988 resultados para Giant Cells


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Implants made of commercially pure titanium (cpTi) are widely and successfully used in dentistry. For certain indications, diameter-reduced Ti alloy implants with improved mechanical strength are highly desirable. The aim was to compare the osseointegration of titanium-zirconium (TiZr) and cpTi implants with a modified sandblasted and acid-etched (SLActive) surface and with a Ti6Al4V alloy that was sand-blasted and acid-washed. Cylindrical implants with two, 0.75 mm deep, circumferential grooves were placed in the maxilla of miniature pigs and allowed to heal for 1, 2, 4 and 8 weeks. Undecalcified toluidine blue-stained ground sections were produced. Surface topography, area fraction of tissue components, and bone-to-implant contact (BIC) were determined. All materials showed significantly different surface roughness parameters. The amount of new bone within the implant grooves increased over time, without significant differences between materials. However, BIC values were significantly related to the implant material and the healing period. For TiZr and cpTi implants, the BIC increased over time, reaching values of 59.38 % and 76.15 % after 2 weeks, and 74.50 % and 84.67 % after 8 weeks, respectively. In contrast, the BIC for Ti6Al4V implants peaked with 42.29 % after 2 weeks followed by a decline to 28.60 % at 8 weeks. Significantly more surface was covered by multinucleated giant cells on Ti6Al4V implants after 4 and 8 weeks. In conclusion, TiZr and cpTi implants showed faster osseointegration than Ti6Al4V implants. Both chemistry and surface topography might have influenced the results. The use of diameter-reduced TiZr implants in more challenging clinical situations warrants further documentation in long-term clinical studies.


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The repair of critical-sized bony defects remains a challenge in the fields of implantology, maxillofacial surgery and orthopaedics. As an alternative bone-defect filler to autologous bone grafts, deproteinized bovine bone (DBB) is highly osteoconductive and clinically now widely used. However, this product suffers from the disadvantage of not being intrinsically osteoinductive. In the present study, this property was conferred by coating DBB with a layer of calcium phosphate into which bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP-2) was incorporated. Granules of DBB bearing a coating-incorporated depot of BMP-2--together with the appropriate controls (DBB bearing a coating but no BMP-2; uncoated DBB bearing adsorbed BMP-2; uncoated DBB bearing no BMP-2)--were implanted subcutaneously in rats. Five weeks later, the implants were withdrawn for a histomorphometric analysis of the volume densities of (i) bone, (ii) bone marrow, (iii) foreign-body giant cells and (iv) fibrous capsular tissue. Parameters (i) and (ii) were highest, whilst parameters (iii) and (iv) were lowest in association with DBB bearing a coating-incorporated depot of BMP-2. Hence, this mode of functionalization not only confers DBB with the property of osteoinductivity but also improves its biocompatibility--thus dually enhancing its clinical potential in the repair of bony defects.


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A 14-year-old male Siberian tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) was admitted with an ulcerating mass on the right thoracic wall. Radiographic and computed tomographic evaluation indicated 2 isolated cutaneous masses without any signs of metastasis. Histology of a Tru-Cut biopsy revealed an anaplastic sarcoma with giant cells. Both tumors were resected with appropriate normal tissue margins. The size of the defect did not allow primary closure of the wound; therefore, a mesh expansion technique was attempted. Three months later, the tiger had to be euthanized due to extensive metastasis to the lungs. Histomorphological features and immunohistochemical results confirmed the diagnosis of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor. In contrast to domestic animal experience, the tumor had spread extensively to the lungs without local reccurrence in a short period of time. Correct diagnosis requires various immunohistochemical evaluations of the tumor tissue.


