202 resultados para IUCN


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A workshop on the assessment of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus), with the Solomon Islands as a case study, took place from 21-23 August 2008 in Apia, Samoa. It was planned and organized under the auspices of the Cetacean Specialist Group and attended by 19 invited participants from eight countries. Financial support was provided by WWF (International), The Ocean Conservancy, Animal Welfare Institute, Humane Society of the United States, Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, U.S. Marine Mammal Commission and U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The workshop was hosted by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Program (SPREP). Live-capture, holding in captivity and export of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins from the Solomon Islands began in 2003. These activities stimulated global interest and generated concern about the potential conservation implications. The IUCN Global Plan of Action for the Conservation of Cetaceans had stated that as a general principle, small cetaceans should not be captured or removed from a wild population unless that specific population has been assessed and shown capable of sustaining the removals. A principal goal of the present workshop was to elaborate on the elements of an assessment that would meet this standard. Participants noted that an assessment involving delineation of stock boundaries, abundance, reproductive potential, mortality and trend cannot necessarily be achieved quickly or inexpensively.


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Stabilizing human population size and reducing human-caused impacts on the environment are keys to conserving threatened species (TS). Earth's human population is ~ 7 billion and increasing by ~ 76 million per year. This equates to a human birth-death ratio of 2.35 annually. The 2007 Red List prepared by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) categorized 16,306 species of vertebrates, invertebrates, plants, and other organisms (e.g., lichens, algae) as TS. This is ~ 1 percent of the 1,589,161 species described by IUCN or ~ 0.0033 percent of the believed 5,000,000 total species. Of the IUCN’s described species, vertebrates comprised relatively the most TS listings within respective taxonomic categories (5,742 of 59,811), while invertebrates (2,108 of 1,203,175), plants (8,447 of 297,326), and other species (9 of 28,849) accounted for minor class percentages. Conservation economics comprises microeconomic and macroeconomic principles involving interactions among ecological, environmental, and natural resource economics. A sustainable-growth (steady-state) economy has been posited as instrumental to preserving biological diversity and slowing extinctions in the wild, but few nations endorse this approach. Expanding growth principles characterize most nations' economic policies. To date, statutory fine, captive breeding cost, contingent valuation analysis, hedonic pricing, and travel cost methods are used to value TS in economic research and models. Improved valuation methods of TS are needed for benefit-cost analysis (BCA) of conservation plans. This Chapter provides a review and analysis of: (1) the IUCN status of species, (2) economic principles inherent to sustainable versus growth economies, and (3) methodological issues which hinder effective BCAs of TS conservation.


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A new species of Pelexia Poit. ex Until. (Orchidaceae, Spiranthinae) occurring in central Sao Paulo, southeastern Brazil, is described and illustrated as P. vinosa A. W. C. Ferreira, M. I. S. Lima & Pansarin. Pelexia vinosa is recognized by its leaves that are present at flowering and its dark purple leaf blades with reddish margins. Inflorescences are sparsely pubescent and reddish. The red sepals contrast with the white hyaline petals and labellum. The species is notable for its spurlike nectary that is parallel and adnate to the ovary. The new species is morphologically similar to P. laxa (Poepp. & Endl.) Lindl. In addition, the need to preserve native areas of the interior of Sao Paulo State (habitat of P. vinosa) is discussed.


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We describe and illustrate the new species Comanthera brunnea (Eriocaulaceae: Paepalanthoideae). This species is endemic to the sandy fields of the campos rupestres of the northeastern Espinha double dagger o range in Minas Gerais, Brazil. We compare it with Comanthera suberosa, the morphologically most similar species, and with C. brasiliana, which also has similar features. The morphological variation, habitat, geographic distribution, and conservation status of this new species are discussed.


