913 resultados para HIGH-AFFINITY BINDING
During their evolution, animals have developed a set of cysteine-rich peptides capable of binding various extracellular sites of voltage-gated sodium channels (VGSC). Sea anemone toxins that target VGSCs delay their inactivation process, but little is known about their selectivities. Here we report the investigation of three native type 1 toxins (CGTX-II, delta-AITX-Bcg1a and delta-AITX-Bcg1b) purified from the venom of Bunodosoma cangicum. Both delta-AITX-Bcg1a and delta-AITX-Bcg1b toxins were fully sequenced. The three peptides were evaluated by patch-clamp technique among Nav1.1-1.7 isoforms expressed in mammalian cell lines, and their preferential targets are Na(v)1.5 > 1.6 > 1.1. We also evaluated the role of some supposedly critical residues in the toxins which would interact with the channels, and observed that some substitutions are not critical as expected. In addition, CGTX-II and delta-AITX-Bcg1a evoke different shifts in activation/inactivation Boltzmann curves in Nav1.1 and 1.6. Moreover, our results suggest that the interaction region between toxins and VGSCs is not restricted to the supposed site 3 (S3-54 linker of domain IV), and this may be a consequence of distinct surface of contact of each peptide vs. targeted channel. Our data suggest that the contact surfaces of each peptide may be related to their surface charges, as CGTX-II is more positive than delta-AITX-Bcg1a and delta-AITX-Bcg1b. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Negli ultimi anni, un crescente numero di studiosi ha focalizzato la propria attenzione sullo sviluppo di strategie che permettessero di caratterizzare le proprietà ADMET dei farmaci in via di sviluppo, il più rapidamente possibile. Questa tendenza origina dalla consapevolezza che circa la metà dei farmaci in via di sviluppo non viene commercializzato perché ha carenze nelle caratteristiche ADME, e che almeno la metà delle molecole che riescono ad essere commercializzate, hanno comunque qualche problema tossicologico o ADME [1]. Infatti, poco importa quanto una molecola possa essere attiva o specifica: perché possa diventare farmaco è necessario che venga ben assorbita, distribuita nell’organismo, metabolizzata non troppo rapidamente, ne troppo lentamente e completamente eliminata. Inoltre la molecola e i suoi metaboliti non dovrebbero essere tossici per l’organismo. Quindi è chiaro come una rapida determinazione dei parametri ADMET in fasi precoci dello sviluppo del farmaco, consenta di risparmiare tempo e denaro, permettendo di selezionare da subito i composti più promettenti e di lasciar perdere quelli con caratteristiche negative. Questa tesi si colloca in questo contesto, e mostra l’applicazione di una tecnica semplice, la biocromatografia, per caratterizzare rapidamente il legame di librerie di composti alla sieroalbumina umana (HSA). Inoltre mostra l’utilizzo di un’altra tecnica indipendente, il dicroismo circolare, che permette di studiare gli stessi sistemi farmaco-proteina, in soluzione, dando informazioni supplementari riguardo alla stereochimica del processo di legame. La HSA è la proteina più abbondante presente nel sangue. Questa proteina funziona da carrier per un gran numero di molecole, sia endogene, come ad esempio bilirubina, tiroxina, ormoni steroidei, acidi grassi, che xenobiotici. Inoltre aumenta la solubilità di molecole lipofile poco solubili in ambiente acquoso, come ad esempio i tassani. Il legame alla HSA è generalmente stereoselettivo e ad avviene a livello di siti di legame ad alta affinità. Inoltre è ben noto che la competizione tra farmaci o tra un farmaco e metaboliti endogeni, possa variare in maniera significativa la loro frazione libera, modificandone l’attività e la tossicità. Per queste sue proprietà la HSA può influenzare sia le proprietà farmacocinetiche che farmacodinamiche dei farmaci. Non è inusuale che un intero progetto di sviluppo di un farmaco possa venire abbandonato a causa di un’affinità troppo elevata alla HSA, o a un tempo di emivita troppo corto, o a una scarsa