355 resultados para Gonadotropin


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Transcription factors play a key role in tumor development, in which dysfunction of genes regulating tissue growth and differentiation is a central phenomenon. The GATA family of transcription factors consists of six members that bind to a consensus DNA sequence (A/T)GATA(A/G) in gene promoters and enhancers. The two GATA factors expressed in the adrenal cortex are GATA-4 and GATA-6. In both mice and humans, GATA-4 can be detected only during the fetal period, whereas GATA-6 expression is abundant both throughout development and in the adult. It is already established that GATA factors are important in both normal development and tumorigenesis of several endocrine organs, and expression of GATA-4 and GATA-6 is detected in adrenocortical tumors. The aim of this study was to elucidate the function of these factors in adrenocortical tumor growth. In embryonal development, the adrenocortical cells arise and differentiate from a common pool with gonadal steroidogenic cells, the urogenital ridge. As the adult adrenal cortex undergoes constant renewal, it is hypothesized that undifferentiated adrenocortical progenitor cells reside adjacent to the adrenal capsule and give rise to daughter cells that differentiate and migrate centripetally. A diverse array of hormones controls the differentiation, growth and survival of steroidogenic cells in the adrenal gland and the gonads. Factors such as luteinizing hormone and inhibins, traditionally associated with gonadal steroidogenic cells, can also influence the function of adrenocortical cells in physiological and pathophysiological states. Certain inbred strains of mice develop subcapsular adrenocortical tumors in response to gonadectomy. In this study, we found that these tumors express GATA-4, normally absent from the adult adrenal cortex, while GATA-6 expression is downregulated. Gonadal markers such as luteinizing hormone receptor, anti-Müllerian hormone and P450c17 are also expressed in the neoplastic cells, and the tumors produce gonadal hormones. The tumor cells have lost the expression of melanocortin-2 receptor and the CYP enzymes necessary for the synthesis of corticosterone and aldosterone. By way of xenograft studies utilizing NU/J nude mice, we confirmed that chronic gonadotropin elevation is sufficient to induce adrenocortical tumorigenesis in susceptible inbred strains. Collectively, these studies suggest that subcapsular adrenocortical progenitor cells can, under certain conditions, adopt a gonadal fate. We studied the molecular mechanisms involved in gene regulation in endocrine cells in order to elucidate the role of GATA factors in endocrine tissues. Ovarian granulosa cells express both GATA-4 and GATA-6, and the TGF-β signaling pathway is active in these cells. Inhibin-α is both a target gene for, and an atypical or antagonistic member of the TGF-β growth factor superfamily. In this study, we show that GATA-4 is required for TGF-β-mediated inhibin-α promoter activation in granulosa cells, and that GATA-4 physically interacts with Smad3, a TGF-β downstream protein. Apart from the regulation of steroidogenesis and other events in normal tissues, TGF-β signaling is implicated in tumors of multiple organs, including the adrenal cortex. Another signaling pathway found often to be aberrantly active in adrenocortical tumors is the Wnt pathway. As both of these pathways regulate the expression of inhibin-α, a transcriptional target for GATA-4 and GATA-6, we wanted to investigate whether GATA factors are associated with the components of these signaling cascades in human adrenocortical tumors. We found that the expression of Wnt co-receptors LRP5 and LRP6, Smad3, GATA-6 and SF-1 was diminished in adrenocortical carcinomas with poor outcome. All of these factors drive inhibin-α expression, and their expression in adrenocortical tumors correlated with that of inhibin-α. The results support a tumor suppressor role previously suggested for inhibin-α in the mouse adrenal cortex, and offer putative pathways associated with adrenocortical tumor aggressiveness. Unraveling the role of GATA factors and associated molecules in human and mouse adrenocortical tumors could ultimately contribute to the development of diagnostic tools and future therapies for these diseases.


