970 resultados para Hereditary Pancreatitis


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Acute pancreatitis (AP) is a potential life-threatening disease, which originates from inflammatory involvement of the pancreas and surrounding tissues. Serious complications eventuate and treatment is difficult. AP is classified in both interstitial edematous pancreatitis, which occurs in 70-80% of patients, and necrotizing pancreatitis, which occurs in 20-30% of patients. Diagnosis is based on the presence of two of the following criteria: abdominal pain, increased serum determination of amylase and/or lipase more than three times the reference value, and characteristic tomographic findings. Among the latter, there is the pancreatic and surrounding tissue damage as well as that related to distant organ involvement. This case report shows the fatal case of a male patient with a history of heavy alcoholic abuse admitted with the diagnosis of necrotizing pancreatitis. The authors call attention to the unusual tomographic findings; namely, a huge duodenal hematoma and a large hemoperitoneum, ischemic involvement of the spleen and kidneys, as well as pancreatic and peripancreatic necrosis.


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MITOCHONDRIAL DYSFUNCTION IN HEREDITARY OPTIC NEUROPATHIES Mitochondrial pathologies are a heterogeneous group of clinical manifestations characterized by oxidative phosphorylation impairment. At the beginning of their recognition mitochondrial pathologies were regarded as rare disorders but indeed they are more frequent than originally thought. Due to the unique mitochondria peculiarities mitochondrial pathologies can be caused by mutations in both mitochondrial and nuclear genomes. The poor knowledge of pathologic mechanism of these disorders has not allowed a real development of the “mitochondrial medicine”, that is currently limited to symptoms mitigation. Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) was the first pathology to be linked to a point mutation in the mtDNA. The mechanism by which point mutations in mitochondrial gene encoding Complex I subunits leads to optic nerve degeneration is still unknown, although is well accepted that other genetic or environmental factors are involved in the modulation of pathology, where a pivotal role is certainly played by oxidative stress. We studied the relationship between the Ala16Val dimorphism in the mitochondrial targeting sequence of nuclear gene SOD2 and the 3460/ND1 LHON mutation. Our results show that, in control population, the heterozygous SOD2 genotype is associated to a higher activity and quantity of MnSOD, particularly with respect to Val homozygotes. Furthermore, we demonstrated that LHON patients harboring at least one Ala allele are characterized by an increased MnSOD activity with respect to relative control population. Since the ATP synthesis rate – severely reduced in LHON patients lymphocytes - is not affected by the SOD2 genotype, we concluded that SOD2 gene could modulate the pathogenicity of LHON mutations through a mechanism associated to an increase of reactive oxygen species production. Autosomal dominant optic atrophy (ADOA) is a pathology linked to mutations in nuclear gene encoding Opa1, a dynamin-related protein localized in the mitochondrial matrix. Although the clinical course is slightly different, the endpoint of ADOA is exactly the same of LHON: optic nerve degeneration with specific involvement of retinal ganglion cells. Opa1 is a relatively new protein, whose major role is the regulation of mitochondrial fusion. Mitochondrial morphology is the results of the equilibrium between two opposite force: fusion and fission, two processes that have to be finely regulated in order to preserve mitochondrial and cellular physiology. We studied fibroblasts deriving from ADOA patients characterized by a new deletion in the GTPase domain of the OPA1 gene. The biochemical characterization of ADOA and control fibroblasts has concerned the evaluation of ATP synthesis rate, mitochondrial membrane potential in different metabolic conditions and the morphological status of mitochondria. Regarding ATP synthesis rate we did not find significant differences between ADOA and control fibroblasts even though a trend toward increased reduction in ADOA samples is observed when fibroblasts are grown in absence of glucose or in the medium containing gramicidin. Furthermore, we found that also in ADOA fibroblasts membrane potential is actively maintained by proton pumping of fully functional respiratory chain complexes. Our results indicate that the mutation found in the pedigree analyzed acts primary impairing the mitochondrial fusion without affecting the energy production, supporting the notion that cell function is tightly linked to mitochondrial morphology. Mitochondrial dysfunctions are acquiring great attention because of their recognized relevance not only in aging but also in age-related pathologies including cancer, cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes, and neurodegenerative disorders. The involvement of mitochondria in such detrimental pathologies that, currently, have become so common enhances the necessity of standardization of therapeutic strategies capable of rescuing the normal mitochondrial function. In order to propose an alternative treatment for energy deficiency-disorders we tested the effect of substrates capable to stimulate the substrate-level phosphorylation on viability and energy availability in different experimental models grown under different metabolic conditions. In fibroblasts, the energy defect was achieved by culturing cells in presence of oligomycin, an inhibitor of ATP synthase complex. NARP cybrids have been used as model of mitochondrial pathology. Cell viability and ATP content have been considered as parameters to assay the capability of exogenous substrate to rescue energy failure. Our results suggest that patients suffering for some forms of ATP synthase deficiency, or characterized by a deficiency in energy production, might benefit from dietary or pharmacological treatment based on supplementation of α-ketoglutarate and aspartate.


