296 resultados para Heisenberg eredua
Nivel educativo: Grado. Duración (en horas): De 41 a 50 horas
Lan honetan hamar neska-mutil gazte ondarrutarren azentu ereduaren ezaugarri nagusiak aztertzen dira. Alde batetik, beraien ama hizkuntzaren eredua, hemen etxeko eredutzat aurkezten da, eta bestetik, euskara estandarra edo eskolakoa. Helburua, eredu bi hauek zeharo ezberdinak izateaz gain, bi hizkuntza ezberdin bezala funtzionatzen dutela frogatzea da. Horretarako, izen eta adjektiboen zerrenda bat egin eta azentuari zer gertatzen zaion aztertu da. Ondoren, smartphone batez baliatuz informanteak grabatu eta hauen transkripzioak egin dira. Azkenik, emaitzak analizatu ondoren, hasierako helburua betetzen dela ikusten da, hots, eredu biak ezberdinak direla. Ondorioz, eskolarako proposamenak sortzea ezinbestekoa da.
While some of the deepest results in nature are those that give explicit bounds between important physical quantities, some of the most intriguing and celebrated of such bounds come from fields where there is still a great deal of disagreement and confusion regarding even the most fundamental aspects of the theories. For example, in quantum mechanics, there is still no complete consensus as to whether the limitations associated with Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle derive from an inherent randomness in physics, or rather from limitations in the measurement process itself, resulting from phenomena like back action. Likewise, the second law of thermodynamics makes a statement regarding the increase in entropy of closed systems, yet the theory itself has neither a universally-accepted definition of equilibrium, nor an adequate explanation of how a system with underlying microscopically Hamiltonian dynamics (reversible) settles into a fixed distribution.
Motivated by these physical theories, and perhaps their inconsistencies, in this thesis we use dynamical systems theory to investigate how the very simplest of systems, even with no physical constraints, are characterized by bounds that give limits to the ability to make measurements on them. Using an existing interpretation, we start by examining how dissipative systems can be viewed as high-dimensional lossless systems, and how taking this view necessarily implies the existence of a noise process that results from the uncertainty in the initial system state. This fluctuation-dissipation result plays a central role in a measurement model that we examine, in particular describing how noise is inevitably injected into a system during a measurement, noise that can be viewed as originating either from the randomness of the many degrees of freedom of the measurement device, or of the environment. This noise constitutes one component of measurement back action, and ultimately imposes limits on measurement uncertainty. Depending on the assumptions we make about active devices, and their limitations, this back action can be offset to varying degrees via control. It turns out that using active devices to reduce measurement back action leads to estimation problems that have non-zero uncertainty lower bounds, the most interesting of which arise when the observed system is lossless. One such lower bound, a main contribution of this work, can be viewed as a classical version of a Heisenberg uncertainty relation between the system's position and momentum. We finally also revisit the murky question of how macroscopic dissipation appears from lossless dynamics, and propose alternative approaches for framing the question using existing systematic methods of model reduction.
[EN]In this report we present the tags we use when annotating the gold standard of syntactic functions and the decisions taken during its annotation. The gold standard is a necessary resource to evaluate the rulebased surface syntactic parser (the one based on the Constraint Grammar formalism), and, moreover, it can be useful to develop and evaluate statistical parsers. The tags we are presenting here follow the Constraint Grammar (CG) formalism (Karlsson et al., 1995). In fact, last experiments show that good results have been obtained when parsing with CG (Karlsson et al., 1995; Samuelsson and Voutilainen,1997; Tapanainen and Järvinen, 1997; Bick, 2000).