distribuzione dovuta ad un debole legame alla HSA. Dal punto di vista farmacocinetico, quindi, la HSA è la proteina di trasporto del plasma più importante. Un gran numero di pubblicazioni dimostra l’affidabilità della tecnica biocromatografica nello studio dei fenomeni di bioriconoscimento tra proteine e piccole molecole [2-6]. Il mio lavoro si è focalizzato principalmente sull’uso della biocromatografia come metodo per valutare le caratteristiche di legame di alcune serie di composti di interesse farmaceutico alla HSA, e sul miglioramento di tale tecnica. Per ottenere una miglior comprensione dei meccanismi di legame delle molecole studiate, gli stessi sistemi farmaco-HSA sono stati studiati anche con il dicroismo circolare (CD). Inizialmente, la HSA è stata immobilizzata su una colonna di silice epossidica impaccata 50 x 4.6 mm di diametro interno, utilizzando una procedura precedentemente riportata in letteratura [7], con alcune piccole modifiche. In breve, l’immobilizzazione è stata effettuata ponendo a ricircolo, attraverso una colonna precedentemente impaccata, una soluzione di HSA in determinate condizioni di pH e forza ionica. La colonna è stata quindi caratterizzata per quanto riguarda la quantità di proteina correttamente immobilizzata, attraverso l’analisi frontale di L-triptofano [8]. Di seguito, sono stati iniettati in colonna alcune soluzioni raceme di molecole note legare la HSA in maniera enantioselettiva, per controllare che la procedura di immobilizzazione non avesse modificato le proprietà di legame della proteina. Dopo essere stata caratterizzata, la colonna è stata utilizzata per determinare la percentuale di legame di una piccola serie di inibitori della proteasi HIV (IPs), e per individuarne il sito(i) di legame. La percentuale di legame è stata calcolata attraverso il fattore di capacità (k) dei campioni. Questo parametro in fase acquosa è stato estrapolato linearmente dal grafico log k contro la percentuale (v/v) di 1-propanolo presente nella fase mobile. Solamente per due dei cinque composti analizzati è stato possibile misurare direttamente il valore di k in assenza di solvente organico. Tutti gli IPs analizzati hanno mostrato un’elevata percentuale di legame alla HSA: in particolare, il valore per ritonavir, lopinavir e saquinavir è risultato maggiore del 95%. Questi risultati sono in accordo con dati presenti in letteratura, ottenuti attraverso il biosensore ottico [9]. Inoltre, questi risultati sono coerenti con la significativa riduzione di attività inibitoria di questi composti osservata in presenza di HSA. Questa riduzione sembra essere maggiore per i composti che legano maggiormente la proteina [10]. Successivamente sono stati eseguiti degli studi di competizione tramite cromatografia zonale. Questo metodo prevede di utilizzare una soluzione a concentrazione nota di un competitore come fase mobile, mentre piccole quantità di analita vengono iniettate nella colonna funzionalizzata con HSA. I competitori sono stati selezionati in base al loro legame selettivo ad uno dei principali siti di legame sulla proteina. In particolare, sono stati utilizzati salicilato di sodio, ibuprofene e valproato di sodio come marker dei siti I, II e sito della bilirubina, rispettivamente. Questi studi hanno mostrato un legame indipendente dei PIs ai siti I e II, mentre è stata osservata una debole anticooperatività per il sito della bilirubina. Lo stesso sistema farmaco-proteina è stato infine investigato in soluzione attraverso l’uso del dicroismo circolare. In particolare, è stato monitorata la variazione del segnale CD indotto di un complesso equimolare [HSA]/[bilirubina], a seguito dell’aggiunta di aliquote di ritonavir, scelto come rappresentante della serie. I risultati confermano la lieve anticooperatività per il sito della bilirubina osservato precedentemente negli studi biocromatografici. Successivamente, lo stesso protocollo descritto precedentemente è stato applicato a una colonna di silice epossidica monolitica 50 x 4.6 mm, per valutare l’affidabilità del supporto monolitico per applicazioni