989 resultados para Hydrated calcium silicate


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Basalts drilled from the East Pacific Rise, OCP Ridge, and Siqueiros fracture zone during Leg 54 are texturally diverse. Dolerites are equigranular at Sites 422 and 428 and porphyritic, with phenocrysts of plagioclase (An69.73) and Ca-rich clinopyroxene (Ca42Mg48Fe10) at Site 427. The East Pacific Rise lavas and some of those from the OCP Ridge are fine-grained and porphyritic. The majority of the large crystals are clustered skeletal glomerocrysts of plagioclase An64-77), together with olivine (Fo80-87), Ca-rich clinopyroxene, or both. Euhedral phenocrysts of plagioclase, together with olivine, Carich clinopyroxene, and Cr-Al spinel in some cases, occur in most of the fine-grained lavas. These phenocrysts are small (maximum dimension <1 mm in all but one sample), sparse (combined modal amount <1% in all samples), and distinctive from the megacrysts which characterize many ocean-floor lavas. In two East Pacific Rise lavas, zoned plagioclase (An83 cores) is the sole phenocryst phase. In other porphyritic lavas from all the main East Pacific Rise and OCP Ridge units drilled during Leg 54, the plagioclase phenocrysts contain cores of bytownite (An79-87) surrounded by more-sodic feldspar (An67-77). Core/rim relationships vary from continuous normal zoning, through discontinuous zoning, to extensive resorption of the calcic cores in some samples. The compositions of the plagioclase calcic cores are systematically related to those of the glomerophyric plagioclase and olivine in the lavas containing them. Furthermore, only one compositional population of calcic cores occurs in each rock. The possible causes of these relationships are far from clear. Magma mixing, although superficially applicable, is inconsistent with important aspects of the phenocryst mineralogy of these particular lavas. A more satisfactory model to explain both phenocryst zoning and rapid glomerocryst growth immediately before extrusion may be constructed by postulating influx of water into the upwelling magmas within Layer 3 of the oceanic crust beneath the East Pacific Rise, and subsequent loss of part of this water during effervescence within feeder dykes between Layer 3 and the ocean floor. It is shown that this model is fully consistent with published data on water and carbon dioxide contents and ratios in the pillow-margin glasses, vesicles, and phenocryst inclusions of ocean-floor basalts. The evidence for the precipitation of plagioclase- dominated crystalline assemblages from these magmas in the upper part of Layer 3 is concordant with recent geophysically based modeling of the structure of the East Pacific Rise. Calcium-rich clinopyroxenes in dolerites from the OCP Ridge and Siqueiros fracture zone show radial, oscillatory, and sector-zoning. In Sample 428A-5-2 (Piece 5a), the compositional trends resulting from this zoning closely resemble those of the pyroxenes in some lunar lavas. The controls on crystallization of interstitial pigeonite - epitaxial upon augite - in this rock are discussed. Both sector-zoning of the augite and nucleation of pigeonite within microvolumes of magma with a low Ca(Mg + Fe) ratio appear to be important factors.


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Chemical (Sr, Mg) and isotopic (d18O, 87Sr/86Sr) compositions of calcium carbonate veins (CCV) in the oceanic basement were determined to reconstruct changes in Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca of seawater in the Cenozoic. We examined CCV from ten basement drill sites in the Atlantic and Pacific, ranging in age between 165 and 2.3 Ma. Six of these sites are from cold ridge flanks in basement <46 Ma, which provide direct information about seawater composition. CCV of these young sites were dated, using the Sr isotopic evolution of seawater. For the other sites, temperature-corrections were applied to correct for seawater-basement exchange processes. The combined data show that a period of constant/low Sr/Ca (4.46 - 6.22 mmol/mol) and Mg/Ca (1.12 - 2.03 mol/mol) between 165 and 30 Ma was followed by a steady increase in Mg/Ca ratios by a factor of three to modern ocean composition. Mg/Ca - Sr/Ca relations suggest that variations in hydrothermal fluxes and riverine input are likely causes driving the seawater compositional changes. However, additional forcing may be involved in explaining the timing and magnitude of changes. A plausible scenario is intensified carbonate production due to increased alkalinity input to the oceans from silicate weathering, which in turn is a result of subduction-zone recycling of CO2 from pelagic carbonate formed after the Cretaceous slow-down in ocean crust production rate.


