978 resultados para HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors


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Considerando que as doenças cardiovasculares representam a maior causa de mortalidade e morbidade em países ocidentais, a aterosclerose se destaca pelo fato de predispor os pacientes ao infarto do miocárdio, a acidentes vasculares cerebrais e a doenças vasculares periféricas. Neste contexto, a oxidação de lipoproteínas do plasma, particularmente LDL, é um dos fatores de risco para eventos cardiovasculares, pois é reconhecida e internalizada por macrófagos, ocasionando a sua diferenciação em foam cells. Diversos fatores participam deste processo de diferenciação, como a expressão de receptores de scavenger CD 36, proporcionando aumento na captação de LDL oxidada, aumento na síntese endógena de colesterol e ativação de fatores nucleares que iniciam a transcrição de proteínas específicas e fatores de crescimento que disparam a aterogênese. Os fenômenos celulares relacionados à apoptose também são de especial importância, tanto no desenvolvimento da lesão aterosclerótica como na estabilidade da placa e formação de trombos. As prostaglandinas (PGs) ciclopentenônicas (CP-PGs), em particular a PGA2 e a 15-desóxi-∆12,14-PGJ2 são uma classe especial de PGs que, em diminutas concentrações, disparam a expressão das proteínas de choque térmico (hsp), que são citoprotetoras. Além disso, CP-PGs bloqueiam a ativação do fator nuclear pró-inflamatório NF-κB tornando-as potentes agentes antiinflamatórios. Embora as PGs das famílias A e J guardem uma série de características em comum, a 15-desóxi-∆12,14- PGJ2 é o ligante fisiológico do fator nuclear pró-aterogênico PPAR-γ, enquanto as PGs da família A ativam apenas a via citoprotetora das hsp. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos das CP-PGs sobre a expressão gênica de fatores relacionados à diferenciação de macrófagos em foam cells, bem como proteínas reguladoras do processo de apoptose, em células da linhagem pró-monocítica humana U937. Para tal, as células foram tratadas com CPPGs em presença e/ou ausência de LDL nat e LDL ox, o RNA foi extraído para a realização de RT-PCR para PPAR-γ, CD 36, HMG-CoA redutase e proteínas de apoptose Caspase 3, p53 e Bcl-xL. O tratamento estatístico utilizado foi análise de variância (ANOVA one-way) e teste “t” de student, com resultados expressos como médias + desvios-padrão da média, com P<0,05. Os resultados obtidos demontraram que as CP-PGs PGA2 (20µM-24h) e PGJ2 (1,5µM-24h) inibiram a expressão gênica do fator nuclear PPAR- γ (64 % (PGA2), 88 % (15- d-PGJ2)) nas células U937, em presença de LDL oxidada, quando comparado ao controle. PGA2 inibiu a expressão de HMG-CoA redutase (33 %), enzima chave da síntese de colesterol intracelular, e o tratamento com as CP-PGs também inibiu a apoptose nas células tratadas em presença de LDL oxidada. Os dados sugerem que as CP-PGs apresentam grande potencial para o tratamento da aterosclerose, já que, além de apresentarem efeito antiinflamatório, inibem a expressão do fator nuclear pró-aterogênico PPAR-γ, do receptor de scavenger CD36 (apenas a 15-desóxi-∆12,14-PGJ2) e da enzima HMG-CoA redutase. O bloqueio da apoptose nas células estudadas pode estar relacionado à citoproteção oferecida por estas PGs. Embora investigações in vivo deste laboratório tenham mostrado a eficácia do tratamento com CP-PGs em camundongos portadores de aterosclerose, estudos adicionais são necessários para esclarecer-se o efeito antiaterogênico das mesmas.