biocromatografiche. Il supporto monolitico monolitico ha mostrato buone caratteristiche cromatografiche in termini di contropressione, efficienza e stabilità, oltre che affidabilità nella determinazione dei parametri di legame alla HSA. Questa colonna è stata utilizzata per la determinazione della percentuale di legame alla HSA di una serie di poliamminochinoni sviluppati nell’ambito di una ricerca sulla malattia di Alzheimer. Tutti i composti hanno mostrato una percentuale di legame superiore al 95%. Inoltre, è stata osservata una correlazione tra percentuale di legame è caratteristiche della catena laterale (lunghezza e numero di gruppi amminici). Successivamente sono stati effettuati studi di competizione dei composti in esame tramite il dicroismo circolare in cui è stato evidenziato un effetto anticooperativo dei poliamminochinoni ai siti I e II, mentre rispetto al sito della bilirubina il legame si è dimostrato indipendente. Le conoscenze acquisite con il supporto monolitico precedentemente descritto, sono state applicate a una colonna di silice epossidica più corta (10 x 4.6 mm). Il metodo di determinazione della percentuale di legame utilizzato negli studi precedenti si basa su dati ottenuti con più esperimenti, quindi è necessario molto tempo prima di ottenere il dato finale. L’uso di una colonna più corta permette di ridurre i tempi di ritenzione degli analiti, per cui la determinazione della percentuale di legame alla HSA diventa molto più rapida. Si passa quindi da una analisi a medio rendimento a una analisi di screening ad alto rendimento (highthroughput- screening, HTS). Inoltre, la riduzione dei tempi di analisi, permette di evitare l’uso di soventi organici nella fase mobile. Dopo aver caratterizzato la colonna da 10 mm con lo stesso metodo precedentemente descritto per le altre colonne, sono stati iniettati una serie di standard variando il flusso della fase mobile, per valutare la possibilità di utilizzare flussi elevati. La colonna è stata quindi impiegata per stimare la percentuale di legame di una serie di molecole con differenti caratteristiche chimiche. Successivamente è stata valutata la possibilità di utilizzare una colonna così corta, anche per studi di competizione, ed è stata indagato il legame di una serie di composti al sito I. Infine è stata effettuata una valutazione della stabilità della colonna in seguito ad un uso estensivo. L’uso di supporti cromatografici funzionalizzati con albumine di diversa origine (ratto, cane, guinea pig, hamster, topo, coniglio), può essere proposto come applicazione futura di queste colonne HTS. Infatti, la possibilità di ottenere informazioni del legame dei farmaci in via di sviluppo alle diverse albumine, permetterebbe un migliore paragone tra i dati ottenuti tramite esperimenti in vitro e i dati ottenuti con esperimenti sull’animale, facilitando la successiva estrapolazione all’uomo, con la velocità di un metodo HTS. Inoltre, verrebbe ridotto anche il numero di animali utilizzati nelle sperimentazioni. Alcuni lavori presenti in letteratura dimostrano l’affidabilita di colonne funzionalizzate con albumine di diversa origine [11-13]: l’utilizzo di colonne più corte potrebbe aumentarne le applicazioni.
Es wurden Glycopeptide mit einer Partialsequenz aus der N-terminalen Domäne des natürlichen Selektinliganden PSGL-1 synthetisiert, welche prinzipiell als kompetitive Inhibitoren unerwünschter selektinvermittelter Zelladhäsionsphänomene fungieren könnten. Grundsätzlich könnte es möglich sein, auf diesem Wege entsprechende chronisch entzündliche Krankheiten wie rheumatoide Arthritis zu behandeln und bestimmte akut eintretende schwere Schädigungen von gesundem Gewebe sowie die Metastasenbildung maligner Tumore zu unterdrücken. Das tatsächliche Potential der hergestellten Glycopeptide als Liganden der Selektine kann nun in biologischen Tests geprüft werden. Der gewählte Ausschnitt aus dem P-Selektin-Glycoprotein-Liganden-1 (PSGL-1) reicht von Tyr48 bis Pro59 und umfasst so sämtliche Aminosäurereste der Sequenz, die für das Auftreten einer hochaffinen Rezeptorbindung