418 resultados para Gebara, Ivone


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Métodos de coleta passiva, com o uso de armadilhas, têm sido utilizados na coleta de besouros da família Scarabaeidae. No Cerrado existem poucos estudos sobre estes insetos, apesar da sua importância para o ecossistema e para o controle biológico de pragas do gado bovino. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar técnicas de coleta de besouros copronecrófagos (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae sensu stricto) com armadilha de interceptação de vôo e armadilha de queda com fezes e com carcaça. O experimento foi realizado em três fitofisionomias (campo sujo, cerrado sensu stricto e mata de galeria) da Reserva Ecológica do IBGE (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística), a 35 km de Brasília, DF, na época das chuvas (outubro/1999 a janeiro/2000) e da seca (maio a agosto/2000). A armadilha de queda com isca de fezes e o campo sujo apresentaram maior riqueza e abundância de espécies. Houve uma associação positiva entre as chuvas e a distribuição temporal dos besouros. A armadilha de queda com isca de fezes humanas é a mais indicada para coletas de besouros copronecrófagos.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência de voláteis de soja, induzidos pela herbivoria dos percevejos Euschistus heros e Nezara viridula, no comportamento de busca de hospedeiros dos parasitoides Telenomus podisi e Trissolcus basalis. Plantas injuriadas pela alimentação dos percevejos foram utilizadas como estímulos em bioensaios com fêmeas dos parasitoides, em olfatômetro de dupla escolha tipo Y. Telenomus podisi respondeu somente a voláteis liberados pela soja após a herbivoria de E. heros, seu hospedeiro preferencial. Trissolcus basalis não foi influenciado pelas plantas injuriadas pelos percevejos. Os resultados obtidos indicam existência de interações espécie-específicas no sistema tritrófico soja-percevejos-parasitoides de ovos.


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Aging is associated with increased inflammation and reduced hippocampal neurogenesis, which may in turn contribute to cognitive impairment. Taurine is a free amino acid found in numerous diets, with anti-inflammatory properties. Although abundant in the young brain, the decrease in taurine concentration with age may underlie reduced neurogenesis. Here, we assessed the effect of taurine on hippocampal neurogenesis in middle-aged mice. We found that taurine increased cell proliferation in the dentate gyrus through the activation of quiescent stem cells, resulting in increased number of stem cells and intermediate neural progenitors. Taurine had a direct effect on stem/progenitor cells proliferation, as observed in vitro, and also reduced activated microglia. Furthermore, taurine increased the survival of newborn neurons, resulting in a net increase in adult neurogenesis. Together, these results show that taurine increases several steps of adult neurogenesis and support a beneficial role of taurine on hippocampal neurogenesis in the context of brain aging.


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O objetivo foi avaliar o efeito dos herbicidas diuron, ametryn e sulfentrazone, e da associação micorrízica na eficiência quântica do fotossistema II de mudas de abacaxizeiro 'Imperial'. Foi utilizado o esquema de parcela subdividida, tendo na parcela o fatorial 2 x 4, sendo dois tipos de mudas: inoculadas com P. indica e sem inoculação, e quatro doses de herbicidas: 0; 1,5; 3,0 e 6,0 L ha-1 para o ametryn, 0; 1,6; 3,2 e 6,4 L ha-1 para o diuron e 0; 0,4; 0,8 e 1,6 L ha-1 para o sulfentrazone, e na subparcela as épocas de avaliação, distribuídos no delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com três repetições. Os herbicidas foram aplicados ao substrato antes do plantio das mudas. A inoculação com o fungo P. indica foi feita no momento do plantio. A avaliação da eficiência quântica foi feita por meio da razão de fluorescência da clorofila a (Fv/Fm), determinada aos 60; 90 e 120 dias após o plantio das mudas, obtendo-se a fluorescência inicial, máxima, e variável. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância e regressão polinomial. O herbicida ametryn não comprometeu a eficiência do fotossistema II das mudas de abacaxizeiro inoculadas com o fungo P. indica. A inoculação com fungo P. indica aumentou a eficiência do fotossistema II das mudas. A aplicação dos herbicidas diuron e sulfentrazone em doses elevadas reduziu a eficiência do fotossistema II de mudas de abacaxizeiro 'Imperial' não inoculadas com o fungo P. indica.


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Adult neurogenesis is regulated by the neurogenic niche, through mechanisms that remain poorly defined. Here, we investigated whether niche-constituting astrocytes influence the maturation of adult-born hippocampal neurons using two independent transgenic approaches to block vesicular release from astrocytes. In these models, adult-born neurons but not mature neurons showed reduced glutamatergic synaptic input and dendritic spine density that was accompanied with lower functional integration and cell survival. By taking advantage of the mosaic expression of transgenes in astrocytes, we found that spine density was reduced exclusively in segments intersecting blocked astrocytes, revealing an extrinsic, local control of spine formation. Defects in NMDA receptor (NMDAR)-mediated synaptic transmission and dendrite maturation were partially restored by exogenous D-serine, whose extracellular level was decreased in transgenic models. Together, these results reveal a critical role for adult astrocytes in local dendritic spine maturation, which is necessary for the NMDAR-dependent functional integration of newborn neurons.


