993 resultados para Growth curves
The evaluation of the growth of incisor teeth of rats as influenced by colchicine (doses of 25, 50, 100 and 200 μg/kg) injected during 10 and 18 days is performed using a multivariated variance analysis, which allowed a global view of the results, showing that: there are differences in the growth of teeth of control group (untreated rats) and those treated with colchicine, in the measurements made at the 4th, 7th and 10th days of experiment); there is no difference in the growth of the teeth between the groups treated during 10 and 18 days, except in the measurements made at the 7th day; there is no influence of the doses of colchicine in the group treated during 10 days and in the group treated during 18 days - only at the 7th day is observed an influence of the doses used; and there was no significant interaction between treatment and days of measurement, showing the similarity of the groups during the experiment.
This work presents an investigation of the ductile tearing properties for a girth weld made of an API 5L X80 pipeline steel using experimentally measured crack growth resistance curves. Use of these materials is motivated by the increasing demand in the number of applications for manufacturing high strength pipes for the oil and gas industry including marine applications and steel catenary risers. Testing of the pipeline girth welds employed side-grooved, clamped SE(T) specimens and shallow crack bend SE(B) specimens with a weld centerline notch to determine the crack growth resistance curves based upon the unloading compliance (UC) method using the single specimen technique. Recently developed compliance functions and η-factors applicable for SE(T) and SE(B) fracture specimens with homogeneous material and overmatched welds are introduced to determine crack growth resistance data from laboratory measurements of load-displacement records.
To investigate whether there are gender differences in the bone geometry of the proximal femur during the adolescent years we used an interactive computer program ?Hip Strength Analysis? developed by Beck and associates (Beck et al., Invest Radiol. 1990,25:6-18.) to derive femoral neck geometry parameters from DXA bone scans (Hologic 2000, array mode). We analyzed a longitudinal data-set collected on 70 boys and 68 girls over a seven year period. Distance and velocity curves for height were fitted for each child utilizing a cubic spline procedure and the age of peak height velocity (PHV) was determined. To control for maturational differences between children of the same chronological age and between boys and girls, section modulus (Z) an index of bending strength, cross sectional area of bone (CSA), sub-periosteal width (SPW), and BMD values at the neck and shaft of the proximal femur were determined for points on each individual?s curve at the age of PHV and one and two years on either side of peak. To control for size differences, height and weight were introduced as co-variates in the two-way analyses of variance looking at gender over time measured at the maturational age points (-2, -1, age of PHV, +1, +2). The following figure presents the results of the analyses on two variables, BMD and Z at neck and shaft regions:After the age of peak linear growth (PHV), independent of body size, there was a gender difference in BMD at the shaft but not at the neck. Section modulus at both sites indicated that male bones became significantly stronger after PHV. Underlying these maturational changes, male bones became wider (SPW) after PHV in both the neck and shaft and enclosed more material (CSA) at all maturational age points at both regions. These results call into question the emphasis on using BMD as a measure of skeletal integrity in growing children
The results of this study challenge the widely held view that growth hormone (GH) acts only during the postnatal period. RNA phenotyping shows transcripts for the GH receptor and GH-binding protein in mouse preimplantation embryos of all stages from fertilized eggs (day 1) to blastocysts (day 4). An antibody specific to the cytoplasmic region of the GH receptor revealed receptor protein expression, first in two-cell embryos, the stage of activation of the embryonic genome (day 2), and in all subsequent stages, In cleavage-stage embryos this immunoreactivity was localized mainly to the nucleus, but clear evidence of membrane labeling was apparent in blastocysts. GH receptor immunoreactivity was also observed in cumulus cells associated with unfertilized oocytes but not in the unfertilized oocytes. The blastocyst receptor was demonstrated to be functional, exhibiting the classic bell-shaped dose-response curves for GH stimulation of both 3-O-methyl glucose transport and protein synthesis. Maximal stimulation of 40-50% was seen for both responses at less than 1 ng/ml recombinant GH, suggesting a role for maternal GK. However mRNA transcripts for GH were also detected from the morula stage (day 3) by using reverse transcription-PCR, and GH immunoreactivity was seen in blastocysts. These observations raise the possibility of a paracrine/autocrine GH loop regulating embryonic development in its earliest stages.
