162 resultados para Handgrip dynamometry
The relationship between obesity and heart rate variability (HRV) has been studied in adults and adolescents, but is not determined in young pediatrics. The purpose of this study was to assess autonomic activity using HRV in a pediatric population. We hypothesized that obese children would have reduced parasympathetic and increased sympathetic activity compared to age-matched subjects. 42 pediatric subjects (ages 3-5) were classified into 3 groups based on body mass index-for-age; normal, overweight and obese. HRV and respiratory rate were recorded during 3 minute baseline, 2 minute isometric handgrip and 3 minute recovery. HRV was analyzed in the time domain [heart rate (HR), RR interval (RRI) and RRI standard deviation (RRISD)] and frequency domain [low frequency (LF), high frequency (HF) and LF/HF ratio] using repeated measures ANOVA. Spearman’s correlations were used to examine the relations between BMI and HRV at rest. Significant condition effects were found between baseline, exercise and recovery, but these responses were not significantly different between the normal, overweight and obese children. BMI was negatively correlated with LF/HF, while BMI was positively correlated with RRISD, LF, HF and nHF. Our data demonstrate that higher BMI in the pediatric population is correlated with higher parasympathetic and lower sympathetic activity. These findings are contrary to HRV responses observed in adults and adolescents, suggesting complex relationships between age, obesity and autonomic control of the heart. The data supports the concept of an age reliance of HRV and a novel relationship between adiposity and body mass index in 3-5 year olds.
Skeletal muscle force evaluation is difficult to implement in a clinical setting. Muscle force is typically assessed through either manual muscle testing, isokinetic/isometric dynamometry, or electromyography (EMG). Manual muscle testing is a subjective evaluation of a patient’s ability to move voluntarily against gravity and to resist force applied by an examiner. Muscle testing using dynamometers adds accuracy by quantifying functional mechanical output of a limb. However, like manual muscle testing, dynamometry only provides estimates of the joint moment. EMG quantifies neuromuscular activation signals of individual muscles, and is used to infer muscle function. Despite the abundance of work performed to determine the degree to which EMG signals and muscle forces are related, the basic problem remains that EMG cannot provide a quantitative measurement of muscle force. Intramuscular pressure (IMP), the pressure applied by muscle fibers on interstitial fluid, has been considered as a correlate for muscle force. Numerous studies have shown that an approximately linear relationship exists between IMP and muscle force. A microsensor has recently been developed that is accurate, biocompatible, and appropriately sized for clinical use. While muscle force and pressure have been shown to be correlates, IMP has been shown to be non-uniform within the muscle. As it would not be practicable to experimentally evaluate how IMP is distributed, computational modeling may provide the means to fully evaluate IMP generation in muscles of various shapes and operating conditions. The work presented in this dissertation focuses on the development and validation of computational models of passive skeletal muscle and the evaluation of their performance for prediction of IMP. A transversly isotropic, hyperelastic, and nearly incompressible model will be evaluated along with a poroelastic model.
Both anthropometric and functional measurements have been used in nutritional assessment and monitoring. Hand dynamometry is a predictor of surgical outcome and peak expiratory flow rate has been used as an index of respiratory muscle function. This study aims to measure in normal subjects the relationship between anthropometric measurements, voluntary muscle strength by hand grip dynamometry and respiratory muscle function by peak expiratory flow rate.
The clinical demand for a device to monitor Blood Pressure (BP) in ambulatory scenarios with minimal use of inflation cuffs is increasing. Based on the so-called Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV) principle, this paper introduces and evaluates a novel concept of BP monitor that can be fully integrated within a chest sensor. After a preliminary calibration, the sensor provides non-occlusive beat-by-beat estimations of Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) by measuring the Pulse Transit Time (PTT) of arterial pressure pulses travelling from the ascending aorta towards the subcutaneous vasculature of the chest. In a cohort of 15 healthy male subjects, a total of 462 simultaneous readings consisting of reference MAP and chest PTT were acquired. Each subject was recorded at three different days: D, D+3 and D+14. Overall, the implemented protocol induced MAP values to range from 80 ± 6 mmHg in baseline, to 107 ± 9 mmHg during isometric handgrip maneuvers. Agreement between reference and chest-sensor MAP values was tested by using intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC = 0.78) and Bland-Altman analysis (mean error = 0.7 mmHg, standard deviation = 5.1 mmHg). The cumulative percentage of MAP values provided by the chest sensor falling within a range of ±5 mmHg compared to reference MAP readings was of 70%, within ±10 mmHg was of 91%, and within ±15mmHg was of 98%. These results point at the fact that the chest sensor complies with the British Hypertension Society (BHS) requirements of Grade A BP monitors, when applied to MAP readings. Grade A performance was maintained even two weeks after having performed the initial subject-dependent calibration. In conclusion, this paper introduces a sensor and a calibration strategy to perform MAP measurements at the chest. The encouraging performance of the presented technique paves the way towards an ambulatory-compliant, continuous and non-occlusive BP monitoring system.
