558 resultados para Ides, Evert Ysbrants.


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This study investigates the effects of trait anxiety on self-reported driving behaviours through its negative impacts on Central Executive functions. Following a self-report study that found trait anxiety to be significantly related to driving behaviours, the present study extended the predictions of Eysenck and Calvo’s Attentional Control Theory, proposing that anxiety affects driving behaviours, in particular driving lapses, through its impact across the Central Executive. Seventy-five Australian drivers participated in the study, completing the Parametric Go/No-Go and n-back tasks, as well as the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and the Driving Behaviour Questionnaire. While both trait anxiety and processing efficiency of the Central Executive was found to significantly predict driving lapses, trait anxiety remained a strong predictor of driving lapses after processing efficiency was controlled for. It is concluded that while processing efficiency of the central Executive is a key determinant of driving lapses, another Central Executive function that is closer to the driving lapses in the trait anxiety – driving lapses relationship may be needed. Suggestions regarding how to improve future trait anxiety – driving behaviours research are discussed.


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Objectives Self-regulation refers to the practice of using self-imposed restrictions to protect oneself from situations that are, or are perceived to be, unsafe. Within the driving context, self-regulation refers the compensatory practices that some older adults adopt to restrict their driving to situations in which they feel safe. However, the way in which demographic, functional, and psychosocial factors, and the interactions between these factors, influence older adults’ driving self-regulation is not well understood. Improving this understanding could lead to new ways of considering the mobility concerns faced by older drivers. Method A systematic review of the current literature was conducted to explore this issue. Twenty-nine empirical studies investigating the factors associated with older adults’ self-regulatory driving behaviors were examined. Results The review findings were used to construct the Multilevel Older Persons Transportation and Road Safety (MOTRS) model. The MOTRS model proposes that individual and environmental factors such as age, gender, and the availability of alternative transportation predict older adults’ practice of driving-related self-regulation. However, these variables influence self-regulation through psychosocial variables such as driving confidence, affective attitude, and instrumental attitude toward driving. Discussions The MOTRS model extends previous attempts to model older adults’ driving by focusing on a novel target, driving self-regulation, and by including a wider range of predictors identified on the basis of the systematic literature review. This focus enables consideration of broader mobility issues and may inform new strategies to support the mobility of older adults.