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Study Model: Retrospective study. Study Objective: To characterize statin treatment management due to lipid alterations and side effects throughout statin treatment in basic healthcare unit. Methods: Medical reports of women from a basic healthcare unit were analyzed, obtaining: disease presence, regular medication prescription, statin type and dosage, biochemical exams results, musculoskeletal complaints, and statin use cessation, going back the information until the medical consultation of first prescription. Results: Prescribed statins were Simvastatin and Atorvastatin at low doses (10-20 mg). Dose (48,4%) and/or type (25,4%) alterations occurred for lipid profile adequacy. Lipid levels were reduced without creatine kinase elevation. Treatment withdrawn (30,6%) was mainly due to their own decision (74%), which was strongly associated with records of musculoskeletal complaints (Odds Ratio: 6,40[1,53-26,78]). Conclusion: Statin treatment was effective in reducing serum lipid levels and self-reported pain was underestimated, characterizing the major limiting factor for treatment adherence.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A atorvastatina, amplamente utilizada no tratamento de dislipidemias, é fármaco inibidor da enzima 3-hidroxi-3-metilglutaril coenzima A redutase (HMG-CoA) redutase que atua na etapa limitante da síntese do colesterol nas células hepáticas. O transporte hepatocelular da atorvastatina é mediado principalmente pelo polipeptídeo transportador de ânions orgânicos (OATP) 1B1, o qual é altamente polimórfico geneticamente e está sujeito a interação com outros fármacos usados na clínica. O presente estudo teve como objetivo revisar a literatura científica baseada em estudos clínicos, in vitro e experimentais a fim de avaliar o impacto de polimorfismos genéticos de OATP1B1 na disposição cinética, eficácia e toxicidade da atorvastatina. Os estudos clínicos demonstram que o polimorfismo c.521T>C, presente nos alelos SLCO1B1 *5 e *15, resulta em alteração funcional da atividade transportadora, sendo que indivíduos homozigotos para o alelo raro C, apresentam maiores concentrações plasmáticas de atorvastatina e seus metabólitos ativos 2-hidroxiatorvastatina e 4- hidroxiatorvastatina. Entretanto, o aumento na concentração plasmática da atorvastatina e seus metabólitos ativos em indivíduos c.521 CC parece não ser acompanhado de redução na concentração dos mesmos no sítio alvo, tendo em vista que não foram encontradas diferenças significativas na redução da LDL-C ou colesterol total quando comparados aos indivíduos homozigotos para o alelo selvagem. O alelo SLCO1B1*15 mostrou-se significativamente associado a miopatia induzida pela atorvastatina, apesar do pequeno número de pacientes investigados. Estudos in vitro em células expressando OATP1B1 são necessários a fim de investigar o impacto do polimorfismo c.521T>C na concentração de atorvastatina nos hepatócitos. Sugere-se ainda que estudos clínicos sejam conduzidos a fim de avaliar se a redução da dose de...


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Layered double hydroxide (LDH) nanocontainers, suitable as carriers for anionic drugs, were intercalated with Pravastatin drug using magnesium-aluminum and zinc-aluminum in a M-II/Al molar ratio equal 2 and different Al3+/Pravastatin molar ratios. Postsynthesis treatments were used in order to increase the materials crystallinity. Hybrid materials were characterized by a set of physical chemical techniques: chemical elemental analysis, X-ray diffraction (XRD), mass coupled thermal analyses, vibrational infrared and Raman spectroscopies, and solid-state C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Results were interpreted in light of computational density functional theory (DFT) calculations performed for Sodium Pravastatin in order to assign the data obtained for the LDH intercalated materials. XRD peaks of LDH-Pravastatin material and the one-dimensional (1D) electron density map pointed out to a bilayer arrangement of Pravastatin in the interlayer region, where its associated carboxylate and vicinal hydroxyl groups are close to the positive LDH. The structural organization observed for the stacked assembly containing the unsymmetrical and bulky monoanion Pravastatin and LDH seems to be promoted by a self-assembling process, in which local interactions are maximized and chloride ion cointercalation is required. It is observed a high similarity among vibrational and C-13 NMR spectra of Na-Pravastatin and LDH-Pravastatin materials. Those features indicate that the intercalation preserves the drug structural integrity. Spectroscopic techniques corroborate the nature of the guest species and their arrangement between the inorganic layers. Changes related to carboxylate, alcohol, and olefinic moieties are observed in both vibrational Raman and C-13 NMR spectra after the drug intercalation. Thus, Pravastatin ions are forced to be arranged as head to tail through intermolecular hydrogen bonding between adjacent organic species. The thermal decomposition profile of the hybrid samples is distinct of that one observed for Na-Pravastatin salt, however, with no visible increase in the thermal behavior when the organic anion is sequestrated within LDH gap.


