960 resultados para Gas exchange process


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The human lung is born with a fraction of the adult complement of alveoli. The postnatal stages of human lung development comprise an alveolar stage, a stage of microvascular maturation, and very likely a stage of late alveolarization. The characteristic structural features of the alveolar stage are well known; they are very alike in human and rat lungs. The bases for alveolar formation are represented by immature inter-airspace walls with two capillary layers with a central sheet of connective tissue. Interalveolar septa are formed by folding up of one of the two capillary layers. In the alveolar stage, alveolar formation occurs rapidly and is typically very conspicuous in both species; it has therefore been termed 'bulk alveolarization'. During and after alveolarization the septa with double capillary networks are restructured to the mature form with a single network. This happens in the stage of microvascular maturation. After these steps the lung proceeds to a phase of growth during which capillary growth by intussusception plays an important role in supporting gas exchange. In view of reports that alveoli are added after the stage of microvascular maturation, the question arises whether the present concept of alveolar formation needs revision. On the basis of morphological and experimental findings we can state that mature lungs contain all the features needed for 'late alveolarization' by the classical septation process. Because of the high plasticity of the lung tissues, late alveolarization or some forms of compensatory alveolar formation may be considered for the human lung.


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The Opalinus Clay in Northern Switzerland has been identified as a potential host rock formation for the disposal of radioactive waste. Comprehensive understanding of gas transport processes through this low-permeability formation forms a key issue in the assessment of repository performance. Field investigations and laboratory experiments suggest an intrinsic permeability of the Opalinus Clay in the order of 10(-20) to 10(-21) m(2) and a moderate anisotropy ratio < 10. Porosity depends on clay content and burial depth; values of similar to 0.12 are reported for the region of interest. Porosimetry indicates that about 10-30 of voids can be classed as macropores, corresponding to an equivalent pore radius > 25 nm. The determined entry pressures are in the range of 0.4-10 MPa and exhibit a marked dependence on intrinsic permeability. Both in situ gas tests and gas permeameter tests on drillcores demonstrate that gas transport through the rock is accompanied by porewater displacement, suggesting that classical flow concepts of immiscible displacement in porous media can be applied when the gas entry pressure (i.e. capillary threshold pressure) is less than the minimum principal stress acting within the rock. Essentially, the pore space accessible to gas flow is restricted to the network of connected macropores, which implies a very low degree of desaturation of the rock during the gas imbibition process. At elevated gas pressures (i.e. when gas pressure approaches the level of total stress that acts on the rock body), evidence was seen for dilatancy controlled gas transport mechanisms. Further field experiments were aimed at creating extended tensile fractures with high fracture transmissivity (hydro- or gasfracs). The test results lead to the conclusion that gas fracturing can be largely ruled out as a risk for post-closure repository performance.


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The mismatching of alveolar ventilation and perfusion (VA/Q) is the major determinant of impaired gas exchange. The gold standard for measuring VA/Q distributions is based on measurements of the elimination and retention of infused inert gases. Conventional multiple inert gas elimination technique (MIGET) uses gas chromatography (GC) to measure the inert gas partial pressures, which requires tonometry of blood samples with a gas that can then be injected into the chromatograph. The method is laborious and requires meticulous care. A new technique based on micropore membrane inlet mass spectrometry (MMIMS) facilitates the handling of blood and gas samples and provides nearly real-time analysis. In this study we compared MIGET by GC and MMIMS in 10 piglets: 1) 3 with healthy lungs; 2) 4 with oleic acid injury; and 3) 3 with isolated left lower lobe ventilation. The different protocols ensured a large range of normal and abnormal VA/Q distributions. Eight inert gases (SF6, krypton, ethane, cyclopropane, desflurane, enflurane, diethyl ether, and acetone) were infused; six of these gases were measured with MMIMS, and six were measured with GC. We found close agreement of retention and excretion of the gases and the constructed VA/Q distributions between GC and MMIMS, and predicted PaO2 from both methods compared well with measured PaO2. VA/Q by GC produced more widely dispersed modes than MMIMS, explained in part by differences in the algorithms used to calculate VA/Q distributions. In conclusion, MMIMS enables faster measurement of VA/Q, is less demanding than GC, and produces comparable results.


