478 resultados para Hotels -- Màrqueting


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This article argues that the terrorist bombings of hotels, pubs and nightclubs in Bali in October 2002, and in Mombasa one month later, were inaugural moments in the post-9/11 securitization of the tourism industry. Although practices of tourism and terrorism seem antithetical – one devoted to travel and leisure, the other to political violence – this article argues that their entanglement is revealed most clearly in the counter-terrorism responses that brought the everyday lives of tourists and tourism workers, as well as the material infrastructure of the tourism industry, within the orbit of a global security apparatus waging a ‘war on terror’. Drawing on critical work in international relations and geography, this article understands the securitization of tourism as part of a much wider logic in which the liberal order enacts pernicious modes of governance by producing a terrorist threat that is exceptional. It explores how this logic is reproduced through a cosmopolitan community symbolized by global travellers, and examines the measures taken by the tourism industry to secure this community (e.g. the physical transformations of hotel infrastructure and the provision of counter-terrorism training).


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Informed by the resource-based view, this study draws on customer relationship management (CRM) and value co-creation literature to develop a framework examining the impact of social networking sites on processes to manage customer relationships. Facilitating the depth and networked interactions necessary to truly engage customers, social networking sites act as a means of enhancing customer relationships through the co-creation of value, moving CRM into a social context. Tested and validated on a data set of hotels, the main contribution of the study to service research lies in the extension of CRM processes, termed relational information processes, to include value co-creation processes due to the social capabilities afforded by social networking sites. Information technology competency and social media orientation act as critical antecedents to these processes, which have a positive impact on both financial and non-financial aspects of firm performance. The theoretical and managerial implications of these findings are discussed accordingly.


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Esta dissertação de mestrado desenvolveu-se no âmbito do projecto “Arqueologia” das Aprendizagens no concelho de Alandroal, que teve, como objectivo primordial, a identificação e caracterização do universo de aprendizagens institucionais disponíveis e concretizadas pela comunidade do território em estudo (Freguesia de Capelins (Santo António) /Alandroal), na década 1997 – 2007. Foram inquiridas, nesta freguesia, 16 instituições e identificadas 30 aprendizagens institucionais, que tiveram maior ocorrência nos anos de 2004, 2005 e 2006. Embora seja uma freguesia essencialmente rural, a área de actividade da maioria das instituições identificadas inscreve-se no sector do comércio por grosso e a retalho e de reparação de veículos automóveis e motociclos. São, na sua maioria, instituições de natureza privada e reveladoras de organização, no que respeita à sua organização. No entanto, o relacionamento interinstitucional foi pouco dinâmico, existindo um fraco trabalho em rede. Quando existiram parcerias, estas ocorreram extra freguesia e, até mesmo, extra concelho. Seguindo uma análise quantitativa dos dados extraídos da aplicação dos questionários, com recurso a análise estatística, conclui-se que os processos de aprendizagem das instituições inquiridas da freguesia de Capelins apresentam características centradas nas próprias instituições promotoras dessas mesmas aprendizagens, assentes na formação do pessoal, com carácter formal e não formal e relacionaram-se com as áreas de administração pública e defesa, alojamento e restauração e ainda com a área do comércio por grosso e a retalho; ABSTRACT: This dissertation developed under the project "Archaeology" of Learning in the county of Alandroal, which had as its primary objective, the identification and characterization of the universe of available institutional learning and implemented by the community of the area under study (Parish of capelin (San Antonio) / Alandroal), in the decade from 1997 to 2007. Were surveyed in this parish, and 16 institutions identified 30 institutional learning, which have a higher occurrence in the years 2004, 2005 and 2006. Although it is an essentially rural, the parish area of activity of most institutions identified in the sector of wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles. Are, for the most part, private institutions and revealing of organization, with regard to its organization. However, the interinstitutional relationship was weak and there is a little dynamic networking. When partnered, this extra parish occurred and even extra municipality. Following a quantitative analysis of data taken from the application of questionnaires, using statistical analysis, it is concluded that the learning processes of the institutions surveyed in the parish of Capelins characteristics focused on promoting institutions of those learnings, based on staff training, formal and non-formal nature and related to the areas of public administration and defense, hotels and restaurants and also the area of wholesale and retail trade.