AIMS Skeletal muscle wasting affects 20% of patients with chronic heart failure and has serious implications for their activities of daily living. Assessment of muscle wasting is technically challenging. C-terminal agrin-fragment (CAF), a breakdown product of the synaptically located protein agrin, has shown early promise as biomarker of muscle wasting. We sought to investigate the diagnostic properties of CAF in muscle wasting among patients with heart failure. METHODS AND RESULTS We assessed serum CAF levels in 196 patients who participated in the Studies Investigating Co-morbidities Aggravating Heart Failure (SICA-HF). Muscle wasting was identified using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) in 38 patients (19.4%). Patients with muscle wasting demonstrated higher CAF values than those without (125.1 ± 59.5 pmol/L vs. 103.8 ± 42.9 pmol/L, P = 0.01). Using receiver operating characteristics (ROC), we calculated the optimal CAF value to identify patients with muscle wasting as >87.5 pmol/L, which had a sensitivity of 78.9% and a specificity of 43.7%. The area under the ROC curve was 0.63 (95% confidence interval 0.56-0.70). Using simple regression, we found that serum CAF was associated with handgrip (R = - 0.17, P = 0.03) and quadriceps strength (R = - 0.31, P < 0.0001), peak oxygen consumption (R = - 0.5, P < 0.0001), 6-min walk distance (R = - 0.32, P < 0.0001), and gait speed (R = - 0.2, P = 0.001), as well as with parameters of kidney and liver function, iron metabolism and storage. CONCLUSION CAF shows good sensitivity for the detection of skeletal muscle wasting in patients with heart failure. Its assessment may be useful to identify patients who should undergo additional testing, such as detailed body composition analysis. As no other biomarker is currently available, further investigation is warranted.
Background Protein-energy-malnutrition (PEM) is common in people with end stage kidney disease (ESKD) undergoing maintenance haemodialysis (MHD) and correlates strongly with mortality. To this day, there is no gold standard for detecting PEM in patients on MHD. Aim of Study The aim of this study was to evaluate if Nutritional Risk Screening 2002 (NRS-2002), handgrip strength measurement, mid-upper arm muscle area (MUAMA), triceps skin fold measurement (TSF), serum albumin, normalised protein catabolic rate (nPCR), Kt/V and eKt/V, dry body weight, body mass index (BMI), age and time since start on MHD are relevant for assessing PEM in patients on MHD. Methods The predictive value of the selected parameters on mortality and mortality or weight loss of more than 5% was assessed. Quantitative data analysis of the 12 parameters in the same patients on MHD in autumn 2009 (n = 64) and spring 2011 (n = 40) with paired statistical analysis and multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed. Results Paired data analysis showed significant reduction of dry body weight, BMI and nPCR. Kt/Vtot did not change, eKt/v and hand grip strength measurements were significantly higher in spring 2011. No changes were detected in TSF, serum albumin, NRS-2002 and MUAMA. Serum albumin was shown to be the only predictor of death and of the combined endpoint “death or weight loss of more than 5%”. Conclusion We now screen patients biannually for serum albumin, nPCR, Kt/V, handgrip measurement of the shunt-free arm, dry body weight, age and time since initiation of MHD.