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The Earth’s carbon and hydrologic cycles are intimately coupled by gas exchange through plant stomata1, 2, 3. However, uncertainties in the magnitude4, 5, 6 and consequences7, 8 of the physiological responses9, 10 of plants to elevated CO2 in natural environments hinders modelling of terrestrial water cycling and carbon storage11. Here we use annually resolved long-term δ13C tree-ring measurements across a European forest network to reconstruct the physiologically driven response of intercellular CO2 (Ci) caused by atmospheric CO2 (Ca) trends. When removing meteorological signals from the δ13C measurements, we find that trees across Europe regulated gas exchange so that for one ppmv atmospheric CO2 increase, Ci increased by ~0.76 ppmv, most consistent with moderate control towards a constant Ci/Ca ratio. This response corresponds to twentieth-century intrinsic water-use efficiency (iWUE) increases of 14 ± 10 and 22 ± 6% at broadleaf and coniferous sites, respectively. An ensemble of process-based global vegetation models shows similar CO2 effects on iWUE trends. Yet, when operating these models with climate drivers reintroduced, despite decreased stomatal opening, 5% increases in European forest transpiration are calculated over the twentieth century. This counterintuitive result arises from lengthened growing seasons, enhanced evaporative demand in a warming climate, and increased leaf area, which together oppose effects of CO2-induced stomatal closure. Our study questions changes to the hydrological cycle, such as reductions in transpiration and air humidity, hypothesized to result from plant responses to anthropogenic emissions.


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A systematic review was performed in order to evaluate perchlorate remediation technologies. The two included technologies were ion-exchange concerted with biodegradation and solely biodegradation. A meta-analysis was completed and subsequently, a regression model was formed to conduct a degradation rate analysis and to depict the association between rate and various dependent variables (salinity/sali, nitrate concentration/nitc and carbon source concentration/csou). The outcome of the model analysis suggested that salt concentration did have an effect on the degradation rate in the ion-exchange process and that with a salt concentration greater than or equal to 18.6 g/L, the biodegradation process will produce a greater reduction of perchlorate than ion-exchange concerted with biodegradation. However, when a t-test examined the difference in perchlorate degradation rate between the two cleanup methods, there was no significant difference seen (p=0.7351, α = 0.05).^


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Glacial/interglacial changes in Southern Ocean's air-sea gas exchange have been considered as important mechanisms contributing to the glacial/interglacial variability in atmospheric CO2. Hence, understanding past variability in Southern Ocean intermediate- to deep-water chemistry and circulation is fundamental to constrain the role of these processes on modulating glacial/interglacial changes in the global carbon cycle. Our study focused on the glacial/interglacial variability in the vertical extent of southwest Pacific Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW). We compared carbon and oxygen isotope records from epibenthic foraminifera of sediment cores bathed in modern AAIW and Upper Circumpolar Deep Water (UCDW; 943 - 2066 m water depth) to monitor changes in water mass circulation spanning the past 350,000 years. We propose that pronounced freshwater input by melting sea ice into the glacial AAIW significantly hampered the downward expansion of southwest Pacific AAIW, consistent with climate model results for the Last Glacial Maximum. This process led to a pronounced upward displacement of the AAIW-UCDW interface during colder climate conditions and therefore to an expansion of the glacial carbon pool.


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The sea-surface microlayer (SML) is the ocean's uppermost boundary to the atmosphere and in control of climate relevant processes like gas exchange and emission of marine primary organic aerosols (POA). The SML represents a complex surface film including organic components like polysaccharides, pro- teins, and marine gel particles, and harbors diverse microbial communities. Despite the potential relevance of the SML in ocean-atmosphere interactions, still little is known about its structural characteristics and sen- sitivity to a changing environment such as increased oceanic uptake of anthropogenic CO2. Here we report results of a large-scale mesocosm study, indicating that ocean acidification can affect the abundance and activity of microorganisms during phytoplankton blooms, resulting in changes in composition and dynam- ics of organic matter in the SML. Our results reveal a potential coupling between anthropogenic CO2 emis- sions and the biogenic properties of the SML, pointing to a hitherto disregarded feedback process between ocean and atmosphere under climate change.