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O presente trabalho de investigação analisa a importância das redes formais e informais na internacionalização da economia do turismo, em particular do sector hoteleiro. Para tal baseia-se numa extensa revisão bibliográfica sobre as teorias que explicam o investimento directo no estrangeiro, assim como a abordagem das redes aplicada à internacionalização e o seu enquadramento no sector do turismo. Com base na revisão de literatura, uma série de hipóteses são sugeridas, as quais são testadas na parte empírica da tese através de uma análise às empresas Portuguesas com investimentos no estrangeiro na área da hotelaria até ao final de 2007 ou com projectos em curso. Esta análise baseia-se principalmente em dados obtidos através de entrevistas-questionário realizadas aos responsáveis das empresas. O inquérito obteve 40% de taxa de resposta, contendo dados relativos às características das empresas e de cada um dos projectos realizados no estrangeiro. Com base nestes resultados são sugeridas uma série de implicações, assim como algumas recomendações para investigações futuras. Adicionalmente, e de forma a investigar mercados com diferentes realidades sócio-culturais, políticas e cultura de negócios, foi analisado o caso de Goa, através de trabalho de campo que envolveu entrevistas informais e semiestruturadas a entidades-chave ligadas ao sector do turismo e aos hoteleiros de unidades de qualidade média-alta. Foi identificado um conjunto de oportunidades e desafios para as empresas Portuguesas. Ao usar uma abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa, esta tese contribui para a compreensão da natureza, determinantes e dimensões do processo de internacionalização do sector do turismo.


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Esta investigação teve como objetivo central averiguar se o comportamento espaciotemporal do turista urbano influencia a sua satisfação com a experiência de visita multiatração. Apesar de a mobilidade ser uma condição sine qua non do turismo, e, por outro lado, a visita a múltiplas atrações o contexto habitual em que se desenvolve a experiência turística em contexto urbano, a investigação neste domínio tende a ignorar a dimensão espaciotemporal e multiatração dessa experiência. O modelo conceptual proposto visa a sistematização da análise do comportamento espaciotemporal do turista bem como o estudo da sua relação com a satisfação, enquanto satisfação global e satisfação com dimensões da experiência. A partir deste, foi definido o modelo da pesquisa que, modelizando a questão central em estudo, teve por base dois instrumentos principais: estudo de rastreamento através de equipamento GPS e inquérito por questionário, realizados junto de hóspedes de dez hotéis de Lisboa (n= 413). A análise dos dados assume, por sua vez, dupla natureza: espacial e estatística. Em termos de análise espacial, a metodologia SIG em que se baseou a concretização dos mapas foi executada tendo como suporte a solução ArcGIS for Desktop 10.1, permitindo gerar visualizações úteis do ponto de vista da questão em estudo. A análise estatística dos dados compreendeu métodos descritivos, exploratórios e inferenciais, tendo como principal instrumento de teste das hipóteses formuladas a modelação PLS-PM, complementada pela análise PLS-MGA, com recurso ao programa SmartPLS 2.0. Entre as várias relações significativas encontradas, a conclusão mais importante que se pode retirar da investigação empírica é que, de facto, o comportamento espaciotemporal do turista urbano influencia a sua satisfação com a experiência de visita multiatração, afigurando-se particularmente importante neste contexto, em termos científicos e empíricos, investigar a heterogeneidade subjacente à população em estudo.


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Tese dout., Doctor of Philisophy, Sheffield Hallam University, 2001


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Nowadays the importance of websites to the tourism and hospitality industries is fundamental. Hotels, for instance, spend a huge amount of money improving their websites to show all the activities and amenities that they can provide. There are studies to evaluate website performance based on functionality, usability and other factors; nevertheless, they are not exhaustive. This paper presents a framework for the characterization of hotel and resort websites, that was applied as a case study to the websites of 5-star hotels and resorts that operate in the tourism region of the Algarve, Portugal. This framework allows us to identify a set of features for the hotel and resort websites characterization. From these features, we propose a set of comprehensive indicators, grouping them into ten fundamental information dimensions, as well as the application of these indicators and information dimensions, which allows obtaining quantitative and qualitative results.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Turismo e Culturas Urbanas, Escola Superior de Gestão, Hotelaria e Turismo, Universidade do do Algarve, 2016


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In the hotel industry, undistributed operating expenses represent a significant portion of the operating costs for a hotel. Exactly how most of these expenses arise is not well understood. Using data from more than 40 hotels operated by a major chain, the authors examine the links between the variety of a hotel’s products and customers and its undistributed operating expenses and revenues. Their findings show that undistributed operating expenses are related to the extent of the property’s business and product-services mix. The results suggest that although increasing a property's product-service mix results in higher undistributed operating expenses, the incremental costs are compensated for by higher revenues. However, increasing business mix while increasing undistributed operating expenses does not result in higher revenues.