En este trabajo se ha realizado un análisis de la estructura del juego y de los parámetros morfológicos y fisiológicos en jugadores de bádminton. Para ello se han realizado 4 estudios aplicados. Objetivo: Los objetivos del trabajo han sido: (1) comprobar si existen diferencias entre el lado dominante y no dominante de las medidas antropométricas en jugadores de bádminton de máximo nivel nacional, así como verificar si el lado del cuerpo donde se realiza la medición puede influir en el cálculo de la composición corporal y del somatotipo. (2) Comparar la estuctura temporal y notacional en partidos de individual masculino entre los Juegos Olímpicos de Pekín y de Londres para observar como ha evolucionado el bádminton de 2008 a 2012. (3) Medir la ocurrencia de daño muscular después de un partido simulado de bádminton y su influencia en parámetros físicos y hematológicos. (4) Investigar la efectividad de una bebida energética que contiene cafeína para mejorar el rendimiento físico y el rendimiento en un partido en jugadores de élite de bádminton. Metodología: Para caracterizar el bádminton participaron en esta tesis un total de 78 jugadores de bádminton de élite (63 hombres y 15 mujeres), distribuidos en tres estudios y se analizaron 40 sets de bádminton de individual masculino usando los videos oficiales de los Juegos Olímpicos de Pekín 2008 y Londres 2012. En el primer estudio se tomaron medidas de pliegues cutáneos, diámetros, longitudes y perímetros del lado dominante y no dominante de los jugadores. Se calculó la composición corporal y el somatotipo. En el segundo estudio se analizaron los factores temporales y los factores notacionales de los partidos. En el tercer estudio se midieron la fuerza máxima isométrica, la velocidad en test específicos de bádminton y se tomaron muestras de sangre antes y después de jugar un partido de bádminton de 45 minutos. En el cuarto estudio se realizó un experimento a doble ciego, aleatorizado y controlado con placebo, los jugadores ingirieron 3 mg de cafeína por kilógramo de masa corporal en forma de bebida energética, o la misma bebida sin cafeína (placebo). En este estudio se registraron diferente tests específicos de bádminton (tests de salto, fuerza máxima y test de agilidad) y se jugó un partido simulado de 45 minutos. Resultados y discusión: (1) El porcentaje óseo fue mayor calculado a partir de las mediciones del lado dominante (dominante = 16.37 ± 1.14 %, no dominante = 15.66 ± 1.12 %; P < 0.001), mientras que el porcentaje muscular fue mayor calculado a partir de las mediciones del lado no dominante (dominante = 49.39 ± 2.60 %, no dominante = 50.18 ± 2.69%; P < 0.001). (2) La duración del set (Pekín: 1124.6 ± 229.9 s vs Londres: 1260.3 ± 267.1 s.; P < 0.05), el tiempo real de juego (Pekín: 306.9 ± 45.7 s vs Londres: 354.7 ± 86.5 s; P < 0.05), tiempo de rally, golpeos por rally, tiempo de descanso en el punto 11, tiempo de descanso entre sets y golpeos por rally fueron significativamente mayores en Londres que en Pekín. (3) El partido simulado de bádminton no afectó a la fuerza isométrica máxima (Pre: 1263.6 ± 245.5, Post: 1290.8 ± 240.4 N) o a la velocidad específica de bádminton (Pre: 21.0 ± 1.7, Post: 20.9 ± 1.8 s), sin embargo las concentraciones de mioglobina y de creatina quinasa en sangre aumentaron de 26.5 ± 11.6 a 197.3 ± 70.2 μg • L-1 y de 258.6 ± 192.2 a 466.0 ± 296.5 U • L-1, respectivamente después del partido de bádminton. (4) En comparación con la bebida placebo, la ingesta de la bebida energética con cafeína incrementó la altura del SJ (34.5±4.7 vs. 36.4±4.3 cm; P < 0.05) y del CMJ (37.7 ± 4.5 vs. 39.5 ± 5.1 cm; P < 0.05) y aumentó el número de aceleraciones totales durante el partido (7395 ± 1594 vs. 7707 ± 2033 aceleraciones; P < 0.05). Conclusiones: (1) Existen asimetrías corporales en los jugadores de bádminton de alto nivel, al encontrarse diferencias en los diámetros óseos y en los perímetros entre el lado dominante y no dominante. Al calcular la composición corporal con el lado dominante de los jugadores de bádminton se está sobreestimando el porcentaje óseo e infraestimando el porcentaje muscular. (2) El bádminton está evolucionando hacía rallies más largos con intervalos de descanso mayores, lo que resulta en partidos más largos. (3) El partido de bádminton generó daño muscular, sin embargo, el nivel de daño muscular alcanzado después de un partido de bádminton no produjo una disminución del rendimiento muscular. (4) El uso de una bebida energética con