970 resultados para HYPERDYNAMIC SEPSIS


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OBJECTIVE: to present our experience with scheduled reoperations in 15 patients with intra-abdominal sepsis. METHODS: we have applied a more effective technique consisting of temporary abdominal closure with a nylon mesh sheet containing a zipper. We performed reoperations in the operating room under general anesthesia at an average interval of 84 hours. The revision consisted of debridement of necrotic material and vigorous lavage of the involved peritoneal area. The mean age of patients was 38.7 years (range, 15 to 72 years); 11 patients were male, and four were female. RESULTS: forty percent of infections were due to necrotizing pancreatitis. Sixty percent were due to perforation of the intestinal viscus secondary to inflammation, vascular occlusion or trauma. We performed a total of 48 reoperations, an average of 3.2 surgeries per patient. The mesh-zipper device was left in place for an average of 13 days. An intestinal ostomy was present adjacent to the zipper in four patients and did not present a problem for patient management. Mortality was 26.6%. No fistulas resulted from this technique. When intra-abdominal disease was under control, the mesh-zipper device was removed, and the fascia was closed in all patients. In three patients, the wound was closed primarily, and in 12 it was allowed to close by secondary intent. Two patients developed hernia; one was incisional and one was in the drain incision. CONCLUSION: the planned reoperation for manual lavage and debridement of the abdomen through a nylon mesh-zipper combination was rapid, simple, and well-tolerated. It permitted effective management of severe septic peritonitis, easy wound care and primary closure of the abdominal wall.


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Extrauterine leiomyomas are rare, benign, and may arise in any anatomic sites. Their unusual growth pattern may even mimic malignancy and can result in a clinical dilemma. Occasionally, uterine leiomyomas become adherent to surrounding structures. They also develop an auxiliary blood supply, and lose their original attachment to the uterus, thus becoming 'parasitic'. Parasitic myomas may also be iatrogenically created after uterine fibroid surgery, particularly if morcellation is used. This report presented two cases of parasitic myomas with sepsis, both requiring right hemicolectomy. It reviewed the pertinent literature.


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Vaikean sepsiksen varhainen tunnistaminen päivystyspoliklinikalla – merkkiaineiden käyttökelpoisuus aikuispotilaiden arvioinnissa Päivystyspotilaan vakavan yleisinfektion eli sepsiksen varhainen tunnistaminen ja taudin vaikeusasteen arviointi on päivystävälle lääkärille tärkeä haaste. Arvioimme prospektiivisessa kohorttitutkimuksessa eri merkkiaineiden hyödyllisyyttä sepsiksen varhaisessa tunnistamisessa ja vaikeusasteen arvioinnissa. Työssä I ja III oli 539 päivystyspotilasta, joilta kliinikko päätti ottaa veriviljelyn sepsistä epäillen. Tutkimuksessa II oli 525 potilasta ja tutkimuksessa IV 537 potilasta. Tutkimuksessa I plasman C-reaktiivisen proteiinin (CRP) pitoisuuksia verrattiin plasman prokalsitoniinin (PCT) ja interleukiinin (IL-6) pitoisuuksiin. Tutkimuksessa II verrattiin plasman baktersidisen/ permeabiliteettia lisäävän proteiinin (BPI), ryhmän IIA fosfolipaasi A2:n (PLA2GIIA) ja CRP:n pitoisuuksia sekä valkosolujen määriä toisiinsa. Tutkimuksessa III arvioitiin liukoisen urokinaasi-tyyppisen plasminogeenin aktivaattorireseptorin (suPAR) ja tutkimuksessa IV pentraksiini 3:n (PTX3) määrityksen käyttökelpoisuutta. Tutkimuksessa I todettiin päivystystilanteessa mitattujen korkeiden PCT - ja IL-6 - pitoisuuksien ennustavan vaikean sepsiksen kehittymistä paremmin kuin korkean CRP:n. Tutkimuksessa II plasman PLA2GIIA vaikutti hiukan paremmalta vaikean sepsiksen ennustajalta kuin CRP tai veren valkosolutaso, mutta BPI ei ollut hyödyllinen. Tutkimuksessa III korkea plasman suPAR- pitoisuus osoittautui itsenäiseksi kuolleisuuden riskitekijäksi ja se liittyi myös vaikean sepsiksen kehittymiseen. Tutkimuksessa IV korkea PTX3 - pitoisuus toimi samaan tapaan kuin suPAR. Kokonaisuutena PCT osoittautui parhaaksi merkkiaineeksi ennustamaan elinhäiriön kehittymistä ja suPAR kuolleisuutta. PTX3 ei tarjonnut merkittävää lisäetua PCT:iin ja suPAR:iin verrattuna. CRP osoitti suhteellisen hyvin bakteeri-infektion esiintymistä, mutta ennusteellista arvoa sillä ei ollut. suPAR on kiinnostava kuolleisuuden ja elinhäiriön kehittymisen merkkiaine.


