994 resultados para Greenwich Meridian
Les aportacions que es presenten en aquest llibre mostren els resultats de la investigació sobre el comportament humà en situacions d’emergència que s’ha dut a terme en el marc del projecte de recerca europeu BeSeCu. El projecte Be- SeCu —acrònim de Behaviour, Security and Culture (Comportament, Seguretat i Cultura)— forma part de la línia d’investigació i coneixement en matèria de seguretat del Setè Programa Marc de la Unió Europea. Concretament, el projecte es centra en una de les necessitats bàsiques establertes per la política europea en matèria de seguretat, com és la de conèixer en profunditat la realitat de les emergències a través de les persones que les han patit o dels professionals que hi treballen diàriament. Per assolir aquest objectiu, el projecte ha investigat les diferències i similituds del comportament humà en diferents situacions d’emergència i en diversos països europeus per tal de millorar els processos d’evacuació i protecció en aspectes com ara la comunicació, les indicacions i els procediments d’intervenció dels agents actuants. Les situacions d’emergències s’han investigat mitjançant dos actors clau, és a dir des de l’òptica de persones que han estat víctimes d’una situació d’emergència i des de l’òptica dels professionals dels serveis d’emergència. El grup principal d’estudi dels serveis d’emergència ha estat els cossos de bombers. La investigació del comportament humà, tant de víctimes com dels serveis d’emergència (cossos de bombers), s’ha centrat en cinc tipus diferents d’emergències: incendis d’habitatge, incendis en edificis públics, atemptats terroristes, terratrèmols i inundacions. El projecte estava format per un consorci d’institucions en què participaven un grup multidisciplinari de psicòlegs, sociòlegs, criminòlegs, enginyers i professionals de les emergències que treballen en escoles de bombers i policies, serveis d’emergència, centres de recerca i investigació i universitats de set països europeus: • Alemanya: Ernst-Moritz-Arndt Universität Greifswald, Department of Health and Prevention, Institute of Psychology (coordinació del projecte); • Alemanya: Hamburg Fire and Emergency Service Academy; • Espanya: Institut de Seguretat Pública de Catalunya, Unitat de Recerca de l’Escola de Policia i de l’Escola de Bombers; • Anglaterra: University of Greenwich, Fire Safety Engineering Group; • Itàlia: Università di Bologna, Gruppo di Ricerca in Psicologia dell’Emergenza; • República Txeca: Prague Psychiatric Centre; • Suècia: Man-Technology-Organisation; • Turquia: Association of Emergency Ambulance Physicians.
A eficácia da semeadura direta na redução da erosão hídrica depende, em grande parte, da cobertura do solo ocasionada pelos resíduos das culturas. Objetivou-se determinar, entre agosto de 2001 e junho de 2002, em um Cambissolo Húmico alumínico léptico, situado entre 27 º 49 ' latitude Sul e 50 º 20 ' longitude Oeste de Greenwich, a decomposição do resíduo de milho. Os tratamentos, em três repetições, consistiram de: solo sem resíduo ou descoberto (SSR), solo com 8,77 Mg ha-1 de resíduo de milho (SR) e solo com 8,77 Mg ha-1 de resíduo de milho mais 100 kg ha-1 de N (SR + N), avaliados em intervalos regulares de 30 dias. Determinou-se a quantidade do resíduo de milho, C orgânico e N total do referido resíduo. No solo, na camada de 0-0,03 m, foram avaliados C orgânico, N mineral, K trocável, pH em água, umidade e temperatura e, no ar, a temperatura a um metro acima da superfície do solo. O SR + N apresentou maior decomposição do resíduo de milho do que o SR, principalmente nos primeiros 120 dias, de tal modo que o tempo necessário para a quase que completa decomposição do resíduo (restando ainda cerca de 10 % da massa inicial) seria de aproximadamente 1.300 dias, para o SR, e de aproximadamente 900 dias, para o SR + N.
