949 resultados para Higher temperatures


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We investigate the evolution of polymer structure and its influence on uniaxial anisotropic stress under time-varying uniaxial strain, and the role of external control variables such as temperature, strain rate, chain length, and density, using molecular dynamics simulation. At temperatures higher than glass transition, stress anisotropy in the system is reduced even though the bond stretch is greater at higher temperatures. There is a significant increase in the stress level with increasing density. At higher densities, the uncoiling of the chains is suppressed and the major contribution to the deformation is by internal deformation of the chains. At faster rates of loading stress anisotropy increases. The deformation mechanism is mostly due to bond stretch and bond bending rather than overall shape and size. Stress levels increase with longer chain length. There is a critical value of the functionality of the cross-linkers beyond which the uniaxial stress developed increases caused primarily by bond stretching due to increased constraint on the motion of the monomers. Stacking of the chains in the system also plays a dominant role in the behaviour in terms of excluded volume interactions. Low density, high temperature, low values of functionality of cross-linkers, and short chain length facilitate chain uncoiling and chain slipping in cross-linked polymers.


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Bacterial infection remains an important risk factor after orthopedic surgery. The present paper reports the synthesis of hydroxyapatite-silver (HA-Ag) and carbon nanotube-silver (CNT-Ag) composites via spark plasma sintering (SPS) route. The retention of the initial phases after SPS was confirmed by phase analysis using X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. Energy dispersive spectrum analysis showed that Ag was distributed uniformly in the CNT/HA matrix. The breakage of CNTs into spheroid particles at higher temperatures (1700 degrees C) is attributed to the Rayleigh instability criterion. Mechanical properties (hardness and elastic modulus) of the samples were evaluated using nanoindentation testing. Ag reinforcement resulted in the enhancement of hardness (by similar to 15%) and elastic modulus (similar to 5%) of HA samples, whereas Ag reinforcement in CNT, Ag addition does not have much effect on hardness (0.3 GPa) and elastic modulus (5 GPa). The antibacterial tests performed using Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus epidermidis showed significant decrease (by similar to 65-86%) in the number of adhered bacteria in HA/CNT composites reinforced with 5% Ag nanoparticles. Thus, Ag-reinforced HA/CNT can serve as potential antibacterial biocomposites.


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Composites comprising Poly(Methyl Methacrylate) (PMMA) and CaCu3Ti4O12 (CCTO) via melt mixing followed by hot pressing were fabricated. These were characterized using X-ray diffraction, thermo gravimetric, scanning electron microscopy, and Impedance analyzer for their structural, morphology, and dielectric properties. Composites were found to have better thermal stability than that of pure PMMA. The composite, with 38 Vol % of CCTO (in PMMA), exhibited remarkably low dielectric loss at high frequencies and the low frequency relaxation is attributed to the space charge polarization/MWS effect. Theoretical models were employed to rationalize the dielectric behavior of these composites. At higher temperatures, the relaxation peak shifts to higher frequencies, due to the merging of both beta and alpha relaxations into a single dielectric dispersion peak. The AC conductivity in the high frequency region was attributed to the electronic polarization. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 54:551-558, 2014. (c) 2013 Society of Plastics Engineers