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A focused and commented review on the impact of dermatologic diseases and interventions in the solidary act of donating blood is presented to dermatologists to better advise their patients. This is a review of current Brazilian technical regulations on hemotherapeutic procedures as determined by Ministerial Directive #1353/2011 by the Ministry of Health and current internal regulations of the Hemotherapy Center of Ribeirão Preto, a regional reference center in hemotherapeutic procedures. Criteria for permanent inaptitude: autoimmune diseases (>1 organ involved), personal history of cancer other than basal cell carcinoma, severe atopic dermatitis or psoriasis, pemphigus foliaceus, porphyrias, filariasis, leprosy, extra pulmonary tuberculosis or paracoccidioidomycosis, and previous use of etretinate. Drugs that impose temporary ineligibility: other systemic retinoids, systemic corticosteroids, 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors, vaccines, methotrexate, beta-blockers, minoxidil, anti-epileptic, and anti-psychotic drugs. Other conditions that impose temporary ineligibility: occupational accident with biologic material, piercing, tattoo, sexually transmitted diseases, herpes, and bacterial infections, among others. Discussion: Thalidomide is currently missing in the teratogenic drugs list. Although finasteride was previously considered a drug that imposed permanent inaptitude, according to its short halflife current restriction of 1 month is still too long. Dermatologists should be able to advise their patients about proper timing to donate blood, and discuss the impact of drug withdrawal on treatment outcomes and to respect the designated washout periods.


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BACKGROUND Hirsutism occurs in 5% to 10% of women of reproductive age when there is excessive terminal hair growth in androgen-sensitive areas (male pattern). It is a distressing disorder with a major impact on quality of life. The most common cause is polycystic ovary syndrome. There are many treatment options, but it is not clear which are most effective. OBJECTIVES To assess the effects of interventions (except laser and light-based therapies alone) for hirsutism. SEARCH METHODS We searched the Cochrane Skin Group Specialised Register, CENTRAL (2014, Issue 6), MEDLINE (from 1946), EMBASE (from 1974), and five trials registers, and checked reference lists of included studies for additional trials. The last search was in June 2014. SELECTION CRITERIA Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) in hirsute women with polycystic ovary syndrome, idiopathic hirsutism, or idiopathic hyperandrogenism. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS Two independent authors carried out study selection, data extraction, 'Risk of bias' assessment, and analyses. MAIN RESULTS We included 157 studies (sample size 30 to 80) comprising 10,550 women (mean age 25 years). The majority of studies (123/157) were 'high', 30 'unclear', and four 'low' risk of bias. Lack of blinding was the most frequent source of bias. Treatment duration was six to 12 months. Forty-eight studies provided no usable or retrievable data, i.e. lack of separate data for hirsute women, conference proceedings, and losses to follow-up above 40%.Primary outcomes, 'participant-reported improvement of hirsutism' and 'change in health-related quality of life', were addressed in few studies, and adverse events in only half. In most comparisons there was insufficient evidence to determine if the number of reported adverse events differed. These included known adverse events: gastrointestinal discomfort, breast tenderness, reduced libido, dry skin (flutamide and finasteride); irregular bleeding (spironolactone); nausea, diarrhoea, bloating (metformin); hot flushes, decreased libido, vaginal dryness, headaches (gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogues)).Clinician's evaluation of hirsutism and change in androgen levels were addressed in most comparisons, change in body mass index (BMI) and improvement of other clinical signs of hyperandrogenism in one-third of studies.The quality of evidence was moderate to very low for most outcomes.There was low quality evidence for the effect of two oral contraceptive pills (OCPs) (ethinyl estradiol + cyproterone acetate versus ethinyl estradiol + desogestrel) on change from baseline of Ferriman-Gallwey scores. The mean difference (MD) was -1.84 (95% confidence interval (CI) -3.86 to 0.18).There was very low quality evidence that flutamide 250 mg, twice daily, reduced Ferriman-Gallwey scores more effectively than placebo (MD -7.60, 95% CI -10.53 to -4.67 and MD -7.20, 95% CI -10.15 to -4.25). Participants' evaluations in one study with 20 participants confirmed these results (risk ratio (RR) 17.00, 95% CI 1.11 to 259.87).Spironolactone 100 mg daily was more effective than placebo in reducing Ferriman-Gallwey scores (MD -7.69, 95% CI -10.12 to -5.26) (low quality evidence). It showed similar effectiveness to flutamide in two studies (MD -1.90, 95% CI -5.01 to 1.21 and MD 0.49, 95% CI -1.99 to 2.97) (very low quality evidence), as well as to finasteride in two studies (MD 1.49, 95% CI -0.58 to 3.56 and MD 0.40, 95% CI -1.18 to 1.98) (low quality evidence).Although there was very low quality evidence of a difference in reduction of Ferriman-Gallwey scores for finasteride 5 mg to 7.5 mg daily versus placebo (MD -5.73, 95% CI -6.87 to -4.58), it was unlikely it was clinically meaningful. These results were reinforced by participants' assessments (RR 2.06, 95% CI 0.99 to 4.29 and RR 11.00, 95% CI 0.69 to 175.86). However, finasteride showed inconsistent results in comparisons with other treatments, and no firm conclusions could be reached.Metformin demonstrated no benefit over placebo in reduction of Ferriman-Gallwey scores (MD 0.05, 95% CI -1.02 to 1.12), but the quality of evidence was low. Results regarding the effectiveness of GnRH analogues were inconsistent, varying from minimal to important improvements.We were unable to pool data for OCPs with cyproterone acetate 20 mg to 100 mg due to clinical and methodological heterogeneity between studies. However, addition of cyproterone acetate to OCPs provided greater reductions in Ferriman-Gallwey scores.Two studies, comparing finasteride 5 mg and spironolactone 100 mg, did not show differences in participant assessments and reduction of Ferriman-Gallwey scores (low quality evidence). Ferriman-Gallwey scores from three studies comparing flutamide versus metformin could not be pooled (I² = 62%). One study comparing flutamide 250 mg twice daily with metformin 850 mg twice daily for 12 months, which reached a higher cumulative dosage than two other studies evaluating this comparison, showed flutamide to be more effective (MD -6.30, 95% CI -9.83 to -2.77) (very low quality evidence). Data showing reductions in Ferriman-Gallwey scores could not be pooled for four studies comparing finasteride with flutamide as the results were inconsistent (I² = 67%).Studies examining effects of hypocaloric diets reported reductions in BMI, but which did not result in reductions in Ferriman-Gallwey scores. Although certain cosmetic measures are commonly used, we did not identify any relevant RCTs. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS Treatments may need to incorporate pharmacological therapies, cosmetic procedures, and psychological support. For mild hirsutism there is evidence of limited quality that OCPs are effective. Flutamide 250 mg twice daily and spironolactone 100 mg daily appeared to be effective and safe, albeit the evidence was low to very low quality. Finasteride 5 mg daily showed inconsistent results in different comparisons, therefore no firm conclusions can be made. As the side effects of antiandrogens and finasteride are well known, these should be accounted for in any clinical decision-making. There was low quality evidence that metformin was ineffective for hirsutism and although GnRH analogues showed inconsistent results in reducing hirsutism they do have significant side effects.Further research should consist of well-designed, rigorously reported, head-to-head trials examining OCPs combined with antiandrogens or 5α-reductase inhibitor against OCP monotherapy, as well as the different antiandrogens and 5α-reductase inhibitors against each other. Outcomes should be based on standardised scales of participants' assessment of treatment efficacy, with a greater emphasis on change in quality of life as a result of treatment.