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Geochemical data from plagioclase-hosted silicate melt inclusions from Leg 140, Hole 504B diabase dikes are reported. Hand-picked plagioclase grains were heated to 1260°-1280°C to remelt the glass inclusions and to infer trapping temperatures. The samples were then polished to expose the inclusions, which were analyzed by electron and ion microprobes. Inclusion compositions are mainly in equilibrium with the host plagioclase and are more depleted in incompatible elements than the host rock. Simple crystal-liquid equilibrium calculations show that the melt inclusions could have been in equilibrium with depleted abyssal peridotite diopsides, whereas whole-rock basalt compositions generally could not have been. The melt inclusions are significantly more depleted than normal (N-type) mid-ocean-ridge basalt (MORB) and are consistent with being produced by 8%-16% incremental or open-system melting with 2% residual porosity in the peridotite source. These magmas were formed during pressure-release melting of the mantle over a range of depths between 30 and 15 km.


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Sedimentary proxies used to reconstruct marine productivity suffer from variable preservation and are sensitive to factors other than productivity. Therefore, proxy calibration is warranted. Here we map the spatial patterns of two paleoproductivity proxies, biogenic opal and barium fluxes, from a set of core-top sediments recovered in the Subarctic North Pacific. Comparisons of the proxy data with independent estimates of primary and export production, surface water macronutrient concentrations and biological pCO2 drawdown indicate that neither proxy shows a significant correlation with primary or export productivity for the entire region. Biogenic opal fluxes, when corrected for preservation using 230Th-normalized accumulation rates, show a good correlation with primary productivity along the volcanic arcs (tau = 0.71, p = 0.0024) and with export productivity throughout the western Subarctic North Pacific (tau = 0.71, p = 0.0107). Moderate and good correlations of biogenic barium flux with export production (tau = 0.57, p = 0.0022) and with surface water silicate concentrations (tau = 0.70, p = 0.0002) are observed for the central and eastern Subarctic North Pacific. For reasons unknown, however, no correlation is found in the western Subarctic North Pacific between biogenic barium flux and the reference data. Nonetheless, we show that barite saturation, uncertainty in the lithogenic barium corrections and problems with the reference datasets are not responsible for the lack of a significant correlation between biogenic barium flux and the reference data. Further studies evaluating the factors controlling the variability of the biogenic constituents in the sediments are desirable in this region.


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The main aim of this study is to apply synchrotron radiation techniques for the study of hydrated cement pastes. In particular, the tetracalcium aluminoferrite phase, C4AF in cement nomenclature, is the major iron-containing phase in Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) and in iron rich belite calcium sulfoaluminate cements. In a first study, the hydration mechanism of pure tetracalcium aluminoferrite phase with water-to-solid ratio of 1.0 has been investigated by HR-SXRPD (high resolution synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction). C4AF in the presence of water hydrates to form mainly an iron-containing hydrogarnet-type (katoite) phase, C3A0.84F0.16H6, as single crystalline phase. Its crystal structure and stoichiometry were determined by the Rietveld method and the final disagreement factors were RWP=8.1% and RF=4.8% [1]. As the iron content in the product is lower than that in C4AF, it is assumed that part of the iron also goes to an amorphous iron rich gel, like the hydrated alumina-type gel, as hydration proceeds. Further results from the high-resolution study will be discussed. In a second study, the behavior of pure and iron-containing katoites (C3AH6 and C3A0.84F0.16H6) under pressure have been analyzed by SXRPD using a diamond anvil cell (DAC) and then their bulk moduli were determined. The role of the pressure transmitting medium (PTM) has also been studied. In this case, silicone oil as well as methanol/ethanol mixtures have been used as PTM. Some “new peaks” were detected in the pattern for C3A0.84F0.16H6 as pressure increases, when using ethanol/methanol as PTM. These new peaks were still present at ambient pressure after releasing the applied pressure. They may correspond to crystalline nordstrandite or doyleite from the crystallization of amorphous aluminium hydroxide. The results from the high-pressure study will also be discussed.