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El alcornoque tiene un gran valor ambiental, como integrante de los ecosistemas forestales mediterráneos, e interés comercial por el valor de la bellota (alimentación del cerdo ibérico), el carbón, la madera y sobre todo por las aplicaciones industriales del corcho. Las posibilidades de mejora genética del alcornoque, como las de otras especies forestales, están limitadas por sus largos ciclos reproductivos y porque su propagación vegetativa mediante estaquillado solo es posible en estados muy juveniles. Por ello este sistema de propagación tiene muy poca, o ninguna, utilidad práctica en la mejora genética. La embriogénesis somática es la vía más apropiada para la clonación de muchas especies forestales y ha hecho posible el desarrollo a gran escala de plantaciones multivarietales de coníferas. En alcornoque es posible la regeneración completa de árboles adultos mediante embriogénesis somática. Con los protocolos actuales (en medio semisólido), los embriones se generan formando acúmulos y en la fase de multiplicación conviven embriones en distintos estados de desarrollo. Es un sistema asincrónico, con baja eficacia para la propagación en masa, que no elimina completamente las dificultades para el desarrollo de programas de mejora genética del alcornoque. En otras especies la utilización de medios líquidos ha mejorado: la sincronización, productividad de los cultivos, el manejo y reducido los costes de producción. Por ello el desarrollo de suspensiones embriogénicas de alcornoque se plantea como una vía para aumentar la eficacia de la propagación clonal a gran escala. En la presente tesis se desarrollan cultivos embriogénicos de alcornoque en medio líquido. El capítulo 3 aborda el establecimiento y mantenimiento de suspensiones, el capítulo 4 el desarrollo de una fase de proliferación en medio líquido y el capítulo 5 la utilización de sistemas de cultivo en medio líquido, estacionarios y de inmersión temporal, como vía para favorecer la maduración de los embriones somáticos. Para iniciar los cultivos en medio líquido se emplearon agregados de embriones tomados de la fase de proliferación en medio semisólido. Cuando estos agregados se inocularon directamente en medio líquido no se logró el establecimiento de las suspensiones. El establecimiento se consiguió empleando como inóculo las células y Resumen pequeños agregados embriogénicos, de tamaño comprendido entre 41 y 800 μm, desprendidas por agitación breve de los agregados de embriones. El mantenimiento se logró inoculando en baja densidad masas embriogénicas compactas de tamaño comprendido entre 0,8 y 1,2 mm. Estas suspensiones, muy heterogéneas, mantuvieron su capacidad de proliferación y de regeneración de embriones al menos durante diez subcultivos consecutivos. El protocolo de iniciación y mantenimiento, desarrollado inicialmente con un solo genotipo, fue eficaz cuando se probó sobre otros 11 genotipos de alcornoque. En la fase de proliferación se ensayaron tres tipos de envase y tres velocidades de agitación. La combinación envase × velocidad determinó el intercambio gaseoso, la disponibilidad de oxígeno y el estrés hidrodinámico. Los agregados embriogénicos de alcornoque crecieron incluso en condiciones de hipoxia no siendo la disponibilidad de oxígeno un factor limitante del crecimiento para tasas de trasferencia de oxígeno comprendidas entre 0,11 h-1 y 1,47 h-1. Por otra parte la producción de biomasa creció con el estrés hidrodinámico para valores de índice de cizalladura inferiores a 5 x 10-3 cm min-1. La mayor producción de biomasa se obtuvo con matraces Erlenmeyer de 100 ml y alta velocidad de agitación (160 rpm) mientras que la diferenciación de embriones se vio favorecida por bajas velocidades de agitación (60 rpm) asociadas con bajas disponibilidades de oxígeno. La posibilidad de madurar embriones de alcornoque en medio líquido se estudió utilizando sistemas de inmersión permanente y sistemas de inmersión temporal. En inmersión permanente no se diferenciaron embriones cotiledonares (posiblemente por hiperhidricidad). Los sistemas de inmersión temporal permitieron obtener embriones maduros en estado cotiledonar y capaces de regenerar plantas in vitro. Concentraciones de sacarosa superiores a 60 g l-1 y frecuencias de inmersión iguales o inferiores a una diaria, tuvieron efectos negativos para el desarrollo de los embriones somáticos. En los sistemas de inmersión temporal los parámetros físico-químicos del medio de cultivo se mantuvieron estables y no se observó ninguna limitación de