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Introduction. 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA reductase inhibitor ("statin") have been widely used for hypercholesteroremia and Statin induced myopathy is well known. Whether Statins contribute to exacerbation of Myasthenia Gravis (MG) requiring hospitalization is not well known. ^ Objectives. To determine the frequency of statin use in patients with MG seen at the neuromuscular division at University of Alabama in Birmingham (UAB) and to evaluate any association between use of statins and MG exacerbations requiring hospitalization in patients with an established diagnosis of Myasthenia Gravis. ^ Methods. We reviewed records of all current MG patients at the UAB neuromuscular department to obtain details on use of statins and any hospitalizations due to exacerbation of MG over the period from January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2006. ^ Results. Of the 113 MG patients on whom information was available for this period, 40 were on statins during at least one clinic visit. Statin users were more likely to be older (mean age 60.2 vs 53.8, p = 0.029), male (70.0% vs 43.8%, p = 0.008), and had a later onset of myasthenia gravis (mean age in years at onset 49.8 versus 42.9, p = 0.051). The total number of hospitalizations or the proportion of subjects who had at least one hospitalization during the study period did not differ in the statin versus no-statin group. However, when hospitalizations which occurred from a suspected precipitant were excluded ("event"), the proportion of subjects who had at least one such event during the study period was higher in the group using statins. In the final Cox proportional hazard model for cumulative time to event, statin use (OR = 6.44, p <0.01) and baseline immunosuppression (OR = 3.03, p = 0.07) were found to increase the odds of event. ^ Conclusions. Statin use may increase the rate of hospitalizations due to MG exacerbation, when excluding exacerbations precipitated by other suspected factors.^