The probability for a halo coronal mass ejection (CME) to be geoeffective is assumed to be higher the closer the CME launch site is located to the solar central meridian. However, events far from the central meridian may produce severe geomagnetic storms, like the case in April 2000. In this work, we study the possible geoeffectiveness of full halo CMEs with the source region situated at solar limb. For this task, we select all limb full halo (LFH) CMEs that occurred during solar cycle 23, and we search for signatures of geoeffectiveness between 1 and 5 days after the first appearance of each CME in the LASCO C2 field of view. When signatures of geomagnetic activity are observed in the selected time window, interplanetary data are carefully analyzed in order to look for the cause of the geomagnetic disturbance. Finally, a possible association between geoeffective interplanetary signatures and every LFH CME in solar cycle 23 is checked in order to decide on the CME's geoeffectiveness. After a detailed analysis of solar, interplanetary, and geomagnetic data, we conclude that of the 25 investigated events, there are only four geoeffective LFH CMEs, all coming from the west limb. The geoeffectiveness of these events seems to be moderate, turning to intense in two of them as a result of cumulative effects from previous mass ejections. We conclude that ejections from solar locations close to the west limb should be considered in space weather, at least as sources of moderate disturbances.
An 80-year-old male patient experienced recently diagnosed swelling of the limbal conjunctiva. In his clinical history were found cataract surgery on the right eye 3 months before, chronic open angle glaucoma effectively treated by local eye drops, treated systemic hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. On ophthalmic examination, a conjunctival mass was present in the inferior lateral conjunctival quadrant next to the limbus, with numerous vessels visible at its top. Treatment with topical corticosteroids failed to obtain regression, but decreased the local inflammatory signs. The persistence of the mass led to its surgical excision under local anesthesia. Histopathology found a subepithelial accumulation of modified collagen bundles typical of elastotic degeneration. Capillary vessels were seen in the superficial subepithelial area, attesting to the high degree of vascularization observed clinically. The final diagnosis was a pinguecula, which was not exactly located on the horizontal meridian area as it is usual.
J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2012;14:773-778. ©2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Postmenopausal women are at greater risk for hypertension-related cardiovascular disease. Antihypertensive therapy may help alleviate arterial stiffness that represents a potential modifiable risk factor of hypertension. This randomized controlled study investigated the difference between an angiotensin receptor blocker and a calcium channel blocker in reducing arterial stiffness. Overall, 125 postmenopausal hypertensive women (age, 61.4±6 years; systolic blood pressure/diastolic blood pressure [SBP/DBP], 158±11/92±9 mm Hg) were randomized to valsartan 320 mg±hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) (n=63) or amlodipine 10 mg±HCTZ (n=62). The primary outcome was carotid-to-femoral pulse wave velocity (PWV) changes after 38 weeks of treatment. Both treatments lowered peripheral blood pressure (BP) (-22.9/-10.9 mm Hg for valsartan and -25.2/-11.7 mm Hg for amlodipine, P=not significant) and central BP (-15.7/-7.6 mm Hg for valsartan and -19.2/-10.3 mm Hg for amlodipine, P<.05 for central DBP). Both treatments similarly reduced the carotid-femoral PWV (-1.9 vs -1.7 m/s; P=not significant). Amlodipine was associated with a higher incidence of peripheral edema compared with the valsartan group (77% vs 14%, P<.001). BP lowering in postmenopausal women led to a reduction in arterial stiffness as assessed by PWV measurement. Both regimens reduced PWV to a similar degree after 38 weeks of treatment despite differences in central BP lowering, suggesting that the effect of valsartan on PWV is mediated through nonhemodynamic effects.