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Normal placentation involves the development of an utero-placental circulation following the migration of the extravillous cytotrophoblasts into the decidua and invasion of the spiral arteries, which are thereby transformed into large vessels of low resistance. Given the documented role of the receptor tyrosine kinase EphB4 and its ligand ephrin-B2 in the establishment of the embryonal vascular network, we hypothesized that these molecules are also instrumental in the development of the human placenta. Monitoring the expression during placental development revealed that in first trimester and term placentae both molecules are equally expressed at the RNA level. In contrast, the protein levels were significantly reduced during gestation. Immunohistochemistry revealed a distinct localization of the EphB4 and ephrin-B2 proteins. EphB4 was predominantly expressed in the villous syncytial trophoblast layer and in a subset of intravillous capillaries. Prominent expression was also observed in the extravillous cytotrophoblast giant cells. In contrast, ephrin-B2 expression was detected in the villous cytotrophoblast and syncytial trophoblast cell layers, as well as initially in all intravillous capillaries. Strong expression was also observed in extravillous anchoring cytotrophoblast cells. Hypoxia is a major inducer of placental development. In vitro studies employing trophoblast-derived cell lines revealed that predominantly ephrin-B2 expression is induced by hypoxia, however, in an Hif-1alpha independent manner. These experiments suggest that EphB4 and ephrin-B2 are instrumental in the establishment of a functional placental structure and of the utero-placental circulation.


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The objective of this article was to assess whether matrix metalloproteinase-13 (MMP-13) is produced by cells of the peri-implant interface tissues and to further characterize these cells. Tissue specimens were collected from the bone-prosthesis interface at the time of revision surgery of clinically loosened hip and knee arthroplasties (n = 27). Synovial tissues from osteoarthritic patients and young patients with mild joint deformity were used as controls (n = 6). Tissue samples were fixed in 4% PFA, decalcified with EDTA, and embedded in paraffin. Sections (4 microm) were stained with hematoxylin/eosin and for the osteoclastic marker enzyme tartrate resistant acid phosphatase. Monocytes/macrophages were characterized with a monoclonal antibody against CD68 and mRNAs encoding MMP-13 and alpha(1) collagen I (COL1A1) were detected by in situ hybridization. Cells expressing transcripts encoding MMP-13 were found in 70% of the interface tissues. These cells colocalized with a cell population expressing COL1A1 mRNA, and were fibroblastic in appearance. MMP-13 expressing cells were found in the close vicinity of osteoclasts and multinuclear giant cells. No signals for transcripts encoding MMP-13 were detected in multinuclear giant cells or in osteoclasts. Control tissues were negative for transcripts encoding MMP-13 mRNA. Fibroblasts of the interface from aseptically loosened endoprostheses selectively express MMP-13. By the expression and the release of MMP-13, these fibroblastic cells may contribute to the local degradation of the extracellular matrix and to bone resorption.


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INTRODUCTION: Using a rat model, we evaluated the kinetics and histomorphometry of ectopic bone formation in association with biomimetic implant coatings containing BMP-2. MATERIALS AND METHODS: One experimental and three control groups were set up: titanium-alloy discs coated with a biomimetically co-precipitated layer of calcium phosphate and BMP-2 [1.7 microg per disc (incorporated-BMP group)]; uncoated discs (control); discs biomimetically coated with a layer of calcium phosphate alone (control); and discs biomimetically coated with a layer of calcium phosphate bearing superficially adsorbed BMP-2 [0.98 microg per disc (control)]. Discs (n = 6 per group) were implanted subcutaneously in rats and retrieved at 7-day intervals over a period of 5 weeks for kinetic, histomorphometrical, morphological and histochemical analyses. RESULTS: In the incorporated-BMP-2 group, osteogenic activity was first observed 2 weeks after implantation and thereafter continued unabated until the end of the monitoring period. The net weekly rates of bone formation per disc were 5.8 mm3 at 2 weeks and 3.64 mm3 at 5 weeks. The total volumes of bone formed per disc at these junctures were 5.8 mm3 and 10.3 mm3, respectively. Bone tissue, which was formed by a direct ossification mechanism, was deposited at distances of up to 340 microm from the implant surfaces. The biomimetic coatings were degraded gradually, initially by foreign body giant cells alone and then also by osteoclasts. Forty percent of the coating material (and thus presumably of the incorporated BMP-2) remained at the end of the monitoring period. Hence, 60% of the incorporated BMP-2 had been released. At this 5-week juncture, no bone tissue was associated with any of the control implants. CONCLUSION: BMP-2 incorporated into biomimetic calcium phosphate coatings is capable not only of inducing bone formation at an ectopic site in vivo but also of doing so with a very high potency at a low pharmacological level, and of sustaining this activity for a considerable period of time. The sustainment of osteogenic activity is of great clinical importance for the osseointegration of dental and orthopedic implants.


