882 resultados para IN-CONTROL TIMES
Don Draper (Mad Men, Matthew Weiner, AMC: 2007-2015) actively colaborates in the birth and consolidationof a model of consumer society without realizing the enormous lie he is telling himself. Tony Soprano(The Sopranos, David Chase, HBO: 1999-2007) desperately grasps the wreckage of that ideal imageof effort and self-improvement which is not only disappearing but was actually never coherent or real.This article does a comparative textual, sociological, and discursive analysis these two characters as arepresentation of the evolution of the discourse of capitalism in the second half of the 20th century, that is,the artificiality of the hegemonic discourse of “pursuit of happiness” as the main myth in post-war NorthAmerican neoliberalism.
The dissertation fits the political realignment literature and aims to pro-vide further insights into cleavage politics by investigating voting behaviour in the Western European countries’ national elections. In particular, the dis-sertation focuses on the class and value voting patterns and on the change of these patterns in different countries and over the course of time. Peculiar pro-cesses affected all Western European party systems: whilst the «traditional» cleavage theory accounts for National and Industrial revolutions, those pro-cesses assumed to constitute the «societal modernization» determined chang-es in electoral competitions that questioned the relevance of individuals’ so-cial positions to study electoral preferences. Since the associations between social positions and voting behaviour underpin the so-called political cleav-age, the dealignment perspective assumes them to have been eroding since the second half of the XX century. On the other hand, the realignment perspective argues that the cleavage theory still accounts for individuals’ vote choices: of the four «traditional» cleavages, this perspective hypothesizes new class vot-ing patterns and alignments between electoral preferences and a new line of conflict, that is based on values. The dissertation provides a theoretical ac-count of the realignment of the class cleavage and a new conceptualization of value voting. Then, class and value voting patterns are explored. The analyses employ European Social Survey data and detect general and country-specific patterns. The dissertation adopts a mediation perspective and aims to observe how class voting patterns change when controlling for value orientations. The results are provided with a sensitivity analysis, indeed two versions of the measures computed for value orientations are compared. The findings show that social class continues to affect voting behaviour and that value orienta-tions both mediate this effect and affect electoral preferences.
For virtually all hospitals, utilization rates are a critical managerial indicator of efficiency and are determined in part by turnover time. Turnover time is defined as the time elapsed between surgeries, during which the operating room is cleaned and preparedfor the next surgery. Lengthier turnover times result in lower utilization rates, thereby hindering hospitals’ ability to maximize the numbers of patients that can be attended to. In this thesis, we analyze operating room data from a two year period provided byEvangelical Community Hospital in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, to understand the variability of the turnover process. From the recorded data provided, we derive our best estimation of turnover time. Recognizing the importance of being able to properly modelturnover times in order to improve the accuracy of scheduling, we seek to fit distributions to the set of turnover times. We find that log-normal and log-logistic distributions are well-suited to turnover times, although further research must validate this finding. Wepropose that the choice of distribution depends on the hospital and, as a result, a hospital must choose whether to use the log-normal or the log-logistic distribution. Next, we use statistical tests to identify variables that may potentially influence turnover time. We find that there does not appear to be a correlation between surgerytime and turnover time across doctors. However, there are statistically significant differences between the mean turnover times across doctors. The final component of our research entails analyzing and explaining the benefits of introducing control charts as a quality control mechanism for monitoring turnover times in hospitals. Although widely instituted in other industries, control charts are notwidely adopted in healthcare environments, despite their potential benefits. A major component of our work is the development of control charts to monitor the stability of turnover times. These charts can be easily instituted in hospitals to reduce the variabilityof turnover times. Overall, our analysis uses operations research techniques to analyze turnover times and identify manners for improvement in lowering the mean turnover time and thevariability in turnover times. We provide valuable insight into a component of the surgery process that has received little attention, but can significantly affect utilization rates in hospitals. Most critically, an ability to more accurately predict turnover timesand a better understanding of the sources of variability can result in improved scheduling and heightened hospital staff and patient satisfaction. We hope that our findings can apply to many other hospital settings.