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Preputial prolapse is an obvious condition affecting bulls from many breeds. Unfortunately, the losses in production and welfare concerns associated with preputial prolapse can remain undetected for long periods of time in the extensive beef areas of northern Australia where the bulls are not inspected regularly. Thus, there is a critical need to identify the structural factors predisposing to preputial prolapse in young bulls so that they can be culled early. Despite there being no firm scientific evidence of an association between preputial eversion and preputial prolapse, it seems logical that the increased exposure of the sensitive prepuce as a consequence of preputial eversion may increase the risk of bulls developing preputial pathology, in particular preputial prolapse. This may be particularly relevant in Bos indicus bulls as they have a more pendulous sheath and thus eversion of the prepuce may be associated with a greater risk of injury to the prepuce compared to that in Bos taurus bulls. Further, studies of preputial eversion in Bos taurus bulls have concluded that there is an association between polledness and increased prevalence and severity (length of everted prepuce and duration of eversion) of preputial eversion due primarily to the absence or poor development of the caudal preputial muscles. No similar definitive work in Bos indicus bulls has been conducted and thus anatomical studies reported in this thesis were conducted to determine if a similar association occurred in Bos indicus bulls. A survey of a sample of large beef breeding herds in northern Australia found that preputial prolapse is a significant problem in Bos indicus and Bos indicus derived bulls and affected both young and older bulls. The importance of preputial prolapse confirmed the value of further research into the causes of this problem. A series of anatomical studies confirmed that preputial eversion in Bos indicus derived bulls was not more prevalent in polled bulls than horned bulls and was not associated with deficiency of the caudal preputial muscles as was established in Bos taurus bulls. An anatomical study of Bos indicus derived bulls with preputial prolapse found that preputial prolapse occurred in horned bulls of varying ages and these bulls did not have any evidence of deficiency in the caudal preputial muscles. However, preputial prolapse was observed in young polled bulls that had poorly developed or absent caudal preputial muscles. It was concluded that deficiency of the caudal preputial muscles in polled Bos indicus derived bulls may predispose to preputial prolapse at an early age, but no predisposing anatomical factors were found for horned Bos indicus derived bulls. In these studies, preputial eversion and preputial prolapse were found in horned Bos indicus derived bulls that did not have any preputial muscle deficiency and it was noted that preputial eversion was not related to the length of the prepuce. Further studies confirmed that preputial eversion was linearly and consistently associated with position of the glans penis within the sheath in Bos indicus derived bulls, and movement of the glans penis towards the preputial orifice consistently resulted in preputial eversion in these bulls. A method to objectively measure the relationship between movement of the glans penis within the sheath and preputial eversion was developed. Studies in humans have linked function of some abdominal muscles to function of the pelvic organs. This relationship was investigated in Bos indicus derived bulls to determine whether the function of specific abdominal muscles affected position of the penis in the sheath. Using the method developed to objectively measure the relationship between penis movement and preputial eversion, the abdominal muscles that potentially were associated with movement of the glans penis or preputial eversion were examined but no significant relationships were observed. In the anatomical study of Bos indicus derived bulls not affected with preputial prolapse a more pendulous sheath was associated with increased prevalence of preputial eversion. This relationship was confirmed for horned and polled bulls in the penis movement studies. Bos indicus derived bulls with more pendulous sheaths evert their prepuces more than bulls with less pendulous sheaths thus increasing the risk of damage to the prepuce either from the environment, other bulls, or from them inadvertently stepping on the everted prepuce when they get to their feet. Culling Bos indicus derived bulls with more pendulous sheaths should reduce the incidence of preputial eversion and possibly preputial prolapse. The anatomical study of Bos indicus derived bulls that did not have preputial prolapse demonstrates that there are herds of bulls where the polled bulls do not have any evidence of deficiency of the caudal preputial iv muscles. There is a need to develop a practical and cost effective test to identify polled Bos indicus bulls that have a deficiency in their caudal preputial muscles.


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Gender perceptions, religious belief systems, and political thought have excluded women from politics, for ages, around the world. Combining feminist and modernisation theorists in my theoretical framework, I examine the trends in patriarchal Europe and I highlight the gender-sensitive model of the Nordic countries. Retracing local gender patterns from precolonial to postcolonial eras in sub-Saharan Africa, I explore the links between perceptions, needs, resources, education and women's political participation in Cameroon. Democratisation is supposed to open up political participation, to grant equal opportunities to all adults. One ironic feature of the liberalisation process in Cameroon has been the decrease of women in parliamentarian representation (14% in 1988, 6% in 1992, 5% in 1997 and 10% in 2002). What social, cultural and institutional mechanisms produced this paradoxical outcome, the exclusion of half the population? The gender complementarity of the indigenous context has been lost to male prevalence privileged by education, church, law, employment, economy and politics in the public sphere; most women are marginalised in the private sphere. Nation building and development have failed; ethnicism and individualism are growing. Some hope lies in the growing civil society. From two surveys and 21 focus groups across Cameroon, in 2000 and 2002, some significant results of the processed empirical data reveal low electoral registration (34.5% women and 65.9% men), contrasted by the willingness to run for municipal elections (33.3 % women and 45.2% men). The co-existence of customary and statutory laws, the corrupt political system and fraudulent practices, contribute to the marginalisation of women and men who are interested in politics. A large majority of female respondents consider female politicians more trustworthy and capable than their male counterparts; they even foresee the appointment of a female Prime Minister. The Nordic countries have institutionalised gender equality in their legislation, policies and practices. France has improved women's political inclusion with the parity laws; Rwanda is another model of women's representation, thanks to its post-conflict constitution. From my analysis, Cameroonian institutions, men and more so women, may learn and borrow from these experiences, in order to design and implement a sustainable and gender-balanced democracy. Keywords: democratisation, politics, gender equality, feminism, citizenship, Cameroon, Nordic countries, Finland, France, United Kingdom, quotas, societal social psychology.


