943 resultados para Generalized Cauchy derivative
Plasmodium falciparum resistant strain development has encouraged the search for new antimalarial drugs. Febrifugine is a natural substance with high activity against P. falciparum presenting strong emetic property and liver toxicity, which prevent it from being used as a clinical drug. The search for analogues that could have a better clinical performance is a current topic. We aim to investigate the theoretical electronic structure by means of febrifugine derivative family semi-empirical molecular orbital calculations, seeking the electronic indexes that could help the design of new efficient derivatives. The theoretical results show there is a clustering in well-defined ranges of several electronic indexes of the most selective molecules. The model proposed for achieving high selectivity was tested with success.
We study the peculiar dynamical features of a fractional derivative of complex-order network. The network is composed of two unidirectional rings of cells, coupled through a "buffer" cell. The network has a Z3 × Z5 cyclic symmetry group. The complex derivative Dα±jβ, with α, β ∈ R+ is a generalization of the concept of integer order derivative, where α = 1, β = 0. Each cell is modeled by the Chen oscillator. Numerical simulations of the coupled cell system associated with the network expose patterns such as equilibria, periodic orbits, relaxation oscillations, quasiperiodic motion, and chaos, in one or in two rings of cells. In addition, fixing β = 0.8, we perceive differences in the qualitative behavior of the system, as the parameter c ∈ [13, 24] of the Chen oscillator and/or the real part of the fractional derivative, α ∈ {0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0}, are varied. Some patterns produced by the coupled system are constrained by the network architecture, but other features are only understood in the light of the internal dynamics of each cell, in this case, the Chen oscillator. What is more important, architecture and/or internal dynamics?
The paper revisits the convolution operator and addresses its generalization in the perspective of fractional calculus. Two examples demonstrate the feasibility of the concept using analytical expressions and the inverse Fourier transform, for real and complex orders. Two approximate calculation schemes in the time domain are also tested.
Generalized pustular psoriasis is an unstable inflammatory type of psoriasis, with widespread areas of erythema and sterile pustules, associated with fever and systemic symptoms. Infliximab is a monoclonal antibody with anti-TNFalpha activity, approved for use in psoriasis. We describe a male patient with a long history of stable arthropathic psoriasis, hospitalized with a generalized pustular psoriasis and acute exacerbation of articular complaints. The disease was resistant to multiple therapies (acitretin, methotrexate and corticosteroids), so the patient was started on infliximab, with a very rapid response of both cutaneous and articular symptoms. He had complete clearing of lesions at week 12, and marked improvement of the articular symptoms. No recurrence occurred at 8 months of follow-up with infliximab every 8 weeks. Infliximab had an extremely rapid therapeutic action response on a recalcitrant generalized pustular psoriasis. The articular response was also excellent, with significant improvement of quality of life.
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CH, Chitosan; HPMC, (Hydroxypropyl)methyl cellulose; FT, Freeze-thaw; SC, Solvent casting; CH:HPMC (X:Y), pH Z, FT/SC, Chitosan and (hydroxypropyl)methyl cellulose hydrogel, at X and Y proportion (0-100), at Z pH (3.0-4.0) and prepared by freeze-thaw or solvent casting techniques; DSC, Differential scanning calorimetry; MDSC, Temperature modulated Differential scanning calorimetry; Tg, glass transition temperature; ΔH, enthalpy change; TGA, Thermogravimetric Analysis; TG, Thermogravimetry; DTG, Derivative or Differential thermogravimetry; σ, Tensile strength; ε, elongation at break; DMA, Dynamic mechanical analysis; X-Ray, X-radiation, FTIR-ATR, Attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy; SEM, Scanning electron microscopy.
CH, Chitosan; HPMC, (Hydroxypropyl)methyl cellulose; FT, Freeze-thaw; SC, Solvent casting; CH:HPMC (X:Y), pH Z, FT/SC, Chitosan and (hydroxypropyl)methyl cellulose hydrogel, at X and Y proportion (0-100), at Z pH (3.0-4.0) and prepared by freeze-thaw or solvent casting techniques; DSC, Differential scanning calorimetry; MDSC, Temperature modulated Differential scanning calorimetry; Tg, glass transition temperature; ΔH, enthalpy change; TGA, Thermogravimetric Analysis; TG, Thermogravimetry; DTG, Derivative or Differential thermogravimetry; σ, Tensile strength; ε, elongation at break; DMA, Dynamic mechanical analysis; X-Ray, X-radiation, FTIR-ATR, Attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy; SEM, Scanning electron microscopy.
