153 resultados para Indenter


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En los últimos años, y asociado al desarrollo de la tecnología MEMS, la técnica de indentación instrumentada se ha convertido en un método de ensayo no destructivo ampliamente utilizado para hallar las características elástico-plásticas de recubrimientos y capas delgadas, desde la escala macroscópica a la microscópica. Sin embargo, debido al complejo mecanismo de contacto debajo de la indentación, es urgente proponer un método más simple y conveniente para obtener unos resultados comparables con otras mediciones tradicionales. En este estudio, el objetivo es mejorar el procedimiento analítico para extraer las propiedades elástico-plásticas del material mediante la técnica de indentación instrumentada. La primera parte se centra en la metodología llevada a cabo para medir las propiedades elásticas de los materiales elásticos, presentándose una nueva metodología de indentación, basada en la evolución de la rigidez de contacto y en la curva fuerza-desplazamiento del ensayo de indentación. El método propuesto permite discriminar los valores de indentación experimental que pudieran estar afectados por el redondeo de la punta del indentador. Además, esta técnica parece ser robusta y permite obtener valores fiables del modulo elástico. La segunda parte se centra en el proceso analítico para determinar la curva tensión-deformación a partir del ensayo de indentación, empleando un indentador esférico. Para poder asemejar la curva tension-deformación de indentación con la que se obtendría de un ensayo de tracción, Tabor determinó empíricamente un factor de constricción de la tensión () y un factor de constricción de la deformación (). Sin embargo, la elección del valor de y  necesitan una derivación analítica. Se describió analíticamente una nueva visión de la relación entre los factores de constricción de tensión y la deformación basado en la deducción de la ecuación de Tabor. Un modelo de elementos finitos y un diseño experimental se realizan para evaluar estos factores de constricción. A partir de los resultados obtenidos, las curvas tension-deformación extraidas de los ensayos de indentación esférica, afectadas por los correspondientes factores de constricción de tension y deformación, se ajustaron a la curva nominal tensión-deformación obtenida de ensayos de tracción convencionales. En la última parte, se estudian las propiedades del revestimiento de cermet Inconel 625-Cr3C2 que es depositado en el medio de una aleación de acero mediante un láser. Las propiedades mecánicas de la matriz de cermet son estudiadas mediante la técnica de indentación instrumentada, haciendo uso de las metodologías propuestas en el presente trabajo. In recent years, along with the development of MEMS technology, instrumented indentation, as one type of a non-destructive measurement technique, is widely used to characterize the elastic and plastic properties of metallic materials from the macro to the micro scale. However, due to the complex contact mechanisms under the indentation tip, it is necessary to propose a more convenient and simple method of instrumented indention to obtain comparable results from other conventional measurements. In this study, the aim is to improve the analytical procedure for extracting the elastic plastic properties of metallic materials by instrumented indentation. The first part focuses on the methodology for measuring the elastic properties of metallic materials. An alternative instrumented indentation methodology is presented. Based on the evolution of the contact stiffness and indentation load versus the depth of penetration, the possibility of obtaining the actual elastic modulus of an elastic-plastic bulk material through instrumented sharp indentation tests has been explored. The proposed methodology allows correcting the effect of the rounding of the indenter tip on the experimental indentation data. Additionally, this technique does not seem too sensitive to the pile-up phenomenon and allows obtaining convincing values of the elastic modulus. In the second part, an analytical procedure is proposed to determine the representative stress-strain curve from the spherical indentation. Tabor has determined the stress constraint factor (stress CF), and strain constraint factor (strain CF), empirically but the choice of a value for and is debatable and lacks analytical derivation. A new insight into the relationship between stress and strain constraint factors is analytically described based on the formulation of Tabor’s equation. Finite element model and experimental tests have been carried out to evaluate these constraint factors. From the results, representative stress-strain curves using the proposed strain constraint factor fit better with the nominal stress-strain curve than those using Tabor’s constraint factors. In the last part, the mechanical properties of an Inconel 625-Cr3C2 cermet coating which is deposited onto a medium alloy steel by laser cladding has been studied. The elastic and plastic mechanical properties of the cermet matrix are studied using depth-sensing indentation (DSI) on the micro scale.