Epidermal growth factor (EGF) plays an important role in cancer. A functional single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the 5`-untranslated region of the EGF gene (+61 A>G) may influence its expression and contribute to cancer predisposition and aggressiveness. Aiming to investigate the role of EGF +61 A>G in the susceptibility to glioma and its prognosis, we performed a case-control study with 165 patients and 200 healthy controls from Brazil. Comparisons of genotype distributions and allele frequencies did not reveal any significant differences between the groups. The mean overall survival was 9.2 months for A/A, 8.2 months for A/G, and 7.7 months for GIG. When survival curves were plotted we found that the +61G allele is associated with poor overall survival (p=0.023) but not with disease-free survival (p=0.527). Our data suggest that, although there is no association between the EGF +61 A>G genotype and glioma susceptibility, this SNP is associated with shorter overall survival of glioma patients in the Brazilian population. Nevertheless, future studies utilizing a larger series are essential for a definitive conclusion. (Int J Biol Markers 2009; 24: 277-81)
Background: Angiogenesis has been shown as an important process in hematological malignancies. It consists in endothelial proliferation, migration, and tube formation following pro-angiogenic factors releasing, specially the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which angiogenic effect seems to be dependent on nitric oxide (NO). We examined the association among functional polymorphism in these two angiogenesis related genes: VEGF (-2578C>A, -1154G>A, and -634G>C) and NOS3 (-786T>C, intron 4 b>a, and Glu298Asp) with prognosis of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Methods: The genotypes were determined and haplotypes estimated in 105 ALL patients that were divided in 2 groups: high risk (HR) and low risk of relapse (LR) patients. In addition, event-free survival curves according to genotypes were assessed. Results: The group HR compared to the LR showed a higher frequency of the alleles -2578C and -634C and the haplotype CGC for VEGF (0.72 vs. 0.51, p<0.008; 0.47 vs. 0.26, p<0.008; and 42.1 vs. 14.5, p<0.006; respectively) and a lower frequency of the haplotype CbGlu (0.4 vs. 8.8, p<0.006), for NOS3. Conclusion: Polymorphisms of VEGF and NOS3 genes are associated with high risk of relapse, therefore may have a prognostic impact in childhood ALL. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We extend the earlier model of condensate growth of Davis et at (Davis M J, Gardiner C W and Ballagh R J 2000 Phys. Rev. A 62 063608) to include the effect of gravity in a magnetic trap. We carry out calculations to model the experiment reported by Kohl et al (Kohl M, Davis M J, Gardiner C W, Hansch T and Esslinger T 2001 Preprint cond-mat/0106642) who study the formation of a rubidium Bose-Einstein condensate for a range of evaporative cooling parameters. We find that, in the regime where our model is valid, the theoretical curves agree with all the experimental data with no fitting parameters. However, for the slowest cooling of the gas the theoretical curve deviates significantly from the experimental curves. It is possible that this discrepancy may be related to the formation of a quasicondensate.
Humic substances isolated from soil organic matter had been used as stimulators of plant metabolism. Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. with only five chromosomes, short cycle and size, is an important model to evaluate the physiological effects of these substances, which are qualitatively and quantitatively influenced by morphogenesis, mineralogy and chemistry of soils. The objective of this study was to evaluate the ambience effects on bioactivity of humic acids. A and B horizons of four typical soils of the North Fluminense were sampled. After isolation and purification, humic acids were applied to plants in increasing concentrations. The number and length of lateral roots and main root length were evaluated and, subsequently, the concentrations of maximum stimulation were determined by dose-response curves and regression equations. The results showed that more stable humic acids isolated from soil in less advanced stages of weathering, high activity clay and high base saturation resulted in better physiological stimulants for Arabidopsis.
OBJECTIVE: To validate a new symphysis-fundal curve for screening fetal growth deviations and to compare its performance with the standard curve adopted by the Brazilian Ministry of Health. METHODS: Observational study including a total of 753 low-risk pregnant women with gestational age above 27 weeks between March to October 2006 in the city of João Pessoa, Northeastern Brazil. Symphisys-fundal was measured using a standard technique recommended by the Brazilian Ministry of Health. Estimated fetal weight assessed through ultrasound using the Brazilian fetal weight chart for gestational age was the gold standard. A subsample of 122 women with neonatal weight measurements was taken up to seven days after estimated fetal weight measurements and symphisys-fundal classification was compared with Lubchenco growth reference curve as gold standard. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values were calculated. The McNemar χ2 test was used for comparing sensitivity of both symphisys-fundal curves studied. RESULTS: The sensitivity of the new curve for detecting small for gestational age fetuses was 51.6% while that of the Brazilian Ministry of Health reference curve was significantly lower (12.5%). In the subsample using neonatal weight as gold standard, the sensitivity of the new reference curve was 85.7% while that of the Brazilian Ministry of Health was 42.9% for detecting small for gestational age. CONCLUSIONS: The diagnostic performance of the new curve for detecting small for gestational age fetuses was significantly higher than that of the Brazilian Ministry of Health reference curve.