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This work describes the syntheses of O-protected aminoglycosides as an important block building for the preparation of potential bioactive pseudodisaccharide. The new O-protected methyl 3-amino-3-deoxy-alpha-D-glycopyranoside 4 and methyl 2-amino-2-deoxy-alpha-D-glycopyranoside 5 were prepared, respectively, in five and four steps. All compounds were obtained in good yield and characterized by spectral data (¹H and 13C NMR, MS, IR) and elemental analysis.


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This review describes results on the chemistry and spectroscopic data of some ergostane derivatives named withasteroids which have been obtained from Physalis genus. The main aim of this report is concerned with the description and characterization of Physalins. These natural product substances are C28 seco steroid lactone type compounds that have been shown biological activities against human illness such as immuno-deficiency, neoplasic tumors, inflammatory process and tropical endemic diseases. Physalins appear to be a source for new drugs to be apply as medicine.


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Molecular Modeling is an important tool in drug design and it is very useful to predict biological activity from a library of compounds. A wide variety of computer programs and methods have been developed to visualize the tridimensional geometry and calculate physical properties of drugs. In this work, we describe a practical approach of molecular modeling as a powerful tool to study structure-activity relationships of drugs, including some antibacterials, hormones, cholinergic and adrenergic agents. At first, the students learn how to draw 3D structures and use them to perform conformational and molecular analysis. Thus, they compare drugs with similar pharmacological activity by superimposing one structure on the top of another and evaluate the geometry and physical properties.


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The total synthesis of sulfadiazine and silver sulfadiazine from readily available starting materials was adapted to semi-micro laboratory scale and is proposed as an experiment in drug synthesis for undergraduate courses.


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Glucosidases are involved in key steps in the processing of oligosaccharides by cleaving O-glucose residues. Since they catalyze breaking and transfer reactions of glucosidic groups for the normal growth and development of all the cells, defects or genetic deficiencies in these enzymes are associated with serious disorders of the carbohydrate metabolism. Thus, glucosidases represent important targets to develop inhibitors, owing to their potential activities against viruses, tumoral growth and metastasis, diabetes, Gaucher's disease and other syndromes associated with the lisosomal storage of glucoesphingolipids, and osteoarthritis. This paper presents a description of the biochemical pathways and mechanisms of alpha and beta-glucosidases, and the currently available drugs capable to inhibit these enzymes.


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Statins are the most used drugs for the treatment of hyperlipidemia in primary and secondary prevention, with the aim of decreasing the levels of plasmatic cholesterol- lipoproteins. Owing to their structural similarity to the substrate HMG-CoA (3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA), they inhibit the HMG-CoA reductase enzyme, disrupting the cholesterol biosynthesis. Currently, six therapeutic statins are available: lovastatin (Mevacor) and pravastatin (Pravachol), which are natural, sinvastatin (Zocor), a semi-synthetic derivative, and the totally synthetic statins, fluvastatin (Lescol), atorvastatin (Lipitor) and rosuvastatin (Crestor). Recent investigations have showed other important effects of statins, such as antineoplastic action and improvement in endothelial function.


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The aim of this work is to study metal and As concentrations in soil due to ash deposition from a coal plant at Figueira (PR), evaluating the macroelement (Al, Ca, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ti, V) and microelement (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni, Pb, Zn) concentrations in the soil around the coal plant. The plant operation caused a slight increase in the majority of the metal concentrations in the top soil close to the plant (up to 1 km) in the wind direction (NW). The elements As, Cd, Mo, Pb and Zn are considered likely soil pollutants, and As is considered the only critical element.


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This work describes the synthesis of the glycosylated amino acids αGlcNAc-Thr, βGlcNAc-Thr and αLacNAc-Thr by the glycosylation reaction of the amino acid threonine with the corresponding glycosyl donors αGlcNAcCl and αLacN3Cl. The glycosylated amino acids containing the sugar units α-D-GlcNAc and α-D-LacNAc O-linked to threonine amino acids are related to O-glycans found in mucins of the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, while the corresponding β-D-GlcNAc isomer is involved in cellular signaling events.


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This study presents Pd determinations in bovine tissue samples containing palladium prepared in the laboratory, and CCQM-P63 automotive catalyst materials of the Proficiency Test, using instrumental thermal and epithermal neutron activation analysis and energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence techniques. Solvent extraction and solid phase extraction procedures were also applied to separate Pd from interfering elements before the irradiation in the nuclear reactor. The results obtained by different techniques were compared against each other to examine sensitivity, precision and accuracy.


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Sediment samples from Tietê river were submitted to chemical and sequential extractions of heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn). It was followed a single extraction by using 0.1 mol L-1 hydrochloric acid and a sequential procedure to evaluate possible chemical associations described as exchangeable, carbonate, reducible oxides, sulfide, organic matter and residual fractions. High concentrations of heavy metals were determined at Pirapora reservoir, which is closer to the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo while for Barra Bonita reservoir, the results showed low concentrations for such elements. Acid volatile sulfides, grain size distribution and carbon contents were also determined.