erforderlich sind. Dabei ist die Seitenkette von Thr57 mit einem O-Glycan modifiziert, welches das in natürlichen Selektinliganden häufig vorkommende Tetrasaccharid Sialyl-Lewisx bzw. ein Mimetikum desselben enthält und die für Mucine typische Form der Anbindung an das peptidische Rückgrat über eine N-Acetyl-α-D-galactosamineinheit aufweist. Zum Aufbau der komplexen Glycopeptidstrukturen wurde zunächst eine Strategie für die Synthese des an die Hydroxylaminosäure gebundenen Oligosaccharids im Gramm-Maßstab ausgearbeitet. Dabei kam der Wahl eines geeigneten Schutzgruppenmusters besondere Bedeutung zu. Das entwickelte Konzept basiert allein auf chemischen Methoden und ermöglicht die parallele Herstellung potentieller Mimetika. So wurde in dieser Arbeit L-Fucose durch D-Arabinose und N-Acetyl-D-neuraminsäure durch (S)-Cyclohexylmilchsäure ersetzt. Die erhaltenen Glycosylaminosäure-Bausteine wurden schließlich in die Glycopeptid-synthesen an der festen Phase eingebracht, welche nach vollständiger Deblockierung die gewünschten Zielverbindungen lieferten.rn
A series of Gly-neurotensin(8-13) analogues modified at the N-terminus by acyclic tetraamines (Demotensin 1-4) were obtained by solid-phase peptide synthesis techniques. Strategic replacement of amino acids and/or reduction of sensitive peptide bonds were performed to enhance conjugate resistance against proteolytic enzymes. During 99mTc-labeling, single species radiopeptides, [99mTc]Demotensin 1-4, were easily obtained in high yields and typical specific activities of 1 Ci/micromol. Peptide conjugates displayed a high affinity binding to the human neurotensin subtype 1 receptor (NTS1-R) expressed in colon adenocarcinoma HT-29 or WiDr cells and/or in human tumor sections. [99mTc]Demotensin 1-4 internalized very rapidly in HT-29 or WiDr cells by a NTS1-R-mediated process. [99mTc]Demotensin 3 and 4, which remained stable during 1 h incubation in murine plasma, were selectively studied in nude mice bearing human HT-29 and WiDr xenografts. After injection, [99mTc]Demotensin 3 and 4 effectively and specifically localized in the experimental tumors and were rapidly excreted via the kidneys into the urine, exhibiting overall biodistribution patterns favorable for NTS1-R-targeted tumor imaging in man.
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to evaluate [(99m)Tc]Demotate 2 ([(99m)Tc-N(4) (0-1),Asp(0),Tyr(3)]octreotate) as a candidate for in vivo imaging of sst(2)-positive tumours and to compare it with [(111)In]DOTA-tate ([(111)In-DOTA(0),Tyr(3)]octreotate). METHODS: Labelling of Demotate 2 with (99m)Tc was performed at room temperature using SnCl(2) as reductant in the presence of citrate at alkaline pH. Radiochemical analysis involved ITLC and HPLC methods. Peptide conjugate affinities for sst(2) were determined by receptor autoradiography on rat brain cortex sections using [DOTA(0),(125)I-Tyr(3)]octreotate as the radioligand. The affinity profile of Demotate 2 for human sst(1)-sst(5) was studied by receptor autoradiography in cell preparations using the universal somatostatin radioligand [(125)I][Leu(8),(D: )Trp(22),Tyr(25)]somatostatin-28. The internalisation rates of [(99m)Tc]Demotate 2 and [(111)In]DOTA-tate were compared in sst(2)-positive and -negative control cell lines. Biodistribution of radiopeptides was studied in male Lewis rats bearing CA20948 tumours. RESULTS: Peptide conjugates showed selectivity and a high affinity binding for sst(2) (Demotate 2 IC(50)=3.2 nM and DOTA-tate IC(50)=5.4 nM). [(99m)Tc]Demotate 2, like [(111)In]DOTA-tate, internalised rapidly in all sst(2)-positive cells tested, but not in sst(2)-negative control cells. After injection in CA20948 tumour-bearing rats both radiopeptides showed high and specific uptake in the sst(2)-positive organs and in the implanted tumour and rapid excretion from non-target tissues via the kidneys. CONCLUSION: [(99m)Tc]Demotate 2, similarly to the known sst(2)-targeting agent [(111)In]DOTA-tate, showed promising biological qualities for application in the scintigraphy of sst(2)-positive tumours.