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Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors have been shown to improve splanchnic perfusion in distinct shock states. We hypothesized that enalaprilat potentiates the benefits of early fluid resuscitation in severe experimental sepsis, particularly in the splanchnic region. Anesthetized and mechanically ventilated mongrel dogs received an intravenous infusion of live Escherichia coli over a period of 30 min. Thereafter, two interventions were performed: fluid infusion (normal saline, 32 mL/kg over 30 min) and enalaprilat infusion (0.02 mg kg-1 min-1 for 60 min) in randomized groups. The following groups were studied: controls (fluid infusion, N = 4), E1 (enalaprilat infusion followed by fluid infusion, N = 5) and E2 (fluid infusion followed by enalaprilat infusion, N = 5). All animals were observed for a 120 min after bacterial infusion. Mean arterial pressure, cardiac output (CO), portal vein blood flow (PVBF), systemic and regional oxygen-derived variables, and lactate levels were measured. Rapid and progressive reductions in CO and PVBF were induced by the infusion of live bacteria, while minor changes were observed in mean arterial pressure. Systemic and regional territories showed a significant increase in oxygen extraction and lactate levels. Widening venous-arterial and portal-arterial pCO2 gradients were also detected. Fluid replacement promoted transient benefits in CO and PVBF. Enalaprilat after fluid resuscitation did not affect systemic or regional hemodynamic variables. We conclude that in this model of normotensive sepsis inhibition of angiotensin-converting enzyme did not interfere with the course of systemic or regional hemodynamic and oxygen-derived variables.


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Experimental models of sepsis-induced pulmonary alterations are important for the study of pathogenesis and for potential intervention therapies. The objective of the present study was to characterize lung dysfunction (low PaO2 and high PaCO2, and increased cellular infiltration, protein extravasation, and malondialdehyde (MDA) production assessed in bronchoalveolar lavage) in a sepsis model consisting of intraperitoneal (ip) injection of Escherichia coli and the protective effects of pentoxifylline (PTX). Male Wistar rats (weighing between 270 and 350 g) were injected ip with 10(7) or 10(9) CFU/100 g body weight or saline and samples were collected 2, 6, 12, and 24 h later (N = 5 each group). PaO2, PaCO2 and pH were measured in blood, and cellular influx, protein extravasation and MDA concentration were measured in bronchoalveolar lavage. In a second set of experiments either PTX or saline was administered 1 h prior to E. coli ip injection (N = 5 each group) and the animals were observed for 6 h. Injection of 10(7) or 10(9) CFU/100 g body weight of E. coli induced acidosis, hypoxemia, and hypercapnia. An increased (P < 0.05) cell influx was observed in bronchoalveolar lavage, with a predominance of neutrophils. Total protein and MDA concentrations were also higher (P < 0.05) in the septic groups compared to control. A higher tumor necrosis factor-alpha (P < 0.05) concentration was also found in these animals. Changes in all parameters were more pronounced with the higher bacterial inoculum. PTX administered prior to sepsis reduced (P < 0.05) most functional alterations. These data show that an E. coli ip inoculum is a good model for the induction of lung dysfunction in sepsis, and suitable for studies of therapeutic interventions.