nutrientes. No obstante, estos sistemas se vieron afectados por la evaporación que generó el flujo de aire necesario para desplazar el líquido en cada periodo de inmersión. Abstract ABSTRACT Cork oak is one of the most important tree species of the Mediterranean ecosystem. Besides its high environmental value has a great economic interest due to the sustainable production of acorns (to feed the Iberian pig) charcoal, timber and cork, which is a renewable natural product with various technological applications. As happens with other forest species, cork oak genetic improvement programs are limited by their long life cycles and because vegetative propagation by cuttings it´s only possible in very juvenile plants. Hence this propagation system is useless or has little practical use for breeding cork oak. Plant regeneration by somatic embryogenesis is the most suitable way for cloning many forest species, and it is the enabling technology which has allowed the establishment of large-scale conifer multi-varietal plantations. Clonal plant regeneration of mature cork oak trees can be achieved through somatic embryogenesis. Somatic embryos at different stages of development and forming clusters are produced during the multiplication phase with current protocols (using semisolid medium). This is an asynchronous low-efficient process not suitable for mass propagation, and therefore it does not solve the difficulties presented by cork oak breeding programs. Culture in liquid medium has been used with other species to improve: synchronization, yield, handling, and to reduce production costs. Thus the development of cork oak embryogenic suspension cultures is envisaged as a way to increase the efficiency of large scale clonal propagation. The thesis herein develops cork oak embryogenic cultures in liquid medium. In chapter 3 establishment and maintenance of suspension cultures are developed, chapter 4 studies proliferation phase in liquid medium and chapter 5 considers the use of different systems of culture in liquid medium, both stationary and temporary immersion, as a way to promote somatic embryos maturation. Clusters of embryos taken from proliferating cultures on semisolid medium were used to initiate the cultures in liquid medium. When these clusters were inoculated directly in liquid medium establishment of suspension cultures was not executed. However using, as initial inoculum, cells and cell aggregates with a size between 41 and 800 μm detached from these clusters of embryos, subjected to a brief shaking, suspension cultures could be established. Suspension maintenance was achieved by inoculating compact embryogenic Abstract clumps with a size between 0.8 and 1.2 mm at low density. The suspension cultures, very heterogeneous, retained both their proliferation and embryo regeneration capacity for at least ten consecutive subcultures. The initiation and maintenance protocol, initially developed with a single genotype, was effective when tested on 11 additional genotypes of cork oak. In proliferation phase three types of vessels and three different levels of agitation were assayed. The combination vessel × orbiting speed determined gas exchange, oxygen availability and hydrodynamic stress. Cork oak embryogenic aggregates grew even under hypoxia conditions; oxygen availability at transfer rates between 0.11 and 1.47 h-1 was not a limiting factor for growth. Furthermore the biomass production was increased with hydrodynamic stress when shear rate values were of less than 5 x 10-3 cm min-1. The highest biomass production was obtained with 100 ml Erlenmeyer flask and high stirring speed (160 rpm) while the differentiation of embryos was favored by low agitation speeds (60 rpm) associated with low oxygen availability. The possibility to mature cork oak somatic embryos in liquid medium was studied using both permanent immersion systems and temporary immersion systems. Cotyledonary embryos did not differentiate in permanent immersion conditions (probably due to hyperhydricity). Temporary immersion systems allowed obtaining mature cotyledonary embryos, which were able to regenerate plants in vitro. Sucrose concentrations above 60 g l-1 and immersion frequencies equal to or lower than one each 24 h had negative effects on somatic embryo development. Physicochemical parameters of the culture medium in temporary immersion systems were stable and showed no limitation of nutrients. However, these systems were affected by the evaporation generated by the airflow necessary to relocate the medium at each immersion period.


