994 resultados para Holt-Winters


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Raportissa on arvioitu ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutusta Suomen maaperän talviaikaiseen jäätymiseen lämpösummien perusteella. Laskelmat kuvaavat roudan paksuutta nimenomaisesti lumettomilla alueilla, esimerkiksi teillä, joilta satanut lumi aurataan pois. Luonnossa lämpöä eristävän lumipeitteen alla routaa on ohuemmin kuin tällaisilla lumettomilla alueilla. Toisaalta luonnollisessa ympäristössä paikalliset erot korostuvat johtuen mm. maalajeista ja kasvillisuudesta. Roudan paksuudet laskettiin ensin perusjakson 1971–2000 ilmasto-oloissa talviaikaisten säähavaintotietoihin pohjautuvien lämpötilojen perusteella. Sen jälkeen laskelmat toistettiin kolmelle tulevalle ajanjaksolle (2010–2039, 2040–2069 ja 2070–2099) kohottamalla lämpötiloja ilmastonmuutosmallien ennustamalla tavalla. Laskelman pohjana käytettiin 19 ilmastomallin A1B-skenaarioajojen keskimäärin simuloimaa lämpötilan muutosta. Tulosten herkkyyden arvioimiseksi joitakin laskelmia tehtiin myös tätä selvästi heikompaa ja voimakkaampaa lämpenemisarviota käyttäen. A1B-skenaarion mukaisen lämpötilan nousun toteutuessa nykyisiä mallituloksia vastaavasti routakerros ohenee sadan vuoden aikana Pohjois-Suomessa 30–40 %, suuressa osassa maan keski- ja eteläosissa 50–70 %. Jo lähivuosikymmeninä roudan ennustetaan ohentuvan 10–30 %, saaristossa enemmän. Mikäli lämpeneminen toteutuisi voimakkaimman tarkastellun vaihtoehdon mukaisesti, roudan syvyys pienenisi tätäkin enemmän. Roudan paksuuden vuosienvälistä vaihtelua ja sen muuttumista tulevaisuudessa pyrittiin myös arvioimaan. Leutoina talvina routa ohenee enemmän kuin normaaleina tai ankarina pakkastalvina. Päivittäistä sään vaihtelua simuloineen säägeneraattorin tuottamassa aineistoissa esiintyi kuitenkin liian vähän hyvin alhaisia ja hyvin korkeita lämpötiloja. Siksi näitten lämpötilatietojen pohjalta laskettu roudan paksuuskin ilmeisesti vaihtelee liian vähän vuodesta toiseen. Kelirikkotilanteita voi esiintyä myös kesken routakauden, jos useamman päivän suojasää ja samanaikainen runsas vesisade pääsevät sulattamaan maata. Tällaiset routakauden aikana sattuvat säätilat näyttävätkin yleistyvän lähivuosikymmeninä. Vuosisadan loppua kohti ne sen sijaan maan eteläosissa jälleen vähenevät, koska routakausi lyhenee oleellisesti. Tulevia vuosikymmeniä koskevien ilmastonmuutosennusteiden ohella routaa ja kelirikon esiintymistä on periaatteessa mahdollista ennustaa myös lähiaikojen sääennusteita hyödyntäen. Pitkät, viikkojen tai kuukausien mittaiset sääennusteet eivät tosin ole ainakaan vielä erityisen luotettavia, mutta myös lyhyemmistä ennusteista voisi olla hyötyä mm. tienpitoa suunniteltaessa.