BACKGROUND: beta(3)-Integrins are involved in platelet aggregation via alpha(IIb)beta(3) [glycoprotein (GP)IIb-GPIIIa], and in angiogenesis via endothelial alpha(V)beta(3). Cross-reactive ligands with antiaggregatory and proangiogenic effects, both desirable in peripheral vasculopathies, have not yet been described. OBJECTIVES: In vitro and in vivo characterization of antiaggregatory and proangiogenic effects of two recombinant human Fab fragments, with emphasis on beta(3)-integrins. METHODS: Recombinant Fab fragments were obtained by phage display technology. Specificity, affinity and IC(50) were determined by immunodot assays, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and Scatchard plot analysis, and by means of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Functional analyses included ELISA for interaction with fibrinogen binding to GPIIb-GPIIIa, flow cytometry for measurement of activation parameters and competitive inhibition experiments, human platelet aggregometry, and proliferation, tube formation and the chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) assay for measurement of angiogenic effects. RESULTS: We observed specific and high-affinity binding to an intact GPIIb-GPIIIa receptor complex of two human Fab autoantibody fragments, with no platelet activation. Dose-dependent fibrinogen binding to GPIIb-GPIIIa and platelet aggregation were completely inhibited. One Fab fragment was competitively inhibited by abciximab and its murine analog monoclonal antibody (mAb) 7E3, whereas the other Fab fragment bound to cultured HUVECs, suggesting cross-reactivity with alpha(V)beta(3), and also demonstrated proangiogenic effects in tube formation and CAM assays. CONCLUSIONS: These Fab fragments are the first entirely human anti-GPIIb-GPIIIa Fab fragments with full antiaggregatory properties; furthermore, they do not activate platelets. The unique dual-specificity anti-beta(3)-integrin Fab fragment may represent a new tool for the study and management of peripheral arterial vasculopathies.
The successful peptide receptor imaging of tumors, as exemplified for somatostatin receptors, is based on the overexpression of peptide receptors in selected tumors and the high-affinity binding to these tumors of agonist radioligands that are subsequently internalized into the tumor cells in which they accumulate. Although in vitro studies have shown ample evidence that the ligand-receptor complex is internalized, in vivo evidence of agonist-induced internalization of peptide receptors, such as somatostatin receptors, is missing. METHODS: Rats subcutaneously transplanted with the somatostatin receptor subtype 2 (sst(2))-expressing AR42J tumor cells were treated with intravenous injections of various doses of the sst(2) agonist [Tyr(3), Thr(8)]-octreotide (TATE) or of the sst(2) antagonist 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-N,N',N'',N''',-tetraacetic acid (DOTA)-Bass and were sacrificed at various times ranging from 2.5 min to 24 h after injection. The tumors and pancreas were then removed from each animal. All tissue samples were processed for sst(2) immunohistochemistry using sst(2)-specific antibodies. RESULTS: Compared with the sst(2) receptors in untreated animals, which localized at the plasma membrane in pancreatic and AR42J tumor cells, the sst(2) receptors in treated animals are detected intracellularly after an intravenous injection of the agonist TATE. Internalization is fast, as the receptors are already internalizing 2.5 min after TATE injection. The process is extremely efficient, as most of the cell surface receptors internalize into the cell and are found in endosomelike structures after TATE injection. The internalization is most likely reversible, because 24 h after injection the receptors are again found at the cell surface. The process is also agonist-dependent, because internalization is seen with high-affinity sst(2) agonists but not with high-affinity sst(2) antagonists. The same internalization properties are seen in pancreatic and AR42J tumor cells. They can further be confirmed in vitro in human embryonic kidney-sst(2) cells, with an immunofluorescence microscopy-based sst(2) internalization assay. CONCLUSION: These animal data strongly indicate that the process of in vivo sst(2) internalization after agonist stimulation is fast, extremely efficient, and fully functional under in vivo conditions in neoplastic and physiologic sst(2) target tissues. This molecular process is, therefore, likely to be responsible for the high and long-lasting uptake of sst(2) radioligands seen in vivo in sst(2)-expressing tumors.
GABAA receptors are the major inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors in the brain. Benzodiazepine exert their action via a high affinity-binding site at the α/γ subunit interface on some of these receptors. Diazepam has sedative, hypnotic, anxiolytic, muscle relaxant, and anticonvulsant effects. It acts by potentiating the current evoked by the agonist GABA. Understanding specific interaction of benzodiazepines in the binding pocket of different GABAA receptor isoforms might help to separate these divergent effects. As a first step, we characterized the interaction between diazepam and the major GABAA receptor isoform α1β2γ2. We mutated several amino acid residues on the γ2-subunit assumed to be located near or in the benzodiazepine binding pocket individually to cysteine and studied the interaction with three ligands that are modified with a cysteine-reactive isothiocyanate group (-NCS). When the reactive NCS group is in apposition to the cysteine residue this leads to a covalent reaction. In this way, three amino acid residues, γ2Tyr58, γ2Asn60, and γ2Val190 were located relative to classical benzodiazepines in their binding pocket on GABAA receptors.