Lan honek 2007 eta 2013 urteen bitartean autoen prezioak nola aldatzen diren erakusten digu. Horretarako, autoen hainbat ezaugarri hartu dira kontuan, hala nola, modeloa, mota, zilindrada, zilindroen posizioa, potentzia, luzera, zabalera, altuera, kontsumoa, abiadura maximoa, azelerazioa eta maleteroaren kapazitatea. Gaur egungo egoera dela eta, hasiera batean pentsa genezake kotxeen prezioak jaitsi egin direla, baina dituzten aurrerapenak kontuan izanda, logikoena izango zen zenbat eta aldagai garatuagoak izan orduan eta garestiagoak izatea. Beraz, lanaren helburu izango da, emaitza horiek bete diren edo ez frogatzea, eredu ekonometriko bat zehaztuz. Ereduaren estimazioa egiteko erabilitako metodologia Karratu Txikien Arruntak izan dira, baina heterozedastizitatearen arazoa agertu denez, eredu honek ez du bariantza txikiena izango eta beraz estimatzaile berria erabili beharko da, kasu honetan, Karratu Txikienen Zabalduen metodoa erabili da. Urte bakoitzerako egokiagoa den eredua hautatu ondoren eredu orokorra egin dut, horretarako 2007 eta 2013ko datuak begiraturik, bakoitzari dagokion aldagai azaltzaile bat eratu diot, hau da, ezaugarri bakoitza bere urtearekin elkartu dut. Murriztutako eredura heltzerakoan, lortutako emaitzak ikusirik ondorio batera heldu naiz, ondorio hori hasieran planteatutako hipotesiarekin bat datorrela ikusi da, hau da, autoen prezioak proportzionalki jaitsi egin dira, eta ondorioz, autoen ezaugarriak gutxiago baloratzen dira.
Hydrogen is the only atom for which the Schr odinger equation is solvable. Consisting only of a proton and an electron, hydrogen is the lightest element and, nevertheless, is far from being simple. Under ambient conditions, it forms diatomic molecules H2 in gas phase, but di erent temperature and pressures lead to a complex phase diagram, which is not completely known yet. Solid hydrogen was rst documented in 1899 [1] and was found to be isolating. At higher pressures, however, hydrogen can be metallized. In 1935 Wigner and Huntington predicted that the metallization pressure would be 25 GPa [2], where molecules would disociate to form a monoatomic metal, as alkali metals that lie below hydrogen in the periodic table. The prediction of the metallization pressure turned out to be wrong: metallic hydrogen has not been found yet, even under a pressure as high as 320 GPa. Nevertheless, extrapolations based on optical measurements suggest that a metallic phase may be attained at 450 GPa [3]. The interest of material scientist in metallic hydrogen can be attributed, at least to a great extent, to Ashcroft, who in 1968 suggested that such a system could be a hightemperature superconductor [4]. The temperature at which this material would exhibit a transition from a superconducting to a non-superconducting state (Tc) was estimated to be around room temperature. The implications of such a statement are very interesting in the eld of astrophysics: in planets that contain a big quantity of hydrogen and whose temperature is below Tc, superconducting hydrogen may be found, specially at the center, where the gravitational pressure is high. This might be the case of Jupiter, whose proportion of hydrogen is about 90%. There are also speculations suggesting that the high magnetic eld of Jupiter is due to persistent currents related to the superconducting phase [5]. Metallization and superconductivity of hydrogen has puzzled scientists for decades, and the community is trying to answer several questions. For instance, what is the structure of hydrogen at very high pressures? Or a more general one: what is the maximum Tc a phonon-mediated superconductor can have [6]? A great experimental e ort has been carried out pursuing metallic hydrogen and trying to answer the questions above; however, the characterization of solid phases of hydrogen is a hard task. Achieving the high pressures needed to get the sought phases requires advanced technologies. Diamond anvil cells (DAC) are commonly used devices. These devices consist of two diamonds with a tip of small area; for this reason, when a force is applied, the pressure exerted is very big. This pressure is uniaxial, but it can be turned into hydrostatic pressure using transmitting media. Nowadays, this method makes it possible to reach pressures higher than 300 GPa, but even at this pressure hydrogen does not show metallic properties. A recently developed technique that is an improvement of DAC can reach pressures as high as 600 GPa [7], so it is a promising step forward in high pressure physics. Another drawback is that the electronic density of the structures is so low that X-ray di raction patterns have low resolution. For these reasons, ab initio studies are an important source of knowledge in this eld, within their limitations. When treating hydrogen, there are many subtleties in the calculations: as the atoms are so light, the ions forming the crystalline lattice have signi cant displacements even when temperatures are very low, and even at T=0 K, due to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. Thus, the energy corresponding to this zero-point (ZP) motion is signi cant and has to be included in an accurate determination of the most stable phase. This has been done including ZP vibrational energies within the harmonic approximation for a range of pressures and at T=0 K, giving rise to a series of structures that are stable in their respective pressure ranges [8]. Very recently, a treatment of the phases of hydrogen that includes anharmonicity in ZP energies has suggested that relative stability of the phases may change with respect to the calculations within the harmonic approximation [9]. Many of the proposed structures for solid hydrogen have been investigated. Particularly, the Cmca-4 structure, which was found to be the stable one from 385-490 GPa [8], is metallic. Calculations for this structure, within the harmonic approximation for the ionic motion, predict a Tc up to 242 K at 450 GPa [10]. Nonetheless, due to the big ionic displacements, the harmonic approximation may not su ce to describe correctly the system. The aim of this work is to apply a recently developed method to treat anharmonicity, the stochastic self-consistent harmonic approximation (SSCHA) [11], to Cmca-4 metallic hydrogen. This way, we will be able to study the e ects of anharmonicity in the phonon spectrum and to try to understand the changes it may provoque in the value of Tc. The work is structured as follows. First we present the theoretical basis of the calculations: Density Functional Theory (DFT) for the electronic calculations, phonons in the harmonic approximation and the SSCHA. Then we apply these methods to Cmca-4 hydrogen and we discuss the results obtained. In the last chapter we draw some conclusions and propose possible future work.