The extracellular matrix (ECM) plays an essential role in the regulation of cell proliferation during angiogenesis. Cell adhesion to ECM is mediated by binding of cell surface integrin receptors, which both activate intracellular signaling cascades and mediate tension-dependent changes in cell shape and cytoskeletal structure. Although the growth control field has focused on early integrin and growth factor signaling events, recent studies suggest that cell shape may play an equally critical role in control of cell cycle progression. Studies were carried out to determine when cell shape exerts its regulatory effects during the cell cycle and to analyze the molecular basis for shape-dependent growth control. The shape of human capillary endothelial cells was controlled by culturing cells on microfabricated substrates containing ECM-coated adhesive islands with defined shape and size on the micrometer scale or on plastic dishes coated with defined ECM molecular coating densities. Cells that were prevented from spreading in medium containing soluble growth factors exhibited normal activation of the mitogen-activated kinase (erk1/erk2) growth signaling pathway. However, in contrast to spread cells, these cells failed to progress through G1 and enter S phase. This shape-dependent block in cell cycle progression correlated with a failure to increase cyclin D1 protein levels, down-regulate the cell cycle inhibitor p27Kip1, and phosphorylate the retinoblastoma protein in late G1. A similar block in cell cycle progression was induced before this same shape-sensitive restriction point by disrupting the actin network using cytochalasin or by inhibiting cytoskeletal tension generation using an inhibitor of actomyosin interactions. In contrast, neither modifications of cell shape, cytoskeletal structure, nor mechanical tension had any effect on S phase entry when added at later times. These findings demonstrate that although early growth factor and integrin signaling events are required for growth, they alone are not sufficient. Subsequent cell cycle progression and, hence, cell proliferation are controlled by tension-dependent changes in cell shape and cytoskeletal structure that act by subjugating the molecular machinery that regulates the G1/S transition.
The methods used by the UK Police to investigate complaints of rape have unsurprisingly come under much scrutiny in recent times, with a 2007 joint report on behalf of HM Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate and HM Inspectorate of Constabulary concluding that there were many areas where improvements should be made. The research reported here forms part of a larger project which draws on various discourse analytical tools to identify the processes at work during police interviews with women reporting rape. Drawing on a corpus of video recorded police interviews with women reporting rape, this study applies a two pronged analysis to reveal the presence of these ideologies. Firstly, an analysis of the discourse markers ‘well’ and ‘so’ demonstrates the control exerted on the interaction by interviewing officers, as they attach importance to certain facts while omitting much of the information provided by the victim. Secondly, the interpretative repertoires relied upon by officers to ‘make sense’ of victim’s accounts are subject to scrutiny. As well as providing micro-level analyses which demonstrate processes of interactional control at the local level, the findings of these analyses can be shown to relate to a wider context – specifically prevailing ideologies about sexual violence in society as a whole.
OBJECTIVE: Because autonomic dysfunction has been found to lead to cardiometabolic disorders and because studies have reported that simvastatin treatment has neuroprotective effects, the objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of simvastatin treatment on cardiovascular and autonomic changes in fructose-fed female rats. METHODS: Female Wistar rats were divided into three groups: controls (n=8), fructose (n=8), and fructose+ simvastatin (n=8). Fructose overload was induced by supplementing the drinking water with fructose (100 mg/L, 18 wks). Simvastatin treatment (5 mg/kg/day for 2 wks) was performed by gavage. The arterial pressure was recorded using a data acquisition system. Autonomic control was evaluated by pharmacological blockade. RESULTS: Fructose overload induced an increase in the fasting blood glucose and triglyceride levels and insulin resistance. The constant rate of glucose disappearance during the insulin intolerance test was reduced in the fructose group (3.4+ 0.32%/min) relative to that in the control group (4.4+ 0.29%/min). Fructose+simvastatin rats exhibited increased insulin sensitivity (5.4+0.66%/min). The fructose and fructose+simvastatin groups demonstrated an increase in the mean arterial pressure compared with controls rats (fructose: 124+2 mmHg and fructose+simvastatin: 126 + 3 mmHg vs. controls: 112 + 2 mmHg). The sympathetic effect was enhanced in the fructose group (73 + 7 bpm) compared with that in the control (48 + 7 bpm) and fructose+simvastatin groups (31+8 bpm). The vagal effect was increased in fructose+simvastatin animals (84 + 7 bpm) compared with that in control (49 + 9 bpm) and fructose animals (46+5 bpm). CONCLUSION: Simvastatin treatment improved insulin sensitivity and cardiac autonomic control in an experimental model of metabolic syndrome in female rats. These effects were independent of the improvements in the classical plasma lipid profile and of reductions in arterial pressure. These results support the hypothesis that statins reduce the cardiometabolic risk in females with metabolic syndrome.