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Relying on Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology of perception and on Mircea Eliade's works on the Sacred and the Profane, this study explores the river as a perceptual space and as the sacred Center in a cosmic vision of the world in twelve of Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio's fictional works, from The Interrogation (1963) to Revolutions (2003). In the first chapter, after introducing the field of study, I discuss the relation between the radical subjectivity and the evasiveness of perceiving subjects in Le Clézio's fiction. Next are some thoughts on the relation between Merleau-Ponty's and Le Clézio's ideas. The second chapter studies the river as an experience in the text, first as a topographical space, then as a sound world. The investigations move on to its water as a visual and a tactile phenomenon. Then follows the human use of the river, the (absence of) baths, and the river as a traveling space. The chapter closes with the study of the metaphorical use of the word, occurring mainly in urban space and for phenomena in the sky. The third chapter is organized around the river as the Center of the world in a religious cosmogony, where the river represents the origin of the world and of the human race. The core analysis shows how the middle of the river is a symbolic space of a new beginning. As a sacred space, the river abolishes time as the object of contemplation and as relative immobility from the point of view of a person drifting downstream. The functions of a new beginning and of abolition of time are combined in the symbolic immersions in the water. Finally, the dissertation explores other symbolical spaces, such as the unknown destination of the drift, and the river as the Center of a utopia. The chapter closes with the existential agony as a result of the elimination of the Center in the urban environment. In the final chapter, the river is compared to other watercourses : the creek, the brook and the rapids. The river is more of a spatial entity, whereas the actual water is more important in the smaller watercourses. The river is more common than the other watercourses as a topographical element in the landscape, whereas the minor watercourses invite the characters to a closer contact with their element, in immersions and in drinking their water. Finally, the work situates the rivers in a broader context of different fictional spaces in Le Clézio's text.


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This monograph describes the emergence of independent research on logic in Finland. The emphasis is placed on three well-known students of Eino Kaila: Georg Henrik von Wright (1916-2003), Erik Stenius (1911-1990), and Oiva Ketonen (1913-2000), and their research between the early 1930s and the early 1950s. The early academic work of these scholars laid the foundations for today's strong tradition in logic in Finland and also became internationally recognized. However, due attention has not been given to these works later, nor have they been comprehensively presented together. Each chapter of the book focuses on the life and work of one of Kaila's aforementioned students, with a fourth chapter discussing works on logic by authors who would later become known within other disciplines. Through an extensive use of correspondence and other archived material, some insight has been gained into the persons behind the academic personae. Unique and unpublished biographical material has been available for this task. The chapter on Oiva Ketonen focuses primarily on his work on what is today known as proof theory, especially on his proof theoretical system with invertible rules that permits a terminating root-first proof search. The independency of the parallel postulate is proved as an example of the strength of root-first proof search. Ketonen was to our knowledge Gerhard Gentzen's (the 'father' of proof theory) only student. Correspondence and a hitherto unavailable autobiographic manuscript, in addition to an unpublished article on the relationship between logic and epistemology, is presented. The chapter on Erik Stenius discusses his work on paradoxes and set theory, more specifically on how a rigid theory of definitions is employed to avoid these paradoxes. A presentation by Paul Bernays on Stenius' attempt at a proof of the consistency of arithmetic is reconstructed based on Bernays' lecture notes. Stenius correspondence with Paul Bernays, Evert Beth, and Georg Kreisel is discussed. The chapter on Georg Henrik von Wright presents his early work on probability and epistemology, along with his later work on modal logic that made him internationally famous. Correspondence from various archives (especially with Kaila and Charlie Dunbar Broad) further discusses his academic achievements and his experiences during the challenging circumstances of the 1940s.


