999 resultados para Hatoum, Milton, 1952 -


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Beat-sukupolvi, opiskelijoiden poliittinen aktiivisuus ja hipit olivat tunnettuja ilmiöitä Yhdysvalloissa 1950- ja 1960-luvuilla. Ilmiöillä oli paljon yhteistä ja ne vaikuttivat toisiinsa merkittävästi. Tätä yhteyttä ei aina tuoda esiin. Tämä tutkielma tuo esiin sen, miten The New York Times kirjoitti ilmiöistä. Tutkimus kertoo myös, miten The New York Times yhdistää ilmiöt keskenään. Sen lisäksi tulee esiin The New York Timesin näkemys ilmiöiden taustoista suhteessa nuorisokulttuuriin. Tutkimuksen kohteena on The New York Timesin lehtiartikkeleita vuosilta 1952-1969. Tutkimuksen pääkysymykset ovat: Miten The New York Times suhtautui beat-sukupolveen ja nuorisokulttuurin muutokseen? Miten The New York Times suhtautui yliopisto-opiskelijoihin ja heidän suhteeseensa nuorisokulttuurin muutokseen sekä miten The New York Times näkee hippien muuttavan yhteiskuntaa? Ensimmäistä pääkysymystä tarkastelen kahden alakysymyksen kautta: Miten beat-sukupolven synty esitetään The New York Timesissa, ja toisaalta millaisen kuvan The New York Times antaa beat-sukupolven vaikutuksesta nuorisoon? Toista pääkysymystä käsittelen kysymällä: Miten The New York Times näki nuorten poliittisen vaikuttavuuden nousun ja miten lehti suhtautui ajanjakson yliopistomellakoihin?. Kolmannessa luvussa tarkastelen pääkysymystä kysymällä: Keitä hipit olivat, ja olivatko hipit poliittisesti aktiivisia vai ei? Tutkimuksesta selviää, että The New York Times pyrkii kuvaamaan ilmiöitä mahdollisimman objektiivisesti. Lehti antaa ilmiöitä kuvatessa asioihin hyvin perehtyneiden henkilöiden esittää ilmiö. Sen jälkeen lehti antaa lukijoiden ja muiden asiantuntijoiden kommentoida. The New York Times näkee näiden ilmiöiden yhteyden ja se tulee voimakkaasti esille laajoissa artikkeleissa. Lyhyemmissä uutisissa yhteyttä ei aina näe, ja terminologia on yleistävämpi, tekstin eri tarkoitusperän takia. Kaiken kaikkiaan The New York Times tuo esiin mahdollisimman vähän moralisoivaa kuvaa ilmiöistä ja tuo esiin niiden keskinäisiä suhteita. Tuloksista näkee, että The New York Times on arvoiltaan vapaamielinen lehti, joka uutisoi, näiden aiheiden perusteella, kattavasti koko Yhdysvaltoja koskevista tapahtumista.


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In 1952, Local 556 of The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers negotiated a contract with The Public Utilities Commission of the City of St. Catharines. The contract was to be in effect from July 1952 to September 1953. The document is unsigned.


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Edward Mirynech joined the faculty at Brock University in 1964 as assistant professor of Geology. Edward Mirynech, the son of John and Katherine Mirynech, grew up in St. Catharines, attended Connaught Public School and received his formal education at the University of Toronto. Dr. Mirynech played several critical roles in the early development of the University. In addition to teaching, Dr. Mirynech was also the acting director of the athletics department, a coach for many of the early rowing, hockey and basketball teams and served the University as marshall for the sod turning ceremony for the new DeCew campus in 1965. Dr. Mirynech was instrumental in the founding of the physical education, geography and geological sciences programs. He served as acting chairman in 1968 when the department of geological sciences enrolled its first students. Part of the unique teaching program was the annual field trips to locations such as the Belleville area, extended summer teaching programs held in Trinidad-Tobago and the following year in Iceland. In 1972, the first graduation ceremony ever to be held in the Arctic, at Pond Inlet, NWT, made national news. Three geology students, on a study trip to the Arctic, received their degrees during a special ceremony. Dr. Mirynech was among the faculty team in Pond Inlet, NWT, representing Brock University. Dr. Mirynech retired from teaching in 1985, and passed away in 2004.


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Gideon Sundback was born in Stockholm, Sweden in 1880. He was educated as an engineer and settled in the United States in 1905. While working for the Universal Fastener Company, New Jersey in 1913 he developed and patented a “separable fastener”, which improved on an earlier version of what today is known as the zipper. He later moved his family to Meadville, Pennsylvania and sought a Canadian location for the production of his new invention. He settled on St. Catharines as it was an easy commute from his Pennsylvania home and opened The Lightning Fastener Company on Niagara Street. Sundback died on June 21, 1954 and is interred in Meadville, Pennsylvania. The plant continued to operate, but with increased foreign competition the manufacture of the zipper declined. The plant closed in 1981. Source: The St. Catharines Standard, July 3, 2004 Harold Fox was a noted lawyer, academic, businessman, author and a leading authority on intellectual property. He was engaged by Gideon Sunback and the Lightening Fastening Company to combat patent infringements by Colonial Fastener in the 1930s. The relationship continued when Fox was asked to become the managing director of the company, which he did until 1949. Fox lived in St. Catharines at his home “Foxcroft” until his death in 1969. Source: http://thefoxfund.com/harold.htm (November 2, 2009)


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On spine : The Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario.