Lan honetan Solow eredua orokortu egin da sektore publikoa barneratuz. Kasu honetan kontsumo eta errentaren gaineko zergak aztertu egin dira eta oreka egonkorreko balioak kalkulatzeaz gain, Urrezko Erregelaren aurrezki tasak zehaztu egin dira. Urrezko Erregela gizabanakoen ongizatea maximizatzen denean lortzen dugu. Bestetik, aldagai guztiak langile efektibo bakoitzeko definitu egin dira. Guzti hau kontuan hartuz, sektore publikoa daukan ekonomia eta sektore publikorik gabeko ekonomiaren arteko konparaketa bideratu egin da eta lan honen xedea Urrezko Erregelan gizabanakoei ongizate gehien ematen dien egoera aztertzea izango da. Lan honetatik ondoriozta daitekeenez, ekonomia oreka egonkorrean dagoenean, kapitalak produkzioan duen partaidetza eta zerga tasa batzuetarako gizabanakoek sektore publikoa daukan ekonomian bizitzea nahiago izango dute eta aldagai hauen bestelako balioetarako sektore publikorik gabeko ekonomian bizitzea nahiago izango dute. Hala ere, ekonomiak Urrezko Erregelaren maila lortzen duenean, gizabanakoentzat indiferente izango da sektore publikoa izan edo ez izan, bi egoeratan gizabanakoek ongizate maila berdina lortzen dutelako. En este trabajo se ha generalizado el modelo de Solow añadiendo el sector público al análisis. En este caso se han analizado los impuestos sobre la renta y el consumo y aparte de calcular los valores del estado estacionario, se han determinado las tasas de ahorro de la Regla de Oro. Se ha remarcar que se obtiene la Regla de Oro cuando se maximiza el bienestar de los ciudadanos. Por otro lado, se han definido todas las variables sobre cada trabajador efectivo. Teniendo en cuenta todo lo anteriormente mencionado, se ha realizado una comparación entre una economía con sector público y otra sin sector público y el objetivo de este trabajo es determinar en cuál de las dos situaciones el bienestar de los ciudadanos se maximiza más en la Regla de Oro. De este trabajo se puede concluir que cuando la economía está en el estado estacionario, para una determinada tasa de impuesto y para una determinada participación del capital en el trabajo, los ciudadanos preferirán vivir en una economía con sector público y para otros valores de esas variables, en cambio, una economía sin sector público será la mejor opción para los ciudadanos. Sin embargo, cuando la economía alcanza el nivel de la Regla de Oro, a los ciudadanos les resultara indiferente si hay sector público o no lo hay, ya que en las dos situaciones se obtiene el mismo bienestar.
EUSKARA:Idatzi honetan denbora aurrera pasa ahala aurrezki tasak, biztanleriaren hazkundeak eta teknologiaren aurrerapenak hazkunde ekonomikoan duten eragina aztertuko dugu. Horretaz aparte, bizi-mailaren nazio arteko ezberdintasunak eta herrialde desberdinen ekonomiak bat-etorriko diren ala ez analizatuko dugu. Horretarako, Solow-en eredua erabiliko dugu. Ereduak kontsideratzen dituen populazioaren aldaketak eta aurrerakuntza teknologikoen eraginak lanean barneratzeaz gain, konbergentzia aztertuko dugu. Hau da, gutxien garatuak daudenak eta garapen bidean daudenak garatuak daudenen posizioetara hurbilduko diren ala ez eta zeintzuk izan daitezkeen horren arrazoiak. Asiako, Afrikako eta ELGA erakundearen herrialde batzuen datuak hartuta konbergentzia aztertuko dugu. ELGA herrien kasuan, konbergentzia eman dela ikusten da, hau da, nazioek bat-egin dute. Asiako zenbait herrialdetan ere horrela dirudi. Afrikako herrialdeekin, ordea, ez da hori ikusten, herrialde bakoitzak bere norabidea jarraitzen du. Kasu honetan, ez da konbergentziarako patroi argirik ikusten.