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Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST) is well known for its phase change properties and applications in memory and data storage. Efforts are being made to improve its thermal stability and transition between amorphous and crystalline phases. Various elements are doped to GST to improve these properties. In this work, Se has been doped to GST to study its effect on phase change properties. Amorphous GST film crystallized in to rock salt (NaCl) type structure at 150 degrees C and then transformed to hexagonal structure at 250 degrees C. Interestingly, Se doped GST ((GST)(0.9)Se-0.1) film crystallized directly into hexagonal phase and the intermediate phase of NaCl is not observed. The crystallization temperature (T-c) of (GST)(0.9)Se-0.1 is around 200 degrees C, which is 50 degrees C higher than the T-c of GST. For (GST)(0.9)Se-0.1, the threshold switching occurs at about 4.5V which is higher than GST (3 V). Band gap (E-opt) values of as deposited films are calculated from Tauc plot which are 0.63 eV for GST and 0.66 eV for (GST)(0.9)Se-0.1. The E-opt decreases for the films annealed at higher temperatures. The increased T-c, E-opt, the contrast in resistance and the direct transition to hexagonal phase may improve the data readability and thermal stability in the Se doped GST film. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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In well dispersed multi-wall carbon nanotube-polystyrene composite of 15 wt%, with room temperature conductivity of similar to 5 S/cm and resistivity ratio R-2K/R-200K] of similar to 1.4, the temperature dependence of conductivity follows a power-law behavior. The conductivity increases with magnetic field for a wide range of temperature (2-200 K), and power-law fits to conductivity data show that localization length (xi) increases with magnetic field, resulting in a large negative magnetoresistance (MR). At 50T, the negative MR at 8 K is similar to 13% and it shows a maximum at 90K (similar to 25%). This unusually large negative MR indicates that the field is delocalizing the charge carriers even at higher temperatures, apart from the smaller weak localization contribution at T < 20 K. This field-induced delocalization mechanism of MR can provide insight into the intra and inter tube transport. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Flower-like hierarchical architectures of layered SnS2 have been synthesized ionothermally for the first time, using a water soluble EMIM]BF4 ionic liquid (IL) as the solvent medium. At lower reaction temperatures, the hierarchical structures are formed of few-layered polycrystalline 2D nanosheet-petals composed of randomly oriented nanoparticles of SnS2. The supramolecular networks of the IL serve as templates on which the nanoparticles of SnS2 are glued together by combined effects of hydrogen bonding, electrostatic, hydrophobic and imidazolium stacking interactions of the IL, giving rise to polycrystalline 2D nanosheet-petals. At higher reaction temperatures, single crystalline plate-like nanosheets with well-defined crystallographic facets are obtained due to rapid inter-particle diffusion across the IL. Efficient surface charge screening by the IL favors the aggregation of individual nanosheets to form hierarchical flower-like architectures of SnS2. The mechanistic aspects of the ionothermal bottom-up hierarchical assembly of SnS2 nanosheets are discussed in detail. Li-ion storage properties of the pristine SnS2 samples are examined and the electrochemical performance of the sample synthesized at higher temperatures is found to be comparable to that reported for pristine SnS2 samples in the literature.


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Carbonization of milk-free coconut kernel pulp is carried out at low temperatures. The carbon samples are activated using KOH, and electrical double-layer capacitor (EDLC) properties are studied. Among the several samples prepared, activated carbon prepared at 600 A degrees C has a large surface area (1,200 m(2) g(-1)). There is a decrease in surface area with increasing temperature of preparation. Cyclic voltammetry and galvanostatic charge-discharge studies suggest that activated carbons derived from coconut kernel pulp are appropriate materials for EDLC studies in acidic, alkaline, and non-aqueous electrolytes. Specific capacitance of 173 F g(-1) is obtained in 1 M H2SO4 electrolyte for the activated carbon prepared at 600 A degrees C. The supercapacitor properties of activated carbon sample prepared at 600 A degrees C are superior to the samples prepared at higher temperatures.


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The temperature (300-973K) and frequency (100Hz-10MHz) response of the dielectric and impedance characteristics of 2BaO-0.5Na(2)O-2.5Nb(2)O(5)-4.5B(2)O(3) glasses and glass nanocrystal composites were studied. The dielectric constant of the glass was found to be almost independent of frequency (100Hz-10MHz) and temperature (300-600K). The temperature coefficient of dielectric constant was 8 +/- 3ppm/K in the 300-600K temperature range. The relaxation and conduction phenomena were rationalized using modulus formalism and universal AC conductivity exponential power law, respectively. The observed relaxation behavior was found to be thermally activated. The complex impedance data were fitted using the least square method. Dispersion of Barium Sodium Niobate (BNN) phase at nanoscale in a glass matrix resulted in the formation of space charge around crystal-glass interface, leading to a high value of effective dielectric constant especially for the samples heat-treated at higher temperatures. The fabricated glass nanocrystal composites exhibited P versus E hysteresis loops at room temperature and the remnant polarization (P-r) increased with the increase in crystallite size.


