980 resultados para GAMMA IRRADIATION
Es wurde bis heute meist mit relativ aufwendigen Methoden nach dem Vorkommen von Strangbrüchen in der DNA gesucht. Die hier verwendete Fast-Micromethod steht jetzt neben mehreren bereits etablierten Methoden zur qualitativen und quantitativen Erfassung von DNA-Strangbrüchen zur Verfügung. Die Methode wurde zur schnellen und empfindlichen Messung von DNA-Schäden und deren Reparatur unter Verwendung von PicoGreen, einem spezifisch an DNA-Einzelstränge bindenden Fluoreszenzfarbstoff, durchgeführt. Die Methode wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit für verschiedene Zellarten wie HeLa-Zellen und Schwamm-Zellen mit Schwermetallionen verwendet. Sie wurde ebenfalls bei verschiedenen Strangbruch-induzierenden Stoffen wie NQO und physikalischen Faktoren wie UV-Bestrahlung und Gammastrahlung erfolgreich eingesetzt. Die Strangbrüche wurden bei HeLa-Zellen mit 10 µM NQO nach 90 Minuten Inkubation und ebenso bei Gammastrahlung mit 16 Gy gemessen. An Schwammzellen wurden Effekte von Schwermetallionen und UV, auch einschließlich nachgeschalteter Reparaturaktivität, gemessen. Dabei war die Reparatur jedoch nicht ganz vollständig. Durch die Fast-Micromethod wurde DNA-Schädigung durch UV-Bestrahlung und Gentoxizität von Schwermetall-Ionen an HeLa-Zellen nachgewiesen. Die Schwammzellen wurden mit verschiedenen Schwermetall-Ionen in verschiedenen Konzentrationen getestet und mit UV bei verschiedenen Dosen bestrahlt. Teilweise wurde nach dem Einfluss die DNA-Reparatur erfasst. Schwammzellen wurden in den drei häufig verwendeten Medien CMFSW, CMFSW+EDTA und Seewasser aufgenommen. Im Seewasser waren die Zellen nach 60 Minuten Inkubationszeit aggregiert (Primmorphe). Im CMFSW+EDTA Medium lagen dagegen nur Einzellen vor, da die Zellen im EDTA-Medium dissoziiert wurden und auch nicht mehr proliferierten.
The safety systems of nuclear power plants rely on low-voltage power, instrumentation and control cables. Inside the containment area, cables operate in harsh environments, characterized by relatively high temperature and gamma-irradiation. As these cables are related to fundamental safety systems, they must be able to withstand unexpected accident conditions and, therefore, their condition assessment is of utmost importance as plants age and lifetime extensions are required. Nowadays, the integrity and functionality of these cables are monitored mainly through destructive test which requires specific laboratory. The investigation of electrical aging markers which can provide information about the state of the cable by non-destructive testing methods would improve significantly the present diagnostic techniques. This work has been made within the framework of the ADVANCE (Aging Diagnostic and Prognostics of Low-Voltage I\&C Cables) project, a FP7 European program. This Ph.D. thesis aims at studying the impact of aging on cable electrical parameters, in order to understand the evolution of the electrical properties associated with cable degradation. The identification of suitable aging markers requires the comparison of the electrical property variation with the physical/chemical degradation mechanisms of polymers for different insulating materials and compositions. The feasibility of non-destructive electrical condition monitoring techniques as potential substitutes for destructive methods will be finally discussed studying the correlation between electrical and mechanical properties. In this work, the electrical properties of cable insulators are monitored and characterized mainly by dielectric spectroscopy, polarization/depolarization current analysis and space charge distribution. Among these techniques, dielectric spectroscopy showed the most promising results; by means of dielectric spectroscopy it is possible to identify the frequency range where the properties are more sensitive to aging. In particular, the imaginary part of permittivity at high frequency, which is related to oxidation, has been identified as the most suitable aging marker based on electrical quantities.