cafeína puede ser una ayuda nutricional eficaz para aumentar el rendimiento en el salto y patrones de actividad durante el juego en jugadores de élite de bádminton. ABSTRACT: This study analyzes the structure of the game and the morphological and physiological parameters in badminton players, investigated in four applied studies. Purpose: The purposes of the study were: (1) To check if there are differences between the dominant and non-dominant side in the anthropometric measures of badminton players at the highest national level and verify if the side of the body where the measurements are performed can influence the calculation of the body composition and the somatotype. (2) To compare the temporal and notational structure in men’s singles matches between the Olympic Games in Beijing and London to observe the evolution of badminton between 2008 and 2012. (3) To asses the occurrence of muscle damage after a simulated badminton match and its influence on physical and haematological parameters. (4) To determine the effectiveness of a commercially available energy drink that contains caffeine to improve match performance in elite badminton players. Methods: A total of 78 elite badminton players (63 men and 15 women) participated in this thesis to characterize the sport of badminton distributed in three studies and 40 sets of men’s singles badminton analyzed using the official videos of the Olympic Games of Beijing 2008 and London 2012. In the first study skinfolds, diameters, lengths and perimeters of the dominant and non-dominant side of the players were measured and body composition and somatotype were calculated. In the second study the temporal and notational factors were analyzed. In the third study maximal isometric force and speed in badminton specific tests were measured and blood samples were taken before and after a badminton match of 45 minutes. In the fourth study, a double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled experiment, players ingested 3 mg of caffeine per kilogram of body mass in the form of an energy drink or an identical drink with no caffeine content (placebo). In this study different badminton specific tests (jump tests, handgrip force test and an agility test) were recorded and a simulated badminton match of 45 minutes was played. Results and discussion: (1) The percentage of bone was higher when calculated from measurements of the dominant body side (dominant = 16.37 ± 1.14 %, nondominant = 15.66 ± 1.12 %; P < 0.001), while the muscle percentage was higher when calculated from measurements of the non-dominant side (dominant = 49.39 ± 2.60 %, non-dominant = 50.18 ± 2.69%; P < 0.001). (2) Set duration (Beijing: 1124.6 ± 229.9 s vs. London: 1260.3 ± 267.1 s.; P < 0.05), real time played (Beijing: 306.9 ± 45.7 s vs. London: 354.7 ± 86.5 s; P < 0.05), rally time, shots per rally, rest time at point 11, rest time between sets and shots per rally were significantly higher in London than in Beijing. (3) A simulated badminton match did not affect maximal isometric force (Pre: 1263.6 ± 245.5, Post: 1290.8 ± 240.4 N) or specific badminton speed (Pre: 21.0 ± 1.7, Post: 20.9 ± 1.8 s), however, concentrations of myoglobin and creatine kinase in blood increased from 26.5 ± 11.6 to 197.3 ± 70.2 μg • L-1 and from 258.6 ± 192.2 to 466.0 ± 296.5 U • L-1, respectively after the badminton match. (4) In comparison to the placebo drink, the caffeinated beverage increased height in the SJ (34.5±4.7 vs. 36.4±4.3 cm; P < 0.05) and in the CMJ (37.7 ± 4.5 vs. 39.5 ± 5.1 cm; P < 0.05) and increased the number of total accelerations during the match (7395 ± 1594 vs. 7707 ± 2033 accelerations; P < 0.05). Conclusions: (1) Body asymmetries were found in high level badminton players, due to the differences found in bone diameters and perimeters between the dominant and non-dominant body side. When calculating body composition with the dominant side of the badminton players we are overestimating bone percentage and underestimating muscle percentage. (2) Badminton is evolving towards longer rallies with greater rest intervals, resulting in longer matches. (3) The badminton match generated muscle damage, however, the level of muscle damage reached after a badminton match did not produce a decrease in muscle performance. (4) The ingestion of an energy drink containing caffeine might be an effective ergogenic nutritional supplement to increase jump performance and activity patterns during the game in elite badminton players.