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In Brazil, Protected Areas (PAs) are considered the cornerstone for development of national strategies for biodiversity conservation. Considering this point of view we analyzed thirty protected areas belonging to Atlantic Central Corridor of Atlantic Forest in Bahia, aiming to identify and analyze its current level of implementation. Lemos de Sa and Ferreira (2000) methodology which consist of applying a standard scale, where the variation of the level of implementation conforms to a range of 0 to 5 points was used, with appropriate adaptations. After obtaining the data from the implementation level we use the aggregation method of Ward to help visualize the dissimilarity between the protected areas studied. We used an international classification proposed by IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) for that the UCs to be compared with works done in another countries, the UCs considered are in the groups Ia, II, V and VI da IUCN. As results, 50% of protected areas analyzed are reasonably implemented, 40% inadequately implemented, 6.7% are presented only on paper and only 3.3% can be classified as satisfactorily implemented. These areas presents problems in their regularization; deficiency in infrastructure, human and financial resources. Given the results its clear the recurrent fact that conservation areas under study must be effectively implemented and for this to occur environmental policies should be focused on actions to consolidate the goals of conservation strategy.


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A new species of Lauraceae, Beilschmiedia vestita, from the Brazilian Atlantic forest, in Minas Gerais state, is described and illustrated. Its morphological similarities and differences in relation to other species of Beilschmiedia are discussed. Distribution, habitat, phenology, etymology, and the IUCN Red List category are also provided.


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No Brasil, as Unidades de Conservação (UCs) são consideradas o pilar central para o desenvolvimento de estratégias nacionais de conservação da biodiversidade. Dentro dessa perspectiva, foram estudadas trinta unidades de conservação pertencentes ao Corredor Central da Mata Atlântica no Estado da Bahia, com o objetivo de identificar e analisar seu atual nível de implementação. Foi utilizada, com as devidas adaptações, a metodologia de Lemos de Sá e Ferreira (2000), a qual consiste na aplicação de uma escala de padrão, onde a variação de análise do nível de implementação obedece a um intervalo entre 0 a 5 pontos. Após obter os dados do nível de implementação foi utilizado o método de agregação de Ward para auxiliar a visualização das unidades de conservação estudadas quanto à dissimilaridade entre elas. Utilizou-se a classificação internacional proposta pela IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) para que as UCs sejam comparáveis com trabalhos realizados em outros países. As UCs avaliadas estão nos grupos Ia, II, V e VI da IUCN. Conforme os resultados, 50% das unidades de conservação analisadas encontram-se razoavelmente implementadas, 40% insuficientemente implementadas, 6,7% apresentam-se como "parques de papel" e apenas 3,3% podem ser classificadas como satisfatoriamente implementadas. Essas áreas enfrentam problemas em sua regularização fundiária; apresentam deficiência em infraestrutura, recursos humanos e financeiros. Diante dos resultados, fica evidente a recorrência do fato de que as unidades de conservação em estudo necessitam ser efetivamente implementadas. Para que isso ocorra, as políticas ambientais devem ser voltadas para ações com objetivos de consolidar essa estratégia de conservação.


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The freshwater copepod Odontodiaptomus thomseni (Brehm, 1933) (Calanoida: Diaptomidae) is a rare species that has been reported only once - in its original description (BREHM 1933). The lack of subsequent records led to its inclusion in the Red List of threatened species (IUCN). Here we present a new record for O.thomseni. It was discovered in Salto Grande reservoir, which is located in the lower stretches of the Uruguay River, between Uruguay and Argentina, at the River Plate basin. In January 2010, three specimens (two males and one female) were found, and these were studied in detail using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). We only had material of Odontodiaptomus paulistanus (Wright, 1936) for comparison, but the position of the lateral spine in right P5 of the male, and the shape and size of lateral wings of the female are especially distinctive. Odontodiaptomus thomseni remains a rare species and we recommend keeping it on the IUCN Red List.