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Uma parte significativa das perdas por atrito num motor automotivo resulta da ação de partículas abrasivas. Dentre as fontes possíveis, podem ser citados o próprio meio ambiente - partículas que passam pelo filtro de ar - o desgaste de partes metálicas do motor ou mesmo resíduos de combustão. Essas partículas podem ficar encrustadas em anéis do pistão, ou ficar na interface entre pistão e bloco ou camisa, e são responsáveis por sulcos axiais, na direção do movimento do pistão, observáveis em motores usados. O objetivo deste trabalho foi obter um melhor entendimento dos mecanismos de desgaste relacionados com o sulcamento de camisa/bloco e identificar conjuntos de testes laboratoriais capazes de reproduzi-los sob condições controladas. Amostras de ferro fundido cinzento (FoFo) e de aço AISI 1070 com dureza de matriz próxima daquela encontrada em FoFo (?200HV30) foram submetidas a ensaios de riscamento em tribômetros. Verificou-se que riscos executados com um endentador cônico submetido a cargas na faixa de 20 a 50 mN eram similares aos sulcos observados em camisas ou blocos. Ensaios com outros materiais, como alumínio e latão e mesmo aço de diferentes durezas contribuíram para melhorar o entendimento dos resultados. Não foi observada transição brusca entre mecanismos de abrasão. O cálculo do fator de remoção de material, fab, a partir de perfilometria óptica resultou em valores com dispersão elevada; não foi possível associa-los aos diferentes mecanismos de abrasão observados. Valores obtidos para o coeficiente de atrito no riscamento permitiram fazer uma estimativa inicial de energia gasta nos processos abrasivos do motor.


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The geological overview map was compiled from 15 geological maps (1 : 25,000) and is based on Jacobs et al. 1996. The topographic basemaps were adapted from unpublished 1:250,000 provisional topographic maps, Institut f. Angewandte Geodäsie, Frankfurt, 1983. Part of the contour lines are from Radarsat (Liu et al. 2001).


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Different amorphous structures have been induced in monocrystalline silicon by high pressure in indentation and polishing. Through the use of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and nanodiffraction, it was found that the structures of amorphous silicon formed at slow and fast loading/unloading rates are dissimilar and inherit the nearest-neighbor distance of the crystal in which they are formed. The results are in good agreement with recent theoretical predictions. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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Performance prediction models for partial face mechanical excavators, when developed in laboratory conditions, depend on relating the results of a set of rock property tests and indices to specific cutting energy (SE) for various rock types. There exist some studies in the literature aiming to correlate the geotechnical properties of intact rocks with the SE, especially for massive and widely jointed rock environments. However, those including direct and/or indirect measures of rock fracture parameters such as rock brittleness and fracture toughness, along with the other rock parameters expressing different aspects of rock behavior under drag tools (picks), are rather limited. With this study, it was aimed to investigate the relationships between the indirect measures of rock brittleness and fracture toughness and the SE depending on the results of a new and two previous linear rock cutting programmes. Relationships between the SE, rock strength parameters, and the rock index tests have also been investigated in this study. Sandstone samples taken from the different fields around Ankara, Turkey were used in the new testing programme. Detailed mineralogical analyses, petrographic studies, and rock mechanics and rock cutting tests were performed on these selected sandstone specimens. The assessment of rock cuttability was based on the SE. Three different brittleness indices (B1, B2, and B4) were calculated for sandstones samples, whereas a toughness index (T-i), being developed by Atkinson et al.(1), was employed to represent the indirect rock fracture toughness. The relationships between the SE and the large amounts of new data obtained from the mineralogical analyses, petrographic studies, rock mechanics, and linear rock cutting tests were evaluated by using bivariate correlation and curve fitting techniques, variance analysis, and Student's t-test. Rock cutting and rock property testing data that came from well-known studies of McFeat-Smith and Fowell(2) and Roxborough and Philips(3) have also been employed in statistical analyses together with the new data. Laboratory tests and subsequent analyses revealed that there were close correlations between the SE and B4 whereas no statistically significant correlation has been found between the SE and T-i. Uniaxial compressive and Brazilian tensile strengths and Shore scleroscope hardness of sandstones also exhibited strong relationships with the SE. NCB cone indenter test had the greatest influence on the SE among the other engineering properties of rocks, confirming the previous studies in rock cutting and mechanical excavation. Therefore, it was recommended to employ easy-to-use index tests of NCB cone indenter and Shore scleroscope in the estimation of laboratory SE of sandstones ranging from very low to high strengths in the absence of a rock cutting rig to measure it until the easy-to-use universal measures of the rock brittleness and especially the rock fracture toughness, being an intrinsic rock property, are developed.