Introdução: Evidências epidemiológicas mostram que a obesidade sarcopênica (OS) em idosos está associada a um acelerado declínio funcional e alto risco de morbimortalidade, sendo que seu impacto tem se tornado grande preocupação dos profissionais de saúde. Objetivo: Estimar a prevalência e a incidência de obesidade sarcopênica, em coorte de idosos domiciliados no município de São Paulo/Brasil 2000 e 2010. Casuística e Métodos: Foram utilizados dados do Estudo SABE (Saúde, Bem-estar e Envelhecimento), realizado no município de São Paulo em 2000 (2.143 idosos), e em 2010 (795 idosos). A população deste estudo foi constituída por idosos ( 70 anos), de ambos os sexos, que apresentaram todos os dados necessários para este estudo e que concordaram em participar, totalizando 871 idosos analisados em 2000 e 656 idosos em 2010. As variáveis de estudo foram: 1. Dependente - obesidade sarcopênica, identificada segundo: obesidade, diagnosticada pelo valor da circunferência da cintura (CC 94 cm e CC 80 cm para homens e mulheres, respectivamente); sarcopenia, identificada por: 1- força muscular, pelo teste de preensão manual (FPM - kg) (baixa P25; normal > P25, da mesma população), 2- massa muscular (MM), obtida pelo índice de massa muscular (IMM=MM/altura²) (baixa P20; normal > P20, da mesma população) e 3- desempenho físico, identificado pelo teste (tempo dependente segundos) de sentar e levantar 5 vezes de uma cadeira (SeL) , com os braços cruzados sobre o peito (baixo P75; normal < P75); 2. Explanatórias - sexo e grupos etários (70 79 e 80). Foram classificados com OS idosos que apresentaram, simultaneamente, valores de CC adotados e baixo desempenho e baixa MM, ou então, desempenho normal, mas baixas FPM e MM. A prevalência de obesidade sarcopênica em 2000 e em 2010 foi estimada pelo número de casos de OS identificados nos dois momentos, onde foram realizadas comparações entre os intervalos de confiança, para verificar diferença estatística em idosos ( por cento ) com OS, segundo variáveis explanatórias, com nível de significância de 5 por cento . Para o cálculo do coeficiente de incidência de OS, em 2010, foi considerado o tempo de observação de cada indivíduo, determinado de maneira específica para cada caso. Para os cálculos foi utilizado o programa: Stata/SE ® 10.0 for Windows. Resultados: Dos 871 idosos analisados em 2000, 85 (7,4 por cento ) foram identificados com OS [6,5 por cento mulheres (IC 5,08,4) e 4,8 por cento 80 anos (IC 3,6-6,4)] (p 5 por cento ), e, em 2010, (n=656), 73 (9,2 por cento ) foram identificados com OS [7,2 por cento mulheres (IC 5,5-9,4) e 5,3 por cento 80 anos (IC 4,0-7,0)] (p 5 por cento ). Em 10 anos, foram identificados 43 novos casos de OS. O coeficiente de incidência foi 15,29/1000 pessoas/ano entre 2000 e 2010. Conclusões: A prevalência de OS em 2000 e 2010 foi maior nas mulheres e nos idosos mais longevos, sendo que, em ambos os casos, foi maior em 2010, quando comparada a 2000. Não houve diferença significativa entre os coeficientes de incidência, segundo as variáveis explanatórias.
The aim of this study was to compare isometric strength of the upper extremities in a sample of men from the Czech republic (n=638). Only the dominant upper limb was tested. The examined subjects were 18 years old or older. The measured values (in kilograms) were obtained via hand-held dynamometry testing (a digital hand-held dynamometer). The results of the hand-held dynamometry testing were compared across six age categories (18-29, 30-39, 40-49.... 70+ years). It was found that isometric strength of the dominant upper limb in men increases up to the age group 30-39 years and then declines. The highest average value (55.6 kg) was found in the age group 30-39 years, and expectably, the lowest values (34.4 kg) were documented in the age category 70+ years. The largest decline in isometric strength (-8.8 kg) was found between the age groups 60-69 years and 70+ years.