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[ES]Angel Shark Project es un subproyecto que forma parte del Programa POSEIDON, es el primer estudio dedicado a hacer una evaluación completa de esta especie aprovechando los avistamientos aportados por la participación de buzos, centros de buceo y otros observadores de vida marina. Entre sus objetivos de investigación se cuentan identificar la abundancia de la población, las áreas de distribución, de reproducción y de mayor densidad de individuos. El Tiburón Ángel o angelote (Squatina squatina) es una especie bentónica que pertenece a la familia Squatinidae. Históricamente el área de distribución natural de esta especie esta reportada en el Atlántico desde Escandinavia hasta Mauritania, con poblaciones importantes en aguas del Mediterráneo y del Mar Negro. Sin embargo, en las últimas décadas sus poblaciones se han ido reduciendo drásticamente en todas las zonas costeras mencionadas. Actualmente, las islas Canarias son la única zona geográfica en la que los angelotes son avistados con frecuencia. Aún así, es posible que también esta población local esté en peligro de desaparecer. La pesca intensiva y la pérdida de hábitat han sido las principales amenazas para esta especie. La carencia de datos no permite aun estimar el tamaño de la población, la distribución espacial o la biología de esta especie. Al igual que muchas otras especies de tiburones, los angelotes tienen una tasa de reproducción muy lenta, lo cual impide que las poblaciones puedan mantenerse sostenibles. Todo ello ha llevado a la prohibición de su pesca en la Unión Europea desde 2010 y en la Lista Roja de la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (IUCN Red List) la clasificar esta especie en peligro crítico de extinción en el 2011. Actualmente, la familia Squatinidae ha sido catalogada como la segunda familia de elasmobranquios mas amenazada mundialmente.


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[ES]Las aguas de Canarias, gracias a sus condiciones físicas de temperatura y su abundancia de peces, están habitadas por una gran diversidad de estas especies. Se han documentado hasta 86 especies de tiburones y rayas,diferentes, como el angelote ('Squatina squatina'), en Peligro Crítico según la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (IUCN), o el pez martillo ('Sphyrna mokarran'), considerado En Peligro. "Debido a la enorme diversidad de especies que posee, el archipiélago canario debe adquirir un papel importante en la protección de especies marinas. Las características de sus fondos marinos hacen que sus aguas sin duda escondan muchas más especies por descubrir, y no debemos permitir que lleguen a la situación de riesgo de los elasmobranquios, de los que Canarias podría convertirse en refugio" Un tercio de los ingresos que genera el turismo de buceo en Canarias se debe a la regular presencia en sus aguas de tiburones y rayas, según un reciente estudio, en el que se defiende la protección y recuperación de estas especies para potenciar el turismo sostenible. En el mundo existen ocho santuarios se encuentran en Las Bahamas, las Maldivas, las islas Marshall, Palao, Dominica, Tokelau, las Islas Vírgenes Británicas y en Honduras Los santuarios están destinados a proteger a los tiburones porque son animales muy vulnerables, son animales que no son como cualquier otro pez, tienen larga vid y pocas crías. Se reproducen a los 18 años y apenas llegan a tener tres crías. Llegan tardíamente a la madurez. Todas esas características hacen que sean vulnerables a la sobrepesca y eso es lo que está pasando ahora, los tiburones en el mundo están desapareciendo. Más del 30 por ciento se encuentra en un estado de conservación cerca o al borde de la extinción y necesitamos medidas para proteger a estas especies que han estado por más de 400 millones de años nadando en los océanos.


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All'interno della tesi si è sviluppata una metodologia di supporto alle decisioni utile all'individuazione di determinate zone distribuite all'interno dell'area del delta del fiume Ural (Kazakistan), da considerare prioritarie ai fini della tutela della biodiversità. Il livello di priorità di queste aree è stato ricavato mediante l'aggregazione delle informazioni relative alle categorie di conservazione delle specie minacciate che popolano i diversi ecosistemi che caratterizzano l'area studio. Le categorie sono state confrontate fra loro mediante l'AHP che ha permesso di ottenere un set di pesi. L'utilizzo di tre differenti metodi di aggregazione (SAW, OWA, TOPSIS), ha permesso di ricavare un valore di conservazione che raggruppa le informazioni dei pesi attribuiti alle specie in un unico valore (CV) diverso per ogni metodo. Distribuiti i CV, sulla base della presenza delle relative specie, viene sviluppata una mappa di distribuzione dei valori di conservazione sintetici (CVS) ricavati mediante l'aggregazione dei CV in ogni punto dell'area studio. L'utilizzo di questa metodologia ha permesso di individuare, come previsto dagli obiettivi dell'elaborato, le aree a maggior valore per la conservazione degli habitat e delle specie, sulle quali focalizzare le future azioni di tutela e monitoraggio ambientale, dall'altro l'applicazione di una metodologia di supporto alle decisioni in grado di far fronte ai problemi di scarsa disponibilità e reperibilità di dati utili alla caratterizzazione dell’area di studio.