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Experiments were conducted in annealed iridium using pyramidal and spherical indenters over a wide range of load. For a Berkovich pyramidal indenter, the hardness increased with decreasing depth of penetration. However, for spherical indenters, hardness increased with decreasing sphere radius. Based on the number of geometrically necessary dislocations generated during indentation, a theory that takes into account the work hardening differences between pyramidal and spherical indenters is developed to correlate the indentation size effects measured with the two indenters. The experimental results verify the theoretical correlation.


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Experimental results are presented which show that the indentation size effect for pyramidal and spherical indenters can be correlated. For a pyramidal indenter, the hardness measured in crystalline materials usually increases with decreasing depth of penetration, which is known as the indentation size effect. Spherical indentation also shows an indentation size effect. However, for a spherical indenter, hardness is not affected by depth, but increases with decreasing sphere radius. The correlation for pyramidal and spherical indenter shapes is based on geometrically necessary dislocations and work-hardening. The Nix and Gao indentation size effect model (J. Mech. Phys. Solids 46 (1998) 411) for conical indenters is extended to indenters of various shapes and compared to the experimental results. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Indentation of ceramic materials with smooth indenters such as parabolae of revolution and spheres can be conducted in the elastic regime to relatively high loads. Ceramic single crystals thus provide excellent calibration media for load-and depth-sensing indentation testing; however, they are generally anisotropic and a complete elastic analysis is cumbersome. This study presents a simplified procedure for the determination of the stiffness of contact for the indentation of an anisotropic half-space by a rigid frictionless parabola of revolution which, to first order, approximates spherical indentation. Using a similar approach, a new procedure is developed for analysing conical indentation of anisotropic elastic media. For both indenter shapes, the contact is found to be elliptical, and equations are determined for the size, shape and orientation of the ellipse and the indentation modulus.


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Nanoindentation has become a common technique for measuring the hardness and elastic-plastic properties of materials, including coatings and thin films. In recent years, different nanoindenter instruments have been commercialised and used for this purpose. Each instrument is equipped with its own analysis software for the derivation of the hardness and reduced Young's modulus from the raw data. These data are mostly analysed through the Oliver and Pharr method. In all cases, the calibration of compliance and area function is mandatory. The present work illustrates and describes a calibration procedure and an approach to raw data analysis carried out for six different nanoindentation instruments through several round-robin experiments. Three different indenters were used, Berkovich, cube corner, spherical, and three standardised reference samples were chosen, hard fused quartz, soft polycarbonate, and sapphire. It was clearly shown that the use of these common procedures consistently limited the hardness and reduced the Young's modulus data spread compared to the same measurements performed using instrument-specific procedures. The following recommendations for nanoindentation calibration must be followed: (a) use only sharp indenters, (b) set an upper cut-off value for the penetration depth below which measurements must be considered unreliable, (c) perform nanoindentation measurements with limited thermal drift, (d) ensure that the load-displacement curves are as smooth as possible, (e) perform stiffness measurements specific to each instrument/indenter couple, (f) use Fq and Sa as calibration reference samples for stiffness and area function determination, (g) use a function, rather than a single value, for the stiffness and (h) adopt a unique protocol and software for raw data analysis in order to limit the data spread related to the instruments (i.e. the level of drift or noise, defects of a given probe) and to make the H and E r data intercomparable. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.