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A previously unknown chemical structure, 6-desmethyl-6-ethylerythromycin A (6-ethylErA), was produced through directed genetic manipulation of the erythromycin (Er)-producing organism Saccharopolyspora erythraea. In an attempt to replace the methyl side chain at the C-6 position of the Er polyketide backbone with an ethyl moiety, the methylmalonate-specific acyltransferase (AT) domain of the Er polyketide synthase was replaced with an ethylmalonate-specific AT domain from the polyketide synthase involved in the synthesis of the 16-member macrolide niddamycin. The genetically altered strain was found to produce ErA, however, and not the ethyl-substituted derivative. When the strain was provided with precursors of ethylmalonate, a small quantity of a macrolide with the mass of 6-ethylErA was produced in addition to ErA. Because substrate for the heterologous AT seemed to be limiting, crotonyl-CoA reductase, a primary metabolic enzyme involved in butyryl-CoA production in streptomycetes, was expressed in the strain. The primary macrolide produced by the reengineered strain was 6-ethylErA.


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Alcaligenes eutrophus genes encoding the enzymes, β-ketothiolase (phaA), acetoacetyl-CoA reductase (phaB), and polyhydroxyalkanoate synthase (phaC) catalyze the production of aliphatic polyester poly-d-(−)-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) from acetyl-CoA. PHB is a thermoplastic polymer that may modify fiber properties when synthesized in cotton. Endogenous β-ketothiolase activity is present in cotton fibers. Hence cotton was transformed with engineered phaB and phaC genes by particle bombardment, and transgenic plants were selected based on marker gene, β-glucuronidase (GUS), expression. Fibers of 10 transgenic plants expressed phaB gene, while eight plants expressed both phaB and phaC genes. Electron microscopy examination of fibers expressing both genes indicated the presence of electron-lucent granules in the cytoplasm. High pressure liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, and mass spectrometry evidence suggested that the new polymer produced in transgenic fibers is PHB. Sixty-six percent of the PHB in fibers is in the molecular mass range of 0.6 × 106 to 1.8 × 106 Da. The presence of PHB granules in transgenic fibers resulted in measurable changes of thermal properties. The fibers exhibited better insulating characteristics. The rate of heat uptake and cooling was slower in transgenic fibers, resulting in higher heat capacity. These data show that metabolic pathway engineering in cotton may enhance fiber properties by incorporating new traits from other genetic sources. This is an important step toward producing new generation fibers for the textile industry.


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We are studying the intracellular trafficking of the multispanning membrane protein Ste6p, the a-factor transporter in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and a member of the ATP-binding cassette superfamily of proteins. In the present study, we have used Ste6p as model for studying the process of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) quality control, about which relatively little is known in yeast. We have identified three mutant forms of Ste6p that are aberrantly ER retained, as determined by immunofluorescence and subcellular fractionation. By pulse-chase metabolic labeling, we demonstrate that these mutants define two distinct classes. The single member of Class I, Ste6–166p, is highly unstable. We show that its degradation involves the ubiquitin–proteasome system, as indicated by its in vivo stabilization in certain ubiquitin–proteasome mutants or when cells are treated with the proteasome inhibitor drug MG132. The two Class II mutant proteins, Ste6–13p and Ste6–90p, are hyperstable relative to wild-type Ste6p and accumulate in the ER membrane. This represents the first report of a single protein in yeast for which distinct mutant forms can be channeled to different outcomes by the ER quality control system. We propose that these two classes of ER-retained Ste6p mutants may define distinct checkpoint steps in a linear pathway of ER quality control in yeast. In addition, a screen for high-copy suppressors of the mating defect of one of the ER-retained ste6 mutants has identified a proteasome subunit, Hrd2p/p97, previously implicated in the regulated degradation of wild-type hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase in the ER membrane.