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Survey map of the plan of the Village of Marshville, created by The Welland Canal ompany. Included is a two page drawing of the land. Noteable features include; line between 5th and 4th concessions, William Simpson's land, line between 3rd and 4th concessions, feeder, bridges, mill lots, road to Sugarloaf, old stakes, Canby lot 17, lot no.19, lot divisions. The drawing is titled "Plan of the Village of Marshville now Milton, reserveyed September 18th, 1835". Surveyor notes are seen in pencil on the map.See Pages 164-165


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A woman identified only by the broach at her neck as "Ruth" is pictured here in a black and white cabinet card photograph by G. A. Hemstreet. The photo is undated, but believed to be from the late 1870s or early 1880s. The photographer's name is stamped in black ink along the bottom of the card: "G. A. Hemstreet, Photographer, Milton, Ont." This cabinet card was in the possession of Iris Sloman Bell, of St. Catharines, whose relatives include former Black slaves from the United States.G. A. Hemstreet, also known as George A. Hemstreet, was a photographer in Milton, Ontario from 1877 - 1887. Source: Phillips, Glen C. The Ontario photographers list (1851-1900). Sarnia: Iron Gate Publishing Co., 1990.


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The John O. McKellar was a ship that belonged to the Scott Misener fleet. The first ship named after McKellar was launched on Januaray 25, 1929, from Wallsend, England, and was bound for Sault St. Marie, Ontario. This ship became part of the Colonial Steamship Company in 1950, and in 1952 was renamed the J.G. Irwin when construction of a new John O. McKellar was completed. John Oscar McKellar was born on June 28, 1878 in Lobo Township, Middlesex County, west of London, Ont. He worked as a marine engineer, and became acquainted with Robert Scott Misener when the two were shipmates serving with the Algoma central fleet. In 1919, the two men joined forces to run a shipping company. Together, they purchased the wooden steamer "Simon Langell", and worked together on the ship for the next three years. Throughout his career with Misener's company, John McKellar served as Chief Engineer, then Marine Superintendent, and finally Secretary-Treasurer. He died on September 19, 1951.


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William B. Rollason was a businessman from St. Catharines. His business interests included insurance sales, real estate and housing development. He was an active Rotarian, serving as president from 1945 to 1946. He served on the Niagara Parks Commission Board from 1944 until his death in 1959. Mr. Rollason was the president of the St. Catharines Chamber of Commerce, president of the Lincoln County Conservative Association, a member of the Navy Island Peace Capital Group, vice chairman of the War Savings Committee and part owner of the Welland House Hotel in St. Catharines.


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In 1948, The St. Catharines Civic Orchestra was founded by Jan Wolanek who was also the first conductor. Initially, this was a community orchestra and in 1963 its governing body assumed the name St. Catharines Symphony Association. In 1978 the name was again changed to The Niagara Symphony Association to reflect regional responsibilities. Wally Laughton was named Assistant Conductor in 1952/53. R.C. Clarke took over the orchestra for an interim period after Wolanek left in 1957. In 1958 Leonard Pearlman became the Music Director. It was under his direction that the Niagara Symphony Chorus came into existence in 1963. Milton Barnes succeeded Pearlman in 1964 and he was responsible for directing the symphony’s first opera production. He also made a concerted effort to attract younger people to symphonic music. In 1972 Leonard Atherton became the Music Director. He started the Cantata Choir and the Madrigal Singers. It was under his tenure that the orchestra became professional. When Atherton left in 1980, there were three seasons of guest conductors, the most notable of these conductors was Uri Mayer. In 1981 James Vincent Fusco was appointed as composer in residence and in 1983 Ermanno Florio became the Music Director. He retained this position until 1995 when Michael Reason took over. Daniel Swift was appointed as Music Director and Conductor in 1999 and the Niagara Symphony Orchestra became the orchestr in residence at Brock University. Laura Thomas was appointed as Associate Conductor 1n 2004. Daniel Swift’s resignation in 2008 began a search for a new Music Director. Bradley Thachuck was appointed as Music Director Designate and Principal Conductor in 2010. The orchestra is a fully professional, charitable institution with 52 members.The orchestra has also been led by Victor Feldbrill and Howard Cable. A junior symphony was first formed under Leonard Pearlman in 1960/61, but it wasn’t until 1965 that The St. Catharines Youth Orchestra was founded. The orchestra has consistently been an award winner in music festivals. The musicians range in age from 12 to 18 years. The highlight of the 1973-74 season was the orchestra’s participation in the first Canadian Festival of Youth Orchestras at The Banff School of Fine Arts. The St. Catharines Youth Orchestra has evolved from the St. Catharines School String and Brass Ensembles to a full scale symphony under the direction of conductor Paul van Dongen. In 1974 the Symphony House music program came into existence. It was 1976 when Richard Grymonpre was hired as the principal violinist of the St. Catharines Symphony Orchestra and conductor of the St. Catharines Youth Orchestra. Tak Ng Lai took over the position as conductor in 1978. Laura Thomas is currently the Music Director of The Niagara Youth Orchestra. Source: Niagara Symphony, Orchestra in Residence, Brock University website and notes from Niagara Symphony files