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La fotosíntesis es el proceso biológico que permite la producción primaria y, por tanto, la vida en nuestro planeta. La tasa fotosintética viene determinada por la ‘maquinaria’ bioquímica y las resistencias difusivas al paso del CO2 desde la atmósfera hasta su fijación en el interior de los cloroplastos. Históricamente la mayor resistencia difusiva se ha atribuido al cierre estomático, sin embargo ahora sabemos, debido a las mejoras en las técnicas experimentales, que existe también una resistencia grande que se opone a la difusión del CO2 desde los espacios intercelulares a los lugares de carboxilación. Esta resistencia, llamada normalmente por su inversa: la conductancia del mesófilo (gm), puede ser igual o incluso superior a la resistencia debida por el cierre estomático. En la presente tesis doctoral he caracterizado la limitación que ejerce la resistencia del mesófilo a la fijación de CO2 en diversas especies forestales y en distintos momentos de su ciclo biológico. En la fase de regenerado, hemos estudiado tres situaciones ambientales relevantes en el mayor éxito de su supervivencia, que son: el déficit hídrico, su interacción con la irradiancia y el paso del crecimiento en la sombra a mayor irradiancia, como puede suceder tras la apertura de un hueco en el dosel forestal. En la fase de arbolado adulto se ha caracterizado el estado hídrico y el intercambio gaseoso en hojas desarrolladas a distinta irradiancia dentro del dosel vegetal durante tres años contrastados en pluviometría. Para cada tipo de estudio se han empleado las técnicas ecofisiológicas más pertinentes para evaluar el estado hídrico y el intercambio gaseoso. Por su complejidad y la falta de un método que permita su cuantificación directa, la gm ha sido evaluada por los métodos más usados, que son: la discriminación isotópica del carbono 13, el método de la J variable, el método de la J constante y el método de la curvatura. Los resultados más significativos permiten concluir que la limitación relativa a la fotosíntesis por la conductancia estomática, del mesófilo y bioquímica es dependiente de la localización de la hoja en el dosel forestal. Por primera vez se ha documentado que bajo estrés hídrico las hojas desarrolladas a la sombra estuvieron más limitadas por una reducción en la gm, mientras que las hojas desarrolladas a pleno sol estuvieron más limitadas por reducción mayor de la conductancia estomática (gsw). Encontramos buena conexión entre el aparato fotosintético foliar y el sistema hídrico debido al alto grado de correlación entre la conductancia hidráulica foliar aparente y la concentración de CO2 en los cloroplastos en distintas especies forestales. Además, hemos mostrado diferentes pautas de regulación del intercambio gaseoso según las particularidades ecológicas de las especies estudiadas. Tanto en brinzales crecidos de forma natural y en el arbolado adulto como en plántulas cultivadas en el invernadero la ontogenia afectó a las limitaciones de la fotosíntesis producidas por estrés hídrico, resultando que las limitaciones estomáticas fueron dominantes en hojas más jóvenes mientras que las no estomáticas en hojas más maduras. La puesta en luz supuso un gran descenso en la gm durante los días siguientes a la transferencia, siendo este efecto mayor según el grado de sombreo previo en el que se han desarrollado las hojas. La aclimatación de las hojas a la alta irradiancia estuvo ligada a las modificaciones anatómicas foliares y al estado de desarrollo de la hoja. El ratio entre la gm/gsw determinó la mayor eficiencia en el uso del agua y un menor estado oxidativo durante la fase de estrés hídrico y su posterior rehidratación, lo cual sugiere el uso de este ratio en los programas de mejora genética frente al estrés hídrico. Debido a que la mayoría de modelos de estimación de la producción primaria bruta (GPP) de un ecosistema no incluye la gm, los mismos están incurriendo en una sobreestimación del GPP particularmente bajo condiciones de estrés hídrico, porque más de la mitad de la reducción en fotosíntesis en hojas desarrolladas a la sombra se debe a la reducción en gm. Finalmente se presenta un análisis de la importancia en las estimas de la gm bajo estrés hídrico de la refijación del CO2 emitido en la mitocondria a consecuencia de la fotorrespiración y la respiración mitocondrial en luz. ABSTRACT Photosynthesis is the biological process that supports primary production and, therefore, life on our planet. Rates of photosynthesis are determined by biochemical “machinery” and the diffusive resistance to the transfer of CO2 from the atmosphere to the place of fixation within the chloroplasts. Historically the largest diffusive resistance was attributed to the stomata, although we now know via improvements in experimental techniques that there is also a large resistance from sub-stomatal cavities to sites of carboxylation. This resistance, commonly quantified as mesophyll conductance (gm), can be as large or even larger than that due to stomatal resistance. In the present PhD I have characterized the limitation exerted by the mesophyll resistance to CO2 fixation in different forest species at different stages of their life cycle. In seedlings, we studied three environmental conditions that affect plant fitness, namely, water deficit, the interaction of water deficit with irradiance, and the transfer of plants grown in the shade to higher irradiance as can occur when a gap opens in the forest canopy. At the stage of mature trees we characterized water status and gas exchange in leaves developed at different irradiance within the canopy over the course of three years that had contrasting rainfall. For each study we used the most relevant ecophysiological techniques to quantify water relations and gas exchange. Due to its complexity and the lack of a method that allows direct quantification, gm was estimated by the most commonly used methods which are: carbon isotope discrimination, the J-variable, constant J and the curvature method The most significant results suggest that the relative limitation of photosynthesis by stomata, mesophyll and biochemistry depending on the position of the leaf within the canopy. For the first time it was documented that under water stress shaded leaves were more limited by a reduction in gm, while the sun-adapted leaves were more limited by stomatal conductance (gsw). The connection between leaf photosynthetic apparatus and the hydraulic system was shown by the good correlations found between the apparent leaf hydraulic conductance and the CO2 concentration in the chloroplasts in shade- and sun-adapted leaves of several tree species. In addition, we have revealed different patterns of gas exchange regulation according to the functional ecology of the species studied. In field grown trees and greenhouse-grown seedlings ontogeny affected limitations of photosynthesis due to water stress with stomatal limitations dominating in young leaves and nonstomatal limitations in older leaves. The transfer to high light resulted in major decrease of gm during the days following the transfer and this effect was greater as higher was the shade which leaves were developed. Acclimation to high light was linked to the leaf anatomical changes and the state of leaf development. The ratio between the gm/gsw determined the greater efficiency in water use and reduced the oxidative stress during the water stress and subsequent rehydration, suggesting the use of this ratio in breeding programs aiming to increase avoidance of water stress. Because most models to estimate gross primary production (GPP) of an ecosystem do not include gm, they are incurring an overestimation of GPP particularly under conditions of water stress because more than half of An decrease in shade-developed leaves may be due to reduction in gm. Finally, we present an analysis of the importance of how estimates of gm under water stress are affected by the refixation of CO2 that is emitted from mitochondria via photorespiration and mitochondrial respiration in light.