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Carbon thin films were synthesized using the original Thermionic Vacuum Arc (TVA) method. Mechanical properties were investigated using Micro Materials NanoTest 500 instrument using a NT Berkovich indenter. XPS provides a quantitative analysis of the surface composition and X-ray generated Auger electron spectroscopy (XAES) performed by Thermoelectron ESCALAB 250 revealed information about the sp3:sp2 ratio of the carbon bondings. Structure and morphology was studied by Transmission Electron Microscope CM120ST, providing information on the grain size distribution of the crystalline diamond structures. © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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Hydrogenated amorphous carbon films with diamond like structures have been formed on different substrates at very low energies and temperatures by a plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition process employing acetylene as the precursor gas. The plasma source was of a cascaded arc type with Ar as carrier gas. The films were grown at very high deposition rates. Deposition on Si, glass and plastic substrates has been studied and the films characterized in terms of sp3 content, roughness, hardness, adhesion and optical properties. Deposition rates up to 20 nm/s have been achieved at substrate temperatures below 100°C. The typical sp3 content of 60-75% in the films was determined by X-ray generated Auger electron spectroscopy. Hardness, reduced modulus and adhesion were measured using a MicroMaterials Nano Test Indenter/Scratch tester. Hardness was found to vary from 4 to 13 GPa depending on deposition conditions. Adhesion was significantly influenced by the substrate temperature and in situ DC cleaning. Hydrogen content in the film was measured by a combination of the Fourier transform infrared and Rutherford backscattering techniques. Advantages of these films are: low ion energy and deposition temperature, very high deposition rates, low capital cost of the equipment and the possibility of film properties being tailored according to the desired application.


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Advances in multiscale material modeling of structural concrete have created an upsurge of interest in the accurate evaluation of mechanical properties and volume fractions of its nano constituents. The task is accomplished by analyzing the response of a material to indentation, obtained as an outcome of a nanoindentation experiment, using a procedure called the Oliver and Pharr (OP) method. Despite its widespread use, the accuracy of this method is often questioned when it is applied to the data from heterogeneous materials or from the materials that show pile-up and sink-in during indentation, which necessitates the development of an alternative method. ^ In this study, a model is developed within the framework defined by contact mechanics to compute the nanomechanical properties of a material from its indentation response. Unlike the OP method, indentation energies are employed in the form of dimensionless constants to evaluate model parameters. Analysis of the load-displacement data pertaining to a wide range of materials revealed that the energy constants may be used to determine the indenter tip bluntness, hardness and initial unloading stiffness of the material. The proposed model has two main advantages: (1) it does not require the computation of the contact area, a source of error in the existing method; and (2) it incorporates the effect of peak indentation load, dwelling period and indenter tip bluntness on the measured mechanical properties explicitly. ^ Indentation tests are also carried out on samples from cement paste to validate the energy based model developed herein by determining the elastic modulus and hardness of different phases of the paste. As a consequence, it has been found that the model computes the mechanical properties in close agreement with that obtained by the OP method; a discrepancy, though insignificant, is observed more in the case of C-S-H than in the anhydrous phase. Nevertheless, the proposed method is computationally efficient, and thus it is highly suitable when the grid indentation technique is required to be performed. In addition, several empirical relations are developed that are found to be crucial in understanding the nanomechanical behavior of cementitious materials.^