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Interaction of CO with Cu clusters deposited on a ZnO(0001) crystal and on ZnO/Zn surfaces (prepared in the electron spectrometer) has been examined by UV and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The interaction is stronger with the small Cu clusters deposited on ZnO/Zn surfaces. Interaction of CO is evert stronger with annealed Cu/ZnO/Zn surfaces where Cu-Zn alloy particles are present. Copyright (C) 1996 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd


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Se almacenó semilla de cebolla (Allium cepa L.) variedad "Sebaqueña" mejorada con el objetivo de determinar el efecto de tres condiciones ambientales (Cuarto Frío, Sébaco y Managua) y tres tipos de envases (lata hermética, lata semi-hermética y sacos de algodón) sobre la viabilidad de la semilla, así como el período en el que la calidad de la semilla se mantendrá agronómicamente aceptable. Durante el período de almacenamiento se llevaron registros de los factores ambientales (Temperatura y humedad relativa), al igual, se efectuaron pruebas de vigor y germinación en laboratorio en laboratorio. Se determinó que la alta humedad relativa (73%) en el ambiente de Cuarto Frío provocaron el deterioro rápido de las semillas en envases abiertos y las altas temperaturas (34°c) y elevada humedad relativa (75%) en el ambiente de Managua. Se observó que el ambiente que presentó mejores condiciones para el almacenamiento de las semillas fue Sébaco con temperaturas promedio de 27° C y humedad relativa media de 67% durante el período de almacenamiento; además, se observó que en envase hermético se conserva mejor el vigor y la viabilidad de la semilla en las tres condiciones ambientales establecidas teniendo un promedio de germinación mayor de 75% a los meses después de iniciado el almacenamiento en los envases.


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Este experimento fue establecido en la finca las Lajas ubicada en el municipio de Malacatoya, departamento de Granada. La zona del ensayo se encuentra localizada a los 12° 04' 40" de latitud Norte y 86° 01'55" Oeste, a una altura de 30 msnm. El trabajo de campo estuvo comprendido entre el 4 de agosto hasta el 3 de diciembre de 1998. En el ensayo se evaluó: Características fenotípicas y genotípicas de las líneas y variedades de arroz (Oryza sativa L.) y adaptabilidad de trece líneas promisorias de arroz procedentes del CIAT, con tres variedades comerciales procedentes de Colombia, Nicaragua y Taiwán. Estas variedades son Oryzica Llanos-4, INTA N-1 Taichung sen-10 respectivamente. Se utilizó el diseño experimental de Bloques Completos al Azar (B.C.A) con trece tratamientos y seis repeticiones. Se evaluaron quince variables estas son las siguientes: Vigor, altura de planta, habilidad de macollamiento, floración, senescencia, acame, exerción de la panícula, desgrane, aceptabilidad fenotípica, longitud de la panícula, número de granos por panícula, fertilidad de las espiguillas, peso de 1 000 granos, rendimiento en grano y calidad industrial. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos en las evaluaciones de los componentes de rendimiento, características agronómicas y calidad industrial se procedió a seleccionar 3 líneas con buen potencial de rendimiento y buenas características agronómicas. Estas líneas son las siguientes: CT-8553-31-MI-MC, CT-8008-16-3 y CT-8008-1S-29-1P con rendimientos de 7 012.5, 6 650 y 6 502 kg/ha respectivamente. Además en la calidad industrial en el rendimiento de pilada (arroz integral) obtuvieron 76, 74.1 y 75.4 por ciento respectivamente. En el índice de pilada (grano entero pulido) presentaron un 82, 83.5 y 82.5 por ciento respectivamente.


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El trabajo se realizó en el periodo comprendido entre Julio y Octubre de 1995, en la Estación Experimental del Valle de Sébaco, Matagalpa. Se evaluaron tres densidades de siembra y tres tipos de tutores en el cultivo de tomate (Lycopersicon esculetum Mill),para el consumo fresco, con el objetivo de determinar el efecto de las diferentes distancias de siembra y tutores el crecimiento, desarrollo y rendimiento. El diseño utilizado filé una parcela dividida en B.C.A con nueve tratamientos y cuatro repeticiones establecidos en camellones. El análisis estadístico realizado a las variables evaluadas demostró que la mayoría de ellas presentaron diferencias significativas entre si. En cuanto a crecimiento y desarrollo, la mayor altura y diámetro, la presentó la densidad de 25 000 plantas sin embargo para el número de racimos la obtuvo la densidad de 20 000 plantas, por otro lado en cuanto al tutor, el mayor valor tanto en altura como en diámetro, fué obtenido por el tutor de espaldera de un solo alambre en cambio para el número de racimos fué el tutor de caballete. Respecto a los rendimientos comerciales, la densidad de siembra que produjo los mejores rendimientos, fué la densidad de 25 000 plantas con 5.28 t/ha y para tutores con 6.02 ti ha obtenido por el tutor de caballete, las mayores pérdidas en cuanto a frutos no comerciales la presentó la densidad de 33 750 plantas con 27.43 t/ha, respecto a tutor con 24.83 t/ha fué obtenida por el tutor de caballete. La correlación realizada entre los componentes de crecimiento, desarrollo y rendimiento, presentaron correlaciones positivas entre la mayoría de las variables evaluadas a excepción de altura de planta.