The proton-translocating NADH-quinone oxidoreductase (EC is the largest and least understood enzyme complex of the respiratory chain. The mammalian mitochondrial enzyme (also called complex I) contains more than 40 subunits, whereas its structurally simpler bacterial counterpart (NDH-1) in Paracoccus denitrificans and Thermus thermophilus HB-8 consists of 14 subunits. A major unsolved question is the location and mechanism of the terminal electron transfer step from iron–sulfur cluster N2 to quinone. Potent inhibitors acting at this key region are candidate photoaffinity probes to dissect NADH-quinone oxidoreductases. Complex I and NDH-1 are very sensitive to inhibition by a variety of structurally diverse toxicants, including rotenone, piericidin A, bullatacin, and pyridaben. We designed (trifluoromethyl)diazirinyl[3H]pyridaben ([3H]TDP) as our photoaffinity ligand because it combines outstanding inhibitor potency, a suitable photoreactive group, and tritium at high specific activity. Photoaffinity labeling of mitochondrial electron transport particles was specific and saturable. Isolation, protein sequencing, and immunoprecipitation identified the high-affinity specifically labeled 23-kDa subunit as PSST of complex I. Immunoprecipitation of labeled membranes of P. denitrificans and T. thermophilus established photoaffinity labeling of the equivalent bacterial NQO6. Competitive binding and enzyme inhibition studies showed that photoaffinity labeling of the specific high-affinity binding site of PSST is exceptionally sensitive to each of the high-potency inhibitors mentioned above. These findings establish that the homologous PSST of mitochondria and NQO6 of bacteria have a conserved inhibitor-binding site and that this subunit plays a key role in electron transfer by functionally coupling iron–sulfur cluster N2 to quinone.
The arginine-rich motif provides a versatile framework for RNA recognition in which few amino acids other than arginine are needed to mediate specific binding. Using a mammalian screening system based on transcriptional activation by HIV Tat, we identified novel arginine-rich peptides from combinatorial libraries that bind tightly to the Rev response element of HIV. Remarkably, a single glutamine, but not asparagine, within a stretch of polyarginine can mediate high-affinity binding. These results, together with the structure of a Rev peptide-Rev response element complex, suggest that the carboxamide groups of glutamine or asparagine are well-suited to hydrogen bond to G-A base pairs and begin to establish an RNA recognition code for the arginine-rich motif. The screening approach may provide a relatively general method for screening expression libraries in mammalian cells.
Although coronary artery disease (CAD) is appreciated to be accelerated in patients with chronic spinal cord injury (SCI), the underlying mechanism of CAD in SCI remains obscure. We have recently shown that platelets from subjects with SCI develop resistance to the inhibitory effect of prostacyclin (PGI2) on the platelet stimulation of thrombin generation. The loss of the inhibitory effect was due to the loss of high-affinity prostanoid receptors, which may contribute to atherogenesis in SCI. Incubation of normal, non-SCI platelets in SCI plasma (n = 12) also resulted in the loss of high-affinity binding of PGI2 (Kd1 = 9.1 ± 2.0 nM; n1 = 170 ± 32 sites per cell vs. Kd1 = 7.2 ± 1.1 nM; n1 = 23 ± 8 sites per cell), with no significant change in the low-affinity receptors (Kd2 = 1.9 ± 0.1 μM; n2 = 1,832 ± 232 sites per cell vs. Kd2 = 1.6 ± 0.1 μM; n2 = 1,740 ± 161 sites per cell) as determined by Scatchard analysis of the binding of [3H]PGE1. The loss of high-affinity PGI2 binding led to the failure of PGI2 to inhibit the platelet-stimulated thrombin generation. The increase of cellular cyclic AMP level, mediated through the binding of PGI2 to low-affinity receptors in platelets, was unaffected in SCI platelets. PAGE and immunoblot of SCI plasma showed the presence of an IgG band, which specifically blocked the binding of [3H]PGE1 to the high-affinity PGI2 receptors of normal platelets. PAGE of the reduced IgG band, the amino acid sequence of the novel band as a heavy chain of IgG that inhibits the binding of [3H]PGE1 to the high-affinity platelet PGI2 receptor, demonstrates that the specific recognition and inhibition of high-affinity PGI2 binding to platelets was due to an anti-prostacyclin receptor antibody present in SCI plasma.