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In recent decades, changes in the surface properties of materials have been used to improve their tribological characteristics. However, this improvement depends on the process, treatment time and, primarily, the thickness of this surface film layer. Physical vapor deposition (PVD) of titanium nitrate (TiN) has been used to increase the surface hardness of metallic materials. Thus, the aim of the present study was to propose a numerical-experimental method to assess the film thickness (l) of TiN deposited by PVD. To reach this objective, experimental results of hardness (H) assays were combined with a numerical simulation to study the behavior of this property as a function of maximum penetration depth of the indenter (hmax) into the film/substrate conjugate. Two methodologies were adopted to determine film thickness. The first consists of the numerical results of the H x hmax curve with the experimental curve obtained by the instrumental indentation test. This methodology was used successfully in a TiN-coated titanium (Ti) conjugate. A second strategy combined the numerical results of the Hv x hmax curve with Vickers experimental hardness data (Hv). This methodology was applied to a TiN-coated M2 tool steel conjugate. The mechanical properties of the materials studied were also determined in the present study. The thicknesses results obtained for the two conjugates were compatible with their experimental data.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the degree of conversion and hardness of different composite resins, photo-activated for 40 s with two different light guide tips, fiber optic and polymer. Methods: Five specimens were made for each group evaluated. The percentage of unreacted carbon double bonds (% C═C) was determined from the ratio of absorbance intensities of aliphatic C═C (peak at 1637 cm−1) against internal standard before and after curing of the specimen: aromatic C-C (peak at 1610 cm−1). The Vickers hardness measurements were performed in a universal testing machine. A 50 gf load was used and the indenter with a dwell time of 30 seconds. The degree of conversion and hardness mean values were analyzed separately by ANOVA and Tukey’s test, with a significance level set at 5%. Results: The mean values of degree of conversion for the polymer and fiber optic light guide tip were statistically different (P<.001). The hardness mean values were statistically different among the light guide tips (P<.001), but also there was difference between top and bottom surfaces (P<.001). Conclusions: The results showed that the resins photo-activated with the fiber optic light guide tip promoted higher values for degree of conversion and hardness.


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A large series of laboratory ice crushing experiments was performed to investigate the effects of external boundary condition and indenter contact geometry on ice load magnitude under crushing conditions. Four boundary conditions were considered: dry cases, submerged cases, and cases with the presence of snow and granular ice material on the indenter surface. Indenter geometries were a flat plate, wedge shaped indenter, (reverse) conical indenter, and spherical indenter. These were impacted with artificially produced ice specimens of conical shape with 20° and 30° cone angles. All indenter – ice combinations were tested in dry and submerged environments at 1 mm/s and 100 mm/s indentation rates. Additional tests with the flat indentation plate were conducted at 10 mm/s impact velocity and a subset of scenarios with snow and granular ice material was evaluated. The tests were performed using a material testing system (MTS) machine located inside a cold room at an ambient temperature of - 7°C. Data acquisition comprised time, vertical force, and displacement. In several tests with the flat plate and wedge shaped indenter, supplementary information on local pressure patterns and contact area were obtained using tactile pressure sensors. All tests were recorded with a high speed video camera and still photos were taken before and after each test. Thin sections were taken of some specimens as well. Ice loads were found to strongly depend on contact condition, interrelated with pre-existing confinement and indentation rate. Submergence yielded higher forces, especially at the high indentation rate. This was very evident for the flat indentation plate and spherical indenter, and with restrictions for the wedge shaped indenter. No indication was found for the conical indenter. For the conical indenter it was concluded that the structural restriction due to the indenter geometry was dominating. The working surface for the water to act was not sufficient to influence the failure processes and associated ice loads. The presence of snow and granular ice significantly increased the forces at the low indentation rate (with the flat indentation plate) that were higher compared to submerged cases and far above the dry contact condition. Contact area measurements revealed a correlation of higher forces with a concurrent increase in actual contact area that depended on the respective boundary condition. In submergence, ice debris constitution was changed; ice extrusion, as well as crack development and propagation were impeded. Snow and granular ice seemed to provide additional material sources for establishing larger contact areas. The dry contact condition generally had the smallest real contact area, as well as the lowest forces. The comparison of nominal and measured contact areas revealed distinct deviations. The incorporation of those differences in contact process pressures-area relationships indicated that the overall process pressure was not substantially affected by the increased loads.