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We have examined the monthly variations in sperm output and attempted to correlate the profiles of endocrine hormones secreted with the sperm counts throughout the ,year in the adult male bonnet monkey. As previously reported, there was a distinct spurt in sperm output beginning September through December months. A concomitant increase in serum testosterone and prolactin concentrations were also noted during September through November (mid and post-monsoon season). Although there was a marked increase in gonadotropin releasing hormone stimulated testosterone secretion, the peak testosterone concentrations post gonadotropin releasing hormone injection did not vary significantly (P>0.05) throughout the year. Basal serum follicle stimulating hormone concentrations did not vary significantly (P>0.05) during April to June months compared to September-November months. Serum inhibin concentration remained unaltered throughout the year, except in the month of March. The results of this study provide evidence for annual rhythms in prolactin and testosterone secretion and a distinct seasonality in the sperm output of the adult male bonnet monkey, but the pituitary responsiveness to exogenous gonadotropin releasing hormone remains unaltered throughout the year. Because of the existence of seasonality as noted in the present study, future studies which utilize the adult male bonnet monkey as an experimental model need to take into consideration the seasonal effects on reproductive function in this species.


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Progress in the development of contraceptive vaccines for males and females is reviewed. Based on the criteria which need to be met with, none of the proposed candidate antigens meets the requirements for use as a contraceptive vaccine for human application. One of the major problems is the need for periodic injections to maintain required titre and use of an alternate method until effective titres are obtained. Some of the problems associated with active immunization approach can be overcome by the use of preformed, highly specific, potent antibodies. Some progress has been achieved in this direction by the use of humanized single chain monoclonal antibodies to human chorionic gonadotropin.


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A single step solid phase radioimmunoassay (SS-SPRIA) has been developed for human chorionic,gonadotropin (hCG) using monoclonal antibodies (MAb) from culture media adsorbed immunochemically on plastic tubes. The assays have been found to be very simple in terms of operation and do not demand purification of MAbs. Several MAbs which do not show any displacement in liquid phase RIA and ELISA provide a satisfactory SS-SPRIA. Our investigations revealed that the assumption regarding the stability of the primary Mab-Ag complex during incubation and washing steps in ELISAs is not strictly valid for dissociable MAbs. A comparison of different assay systems suggests that the single step SPRIA offers additional advantages over conventionally used multistep ELISA procedures and provides a quantitative probe for the analysis of epitope-paratope interactions.


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The relative regulatory roles of the pituitary gonadotropins, luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone in the spermatogonial proliferation has been studied using specific antibodies against these hormones in the immature rats. Immunoneutralization of luteinizing hormone for 7 days resulted in significant reduction in tetraploid cells and total absence of haploid cells, while there was a relative increase in the diploid population. This was also accomopanied by a decrease in spermatogonial proliferation as indicated by a decrease in [H-3] thymidine incorporation into DNA by purified spermatogonia. Administration bf follicle stimulating hormone als for 7 days also caused a significant decrease in the rate of spermatogonial proliferation. Withdrawal of follicle stimulating hormone led to a significant reduction in tetraploid and haploid cells However interestingly, it failed to totally abolish the appearance of these cells. Administration of testosterone (3mg/day/rat) for 2 days along with the gonadotropin a/s could partially reverse the effect on spermatogonial proliferation. It is concluded that (i) both luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone are involved in spermatogonial proliferation, (ii) lack of testosterone consequent of the neutralization of luteinizing hormone prevented the entry of spermatogonial cells into meiosis, (iii) testosterone may be involved in spermatogonial proliferation providing a mitotic signal and (v) both follicle stimulating hormone and testosterone act synergistically and lack of any one of the hormones results in impairment of spermatogonial proliferation.


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Results of Western blot analysis carried out with an interstitial cell extract from male guinea pig and ovarian extract from immature female rats administered equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) provide supportive evidence to our earlier suggestion that an 8-kDa peptide is involved in acquisition of steroidogenic capacity by the rat Leydig cells. It was found that though the signal was observed in other tissues such as liver, kidney and lung which do not produce gonadal hormones, the peptide was modulated only by lutenizing hormone (LH) in the rat Leydig cells.


