843 resultados para Health of men in Ireland
Health in Ireland, Key Trends 2009 Click here to download PDF 2mb
Report On Public Consultation: Efficiency And Effectiveness Of Disability Services In Ireland Click here to download PDF 1.67MB Other Relevant Documents: Click here to download Appendix A PDF 1.06MB Click here to download Summary of Key Proposals from The Review of Disability Policy PDF 250KB
This edition of Health in Ireland: Key Trends provides an overview of significant trends in health and the health services during the past decade. The aim is to reflect the main areas of health and health care and to highlight selected topics of growing concern and/or where new data has become available. Click here to download 2.03MB PDF
Growing Up in Ireland: National Longitudinal Study of Children. The Infants And Their Families – Infant Cohort Click here to download PDF 9.46MB Â Click here to download the document summary 2.84MB
National Policy and Strategy for the Provision of Neuro-Rehabilitation Services in Ireland 2011 – 2015 Click here to download PDF 1.51MB
The purpose of Health in Ireland, Key Trends 2011, as with previous editions, is to provide summary data on the main areas of health and health care over the past decade. It also aims to highlight selected trends and topics of growing concern and to include new data where it becomes available. A further objective is to assess ourselves and our progress in the broader EU context. With these goals in mind, the booklet is divided into six chapters ranging from population, life expectancy and health status through to health care delivery, staffing and costs. Click here to download PDF 2.26MB
Given the scale of the challenge facing the health system for 2013 and subsequent years, the Department of Health invited the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies to prepare a report on the implications for the Irish health system of our current financial pressures. The Observatory is an international partnership hosted by the World Health Organisation (WHO). The partnership includes three other international agencies (European Commission, the European Investment Bank, World Bank), several national and decentralized governments, including Ireland, and academic institutions. As an independent and neutral knowledge broker the Observatory's core mission is to inform policy-making and decision-making processes by providing tailored, timely and reliable evidence on health policy and health systems. Click here to download PDF 2.1mb
This Review is an evaluation of the efficiency and effectiveness of the HSE-funded statutory and non-statutory disability services in Ireland. It was conducted by the Department of Health and the HSE under the auspices of the Governmentâ?Ts programme of Value for Money Reviews for 2009-2011. It makes a range of recommendations about how these services should be structured. www.dohc.ie/press/releases/2012/20120720.html Click here to download PDF 3.7mb Value for Money and Policy Review of the Disability Services Programme – Recommendation PDF 205kb Value for Money and Policy Review of the Disability Services Programme – Questions & Answers PDF 44kb Value for Money and Policy Review of the Disability Services Programme – Questions & Answers PDF 151kb Â
Health in Ireland, Key Trends 2012 provides summary statistics on health and health care over the past decade. It also aims to highlight selected trends and topics of growing concern and to include new data where it becomes available. Â Click here to download PDF 2.7mb
The National Implementation Framework describes how the recommendations from the Value for Money (VFM) and Policy Review of the Disability Services Programme will be translated into concrete actions. It assigns responsibilities for those actions, and specifies timelines for their completion. It also identifies priorities and key performance indicators. The Framework describes how these reforms can be achieved in a planned, timely and cost effective manner. Click here to download (PDF 876KB)
Health in Ireland, Key Trends 2013 provides summary statistics on health and health care over the past ten years. It also highlights selected trends and topics of growing concern and includes new data which has become available during the course of the year. An important objective is to assess ourselves and our progress in the broader EU context. The booklet is divided into six chapters ranging across population, life expectancy and health status through to health care delivery, staffing and costs. Overall, the picture which emerges is of continuing progress, but at a reduced rate, set in a context of very ignificant financial constraints. Rapid ageing of the population in conjunction with lifestyle-related health threats present major challenges now and for the future in sustaining and further improving health and health services in Ireland Click here to download PDF 3.2MB
The Research Strategy for Nursing and Midwifery in Ireland (Department of Health and Children, 2003) was a response to the Commission on Nursing's (Government of Ireland, 1998: p114) suggestion that a national strategy be developed to guide and support the emerging need for the professions of nursing and midwifery to develop a research base as a fundamental to practice. The Commission itself had found a dearth of published Irish nursing and midwifery research (Government of Ireland, 1998; Condell, 1998) due to a lack of policy direction and funding availability. Download document here
5.11.2014 This report was prepared independently by Mr McLoughlin with the support of the health insurers, and the Health Insurance Authority, for consideration by the Minister for Health and the insurers. All parties were very conscious of the importance of respecting competition law when dealing with issues such as prices and costs. The work of the Group has been conducted in two phases, with the first phase report published on 26 December 2013. The Phase 1 report sets out the context, establishment, membership and terms of reference for both phases of the Groups work. The report also outlines the legislative provisions for private health insurance in Ireland, the objectives of both phases of the review and the approach and methodology followed. Phase 2 of the process focused on the compilation and analysis by the Health Insurance Authority (HIA) of claims data to assess the cost drivers for health insurance, the effects of medical technology and innovations on costs, and claims processing issues.The report and submissions from relevant stakeholders which were examined and considered under the Phase 2 Review can be downloaded below. Download the Review of Measures to Reduce Costs in the Private Health Insurance Market 2014 - Independent Report to the Minister for Health and Health Insurance Council here. Submissions received HSE Submission to Pat McLoughlin, Chair of Review Group IHAI submission 11 April 2014 IHCA submission to Chair 1 May 2014 Insurance Ireland submission Society of Actuaries in Ireland submission St. Patricks Mental Health Services submission April 2014 St John of Gods Submission    ÂÂ
An analysis of need for 'one stop shop'; drop-in support services in relation to alcohol and drug misuse, undertaken by the PHA for the Health Development Policy Branch of the DHSSPS.
This is the report of the interagency Outbreak Control Team (OCT) of an investigation of an outbreak of listeriosis which occurred during May to November 2008 in the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust. The report describes the chronology of the outbreak and the outcome of epidemiological, environmental health and microbiological investigations. The report concludes with recommendations for public health, Trusts, the Department of Health and Social Services and Public Safety, the Food Standards Agency, and those responsible for hospital food procurement.