579 resultados para Herbs
Bone metabolism involves a complex balance between the deposition of matrix and mineralization and resorption. There is now good evidence that dietary components and herbal products can influence these processes, particularly by inhibiting bone resorption, thus having beneficial effects on the skeleton. For example, it has been reported that a number of common vegetables, including onion, garlic and parsley, can inhibit bone resorption in ovariectomized rats. Essential oils derived from sage, rosemary, thyme and other herbs inhibit osteoclast activity in vitro and in vitro and leading to an increase in bone mineral density. Soya, a rich source of isoflavones, has shown promising results and epidemiological evidence to support a use in maintaining bone health, and various traditional herbal formulae in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine also have demonstrable effects in pharmacological models of osteoporosis. Recently, cannabinoids have been described as having positive effects on osteoblast differentiation, and the presence of cannabinoid receptors in bone tissue indicates a more complex role in bone metabolism than previously thought. The first part of this review briefly discusses normal bone metabolism and disorders caused by its disruption, with particular reference to osteoporosis and current pharmacological treatments. The effects of natural products on bone and connective tissue are then discussed, to include items of diet, herbal extracts and food supplements, with evidence for their efficacy outlined. Copyright (c) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Evidence is presented of widespread changes in structure and species composition between the 1980s and 2003–2004 from surveys of 249 British broadleaved woodlands. Structural components examined include canopy cover, vertical vegetation profiles, field-layer cover and deadwood abundance. Woods were located in 13 geographical localities and the patterns of change were examined for each locality as well as across all woods. Changes were not uniform throughout the localities; overall, there were significant decreases in canopy cover and increases in sub-canopy (2–10 m) cover. Changes in 0.5–2 m vegetation cover showed strong geographic patterns, increasing in western localities, but declining or showing no change in eastern localities. There were significant increases in canopy ash Fraxinus excelsior and decreases in oak Quercus robur/petraea. Shrub layer ash and honeysuckle Lonicera periclymenum increased while birch Betula spp. hawthorn Crataegus monogyna and hazel Corylus avellana declined. Within the field layer, both bracken Pteridium aquilinum and herbs increased. Overall, deadwood generally increased. Changes were consistent with reductions in active woodland management and changes in grazing and browsing pressure. These findings have important implications for sustainable active management of British broadleaved woodlands to meet silvicultural and biodiversity objectives.
The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of drying conditions on the phenolic constituents and colour of extracts of organically grown white willow and meadowsweet for incorporation into a functional beverage with potential anti-inflammatory properties. The herbs were freeze-dried, air-dried, oven or tray-dried at 30 or 70 °C. The drying kinetics of the herbs was first determined. Both drying temperature and method had a significant effect (p ≤ 0.05) on the drying rate, the samples tray-dried had a faster drying rate than those oven-dried. Results show that for meadowsweet and willow, freeze-drying and oven or tray drying at 30 °C had no significant effect on the phenolic constituents (e.g. total phenols, salicylates, quercetin) or the colour of the extracts in comparison to traditional air-drying. Although increasing the drying temperature to 70 °C resulted in an increase in the drying rate of both herbs it also led to the loss of some phenolic compounds. Also, the extracts from both herbs dried at 70 °C were significantly (p ≤ 0.05) redder than the other drying methods. Therefore, tray drying these herbs at low temperatures may reduce drying time without having a significant effect on the phenolic content and colour of the extracts.
Pharmacovigilance is essential for developing reliable information on the safety of herbal medicines as used in Europe and the US. The existing systems were developed for synthetic medicines and require some modification to address the specific differences of medicinal herbs. Traditional medicine from many different cultures is used in Europe and the US which adds to the complexities and difficulties of even basic questions such as herb naming systems and chemical variability. Allied to this also is the perception that a ‘natural’ or herbal product must be safe simply because it is not synthetic which means that the safety element of monitoring for such medicines can be overlooked because of the tag associated with such products. Cooperation between orthodox physicians and traditional practitioners is needed to bring together the full case details. Independent scientific assistance on toxicological investigation, botanical verification can be invaluable for full evaluation of any case report. Systematic pharmacovigilance is essential to build up reliable information on the safety of herbal medicines for the development of appropriate guidelines for safe effective use.