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The preovulatory follicle in response to gonadotropin surge undergoes dramatic biochemical, and morphological changes orchestrated by expression changes in hundreds of genes. Employing well characterized bovine preovulatory follicle model, granulosa cells (GCs) and follicle wall were collected from the preovulatory follicle before, 1, 10 and 22 h post peak LH surge. Microarray analysis performed on GCs revealed that 450 and 111 genes were differentially expressed at 1 and 22 h post peak LH surge, respectively. For validation, qPCR and immunocytochemistry analyses were carried out for some of the differentially expressed genes. Expression analysis of many of these genes showed distinct expression patterns in GCs and the follicle wall. To study molecular functions and genetic networks, microarray data was analyzed using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis which revealed majority of the differentially expressed genes to cluster within processes like steroidogenesis, cell survival and cell differentiation. In the ovarian follicle, IGF-I is established to be an important regulator of the above mentioned molecular functions. Thus, further experiments were conducted to verify the effects of increased intrafollicular IGF-I levels on the expression of genes associated with the above mentioned processes. For this purpose, buffalo cows were administered with exogenous bGH to transiently increase circulating and intrafollicular concentrations of IGF-I. The results indicated that increased intrafollicular concentrations of IGF-I caused changes in expression of genes associated with steroidogenesis (StAR, SRF) and apoptosis (BCL-2, FKHR, PAWR). These results taken together suggest that onset of gonadotropin surge triggers activation of various biological pathways and that the effects of growth factors and peptides on gonadotropin actions could be examined during preovulatory follicle development.


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Single chain fragment variables (ScFvs) have been extensively employed in studying the protein-protein interactions. ScFvs derived from phage display libraries have an additional advantage of being generated against a native antigen, circumventing loss of information on conformational epitopes. In the present study, an attempt has been made to elucidate human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)-luteinizing hormone (LH) receptor interactions by using a neutral and two inhibitory ScFvs against hCG. The objective was to dock a computationally derived model of these ScFvs onto the crystal structure of hCG and understand the differential roles of the mapped epitopes in hCG-LH receptor interactions. An anti-hCG ScFv, whose epitope was mapped previously using biochemical tools, served as the positive control for assessing the quality of docking analysis. To evaluate the role of specific side chains at the hCG-ScFv interface, binding free energy as well as residue interaction energies of complexes in solution were calculated using molecular mechanics Poisson-Boltzmann/surface area method after performing the molecular dynamic simulations on the selected hCG-ScFv models and validated using biochemical and SPR analysis. The robustness of these calculations was demonstrated by comparing the theoretically determined binding energies with the experimentally obtained kinetic parameters for hCG-ScFv complexes. Superimposition of hCG-ScFv model onto a model of hCG complexed with the 51-266 residues of LH receptor revealed importance of the residues previously thought to be unimportant for hormone binding and response. This analysis provides an alternate tool for understanding the structure-function analysis of ligand-receptor interactions. Proteins 2011;79:3108-3122. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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We employed different experimental model systems to define the role of GATA4, beta-catenin, and steroidogenic factor (SF-1) transcriptional factors in the regulation of monkey luteal inhibin secretion. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reactions and western blotting analyses show high expression of inhibin-alpha, GATA4, and beta-catenin in corpus luteum (CL) of the mid-luteal phase. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor antagonist-induced luteolysis model suggested the significance of luteinizing hormone (LH) in regulating these transcriptional factors. Inducible cyclic AMP early repressor mRNA expression was detected in the CL and no change was observed in different stages of CL. Following amino acid sequence analysis, interaction between SF-1 and beta-catenin in mid-stage CL was verified by reciprocal co-immunoprecipitation experiments coupled to immunoblot analysis. Electrophoretic mobility shift analysis support the role of SF-1 in regulating luteal inhibin-alpha expression. Our results suggest a possible multiple crosstalk of Wnt, cAMP, and SF-1 in the regulation of luteal inhibin secretion.


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Studies on functional characteristics of the regressing primate corpus luteum (CL) to luteotrophic stimulus on day 1 of the non-fertile menstrual cycle are scarce. Recombinant human luteinizing hormone (rhLH) (20 IU/Kg BW; n = 10) or human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) (180 IU; n = 6) were administered intravenously to female bonnet monkeys on day 1 of menses. Exogenous treatment of rhLH or hCG caused a significant increase in circulating progesterone (P4) levels 2-4 hours post treatment (P < 0.05). Lutectomy prior to onset of menses confirmed that CL is the site of the increased P4 concentrations. Increased levels of phosphorylated P44/42 MAPK, MKK3/6 activation and concomitant histological changes were observed within 4 hours in CL of monkeys receiving hCG treatment. The results from this study demonstrate the acute progesterone synthesizing capacity of regressing monkey CL after LH or hCG challenge. This has potential implications for interpreting the steroidogenic response after gonadotropin stimulation tests in the early follicular phase of the normal ovulatory and anovulatory women undergoing controlled ovarian stimulation protocols as part of assisted reproductive technology (ART) and in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome.