A case-control study was carried out in litters of 1 to 7-day-old piglets to identify the main infectious agents involved with neonatal diarrhea in pigs. Fecal samples (n=276) from piglets were collected on pig farms in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, from May to September 2007. Litters with diarrhea were considered cases (n=129) and normal litters (n=147) controls. The samples were examined by latex agglutination test, PAGE, conventional isolating techniques, ELISA, PCR, and microscopic methods in order to detect rotavirus, bacterial pathogens (Escherichia coli, Clostridium perfringens type A and C, and Clostridium difficile), and parasites (Coccidian and Cryptosporidium spp.). Outbreaks of diarrhea were not observed during sampling. At least one agent was detected in fecal samples on 25 out of 28 farms (89.3%) and in 16 farms (57.1%) more than one agent was found. The main agents diagnosed were Coccidia (42.86%) and rotavirus (39.29%). The main agents identified in litters with diarrhea were Clostridium difficile (10.6%), Clostridium perfringens type A (8.8%) and rotavirus (7.5%); in control litters, Clostridium difficile (16.6%) and Coccidian (8.5%). Beta hemolytic Escherichia coli and Clostridium perfringens type C were not detected. When compared with controls, no agent was significantly associated with diarrhea in case litters. These findings stress the need for caution in the interpretation of laboratorial diagnosis of mild diarrhea in neonatal pigs, as the sole detection of an agent does not necessarily indicate that it is the cause of the problem.
Verapamil (VER) is commercialized as a racemic mixture of the (+)-(R)-VER and (-)-(S)-VER enantiomers. VER is biotransformed into norverapamil (NOR) and other metabolites through CYP-dependent pathways. N-hexane is a solvent that can alter the metabolism of CYP-dependent drugs. The present study investigated the influence of n-hexane (nose-only inhalation exposure chamber at concentrations of 88, 176, and 352 mg/m(3)) on the kinetic disposition of the (+)-(R)-VER, (-)-(S)-VER, (R)-NOR and (S)-NOR in rats treated with a single dose of racemic VER (10 mg/kg). VER and NOR enantiomers in rat plasma was analyzed by LC-MS/MS (m/z = 441.3 > 165.5 for the NOR and m/z 455.3 > 165.5 for the VER enantiomers) using a Chiralpak (R) AD column. Pharmacokinetic analysis was performed using a monocompartmental model. The pharmacokinetics of VER was enantioselective in control rats, with higher plasma proportions of the (-)-(S)-VER eutomer (AUC(0-infinity) = 250.8 vs. 120.4 ng/ml/h; P <= 0.05, Wilcoxon test). The (S)-NOR metabolite was also found to accumulate in plasma of control animals, with an S/R AUC(0-infinity) ratio of 1.5. The pharmacokinetic parameters AUC(0-infinity), Cl/F, Vd/F, and t(1/2) obtained for VER and NOR enantiomers were not altered by nose-only exposure to n-hexane at concentrations of 88, 176, or 352 mg/m(3) (P > 0.05, Kruskal-Wallis test). However, the verapamil kinetic disposition was not enantioselective for the animals exposed to n-hexane at concentrations equal to or higher than the TLV-TWA. This finding is relevant considering that the (-)-(S)-VER eutomer is 10-20 times more potent than R-(+)-VER in terms of its chronotropic effect on atrioventricular conduction in rats and humans. Chirality 22:29-34, 2010. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The spastic (spa) and oscillator (ot) mouse have naturally occurring mutations in the inhibitory glycine receptor (GlyR) and exhibit severe motor disturbances when exposed to unexpected sensory stimuli. We examined the effects of the spa and ot mutations on GlyR- and GABA(A)R-mediated synaptic transmission in the superficial dorsal horn (SFDH), a spinal cord region where inhibition is important for nociceptive processing. Spontaneous mIPSCs were recorded from visually identified neurones in parasagittal spinal cord slices. Neurones received exclusively GABA(A)R-mediated mIPSCs, exclusively GlyR-mediated mIPSCs or both types of mIPSCs. In control mice (wild-type and spa/+) over 40 % of neurones received both types of mIPSCs, over 30 % received solely GABA(A)R-mediated mIPSCs and the remainder received solely GlyR-mediated mIPSCs. In spa/spa animals, 97 % of the neurones received exclusively GABA(A)ergic or both types of mIPSCs. In ot/ot animals, over 80 % of the neurones received exclusively GABA(A)R-mediated mIPSCs. GlyR-mediated mIPSC amplitude and charge