Antiinflammatory compounds in the diet can alleviate excessive inflammation, a factor in the pathogenesis of common diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis and diabetes. This study examined three European herbs, chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla), meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria L.) and willow bark (Salix alba L.), which have been traditionally used to treat inflammation and their potential for use as antiinflammatory agents. Aqueous herbal extracts and isolated polyphenolic compounds (apigenin, quercetin and salicylic acid, 0–100 μM) were incubated with THP1 macrophages, and interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6 and tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-) were measured. At concentrations of 10 μM, both apigenin and quercetin reduced IL-6 significantly ( p < 0.05). Apigenin at 10 μM and quercetin at 25 μM reduced TNF- significantly ( p < 0.05). Amongst the herbal extracts, willow bark had the greatest antiinflammatory activity at reducing IL-6 and TNF- production. This was followed by meadowsweet and then chamomile. The lowest effective antiinflammatory concentrations were noncytotoxic (MTT mitochondrial activity assay). The Comet assay, which was used to study the protective effect of the isolated phenols against oxidative damage, showed positive results for all three polyphenols. These are the first findings that demonstrate the antiinflammatory capacity of these herbal extracts.
Many important drugs in the Chinese materia medica (CMM) are known to be toxic, and it has long been recognized in classical Chinese medical theory that toxicity can arise directly from the components of a single CMM or may be induced by an interaction between combined CMM. Traditional Chinese Medicine presents a unique set of pharmaceutical theories that include particular methods for processing, combining and decocting, and these techniques contribute to reducing toxicity as well as enhancing efficacy. The current classification of toxic CMM drugs, traditional methods for processing toxic CMM and the prohibited use of certain combinations, is based on traditional experience and ancient texts and monographs, but accumulating evidence increasingly supports their use to eliminate or reduce toxicity. Modern methods are now being used to evaluate the safety of CMM; however, a new system for describing the toxicity of Chinese herbal medicines may need to be established to take into account those herbs whose toxicity is delayed or otherwise hidden, and which have not been incorporated into the traditional classification. This review explains the existing classification and justifies it where appropriate, using experimental results often originally published in Chinese and previously not available outside China.
In order to investigate the potential role of vegetation changes in megafaunal extinctions during the later part of the last glacial stage and early Holocene (42–10 ka BP), the palaeovegetation of northern Eurasia and Alaska was simulated using the LPJ-GUESS dynamic vegetation model. Palaeoclimatic driving data were derived from simulations made for 22 time slices using the Hadley Centre Unified Model. Modelled annual net primary productivity (aNPP) of a series of plant functional types (PFTs) is mapped for selected time slices and summarised for major geographical regions for all time slices. Strong canonical correlations are demonstrated between model outputs and pollen data compiled for the same period and region. Simulated aNPP values, especially for tree PFTs and for a mesophilous herb PFT, provide evidence of the structure and productivity of last glacial vegetation. The mesophilous herb PFT aNPP is higher in many areas during the glacial than at present or during the early Holocene. Glacial stage vegetation, whilst open and largely treeless in much of Europe, thus had a higher capacity to support large vertebrate herbivore populations than did early Holocene vegetation. A marked and rapid decrease in aNPP of mesophilous herbs began shortly after the Last Glacial Maximum, especially in western Eurasia. This is likely implicated in extinction of several large herbivorous mammals during the latter part of the glacial stage and the transition to the Holocene.