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Nurmiheinien merkitys maailmanlaajuisesti on merkittävä, sillä noin 69 % maapallon peltopinta-alasta on pysyvää laidunmaata tai niittyä. Suomessa nurmien osuus on noin 29 %, ja tuotanto perustuu pääosin intensiiviseen säilörehuntuotantoon. Yleisin nurmiheinälaji Suomessa on timotei (Phleum pratense ssp. pratense L.). Timotei on talvenkestävä ja soveltuu siksi pohjoisiin kasvuoloihin. Timoteilajikkeita jalostettaessa pohjoista alkuperää olevia vanhempaislinjoja käytetään hyvän talvenkestävyyden varmistamiseksi, eteläisiä tavoiteltaessa nopeaa kasvurytmiä. Ilmaston muutoksen ennustetaan lisäävän erilaisia äärioloja kuten myrskyjä ja sateita. Vuorokauden keskilämpötila nousee ja kasvukausi pidentyy. Lisäksi talvet muuttuvat sateisemmiksi. Muutokset näkyvät erityisesti pohjoisissa kasvuympäristöissä. Tutkimuksessa haluttiinkin selvittää eri alkuperää edustavien timoteilajikkeiden ja linjojen kylmänkestävyyttä, kasvu-, ja kehitysnopeutta sekä vernalisaation vaikutusta. Lisäksi tutkittiin syysviljojen vernalisaatiovasteen mittaamiseen käytettyjen menetelmien soveltuvuutta nurmille. Tutkimukseen kuului kaksivuotinen peltokoe sekä kasvatuskaappikoe. Vernalisaatio nopeutti timotein kasvua ja kehitystä. Tutkimuksen perusteella eteläistä alkuperää olevilla lajikkeilla kasvu- ja kukintavalmius oli olemassa ilman vernalisaatiota. Pohjoisilla lajikkeilla oli suurempi vernalisaatiovaste ja niiden kukkiminen ja kasvu nopeutui vernalisaation myötä. Vernalisaatiolla oli vaikutusta myös kasvuston rakenteeseen. Generatiivisten versojen määrä lisääntyi vernalisaation myötä, kun taas vegetatiivisten versojen määrä väheni. Kylmänkestävyys oli tutkimuksen perusteella riippuvainen syksyn karaistumisjakson pituudesta sekä jakson lämpösummasta (FH-COLD). Korkea keskilämpötila ja lyhyt karaistumisjakso heikensivät kylmänkestävyyttä. Vastaavasti karaistumiskauden lämpötilan ollessa välillä 0 °C:ta ja + 5 °C:ta ja jakson pituuden kasvaessa kylmänkestävyys lisääntyi. Tutkimuksen perusteella vernalisaatiolla oli selvä vaikutus timotein kasvuun ja kehitykseen. Pohjoista alkuperää olevat timoteit reagoivat vernalisaatioon eteläisiä enemmän. Osa pohjoisista linjoista vaati vernalisaation generatiivisten versojen muodostumiseen. Syysviljojen vernalisaatiovasteen mittausmenetelmät soveltuvat osin myös puhtaiden timoteilajikkeiden vernalisaation seurantaan.


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The way in which basal tractions, associated with mantle convection, couples with the lithosphere is a fundamental problem in geodynamics. A successful lithosphere-mantle coupling model for the Earth will satisfy observations of plate motions, intraplate stresses, and the plate boundary zone deformation. We solve the depth integrated three-dimensional force balance equations in a global finite element model that takes into account effects of both topography and shallow lithosphere structure as well as tractions originating from deeper mantle convection. The contribution from topography and lithosphere structure is estimated by calculating gravitational potential energy differences. The basal tractions are derived from a fully dynamic flow model with both radial and lateral viscosity variations. We simultaneously fit stresses and plate motions in order to delineate a best-fit lithosphere-mantle coupling model. We use both the World Stress Map and the Global Strain Rate Model to constrain the models. We find that a strongly coupled model with a stiff lithosphere and 3-4 orders of lateral viscosity variations in the lithosphere are best able to match the observational constraints. Our predicted deviatoric stresses, which are dominated by contribution from mantle tractions, range between 20-70 MPa. The best-fitting coupled models predict strain rates that are consistent with observations. That is, the intraplate areas are nearly rigid whereas plate boundaries and some other continental deformation zones display high strain rates. Comparison of mantle tractions and surface velocities indicate that in most areas tractions are driving, although in a few regions, including western North America, tractions are resistive. Citation: Ghosh, A., W. E. Holt, and L. M. Wen (2013), Predicting the lithospheric stress field and plate motions by joint modeling of lithosphere and mantle dynamics.