Purpose: Although the beneficial effects of estrogen use on cardiovascular and cognitive function in postmenopausal women have been recently discredited, controversy remains regarding its usefulness for maintaining skeletal muscle mass or strength. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine whether estrogen use is associated with enhanced muscle composition and, if so, whether this translates into improved strength and physical function. Methods: Cross-sectional analysis of 840 well-functioning community-dwelling white women (current estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) users = 259, nonusers = 581) aged 70-79 yr participating in the Health, Aging and Body Composition Study. Muscle composition of the midthigh by computed tomography included cross-sectional area (CSA) of the quadriceps, hamstrings, intermuscular fat and subcutaneous fat, and muscle attenuation in Hounsfield units (HU) as a measure of muscle density. Isometric hand grip and isokinetic knee extensor strength were assessed by dynamometry. Physical function was assessed using a summary scale that included usual 6-m walk and narrow walk speed, repeated chair stands, and standing balance. Results: In analyses of covariance adjusted for relevant confounders. quadriceps muscle CSA and HU were greater in Current ERT than non-ERT women (P < 0.05). Grip strength was also greater (P < 0.05) in women taking ERT while knee extensor strength approached significance (P < 0.10). However, differences in muscle composition and strength were modest at <= 3.3%. There was no difference by ERT status for the hamstring, muscles. fat CSA. or for physical function. Conclusion: The associations between ERT and muscle composition and strength were minor and did not translate into improved physical function. Initiation of ERT for preservation of muscle composition and function may not be indicated.
The aim of this study was to present a new methodology for evaluating the pelvic floor muscle (PFM) passive properties. The properties were assessed in 13 continent women using an intra-vaginal dynamometric speculum and EMG (to ensure the subjects were relaxed) in four different conditions: (1) forces recorded at minimal aperture (initial passive resistance); (2) passive resistance at maximal aperture; (3) forces and passive elastic stiffness (PES) evaluated during five lengthening and shortening cycles; and (4) percentage loss of resistance after 1 min of sustained stretch. The PFMs and surrounding tissues were stretched, at constant speed, by increasing the vaginal antero-posterior diameter; different apertures were considered. Hysteresis was also calculated. The procedure was deemed acceptable by all participants. The median passive forces recorded ranged from 0.54 N (interquartile range 1.52) for minimal aperture to 8.45 N (interquartile range 7.10) for maximal aperture while the corresponding median PES values were 0.17 N/mm (interquartile range 0.28) and 0.67 N/mm (interquartile range 0.60). Median hysteresis was 17.24 N∗mm (interquartile range 35.60) and the median percentage of force losses was 11.17% (interquartile range 13.33). This original approach to evaluating the PFM passive properties is very promising for providing better insight into the patho-physiology of stress urinary incontinence and pinpointing conservative treatment mechanisms.
Aims The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a pelvic floor muscle (PFM) rehabilitation program on incontinence symptoms, PFM function, and morphology in older women with SUI. Methods Women 60 years old and older with at least weekly episodes of SUI were recruited. Participants were evaluated before and after a 12-week group PFM rehabilitation intervention. The evaluations included 3-day bladder diaries, symptom, and quality of life questionnaires, PFM function testing with dynamometry (force) and electromyography (activation) during seven tasks: rest, PFM maximum voluntary contraction (MVC), straining, rapid-repeated PFM contractions, a 60 sec sustained PFM contraction, a single cough and three repeated coughs, and sagittal MRI recorded at rest, during PFM MVCs and during straining to assess PFM morphology. Results Seventeen women (68.9 ± 5.5 years) participated. Following the intervention the frequency of urine leakage decreased and disease-specific quality of life improved significantly. PFM function improved significantly: the participants were able to perform more rapid-repeated PFM contractions; they activated their PFMs sooner when coughing and they were better able to maintain a PFM contraction between repeated coughs. Pelvic organ support improved significantly: the anorectal angle was decreased and the urethrovescial junction was higher at rest, during contraction and while straining. Conclusions This study indicated that improvements in urine leakage were produced along with improvements in PFM co-ordination (demonstrated by the increased number of rapid PFM contractions and the earlier PFM activation when coughing), motor-control, pelvic organ support.