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Different types of land use are usually present in the areas adjacent to many shallow karst cavities. Over time, the increasing amount of potentially harmful matter and energy, of mainly anthropic origin or influence, that reaches the interior of a shallow karst cavity can modify the hypogeal ecosystem and increase the risk of damage to the Palaeolithic rock art often preserved within the cavity. This study proposes a new Protected Area status based on the geological processes that control these matter and energy fluxes into the Altamira cave karst system. Analysis of the geological characteristics of the shallow karst system shows that direct and lateral infiltration, internal water circulation, ventilation, gas exchange and transmission of vibrations are the processes that control these matter and energy fluxes into the cave. This study applies a comprehensive methodological approach based on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to establish the area of influence of each transfer process. The stratigraphic and structural characteristics of the interior of the cave were determined using 3D Laser Scanning topography combined with classical field work, data gathering, cartography and a porosity–permeability analysis of host rock samples. As a result, it was possible to determine the hydrogeological behavior of the cave. In addition, by mapping and modeling the surface parameters it was possible to identify the main features restricting hydrological behavior and hence direct and lateral infiltration into the cave. These surface parameters included the shape of the drainage network and a geomorphological and structural characterization via digital terrain models. Geological and geomorphological maps and models integrated into the GIS environment defined the areas involved in gas exchange and ventilation processes. Likewise, areas that could potentially transmit vibrations directly into the cave were identified. This study shows that it is possible to define a Protected Area by quantifying the area of influence related to each transfer process. The combined maximum area of influence of all the processes will result in the new Protected Area. This area will thus encompass all the processes that account for most of the matter and energy carried into the cave and will fulfill the criteria used to define the Protected Area. This methodology is based on the spatial quantification of processes and entities of geological origin and can therefore be applied to any shallow karst system that requires protection.