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La biochimica clinica dei rettili e dei cheloni in particolare, non ha ottenuto al momento lo stesso livello di attenzione rivolto ai mammiferi. Con il presente lavoro viene proposta la valutazione dei più importanti parametri ematologici e biochimici in campioni di sangue di Testudo hermanni al fine di facilitare l'interpretazione dei dati di laboratorio e la diagnosi di eventuali patologie. A questo scopo, sono stati calcolati gli intervalli di riferimento di questi parametri in individui clinicamente sani e sono state analizzate le influenze di fattori ambientali e fisiologici. Sono state inoltre determinate le concentrazioni di alcuni importanti elementi chimici sia essenziali che non essenziali. Su campioni di chirottero del genere Tadarida teniotis sono state determinate le concentrazioni di PCB DL, PCB NDL, PCDD/F, PFAS e di elementi chimici essenziali e non, al fine di valutare: il possibile livello di contaminazione in relazione alla specie e all’habitat, la prevalenza e/o il rapporto delle classi di composti nel caso di una possibile contaminazione, la eventuale fonte di contaminazione. A quanto ci risulta, il nostro lavoro rappresenta il primo tentativo di analizzare su vasta scala le concentrazioni di questi inquinanti in una popolazione di pipistrelli residenti in un’area urbana. Tra i vari contaminanti esaminanti in questo studio, il Pb e le diossine possono costituire un serio problema per Tadarida teniotis.


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I investigated the systematics, phylogeny and biogeographical history of Juncaginaceae, a small family of the early-diverging monocot order Alismatales which comprises about 30 species of annual and perennial herbs. A wide range of methods from classical taxonomy to molecular systematic and biogeographic approaches was used. rnrnIn Chapter 1, a phylogenetic analysis of the family and members of Alismatales was conducted to clarify the circumscription of Juncaginaceae and intrafamilial relationships. For the first time, all accepted genera and those associated with the family in the past were analysed together. Phylogenetic analysis of three molecular markers (rbcL, matK, and atpA) showed that Juncaginaceae are not monophyletic. As a consequence the family is re-circumscribed to exclude Maundia which is pro-posed to belong to a separate family Maundiaceae, reducing Juncaginaceae to include Tetroncium, Cycnogeton and Triglochin. Tetroncium is weakly supported as sister to the rest of the family. The reinstated Cycnogeton (formerly included in Triglochin) is highly supported as sister to Triglochin s.str. Lilaea is nested within Triglochin s. str. and highly supported as sister to the T. bulbosa complex. The results of the molecular analysis are discussed in combination with morphological characters, a key to the genera of the family is given, and several new combinations are made.rnrnIn Chapter 2, phylogenetic relationships in Triglochin were investigated. A species-level phylogeny was constructed based on molecular data obtained from nuclear (ITS, internal transcribed spacer) and chloroplast sequence data (psbA-trnH, matK). Based on the phylogeny of the group, divergence times were estimated and ancestral distribution areas reconstructed. The monophyly of Triglochin is confirmed and relationships between the major lineages of the genus were resolved. A clade comprising the Mediterranean/African T. bulbosa complex and the American T. scilloides (= Lilaea s.) is sister to the rest of the genus which contains two main clades. In the first, the widespread T. striata is sister to a clade comprising annual Triglochin species from Australia. The second clade comprises T. palustris as sister to the T. maritima complex, of which the latter is further divided into a Eurasian and an American subclade. Diversification in Triglochin began in the Miocene or Oligocene, and most disjunctions in Triglochin were dated to the Miocene. Taxonomic diversity in some clades is strongly linked to habitat shifts and can not be observed in old but ecologically invariable lineages such as the non-monophyletic T. maritima.rnrnChapter 3 is a collaborative revision of the Triglochin bulbosa complex, a monophyletic group from the Mediterranean region and Africa. One new species, Triglochin buchenaui, and two new subspecies, T. bulbosa subsp. calcicola and subsp. quarcicola, from South Africa were described. Furthermore, two taxa were elevated to species rank and two reinstated. Altogether, seven species and four subspecies are recognised. An identification key, detailed descriptions and accounts of the ecology and distribution of the taxa are provided. An IUCN conservation status is proposed for each taxon.rnrnChapter 4 deals with the monotypic Tetroncium from southern South America. Tetroncium magellanicum is the only dioecious species in the family. The taxonomic history of the species is described, type material is traced, and a lectotype for the name is designated. Based on an extensive study of herbarium specimens and literature, a detailed description of the species and notes on its ecology and conservation status are provided. A detailed map showing the known distribution area of T. magellanicum is presented. rnrnIn Chapter 5, the flower structure of the rare Australian endemic Maundia triglochinoides (Maundiaceae, see Chapter 1) was studied in a collaborative project. As the morphology of Maundia is poorly known and some characters were described differently in the literature, inflorescences, flowers and fruits were studied using serial mictrotome sections and scanning electron microscopy. The phylogenetic placement, affinities to other taxa, and the evolution of certain characters are discussed. As Maundia exhibits a mosaic of characters of other families of tepaloid core Alismatales, its segregation as a separate family seems plausible.