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Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) is a mitochondrial disease characterized by a rapid loss of central vision and optic atrophy, due to the selective degeneration of retinal ganglion cells. The age of onset is around 20, and the degenerative process is fast and usually the second eye becomes affected in weeks or months. Even if this pathology is well known and has been well characterized, there are still open questions on its pathophysiology, such as the male prevalence, the incomplete penetrance and the tissue selectivity. This maternally inherited disease is caused by mutations in mitochondrial encoded genes of NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) of the respiratory chain. The 90% of LHON cases are caused by one of the three common mitochondrial DNA mutations (11778/ND4, 14484/ND6 and 3460/ND1) and the remaining 10% is caused by rare pathogenic mutations, reported in literature in one or few families. Moreover, there is also a small subset of patients reported with new putative pathogenic nucleotide changes, which awaits to be confirmed. We here clarify some molecular aspects of LHON, mainly the incomplete penetrance and the role of rare mtDNA mutations or variants on LHON expression, and attempt a possible therapeutic approach using the cybrids cell model. We generated novel structural models for mitochondrial encoded complex I subunits and a conservation analysis and pathogenicity prediction have been carried out for LHON reported mutations. This in-silico approach allowed us to locate LHON pathogenic mutations in defined and conserved protein domains and can be a useful tool in the analysis of novel mtDNA variants with unclear pathogenic/functional role. Four rare LHON pathogenic mutations have been identified, confirming that the ND1 and ND6 genes are mutational hot spots for LHON. All mutations were previously described at least once and we validated their pathogenic role, suggesting the need for their screening in LHON diagnostic protocols. Two novel mtDNA variants with a possible pathogenic role have been also identified in two independent branches of a large pedigree. Functional studies are necessary to define their contribution to LHON in this family. It also been demonstrated that the combination of mtDNA rare polymorphic variants is relevant in determining the maternal recurrence of myoclonus in unrelated LHON pedigrees. Thus, we suggest that particular mtDNA backgrounds and /or the presence of specific rare mutations may increase the pathogenic potential of the primary LHON mutations, thereby giving rise to the extraocular clinical features characteristic of the LHON “plus” phenotype. We identified the first molecular parameter that clearly discriminates LHON affected individuals from asymptomatic carriers, the mtDNA copy number. This provides a valuable mechanism for future investigations on variable penetrance in LHON. However, the increased mtDNA content in LHON individuals was not correlated to the functional polymorphism G1444A of PGC-1 alpha, the master regulator of mitochondrial biogenesis, but may be due to gene expression of genes involved in this signaling pathway, such as PGC-1 alpha/beta and Tfam. Future studies will be necessary to identify the biochemical effects of rare pathogenic mutations and to validate the novel candidate mutations here described, in terms of cellular bioenergetic characterization of these variants. Moreover, we were not able to induce mitochondrial biogenesis in cybrids cell lines using bezafibrate. However, other cell line models are available, such as fibroblasts harboring LHON mutations, or other approaches can be used to trigger the mitochondrial biogenesis.


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Hereditary angioedema is characterized by recurrent attacks of angioedema of the skin, larynx, and gastrointestinal tract. Bradykinin is the key mediator of symptoms. Icatibant is a selective bradykinin B2 receptor antagonist.


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Different mutations in the cystic fibrosis gene (CFTR) are associated with different functional status of the exocrine pancreas. We investigated whether CFTR genotypes determine the risk of pancreatitis in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF).