PURPOSE: To assess the effects of the elevation of the left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP) on the value of the 1st temporal derivative of the ventricular pressure (dP/dt). METHODS: Nineteen anesthetized dogs were studied. The dogs were mechanically ventilated and underwent thoracotomy with parasympathetic nervous system block. The LVEDP was controlled with the use of a perfusion circuit connected to the left atrium and adjusted to the height of a reservoir. The elevation of the LVEDP was achieved by a sudden increase in the height of a reservoir filled with blood. Continuous recordings of the electrocardiogram, the aortic and ventricular pressures and the dP/dt were performed. RESULTS: Elevation of the LVEDP did not result in any variation of the heart rate (167±16.0bpm, before the procedure; 167±15.5bpm, after the procedure). All the other variables assessed, including systolic blood pressure (128±18.3mmHg and 150±21.5mmHg), diastolic blood pressure (98±16.9mmHg and 115±19.8mmHg), LVEDP (5.5±2.49 and 9.3±3.60mmHg), and dP/dt (4,855 ± 1,082 mmHg/s and 5,149±1,242mmHg/s) showed significant increases following the expansion of the ventricular cavity. Although the elevation of the dP/dt was statistically significant, 6 dogs curiously showed a decrease in the values of dP/dt. CONCLUSION: Sudden elevation of the LVEDP resulted in increased values of dP/dt; however, in some dogs, this response was not uniform.
Total generalized lipodystrophy (Berardinelli--Seip Syndrome) is a rare hereditary disease characterized by insulin-resistant diabetes mellitus and a small quantity of adipose tissue and is of unknown origin. Common cardiovascular alterations related to this syndrome are cardiac hypertrophy and arterial hypertension. This article reports a case of Berardinelli--Seip syndrome and reviews the literature with special emphasis on the cardiovascular manifestations of this syndrome.
Este proyecto propone extender y generalizar los procesos de estimación e inferencia de modelos aditivos generalizados multivariados para variables aleatorias no gaussianas, que describen comportamientos de fenómenos biológicos y sociales y cuyas representaciones originan series longitudinales y datos agregados (clusters). Se genera teniendo como objeto para las aplicaciones inmediatas, el desarrollo de metodología de modelación para la comprensión de procesos biológicos, ambientales y sociales de las áreas de Salud y las Ciencias Sociales, la condicionan la presencia de fenómenos específicos, como el de las enfermedades.Es así que el plan que se propone intenta estrechar la relación entre la Matemática Aplicada, desde un enfoque bajo incertidumbre y las Ciencias Biológicas y Sociales, en general, generando nuevas herramientas para poder analizar y explicar muchos problemas sobre los cuales tienen cada vez mas información experimental y/o observacional.Se propone, en forma secuencial, comenzando por variables aleatorias discretas (Yi, con función de varianza menor que una potencia par del valor esperado E(Y)) generar una clase unificada de modelos aditivos (paramétricos y no paramétricos) generalizados, la cual contenga como casos particulares a los modelos lineales generalizados, no lineales generalizados, los aditivos generalizados, los de media marginales generalizados (enfoques GEE1 -Liang y Zeger, 1986- y GEE2 -Zhao y Prentice, 1990; Zeger y Qaqish, 1992; Yan y Fine, 2004), iniciando una conexión con los modelos lineales mixtos generalizados para variables latentes (GLLAMM, Skrondal y Rabe-Hesketh, 2004), partiendo de estructuras de datos correlacionados. Esto permitirá definir distribuciones condicionales de las respuestas, dadas las covariables y las variables latentes y estimar ecuaciones estructurales para las VL, incluyendo regresiones de VL sobre las covariables y regresiones de VL sobre otras VL y modelos específicos para considerar jerarquías de variación ya reconocidas. Cómo definir modelos que consideren estructuras espaciales o temporales, de manera tal que permitan la presencia de factores jerárquicos, fijos o aleatorios, medidos con error como es el caso de las situaciones que se presentan en las Ciencias Sociales y en Epidemiología, es un desafío a nivel estadístico. Se proyecta esa forma secuencial para la construcción de metodología tanto de estimación como de inferencia, comenzando con variables aleatorias Poisson y Bernoulli, incluyendo los existentes MLG, hasta los actuales modelos generalizados jerárquicos, conextando con los GLLAMM, partiendo de estructuras de datos correlacionados. Esta familia de modelos se generará para estructuras de variables/vectores, covariables y componentes aleatorios jerárquicos que describan fenómenos de las Ciencias Sociales y la Epidemiología.
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo estudar a aplicação do teorema de Cauchy, sobre produto de dois determinantes, às matrizes quadradas de ordem 3, representando zonas cristalograficas.
In this paper we obtain the necessary and sufficient conditions for embedding results of different function classes. The main result is a criterion for embedding theorems for the so-called generalized Weyl-Nikol'skii class and the generalized Lipschitz class. To define the Weyl-Nikol'skii class, we use the concept of a (λ,β)-derivative, which is a generalization of the derivative in the sense of Weyl. As corollaries, we give estimates of norms and moduli of smoothness of transformed Fourier series.
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The proposed game is a natural extension of the Shapley and Shubik Assignment Game to the case where each seller owns a set of different objets instead of only one indivisible object. We propose definitions of pairwise stability and group stability that are adapted to our framework. Existence of both pairwise and group stable outcomes is proved. We study the structure of the group stable set and we finally prove that the set of group stable payoffs forms a complete lattice with one optimal group stable payoff for each side of the market.