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The Adriatic sturgeon, Acipenser naccarii (Bonaparte, 1836), is a highly threatened species due to human activities, particularly overfishing and habitat destruction. Its peculiar ecology and biology (restricted areal and anadromy) makes this species particularly vulnerable. In March 2010 the IUCN has identified the Adriatic sturgeon as a critically endangered species according to the Red List of Threatened Species. Due to its rapid decline, starting from the 80s, at present there is no evidence of natural reproduction in wild environment, which makes the Adriatic sturgeon dependenton captive breeding programs that need to be improved in order to be effective for the survival of the species. For this purpose this study aims to characterize artificial restocking population of Adriatic sturgeon, with both genetic and physiological analysis in order to establish an efficient restocking program for future reproductions. The research is structured on two levels: First genetically, by analyzing 9 microsatellite loci. This gives information relatively about parent allocation and kinship between individuals that were sampled for this study. Hence to predict which reproduction events are the most optimal in terms of incrementing genetic diversity, by the estimation of multilocus pairwise band sharing coefficients. Second step, physiological analysis: testosterone (T) concentration levels in each individual were measured for sexing, without sacrificing the lives of the animals with the use of an invasive examination of the gonads. The combination of interdisciplinary analysis is important to obtain an overall picture in order to indicate the main broodstock participating in reproduction events and future optimal potential participants, in order to ensure a valid management for restocking program and their monitoring.


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Toxoplasma gondii is a zoonotic intracellular protozoan parasite of worldwide distribution that infects many species of warm-blooded animals, including birds. To date, there is scant information about the seropositivity of T. gondii and the risk factors associated with T. gondii infection in wild bird populations. In the present study, T. gondii infection was evaluated on sera obtained from 1079 wild birds belonging to 56 species (including Falconiformes (n = 610), Strigiformes (n = 260), Ciconiiformes (n = 156), Gruiformes (n = 21), and other orders (n = 32), from different areas of Spain. Antibodies to T. gondii (modified agglutination test, MAT titer ≥1:25) were found in 282 (26.1%, IC95%:23.5–28.7) of the 1079 birds. This study constitute the first extensive survey in wild birds species in Spain and reports for the first time T. gondii antibodies in the griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus), short-toed snake-eagle (Circaetus gallicus), Bonelli's eagle (Aquila fasciata), golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), bearded vulture (Gypaetus barbatus), osprey (Pandion haliaetus), Montagu's harrier (Circus pygargus), Western marsh-harrier (Circus aeruginosus), peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus), long-eared owl (Asio otus), common scops owl (Otus scops), Eurasian spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia), white stork (Ciconia ciconia), grey heron (Ardea cinerea), common moorhen (Gallinula chloropus); in the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) “vulnerable” Spanish imperial eagle (Aquila adalberti), lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni) and great bustard (Otis tarda); and in the IUCN “near threatened” red kite (Milvus milvus). The highest seropositivity by species was observed in the Eurasian eagle owl (Bubo bubo) (68.1%, 98 of 144). The main risk factors associated with T. gondii seropositivity in wild birds were age and diet, with the highest exposure in older animals and in carnivorous wild birds. The results showed that T. gondii infection is widespread and can be at a high level in many wild birds in Spain, most likely related to their feeding behaviour.