisés de façon passive (comme outil d’information), de façon ciblée (pour tenter d’améliorer des domaines sous-performants) et de façon politique (comme outil de négociation auprès des autorités gouvernementales). Cette utilisation diversifiée des SMP est suscitée par l’interaction complexe de facteurs provenant du contexte interne propre à chaque organisation, des caractéristiques du SMP, du processus d’implantation appliqué et du contexte externe dans lequel évoluent ces organisations. Au niveau du contexte interne, l’engagement continu et le leadership de la haute direction ont été décisifs dans l’implantation du SMP de par leur influence sur l’identification du besoin d’un SMP, l’engagement des utilisateurs visés dans le projet, la priorité organisationnelle accordée au SMP ainsi que les ressources octroyées à son implantation, la qualité des communications et le climat d’apprentissage organisationnel. Toutefois, même si certains de ces facteurs, comme les ressources octroyées à l’implantation, la priorité organisationnelle du SMP et le climat d’apprentissage se sont révélés être des barrières à l’implantation, ultimement, ces barrières n’étaient pas suffisamment importantes pour entraver l’utilisation du SMP. Cette étude a également confirmé l’importance des caractéristiques du SMP, particulièrement la perception de qualité et d’utilité de l’information. Cependant, à elles seules, ces caractéristiques sont insuffisantes pour assurer le succès d’implantation. Cette analyse d’implantation a également révélé que, même si le processus d’implantation ne suit pas des étapes formelles, un plan de développement du SMP, la participation et l’engagement des décideurs ainsi que la désignation d’un responsable de projet ont tous facilité son implantation. Cependant, l’absence d’évaluation et de réflexion collective sur le processus d’implantation a limité le potentiel d’apprentissage organisationnel, un prérequis à l’amélioration de la performance. Quant au contexte externe, le soutien d’un organisme externe s’est avéré un facilitateur indispensable pour favoriser l’implantation de SMP par les organisations de réadaptation malgré l’absence de politiques et incitatifs gouvernementaux à cet effet. Cette étude contribue à accroître les connaissances sur les facteurs contextuels ainsi que sur leurs interactions dans l’utilisation d’innovations tels les SMP et confirme l’importance d’aborder l’analyse de l’implantation avec une perspective systémique.


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The number of students identified as having autism increased by 500% in the past 10 years (United States Government Accountability Office, 2005). All students with disabilities are required to be placed in least restrictive environments and to be given access to the general curriculum in the major subjects of math, reading, writing, and science as mandated by federal legislation such as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA, 2004) and No Child Left Behind (NCLB, 2001). As a result of this legislation, an increasing number of students with autism are being educated in inclusive classrooms. Most studies on general education access and curriculum modifications and/or instructional accommodations center on students with intellectual disabilities (e.g. Soukup, Wehmeyer, Bashinski, & Boviard, 2007; Wehmeyer, Lattin, Lapp-Rincker, & Agran, 2003). Wehmeyer et al. (2003) and Soukup et al. (2007) found included students with intellectual disabilities had more access to the general curriculum than mostly self-contained students. This meant included students were more likely to be working on the general curriculum as mandated by NCLB than those in only self-contained classrooms. This study builds and expands the research of Wehmeyer et al., as well as Soukup et al., by examining how students with autism are given access to the general curriculum through curriculum modifications and instructional accommodations used by general education teachers in three schools. This investigation focused on nine inclusive classrooms for students with autism using a parallel mixed methods design (Newman, Newman, & Newman, 2011). Classroom observations using both an IEP related checklist and field notes, teacher interviews, an archival document review of the Individual Education Plan (IEP) for the selected students with autism were performed. Findings of this study were organized by interview questions and subsequent coding categories. Quantitative data were organized in a nominal scale. Participants asserted that their middle school students with autism functioned well in their classrooms, occasionally exhibiting behavioral differences. Most instructional accommodations on IEPs were being implemented by participants, and participants often provided additional instructional accommodations not mandated by the IEP. The majority of participants credited county workshops for their knowledge of instructional accommodations.