[ES]En este proyecto, se plantean dos diseños de diferenciales electrónicos así como un modelo de vehículo para comprobar su validez. Se han programado ambos métodos en LabView2013 así como el modelo para llevar a cabo una serie de simulaciones que permitan validar los diseños realizados. Los resultados obtenidos por ambos diferenciales son satisfactorios y podrían utilizarse indistintamente. El estudio realizado sirve como punto de partida para simulaciones más complejas, así como de paso previo para la implementación de estos modelos de diferenciales en vehículos reales.
[EU]Lan honen helburu nagusia, bi denborako lehiaketa motor baten kate bidezko transmisioaren diseinua egitea da, hau da, pinoi-kate-koroa multzoaren diseinua. Horretarako pinoia eta koroaren dimentsionaketa egingo da eta aplikazio honetarako kate mota egokiena aukeratuko da. Diseinua egin aurretik, metodologia desberdinak aztertuko dira eta eskuragarri dauden datuen arabera metodologia egokiena aukeratuko da. Lanaren garapenerako Motostudent lehiaketatik hartutako datu errealak erabiliko dira. Gainera, pieza desberdinen CAD eredua egingo da PTC Creo programa erabiliz.
It is not hard to see how two visions of nature are intertwined in Darwin’s Journal of Researches: one vision, the province of romantic authors depicting the sentiments awakened by certain landscapes, the other, the domain of natural scientists describing the world without reference to the aesthetic qualities of the scenery. Nevertheless, analyses of this double perspective in Darwin’s work are relatively rare. Most scholars focus on Darwin, the scientist, and more or less ignore the aesthetic aspects of his work. Perceiving the gradual transformation of Darwin’s world view, however, depends on analyzing the two different modes in which Darwin approached and perceived the world. While one can, on occasion, find commentaries on the beauty of the natural world in Darwin’s early work, the passage of time produces a modification in the naturalist’s manner of perceiving nature. This does not, however, mean that Darwin ceases to find beauty in nature; on the contrary, the disenchantment, in Max Weber’s words, that Darwin’s theory produces should not be understood in a pejorative, but rather in a literal sense. The theory of evolution, in effect, divests nature of its magical character and begins to explain it in terms of natural selection, according it, in the process a new and more intense attraction. In the present work, the metaphysical implications of this new vision of the world are analyzed through the eyes of its discoverer.
[EU]Lan honetan, software diseinu bat sortu nahi da, zeinaren bidez datu-trafikoen monitorizazio sistemak aztertzeko garatu den eredu matematiko bat ebaluatuko den. Eredu horrentzat interfaze bat egin beharko da, eta interfaze horrek esandako eredua ebaluatzeko softwareaz gain, software gehiago biltzeko ahalmena eduki beharko du. Horrela, ikertzaileek Trafikoa Monitorizatzeko Sistemak aztertzeko sortzen diren eredu matematikoak sistema bakarra erabiliz ebaluatu ahalko dute ahalik eta modu errazenean.
[ES]Este documento presenta un estudio y análisis sobre indicadores de la calidad de negocio (QoBiz) en el ámbito de los servicios de telecomunicación. Precisamente, el trabajo es una propuesta para avanzar en el estudio del modelo de gestión de la QoBiz tomando como punto de partida el modelo presentado en el trabajo de Tesis de Fin de Master “Definición de un Modelo para la Gestión de la Calidad de Negocio (QoBiz) en los Sevcios de Telecomunicación” (Cristobo). Para mejorar este modelo, se desarrollará un análisis de varios estándares y herramientas empleadas hoy en día en el mundo empresarial, lo que nos permitirá no sólo conseguir unos indicadores de calidad y de desempeño más generales para poder aplicarse en escenarios reales sino también consolidar el modelo de gestión de la QoBiz. Estos indicadores se medirán en las diferentes fases de unos Flujos de Procesos de negocio seleccionados de antemano.