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We investigated area changes in glaciers covering an area of similar to 200 km(2) in the Tista basin, Sikkim, Eastern Indian Himalaya, between similar to 1990 and 2010 using Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and Indian Remote-sensing Satellite (IRS) images and related the changes to debris cover, supraglacial lakes and moraine-dam lakes. The glaciers lost an area of 3.3 +/- 0.8% between 1989/90 and 2010. More detailed analysis revealed an area loss of 2.00 +/- 0.82, 2.56 +/- 0.61 and 2.28 +/- 2.01 km(2) for the periods 1989-97, 1997-2004/05 and 2004-2009/10, respectively. This indicates an accelerated retreat of glaciers after 1997. On further analysis, we observed (1) the formation and expansion of supraglacial lakes on many debris-covered glaciers and (2) the merging of these lakes over time, leading to the development of large moraine-dam lakes. We also observed that debris-covered glaciers with lakes lose a greater area than debris-covered glaciers without lakes and debris-free glaciers. The climatic data for 24 years (1987-2011), measured at the Gangtok meteorological station (1812 m a.s.l.), showed that the region experienced a 1.0 degrees C rise in the summer minimum temperature and a 2.0 degrees C rise in the winter minimum temperature, indicating hotter summers and warmer winters. There was no significant trend in the total annual precipitation. We find that glacier retreat is caused mainly by a temperature increase and that debris-covered glaciers can retreat at a faster rate than debris-free glaciers, if associated with lakes.


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The degree to which the lithosphere and mantle are coupled and contribute to surface deformation beneath continental regions remains a fundamental question in the field of geodynamics. Here we use a new approach with a surface deformation field constrained by GPS, geologic, and seismicity data, together with a lithospheric geodynamic model, to solve for tractions inferred to be generated by mantle convection that (1) drive extension within interior Alaska generating southward directed surface motions toward the southern convergent plate boundary, (2) result in accommodation of the relative motions between the Pacific and North America in a comparatively small zone near the plate boundary, and (3) generate the observed convergence within the North American plate interior in the Mackenzie mountains in northwestern Canada. The evidence for deeper mantle influence on surface deformation beneath a continental region suggests that this mechanism may be an important contributing driver to continental plate assemblage and breakup.


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With the advances in technology, seismological theory, and data acquisition, a number of high-resolution seismic tomography models have been published. However, discrepancies between tomography models often arise from different theoretical treatments of seismic wave propagation, different inversion strategies, and different data sets. Using a fixed velocity-to-density scaling and a fixed radial viscosity profile, we compute global mantle flow models associated with the different tomography models and test the impact of these for explaining surface geophysical observations (geoid, dynamic topography, stress, and strain rates). We use the joint modeling of lithosphere and mantle dynamics approach of Ghosh and Holt (2012) to compute the full lithosphere stresses, except that we use HC for the mantle circulation model, which accounts for the primary flow-coupling features associated with density-driven mantle flow. Our results show that the seismic tomography models of S40RTS and SAW642AN provide a better match with surface observables on a global scale than other models tested. Both of these tomography models have important similarities, including upwellings located in Pacific, Eastern Africa, Iceland, and mid-ocean ridges in the Atlantic and Indian Ocean and downwelling flows mainly located beneath the Andes, the Middle East, and central and Southeast Asia.