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Los policultivos son asocios que permiten en los agroecosistemas que los insectos plagas y benéficos se estabilicen. En Nicaragua no existen mucha información sobre los efectos de los policultivos sobre los insectos y las bondades que ellos ofrecen. Con el objetivo de generar información para los productores se realizó una investigación donde se comparò el efecto que tienen la asociación de cultivos sobre la entomofauna benéfica y no-benéfica. El estudio se realizó en la finca, Jarrón Azul, ubicada en la comarca de Santa Rica Municipio de Niquinohomo departamento de Masaya . Este trabajo se realizó de Mayo a Octubre del 2005. Para desarrollar la investigación se seleccionó una finca representativa de un productor, en donde se seleccionaron seis parcelas de 12x15m 2 cada una, las seis parcelas se dividieron en dos grupos, tres parcelas se sembraron con monocultivos (Fríjol, Tomate y Pipian) y tres parcelas se arreglaron en forma de policultivo (Fríjol, Tomate y Pipian), para realizar los muestreos en cada parcela se tomaron al azar cinco estaciones, cada estación estaba compuesta por 10 plantas, en cada estación se tomaron semanalmente las variables: número de plantas por estación, plantas sanas, insectos plagas y benéficos por planta. Al finalizar este trabajo se describió la ocurrencia poblacional de insectos plagas presentes en arreglos de policultivos y monocultivos tales como: Moscas Blancas, Diabroticas, Afidos, Melittias y Diaphania nitidalis, también se describió la ocurrencia poblacional de benéficos presentes en las parcelas de policultivos y monocultivos, los artrópodos mas comunes encontrados fueron: Arañas, Hormigas y abejas. En general se observò una tendencia de mayor ocurrencia de insectos plagas en monocultivo que en policultivo y además se encontró una tendencia de mayor nùmero de artrópodos benéficos en policultivo que en monocultivo.


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El presente estudio se realizó en el municipio d e Tisma, Masaya y en el Centro de Experimentación y Validación de T ecnología ( CEVT ) Las Mercedes, UNA, con el objetivo de generar información sobre el comportamiento agronómico de 12 cul tivares de tomate ( Lycopersicum esculentum Mill) producidos en condiciones de campo abierto y de casa malla. El diseño experimental utilizado en Tisma fue un ensayo preliminar sin replica, en casa malla el diseño experimental utilizado fue un Látice rectangular 3x4 con dos replicas . Los datos en Tisma se analizaron a través de la obtención de medias, desviación estándar, y rendimientos relativos, en casa malla fueron evaluados a través del análisis de varianza ANDEVA y DMS u tilizado el programa SAS, 2003, V. 9.1 . Se registró la información de diez variables basada s en el comportamiento agronómico , siete cuantitativas y tres cualitativa . Los cultivares en las condiciones de casa malla mostraron diferencia significativa con respecto a las variables evaluadas, mientras que en las condiciones de campo en Tisma los cultivares presentaron diferentes medias y desviaciones estándar. Los cultivares AVTO1004 y AVTO1023 mostraron mejores re ndimientos en las condiciones de Tisma respecto al cultivar Shanty; en cambio en casa malla los cultivares Shanty, CLN3125L, AVTO 1032 , AVTO1059 , AVTO1058, AVTO1078 y AVTO10 05 presentaron los mayores rendimientos.