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Three new molecular compounds, Ni-5(bta)(6)(CO)(4)], I, Ni-9(bta)(12)(CO)(6)], II, Ni-9(bta)(12)(CO)(6)]. 2(C3H7NO), III, (bta = benzotriazole) were prepared employing solvothermal reactions. Of these, I have pentanuclear nickel, whereas II and III have nonanuclear nickel species. The structures are formed by the connectivity between the nickel and benzotriazole giving rise to the 5- and 9-membered nickel clusters. The structures are stabilised by extensive pi aEuro broken vertical bar pi and C-H... pi interactions. Compound II and III are solvotamorphs as they have the same 9-membered nickel clusters and have different solvent molecules. To the best of our knowledge, the compounds I-III represent the first examples of the same transition element existing in two distinct coordination environment in this class of compounds. The studies reveal that compound I is reactive and could be an intermediate in the preparation of II and III. Thermal studies indicate that the compounds are stable upto 350(a similar to)C and at higher temperatures (similar to 800(a similar to)C) the compounds decompose into NiO. Magnetic studies reveal that II is anti-ferromagnetic.


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A 2D multi-particle model is carried out to understand the effect of microstructural variations and loading conditions on the stress evolution in Al-Si alloy under compression. A total of six parameters are varied to create 26 idealized microstructures: particle size, shape, orientation, matrix temper, strain rate, and temperature. The effect of these parameters is investigated to understand the fracture of Si particles and the yielding of Al matrix. The Si particles are modeled as a linear elastic solid and the Al matrix is modeled as an elasto-plastic solid. The results of the study demonstrate that the increase in particle size decreases the yield strength of the alloy. The particles with high aspect ratio and oriented at 0A degrees and 90A degrees to the loading axis show higher stress values. This implies that the particle shape and orientation are dominant factors in controlling particle fracture. The heat treatment of the alloy is found to increase the stress levels of both particles and matrix. Stress calculations also show that higher particle fracture and matrix yielding is expected at higher strain rate deformation. Particle fracture decreases with increase in temperature and the Al matrix plays an important role in controlling the properties of the alloy at higher temperatures. Further, this strain rate and temperature dependence is more pronounced in the heat-treated microstructure. These predictions are consistent with the experimentally observed Si particle fracture in real microstructure.


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We report the first detailed study of the kinetics of dispersion of nanoparticles in thin polymer films using temperature dependent in situ X-ray scattering measurements. We show a comparably enhanced dispersion at higher temperatures for systems which are otherwise phase segregated at room temperature. Detailed analysis of the time dependent X-ray reflectivity and diffuse scattering data allows us to explore the out-of-plane and in-plane mobility of the nanoparticles in the polymer films. While the out-of-plane motion is diffusive with a diffusion coefficient almost two orders of magnitude lower than that expected in bulk polymer, the in-plane one is found to be super-diffusive resulting in significantly larger in-plane displacement at similar time scales. We discuss the origin of the observed highly anisotropic motion of nanoparticles due to their slaved motion with respect to the anisotropic chain orientation and consequent diffusivity anisotropy of matrix chains. We also suggest strategies to utilize these observations to kinetically improve dispersion in otherwise thermodynamically segregated polymer nanocomposite films.


