474 resultados para Glazed pottery
A low cost solar collector was developed by using polymeric components as opposed to metal and glass components of traditional solar collectors. In order to utilize polymers for the absorber of the solar collector, Carbon Nanotubes (CNT) has been added as a filler to improve the thermal conductivity and the solar absorptivity of polymers. The solar collector was designed as a multi-layer construction with considering the economic manufacturing. Through the mathematical heat transfer analysis, the performance and characteristics of the designed solar collector have been estimated. Furthermore, the prototypes of the proposed system were built and tested at a state-of-the-art solar simulator facility to evaluate the actual performance of the developed solar collector. The cost-effective polymer-CNT solar collector, which achieved efficiency as much as that of a conventional glazed flat plate solar panel, has been successfully developed.
Fifteen samples of burnt olive pits discovered inside a jar in the destruction layer of the Iron Age city of Khirbet Qeiyafa were analyzed by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon dating. Of these, four were halved and sent to two different laboratories to minimize laboratory bias. The dating of these samples is ~1000 BC. Khirbet Qeiyafa is currently the earliest known example of a fortified city in the Kingdom of Judah and contributes direct evidence to the heated debate on the biblical narrative relating to King David. Was he the real historical ruler of an urbanized state-level society in the early 10th century BC or was this level of social development reached only at the end of the 8th century BC? We can conclude that there were indeed fortified centers in the Davidic kingdom from the studies presented. In addition, the dating of Khirbet Qeiyafa has far-reaching implications for the entire Levant. The discovery of Cypriot pottery at the site connects the 14C datings to Cyprus and the renewal of maritime trade between the island and the mainland in the Iron Age. A stone temple model from Khirbet Qeiyafa, decorated with triglyphs and a recessed doorframe, points to an early date for the development of this typical royal architecture of the Iron Age Levant.
New radiocarbon dates for the Neolithic settlement at Pool on Sanday, Orkney, are interpreted in a formal chronological framework. Phases 2.2 and 2.3, during which flat-based Grooved Ware pottery with incised decoration developed, have been modelled as probably dating to between the 31st and 28th centuries cal bc. There followed a hiatus of a century or so, before the resumption of occupation in Phase 3, which has a different Grooved Ware style featuring the use of applied decoration. This has been modelled as probably dating from the 26th to the 24th centuries cal bc. The implications of these results are discussed for the emergence and development of Grooved Ware, and for the trajectory of settlement and monumentality on Sanday.
A theoretical approach has been used to evaluate the performance of facade integrated solar collectors based on the physical collector parameters such as absorber plate absorptance, transmittance of the glazed cover plate and insulation thickness. A 1D steady state model, based on the Hottel Whillier Bliss equation, was employed to determine the effect of changing parameters to meet façade integration criteria.
A low cost flat plate solar collector was developed by using polymeric components as opposed to metal and glass components of traditional flat plate solar collectors. In order to improve the thermal and optical properties of the polymer absorber of the solar collector, Carbon Nanotubes (CNT) were added as a filler. The solar collector was designed as a multi-layer construction with an emphasis on low manufacturing costs. Through the mathematical heat transfer analysis, the thermal performance of the collector and the characteristics of the design parameters were analyzed. Furthermore, the prototypes of the proposed collector were built and tested at a state-of-the-art solar simulator facility to evaluate its actual performance. The inclusion of CNT improved significantly the properties of the polymer absorber. The key design parameters and their effects on the thermal performance were identified via the heat transfer analysis. Based on the experimental and analytical results, the cost-effective polymer-CNT solar collector, which achieved a high thermal efficiency similar to that of a conventional glazed flat plate solar panel, was successfully developed.
Glazed Double Skin Facades (DSF) offer the potential to improve the performance of all-glass building skins, common to commercial office buildings in which full facade glazing has almost become the standard. Single skin glazing results in increased heating and cooling costs over opaque walls, due to lower thermal resistance of glass, and the increased impact of solar gain through it. However, the performance benefit of DSF technology continues to be questioned and its operation poorly understood, particularly the nature of airflow through the cavity. This paper deals specifically with the experimental analysis of the air flow characteristics in an automated double skin façade. The benefit of the DSF as a thermal buffer, and to limit overheating is evaluated through analysis of an extensive set of parameters including air and surface temperatures at each level in the DSF, airflow readings in the cavity and at the inlet and outlet, solar and wind data, and analytically derived pressure differentials. The temperature and air-flow are monitored in the cavity of a DSF using wireless sensors and hot wire anemometers respectively. Automated louvre operation and building set-points are monitored via the BMS. Thermal stratification and air flow variation during changing weather conditions are shown to effect the performance of the DSF considerably and hence the energy performance of the building. The relative pressure effects due to buoyancy and wind are analysed and quantified. This research aims to developed and validate models of DSFs in the maritime climate, using multi-season data from experimental monitoring. This extensive experimental study provides data for training and validation of models.