Zielsetzung der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Erforschung ursächlicher Unterschiede im Energiestoffwechsel von hoch- und niedrig-glykolytischen Tumorzelllinien. Darüber hinaus wurde die Hypothese überprüft, wonach eine hohe glykolytische Aktivität in Tumorzellen zu einer Anreicherung von antioxidativen Metaboliten führt und infolgedessen eine Therapieresistenz gegen Gammabestrahlung hervorruft. Abschließend sollte durch biochemische und gentechnische Manipulationen des Energie- bzw. Glukosestoffwechsels die Strahlenresistenz von Tumorzellen verändert und somit neue therapeutische Interventionen eröffnet werden.rnDie zur Klärung dieser Fragestellung erforderlichen molekularbiologischen Experimente erfolgten an jeweils zwei Ovarialkarzinomzelllinien (OC316 und IGROV-1) und zwei Plattenepithelkarzinomzelllinien der Kopf- und Halsregion (SAS und FaDu) sowie den entsprechenden Experimentaltumoren.rnUnabhängig von der Tumorentität und dem Tumormodell konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine erhöhte Expression Stoffwechsel-assoziierter Proteine mit einem gesteigerten Energiestoffwechsel einhergeht. Der Transfer der Ovarial- und Plattenepithelkarzinomzelllinien in das Mausmodell führte zu keiner grundsätzlichen Änderung des Tumormikromilieus. So wies die hoch-metabolische Linie OC316 in vitro und in vivo eine stark erhöhte MCT-4 Expression auf, deren gentechnische Inhibition jedoch zu keiner Reduktion der Glykolyserate führte.rnDie Hypothese, dass die Laktatproduktion als prädiktiver Marker für die Strahlenresistenz einer Tumorzelllinie fungiert, konnte nicht bestätigt werden. Jedoch führte die Manipulation der intrazellulären Laktatbildung und des Energiestoffwechsels mit nicht zelltoxischen Konzentrationen von 2-Deoxy-D-glukose (2DG) und Rotenon (ROT) bei den Ovarialkarzinomzelllinien zu einer Erhöhung der intrazellulären O2--Anionen, einer Zunahme der Strahlenempfindlichkeit sowie zur Steigerung der initialen und residualen DNA-Doppelstrangbrüche nach Gammabestrahlung.rnHierbei wirken 2DG und ROT synergistisch durch die Inhibierung antioxidativer Systeme sowie durch die Erhöhung des zellulären Radikal-Status. Die Anwendung von Stoffwechselmanipulatoren zur Optimierung und Unterstützung vorhandener Radikal-erzeugender Therapieformen wird aktuell in klinischen Studien überprüft. Translational könnte die durch 2DG und ROT beschriebene Erhöhung der Strahlenempfindlichkeit bei Ovarialkarzinomzelllinien z. B. in Kombination mit intensitätsmodulierten Strahlentherapien neue Behandlungsmöglichkeiten eröffnen, was in weiterführenden in vivo Studien zu überprüfen ist.rn
Drosophila mutants have played an important role in elucidating the physiologic function of genes. Large-scale projects have succeeded in producing mutations in a large proportion of Drosophila genes. Many mutant fly lines have also been produced through the efforts of individual laboratories over the past century. In an effort to make some of these mutants more useful to the research community, we systematically mapped a large number of mutations affecting genes in the proximal half of chromosome arm 2L to more precisely defined regions, defined by deficiency intervals, and, when possible, by individual complementation groups. To further analyze regions 36 and 39-40, we produced 11 new deficiencies with gamma irradiation, and we constructed 6 new deficiencies in region 30-33, using the DrosDel system. trans-heterozygous combinations of deficiencies revealed 5 additional functions, essential for viability or fertility.