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[Updated August 2016] The Hotel Valuation Software, freely available from Cornell’s Center for Hospitality Research, has been updated to reflect the many changes in the 11th Edition of the Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry (USALI). Version 4.0 of the Hotel Valuation Software provides numerous enhancements over the original tool from 2011. In addition to a significant increase in functionality and an update to reflect the 11th edition of the USALI, Version 4.0 takes advantage of the power of the latest release of Microsoft Excel®. Note that Version 4.0 works only on a PC running Microsoft Windows, it does not work on a Mac running OS X. Users desiring an OS X compatible version should click here (Labeled as Version 2.5). 酒店评估软件手册和三个程序(点击这里 ) Users desiring a Mandarin version of the Hotel Valuation Software should click here The Hotel Valuation Software remains the only non-proprietary computer software designed specifically to assist in the preparation of market studies, forecasts of income and expense, and valuations for lodging property. The software provides an accurate, consistent, and cost-effective way for hospitality professionals to forecast occupancy, revenues and expenses and to perform hotel valuations. Version 4.0 of the Hotel Valuation Software includes the following upgrades – a complete update to reflect the 11th edition of the USALI – the most significant change to the chart of accounts in a generation, an average daily rate forecasting tool, a much more sophisticated valuation module, and an optional valuation tool useful in periods of limited capital liquidity. Using established methodology, the Hotel Valuation Software is a sophisticated tool for lodging professionals. The tool consists of three separate software programs written as Microsoft Excel files and a software users' guide. The tool is provided through the generosity of HVS and the School of Hotel Administration. The three software modules are: Room Night Analysis and Average Daily Rate: Enables the analyst to evaluate the various competitive factors such as occupancy, average room rate, and market segmentation for competitive hotels in a local market. Calculates the area-wide occupancy and average room rate, as well as the competitive market mix. Produce a forecast of occupancy and average daily rate for existing and proposed hotels in a local market. The program incorporates such factors as competitive occupancies, market segmentation, unaccommodated demand, latent demand, growth of demand, and the relative competitiveness of each property in the local market. The program outputs include ten-year projections of occupancy and average daily rate. Fixed and Variable Revenue and Expense Analysis: The key to any market study and valuation is a supportable forecast of revenues and expenses. Hotel revenue and expenses are comprised of many different components that display certain fixed and variable relationships to each other. This program enables the analyst to input comparable financial operating data and forecast a complete 11-year income and expense statement by defining a small set of inputs: The expected future occupancy levels for the subject hotel Base year operating data for the subject hotel Fixed and variable relationships for revenues and expenses Expected inflation rates for revenues and expenses Hotel Capitalization Software: A discounted cash flow valuation model utilizing the mortgage-equity technique forms the basis for this program. Values are produced using three distinct underwriting criteria: A loan-to-value ratio, in which the size of the mortgage is based on property value. A debt coverage ratio (also known as a debt-service coverage ratio), in which the size of the mortgage is based on property level cash flow, mortgage interest rate, and mortgage amortization. A debt yield, in which the size of the mortgage is based on property level cash flow. By entering the terms of typical lodging financing, along with a forecast of revenue and expense, the program determines the value that provides the stated returns to the mortgage and equity components. The program allows for a variable holding period from four to ten years The program includes an optional model useful during periods of capital market illiquidity that assumes a property refinancing during the holding period


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As many as one-third of U.S. hotels have been converted from one brand to another in recent years, a process that frequently improves the hotel’s financial performance—although that is not always the case. Using data collected between 1994 and 2012 from PKF Hospitality Research, an analysis of brand conversions by 260 hotels shows that hotels moving downscale generally improved their occupancy, and thus their top-line revenue and profit ratios, compared to a control group of 2,750 hotels that did not change brands. However, hotels that moved upscale did not see notable changes in revenue or profit, nor did hotels that moved across their tier, especially when they stayed within their brand family. Two factors seem to drive the financial results for converted hotels—the relative strength of the brand and the fit between the brand and the property.


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China has embarked on the largest program of new hotel construction the world has ever seen. Even though the nation’s growth rate has eased somewhat in the past year, China’s hotel development continues at a pace that would see at least three new 150+ room hotels open every day for the next 25 years.1 Even if the industry does not continue to expand at this rate, China’s hotel growth carries substantial consequences in terms of increases in energy and water consumption, and an expanding carbon footprint. In this paper, we outline the dimensions of this issue, and we urge hotel developers to heed the national government’s push for greater sustainability.


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The rapid growth of the Chinese tourism has stimulated competition within tourism-related industries, such as the hospitality industry. The purpose of this study is to examine the Chinese consumer reaction to different promotional tools used by hotels in China and, thus, to provide a deeper understanding for marketers of how to use sales promotion effectively to generate appropriate consumer responses. An experimental survey was administered yielding a total sample of 319 Chinese customers, who were probed using different types of sales promotion tools. Data analysis indicates that bonus packs (e.g. a 3-night stay at a hotel for the price of 2) induced the highest consumer perceived value, brand switching, and purchase acceleration intention, whereas price discounts resulted in the highest intention to spend more. Although this study has its limitations given its reliance on a convenience sample, it offers insightful practical implications for hotel business owners in Asia regarding targeting the right customers with the right promotional tools, where it is proposed that bonus packs successfully attract new Chinese customers and price discounts support in generating more sales.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças, sob orientação de Professor Doutor Filipe Ambrósio e co-orientação do Mestre António Melo