983 resultados para GENE ONTOLOGY


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Plant crop yields are negatively conditioned by a large set of biotic and abiotic factors. An alternative to mitigate these adverse effects is the use of fungal biological control agents and endophytes. The egg-parasitic fungus Pochonia chlamydosporia has been traditionally studied because of its potential as a biological control agent of plant-parasitic nematodes. This fungus can also act as an endophyte in monocot and dicot plants, and has been shown to promote plant growth in different agronomic crops. An Affymetrix 22K Barley GeneChip was used in this work to analyze the barley root transcriptomic response to P. chlamydosporia root colonization. Functional gene ontology (GO) and gene set enrichment analyses showed that genes involved in stress response were enriched in the barley transcriptome under endophytism. An 87.5 % of the probesets identified within the abiotic stress response group encoded heat shock proteins. Additionally, we found in our transcriptomic analysis an up-regulation of genes implicated in the biosynthesis of plant hormones, such as auxin, ethylene and jasmonic acid. Along with these, we detected induction of brassinosteroid insensitive 1-associated receptor kinase 1 (BR1) and other genes related to effector-triggered immunity (ETI) and pattern-triggered immunity (PTI). Our study supports at the molecular level the growth-promoting effect observed in plants endophytically colonized by P. chlamydosporia, which opens the door to further studies addressing the capacity of this fungus to mitigate the negative effects of biotic and abiotic factors on plant crops.


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Les virus ont besoin d’interagir avec des facteurs cellulaires pour se répliquer et se propager dans les cellules d’hôtes. Une étude de l'interactome des protéines du virus d'hépatite C (VHC) par Germain et al. (2014) a permis d'élucider de nouvelles interactions virus-hôte. L'étude a également démontré que la majorité des facteurs de l'hôte n'avaient pas d'effet sur la réplication du virus. Ces travaux suggèrent que la majorité des protéines ont un rôle dans d'autres processus cellulaires tel que la réponse innée antivirale et ciblées pas le virus dans des mécanismes d'évasion immune. Pour tester cette hypothèse, 132 interactant virus-hôtes ont été sélectionnés et évalués par silençage génique dans un criblage d'ARNi sur la production interferon-beta (IFNB1). Nous avons ainsi observé que les réductions de l'expression de 53 interactants virus-hôte modulent la réponse antivirale innée. Une étude dans les termes de gène d'ontologie (GO) démontre un enrichissement de ces protéines au transport nucléocytoplasmique et au complexe du pore nucléaire. De plus, les gènes associés avec ces termes (CSE1L, KPNB1, RAN, TNPO1 et XPO1) ont été caractérisé comme des interactant de la protéine NS3/4A par Germain et al. (2014), et comme des régulateurs positives de la réponse innée antivirale. Comme le VHC se réplique dans le cytoplasme, nous proposons que ces interactions à des protéines associées avec le noyau confèrent un avantage de réplication et bénéficient au virus en interférant avec des processus cellulaire tel que la réponse innée. Cette réponse innée antivirale requiert la translocation nucléaire des facteurs transcriptionnelles IRF3 et NF-κB p65 pour la production des IFNs de type I. Un essai de microscopie a été développé afin d'évaluer l’effet du silençage de 60 gènes exprimant des protéines associés au complexe du pore nucléaire et au transport nucléocytoplasmique sur la translocation d’IRF3 et NF-κB p65 par un criblage ARNi lors d’une cinétique d'infection virale. En conclusion, l’étude démontre qu’il y a plusieurs protéines qui sont impliqués dans le transport de ces facteurs transcriptionnelles pendant une infection virale et peut affecter la production IFNB1 à différents niveaux de la réponse d'immunité antivirale. L'étude aussi suggère que l'effet de ces facteurs de transport sur la réponse innée est peut être un mécanisme d'évasion par des virus comme VHC.