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Hereditary equine dermal asthenia (HERDA) is an autosomal recessive skin disease that affects predominantly Quarter Horses and related breeds. Typical symptoms are easy bruising and hyperextensible skin on the back. The prognosis is guarded, as affected horses cannot be ridden normally and are often euthanised. In the Quarter Horse, HERDA is associated with a mutation in cyclophilin B (PPIB), an enzyme involved in triple helix formation of collagen. Here we describe the case of a Swiss Warmblood filly with symptoms of HERDA without PPIB-mutation and in which we also could exclude Ehlers-Danlos syndrome Type IV, VI, VIIA, VIIB and VIIC (dermatosparaxis type) as etiological diseases.


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Trypsinogen activation, oxygen radicals, cytokines, leukocyte infiltration, and pancreatic ischemia are important steps in the pathogenesis of necrotizing pancreatitis and associated systemic complications. Several drugs that inhibit those pathogenetic steps attenuated biochemical and histologic changes, while survival remained low. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the benefit of multidrug approaches compared to monotherapies on organ injury and survival in acute experimental pancreatitis in the rat model of retrograde bile injection combined with intravenous cerulein.


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CFTR mutations enhance susceptibility for idiopathic chronic pancreatitis (ICP) and congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens (CBAVD); however, it is unknown why CFTR heterozygotes are at increased disease risk. We recently showed that common CFTR variants are associated with aberrantly spliced transcripts. Here, we genotyped for common CFTR variants and tested for associations in two ICP (ICP-A: 126 patients, 319 controls; ICP-B: 666 patients, 1,181 controls) and a CBAVD population (305 patients, 319 controls). Haplotype H10 (TG11-T7-470V) conferred protection (ICP-A: OR 0.19, P<0.0001; ICP-B: OR 0.78, P = 0.06; CBAVD OR 0.08, P<0.001), whereas haplotype H3 (TG10-T7-470M) increased disease risk (ICP-A: OR 8.34, P = 0.003; ICP-B: OR 1.88, P = 0.007; CBAVD: OR 5.67, P = 0.01). The risk of heterozygous CFTR mutations carriers for ICP (OR 2.44, P<0.001) and CBAVD (OR 14.73, P<0.001) was fully abrogated by the H10/H10 genotype. Similarly, ICP risk of heterozygous p.Asn34Ser SPINK1 mutation carriers (OR 10.34, P<0.001) was compensated by H10/H10. Thus, common CFTR haplotypes modulate ICP and CBAVD susceptibility alone and in heterozygous CFTR and p.Asn34Ser mutation carriers. Determination of these haplotypes helps to stratify carriers into high- and low-risk subjects, providing helpful information for genetic counseling.


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Little is known about the pathogenic mechanisms of autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP), an increasingly recognized, immune-mediated form of chronic pancreatitis. Current treatment options are limited and disease relapse is frequent. We investigated factors that contribute to the development of AIP and new therapeutic strategies.


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Hereditary angioedema due to C1 inhibitor (C1 esterase inhibitor) deficiency (types I and II HAE-C1-INH) is a rare disease that usually presents during childhood or adolescence with intermittent episodes of potentially life-threatening angioedema. Diagnosis as early as possible is important to avoid ineffective therapies and to properly treat swelling attacks. At a consensus meeting in June 2011, pediatricians and dermatologists from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland reviewed the currently available literature, including published international consensus recommendations for HAE therapy across all age groups. Published recommendations cannot be unconditionally adopted for pediatric patients in German-speaking countries given the current approval status of HAE drugs. This article provides an overview and discusses drugs available for HAE therapy, their approval status, and study results obtained in adult and pediatric patients. Recommendations for developing appropriate treatment strategies in the management of HAE in pediatric patients in German-speaking countries are provided.Conclusion Currently, plasma-derived C1 inhibitor concentrate is considered the best available option for the treatment of acute HAE-C1-INH attacks in pediatric patients in German-speaking countries, as well as for short-term and long-term prophylaxis.