The aim of this study was to present a new methodology for evaluating the pelvic floor muscle (PFM) passive properties. The properties were assessed in 13 continent women using an intra-vaginal dynamometric speculum and EMG (to ensure the subjects were relaxed) in four different conditions: (1) forces recorded at minimal aperture (initial passive resistance); (2) passive resistance at maximal aperture; (3) forces and passive elastic stiffness (PES) evaluated during five lengthening and shortening cycles; and (4) percentage loss of resistance after 1 min of sustained stretch. The PFMs and surrounding tissues were stretched, at constant speed, by increasing the vaginal antero-posterior diameter; different apertures were considered. Hysteresis was also calculated. The procedure was deemed acceptable by all participants. The median passive forces recorded ranged from 0.54 N (interquartile range 1.52) for minimal aperture to 8.45 N (interquartile range 7.10) for maximal aperture while the corresponding median PES values were 0.17 N/mm (interquartile range 0.28) and 0.67 N/mm (interquartile range 0.60). Median hysteresis was 17.24 N∗mm (interquartile range 35.60) and the median percentage of force losses was 11.17% (interquartile range 13.33). This original approach to evaluating the PFM passive properties is very promising for providing better insight into the patho-physiology of stress urinary incontinence and pinpointing conservative treatment mechanisms.
Aims The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a pelvic floor muscle (PFM) rehabilitation program on incontinence symptoms, PFM function, and morphology in older women with SUI. Methods Women 60 years old and older with at least weekly episodes of SUI were recruited. Participants were evaluated before and after a 12-week group PFM rehabilitation intervention. The evaluations included 3-day bladder diaries, symptom, and quality of life questionnaires, PFM function testing with dynamometry (force) and electromyography (activation) during seven tasks: rest, PFM maximum voluntary contraction (MVC), straining, rapid-repeated PFM contractions, a 60 sec sustained PFM contraction, a single cough and three repeated coughs, and sagittal MRI recorded at rest, during PFM MVCs and during straining to assess PFM morphology. Results Seventeen women (68.9 ± 5.5 years) participated. Following the intervention the frequency of urine leakage decreased and disease-specific quality of life improved significantly. PFM function improved significantly: the participants were able to perform more rapid-repeated PFM contractions; they activated their PFMs sooner when coughing and they were better able to maintain a PFM contraction between repeated coughs. Pelvic organ support improved significantly: the anorectal angle was decreased and the urethrovescial junction was higher at rest, during contraction and while straining. Conclusions This study indicated that improvements in urine leakage were produced along with improvements in PFM co-ordination (demonstrated by the increased number of rapid PFM contractions and the earlier PFM activation when coughing), motor-control, pelvic organ support.
The endothelium is the inner most layer of cells that lines all arteries. A primary function of endothelial cells is to regulate responses to increased blood flow and the resulting frictional forces or shear stress by producing factors such as nitric oxide that mediate arterial dilation (flow mediated dilation (FMD)). Menstrual cycle variations in estrogen (E2) have been shown to influence brachial artery (BA) FMD in response to transient increases in shear stress brought about by the release of a brief forearm occlusion (reactive hyperemia (RH)). FMD can also be assessed in response to a sustained shear stress stimulus such as that created with handgrip exercise (HGEX), and studies have shown that RH- and HGEX stimulated FMD provide unique information regarding endothelial function. However, the impact of menstrual phase on HGEX-FMD is unknown. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the impact of cyclical changes in E2 levels on HGEX-FMD over two discrete phases of the menstrual cycle. FMD was assessed via ultrasound. 12 subjects (21 ± 2yrs) completed two experimental visits: (1) low estrogen phase (early follicular) and (2) High estrogen phase (late follicular). In each visit both RH- and HGEX-FMD (6 min handgrip exercise) were assessed. Results are mean ± SD. E2 increased from the low to the high estrogen phase of the menstrual cycle (low: 34 ± 8, high: 161 ± 113pg/mL, p = 0.004). There was no change in mean FMD between phases (RH-FMD: 7.7 ± 4.3% vs. 6.4 ± 3.1%, p = 0.139; HGEX-FMD: 4.8 ± 2.8% vs. 4.8 ± 2.3%, p = 0.979). The observation that both RH- and HGEX-FMD did not differ between phases indicates that menstrual cycle fluctuations in estrogen may not universally impact endothelial function in young, healthy premenopausal women. Further research is needed to improve our understanding of the mechanisms that underlie variability in the impact of menstrual phase on both transient and sustained FMD responses.