were reduced in spa/spa and ot/ot animals. GABA,Rmediated mIPSC amplitude and charge were elevated in spa/spa but unaltered in ot/ot animals. GlyR- and GABA(A)R-mediated mIPSC decay times were similar for all genotypes, consistent with the mutations altering receptor numbers but not kinetics. These findings suggest the spastic and oscillator mutations, traditionally considered motor disturbances, also disrupt inhibition in a sensory region associated with nociceptive transmission. Furthermore, the spastic mutation results in a compensatory increase in GABA(A)ergic transmission in SFDH neurones, a form of inhibitory synaptic plasticity absent in the oscillator mouse.
Brain injury is responsible for significant morbidity and mortality in trauma patients, but controversy still exists over therapeutic management for these patients. The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of phototherapy with low intensity lasers on local and systemic immunomodulation following cryogenic brain injury. Laser phototherapy was applied (or not-controls) immediately after cryogenic brain injury performed in 51 adult male Wistar rats. The animals were irradiated twice (3 h interval), with continuous diode laser (gallium-aluminum-arsenide (GaAlAs), 780 nm, or indium-gallium-aluminum-phosphide (InGaAlP), 660 nm) in two points and contact mode, 40 mW, spot size 0.042 cm(2), 3 J/cm(2) and 5 J/cm(2) (3 s and 5 s, respectively). The experimental groups were: Control (non-irradiated), RL3 (visible red laser/ 3 J/cm(2)), RL5 (visible red laser/5 J/cm(2)), IRL3 (infrared laser/ 3 J/cm(2)), IRL5 (infrared laser/5 J/cm(2)). The production of interleukin-1IL-1 beta (IL-1 beta), interleukin6 (IL-6), interleukin-10 (IL-10), and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) was analyzed by enzyme immunoassay technique (ELISA) test in brain and blood samples. The IL-1 beta concentration in brain of the control group ;was significantly reduced in 24 h (p < 0.01). This reduction was also observed in the RL5 and IRL3 groups. The TNF-alpha and IL-6 concentrations increased significantly (p < 0.01 and p < 0.05, respectively) in the blood of all groups, except by the IRL3 group. The IL-6 levels in RL3 group were significantly smaller than in control group in both experimental times. IL-10 concentration was maintained stable in all groups in brain and blood. Under the conditions of this study, it is possible to conclude that the laser phototherapy can affect TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta and IL-6 levels in the brain and in circulation in the first 24 h following cryogenic brain injury. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This study evaluated the role of arterial baroreceptors in arterial pressure (AP) and pulse interval (PI) regulation in conscious C57BL mice. Male animals, implanted with catheters in a femoral artery and a jugular vein, were submitted to sino-aortic (SAD), aortic (Ao-X) or carotid sinus denervation (Ca-X), 5 daysprior to the experiments. After basal recording of AP, the lack of reflex bradycardia elicited by administration of phenylephrine was used to confirm the efficacy of SAD, and cardiac autonomic blockade with methylatropine and propranolol was performed. The AP and PI variability were calculated in the time and frequency domains (spectral analysis/fast Fourier transform) with the spectra quantified in low-(LF; 0.25-1Hz) and high-frequency bands (HF; 1-5Hz). Basal AP and AP variability were higher after SAD, Ao-X or Ca-X than in intact mice. Pulse interval was similar among the groups, whereas PI variability was lower after SAD. Atropine elicited a slight tachycardia in control mice but did not change PI after total or partial denervation. The bradycardia caused by propranolol was higher after SAD, Ao-X or Ca-X compared with intact mice. The increase in the variability of AP was accompanied by a marked increase in the LF and HF power of the AP spectra after baroreceptor denervation. The LF and HF power of the PI were reduced by SAD and by Ao-X or Ca-X. Therefore, both sino-aortic and partial baroreceptor denervation in mice elicits hypertension and a remarkable increase in AP variability and cardiac sympathetic tonus. Spectral analysis showed an important contribution of the baroreflex in the power of LF oscillations of the PI spectra. Both sets of baroreceptors seem to be equally important in the autonomic regulation of the cardiovascular system in mice.