O campo de análise do estudo compreende o subsetor de cerâmica utilitária e decorativa (CUD) nacional. Nesse contexto, o estudo analisa o papel atual do designer e propõe novas estratégias de gestão do design, como ferramentas estratégicas potenciadoras de inovação e de valor acrescentado, para o produto e para o desenvolvimento da empresa. A pertinência da investigação justifica-se pela necessidade premente da reestruturação estratégica das empresas do setor face ao cenário da crise atual. Os dados mais recentes disponibilizados do subsetor indicam que, de 2002 para 2008, encerraram 36,6% das empresas, o número de trabalhadores reduziu-se em 36,8% e o volume de negócios decresceu 32%. Acrescenta-se ainda que, do ano de 2008 para 2012, encerraram 15% das empresas da amostra. Pretende-se com este estudo não só definir o estado atual da arte e do subsetor mas, ir mais além, procurando respostas aos problemas detetados, através de ferramentas estratégicas para a gestão do design integrado nas estratégias de imagem, comercialização e produção. O estudo compreendeu as seguintes etapas: pesquisa, análise de dados e desenvolvimento dos resultados. A etapa da pesquisa correspondeu à recolha da documentação disponível para o contexto do subsetor e da gestão do design apresentado no estado da arte; a pesquisa de campo a seleção de empresas da amostra onde se realizaram questionários (em 2008 e 2012) e entrevistas (em 2008) no universo amostra. Na análise de dados, estes foram apresentados e analisados de forma quantitativa e qualitativa (com recurso a lugares estruturais e a palavras-chave) e relacionados com o estado de arte e desenvolvimento de resultados. A última etapa, desenvolvimento dos resultados, traduz-se pela idealização e construção de ferramentas sob a perspetiva da gestão do design nas empresas: em checklists da definição do trabalho do designer e da integração do designer nas estratégias de gestão do design, aplicadas ao subsetor; na definição das estratégias vigentes na amostra; na sugestão de uma estratégia de gestão de design direcionada para o subsetor e de planos de ação concordantes com a estratégia sugerida. A novidade do estudo está presente nas propostas de ferramentas estratégicas, onde se define o trabalho do designer, enuncia estratégias de gestão do design direcionadas ao subsetor, define campos de integração do designer nessas estratégias, caracteriza-se a aplicabilidade de práticas de gestão do design e sugere-se uma estratégia e planos de ação para aplicar ao subsetor de CUD. De modo a facilitar a aplicação da investigação e da análise aqui realizada, redigiu-se um manual de estratégias de gestão do design – Cerâmica design mais – para disponibilizar e apresentar futuramente ao subsetor e a todos os interessados no tema.
How is it possible that civilization has a global understanding of the abstraction of the human form? At a subconscious level as humans we have the ability to find the form of the body in the most minimal of shapes, objects, landscape and even natural phenomena such as clouds, it is an ability inherent in human nature. This deep-rooted facility to recognise the human form at various levels of abstraction is also developed further by our life experiences, environment and total education; specifically in the fine and applied arts. For this research I have focused on the change between realistic representations of the human form to complete abstraction. I have broken it down to its most basic elements to explore at what point our visual language allows us to recognise and define a shape or object as being influenced by, or connected to, the human form. I have concentrated on extending my own visual language relating to the human form within my own practice. A series of practical research projects has been undertaken and has been supported by a new series of investigative works, drawings and written evidence of the ways in which the figure can be represented, documenting the process via the thesis and final works. As part of my research, I have investigated the way artists working with clay have abstracted the human form focusing in particular on work from the 1950s to the present day using clay, drawing and installation. I have looked at how, over this period, artists have developed their own visual signifiers of the human form within their abstract/representational creations. The aim of this research will be falls into two parts: • To investigate how far one can push the human form in clay before it moves into abstraction • To locate the vanishing point where viewers still identify the human within ceramic abstract sculpture
Relatório da prática de ensino supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino de Artes Visuais, Universidade de Lisboa, 2011
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Edificações
Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal relacionar a aplicação do Regulamento de desempenho energético dos edifícios de habitação com o conceito de habitação com necessidades quase nulas de energia. O trabalho começa por fazer uma comparação entre a metodologia geral do regulamento que vigora de momento e o seu predecessor de modo a perceber as alterações teóricas que estão subjacentes durante o processo de adaptação. É feito um estudo sobre os edifícios com necessidades quase nulas de energia e de várias estratégias passivas de serem utilizadas em edifícios capazes de conduzir à obtenção deste título. Por fim, realizou-se a aplicação do regulamento em vigor a um caso real e um estudo sobre efeito do aumento da área dos envidraçados tendo em conta a sua orientação, com o objetivo de aumentar a eficiência energética.
As intervenções arqueológicas concretizadas entre 1999-2001 permitiram o reconhecimento de contextos referentes ao Hospital Real de Todos-os-Santos, nomeadamente o claustro NE, bem como uma estrutura hidráulica no seu perímetro interno. A identificação do espólio cerâmico e vítreo aqui descartado permite, numa primeira fase, a aferição cronológica e tipológica destes e, consequentemente, do perfil funcional (utilitário, de cozinha e medicinal), numa tentativa de padronização do conjunto arte factual no edifício hospitalar e na cidade de Lisboa. Num segundo estágio, pretendese obter uma leitura concreta no que concerne ao período de utilização desta estrutura, indo de encontro às distintas áreas a vigorar no espaço claustral.