During the last twenty years a scientific basis for the anecdotal reports of an interaction between the brain and the immune system has established neuroimmunemodulation as a new field of study in the biomedical sciences. A means for the brain to exert a regulatory influence upon various lymphoid reactions has been well established by many investigators world wide. This dissertation was geared to test the central hypothesis that the immune system, in turn, produces signals which affect CNS functions. Specifically, it is shown through several different experiments, behavioral and electrophysiologic, that the immune modifiers interferon-alpha, gamma irradiation, cyclosporine-A and muramyl-dipeptide modify brain opioid related activities. Each agent attenuates naloxone-precipitated morphine withdrawal following either systemic or intracranial injection. Each agent also has effects upon either the acute antinociceptive or hypothermic activities of morphine. Finally, each agent modifies baseline evoked electrical activity of several brain areas of awake freely-behaving rats. Later studies demonstrate that muramyl-dipeptide modifies the unit firing rate of single neurons in the brain following either systemic or localized administration within the brain. These results suggest that the immune system produces signals which affect brain activity; and thus, support the contention of a bi-directional interaction between the brain and the immune system. ^
The Bcr-Abl fusion oncogene which resulted from a balanced reciprocal translocation between chromosome 9 and 22, t(9;22)(q11, q34), encodes a 210 KD elevated tyrosine specific protein kinase that is found in more than 95 percent of chronic myelogenous leukemia patients (CML). Increase of level of phosphorylation of tyrosine is observed on cell cycle regulatory proteins in cells overexpressing the Bcr-Abl oncogene, which activates multiple signaling pathways. In addition, distinct signals are required for transforming susceptible fibroblast and hematopoietic cells, and the minimal signals essential for transforming hematopoietic cells are yet to be defined. In the present study, we first established a tetracycline repressible p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl}$ expression system in a murine myeloid cell line 32D c13, which depends on IL3 to grow in the presence of tetracycline and proliferate independent of IL3 in the absence of tetracycline. Interestingly, one of these sublines does not form tumors in athymic nude mice suggesting that these cells may not be completely transformed. These cells also exhibit a dose-dependent growth and expression of p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl}$ at varying concentrations of tetracycline in the culture. However, p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl}$ rescues IL3 deprivation induced apoptosis in a non-dose dependent fashion. DNA genotoxic damage induced by gamma-irradiation activates c-Abl tyrosine kinase, the cellular homologue of p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl},$ and leads to activation of p38 MAP kinase in the cells. However, in the presence of p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl}$ the irradiation failed to activate the p38 MAP kinase as examined by an antibody against phosphorylated p38 MAP kinase. Similarly, an altered tyrosine phosphorylation of the JAK1-STAT1 pathways was identified in cells constitutively overexpressing p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl}.$ This may provided a molecular mechanism for altered therapeutic response of CML patients to IFN-$\alpha.$^ Bcr-Abl oncoprotein has multiple functional domains which have been identified by the work of others. The Bcr tetramerization domain, which may function to stabilize the association of the Bcr-Abl with actin filaments in p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl}$ susceptible cells, are essential for transforming both fibroblast and hematopoietic cells. We designed a transcription unit encoding first 160 amino acids polypeptide of Bcr protein to test if this polypeptide can inhibit the transforming activity of the p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl}$ oncoprotein in the 32D c13 cells. When this vector was transfected transiently along with the p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl}$ expression vector, it can block the transforming activity of p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl}.$ On the other hand, the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor protein (Rb), a naturally occurring negative regulator of the c-Abl kinase, the cellular homologue of Bcr-Abl oncoprotein, binds to and inhibits the c-Abl kinase in a cell cycle dependent manner. A polypeptide obtained from the carboxyl terminal end of the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor protein, in which the nuclear localization signal was mutated, was used to inhibit the kinase activity of the p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl}$ in the cytoplasm. This polypeptide, called Rb MC-box, and its wild type form, Rb C-box, when overexpressed in the 32D cells are mainly localized in the cytoplasm. Cotransfection of a plasmid transcription unit coding for this polypeptide and the gene for the p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl}$ resulted in reduced plating efficiency of p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl}$ transfected IL3 independent 32D cells. Together, these results may lead to a molecular approach to therapy of CML and an in vitro assay system to identify new targets to which an inhibitory polypeptide transcription unit may be directed. ^
BACKGROUND Gamma irradiation is currently the standard care to avoid transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease. Guidelines on gamma irradiation of blood components state that platelets (PLTs) can be irradiated at any stage in their 5-day storage and can thereafter be stored up to their normal shelf life of 5 days after collection. In this study, we explored whether the timing of irradiation has an effect on transfusion efficacy of apheresis PLT concentrates (APCs). METHODS Based on the 1-hour percent PLT recovery (PPR1h), transfusion efficacy of 1,000 eligible APCs transfused to 144 children were evaluated retrospectively. PPR1h was compared in transfused APCs irradiated at the day of transfusion and APCs irradiated in advance. RESULTS In univariate analysis, transfusion efficacy of APCs irradiated in advance was significantly lower than that of APCs irradiated at the day of transfusion (mean PPR1h 27.7 vs. 35.0%; p = 0.007). This was confirmed in multivariate analysis (p = 0.030). Compared to non-irradiated APCs, transfusion efficacy of APCs irradiated at the day of transfusion was not significantly inferior (mean difference -2.8%; 95% CI -6.1 to 0.5%; p = 0.092), but APCs irradiated in advance were clearly less efficient (mean difference -8.1%; 95% CI -12.2 to -4.0%; p < 0.001). CONCLUSION Our data strongly support that APCs should not be irradiated in advance, 1.e., ≥24 h before transfusion.