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The number of known mRNA transcripts in the mouse has been greatly expanded by the RIKEN Mouse Gene Encyclopedia project. Validation of their reproducible expression in a tissue is an important contribution to the study of functional genomics. In this report, we determine the expression profile of 57,931 clones on 20 mouse tissues using cDNA microarrays. Of these 57,931 clones, 22,928 clones correspond to the FANTOM2 clone set. The set represents 20,234 transcriptional units (TUs) out of 33,409 TUs in the FANTOM2 set. We identified 7206 separate clones that satisfied stringent criteria for tissue-specific expression. Gene Ontology terms were assigned for these 7206 clones, and the proportion of 'molecular function' ontology for each tissue-specific clone was examined. These data will provide insights into the function of each tissue. Tissue-specific gene expression profiles obtained using our cDNA microarrays were also compared with the data extracted from the GNF Expression Atlas based on Affymetrix microarrays. One major outcome of the RIKEN transcriptome analysis is the identification of numerous nonprotein-coding mRNAs. The expression profile was also used to obtain evidence of expression for putative noncoding RNAs. In addition, 1926 clones (70%) of 2768 clones that were categorized as unknown EST, and 1969 (58%) clones of 3388 clones that were categorized as unclassifiable were also shown to be reproducibly expressed.


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Alternative splicing is widespread in mammalian gene expression, and variant splice patterns are often specific to different stages of development, particular tissues or a disease state. There is a need to systematically collect data on alternatively spliced exons, introns and splice isoforms, and to annotate this data. The Alternative Splicing Database consortium has been addressing this need, and is committed to maintaining and developing a value-added database of alternative splice events, and of experimentally verified regulatory mechanisms that mediate splice variants. In this paper we present two of the products from this project: namely, a database of computationally delineated alternative splice events as seen in alignments of EST/cDNA sequences with genome sequences, and a database of alternatively spliced exons collected from literature. The reported splice events are from nine different organisms and are annotated for various biological features including expression states and cross-species conservation. The data are presented on our ASD web pages (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/asd).


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Recently, we identified a large number of ultraconserved (uc) sequences in noncoding regions of human, mouse, and rat genomes that appear to be essential for vertebrate and amniote ontogeny. Here, we used similar methods to identify ultraconserved genomic regions between the insect species Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila pseudoobscura, as well as the more distantly related Anopheles gambiae. As with vertebrates, ultraconserved sequences in insects appear to Occur primarily in intergenic and intronic sequences, and at intron-exon junctions. The sequences are significantly associated with genes encoding developmental regulators and transcription factors, but are less frequent and are smaller in size than in vertebrates. The longest identical, nongapped orthologous match between the three genomes was found within the homothorax (hth) gene. This sequence spans an internal exon-intron junction, with the majority located within the intron, and is predicted to form a highly stable stem-loop RNA structure. Real-time quantitative PCR analysis of different hth splice isoforms and Northern blotting showed that the conserved element is associated with a high incidence of intron retention in hth pre-mRNA, suggesting that the conserved intronic element is critically important in the post-transcriptional regulation of hth expression in Diptera.


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The gastrointestinal tracts of multi-cellular blood-feeding parasites are targets for vaccines and drugs. Recently, recombinant vaccines that interrupt the digestion of blood in the hookworm gut have shown efficacy, so we explored the intestinal transcriptomes of the human and canine hookworms, Necator americanus and Ancylostoma caninum, respectively. We used Laser Microdissection Microscopy to dissect gut tissue from the parasites, extracted the RNA and generated cDNA libraries. A total of 480 expressed sequence tags were sequenced from each library and assembled into contigs, accounting for 268 N. americanus genes and 276 A. caninum genes. Only 17% of N. americanus and 36% of A. caninum contigs were assigned Gene Ontology classifications. Twenty-six (9.8%) N. americanus and 18 (6.5%) A. caninum contigs did not have homologues in any databases including dbEST-of these novel clones, seven N. americanus and three A. caninum contigs had Open Reading Frames with predicted secretory signal peptides. The most abundant transcripts corresponded to mRNAs encoding cholesterol-and fatty acid-binding proteins, C-type lectins, Activation-Associated Secretory Proteins, and proteases of different mechanistic classes, particularly astacin-like metallopeptidases. Expressed sequence tags corresponding to known and potential recombinant vaccines were identified and these included homologues of proteases, anti-clotting factors, defensins and integral membrane proteins involved in cell adhesion. (c) 2006 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc Published by Elsevier Ltd. All fights reserved.