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The flow characteristics of a near eutectic Al-Si based cast alloy have been examined in compression at strain rates varying from 3 x 10(-4) to 10(2) s(-1) and at three different temperatures, i.e., room temperature (RT), 100 degrees C and 200 degrees C. The dependence of the flow behavior on heat treatment is studied by testing the alloy in non-heat treated (NHT) and heat treated (HT) conditions. The heat treatment has strong influence on strain rate sensitivity (SRS), strength and work hardening behavior of the alloy. It is observed that the strength of the alloy increases with increase in strain rate and it increases more rapidly above the strain rate of 10(-1) s(-1) in HT condition at all the temperatures, and at 100 degrees C and 200 degrees C in NHT condition. The thermally dependent process taking place in the HT matrix is responsible for the observed greater SRS in HT condition. The alloy in HT condition exhibits a larger work hardening rate than in NHT condition during initial stages of straining. However, the hardening rate decreases more sharply at higher strains in HT condition due to precipitate shearing and higher rate of Si particle fracture. Thermal hardening is observed at 200 degrees C in NHT condition due to precipitate formation, which results in increased SRS at higher temperatures. Thermal softening is observed in HT condition at 200 C due to precipitate coarsening, which leads to a decrease in SRS at higher temperatures. Stress simulations by a finite element method support the experimentally observed particle and matrix fracture behavior. A negative SRS and serrated flow are observed in the lower strain rate regime (3 x 10(-4)-10(-2) s(-1)) at RT and 100 degrees C, in both NHT and HT conditions. The observations show that both dynamic strain aging (DSA) and precipitate shearing play a role in serrated flow. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Lead tin telluride is one of the well-established thermoelectric materials in the temperature range 350-750 K. In the present study, Pb0.75-xMnxSn0.25Te1.00 alloys with variable manganese (Mn) content were prepared by solid state synthesis and the thermoelectric properties were studied. X-ray diffraction, (XRD) showed that the samples followed Vegard's law, indicating solid solution formation and substitution of Mn at the Pb site. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) showed that the grain sizes varied from <1 mu m to more than 10 mu m and MnTe rich phase was present for higher Mn content. Seebeck coefficient, electrical resistivity and thermal conductivity were measured from room temperature to 720 K. At 300 K, large Seebeck values were obtained, possibly due to increased effective mass on Mn substitution and low carrier concentration of the samples. At higher temperatures, transition from n-type to p-type indicated the presence of thermally generated carriers. Temperature dependent electrical resistivity showed the transition from degenerate to non-degenerate behavior. For thermal conductivity, low values (similar to 1 W/m-K at 300 K) were obtained. At higher temperatures bipolar conduction was observed, in agreement with the Seebeck and resistivity data. Due to low power factor, the maximum thermoelectric figure of merit (zT) was limited to 0.23 at 329 K for the sample with lowest Mn content (x=0.03). (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The reaction of Ru(eta(6)-cymene)Cl-2](2) and PPh2Cl in the ratio 1:2 gives a stable Ru(h(6)-cymene) Cl-2(PPh2Cl)] complex. Attempts to make the cationic Ru(eta(6)-cymene)Cl(PPh2Cl)(2)]Cl with excess PPh2Cl and higher temperatures led to adventitious hydrolysis and formation of Ru(eta(6)-cymene)Cl-2(PPh2OH)]. Attempts to make a phosphinite complex by reacting Ru(eta(6)-cymene)Cl-2](2) with PPh2Cl in the presence of an alcohol results in the reduction of PPh2Cl to give Ru(eta(6)-cymene)Cl-2(PPh2H)] and the expected phosphinite. The yield of the hydride complex is highest when the alcohol is 1-phenyl-ethane-1,2-diol. All three half-sandwich complexes are characterized by X-ray crystallography. Surprisingly, the conversion of chlorodiphenylphosphine to diphenylphosphine is mediated by 1-phenyl-ethane-1,2-diol even in the absence of the ruthenium half-sandwich precursor.


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The flow characteristics of a near-eutectic heat-treated Al-Si based cast alloy have been examined in compression at strain rates varying from 3 x 10(-4) to 10(2) s(-1) and at three different temperatures, i.e., room temperature (RT), 100 degrees C and 200 degrees C. The dependence of flow behavior on modification is examined by testing the alloy in both the unmodified and modified conditions. Modification has strong influence on strain rate sensitivity (SRS), strength and work hardening behavior of the alloy. The strength of the alloy is found to increase with increase in strain rate for both the conditions. The increase is more rapid above the strain rate of 10(-1) s(-1) for the unmodified alloy at all the temperatures. This rapid increase is observed at 1 s(-1) at RT and 100 degrees C, and at 10(-2) s(-1) at 200 degrees C for the modified alloy. The thermally dependent process of the Al matrix is rate controlling in the unmodified alloy. On the other hand, the thermally dependent process of both Al matrix and Si particles are rate controlling, which is responsible for the higher strain rate sensitivity (SRS) in the modified alloy. The unmodified alloy exhibits a larger work hardening rate than the modified alloy during the initial stages of straining due to fiber loading of unmodified Si particles. However, the hardening rate decreases sharply at higher strains for the unmodified alloy due to a higher rate of Si particle fracture. Thermal softening is observed for both alloys at 200 degrees C due to precipitate coarsening, which leads to a decrease in SRS at higher temperatures. Stress simulations by microstructure based finite element method support the experimentally observed particle and matrix fracture behavior. Negative SRS and serrated flow are observed at lower strain rate regime (3 x 10(-4) to 10(-2) s(-1)) at RT and 100 degrees C, in both alloys. The critical onset strain is found to be lower and the magnitude of serration is found to be higher for the modified alloy, which suggests that, in addition to dynamic strain aging, Si particle size and morphology also play a role in serrated flow. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved.