974 resultados para Immuno-oncology
There is an increasing need for more accurate prognostic and predictive markers in veterinary oncology because of an increasing number of treatment options, the increased financial costs associated with treatment, and the emotional stress experienced by owners in association with the disease and its treatment. Numerous studies have evaluated potential prognostic and predictive markers for veterinary neoplastic diseases, but there are no established guidelines or standards for the conduct and reporting of prognostic studies in veterinary medicine. This lack of standardization has made the evaluation and comparison of studies difficult. Most important, translating these results to clinical applications is problematic. To address this issue, the American College of Veterinary Pathologists' Oncology Committee organized an initiative to establish guidelines for the conduct and reporting of prognostic studies in veterinary oncology. The goal of this initiative is to increase the quality and standardization of veterinary prognostic studies to facilitate independent evaluation, validation, comparison, and implementation of study results. This article represents a consensus statement on the conduct and reporting of prognostic studies in veterinary oncology from veterinary pathologists and oncologists from around the world. These guidelines should be considered a recommendation based on the current state of knowledge in the field, and they will need to be continually reevaluated and revised as the field of veterinary oncology continues to progress. As mentioned, these guidelines were developed through an initiative of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists' Oncology Committee, and they have been reviewed and endorsed by the World Small Animal Veterinary Association.
The objectives of this study were to assess the interrater reproducibility of the instrument to classify pediatric patients with cancer; verify the adequacy of the patient classification instrument for pediatric patients with cancer; and make a proposal for changing the instrument, thus allowing for the necessary adjustments for pediatric oncology patients. A total of 34 pediatric inpatients of a Cancer Hospital were evaluated by the teams of physicians, nurses and nursing technicians. The Kappa coefficient was used to rate the agreement between the scores, which revealed a moderate to high value in the objective classifications, and a low value in the subjective. In conclusion, the instrument is reliable and reproducible, however, it is suggested that to classify pediatric oncology patients, some items should be complemented in order to reach an outcome that is more compatible with the reality of this specific population.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Head and neck tumors are a major health concern worldwide, due to their high incidence and mortality rates, particularly in developing countries. In Brazil, this type of cancer is commonly diagnosed and studies suggested that it may be the leading cause of mortality in the country. The increase in life expectancy worldwide, as well as environmental and behavioral factors, are related to carcinogenesis. Therefore, an understanding of basic epidemiology and statistical methods is critical, in order to promote early diagnosis and cancer prevention. Cancer patients with an indication for prosthesis were selected from the medical records of the Oral Oncology Center, School of Dentistry, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Araçatuba, between 1991 and 2010. The following variables were recorded: gender, age, type and location of the lesion, radiation dose and dental prosthesis. The majority of the patients were male (74.15%) and >60 years of age (53.37%). Tumors were most commonly located in the floor of the mouth (11.1%) and squamous cell carcinoma was the most prevalent type (72.8%). This study provides the profiles of patients who attended the Oral Oncology Center and the results may aid in the creation of cancer prevention programs.
The objectives of this study were to assess the interrater reproducibility of the instrument to classify pediatric patients with cancer; verify the adequacy of the patient classification instrument for pediatric patients with cancer; and make a proposal for changing the instrument, thus allowing for the necessary adjustments for pediatric oncology patients. A total of 34 pediatric inpatients of a Cancer Hospital were evaluated by the teams of physicians, nurses and nursing technicians. The Kappa coefficient was used to rate the agreement between the scores, which revealed a moderate to high value in the objective classifications, and a low value in the subjective. In conclusion, the instrument is reliable and reproducible, however, it is suggested that to classify pediatric oncology patients, some items should be complemented in order to reach an outcome that is more compatible with the reality of this specific population.
I tumori macroscopici e microscopici, dopo la loro prima fase di crescita, sono composti da un numero medio elevato di cellule. Così, in assenza di perturbazioni esterne, la loro crescita e i punti di equilibrio possono essere descritti da equazioni differenziali. Tuttavia, il tumore interagisce fortemente col macroambiente che lo circonda e di conseguenza una descrizione del tutto deterministica risulta a volte inappropriata. In questo caso si può considerare l'interazione con fluttuazioni statistiche, causate da disturbi esterni, utilizzando le equazioni differenziali stocastiche (SDE). Questo è vero in modo particolare quando si cerca di modellizzare tumori altamente immunogenici che interagiscono con il sistema immunitario, in quanto la complessità di questa interazione risulta in fenomeni di multistabilità. Così, il rumore può provocare disturbi e indurre transizioni di stato (Noise-Induced-Transitions). E' importante notare che una NIT può avere implicazioni profonde sulla vita di un paziente, dal momento che una transizione da uno stato di equilibrio piccolo, nelle dimensioni del tumore, ad uno stato di equilibrio macroscopico, nella maggior parte dei casi significa il passaggio dalla vita alla morte. Generalmente l'approccio standard è quello di modellizzare le fluttuazioni stocastiche dei parametri per mezzo di rumore gaussiano bianco o colorato. In alcuni casi però questa procedura è altamente inadeguata, a causa della illimitatezza intrinseca dei rumori gaussiani che può portare a gravi incongruenze biologiche: pertanto devono essere utilizzati dei rumori "limitati", che, tuttavia, sono molto meno studiati di quelli gaussiani. Inoltre, l'insorgenza di NIT dipende dal tipo di rumore scelto, che rivela un nuovo livello di complessità in biologia. Lo scopo di questa tesi è quello di studiare le applicazioni di due tipi diversi di "rumori limitati" nelle transizioni indotte in due casi: interazione tra tumore e sistema immunitario e chemioterapia dei tumori. Nel primo caso, abbiamo anche introdotto un nuovo modello matematico di terapia, che estende, in modo nuovo, il noto modello di Norton-Simon.