The BCR-ABL fusion gene is the molecular hallmark of Philadelphia-positive leukemias. Normal Bcr is a multifunctional protein, originally localized to the cytoplasm. It has serine kinase activity and has been implicated in cellular signal transduction. Recently, it has been reported that Bcr can interact with xeroderma pigmentosum group B (XPB/ERCC3)—a nuclear protein active in UV-induced DNA repair. Two major Bcr proteins (p160 Bcr and p130Bcr) have been characterized, and our preliminary results using metabolic labeling and immunoblotting demonstrated that, while both the p160 and p130 forms of Bcr localized to the cytoplasm, the p130 form (and to a lesser extent p160) could also be found in the nucleus. Furthermore, electron microscopy confirmed the presence of Bcr in the nucleus and demonstrated that this protein associates with metaphase chromatin as well as condensed interphase heterochromatin. Since serine kinases that associate with condensed DNA are often cell cycle regulatory, these observations suggested a novel role for nuclear Bcr in cell cycle regulation and/or DNA repair. However, cell cycle synchronization analysis did not demonstrate changes in levels of Bcr throughout the cell cycle. Therefore we hypothesized that BCR serves as a DNA repair gene, and its function is altered by formation of BCR-ABL. This hypothesis was investigated using cell lines stably transfected with the BCR-ABL gene, and their parental counterparts (MBA-1 vs. M07E and Bcr-AblT1 vs. 4A2+pZAP), and several DNA repair assays: the Comet assay, a radioinimunoassay for UV-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs), and clonogenic assays. Comet assays demonstrated that, after exposure to either ultraviolet (UV)-C (0.5 to 10.0 joules m −2) or to gamma radiation (200–1000 rads) there was greater efficiency of DNA repair in the BCR-ABL-transfected cells compared to their parental controls. Furthermore, after UVC-irradiation, there was less production of CPDs, and a more rapid disappearance of these adducts in BCR-ABL-bearing cells. UV survival, as reflected by clonogenic assays, was also greater in the BCR-ABL-transfected cells. Taken together, these results indicate that, in our systems, BCR-ABL confers resistance to UVC-induced damage in cells, and increases DNA repair efficiency in response to both UVC- and gamma-irradiation. ^
The European HiPER project aims to demonstrate commercial viability of inertial fusion energy within the following two decades. This goal requires an extensive Research &Development program on materials for different applications (e.g., first wall, structural components and final optics). In this paper we will discuss our activities in the framework of HiPER to develop materials studies for the different areas of interest. The chamber first wall will have to withstand explosions of at least 100 MJ at a repetition rate of 5-10 Hz. If direct drive targets are used, a dry wall chamber operated in vacuum is preferable. In this situation the major threat for the wall stems from ions. For reasonably low chamber radius (5-10 m) new materials based on W and C are being investigated, e.g., engineered surfaces and nanostructured materials. Structural materials will be subject to high fluxes of neutrons leading to deleterious effects, such as, swelling. Low activation advanced steels as well as new nanostructured materials are being investigated. The final optics lenses will not survive the extreme ion irradiation pulses originated in the explosions. Therefore, mitigation strategies are being investigated. In addition, efforts are being carried out in understanding optimized conditions to minimize the loss of optical properties by neutron and gamma irradiation
We report here the isolation and functional analysis of the rfc3+ gene of Schizosaccharomyces pombe, which encodes the third subunit of replication factor C (RFC3). Because the rfc3+ gene was essential for growth, we isolated temperature-sensitive mutants. One of the mutants, rfc3-1, showed aberrant mitosis with fragmented or unevenly separated chromosomes at the restrictive temperature. In this mutant protein, arginine 216 was replaced by tryptophan. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis suggested that rfc3-1 cells had defects in DNA replication. rfc3-1 cells were sensitive to hydroxyurea, methanesulfonate (MMS), and gamma and UV irradiation even at the permissive temperature, and the viabilities after these treatments were decreased. Using cells synchronized in early G2 by centrifugal elutriation, we found that the replication checkpoint triggered by hydroxyurea and the DNA damage checkpoint caused by MMS and gamma irradiation were impaired in rfc3-1 cells. Association of Rfc3 and Rad17 in vivo and a significant reduction of the phosphorylated form of Chk1 in rfc3-1 cells after treatments with MMS and gamma or UV irradiation suggested that the checkpoint signal emitted by Rfc3 is linked to the downstream checkpoint machinery via Rad17 and Chk1. From these results, we conclude that rfc3+ is required not only for DNA replication but also for replication and damage checkpoint controls, probably functioning as a checkpoint sensor.