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The rapid recent increase in microarray-based gene expression studies in the corpus luteum (CL) utilizing macaque models gathered increasing volume of data in publically accessible microarray expression databases. Examining gene pathways in different functional states of CL may help to understand the factors that control luteal function and hence human fertility. Co-regulation of genes in microarray experiments may imply common transcriptional regulation by sequence-specific DNA-binding transcriptional factors. We have computationally analyzed the transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) in a previously reported macaque luteal microarray gene set (n = 15) that are common targets of luteotropin (luteinizing hormone (LH) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)) and luteolysin (prostaglandin (PG) F-2 alpha). This in silico approach can reveal transcriptional networks that control these important genes which are representative of the interplay between luteotropic and luteolytic factors in the control of luteal function. Our computational analyses revealed 6 matrix families whose binding sites are significantly over-represented in promoters of these genes. The roles of these factors are discussed, which might help to understand the transcriptional regulatory network in the control of luteal function. These factors might be promising experimental targets for investigation of human luteal insufficiency. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: Immunotherapy is fast emerging as one of the leading modes of treatment of cancer, in combination with chemotherapy and radiation. Use of immunotoxins, proteins bearing a cell-surface receptor-specific antibody conjugated to a toxin, enhances the efficacy of cancer treatment. The toxin Abrin, isolated from the Abrus precatorius plant, is a type II ribosome inactivating protein, has a catalytic efficiency higher than any other toxin belonging to this class of proteins but has not been exploited much for use in targeted therapy. Methods: Protein synthesis assay using (3)H] L-leucine incorporation; construction and purification of immunotoxin; study of cell death using flow cytometry; confocal scanning microscopy and sub-cellular fractionation with immunoblot analysis of localization of proteins. Results: We used the recombinant A chain of abrin to conjugate to antibodies raised against the human gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor. The conjugate inhibited protein synthesis and also induced cell death specifically in cells expressing the receptor. The conjugate exhibited differences in the kinetics of inhibition of protein synthesis, in comparison to abrin, and this was attributed to differences in internalization and trafficking of the conjugate within the cells. Moreover, observations of sequestration of the A chain into the nucleus of cells treated with abrin but not in cells treated with the conjugate reveal a novel pathway for the movement of the conjugate in the cells. Conclusions: This is one of the first reports on nuclear localization of abrin, a type II RIP. The immunotoxin mAb F1G4-rABRa-A, generated in our laboratory, inhibits protein synthesis specifically on cells expressing the gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor and the pathway of internalization of the protein is distinct from that seen for abrin.


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Fry supply is still the most serious problem yet to be solved in the culture of Clarias lazera in ponds. The object of the experiment is to compare the effect of fresh pituitary extract with that of the synthetic hormone with a view to determining the dosage. Ten trial runs were made using either the fresh pituitary extract of the human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) at various concentrations. It was however, noted that the response of a particular set varies with the concentration. The actual result achieved from each set is highlighted under each experiment


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A total of 45 Male and 5 female Clarias gariepinus bred and reared in the hatchery in sunning for one year were obtained for this experiment. The fish were then housed separately according to their sexes and maintained on trout diet at 10% body weight for two days before they were subjected to induction. These were then induced using both human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG - 500iu) and carp pituitary suspension (CPS -3mg kg super(-1) suspended in 0.9% saline) either as priming or resolving doses. The milt produced was used to fertilize eggs tripped from females. The results indicated high milt production, motility and fertility in most males


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The paper presents a resume on experiments carried on mass breeding of the silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix in a cement cistern through administration of crude human chorionic gonadotropin. The experiments proves that human chorionic gonadotropin (H.C.G.) can be used for mass breeding of the fish in simple enclosures, with facilities of some input and output of water and a dose of 5 mg/kg and 18 mg/kg of body weight, for males and females respectively are required for the purpose. Observations were made by using pituitary glands in similar way. For successful breeding of about 80 kg female together, the expenditure towards cost of pituitary gland and H.C.G. are respectively 275 and 117 Rs.