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The Vi capsular polysaccharide is a virulence-associated factor expressed by Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi but absent from virtually all other Salmonella serotypes. In order to study this determinant in vivo, we characterised a Vi-positive S. Typhimurium (C5.507 Vi(+)), harbouring the Salmonella pathogenicity island (SPI)-7, which encodes the Vi locus. S. Typhimurium C5.507 Vi(+) colonised and persisted in mice at similar levels compared to the parent strain, S. Typhimurium C5. However, the innate immune response to infection with C5.507 Vi(+) and SGB1, an isogenic derivative not expressing Vi, differed markedly. Infection with C5.507 Vi(+) resulted in a significant reduction in cellular trafficking of innate immune cells, including PMN and NK cells, compared to SGB1 Vi(-) infected animals. C5.507 Vi(+) infection stimulated reduced numbers of TNF-α, MIP-2 and perforin producing cells compared to SGB1 Vi(-). The modulating effect associated with Vi was not observed in MyD88(-/-) and was reduced in TLR4(-/-) mice. The presence of the Vi capsule also correlated with induction of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 in vivo, a factor that impacted on chemotaxis and the activation of immune cells in vitro.


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The migratory population of striped bass (Morone saxatilis) (>400 mm total length[TL]) spends winter in the Atlantic Ocean off the Virginia and North Carolina coasts of the United States. Information on trophic dynamics for these large adults during winter is limited. Feeding habits and prey were described from stomach contents of 1154 striped bass ranging from 373 to 1250 mm TL, collected from trawls during winters of 1994-96, 2000, and 2002-03, and from the recreational fishery during 2005-07. Nineteen prey species were present in the diet. Overall, Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus) and bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli) dominated the diet by boimass (67.9%) and numerically (68.6%). The percent biomass of Atlantic menhaden during 1994-2003 to 87.0% during 2005-07. Demersal fish species such as Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus) and spot (Leiostomus xanthurus) represented <15% of the diet biomass, whereas alosines (Alosa spp.) were rarely observed. Invertebrates were least important, contributing <1.0% by biomass and numerically. Striped bass are capable of feeding on a wide range of prey sizes (2% to 43% of their total length). This study outlines the importance of clupeoid fishes to striped bass winter production and also shows that predation may be exerting pressure on one of their dominant prey, the Atlantic menhaden.


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The spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) is considered a key species relative to the implementation of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP). One of the goals of the CERP is to increase freshwater flows to Florida Bay. Increased freshwater flows can have potential positive and negative impacts on spotted seatrout populations. At low salinities, the planktonic eggs of spotted seatrout sink to the bottom and are not viable (Alshuth and Gilmore, 1994; Holt and Holt, 2002). On the other hand, increased freshwater flows can alleviate hypersaline conditions that could result in an expansion of the distribution of the early life stages of spotted seatrout (Thayer et al., 1999; Florida Department of Environmental Protection1). Thus it would be useful to develop a monitoring program that can detect changes in seatrout abundance on time scales short enough to be useful to resource managers. The NOAA Center for Coastal Fisheries and Habitat Research (NOAA) has made sporadic collections of juvenile seatrout using otter trawls since 1984 (see Powell et al, 2004). The results suggest that it might be useful to sample for seatrout in as many as eight different areas or basins (Figure 1): Bradley Key, Sandy Key, Johnson Key, Palm Key, Snake Bight, Central, Whipray and Crocodile Dragover. Unfortunately, logistical constraints are likely to limit the number of tows to about 40 per month over a period of six months each year. Inasmuch as few seatrout are caught in any given tow and the proportion of tows with zero seatrout is often high, it is important to determine how best to allocate this limited sampling effort among the various basins so that any trends in abundance may be detected with sufficient statistical confidence. (PDF contains 16 pages)


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Tracey Holt introduced Triptico to her department after attending training from Sue Shercliff, ESOL Lecturer. Triptico is a resource for teachers to use in conjunction with their interactive whiteboards that currently contains around 20 different interactive resources - all of which can be easily edited, adapted and saved for later use. This quickly spread throughout the entire college. It is a fantastic free resource which promotes more interaction in the classroom between the teacher and students.