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Metabolomics as one of the most rapidly growing technologies in the "-omics" field denotes the comprehensive analysis of low molecular-weight compounds and their pathways. Cancer-specific alterations of the metabolome can be detected by high-throughput mass-spectrometric metabolite profiling and serve as a considerable source of new markers for the early differentiation of malignant diseases as well as their distinction from benign states. However, a comprehensive framework for the statistical evaluation of marker panels in a multi-class setting has not yet been established. We collected serum samples of 40 pancreatic carcinoma patients, 40 controls, and 23 pancreatitis patients according to standard protocols and generated amino acid profiles by routine mass-spectrometry. In an intrinsic three-class bioinformatic approach we compared these profiles, evaluated their selectivity and computed multi-marker panels combined with the conventional tumor marker CA 19-9. Additionally, we tested for non-inferiority and superiority to determine the diagnostic surplus value of our multi-metabolite marker panels. Compared to CA 19-9 alone, the combined amino acid-based metabolite panel had a superior selectivity for the discrimination of healthy controls, pancreatitis, and pancreatic carcinoma patients [Formula: see text] We combined highly standardized samples, a three-class study design, a high-throughput mass-spectrometric technique, and a comprehensive bioinformatic framework to identify metabolite panels selective for all three groups in a single approach. Our results suggest that metabolomic profiling necessitates appropriate evaluation strategies and-despite all its current limitations-can deliver marker panels with high selectivity even in multi-class settings.


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RATIONALE: ABCA3 mutations are known to cause fatal surfactant deficiency. OBJECTIVE: We studied ABCA3 protein expression in full-term newborns with unexplained respiratory distress syndrome (URDS) as well as the relevance of ABCA3 mutations for surfactant homeostasis. METHODS: Lung tissue of infants with URDS was analyzed for the expression of ABCA3 in type II pneumocytes. Coding exons of the ABCA3 gene were sequenced. Surfactant protein expression was studied by immunohistochemistry, immunoelectron microscopy, and Western blotting. RESULTS: ABCA3 protein expression was found to be greatly reduced or absent in 10 of 14 infants with URDS. Direct sequencing revealed distinct ABCA3 mutations clustering within vulnerable domains of the ABCA3 protein. A strong expression of precursors of surfactant protein B (pro-SP-B) but only low levels and aggregates of mature surfactant protein B (SP-B) within electron-dense bodies in type II pneumocytes were found. Within the matrix of electron-dense bodies, we detected precursors of SP-C (pro-SP-C) and cathepsin D. SP-A was localized in small intracellular vesicles, but not in electron-dense bodies. SP-A and pro-SP-B were shown to accumulate in the intraalveolar space, whereas mature SP-B and SP-C were reduced or absent, respectively. CONCLUSION: Our data provide evidence that ABCA3 mutations are associated not only with a deficiency of ABCA3 but also with an abnormal processing and routing of SP-B and SP-C, leading to severe alterations of surfactant homeostasis and respiratory distress syndrome. To identify infants with hereditary ABCA3 deficiency, we suggest a combined diagnostic approach including immunohistochemical, ultrastructural, and mutation analysis.


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A colony of golden hamsters had an ongoing problem with hydrocephalus. In an attempt to clear the colony of the problem, new breeders from another supplier had been purchased. At termination of a behavioral study, the brain was collected from 35 animals (four of which had died with hydrocephalus during the study) and was examined macroscopically and by light microscopy. Although no animals manifested obvious behavioral changes, 31 of 35 (88.6%, 13/15 males and 18/20 females in control and manipulated groups) had hydrocephalus. Twenty-five animals had macroscopically identifiable hydrocephalus, and six had hydrocephalus identified microscopically. Neither teratogenic concentrations of metals nor mycotoxins were detected in tissues or food, and sera from breeders tested negative for antibodies to Sendai virus, reovirus 3, and lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. Trial matings of breeders expected to produce hydrocephalic offspring resulted in affected offspring, and mating of breeders expected to produce normal offspring resulted in normal or less-affected offspring. Hydrocephalus was confirmed retrospectively in some breeders. Hereditary hydrocephalus appears to be widespread in hamster stocks in Central Europe. Affected animals do not manifest signs of disease and usually die without obvious premonitory signs. Despite severe hydrocephalus, the animals can breed, and animal handlers do not identify motor deficits or abnormal behavioral activity. This entity is unlike the previously described, hereditary hydrocephalus of hamsters that is phenotypically identifiable and usually is lethal before they attain breeding age.