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With respect to localization, oligodendrogliomas are characterized by a marked preponderance of the cerebral hemispheres. Outside these typical sites, any tumor histopathologically reminiscent of oligodendroglioma a priori is likely to represent one of its morphological mimics, including clear cell ependymoma, neurocytoma, pilocytic astrocytoma or glioneuronal tumors. This is particularly relevant as several of the latter are in principle curable by surgery. Among extrahemispherical sites, bona fide oligodendroglioma - as characterized by loss of heterozygosity (LOH) of chromosome arms 1p and 19q - so far has not been documented to occur in the brain stem. Here, we report the case of a 55-year-old female patient with an anaplastic oligodendroglioma (WHO grade III) of the brain stem and cerebellum diagnosed by stereotactic biopsy and featuring combined LOH of 1p and 19q. A morphological peculiarity was a population of interspersed tumor giant cells, a phenomenon that has been referred to as polymorphous oligodendroglioma. Our findings confirm the notion that - although very infrequently - true oligodendrogliomas do occur in the infratentorial compartment.


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Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) replicates within the human macrophages and we investigated the activating effects of retinoic acid (RA) and vitamin D3 (VD) on macrophages in relation to the viability of Mtb. A combination of these vitamins (RAVD) enhanced the receptors on THP-1 macrophage (Mannose receptor and DC-SIGN) that increased mycobacterial uptake but inhibited thesubsequent intracellular growth of Mtb by inducing reactive oxygen species (ROS) and autophagy. RAVD also enhanced antigen presenting and homing receptors in THPs that suggested an activated phenotype for THPs following RAVD treatment. RAVD mediated activation was also associated with a marked phenotypic change in Mtb infected THPs that fused with adjacent cells to formmultinucleate giant cells (MNGCs). Typically MNGCs occurred over 30 days of in vitro culture and contained non-replicating persisting Mtb for as long as 60 days in culture. We propose that the RAVD mediated inhibition of replicating Mtb leading to persistence of non-replicating Mtb within THPs may provide a novel human macrophage model simulating formation of MNGCs in humanlungs.


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BACKGROUND: Zirconia (ZrO2 ) has received interest as a dental material; however, little information is available on the impact of surface modifications on the osseointegration of zirconia implants. PURPOSE: The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of acid or alkaline etching of sandblasted ZrO2 implants on bone apposition in vivo. METHODS: Cylindrical ZrO2 implants with two circumferential grooves were placed in the maxilla of 12 miniature pigs. Biopsies were harvested after 1, 2, 4, and 8 weeks of healing. Undecalcified toluidine blue-stained ground sections were produced. The bone-to-implant contact, the bone area, and the presence of multinucleated giant cells were determined by histomorphometry. An uncorrected explorative statistical analysis was performed. RESULTS: Acid etching but not alkaline etching of sandblasted ZrO2 implants caused more bone-to-implant contact than sandblasted ZrO2 implants. The bone area was unaffected by the surface modifications. Acid and alkaline etching both increased the formation of multinucleated giant cells at the implant surface. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides a scientific basis to further investigate the impact of acid etching of sandblasted ZrO2 implants on osseointegration and the role of multinucleated giant cells in this process.