Population dynamics have been attracting interest since many years. Among the considered models, the Richards’ equations remain one of the most popular to describe biological growth processes. On the other hand, Allee effect is currently a major focus of ecological research, which occurs when positive density dependence dominates at low densities. In this chapter, we propose the dynamical study of classes of functions based on Richards’ models describing the existence or not of Allee effect. We investigate bifurcation structures in generalized Richards’ functions and we look for the conditions in the (β, r) parameter plane for the existence of a weak Allee effect region. We show that the existence of this region is related with the existence of a dovetail structure. When the Allee limit varies, the weak Allee effect region disappears when the dovetail structure also disappears. Consequently, we deduce the transition from the weak Allee effect to no Allee effect to this family of functions. To support our analysis, we present fold and flip bifurcation curves and numerical simulations of several bifurcation diagrams.
In this paper, motivated by the interest and relevance of the study of tumor growth models, a central point of our investigation is the study of the chaotic dynamics and the bifurcation structure of Weibull-Gompertz-Fréchet's functions: a class of continuousdefined one-dimensional maps. Using symbolic dynamics techniques and iteration theory, we established that depending on the properties of this class of functions in a neighborhood of a bifurcation point PBB, in a two-dimensional parameter space, there exists an order regarding how the infinite number of periodic orbits are born: the Sharkovsky ordering. Consequently, the corresponding symbolic sequences follow the usual unimodal kneading sequences in the topological ordered tree. We verified that under some sufficient conditions, Weibull-Gompertz-Fréchet's functions have a particular bifurcation structure: a big bang bifurcation point PBB. This fractal bifurcations structure is of the so-called "box-within-a-box" type, associated to a boxe ω1, where an infinite number of bifurcation curves issues from. This analysis is done making use of fold and flip bifurcation curves and symbolic dynamics techniques. The present paper is an original contribution in the framework of the big bang bifurcation analysis for continuous maps.
This work concerns dynamics and bifurcations properties of a new class of continuous-defined one-dimensional maps: Tsoularis-Wallace's functions. This family of functions naturally incorporates a major focus of ecological research: the Allee effect. We provide a necessary condition for the occurrence of this phenomenon of extinction. To establish this result we introduce the notions of Allee's functions, Allee's effect region and Allee's bifurcation curve. Another central point of our investigation is the study of bifurcation structures for this class of functions, in a three-dimensional parameter space. We verified that under some sufficient conditions, Tsoularis-Wallace's functions have particular bifurcation structures: the big bang and the double big bang bifurcations of the so-called "box-within-a-box" type. The double big bang bifurcations are related to the existence of flip codimension-2 points. Moreover, it is verified that these bifurcation cascades converge to different big bang bifurcation curves, where for the corresponding parameter values are associated distinct kinds of boxes. This work contributes to clarify the big bang bifurcation analysis for continuous maps and understand their relationship with explosion birth and extinction phenomena.
The increase of electricity demand in Brazil, the lack of the next major hydroelectric reservoirs implementation, and the growth of environmental concerns lead utilities to seek an improved system planning to meet these energy needs. The great diversity of economic, social, climatic, and cultural conditions in the country have been causing a more difficult planning of the power system. The work presented in this paper concerns the development of an algorithm that aims studying the influence of the issues mentioned in load curves. Focus is given to residential consumers. The consumption device with highest influence in the load curve is also identified. The methodology developed gains increasing importance in the system planning and operation, namely in the smart grids context.
When using the useful 2013 Fenton Chart, data should be interpreted with caution taking into account two aspects: the physiologic loss of body water after birth for the weight curves, and the questionable accuracy of the birth length curves considering the heterogeneity and reliability of the methods used in the original measurements.