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Sepsis and its complications are the leading causes of mortality in intensive care units, accounting for 10-50% of deaths. Intensive care unit survivors present long-term cognitive impairment, including alterations in memory, attention, concentration, and/or global loss of cognitive function. In the present study, we investigated behavioral alterations in sepsis-surviving rats. One hundred and ten male Wistar rats (3-4 months, 250-300 g) were submitted to cecal ligation and puncture (CLP), and 44 were submitted to sham operation. Forty-four rats (40%) survived after CLP, and all sham-operated animals survived and were used as control. Twenty animals of each group were used in the object recognition task (10 in short-term memory and 10 in long-term memory), 12 in the plus-maze test and 12 in the forced swimming test. Ten days after surgery, the animals were submitted individually to an object recognition task, plus-maze and forced swimming tests. A significant impairment of short- and long-term recognition memory was observed in the sepsis group (recognition index 0.75 vs 0.55 and 0.74 vs 0.51 for short- and long-term memory, respectively (P < 0.05). In the elevated plus-maze test no difference was observed between groups in any of the parameters assessed. In addition, sepsis survivors presented an increase in immobility time in the forced swimming test (180 vs 233 s, P < 0.05), suggesting the presence of depressive-like symptoms in these animals after recovery from sepsis. The present results demonstrated that rats surviving exposure to CLP, a classical sepsis model, presented recognition memory impairment and depressive-like symptoms but not anxiety-like behavior.


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Sixty strains of Escherichia coli, isolated by hemoculture, from septicemic Brazilian patients were evaluated to determine their serogroup and invasivity to Vero cells. All 60 patients died within 2 days of hospitalization. Furthermore, the molecular study of the following extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli-associated virulence factor (VF) genes was performed by PCR: i) adhesins: type 1 fimbria (fimH), S fimbria (sfaD/E), P fimbria (papC and papG alleles) and afimbrial adhesin (afaB/C); ii) capsule K1/K5 (kpsMTII); iii) siderophores: aerobactin (iucD), yersiniabactin (fyuA) and salmochelin (iroN); iv) toxins hemolysin (hlyA), necrotizing cytotoxic factor type 1 (cnf1) and secreted autotransporter toxin (sat); v) miscellaneous: brain microvascular endothelial cells invasion (ibeA), serum resistance (traT), colicin V (cvaC) and specific uropathogenic protein (usp). Our results showed that isolates are able to invade Vero cells (96.6%), differing from previous research on uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC). The O serogroups associated with UPEC were prevalent in 60% of strains vs 11.7% of other serogroups. The PCR results showed a conserved virulence subgroup profile and a prevalence above 75% for fimH, fyuA, kpsMTII and iucD, and between 35-65% for papC, papG, sat, iroN, usp and traT. The evasion from the immunological system of the host and also iron uptake are essential for the survival of extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli strains. Interestingly, among our isolates, a low prevalence of VF genes appeared. Therefore, the present study contributes to the identification of a bacterial profile for sepsis-associated E. coli.


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Sepsis involves a systemic inflammatory response of multiple endogenous mediators, resulting in many of the injurious and sometimes fatal physiological symptoms of the disease. This systemic activation leads to a compromised vascular response and endothelial dysfunction. Purine nucleotides interact with purinoceptors and initiate a variety of physiological processes that play an important role in maintaining cardiovascular function. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of ATP on vascular function in a lipopolysaccharide (LPS) model of sepsis. LPS induced a significant increase in aortic superoxide production 16 h after injection. Addition of ATP to the organ bath incubation solution reduced superoxide production by the aortas of endotoxemic animals. Reactive Blue, an antagonist of the P2Y receptor, blocked the effect of ATP on superoxide production, and the nonselective P2Y agonist MeSATP inhibited superoxide production. Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibition by L-NAME blocked vascular relaxation and reduced superoxide production in LPS-treated animals. In the presence of L-NAME there was no ATP effect on superoxide production. A vascular reactivity study showed that ATP increased maximal relaxation in LPS-treated animals compared to controls. The presence of ATP induced increases in Akt and endothelial NOS phosphorylated proteins in the aorta of septic animals. ATP reduces superoxide release resulting in an improved vasorelaxant response. Sepsis may uncouple NOS to produce superoxide. We showed that ATP through Akt pathway phosphorylated endothelial NOS and “re-couples” NOS function.