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The nervous system is frequently affected in patients with the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). In addition to opportunistic CNS infections and cerebral lymphomas, approx. 20% of the patients develop HIV-associated encephalopathies. Two major histopathological manifestations are observed. HIV leukoencephalopathy (progressive diffuse leukoencephalopathy) is characterized by a diffuse loss of myelin in the deep white matter of the cerebral and cerebellar hemispheres, with scattered multinucleated giant cells and microglia but scarce or absent inflammatory reaction. HIV encephalitis (multinucleated giant cell encephalitis) is associated with accumulations of multinucleated giant cells, inflammatory reaction and often focal necroses. In some patients, both patterns may overlap. In order to identify the HIV genome in the CNS, brain tissue from 27 patients was analyzed for the presence of HIV gag sequences using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and primers encoding a 109 base pair segment of the gag gene. Amplification of HIV gag succeeded in all 5 patients with clinical and histopathological evidence for HIV encephalopathy but was negative in the 20 AIDS patients with opportunistic bacterial, parasitic and/or viral infections or with cerebral lymphomas. These results strongly suggest that the evolution of histopathologically recognizable HIV-encephalopathies closely correlates with the presence and/or tissue concentration of HIV. Since there were no cases with amplified HIV DNA in the absence of HIV-associated tissue lesions, we conclude that harboring and replication of HIV in the CNS rapidly causes corresponding clinical and morphological changes of HIV-associated encephalopathies. In two children with severe HIV encephalomyelitis, large amounts of HIV gag and env transcripts were detected in affected areas of the brain and spinal cord by in situ hybridization.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


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The incidence of HIV encephalopathies was determined in an ongoing consecutive autopsy study. Among 345 patients who died from AIDS in Switzerland during 1981-1990, 68 (19%) showed morphological evidence of HIV encephalopathy. Two major histopathological manifestations were observed. Progressive diffuse leukoencephalopathy (PDL) was present in 33 cases and is characterized by a diffuse loss of myelin staining in the deep white matter of the cerebral and cerebellar hemispheres, with scattered multinucleated giant cells but little or no inflammatory reaction. Multinucleated giant cell encephalitis (MGCE) was diagnosed in 32 cases; it's hallmarks are accumulations of multinucleated giant cells with prominent inflammatory reaction and focal necroses. In 3 patients both types of lesions overlapped. Brain tissue from 27 patients was analyzed for the presence of HIV gag sequences using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with primers encoding a 109 base pair segment of the viral gene. Amplification succeeded in all patients with clinical and histopathological evidence for HIV encephalopathy but was absent in AIDS patients with opportunistic bacterial, parasitic and/or viral infections. Potential mechanisms by which HIV exerts it's adverse effects on the human CNS are discussed.


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BACKGROUND Contour augmentation around early-placed implants (Type 2 placement) using autogenous bone chips combined with deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) and a collagen barrier membrane has been documented to predictably provide esthetically satisfactory clinical outcomes. In addition, recent data from cone beam computed tomography studies have shown the augmented volume to be stable long-term. However, no human histologic data are available to document the tissue reactions to this bone augmentation procedure. METHODS Over an 8-year period, 12 biopsies were harvested 14 to 80 months after implant placement with simultaneous contour augmentation in 10 patients. The biopsies were subjected to histologic and histomorphometric analysis. RESULTS The biopsies consisted of 32.0% ± 9.6% DBBM particles and 40.6% ± 14.6% mature bone. 70.3% ± 14.5% of the DBBM particle surfaces were covered with bone. On the remaining surface, multinucleated giant cells with varying intensity of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase staining were regularly present. No signs of inflammation were visible, and no tendency toward a decreasing volume fraction of DBBM over time was observed. CONCLUSIONS The present study confirms previous findings that osseointegrated DBBM particles do not tend to undergo substitution over time. This low substitution rate may be the reason behind the clinically and radiographically documented long-term stability of contour augmentation using a combination of autogenous bone chips, DBBM particles, and a collagen membrane.