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Biochemical, epidemiological, and genetic findings demonstrate a link between cholesterol levels, processing of the amyloid precursor protein (APP), and Alzheimer's disease. In the present report, we identify the α-secretase ADAM 10 (a disintegrin and metalloprotease) as a major target of the cholesterol effects on APP metabolism. Treatment of various peripheral and neural cell lines with either the cholesterol-extracting agent methyl-β-cyclodextrin or the hydroxymethyl glutaryl-CoA reductase inhibitor lovastatin resulted in a drastic increase of secreted α-secretase cleaved soluble APP. This strong stimulatory effect was in the range obtained with phorbol esters and was further increased in cells overexpressing ADAM 10. In cells overexpressing APP, the increase of α-secretase activity resulted in a decreased secretion of Aβ peptides. Several mechanisms were elucidated as being the basis of enhanced α-secretase activity: increased membrane fluidity and impaired internalization of APP were responsible for the effect observed with methyl-β-cyclodextrin; treatment with lovastatin resulted in higher expression of the α-secretase ADAM 10. Our results demonstrate that cholesterol reduction promotes the nonamyloidogenic α-secretase pathway and the formation of neuroprotective α-secretase cleaved soluble APP by several mechanisms and suggest approaches to prevention of or therapy for Alzheimer's disease.


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When the human prostate cancer cell line, LNCaP 104-S, the growth of which is stimulated by physiological levels of androgen, is cultured in androgen-depleted medium for > 100 passages, the cells, now called LNCaP 104-R2, are proliferatively repressed by low concentrations of androgens. LNCaP 104-R2 cells formed tumors in castrated male athymic nude mice. Testosterone propionate (TP) treatment prevented LNCaP 104-R2 tumor growth and caused regression of established tumors in these mice. Such a tumor-suppressive effect was not observed with tumors derived from LNCaP 104-S cells or androgen receptor-negative human prostate cancer PC-3 cells. 5 alpha-Dihydrotestosterone, but not 5 beta-dihydrotestosterone, 17 beta-estradiol, or medroxyprogesterone acetate, also inhibited LNCaP 104-R2 tumor growth. Removal of TP or implantation of finasteride, a 5 alpha-reductase inhibitor, in nude mice bearing TP implants resulted in the regrowth of LNCaP 104-R2 tumors. Within 1 week after TP implantation, LNCaP 104-R2 tumors exhibited massive necrosis with severe hemorrhage. Three weeks later, these tumors showed fibrosis with infiltration of chronic inflammatory cells and scattered carcinoma cells exhibiting degeneration. TP treatment of mice with LNCaP 104-R2 tumors reduced tumor androgen receptor and c-myc mRNA levels but increased prostate-specific antigen in serum- and prostate-specific antigen mRNA in tumors. Although androgen ablation has been the standard treatment for metastatic prostate cancer for > 50 years, our study shows that androgen supplementation therapy may be beneficial for treatment of certain types of human prostate cancer and that the use of 5 alpha-reductase inhibitors, such as finasteride or anti-androgens, in the general treatment of metastatic prostate cancer may require careful assessment.


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To test the utility of green fluorescent protein (GFP) as an in vivo reporter protein when fused to a membrane domain, we made a fusion protein between yeast hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase and GFP. Fusion proteins displayed spatial localization and regulated degradation consistent with the native hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase proteins. Thus, GFP should be useful in the study of both membrane protein localization and protein degradation in vivo.


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We and other groups have recently reported the potentiation by ribonucleotide reductase inhibitors such as hydroxyurea of the anti-human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) activity of purine and pyrimidine 2',3'-dideoxynucleosides in both resting and phytohemagglutinin-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Little agreement prevails, however, as to the mechanism of the synergistic effects described. We report here that in phytohemagglutinin-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells, two mechanisms exist for the potentiation of the anti-HIV-1 activity by low-dose hydroxyurea of the purine-based dideoxynucleoside 2',3'-dideoxyinosine and the pyrimidine-based dideoxynucleosides 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine and 2',3'-dideoxycytidine. For 2',3'-dideoxyinosine, the enhancement arises from a specific depletion of dATP by hydroxyurea, resulting in a favorable shift of the 2',3'-dideoxyadenosine 5'-triphosphate/dATP ratio. For the pyrimidine dideoxynucleosides 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine and 2',3'-dideoxycytidine, the more modest anti-HIV enhancement results from hydroxyurea-induced increases of pyrimidine kinase activities in the salvage pathway and, hence, increased 5'-phosphorylation of these drugs, while depletion of the corresponding deoxynucleoside 5'-triphosphates (dTTP and dCTP) plays no significant role.