Le présent document consiste en une étude de la céramique caractéristique de la ville d’Amarna (Akhet-Aton) en lien avec les productions palatiales dans les sociétés complexes. Dans une première partie, cette poterie à décor bleu est mise en contexte. La situation géographique, historique et religieuse de la ville sont mises en relief. Les thèmes habituels lors de l’étude d’une céramique sont ensuite abordés : les ateliers, les matériaux, la transformation, la cuisson, les formes et motifs. La fonction de ces vases restant un point de questionnement, diverses théories à ce sujet sont analysées. Le questionnement d’un lien entre ces vases et l’idéologie religieuse instaurée par le pharaon Akhenaton se pose ensuite et la comparaison entre les motifs et l’iconographie des palais de la ville et des tombes de l’époque permet d’y répondre positivement. Ces deux derniers points permettent de bien saisir l’importance de cette céramique dans le cadre amarnien. La seconde partie du travail concerne le concept d’objet palatial. Ce type de production est défini et plusieurs critères sont énumérés. Ces critères sont ensuite appliqués à des objets palatiaux appartenant à des sociétés complexes afin de les confirmer. Ces caractéristiques vérifiées, elles sont appliquées à la céramique à décor bleu afin de vérifier si celle-ci correspond à une industrie palatiale. Comme ce style de poterie répond à tous les critères, il est possible d’affirmer qu’il s’agit d’un objet palatial. Il est même possible de dire à ce sujet qu’il s’agit d’un objet de prestige consommé par une élite et qui sert de véhicule à l’idéologie en place.
Ce mémoire porte sur la chronologie culturelle des Amérindiens du Nord-Est américain. Il vise à documenter un des épisodes culturels de la préhistoire de l’Estrie, soit le Sylvicole moyen ancien, compris entre l’an 400 avant notre ère et 500 de notre ère. De la poterie typique de cette période a été récoltée sur le site Vieux-Pont (BiEx-1) à Lennoxville par des archéologues amateurs et professionnels depuis sa découverte. L’analyse des tessons de poterie réalisée dans ce projet a surtout révélé une forte homogénéité de l’effet basculant, une technique d’application décorative, sur la paroi interne et la panse des vases. Elle a aussi permis de proposer une occupation récente au Sylvicole moyen ancien, entre les ans 1 et 500-600 de notre ère. L’analyse comparative suggère la participation des groupes de Vieux-Pont aux mêmes réseaux d’interactions et d’échanges que ceux des régions de Montréal, de Québec, du Haut-Richelieu et de la Nouvelle-Angleterre.
Ce mémoire porte sur la variabilité observée dans un assemblage, composé à la fois d’artéfacts lithiques et céramiques, représentatif de la plus grande collection archéologique dominée par une composante du Sylvicole moyen ancien connue au Québec. Les traits caractéristiques des poteries qui ont été transportées, abandonnées, et en partie manufacturées sur la station 3-arrière du complexe de Pointe-du-Buisson, sont appréhendés à travers une acception holistique de la notion de «style», qui inclut tous les aspects des attributs qu’elle couvre, à savoir les technologiques, les morphologiques, les décoratifs et les fonctionnels. Grâce à l’application d’une méthode typologique, une approche peu utilisée depuis plusieurs décennies, du moins dans le Nord-Est américain, et dont le mérite propre réside dans sa capacité à traiter l’artéfact dans son ensemble, des schémas comportementaux (cognitifs et procéduraux) visibles sur les tessons de bord décorés ont été mis en lumière. Ces derniers sont intimement liés aux techniques décoratives employées par les potières, et semblent s’être modifiés au fil du temps de la manière suivante : type «sigillé» précédant les types plus récents «repoussé» et «basculant». Une analyse comparative, basée sur un échantillon de sites localisés dans la région de Haut-Saint-Laurent et dans celles avoisinantes, a par ailleurs souligné d’importantes similarités entre l’assemblage céramique de la composante du Sylvicole moyen ancien de BhFl-1d’ et ceux des sites de Vieux-Pont (Estrie), d’Oka (rivière des Outaouais), de Pointe-du-Gouvernement (Haut-Richelieu) et de Winooski (aux abords du Lac Champlain dans le Vermont). Ces résultats appuient l’identification d’une manifestation culturelle qui est très étroitement connectée aux phases Canoe Point et Winooski de la tradition Point Peninsula. Résultant des conclusions susmentionnées, et d’autres issues d’enquêtes récentes, des considérations d’ordre taxonomique s’ensuivent. Bien qu’une refonte complète du taxon «Sylvicole moyen» soit prématurée, une critique de ce taxon s’avère nécessaire. Aussi des taxons tels que l’Early Horticultural Period de Snow ou le «Sylvicole initial» de Wright et Clermont sont discutés, dans la mesure où ils pourraient renvoyer à une définition plus générale, mais aussi peut-être plus fidèle, des caractéristiques anthropologiques propres aux populations qui ont vécu le long du Saint-Laurent et de ses tributaires depuis le Sylvicole inférieur jusqu’à la fin du Sylvicole moyen tardif.