In the field of mechanics, it is a long standing goal to measure quantum behavior in ever larger and more massive objects. It may now seem like an obvious conclusion, but until recently it was not clear whether a macroscopic mechanical resonator -- built up from nearly 1013 atoms -- could be fully described as an ideal quantum harmonic oscillator. With recent advances in the fields of opto- and electro-mechanics, such systems offer a unique advantage in probing the quantum noise properties of macroscopic electrical and mechanical devices, properties that ultimately stem from Heisenberg's uncertainty relations. Given the rapid progress in device capabilities, landmark results of quantum optics are now being extended into the regime of macroscopic mechanics.
The purpose of this dissertation is to describe three experiments -- motional sideband asymmetry, back-action evasion (BAE) detection, and mechanical squeezing -- that are directly related to the topic of measuring quantum noise with mechanical detection. These measurements all share three pertinent features: they explore quantum noise properties in a macroscopic electromechanical device driven by a minimum of two microwave drive tones, hence the title of this work: "Quantum electromechanics with two tone drive".
In the following, we will first introduce a quantum input-output framework that we use to model the electromechanical interaction and capture subtleties related to interpreting different microwave noise detection techniques. Next, we will discuss the fabrication and measurement details that we use to cool and probe these devices with coherent and incoherent microwave drive signals. Having developed our tools for signal modeling and detection, we explore the three-wave mixing interaction between the microwave and mechanical modes, whereby mechanical motion generates motional sidebands corresponding to up-down frequency conversions of microwave photons. Because of quantum vacuum noise, the rates of these processes are expected to be unequal. We will discuss the measurement and interpretation of this asymmetric motional noise in a electromechanical device cooled near the ground state of motion.
Next, we consider an overlapped two tone pump configuration that produces a time-modulated electromechanical interaction. By careful control of this drive field, we report a quantum non-demolition (QND) measurement of a single motional quadrature. Incorporating a second pair of drive tones, we directly measure the measurement back-action associated with both classical and quantum noise of the microwave cavity. Lastly, we slightly modify our drive scheme to generate quantum squeezing in a macroscopic mechanical resonator. Here, we will focus on data analysis techniques that we use to estimate the quadrature occupations. We incorporate Bayesian spectrum fitting and parameter estimation that serve as powerful tools for incorporating many known sources of measurement and fit error that are unavoidable in such work.
Enpresaren Ekonomiarako Sarrera irakasgaiak honako gaitasun orokor hauek garatu nahi ditu ikaslearengan: 1. Enpresa sistema zabal baten modura ulertzeko gaitasuna. Enpresaren atal guztiak erlazionaturik daude beren artean, baita enpresa bere ingurunearekin ere. Burutzen diren ekintzek enpresaren hainbat arlotan izan dezakete eragina. Are gehiago, enpresaz kanpo gertatzen denak ere enpresaren jardueran izan dezake eragina. 2. Enpresaren egoera analizatzeko gaitasuna. Zer egiten du enpresa batek? Nola garatzen du bere jarduera? Betetzen al ditu bere helburuak? Irakasgaiak enpresa kudeatzeko eredua eskaintzen du, eta ikasleak, horretaz baliaturik, benetako enpresa baten kudeaketa eta egoera analizatzeko gaitasuna garatu behar du, enpresaren ekonomiaren zientziaren proposamenak eta aurkeztutako jardunbide egokiak kontuan hartuz. 3. Enpresaren barnean erabakiak hartzeko gaitasuna. Ikasleak erabaki egokiak hartzeko gaitasuna garatzen du, enpresaren funtzionamendua eta zenbait kudeaketa-teknika ezaguturik. Enpresaren zuzendaritzan erabaki egokiak hartzeko gaitasuna garatzen laguntzea da irakasgaiaren helburu nagusia, enpresaren ekonomiaren oinarriei esker. Gaitasun hori enpresaren azpisistemetan garatu nahi da: zuzendaritza-, giza baliabide-, ekoizpen-, finantzaketa- eta merkataritza- azpisistemetan, hain zuzen ere. 4. Taldeka lan egiteko gaitasuna. Taldeka klasean egindako lanen bidez eta kanpoan egindako enpresa- lanen bidez, ikasleei beren lan-etorkizunean ezinbesteko izango zaien taldeka lan egiteko gaitasuna garatuko da irakasgaian zehar.