The effect of neoplastic transformation on the response to genotoxic stress is of significant clinical interest. In this study, we offer genetic evidence that the apoptotic response of neoplastically transformed cells to DNA damage requires RhoB, a member of the Rho family of actin cytoskeletal regulators. Targeted deletion of the rhoB gene did not affect cell cycle arrest in either normal or transformed cells after exposure to doxorubicin or gamma irradiation, but rendered transformed cells resistant to apoptosis. This effect was specific insofar as rhoB deletion did not affect apoptotic susceptibility to agents that do not damage DNA. However, rhoB deletion also affected apoptotic susceptibility to Taxol, an agent that disrupts microtubule dynamics. We have demonstrated that RhoB alteration mediates the proapoptotic and antineoplastic effects of farnesyltransferase inhibitors, and we show here that RhoB alteration is also crucial for farnesyltransferase inhibitors to sensitize neoplastic cells to DNA damage-induced cell death. We found RhoB to be an important determinant of long-term survival in vitro and tumor response in vivo after gamma irradiation. Our findings identify a pivotal role for RhoB in the apoptotic response of neoplastic cells to DNA damage at a novel regulatory point that may involve the actin cytoskeleton.
Apoptosis induced in myeloid leukemic cells by wild-type p53 was suppressed by different cleavage-site directed protease inhibitors, which inhibit interleukin-1 beta-converting enzyme-like, granzyme B and cathepsins B and L proteases. Apoptosis was also suppressed by the serine and cysteine protease inhibitor N-tosyl-L-phenylalanine chloromethylketone (TPCK) [corrected], but not by other serine or cysteine protease inhibitors including N alpha-p-tosyl-L-lysine chloromethylketone (TLCK), E64, pepstatin A, or chymostatin. Protease inhibitors suppressed induction of apoptosis by gamma-irradiation and cycloheximide but not by doxorubicin, vincristine, or withdrawal of interleukin 3 from interleukin 3-dependent 32D non-malignant myeloid cells. Induction of apoptosis in normal thymocytes by gamma-irradiation or dexamethasone was also suppressed by the cleavage-site directed protease inhibitors, but in contrast to the myeloid leukemic cells apoptosis in thymocytes was suppressed by TLCK but not by TPCK. The results indicate that (i) inhibitors of interleukin-1 beta-converting enzyme-like proteases and some other protease inhibitors suppressed induction of apoptosis by wild-type p53 and certain p53-independent pathways of apoptosis; (ii) the protease inhibitors together with the cytokines interleukin 6 and interferon-gamma or the antioxidant butylated hydroxyanisole gave a cooperative protection against apoptosis; (iii) these protease inhibitors did not suppress induction of apoptosis by some cytotoxic agents or by viability-factor withdrawal from 32D cells, whereas these pathways of apoptosis were suppressed by cytokines; (iv) there are cell type differences in the proteases involved in apoptosis; and (v) there are multiple pathways leading to apoptosis that can be selectively induced and suppressed by different agents.
Growth factors can enhance lymphocyte survival without committing the cell to undergo cell division.
Growth factors have been defined by their ability to promote the proliferative expansion of receptor-bearing cells. For example, antigen-activated T cells expressing the alpha beta gamma form of the interleukin 2 (IL-2) receptor will proliferate in response to IL-2. In contrast, resting T cells, which express the IL-2 receptor beta and gamma chains, do not proliferate in response to IL-2. We demonstrate that the survival of resting T cells following gamma irradiation is greatly enhanced by pretreatment with IL-2. The radioprotective effect of IL-2 is dose dependent, does not result from the induction of cell proliferation, and does not require expression of the IL-2 receptor alpha chain. Thus, the beta gamma IL-2 receptor expressed on resting T cells can transduce signals that promote cell survival without committing the T cell to undergo cell division. IL-4 and IL-7, but not IL-1, IL-3, or IL-6, were also found to enhance the survival of quiescent T cells following gamma irradiation. Thus, certain growth factor-receptor interactions can serve to maintain cell viability in a manner that is independent of their ability to initiate or maintain cell proliferation. These data may have important implications for the use of growth factors in patients being treated with radiation and/or chemotherapy.