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Background: Current methods to find significantly under- and over-represented gene ontology (GO) terms in a set of genes consider the genes as equally probable balls in a bag, as may be appropriate for transcripts in micro-array data. However, due to the varying length of genes and intergenic regions, that approach is inappropriate for deciding if any GO terms are correlated with a set of genomic positions. Results: We present an algorithm - GONOME - that can determine which GO terms are significantly associated with a set of genomic positions given a genome annotated with (at least) the starts and ends of genes. We show that certain GO terms may appear to be significantly associated with a set of randomly chosen positions in the human genome if gene lengths are not considered, and that these same terms have been reported as significantly over-represented in a number of recent papers. This apparent over-representation disappears when gene lengths are considered, as GONOME does. For example, we show that, when gene length is taken into account, the term development is not significantly enriched in genes associated with human CpG islands, in contradiction to a previous report. We further demonstrate the efficacy of GONOME by showing that occurrences of the proteosome-associated control element (PACE) upstream activating sequence in the S. cerevisiae genome associate significantly to appropriate GO terms. An extension of this approach yields a whole-genome motif discovery algorithm that allows identification of many other promoter sequences linked to different types of genes, including a large group of previously unknown motifs significantly associated with the terms 'translation' and 'translational elongation'. Conclusion: GONOME is an algorithm that correctly extracts over-represented GO terms from a set of genomic positions. By explicitly considering gene size, GONOME avoids a systematic bias toward GO terms linked to large genes. Inappropriate use of existing algorithms that do not take gene size into account has led to erroneous or suspect conclusions. Reciprocally GONOME may be used to identify new features in genomes that are significantly associated with particular categories of genes.


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Using the two largest collections of Mus musculus and Homo sapiens transcription start sites ( TSSs) determined based on CAGE tags, ditags, full- length cDNAs, and other transcript data, we describe the compositional landscape surrounding TSSs with the aim of gaining better insight into the properties of mammalian promoters. We classified TSSs into four types based on compositional properties of regions immediately surrounding them. These properties highlighted distinctive features in the extended core promoters that helped us delineate boundaries of the transcription initiation domain space for both species. The TSS types were analyzed for associations with initiating dinucleotides, CpG islands, TATA boxes, and an extensive collection of statistically significant cis- elements in mouse and human. We found that different TSS types show preferences for different sets of initiating dinucleotides and ciselements. Through Gene Ontology and eVOC categories and tissue expression libraries we linked TSS characteristics to expression. Moreover, we show a link of TSS characteristics to very specific genomic organization in an example of immune- response- related genes ( GO: 0006955). Our results shed light on the global properties of the two transcriptomes not revealed before and therefore provide the framework for better understanding of the transcriptional mechanisms in the two species, as well as a framework for development of new and more efficient promoter- and gene- finding tools.