There is strong evidence for the link between high dietary sodium and increased risk of cardiovascular disease which drives the need to reduce salt content in foods. In this study, herb and spice blends were used to enhance consumer acceptability of a low salt tomato soup (0.26% w/w). Subjects (n=148) scored their liking of tomato soup samples over five consecutive days. The first and last days were pre-and post-exposure visits where all participants rated three tomato soup samples; standard, low salt and low salt with added herbs and spices. The middle 3 days were the repeated exposure phase where participants were divided into three balanced groups; consuming the standard soup, the low salt soup, or the low salt soup with added herbs and spices. Reducing salt in the tomato soup led to a significant decline in consumer acceptability, and incorporating herbs and spices did not lead to an immediate enhancement in liking. However, inclusion of herbs and spices enhanced the perception of the salty taste of the low salt soup to the same level as the standard. Repeated exposure to the herbs and spice-modified soup led to a significant increase in the overall liking and liking of flavour, texture and aftertaste of the soup, whereas no changes in liking were observed for the standard and low salt tomato soups over repeated exposure. Moreover, a positive trend in increasing the post-exposure liking of the herbs and spices soup was observed. The findings suggest that the use of herbs and spices is a useful approach to reduce salt content in foods; however, herbs and spices should be chosen carefully to complement the food as large contrasts in flavour can polarise consumer liking.
Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) was applied to assess trace element concentrations in six samples of aspirin tablets acquired in SA o pound Paulo city, Brazil. Concentrations of the elements Br, Ca, Co, Cr, Fe, K, La, Na, Sc and Zn were determined. Comparisons were made between the results obtained with published data for aspirins from foreign countries. Certified reference materials, INCT-MPH-2 Mixed Polish Herbs were analyzed for quality control of the analytical results.
A indústria de sementes vem ao longo do tempo tornando-se um fator de grande importância para o desempenho da agricultura. Nos últimos anos, a importância do setor pode ser percebida pela nova dinâmica da indústria de sementes, a partir das mudanças cada vez mais constantes e profundas tanto no plano econômico, como no tecnológico. A emergência da biotecnologia agrícola está muito imbricada com as fusões e aquisições recentes, envolvendo a indústria de sementes, mas também o setor agroquímico, o novo aliado estratégico das empresas de sementes. A importância do mercado brasileiro de sementes é evidente. O Brasil detém a sexta posição no mercado para o consumo de sementes –estimado em US$ 1.200 milhões, o que se traduz em 4% do mercado mundial, que movimenta aproximadamente US$ 30 bilhões ao ano. Esta importância justifica este trabalho, que faz uma análise exploratória da capacitação tecnológica das empresas privadas de sementes no Brasil, sob a luz da teoria neoschumpeteriana. Metodologicamente os dados foram coletados junto às principais empresas privadas (de capital nacional e estrangeiro) produtoras de sementes básicas. As informações foram obtidas através de entrevistas com os diretores de P&D, referentes ao período de 1999-2002. Dentre os principais resultados obtidos pode se destacar o uso da biotecnologia no desenvolvimento de sementes geneticamente modificadas, ou seja, a produção de sementes transgênicas, a busca constante de técnicas de aperfeiçoamento do melhoramento genético de plantas, o desenvolvimento de sementes cada vez mais resistentes a pragas e doenças, e as crescentes parcerias na condução das atividades tecnológicas. Foi possível também concluir que tecnologicamente os dois tipos de empresas são similares em termos de capacitação de recursos humanos (qualificação e número de pesquisadores). A aquisição e a disponibilidade de recursos financeiros é a diferença mais relevante entre os dois tipos de empresas. Também se concluiu que a extensão e o potencial agrícola torna o Brasil um país atrativo tanto para o desenvolvimento de novas técnicas utilizadas no desenvolvimento de novas sementes, quanto na instalação de empresas multinacionais como ponto de partida para a atuação das mesmas em todo o mercado latino-americano.