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The adhesins of extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli are essential for mediating direct interactions between the microbes and the host cell surfaces that they infect. Using fluorescence microscopy and gentamycin protection assays, we observed that 49 sepsis-associated E. coli (SEPEC) strains isolated from human adults adhered to and invaded Vero cells in the presence of D-mannose (100%). In addition, bacteria concentrations of approximately 2 x 10(7) CFU/mL were recovered from Vero cells following an invasion assay. Furthermore, PCR analysis of adhesin genes showed that 98.0% of these SEPEC strains tested positive for fimH, 69.4% for flu, 53.1% for csgA, 38.8% for mat, and 32.7% for iha. Analysis of the invasin genes showed that 16.3% of the SEPEC strains were positive for tia, 12.3% for gimB, and 10.2% for ibeA. Therefore, these data suggest that SEPEC adhesion to cell surfaces occurs through non-fimH mechanisms. Scanning electron microscopy showed the formation of microcolonies on the Vero cell surface. SEPEC invasiveness was also confirmed by the presence of intracellular bacteria, and ultrastructural analysis using electron transmission microscopy revealed bacteria inside the Vero cells. Taken together, these results demonstrate that these SEPEC strains had the ability to adhere to and invade Vero cells. Moreover, these data support the theory that renal cells may be the predominant pathway through which SEPEC enters human blood vessels.


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The objective of this research was to evaluate the interference of ethanol consumption by female rats with cytokines involved in the sepsis process and its correlation with mortality, the main outcome of sepsis. Female Wistar rats in estrus phase were evaluated in three experiments. Experiment 1 (n=40) was performed to determine survival rates. Experiment 2 (n=69) was designed for biochemical analysis, measurement of cytokine and estrogen levels before and after sepsis, and experiment 3 (n=10) was performed to evaluate bacterial growth by colony counts of peritoneal fluid. In all experiments, treated animals were exposed to a 10% ethanol/water solution (v/v) as the single drinking source, while untreated animals were given tap water. After 4 weeks, sepsis was induced in the rats by ip injection of feces. In experiment 1, mortality in ethanol-exposed animals was delayed compared with those that drank water (48 h; P=0.0001). Experiment 2 showed increased tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and decreased interleukin-6 (IL-6) and macrophage migration inhibitory factor in septic animals exposed to ethanol compared to septic animals not exposed. Sepsis also increased TNF-α and IL-6 levels in both ethanol- and water-exposed groups. Biochemical analysis showed higher creatinine, alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase and decreased glucose levels in septic animals that were exposed to ethanol. In experiment 3, septic animals exposed to ethanol showed decreased numbers of colony-forming units than septic animals exposed to water. These results suggest that ethanol consumption delays the mortality of female rats in estrus phase after sepsis induction. Female characteristics, most probably sex hormones, may be involved in cytokine expression.


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Abstract Introduction: Sepsis, an extremely prevalent condition in the intensive care unit, is usually associated with organ dysfunction, which can affect heart and kidney. Objective: To determine whether the cardiac dysfunction and the Troponin I forecast the occurrence of acute renal failure in sepsis. Methods: Cardiac dysfunction was assessed by echocardiography and by the serum troponin I levels, and renal impairment by AKIN criteria and the need of dialysis. Twenty-nine patients with incident sepsis without previous cardiac or renal dysfunction were enrolled. Results and Discussion: Patients averaged 75.3 ± 17.3 years old and 55% were male. Median APACHE II severity score at ICU admission was 16 (9.7 - 24.2) and mortality rate in 30 days was 45%. On the fifth day, 59% had ventricular dysfunction. Troponin serum levels on day 1 in the affected patients were 1.02 ± 0.6 ng/mL compared with 0.23 ± 0.18 ng/mL in patients without heart dysfunction (p = 0.01). Eighteen out of 29 patients (62%) underwent renal replacement therapy (RRT) and the percent of patients with ventricular dysfunction who required dialysis was higher (94% vs. 16%, p = 0.0001). Values of troponin at day 1 were used to develop a ROC curve to determine their ability to predict the need of dialysis. The area under the curve was 0.89 and the cutoff value was 0.4 ng/mL. Conclusion: We found that an elevation in serum troponin levels, while guarding a relationship with ventricular dysfunction, can be a precious tool to predict the need for dialysis in sepsis patients.


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La mitochondrie est de plus en plus reconnue pour sa contribution à la dégénerescence musculaire. Les dysfonctions mitochondriales, en plus de causer une défaillance énergétique, contribuent à la signalisation apoptotique, stimule la production de ROS et peuvent induire une surcharge calcique. Ces caractéristiques sont tous reliées à certains types de myopathies. Cette thèse met en lumières comment certaines dysfonctions mitochondriales peuvent intervenir dans la pathogenèse de diverses myopathies. Nous démontrons que les dysfonctions mitochondriales sont impliqués dans l’atrophie dû à la perte d’innervation. Par contre, la désensabilisation de l’ouverture du pore mitochondrial de transition de perméabilité, via ablation génétique de cyclophiline-D, ne prévient ni la signalisation apoptotique mitochondrial ni l’atrophie. Nous avons aussi observé des dysfonctions mitochondriales dans le muscle atteint de dystrophie musculaire de Duchenne qui furent améliorés suite à une transfection de PGC1-α, laquelle résulta aussi en une amélioration de la pathologie. Finalement, nous démontrons que le recyclage de mitochondrie par les voies de mitophagies et de contrôles de la qualité impliquant Parkin et possiblement d’autres voies de signalisation inconnues sont cruciales au recouvrement cardiaqe lors d’un choc septique.