Tyk2 belongs to the Janus kinase (JAK) family of receptor associated tyrosine kinases, characterized by a large N-terminal region, a kinase-like domain and a tyrosine kinase domain. It was previously shown that Tyk2 contributes to interferon-α (IFN-α) signaling not only catalytically, but also as an essential intracellular component of the receptor complex, being required for high affinity binding of IFN-α. For this function the tyrosine kinase domain was found to be dispensable. Here, it is shown that mutant cells lacking Tyk2 have significantly reduced IFN-α receptor 1 (IFNAR1) protein level, whereas the mRNA level is unaltered. Expression of the N-terminal region of Tyk2 in these cells reconstituted wild-type IFNAR1 level, but did not restore the binding activity of the receptor. Studies of mutant Tyk2 forms deleted at the N terminus indicated that the integrity of the N-terminal region is required to sustain IFNAR1. These studies also showed that the N-terminal region does not directly modulate the basal autophosphorylation activity of Tyk2, but it is required for efficient in vitro IFNAR1 phosphorylation and for rendering the enzyme activatable by IFN-α. Overall, these results indicate that distinct Tyk2 domains provide different functions to the receptor complex: the N-terminal region sustains IFNAR1 level, whereas the kinase-like domain provides a function toward high affinity ligand binding.
Although adenovirus can infect a wide range of cell types, lymphocytes are not generally susceptible to adenovirus infection, in part because of the absence of the expression of the cellular receptor for the adenoviral fiber protein. The cellular receptor for adenovirus and coxsackievirus (CAR) recently was cloned and shown to mediate adenoviral entry by interaction with the viral fiber protein. We show that the ectopic expression of CAR in various lymphocyte cell lines, which are almost completely resistant to adenovirus infection, is sufficient to facilitate the efficient transduction of these cells by recombinant adenoviruses. Furthermore, this property of CAR does not require its cytoplasmic domain, consistent with the idea that CAR primarily serves as a high affinity binding site for the adenoviral fiber protein, and that viral entry is mediated by interaction of the viral penton base proteins with cellular integrins. As a demonstration of their functional utility, we used CAR-expressing lymphocytes transduced with an adenovirus expressing Fas ligand to efficiently kill Fas receptor-expressing tumor cells. The ability to efficiently manipulate gene expression in lymphocyte cells by using adenovirus vectors should facilitate the functional characterization of pathways affecting lymphocyte physiology.
The bacterial iron response regulator (Irr) protein mediates iron-dependent regulation of heme biosynthesis. Pulse–chase and immunoprecipitation experiments showed that Irr degraded in response to 6 μM iron with a half-life of ≈30 min and that this regulated stability was the principal determinant of control by iron. Irr contains a heme regulatory motif (HRM) near its amino terminus. A role for heme in regulation was implicated by the retention of Irr in heme synthesis mutants in the presence of iron. Addition of heme to low iron (0.3 μM) cultures was sufficient for the disappearance of Irr in cells of the wild-type and heme mutant strains. Spectral and binding analyses of purified recombinant Irr showed that the protein bound heme with high affinity and caused a blue shift in the absorption spectrum of heme to a shorter wavelength. A Cys29 → Ala substitution within the HRM of Irr (IrrC29A) abrogated both high affinity binding to heme and the spectral blue shift. In vivo turnover experiments showed that, unlike wild-type Irr, IrrC29A was stable in the presence of iron. We conclude that iron-dependent degradation of Irr involves direct binding of heme to the protein at the HRM. The findings implicate a regulatory role for heme in protein degradation and provide direct evidence for a functional HRM in a prokaryote.
High-efficiency entry of the enteropathogenic bacterium Yersinia pseudotuberculosis into nonphagocytic cells is mediated by the bacterial outer membrane protein invasin. Invasin-mediated uptake requires high affinity binding of invasin to multiple β1 chain integrin receptors on the host eukaryotic cell. Previous studies using inhibitors have indicated that high-efficiency uptake requires tyrosine kinase activity. In this paper we demonstrate a requirement for focal adhesion kinase (FAK) for invasin-mediated uptake. Overexpression of a dominant interfering form of FAK reduced the amount of bacterial entry. Specifically, the autophosphorylation site of FAK, which is a reported site of c-Src kinase binding, is required for bacterial internalization, as overexpression of a derivative lacking the autophosphorylation site had a dominant interfering effect as well. Cultured cells expressing interfering variants of Src kinase also showed reduced bacterial uptake, demonstrating the involvement of a Src-family kinase in invasin-promoted uptake.