The probability for a halo coronal mass ejection (CME) to be geoeffective is assumed to be higher the closer the CME launch site is located to the solar central meridian. However, events far from the central meridian may produce severe geomagnetic storms, like the case in April 2000. In this work, we study the possible geoeffectiveness of full halo CMEs with the source region situated at solar limb. For this task, we select all limb full halo (LFH) CMEs that occurred during solar cycle 23, and we search for signatures of geoeffectiveness between 1 and 5 days after the first appearance of each CME in the LASCO C2 field of view. When signatures of geomagnetic activity are observed in the selected time window, interplanetary data are carefully analyzed in order to look for the cause of the geomagnetic disturbance. Finally, a possible association between geoeffective interplanetary signatures and every LFH CME in solar cycle 23 is checked in order to decide on the CME's geoeffectiveness. After a detailed analysis of solar, interplanetary, and geomagnetic data, we conclude that of the 25 investigated events, there are only four geoeffective LFH CMEs, all coming from the west limb. The geoeffectiveness of these events seems to be moderate, turning to intense in two of them as a result of cumulative effects from previous mass ejections. We conclude that ejections from solar locations close to the west limb should be considered in space weather, at least as sources of moderate disturbances.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver metodologia de seleção do porte em bananeira mediante o emprego de giberelina. Foi desenvolvido em condições controladas de casa de vegetação da Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura Tropical, localizada em Cruz das Almas - BA (12° 48' 38" de latitude sul e 39° 06'26" de longitude oeste de Greenwich), no período de setembro de 2002 a janeiro de 2003. Para a comparação de diferentes portes de plantas das cultivares Prata-Anã e Prata-Gigante, foram testadas diferentes doses de ácido giberélico (0; 3,0; 14,0; 29,0; 59,0 e 145 µmol L-1), avaliando-se aos 30 e 60 dias após o plantio, altura da planta e altura da primeira folha. Avaliaram-se também o diâmetro do caule, massas fresca e seca da parte aérea e da raiz, e altura da segunda folha, aos 60 dias após o plantio. A concentração que provocou o maior efeito nos caracteres considerados foi de 84 µmol L-1, sendo que, na variável altura da planta, aos 60 dias foi a de 90,26 µmol L-1. Para todas as variáveis estudadas, observou-se um ponto de máximo em torno da dose de 90 µmol L-1 de giberelina. A concentração de 94,13 µmol L-1 de ácido giberélico (GA3) foi a mais eficiente na identificação precoce do porte de genótipos de Prata-Anã e Prata-Gigante. O momento adequado para efetuar a separação dos genótipos de diferentes portes é aos 60 dias após o plantio, e a variável que deve ser observada no instante da seleção, é a altura da segunda folha.
Introducción: La incidencia de la presentación fetal podálica en España es del 3,8%. La moxibustión es parte integral de la milenaria medicina tradicional china. La técnica consiste en la colocación de un palillo incandescente de Artemisia vulgaris a unos pocos centímetros del punto de acupuntura Zhiyin (punto 67 del meridiano de vejiga, ubicado en la base externa de la uña del quinto dedo del pie). Los objetivos son: 1. Conocer el porcentaje de fetos que han rotado a cefálica mediante la moxibustión en gestantes que presenten una malposición fetal a partir de las 32 semanas de embarazo; 2. Identificar las complicaciones materno-fetales en la aplicación de la técnica. Sujetos: Se estudiaron 18 gestantes de más de 32 semanas de embarazo. Material y métodos: Mediante un estudio descriptivo de intervención, analizamos el porcentaje de fetos que rotaron a presentación cefálica. Resultados: Quince gestantes (83,9%) realizaron el tratamiento adecuadamente y las 3 restantes (16,7%) lo realizaron de manera ocasional y terminaron con una cesárea electiva por nalgas. Conclusiones: Parece razonable concluir que el cumplimiento del tratamiento influye en el tipo de parto (χ2= 12,600; gl= 1; p= 0,000), aunque no modifica el Apgar del recién nacido. Esta técnica se presenta como una alternativa económica, segura, sencilla y práctica para la versión fetal de la presentación podálica.
In 2010, hypertension in Sub-Saharan Africa was theleading risk for death, incr easing by 67% since 1990.Hypertension was estimated to cause more than500,000 deaths and 10 million years of life lost in2010 in Sub-Saharan Africa. It was also the sixthleading risk for disability (contributing to more than 11million disability-adjusted life years).3In Sub-Saharan Africa, stroke, the major clinical outcome of uncon-trolled hypertension, has increased 46% since 1990 tobecome the fifth leading risk for death.
0-meridiaani : Greenwich
0-meridiaani : Greenwich