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A polymorphous variant of oligodendroglioma was described by K.J. Zülch half a century ago, and is only very sporadically referred to in the subsequent literature. In particular, no comprehensive analysis with respect to clinical or genetic features of these tumors is available. From a current perspective, the term polymorphous oligodendroglioma (pO) may appear as contradictory in terms, as nuclear monotony is a histomorphological hallmark of oligodendrogliomas. For the purpose of this study, we defined pO as diffusely infiltrating gliomas felt to be of oligodendroglial rather than astrocytic differentiation and characterized by the presence of multinucleate tumor giant cells and/or nuclear pleomorphism. In a total of nine patients, we identified tumors consistent with this working definition. All tumors were high-grade. We characterized these with respect to clinical, histomorphological and genetic features. Despite clinical and genetic heterogeneity, we identified a subset of tumors of bona fide oligodendroglial differentiation as characterized by combined loss of heterozygosity of chromosome arms 1p and 19q (LOH 1p19q). Those tumors that lacked LOH 1p19q showed a high frequency of IDH1 mutations and loss of alpha thalassemia/mental retardation syndrome X-linked gene (ATRX) immunoreactivity, indicating a possible phenotypic convergence of true oligodendrogliomas and gliomas of the alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT) pathway. p53 alterations were common irrespective of the 1p19q status. Histomorphologically, the tumors featured interspersed bizarre multinucleate giant tumor cells, while the background population varied from monotonous to significantly pleomorphic. Our findings indicate, that a rare polymorphous - or "giant cell" - variant of oligodendroglioma does indeed exist.


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PURPOSE To determine whether particulate debris is present in periprosthetic tissue from revised Dynesys(®) devices, and if present, elicits a biological tissue reaction. METHODS Five Dynesys(®) dynamic stabilization systems consisting of pedicle screws (Ti alloy), polycarbonate-urethane (PCU) spacers and a polyethylene-terephthalate (PET) cord were explanted for pain and screw loosening after a mean of 2.86 years (1.9-5.3 years). Optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy were used to evaluate wear, deformation and surface damage, and attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy to assess surface chemical composition of the spacers. Periprosthetic tissue morphology and wear debris were determined using light microscopy, and PCU and PET wear debris by polarized light microscopy. RESULTS All implants had surface damage on the PCU spacers consistent with scratches and plastic deformation; 3 of 5 exhibited abrasive wear zones. In addition to fraying of the outer fibers of the PET cords in five implants, one case also evidenced cord fracture. The pedicle screws were unremarkable. Patient periprosthetic tissues around the three implants with visible PCU damage contained wear debris and a corresponding macrophage infiltration. For the patient revised for cord fracture, the tissues also contained large wear particles (>10 μm) and giant cells. Tissues from the other two patients showed comparable morphologies consisting of dense fibrous tissue with no inflammation or wear debris. CONCLUSIONS This is the first study to evaluate wear accumulation and local tissue responses for explanted Dynesys(®) devices. Polymer wear debris and an associated foreign-body macrophage response were observed in three of five cases.


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Osteal macrophages (OsteoMacs) are a special subtype of macrophage residing in bony tissues. Interesting findings from basic research have pointed to their vast and substantial roles in bone biology by demonstrating their key function in bone formation and remodeling. Despite these essential findings, much less information is available concerning their response to a variety of biomaterials used for bone regeneration with the majority of investigation primarily focused on their role during the foreign body reaction. With respect to biomaterials, it is well known that cells derived from the monocyte/macrophage lineage are one of the first cell types in contact with implanted biomaterials. Here they demonstrate extremely plastic phenotypes with the ability to differentiate towards classical M1 or M2 macrophages, or subsequently fuse into osteoclasts or multinucleated giant cells (MNGCs). These MNGCs have previously been characterized as foreign body giant cells and associated with biomaterial rejection, however more recently their phenotypes have been implicated with wound healing and tissue regeneration by studies demonstrating their expression of key M2 markers around biomaterials. With such contrasting hypotheses, it becomes essential to better understand their roles to improve the development of osteo-compatible and osteo-promotive biomaterials. This review article expresses the necessity to further study OsteoMacs and MNGCs to understand their function in bone biomaterial tissue integration including dental/orthopedic implants and bone grafting materials.