We have attempted to model human metastatic disease by implanting human target organs into the immunodeficient C.B-17 scid/scid (severe combined immunodeficiency; SCID) mouse, creating SCID-hu mice. Preferential metastasis to implants of human fetal lung and human fetal bone marrow occurred after i.v. injection of human small cell lung cancer (SCLC) cells into SCID-hu mice; the homologous mouse organs were spared. Clinically more aggressive variant SCLC cells metastasized more efficiently to human fetal lung implants than did cells from classic SCLC. Metastasis of variant SCLC to human fetal bone marrow was enhanced in SCID-hu mice exposed to gamma-irradiation or to interleukin 1 alpha. These data indicate that the SCID-hu mice may provide a model in which to study species- and tissue-specific steps of the human metastatic process.
Apesar da industrialização no setor farmacêutico, o emprego de drogas vegetais constitui desafio atual quando considerado alternativa terapêutica para as populações de baixa renda ou aquelas que apresentam tradição no uso dessas drogas. Além disso, tendências modernas valorizam a variedade de espécies com propriedades curativas, em particular as espécies brasileiras, desafiando os pesquisadores a intensificar investigações nessa área e induzindo à população um crescente consumo. Assim, questões relacionadas à qualidade dessas drogas apresentam fundamental importância. Devido à origem, a carga microbiana detectada nas mesmas é normalmente elevada, oferecendo riscos potenciais ao usuário. Desta forma, a avaliação de sua qualidade sanitária constitui etapa obrigatória no que se refere ao aspecto de segurança ao consumidor. Além disso, a eficácia terapêutica pode igualmente ser comprometida por decomposição de componentes, decorrente da ação de microrganismos. Com o objetivo de eliminar os efeitos decorrentes da biocarga presente nas drogas vegetais, agentes descontaminantes, de natureza física ou química, têm sido empregados. A utilização de tais procedimentos de descontaminação, prevista na legislação vigente, requer estudos relacionados à estabilidade dos princípios ativos após exposição ao agente selecionado. Dentre os agentes destaca-se a irradiação gama, amplamente utilizada em função de sua aplicabilidade na ausência de água e de temperatura elevada, além de apresentar alta penetrabilidade e reduzir, com eficácia, a carga microbiana viável. Os objetivos do presente trabalho foram avaliar os efeitos de diferentes doses de radiação ionizante sobre a carga microbiana de quatro espécies de drogas vegetais: alcachofra (Cynara scolymus L.), camomila (Matricaria recutita L.), ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba L.) e guaraná (Paullinia cupana H.B.K.), bem como detectar possíveis alterações provocadas pela radiação sobre os teores de seus princípios ativos. As análises microbiológicas e químicas foram realizadas antes e após irradiação com doses médias de 5,5 kGy, 11,4 kGy e 17,8 kGy. Os resultados obtidos anteriormente à irradiação revelaram elevados níveis de contaminação: média de 4,1 x106 para microrganismos aeróbicos totais e 3,3x105 para fungos. Após descontaminação, a dose média de 11,4 kGy, reduziu a carga de microrganismos aeróbicos totais a níveis menores ou iguais a 102 em todas as drogas, com exceção da camomila proveniente do fornecedor B (3,2x104). Para os fungos, a menor dose aplicada (5,5 kGy) foi suficiente para reduzir a contagem a níveis da ordem de 10. Com relação à determinação dos marcadores nas drogas vegetais, os resultados obtidos não revelaram alterações significativas nos teores de cafeína no guaraná e de glicosídeos flavonoídicos no ginkgo. Para a camomila, as amostras antes a após irradiação, apresentaram o mesmo teor de óleo volátil bem como ausência de diferenças significativas no teor de α-bisabolol. Em contraste, observou-se redução no teor de 7-glicosil apigenina após submissão à radiação ionizante, indicando degradação decorrente do processo. Com relação à alcachofra, permanece ainda desconhecida a influência da radiação devido à ausência de metodologias adequadas para extração e determinação da cinarina.