ARAUJO, Afranio Cesar de et al. Síndromes de polinização ocorrentes em uma área de Mata Atlântica, Paraíba, Brasil. Biotemas, Florianopolis, v. 4, n. 22, p.83-94, dez. 2009. Disponível em:
A utilização de extratos vegetais vem se tornando uma alternativa importante para a prevenção de doenças periodontais. Este trabalho objetivou desenvolver uma formulação de enxagüatório bucal, contendo, em associação, extratos hidroalcoólicos de Rosmarinus officinalis, Plantago major, Tabebuia impetiginosa, Achillea millefollium e Nasturtium officinale; avaliar sua composição farmacognóstica e sua atividade antibacteriana, como também da fórmula proposta. Foram realizados estudos de pré-formulação e análises farmacognósticas para as espécies vegetais. A atividade antibacteriana in vitro foi observada por meio dos métodos de difusão em disco de papel, por hole- plate e por template, frente a Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia colik, Enterococcus faecalis e Pseudomonas aeruginosa. A concentração inibitória mínima (CIM) foi determinada por meio do método de macrodiluições sucessivas em caldo. Os resultados obtidos apresentaram-se de acordo com o histórico farmacognóstico das drogas estudadas. Todas as bactérias foram inibidas pelos extratos, observando-se que as espécies S. aureus e B. subtilis mostraram, aparentemente, maior sensibilidade. A CIM variou, em relação a sensibilidade de cada espécie bacteriana estudada, de 312,5 µL/mL a 1250 µL/mL para os extratos vegetais e de 625 µL/mL a 2500 µL/mL para o enxaguatório bucal. São necessários estudos complementares para a confirmação da eficácia deste produto e sua utilização na prevenção de doenças periodontais.
Leguminosae is the third largest family of angiosperms with about 19.325 species and 727 genera, and it is pantropically distributed. Papilionoideae is the most diverse of the three legume subfamilies, with around 13.800 species (71%), 478 genera, and 28 tribes. Papilionoid legumes include herbs, shrubs, lianas or trees with pinnate, trifoliolate, unifoliolate or simple leaves, flowers frequently papilionate with descending imbricate petal aestivation, the petals highly differentiated into standard, keel, and wings, androecium usually diplostemous, and seeds without pleurogram, with conspicuous hilum, and the embryo radicle usually curved. The current study aims to carry out a taxonomic account of the Papilionoideae from Atlantic Forest remnants in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, across the herbaria data surveys, collections of field samples and morphological analysis of the collected specimens and/or herbaria materials. Identification key, descriptions, diagnostic characters, illustrations, and geographic distribution of the 68 species and 32 genera within the following tribes Phaseoleae (11 genera/24 species), Dalbergieae (9/20), Swartzieae (3/3), Millettieae (2/4), Sophoreae (2/2), Abreae (1/1), Crotalarieae (1/3), Desmodieae (1/7), Indigofereae (1/3), and Sesbanieae (1/1). The most species-rich genera were Desmodium Desv. (7 species), Centrosema (DC.) Benth. (5), Stylosanthes Sw. (5), Aeschynomene L. (4) and Macroptilium (Benth.) Urb. (4). Concerning to the habit, the herbaceous and shrubby has predominated with 60% (41 spp.), following by the vine and lianas with 28% (19 spp.) and the woody with only 12% (8 spp.). Thirty two species and the following genera are newly recorded for the flora of Rio Grande do Norte: Chaetocalyx, Cochliasanthus, Crotalaria, Galactia, Geoffroea, Macroptilium, Rhynchosia, Swartzia, Trischidium, and Vigna
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Extrafloral nectaries are nectar-secreting structures that are especially common among the woody flora of the Brazilian cerrado, a savanna-like vegetation. In this study, we provide morphological and anatomical descriptions of extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) occurring on vegetative and reproductive organs of several plant species from the cerrado, and discuss their function and ecological relevance. We describe the morphology and anatomy of EFNs of 40 species belonging to 15 woody families using scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy. We categorise EFNs following a structural-topographical classification, and characterise the vascularised and complex nectaries, amorphous nectaries and secretory trichomes. Fabaceae, Bignoniaceae, Malpighiaceae and Vochysiaceae were the plant families with the majority of species having EFNs. Ten species possess more than one morphotype of gland structure. Observations and experimental field studies in the cerrado support the anti-herbivore role of EFN-gathering ants in this habitat. Additional morphological studies of EFNs-bearing plants, including other growth forms (e.g. herbs and lianas), are being undertaken and will hopefully cast further light on the ecological relevance of these glands in the cerrado, especially with respect to their attractiveness to multiple visitors.