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Estudio descriptivo sobre las caracteristicas epidemiologicas de la sepsis en pacientes mayores de 18 años que presentan infecciones de la comunidad o nosocomiales en un periodo de 6 meses desde agosto de 2007 a enero de 2008.


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Introducción: La sepsis es un importante problema de salud a nivel mundial con Incidencia en aumento, las primeras horas de tratamiento tienen un impacto dramático en la sobrevida. Las indicaciones de las guías actuales de manejo en antibioticoterapia temprana se extrapolaron de estudios en adultos. Objetivo: Determinar si existe una asociación entre el tiempo de inicio de antibioticoterapia temprana empírica y la mortalidad en pacientes con sepsis severa y choque séptico atendidos en UCIP de FCI. Métodos: Estudio analítico retrospectivo de casos y controles donde se incluyeron los pacientes de 1 mes a 18 años que cursaron con sepsis severa y/o choque séptico en quienes se conoció la hora del diagnostico por signos clínicos, la de la primera dosis del antibiótico y el desenlace final, fueron excluidos los pacientes que recibieron dosis terapéuticas de antibióticos previos, se comparo la mortalidad con el tiempo al inicio del antibiótico empírico, calculando los OR y controlando otras variables relacionadas con la mortalidad. Resultados: Se evaluaron 108 casos, la mortalidad global fue de 38,9%. El tiempo al antibiótico en el grupo de fallecidos fue de 9,06 horas y 6,1 en los sobrevivientes (p=0,003). Los que recibieron antibioticoterapia empírica tardía (>6h) tuvieron 3.8 veces mayor riesgo de morir (P:0,002). Conservaron asociaron con mayor riesgo de morir: La acidosis persistente OR:10.14(P:0.00001), Injuria renal aguda OR:7.86(P:0.003) y antibioticoterapia tardía OR10.1(P:0.005). Conclusiones: Existe una asociación importante entre el tiempo al inicio del antibiótico empírico y la mortalidad en pacientes con sepsis severa y choque séptico por lo que recomendamos iniciarla lo antes posible en estos pacientes.


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Antecedentes : la incidencia de sepsis neonatal tempana en prematuros es del 40% en nuestro medio, con mortalidad entre el 15-50% de los casos, el cual aumenta exponencialmente con la prematurez y se relaciona con secuelas neurológicas y pulmonares. Hasta la fecha no se han dado conclusiones definitivas en cuanto a la mejor prueba diagnóstica en este tópico, por lo anterior es de vital importancia encontrar el mejor método para su detección precoz. Objetivo: evaluar la utilidad de la histopatología placentaria en el diagnóstico de sepsis neonatal temprana de los recién nacidos menores de 36 semanas de edad gestacional, de la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá. Metodología: estudio de prueba diagnóstica donde se describieron los resultados obtenidos del análisis de la histopatología placentaria de los recién nacidos pretermino con sospecha de sepsis temprana comparados con el diagnostico de sepsis temprana probada. Resultados : se analizaron 114 pacientes con factores de riesgo para sepsis temprana de los cuales 74 tuvieron diagnóstico de sepsis probable confirmándose en cinco casos, encontrándose así para la histopatología placentaria sensibilidad del 100% IC 95% (90%-100%), especificidad 78.9% (IC 95% 70.7-87.0), índice de validez 79.8% (IC 95% 72%-87.6%), VPP 17.7 (IC 95%: 1.89%-33.8%) y VPN 100% (IC:98.7%-100%). Conclusión La corioamnionitis histológica es un biomarcador relevante en el diagnóstico oportuno de sepsis temprana probada en recién nacidos pretermino, ofreciendo una opción de ayuda diagnostica, no invasiva, con resultados definitivos en 24 horas.