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En los meses de Abril a Noviembre de 1989 se realizó una rotación de cultivos sorgo “Sorgo bicolor”, L Moench, S L, Variedades hibrido D-55 con soya (Glycine max) (L) Merr) variedad Tropical en la Hacienda “ as Mercedes, Managua; estudiándose seis diferentes tratamientos de control de malezas en sorgo con los objetivos de determinar la influencia de los diferentes métodos de control sobre el comportamiento de la cenosis; el crecimiento, desarrollo y rendimiento de la soya; los mejores resultados en control de malezas y favoreciendo el crecimiento y desarrollo del sorgo se presentaron en los tratamientos escarda manual y 0.75 1 Atrazina/ha en pre-emergencia más 1.0 1 MCPA/ha en post emergencia. En el cultivo de la soya encontrándose que no se presentó residual dad en ninguno de los tratamientos, sin embargo el mejor control de malezas se mostró en le tratamiento escarda manual. Las malezas más predominantes fueron Cyperus rotundus el cual fue mejor controlado por 1.2. MCPA/ha en post-emergencia y Rottboellia cochichinensis que fue mejor post-emergencia y Rottboellia cochichinensis que fue mejor controlada por el tratamiento escarda manual. La mayor altura de planta en sorgo se obtuvo en el tratamiento escarda manual. Respecto a los componentes del rendimiento se encontró diferencia significativa en número de ramillas por `panoja, número de semillas por panoja, peso de paja (Kg/ha) y rendimiento de grano (Kg/ha). No se determinó diferencia significativa en el número de individuos por M2, panojas por m2, longitud de panoja (cm) y diámetro de tallo (mm) . Los diferentes tratamientos en el sorgo como cultivo antecesor no influyeron en el crecimiento y rendimiento de la soya.


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Presentado en las II. Jornadas de Lingüística Vasco-Románica / Euskal-Erromantze Linguistika II. Jardunaldietan aurkeztua (Bilbo, 2007)


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O tema da exclusão social sempre esteve presente na Literatura Brasileira, porém, na virada do século XX para o XXI, ele ganha ainda mais relevo, através de narrativas realistas, chocantes, exacerbadas de violência e até anomia, que enfatizam a imagem dos excluídos. Cidade de Deus (Paulo Lins: 1997) e Meu nome não é Johnny (Guilherme Fiuza: 2004) focalizam a exclusão dos envolvidos com o narcotráfico. A despeito das diferenças entre as duas narrativas, os seus protagonistas entram em ação a partir da marginalidade; ganham autonomia, no cenário urbano, através da criminalidade, e se tornam ameaçadoramente visíveis, depois de uma histórica invisibilidade. O estudo das complexidades concernentes ao tratamento ficcional do tema se distribuiu, nessa dissertação, em três capítulos. No primeiro capítulo, as obras foram estudadas individualmente, em função da organização dos relatos no espaço narrativo. O segundo capítulo abordou a correlação entre geografia cultural e teoria da literatura, em suas considerações sobre a proeminência da categoria do espaço para o trabalho narratológico. Nessa perspectiva interdisciplinar, foram analisadas as paisagens ficcionais de ambos os romances e, em seguida, articulou-se o roteiro ficcional de cada romance com o pensamento de Foucault sobre os lugares heterotópicos. No terceiro capítulo, intertextualizando o binômio disciplinar geografia cultural e literatura com a filosofia, retroagiu-se aos filósofos idealistas alemães que teorizaram sobre o trágico e intuíram que a tragicidade não se manifesta apenas na tragédia, mas também em obras que lidam com a experiência do irrepresentável, da representação negativa e, em termos estéticos, do sublime. Conjugando as idéias de Hölderlin sobre o vislumbre do divino, de Schopenhauer sobre a metafísica da música, e de Nietzsche sobre a correlação entre o apolíneo e o dionisíaco, tragédia e música, chegou-se à conclusão de que ambas as narrativas incorporam produtivamente ao projeto ficcional duas metáforas absolutas (Hans Blumenberg) que dizem respeito à exclusão/inclusão: a cidade e o hipocorístico (Johnny), dois espaços um material, outro alegórico interativos, em ambos os romances. Em Meu nome não é Johnny, o percurso simbólico do protagonista o leva do sofrimento à redenção social e à inclusão (grandemente graças à atividade musical); em Cidade de Deus, a brutalização progressiva das relações humanas leva à erradicação de qualquer manifestação da sensibilidade, a uma cidade sem música e à permanência da exclusão