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The health and continued existence of coral reef ecosystems are threatened by an increasing array of environmental and anthropogenic impacts. Coral disease is one of the prominent causes of increased mortality among reefs globally, particularly in the Caribbean. Although over 40 different coral diseases and syndromes have been reported worldwide, only a few etiological agents have been confirmed; most pathogens remain unknown and the dynamics of disease transmission, pathogenicity and mortality are not understood. Causal relationships have been documented for only a few of the coral diseases, while new syndromes continue to emerge. Extensive field observations by coral biologists have provided substantial documentation of a plethora of new pathologies, but our understanding, however, has been limited to descriptions of gross lesions with names reflecting these observations (e.g., black band, white band, dark spot). To determine etiology, we must equip coral diseases scientists with basic biomedical knowledge and specialized training in areas such as histology, cell biology and pathology. Only through combining descriptive science with mechanistic science and employing the synthesis epizootiology provides will we be able to gain insight into causation and become equipped to handle the pending crisis. One of the critical challenges faced by coral disease researchers is to establish a framework to systematically study coral pathologies drawing from the field of diagnostic medicine and pathology and using generally accepted nomenclature. This process began in April 2004, with a workshop titled Coral Disease and Health Workshop: Developing Diagnostic Criteria co-convened by the Coral Disease and Health Consortium (CDHC), a working group organized under the auspices of the U.S. Coral Reef Task Force, and the International Registry for Coral Pathology (IRCP). The workshop was hosted by the U.S. Geological Survey, National Wildlife Health Center (NWHC) in Madison, Wisconsin and was focused on gross morphology and disease signs observed in the field. A resounding recommendation from the histopathologists participating in the workshop was the urgent need to develop diagnostic criteria that are suitable to move from gross observations to morphological diagnoses based on evaluation of microscopic anatomy. (PDF contains 92 pages)


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ENGLISH: One primary duty of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission is to estimate the maximum sustainable catches of yellowfin tuna (Neothunnus macropterus) and skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis), and to investigate and recommend proposals to maintain the stocks at levels which will permit these catches to be obtained. To do this, there is required some means of predicting yields relative to fishing intensity. . . The age composition of catch, and growth rate of yellowfin tuna for recent years have now been estimated (Hennemuth, 1961). In this paper, relative abundance at age of yellowfin tuna shall be estimated -and used, in turn, to estimate total mortality rate. Yield-per-recruit calculations, based on Beverton and Holt's (1957) simple equation, will be presented to compare present utilization with theoretical maxima under varying levels of fishing mortality and different ages at first capture. SPANISH: Uno de los principales deberes de la Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical es estimar las pescas máximas sostenibles de los atunes aleta amarilla (Neothunnus macropterus) y barrilete (Katsuwonus pelamis) , así como estudiar y recomendar proposiciones para mantener los stocks a niveles que permitan obtener estas pescas. Para lograr este propósito se requieren algunos medios que permitan predecir el rendimiento en relación con la intensidad de la pesca. . La composición de edades de la pesca y la tasa de crecimiento del atún aleta amarilla en años recientes han sido estimadas ahora (Hennemuth, 1961). En este trabajo, la abundancia relativa a una edad dada de esta especie será estimada y usada, a su vez, para estimar la tasa de mortalidad total. Los cálculos del rendimiento por recluta, basados en la ecuación simple de Beverton y Holt (1957), serán presentados para comparar la utilización actual con los máximos teóricos bajo valores variables de mortalidad por la pesca y a diferentes edades a la primera captura.