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Application of a computational membrane organization prediction pipeline, MemO, identified putative type II membrane proteins as proteins predicted to encode a single alpha-helical transmembrane domain (TMD) and no signal peptides. MemO was applied to RIKEN's mouse isoform protein set to identify 1436 non-overlapping genomic regions or transcriptional units (TUs), which encode exclusively type II membrane proteins. Proteins with overlapping predicted InterPro and TMDs were reviewed to discard false positive predictions resulting in a dataset comprised of 1831 transcripts in 1408 TUs. This dataset was used to develop a systematic protocol to document subcellular localization of type II membrane proteins. This approach combines mining of published literature to identify subcellular localization data and a high-throughput, polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based approach to experimentally characterize subcellular localization. These approaches have provided localization data for 244 and 169 proteins. Type II membrane proteins are localized to all major organelle compartments; however, some biases were observed towards the early secretory pathway and punctate structures. Collectively, this study reports the subcellular localization of 26% of the defined dataset. All reported localization data are presented in the LOCATE database (http://www.locate.imb.uq.edu.au).


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Large-scale gene discovery has been performed for the grass fungal endophytes Neotyphodium coenophialum, Neotyphodium lolii, and Epichloe festucae. The resulting sequences have been annotated by comparison with public DNA and protein sequence databases and using intermediate gene ontology annotation tools. Endophyte sequences have also been analysed for the presence of simple sequence repeat and single nucleotide polymorphism molecular genetic markers. Sequences and annotation are maintained within a MySQL database that may be queried using a custom web interface. Two cDNA-based microarrays have been generated from this genome resource, They permit the interrogation of 3806 Neotyphodium genes (Nchip (TM) rnicroarray), and 4195 Neotyphodium and 920 Epichloe genes (EndoChip (TM) microarray), respectively. These microarrays provide tools for high-throughput transcriptome analysis, including genome-specific gene expression studies, profiling of novel endophyte genes, and investigation of the host grass-symbiont interaction. Comparative transcriptome analysis in Neotyphodium and Epichloe was performed. (c) 2006 Elsevier


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Despite the presence of over 3 million transposons separated on average by similar to 500 bp, the human and mouse genomes each contain almost 1000 transposon-free regions (TFRs) over 10 kb in length. The majority of human TFRs correlate with orthologous TFRs in the mouse, despite the fact that most transposons are lineage specific. Many human TFRs also overlap with orthologous TFRs in the marsupial opossum, indicating that these regions have remained refractory to transposon insertion for long evolutionary periods. Over 90% of the bases covered by TFRs are noncoding, much of which is not highly conserved. Most TFRs are not associated with unusual nucleotide composition, but are significantly associated with genes encoding developmental regulators, suggesting that they represent extended regions of regulatory information that are largely unable to tolerate insertions, a conclusion difficult to reconcile with current conceptions of gene regulation.


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The application of mechanical insults to the spinal cord results in profound cellular and molecular changes, including the induction of neuronal cell death and altered gene expression profiles. Previous studies have described alterations in gene expression following spinal cord injury, but the specificity of this response to mechanical stimuli is difficult to investigate in vivo. Therefore, we have investigated the effect of cyclic tensile stresses on cultured spinal cord cells from E15 Sprague-Dawley rats, using the FX3000 Flexercell Strain Unit. We examined cell morphology and viability over a 72 hour time course. Microarray analysis of gene expression was performed using the Affymetrix GeneChip System, where categorization of identified genes was performed using the Gene Ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) systems. Changes in expression of 12 genes were validated with quantitative real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR).


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To capture the genomic profiles for histone modification, chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) is combined with next generation sequencing, which is called ChIP-seq. However, enriched regions generated from the ChIP-seq data are only evaluated on the limited knowledge acquired from manually examining the relevant biological literature. This paper proposes a novel framework, which integrates multiple knowledge sources such as biological literature, Gene Ontology, and microarray data. In order to precisely analyze ChIP-seq data for histone modification, knowledge integration is based on a unified probabilistic model. The model is employed to re-rank the enriched regions generated from peak finding algorithms. Through filtering the reranked enriched regions using some predefined threshold, more reliable and precise results could be generated. The combination of the multiple knowledge sources with the peaking finding algorithm produces a new paradigm for ChIP-seq data analysis. © (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.


