270 resultados para Hyènes


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We present high time-resolution multiwavelength observations of X-ray bursts in the low-mass X-ray binary UY Vol. Strong reprocessed signals are present in the ultraviolet and optical, lagged and smeared with respect to the X-rays. The addition of far-ultraviolet coverage for one burst allows much tighter constraints on the temperature and geometry of the reprocessing region than previously possible. A blackbody reprocessing model for this burst suggests a rise in temperatures during the burst from 18,000 to 35,000 K and an emitting area comparable to that expected for the disk and/or irradiated companion star. The lags are consistent with those expected. The single-zone blackbody model cannot reproduce the ratio of optical to ultraviolet flux during the burst, however. The discrepancy seems too large to explain with deviations from a local blackbody spectrum and more likely indicates that a range of reprocessing temperatures are required. Comparable results are derived from other bursts, and in particular the lag and smearing both appear shorter when the companion star is on the near side of the disk as predicted. The burst observed by HST also yielded a spectrum of the reprocessed light. It is dominated by continuum, with a spectral shape consistent with the temperatures derived from lightcurve modeling. Taken as a whole, our observations confirm the standard paradigm of prompt reprocessing distributed across the disk and companion star, with the response dominated by a thermalized continuum rather than by emission lines.


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Infrared observations of the outbursting black hole XTE J1118+480 (ATEL #383) were performed using SQIID on the Kitt Peak National Observatory 2.1m telescope. Observations spanning 2005 January 15.42-15.58 found it somewhat fainter than the previous outburst (IAUC # 7394 , # 7407 ), at average brightness J=12.91+/-0.03, H=12.50+/-0.03, K=11.95+/-0.03. The colors again correspond to an approximately flat spectrum in F_nu. No orbital variation is apparent, but there is substantial unresolved rapid variability with rms amplitude 22% in K (between 2s exposures). Further observations are planned nightly until Jan 21.


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This project investigated party (club) drug use and associated harm minimisation strategies of party drug users (N = 72), by gender and sexual
orientation, to determine whether drug use and harm minimisation behaviours differ in particular social groups.Adopting a social identity approach, this project also explored the existence of a party drug user social identity in relation to harmful party drug behaviours and harm minimisation
strategies.Results indicated that males and females showed similar patterns of harmful party drug use and harm minimisation, whilst heterosexuals and homosexuals differed slightly in their patterns of harmful party drug use, and more substantially in their patterns of harm minimisation.Furthermore, results showed some evidence for the existence of a party drug user social identity, which was related to party drug use within a clear social context, and to experiencing fewer party drug related problems.The authors conclude that harm minimisation initiatives need to be designed for particular social groups, such as heterosexuals or homosexuals, targeting their particular patterns of party drug use, and
suggest that effective harm minimisation strategies should incorporate both the social context in which the behaviour occurs, and the social norms of party drug use by particular social groups.


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A passion for food that is understood in certain ways – slow, organic, not industrialised – plays a central role in the drama of the successful and popular Jamie’s Kitchen (2002) and Jamie’s Kitchen Australia (2006). Large parts of the drama in these shows revolve around an apparent lack of passion that is displayed by the marginalised, unemployed young people that are the central characters in this story. In this paper I examine the ways in which these accounts of food, passion, and the training of marginalised young people expose some of the challenges and opportunities faced by marginalised young people as they seek to transition into the uncertain and risky labour markets of 21st century capitalism. I argue that Michel Foucault’s (1988) concept of technologies of the self enables us to understand passion, and its particular manifestations in Jamie’s Kitchen, and in the training of marginalised young people, as a powerful technology of self transformation. The drama of Jamie’s Kitchen suggests that as a technology of the self passion for food promises to provide precarious, possibly temporary, forms of salvation, meaning and purpose for the young people engaged in the Fifteen Foundation’s social enterprise transitional labour market program.


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Australia's Health 2004 is the ninth biennial health report of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. It is the nation's authoritative source of information on patterns of health and illness, determinants of health, the supply and use of health services, and health services expenditure. The report also includes a special chapter on the health of older Australians. Australia's Health 2004 is an essential reference and information resource for all Australians with an interest in health.


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Australia's Health 2002 is the eighth biennial health report of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. It is the nation's authoritative source of information on patterns of health and illness, determinants of health, the supply and use of health services, and health service costs and performance. Australia's Health 2002 is an essential reference and information resource for all Australians with an interest in health.


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Australia's Health 2000 is the seventh biennial health report of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. It is the nation's authoritative source of information on patterns of health and illness, determinants of health, the supply and use of health services, and health services costs and performance.This 2000 edition serves as a summary of Australia's health record at the end of the twentieth century. In addition, a special chapter is presented on changes in Australia's disease profile over the last 100 years.Australia's Health 2000 is an essential reference and information source for all Australians with an interest in health.


