1000 resultados para Idées politiques
(English version below) Deux expériences littéraires, quasiment simultanées, ont été menées sur "les Maréchaux", les boulevards extérieurs parisiens, autour de l'an 2000. Cette coïncidence temporelle et spatiale est précieuse : elle permet de mesurer les écueils et les apports liés à une faculté de "voir la ville", aujourd'hui largement partagée, mais dont les écrivains sont les détenteurs historiques. En interrogeant la dimension sociale de ces voyages de proximité, c'est-à-dire la relation d'altérité que cette pratique institue avec les hommes qui sont dans la ville, une politique peut être mise au jour, et la précarité d'un horizon commun. Two almost simultaneous literary experiments were conducted around the year 2000 on the exterior Parisian boulevards, known as "les Maréchaux" ("the Marshals"). This temporal and spatial coincidence is especially valuable in that it serves to assess the pitfalls and the contributions relating to an ability to "see the city" that is now widely experienced, but of which writers are the historical custodians. Examining the social dimension of these "propinquitous travels" (journeys to nearby destinations), meaning the distancing that this practice institutes with the people inside the city, serves to reveal a policy and the precarious nature of a shared horizon.
INTRODUCTION Due to their low CNS penetrance, there are concerns about the capacity of non-conventional PI-based ART (monotherapy and dual therapies) to preserve neurocognitive performance (NP). METHODS We evaluated the NP change of aviremic participants of the SALT clinical trial (1) switching therapy to dual therapy (DT: ATV/r+3TC) or triple therapy (TT: ATV/r+2NRTI) who agreed to perform an NP assessment (NPZ-5) at baseline and W48. Neurocognitive impairment and NP were assessed using AAN-2007 criteria (2) and global deficit scores (GDS) (3). Neurocognitive change (GDS change: W48 - baseline) and the effect of DT on NP evolution crude and adjusted by significant confounders were determined using ANCOVA. RESULTS A total of 158 patients were included (Table 1). They had shorter times because HIV diagnosis, ART initiation and HIV-suppression and their virologic outcome at W48 by snapshot was higher (79.1% vs 72.7%; p=0.04) compared to the 128 patients not included in the sub-study. By AAN-2007 criteria, 51 patients in each ART group (68% vs 63%) were neurocognitively impaired at baseline (p=0.61). Forty-seven patients were not reassessed at W48: 30 lost of follow-up (16 DT-14 TT) and 17 had non-evaluable data (6 DT-11 TT). Patients retested were more likely to be men (78.9% vs 61.4%) and had neurological cofounders (9.6% vs 0%) than patients non-retested. At W48, 3 out of 16 (5.7%) patients on DT and 6 out of 21 (10.5%) on TT who were non-impaired at baseline became impaired (p=0.49) while 10 out of 37 (18.9%) on DT and 7 out of 36 (12.3%) on TT who were neurocognitively impaired at baseline became non-impaired (p=0.44). Mean GDS changes (95% CI) were: Overall -0.2 (-0.3 to -0.04): DT -0.26 (-0.4 to -0.07) and TT -0.08 (-0.2 to 0.07). NP was similar between DT and TT (0.15). This absence of differences was also observed in all cognitive tests. Effect of DT: -0.16 [-0.38 to 0.06]) (r(2)=0.16) on NP evolution was similar to TT (reference), even after adjusting (DT: -0.11 [-0.33 to 0.1], TT: reference) by significant confounders (geographical origin, previous ATV use and CD4 cell count) (r(2)=0.25). CONCLUSIONS NP stability was observed after 48 weeks of follow up in the majority of patients whether DT or TT was used to maintain HIV-suppression. Incidence rates of NP impairment or NP impairment recovery were also similar between DT and TT.
[Table des matières] I. Introduction et méthode. 1. Evaluation globale de la stratégie de prévention VIH/sida en Suisse. 2. Questions d'évaluation. 3. Développement de la grille d'analyse. 4. Entretiens au niveau supracantonal. 5. Synthèse cantonale et procédure de validation. 6. Analyse transversale des informations. II. Contexte. 1. Structure du système éducatif. 2. Organisation administrative (communale, cantonale et fédérale). 3. Les modèles d'organisation. 4. Origines de l'introduction des trois approches en milieu scolaire. 5. Les offres et les compétences à disposition dans le canton. III. Questions d'évaluation. 1. Bases légales et administratives pour les cours de prévention VIH/sida et d'éducation sexuelle. 2. Limites de la notion d'obligation et la question de consentement parental. 3. Organisation des cours de prévention VIH/sida et d'éducation sexuelle. 4. Niveau administratif. 5. Intervenants. 6. Niveau de couverture atteint par cette éducation. 7. Contenu des cours de prévention VIH/sida et de l'éducation sexuelle. 8. Formation des intervenants : le corps enseignant chargé de l'enseignement sur le VIH et/ou de l'éducation sexuelle, la formation de base, la formation continue, la formation des spécialistes externes dans les régions francophones. 9. Matériel didactique utilisé. IV. Conclusions et recommandations. V. Synthèses cantonales : fiches de synthèse par canton. 1. Grilles pour la récolte d'informations. 2. Guide d'entretien. 3. Lettres de demande de collaboration auprès des irecteurs de l'Instruction Publique (DIP). 4. Principales personnes-ressources contactées par canton. 5. Existence de budgets spécifiques par thème. 6. Concept "Fächerübergreifend" (exemple BEg, école obligatoire). 7. Liste du matériel didactique HIV/sida.