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Previous studies have described alterations in gene expression following spinal cord injury, but this response to mechanical stimuli is difficult to investigate in vivo. Therefore, we have investigated the effect of cyclic tensile strain on cultured spinal cord cells from E15 Sprague-Dawley rats. Microarray analysis of gene expression and categorization of identified genes were performed using Gene Ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) systems. The application of cyclic tensile strain reduced the viability of cultured spinal cord cells significantly in a dose- and time-dependent manner. GO analysis identified candidate genes related to apoptosis (44) and to response to stimulus (17). KEGG analysis identified changes in the expression levels of 12 genes of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway, which were confirmed to be upregulated and validated by RT-PCR analysis. Spinal cord cells undergo cell death in response to cyclic tensile strain, which were dose- and time-dependent, with upregulation of various genes, in particular of the MAPK pathway.


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Estresses ambientais abióticos são fatores que causam respostas ao nível molecular, fisiológico e morfológico em plantas, dependendo também de sua intensidade e duração. É visto que algumas espécies apresentam tolerância a condições estressantes e ao mesmo tempo são fontes naturais de matéria prima para indústria. Nesse contexto encontra-se a mamona (Ricinus comunnis L.), principal fonte de óleo de rícino valorizado por suas aplicações farmacêuticas e principalmente industriais, vem sendo usada como cultura em regiões onde a disponibilidade de água é reduzida, usada como fonte de renda para agricultura da região nordeste brasileira. Visto que pouco se sabe sobre as respostas moleculares que levam essa planta a tolerar regiões secas e como as sementes, principais foco de interesse, respondem a essa escassez, nesse trabalho foram construídas duas bibliotecas de cDNAs, onde a partir de uma abordagem subtrativa, continham RNAs diferencialmente expressos em sementes de plantas mamona submetidas ao estresse hídrico durante 5 dias (biblioteca L7), e a outra RNAs diferencialmente expressos em sementes controle (biblioteca L5). A biblioteca L7 apresentou a maior variedade de transcritos com um total de 182. A maior parte das funções estabelecidas pelo sistema Gene Ontology - GO, foram direcionadas aos “Processos Metabólicos” (526), em segundo “Respostas a estímulos” (57), o terceiro termo mais abundante foram referentes a “Desenvolvimento”(26). Já na biblioteca L5, foram encontrados 91 transcritos, com maior parte de suas funções referentes a “Processos Metabólicos”(413), em segundo “Respostas a estímulos” (8) e em terceiro Regulação (6). Alguns dos transcritos da biblioteca L7 foram escolhidos para análise por repetirem-se mais de 3x e não aparecerem na biblioteca L5, o que indica uma possível regulação positiva sobre estresse. As análises sobre Metalotioneína (4x), mostraram que a sequência de proteica apresentava os domínios conservados que a caracterizava como tipo II, onde são encontrados dois domínios funcionais ricos em cisteína com posições altamente conservadas, desempenhando a função de ligar-se a metais pesados, correlacionadas assim como a atividade de eliminação EROs e defesa contra o estresse oxidativo, além de apresentar homologia com a sequência de Bruguiera gymnorhiza, uma planta de mangue adaptada a ambientes salinos. Analisamos também os transcritos da referente a proteína AUXIN-REPRESSED 12.5 KDA (3x), apontada como sendo reprimida pelo hormônio auxina e associada ao processo de dormência da semente, é descrito em uma família gênica onde vários membros pertencem as vias de resposta ao estresse. Por último, analisamos a proteína GLUTELIN TYPE-A 3 (5x), uma importante proteína de armazenamento com caráter hidrofílico, possivelmente direcionada para o vacúolo. Em nosso trabalho foi possível observar um aumento de transcritos em relação a subtração controle, possivelmente reflexo do aumento do metabolismo da semente, tanto para resposta defensiva ao estresse hídrico quanto para o amadurecimento rápido da semente onde foram observados transcritos referentes a resposta oxidativa, controle hormonal, proteínas de reserva e produção de óleo.