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The ceria-catalyzed soot oxidation mechanism has been studied by a pulse technique with labeled O2 in the absence and presence of NO, using ceria–soot mixtures prepared in the loose contact mode. In the absence of soot, the ceria-catalyzed oxidation of NO to NO2 takes place with ceria oxygen and not with gas-phase O2. However, the oxygen exchange process between gas-phase O2 and ceria oxygen (to yield back O2, but with oxygen atoms coming from ceria) prevailed with regard to the ceria-catalyzed oxidation of NO to NO2. Gas-phase O2 did not react directly with soot when pulsed to a soot–ceria loose contact mixture. Instead, ceria oxygen is transferred to soot (this step does not require gas-phase molecular oxygen to be present), and gas-phase O2 fills up the vacancies created on the oxide in a further step. The transfer of oxygen between ceria and soot occurred directly in the absence of NO. However, in the presence of NO, NO2 is expected to be additionally generated by ceria oxygen oxidation, which also reacts with soot. The main reaction products of the ceria-catalyzed soot oxidation reaction with NO/O2 were CO2 and NO. Additionally, evidence of the reduction of NOx to N2 was found.


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Short-beaked echidnas have an impressive ability to submerge completely into soil or sand and remain there, cryptic, for long periods. This poses questions about how they manage their respiration, cut off from a free flow of gases. We measured the gradient in oxygen partial pressure (P-O2) away from the snouts of buried echidnas and oxygen consumption (V-O2) in five individuals under similar conditions, in two substrates with different air-filled porosities (f(a)). A theoretical diffusion model indicated that diffusion alone was insufficient to account for the flux of oxygen required to meet measured rates of V-O2. However, it was noticed that echidnas often showed periodic movements of the anterior part of the body, as if such movements were a deliberate effort to flush the tidal air space surrounding their nostrils. These 'flushing movements' were subsequently found to temporarily increase the levels of interstitial oxygen in the soil around the head region. Flushing movements were more frequent while V-O2 was higher during the burrowing process, and also in substrate with lower fa. We conclude that oxygen supply to buried echidnas is maintained by diffusion through the soil augmented by periodic flushing movements, which ventilate the tidal airspace that surrounds the nostrils.


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The wide-line H-1 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrum of paper in equilibrium with ambient humidity consists of super-imposed relatively broad and narrow lines. The narrower line is of the order of 2 kHz wide at half the maximum height, while the broader line is of the order of 40 kHz in width at half height. On the basis of these line widths, the narrow line is assigned to water sorbed to the paper, and the broad line to the polymeric constituents of the paper. It was not possible to distinguish between the various polymeric components of paper contributing to the H-1 NMR spectra. A modified Goldman-Shen pulse sequence was used to generate a spatial magnetisation gradient between the polymer and water phases. The exchange of magnetisation between protons associated with water and those associated with the macromolecules in paper was observed. The exchange of magnetisation is discussed within a heat transfer model for homonuclear dipolar coupling, with exchange being characterised by a spin-diffusion coefficient. Consideration of the magnitude of the initial rate of the exchange process and estimates of the spin-spin relaxation times based on H-1 line widths indicate that some water must exist in a sufficiently immobile state as to allow homonuclear dipolar interactions between adjacent polymer and water protons. Thus, water sorbed onto paper must exist in at least two states in mass exchange with each other. This observation allows certain conclusions to be drawn about the ratio of free/bound water as a function of moisture content and the dispersal of water within the polymer matrix.