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Sociology is interested in how identities are constructed and maintained, especially how gender, race, ethnicity and class impacts on self-identity and on our life chances. Who we are, how we perceive ourselves and how others perceive us has increasingly led many social scientists to describe contemporary identities as hybrid. This might be defined at one level as the intermingling or mixture of people from different cultural backgrounds. Sociologists and other social theorists have argued over the last twenty years that individuals have multiple identities that cut across many group allegiances. Nevertheless, there are problems with the use of the term hybrid. For some, hybrid suggests some kind of ‘new cultural melting pot, in which crucial cultural differences are effaced and power relations obscured’ (Hynes 2000). For others it implies that something pure or authentic and of traditional value has been lost. These debates do not hide the fact that racial and cultural hybrid identities have been fuelled by globalizing and transnational processes.


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The Australian A-League football (soccer) competition only began in 2005 after a major reconstruction of the governance of the game. The model adopted was one team per city so local derbies, often the focus of intense and long-running rivalries in football overseas, did not exist. In 2010 a second team began in Melbourne where previously Melbourne Victory had a monopoly. Within a couple of seasons an intense local rivalry has developed attracting over 40,000 fans to games between Victory and newcomer Melbourne Heart. This is the story of that rivalry and how it has become one of the most eagerly anticipated sporting occasions in a country where historically soccer has been a minority sport.


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Este estudo apresenta pela primeira vez, uma classificação dos imaturos de Plecoptera da Amazônia brasileira baseada em exemplares coletados durante o desenvolvimento da tese e outros existentes em coleções que foram emprestados para o estudo (INPA, MZUSP, IEPA, MPEG). A classificação é baseada em caracteres morfológicos externos, tanto aqueles já utilizados por outros autores como outros acrescentados no presente estudo. Coletas recentes foram feitas nas seguintes localidades (Microbacias do rio Apeú e Peixe-Boi, Serra dos Martírios- Andorinhas, reserva Nacional de Caxiuanã, Flona do Amapá, Serra do Tepequém). As coletas de campo foram feitas com rede entomológica aquática com 0,4cm de malha, peneira de aço com 0,7cm de malha e rede de arrasto com 0,3cm de malha. Após as coletas as ninfas foram triadas em bandejas de plástico e os exemplares em avançado estádio de desenvolvimento, foram acondicionados em caixa de isopor pequena e, em seguida transportados para criação. Ninfas foram criadas até adultos para se obter a precisa relação entre estes. Descrevem-se as técnicas de criação como novos métodos em copos plásticos feitas no próprio igarapé onde foram coletadas e em tanque de fibrocimento no Campus de Pesquisa do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Parâmetros físico-químicos da água foram mensurados nos locais de coleta como: temperatura, pH, oxigênio dissolvido e condutividade elétrica, além da caracterização ambiental quanto ao tipo de fundo, dossel, mata adjacente. O material estudado contém: ninfas de diversos instares que não foram associadas aos adultos; ninfas e exúvias que foram criadas e associadas aos adultos; adultos obtidos por coletas e através de criação de ninfas. Os imaturos foram descritos utilizando-se a terminologia de Hynes (1941), Haper & Stewart (1984), Froehlich (1984), Hamada & Couceiro (2003) e Olifiers et al., (2005). Foram descritas seis ninfas das espécies A. marlieri, A. minuta, A. manauensis, M. delicata, M. pulchra e E, froehlichi; ninfas de quatorze morfoespécies, sendo onze do gênero Anacroneuria: A. sp. n. 1, A. sp. n. 2, A. sp.JMFR1, A. sp.JMFR2, A. sp.JMFR3, A. sp.JMFR4, A. sp.JMFR5, A. sp.JMFR6, A. sp.JMFR7, A. sp.JMFR8, A. sp.JMFR9, A. sp.JMFR10, A. sp.JMFR11; dois do gênero Macrogynoplax: M. sp.JMFR1, M. sp.JMFR2 e uma do gênero Enderleina: E. sp.JMFR1. As morfoespécies certamente são espécies novas que serão descritas oportunamente após a associação com os adultos. Apresenta-se, pela primeira vez, uma chave de classificação para as espécies e morfoespécies de imaturos da Amazônia brasileira.


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The topographical character of conical intersections (CIs)-either sloped or peaked-has played a fundamental and important role in the discussion of the efficiency of CIs as photochemical "funnels." Here this perspective is employed in connection with a recent study of a model protonated Schiff base (PSB) cis to trans photoisomerization in solution [Malhado et al., J. Phys. Chem. A 115, 3720 (2011)]. In that study, the calculated reduced photochemical quantum yield for the successful production of trans product versus cis reactant in acetonitrile solvent compared to water was interpreted in terms of a dynamical solvent effect related to the dominance, for the acetonitrile case, of S-1 to S-0 nonadiabatic transitions prior to the reaching the seam of CIs. The solvent influence on the quantum yield is here re-examined in the sloped/peaked CI topographical perspective via conversion of the model's two PSB internal coordinates and a nonequilibrium solvent coordinate into an effective branching space description, which is then used to re-analyze the generalized Langevin equation/surface hopping results. The present study supports the original interpretation and enriches it in terms of topographical detail. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4754505]