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La présente thèse vise à évaluer le degré d’implantation et d’utilisation de systèmes de mesure de la performance (SMP) par les décideurs des organisations de réadaptation et à comprendre les facteurs contextuels ayant influencé leur implantation. Pour ce faire, une étude de cas multiples a été réalisée comprenant deux sources de données: des entrevues individuelles avec des cadres supérieurs des organisations de réadaptation du Québec et des documents organisationnels. Le cadre conceptuel Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research a été utilisé pour guider la collecte et l’analyse des données. Une analyse intra-cas ainsi qu’une analyse inter-cas ont été réalisées. Nos résultats montrent que le niveau de préparation organisationnelle à l’implantation d’un SMP était élevé et que les SMP ont été implantés avec succès et utilisés de plusieurs façons. Les organisations les ont utilisés de façon passive (comme outil d’information), de façon ciblée (pour tenter d’améliorer des domaines sous-performants) et de façon politique (comme outil de négociation auprès des autorités gouvernementales). Cette utilisation diversifiée des SMP est suscitée par l’interaction complexe de facteurs provenant du contexte interne propre à chaque organisation, des caractéristiques du SMP, du processus d’implantation appliqué et du contexte externe dans lequel évoluent ces organisations. Au niveau du contexte interne, l’engagement continu et le leadership de la haute direction ont été décisifs dans l’implantation du SMP de par leur influence sur l’identification du besoin d’un SMP, l’engagement des utilisateurs visés dans le projet, la priorité organisationnelle accordée au SMP ainsi que les ressources octroyées à son implantation, la qualité des communications et le climat d’apprentissage organisationnel. Toutefois, même si certains de ces facteurs, comme les ressources octroyées à l’implantation, la priorité organisationnelle du SMP et le climat d’apprentissage se sont révélés être des barrières à l’implantation, ultimement, ces barrières n’étaient pas suffisamment importantes pour entraver l’utilisation du SMP. Cette étude a également confirmé l’importance des caractéristiques du SMP, particulièrement la perception de qualité et d’utilité de l’information. Cependant, à elles seules, ces caractéristiques sont insuffisantes pour assurer le succès d’implantation. Cette analyse d’implantation a également révélé que, même si le processus d’implantation ne suit pas des étapes formelles, un plan de développement du SMP, la participation et l’engagement des décideurs ainsi que la désignation d’un responsable de projet ont tous facilité son implantation. Cependant, l’absence d’évaluation et de réflexion collective sur le processus d’implantation a limité le potentiel d’apprentissage organisationnel, un prérequis à l’amélioration de la performance. Quant au contexte externe, le soutien d’un organisme externe s’est avéré un facilitateur indispensable pour favoriser l’implantation de SMP par les organisations de réadaptation malgré l’absence de politiques et incitatifs gouvernementaux à cet effet. Cette étude contribue à accroître les connaissances sur les facteurs contextuels ainsi que sur leurs interactions dans l’utilisation d’innovations tels les SMP et confirme l’importance d’aborder l’analyse de l’implantation avec une perspective systémique.


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The article examines developments in the marketisation and privatisation of the English National Health Service, primarily since 1997. It explores the use of competition and contracting out in ancillary services and the levering into public services of private finance for capital developments through the Private Finance Initiative. A substantial part of the article examines the repeated restructuring of the health service as a market in clinical services, initially as an internal market but subsequently as a market increasing opened up to private sector involvement. Some of the implications of market processes for NHS staff and for increased privatisation are discussed. The article examines one episode of popular resistance to these developments, namely the movement of opposition to the 2011 health and social care legislative proposals. The article concludes with a discussion of the implications of these system reforms for the founding principles of the NHS and the sustainability of the service.


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Using two-year longitudinal data from a large sample of US employees from a service-related organization, the present study investigates the relative effects of three forms of pay-for-performance plans on employees’ job performance (incentive effects) and voluntary turnover (sorting effects). The study differentiates between three forms of pay: merit pay, individual-based bonuses, and long-term incentives. By definition, these PFP plans have different structural elements that distinguish them from each other (i.e., pay plan form) and different characteristics (functionality), such as the degree to which pay and performance are linked and the size of the rewards, which can vary both within and across plan types. Our results provide evidence that merit raises have larger incentive and sorting effects than bonuses and long-term incentives in multi-PFP plan environments where the three PFP plans are operating simultaneously. Only merit pay has both incentive and sorting effects among the three PFP plans. The implications for the PFP-related theory, as well as for the design and implementation of PFP plans, are discussed.