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ENGLISH: Age composition of catch, and growth rate, of yellowfin tuna have been estimated by Hennemuth (1961a) and Davidoff (1963). The relative abundance and instantaneous total mortality rate of yellowfin tuna during 1954-1959 have been estimated by Hennenmuth (1961b). It is now possible to extend this work, because more data are available; these include data for 1951-1954, which were previously not available, and data for 1960-1962, which were collected subsequent to Hennemuth's (1961b) publication. In that publication, Hennemuth estimated the total instantaneous mortality rate (Z) during the entire time period a year class is present in the fishery following full recruitment. However, this method may lead to biased estimates of abundance, and hence mortality rates, because of both seasonal migrations into or out of specific fishing areas and possible seasonal differences in availability or vulnerability of the fish to the fishing gear. Schaefer, Chatwin and Broadhead (1961) and Joseph etl al. (1964) have indicated that seasonal migrations of yellowfin occur. A method of estimating mortality rates which is not biased by seasonal movements would be of value in computations of population dynamics. The method of analysis outlined and used in the present paper may obviate this bias by comparing the abundance of an individual yellowfin year class, following its period of maximum abundance, in an individual area during a specific quarter of the year with its abundance in the same area one year later. The method was suggested by Gulland (1955) and used by Chapman, Holt and Allen (1963) in assessing Antarctic whale stocks. This method, and the results of its use with data for yellowfin caught in the eastern tropical Pacific from 1951-1962 are described in this paper. SPANISH: La composición de edad de la captura, y la tasa de crecimiento del atún aleta amarilla, han sido estimadas por Hennemuth (1961a) y Davidoff (1963). Hennemuth (1961b), estimó la abundancia relativa y la tasa de mortalidad total instantánea del atún aleta amarilla durante 1954-1959. Se puede ampliar ahora, este trabajo, porque se dispone de más datos; éstos incluyen datos de 1951 1954, de los cuales no se disponía antes, y datos de 1960-1962 que fueron recolectados después de la publicación de Hennemuth (1961b). En esa obra, Hennemuth estimó la tasa de mortalidad total instantánea (Z) durante todo el período de tiempo en el cual una clase anual está presente en la pesquería, consecutiva al reclutamiento total. Sin embargo, este método puede conducir a estimaciones con bias (inclinación viciada) de abundancia, y de aquí las tasas de mortalidad, debidas tanto a migraciones estacionales dentro o fuera de las áreas determinadas de pesca, como a posibles diferencias estacionales en la disponibilidad y vulnerabilidad de los peces al equipo de pesca. Schaefer, Chatwin y Broadhead (1961) y Joseph et al. (1964) han indicado que ocurren migraciones estacionales de atún aleta amarilla. Un método para estimar las tasas de mortalidad el cual no tuviera bias debido a los movimientos estacionales, sería de valor en los cómputos de la dinámica de las poblaciones. El método de análisis delineado y usado en el presente estudio puede evitar este bias al comparar la abundancia de una clase anual individual de atún aleta amarilla, subsecuente a su período de abundancia máxima en un área individual, durante un trimestre específico del año, con su abundancia en la misma área un año más tarde. Este método fue sugerido por Gulland (1955) y empleado por Chapman, Holt y Allen (1963) en la declaración de los stocks de la ballena antártica. Este método y los resultados de su uso, en combinación con los datos del atún aleta amarilla capturado en el Pacífico oriental tropical desde 1951-1962, son descritos en este estudio.


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From 1974 through 1983, we conducted monitoring to provide the first long-term, year-round record of sea water temperatures south of New England from surface to bottom, and from nearshore to the continental slope. Expendable bathythermograph transects were made approximately monthly during the ten years by scientists and technicians from numerous institutions, working on research vessels that traversed the continental shelf off southern New England. Ten-year (1974-83) means and variability are presented for coastal and bottom water temperatures, for mid-shelf water column temperatures, and for some atmospheric and oceanographic conditions that may influence shelf and upper-slope water temperatures. Possible applications of ocean temperature monitoring to fishery ecology are noted. Some large departures from mean conditions are discussed; particularly notable during the decade were the response of water temperatures to the passage of Gulf Stream warm-core rings, and the magnitude and persistence of shelf-water cooling associated with air temperatures in three successive very cold winters (1976-77, 1977-78, and 1978-79). (PDF file contains 51 pages.)