1000 resultados para Hakkarainen, Marja-Leena
Työn tavoitteena oli tuottaa itseopiskelumateriaali fysioterapeuttiopiskelijoille nuoruusiän idiopaattisesta skolioosista. Kouluikäisistä lapsista 80 prosentilla on todettu vartaloepäsymmetriaa, suurin osa näistä on toiminnallisia skoliooseja. Varsinaisia idiopaattisia skoliooseja ilmenee suomessa vuosittain noin 200 uutta tapausta. Idiopaattista skolioosia ei voida fysioterapian keinoin parantaa, mutta fysioterapeutti on usein arvioimassa tulisiko lapsi lähettää jatkotutkimuksiin. Fysioterapeutti on myös mukana skolioosipotilaan konservatiivisessa ja operatiivisessa hoidossa. Fysioterapeutti esimerkiksi ohjaa hoitoa tukevia harjoitteita ja kannustaa potilasta liikkumaan. Fysioterapian opinnoissa käsitellään skolioosin tutkimista ja hoitoa. Opinnoissa ei kuitenkaan välttämättä harjoitella esimerkiksi skoliometrimittausta. Tuotetun itseopiskelumateriaalin tarkoitus on antaa fysioterapeuttiopiskelijalle syventävää tietoa skolioosista, sen synnystä, tutkimisesta ja hoitamisesta. Opinnäytetyön teoriaosassa käsitellään skolioosia ja erityisesti nuoruusiän idiopaattista skolioosia. Teoriaosasta on poimittu oleelliset asiat mahdollisimman tiiviissä ja selkeässä muodossa itseopiskelumateriaaliin. Itseopiskelumateriaali on tallennettu .pdf -muodossa CD-ROM:lle ja sitä on tarkoitus katsoa tietokoneen näytöltä. Itseopiskelumateriaali on tarkoitettu Kunto-Stadian opiskelijoiden käyttöön. Materiaali sisältää viisi kokonaisuutta: johdanto, yleistä skolioosista, nuoruusiän idiopaattinen skolioosi, nuoruusiän idiopaattisen skolioosin tutkiminen ja nuoruusiän idiopaattisen skolioosin hoito. Materiaalia on havainnollistettu kuvilla. Materiaalista löytyy lähdeluettelo ja pohdittavaksi tarkoitettuja kysymyksiä. Materiaalissa on otettu huomioon hyvän oppimateriaalin kriteereitä. Materiaali esitestattiin Kunto-Stadian opiskelijoilla ja sitä kehitettiin annetun palautteen perusteella. Jatkokehittämisehdotuksena voisi olla itseopiskelumateriaalin toimivuuden tutkiminen ja materiaalin kehittäminen. Erityisesti materiaalin ulkoasua voisi kehittää yhteistyössä viestinnän ammattilaisen kanssa. Materiaalia voisi myös kehittää ryhmäopetukseen soveltuvaksi.
A prevalência de doença crônica na infância tem aumentado, impondo à família contato contínuo com profissionais de saúde, ocasião em que a relação desempenha papel relevante. Raras explorações científicas abordam tal temática, apesar de ser apontada como núcleo fundamental para a interação efetiva. O objetivo desse estudo foi caracterizar como a família de criança doente crônica percebe sua relação com os profissionais de saúde. Foram entrevistados 20 cuidadores de criança com doença crônica. O referencial teórico e metodológico adotados foram, respectivamente, o Interacionismo Simbólico e a análise de conteúdo temática. O processo analítico revelou quatro categorias temáticas: papel do cuidador, relações angustiantes, serviços e profissionais e buscando relações acolhedoras. O resultado deste processo interacional que apresenta incongruência de expectativas e comportamentos entre profissional e família é falho e gera sentimento de desamparo, o qual é amenizado pela escuta e compreensão de outras famílias em situação similar.
Kirje 22.11.1974
OBJECTIVE To analyze the effectiveness of 2% and 4% papain gels in tissue repair of venous ulcers. METHOD Quasi-experimental study with consecutive sample of 16 patients with 30 venous ulcers treated at the outpatient clinic of a teaching hospital, from April to November in 2011, using a form for clinical assessment of the patient and its lesion. Variables were analyzed by Wilcoxon and McNemar test (p < 0.05). RESULTS Most participants were female; aged between 51 and 59 years; obese; with hypertension. Regarding ulcers, there was an average decrease of 7.9 cm2 (50% of its original size) in 90 days; 20% of the ulcers completely healed within 56.67 days. There was an increase in epithelialization, significant reduction in the slough and edema, improved depth, in the type and amount of exudate (p < 0.0001). CONCLUSION 2% and 4% papain gels were effective in healing venous ulcers.
Kirje 4.2.1972
Photosystem II (PSII) of oxygenic photosynthesis is susceptible to photoinhibition. Photoinhibition is defined as light induced damage resulting in turnover of the D1 protein subunit of the reaction center of PSII. Both visible and ultraviolet (UV) light cause photoinhibition. Photoinhibition induced by UV light damages the oxygen evolving complex (OEC) via absorption of UV photons by the Mn ion(s) of OEC. Under visible light, most of the earlier hypotheses assume that photoinhibition occurs when the rate of photon absorption by PSII antenna exceeds the use of the absorbed energy in photosynthesis. However, photoinhibition occurs at all light intensities with the same efficiency per photon. The aim of my thesis work was to build a model of photoinhibition that fits the experimental features of photoinhibition. I studied the role of electron transfer reactions of PSII in photoinhibition and found that changing the electron transfer rate had only minor influence on photoinhibition if light intensity was kept constant. Furthermore, quenching of antenna excitations protected less efficiently than it would protect if antenna chlorophylls were the only photoreceptors of photoinhibition. To identify photoreceptors of photoinhibition, I measured the action spectrum of photoinhibition. The action spectrum showed resemblance to the absorption spectra of Mn model compounds suggesting that the Mn cluster of OEC acts as a photoreceptor of photoinhibition under visible light, too. The role of Mn in photoinhibition was further supported by experiments showing that during photoinhibition OEC is damaged before electron transfer activity at the acceptor side of PSII is lost. Mn enzymes were found to be photosensitive under visible and UV light indicating that Mn-containing compounds, including OEC, are capable of functioning as photosensitizers both in visible and UV light. The experimental results above led to the Mn hypothesis of the mechanism of continuous-light-induced photoinhibition. According to the Mn hypothesis, excitation of Mn of OEC results in inhibition of electron donation from OEC to the oxidized primary donor P680+ both under UV and visible light. P680 is oxidized by photons absorbed by chlorophyll, and if not reduced by OEC, P680+ may cause harmful oxidation of other PSII components. Photoinhibition was also induced with intense laser pulses and it was found that the photoinhibitory efficiency increased in proportion to the square of pulse intensity suggesting that laser-pulse-induced photoinhibition is a two-photon reaction. I further developed the Mn hypothesis suggesting that the initial event in photoinhibition under both continuous and pulsed light is the same: Mn excitation that leads to the inhibition of electron donation from OEC to P680+. Under laser-pulse-illumination, another Mn-mediated inhibitory photoreaction occurs within the duration of the same pulse, whereas under continuous light, secondary damage is chlorophyll mediated. A mathematical model based on the Mn hypothesis was found to explain photoinhibition under continuous light, under flash illumination and under the combination of these two.
Pentti Lempiäinen