Tumors involving bone and soft tissues are extremely challenging situations. With the recent advances of multi-modal treatment, not only the type of surgery has moved from amputation to limb-sparing procedures, but also the survivorship has improved considerably and reconstructive techniques have the goal to allow a considerably higher quality of life. In bone reconstruction, tissue engineering strategies are the main area of research. Re-vascularization and re-vitalisation of a massive allograft would considerably improve the outcome of biological reconstructions. Using a rabbit animal model, in this study we showed that, by implanting a vascular pedicle inside a weight bearing massive cortical allograft, the bone regeneration inside the allograft was higher compared to the non-vascularized implants, given the patency of the vascular pedicle. Improvement in the animal model and the addition of Stem Cells and Growth factors will allow a further improvement in the results. In soft tissue tumors, free and pedicled flaps have been proven to be of great help as reconstruction strategies. In this study we analyzed the functional and overall outcome of 14 patients who received a re-innervated vascularized flap. We have demonstrated that the use of the innovative technique of motor re-innervated muscular flaps is effective when the resection involves important functional compartments of the upper or lower limb, with no increase of post-operative complications. Although there was no direct comparison between this type of reconstruction and the standard non-innervated reconstruction, we underlined the remarkable high overall functional scores and patient satisfaction following this procedure.
Die Nuklearmedizin ist ein modernes und effektives Werkzeug zur Erkennung und Behandlung von onkologischen Erkrankungen. Molekulare Bildgebung, die auf dem Einsatz von Radiopharmaka basiert, beinhaltet die Einzel-Photonen-Emissions-Tomographie (SPECT) und Positronenemissions¬tomographie (PET) und ermöglicht die nicht-invasive Visualisierung von Tumoren auf nano-und picomolarer Ebene.rnDerzeit werden viele neue Tracer für die genauere Lokalisierung von kleinen Tumoren und Metastasen eingeführt und hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung untersucht. Die meisten von ihnen sind Protein-basierte Biomoleküle, die die Natur selbst als Antigene für die Tumorzellen produziert. Dabei spielen Antikörper und Antikörper-Fragmente eine wichtige Rolle in der Tumor-Diagnostik und Behandlung. Die PET-Bildgebung mit Antikörpern und Antikörperfragmenten bezeichnet man als immuno-PET. Ein wichtiger Aspekt hierbei ist, dass entsprechende Radiopharmaka benötigt werden, deren Halbwertszeit mit der Halbwertszeit der Biomoleküle korreliert ist.rnIn neueren Arbeiten wird 90Nb als potenzieller Kandidat für die Anwendung in der immuno-PET vorgeschlagen. Seine Halbwertszeit von 14,6 Stunden ist geeignet für die Anwendung mit Antikörperfragmenten und einige intakten Antikörpern. 90Nb hat eine relativ hohen Anteil an Positronenemission von 53% und eine optimale Energie für die β+-Emission von 0,35 MeV, die sowohl eine hohe Qualität der Bildgebung als auch eine niedrige Aktivitätsmenge des Radionuklids ermöglicht.rnErsten grundlegende Untersuchungen zeigten: i) dass 90Nb in ausreichender Menge und Reinheit durch Protonen-Bombardierung des natürlichen Zirkonium Targets produziert, ii) aus dem Targetmaterial in entsprechender radiochemischer Reinheit isoliert und iii) zur Markierung des monoklonalen Antikörpers (Rituximab) verwendet werden kann und iv) dieser 90Nb-markierte mAb eine hohe in vitro Stabilität besitzt. Desweiteren wurde eine alternative und schnelle Abtrennungsmethode entwickelt, die es erlaubt 90Nb, mit einer geeigneten radiochemischen und radionuklidischen Reinheit für eine anschließende Markierung von Biomolekülen in einer Stunde zu aufzureinigen. Schließlich wurden erstmals 90Nb-markierte Biomolekülen in vivo untersucht. Desweiteren wurden auch Experimente durchgeführt, um den optimalen bifunktionellen Chelatbildner (BFC) für 90Niob zu finden. Mehrere BFC wurden hinsichtlich Komplexbildung mit NbV untersucht. Desferrioxamin (Df) erwies sich als geeignetster Chelator für 90Nb. Der monoklonale Antikörper Bevacizumab (Avastin®) wurde mit 90Nb markiert und eine Biodistributionsstudie und eine PET-Untersuchung durchgeführt. Alle diese Ergebnisse zeigten, dass 90Nb ein vielversprechendes Radionuklid für die Immuno-PET ist, welches sogar für weitere kommerzielle Anwendungen in der klinischen Routine geeignet zu sein scheint.rn
Background: Communication in cancer care has become a major topic of interest. Since there is evidence that ineffective communication affects both patients and oncology clinicians (physicians and nurses), so-called communication skills trainings (CSTs) have been developed over the last decade. While these trainings have been demonstrated to be effective, there is an important heterogeneity with regard to implementation and with regard to evidence of different aspects of CST. Methods: In order to review and discuss the scientific literature on CST in oncology and to formulate recommendations, the Swiss Cancer League has organised a consensus meeting with European opinion leaders and experts in the field of CST, as well as oncology clinicians, representatives of oncology societies and patient organisations. On the basis of a systematic review and a meta-analysis, recommendations have been developed and agreed upon. Results: Recommendations address (i) the setting, objectives and participants of CST, (ii) its content and pedagogic tools, (iii) organisational aspects, (iv) outcome and (v) future directions and research. Conclusion: This consensus meeting, on the basis of European expert opinions and a systematic review and meta-analysis, defines key elements for the current provision and future development and evaluation of CST in oncology.