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This work describes how the physical properties of a solvent affect the design variables of a physical gas absorption process. The role of every property in determining the capital and the running cost of a process has been specified. Direct mathematical relationships have been formulated between every item of capital or running cost and the properties which are related to that item. The accuracy of the equations formulated has been checked by comparing their outcome with some actual design data. A good agreement has been found. The equations formulated may be used to evaluate on the basis of economics any suggested new solvents. A group of solvents were selected for evaluation. Their physical properties were estimated or collected as experimental data. The selected ones include three important solvents, the first is polyethylene glycol dimethyl ether (Selexol) which represents the currently most successful one, The other two solvents are acetonyl acetone (B2) and n-formyl morpholine which have been suggested previously as potential credible alternatives to the current ones. The important characteristics of: acetonyl acetone are its high solubility and its low viscosity, while the n-formyl morpholine is characterised by its low vapour pressure and its high selectivity. It was found that acetonyl acetone (B2) is the most attractive solvent for commercial applications particularly for process configurations that:include heat exchangers and strippers. The effect of the process configuration on the selected solvent was investigated in detail and it was found that there is no universal solvent which is the best for any process configuration, but that there is a best solvent for a given process configuration. In previous work, acetonyl acetone was suggested as a commercially promising physical solvent. That suggestion was not fully based on experimental measurement of all the physical properties. The viscosity of acetonyl acetone and its solubility at 1 atm were measured but the vapour pressure and the solubility of C02 and CH4 at high pressure were predicted. In this work, the solubilities of C02, CH4 and C3H8 in acetenyl acetone were measured for a partial pressure range of (2 ~ 22) bar at 25°C, The vapour pressure of this solvent was also measured, and the Antoine equation was formulated from tbe experimental data. The experimental data were found to be not In agreement with the predicted ones, so acetonyl acetone was re-evaluated according to the experimental data. It was found that this solvent can be recommended for further trials in a pilot plant study or for small scale commercial units.


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This thesis is about the discretionary role of the line manager in inspiring the work engagement of staff and their resulting innovative behaviour examined through the lens of Social Exchange Theory (Blau, 1964) and the Job Demands-Resources theory (Bakker, Demerouti, Nachreiner & Schaufeli, 2001). The study is focused on a large British Public Sector organisation undergoing a major organisational shift in the way in which they operate as part of the public sector. It is often claimed that people do not leave organisations; they leave line managers (Kozlowski & Doherty, 1989). Regardless of the knowledge in the literature concerning the importance of the line manager in organisations (Purcell, 2003), the engagement literature in particular is lacking in the consideration of such a fundamental figure in organisational life. Further, the understanding of the black box of managerial discretion and its relationship to employee and organisation related outcomes would benefit from greater exploration (Purcell, 2003; Gerhart, 2005; Scott, et al, 2009). The purpose of this research is to address these gaps with relation to the innovative behaviour of employees in the public sector – an area that is not typically associated with the public sector (Bhatta, 2003; McGuire, Stoner & Mylona, 2008; Hughes, Moore & Kataria, 2011). The study is a CASE Award PhD thesis, requiring academic and practical elements to the research. The study is of one case organisation, focusing on one service characterised by a high level of adoption of Strategic Human Resource Management activities and operating in a rather unique manner for the public sector, having private sector competition for work. The study involved a mixed methods approach to data collection. Preliminary focus groups with 45 participants were conducted, followed by an ethnographic period of five months embedded into the service conducting interviews and observations. This culminated in a quantitative survey delivered within the wider directorate to approximately 500 staff members. The study used aspects of the Grounded Theory (Glaser & Strauss, 1967) approach to analyse the data and developed results that highlight the importance of the line manager in an area characterised by SHRM and organisational change for engaging employees and encouraging innovative behaviour. This survey was completed on behalf of the organisation and the findings of this are presented in appendix 1, in order to keep the focus of the PhD on theory development. Implications for theory and practice are discussed alongside the core finding. Line managers’ discretion surrounding the provision of job resources (in particular trust, autonomy and implementation and interpretation of combined bundles of SHRM policies and procedures) influenced the exchange process by which employees responded with work engagement and innovative behaviour. Limitations to the research are the limitations commonly attributed to cross-sectional data collection methods and those surrounding generalisability of the qualitative findings outside of the contextual factors characterising the service area. Suggestions for future research involve addressing these limitations and further exploration of the discretionary role with regards to extending our understanding of line manager discretion.