The UN Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety adopted in Montreal, 29 January, 2000 and opened for signature in Nairobi, 15-26 May, 2000 will exert a profound effect on international trade in genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and their products. In this paper, the potential effects of various articles of the Protocol on international trade in GMOs are analyzed. Based on the present status of imports of GMOs and domestic research and development of biotechnology in China, likely trends in imports of foreign GM food and related products after China accedes to WTO is explored. Also, China's potential countermeasures to control and regulate imports of GMOs in line with implementation of the Protocol are discussed. China, in recent times, has increased its food and agricultural imports substantially from USA and Canada. China imported soybean 10.42 mill. tons in 2000 and about 15 mill tons in 2001, of which majority are from USA where GM soybean accounts for 60%. The plantation of US Monsanto's transgenic Bt cotton was increased to more than 1 million ha in China in 2001. Though China has paid great attention to develop biotechnology, it appears to have little scope to export GMOs and GM products. So China may consider a range of administrative measures to implement the Cartagena Protocol and to regulate its import of GMOs and GM agricultural products. Consequently, the Regulation on Safety of Agri-GMOs was issued on June, 2001 and followed three detailed rules issued in Jan. of 2002, with a priority to limit foreign GMOs importing by safety certification and labeling system. These were outlined taking into account policies adopted in Western countries such as green barriers to international trade.
Nowadays, the cooperative intelligent transport systems are part of a largest system. Transportations are modal operations integrated in logistics and, logistics is the main process of the supply chain management. The supply chain strategic management as a simultaneous local and global value chain is a collaborative/cooperative organization of stakeholders, many times in co-opetition, to perform a service to the customers respecting the time, place, price and quality levels. The transportation, like other logistics operations must add value, which is achieved in this case through compression lead times and order fulfillments. The complex supplier's network and the distribution channels must be efficient and the integral visibility (monitoring and tracing) of supply chain is a significant source of competitive advantage. Nowadays, the competition is not discussed between companies but among supply chains. This paper aims to evidence the current and emerging manufacturing and logistics system challenges as a new field of opportunities for the automation and control systems research community. Furthermore, the paper forecasts the use of radio frequency identification (RFID) technologies integrated into an information and communication technologies (ICT) framework based on distributed artificial intelligence (DAI) supported by a multi-agent system (MAS), as the most value advantage of supply chain management (SCM) in a cooperative intelligent logistics systems. Logistical platforms (production or distribution) as nodes of added value of supplying and distribution networks are proposed as critical points of the visibility of the inventory, where these technological needs are more evident.
This contribution introduces the fractional calculus (FC) fundamental mathematical aspects and discuses some of their consequences. Based on the FC concepts, the chapter reviews the main approaches for implementing fractional operators and discusses the adoption of FC in control systems. Finally are presented some applications in the areas of modeling and control, namely fractional PID, heat diffusion systems, electromagnetism, fractional electrical impedances, evolutionary algorithms, robotics, and nonlinear system control.
Though the formal mathematical idea of introducing noninteger order derivatives can be traced from the 17th century in a letter by L’Hospital in which he asked Leibniz what the meaning of D n y if n = 1/2 would be in 1695 [1], it was better outlined only in the 19th century [2, 3, 4]. Due to the lack of clear physical interpretation their first applications in physics appeared only later, in the 20th century, in connection with visco-elastic phenomena [5, 6]. The topic later obtained quite general attention [7, 8, 9], and also found new applications in material science [10], analysis of earth-quake signals [11], control of robots [12], and in the description of diffusion [13], etc.