959 resultados para Future Prospects


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In the past years, organic materials have been extensively investigated as an electronic material for organic field effect transistors (OFETs). In this paper, we briefly summarize the current status of organic field effect transistors including materials design, device physics, molecular electronics and the application of carbon nanotubes in molecular electronics. Future prospects and investigations required to improve the OFET performance are also involved.


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The present status and future prospects of functional information materials, mainly focusing on semiconductor microstructural materials, are introduced first in this paper. Then a brief discussion how to enhance the academic level and innovation capability of research and development of functional information materials in China are made. Finally the main problems concerning the studies of materials science and technology are analyzed, and possible measures for promoting its development are proposed.


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This paper is a review of research and development on semiconductor materials, which covers main scientific activities in this field. The present status acid future prospects of studies on semiconductor materials, such as silicon crystals, GaAs related III-V compound semiconductor materials and GaAs, InP and silicon based quantum well and superlattice materials, quantum wires and quantum dots materials, microcavity and photonic crystals, materials for quantum computation and wide band gap materials, are briefly discussed.


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The present status and future prospects of functional information materials, mainly focusing on semiconductor microstructural materials, are introduced first in this paper. Then a brief discussion how to enhance the academic level and innovation capability of research and development of functional information materials in China are made. Finally the main problems concerning the studies of materials science and technology are analyzed, and possible measures for promoting its development are proposed.


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Two high magnetic field hexapoles for electron cyclotron resonance ion source (ECRIS) have successfully fabricated to provide sufficient radial magnetic confinement to the ECR plasma. The highest magnetic field at the inner pole tip of one of the magnets exceeds 1.5 T, with the inner diameter (i.d.)=74 mm. The other hexapole magnet provides more than 1.35 T magnetic field at the inner pole tip, and the i.d. is 84 mm. In this article, we discuss the necessity to have a good radial magnetic field confinement and the importance of a Halbach hexapole to a high performance ECRIS. The way to design a high magnetic field Halbach structure hexapole and one possible solution to the self-demagnetization problem are both discussed. Based on the above discussions, two high magnetic field hexapoles have been fabricated to be utilized on two high performance ECRISs in Lanzhou. The preliminary results obtained from the two ECR ion sources are given


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C.R. Bull, R. Zwiggelaar and J.V. Stafford, 'Imaging as a technique for assessment and control in the field', Aspects of Applied Biology 43, 197-204 (1995)


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W nauce o stosunkach międzynarodowych porządek, czy też ład międzynarodowy, to zbiór podmiotów państwowych i niepaństwowych złączonych wzajemnymi relacjami o różnorodnym charakterze i działających według wspólnie wypracowanych lub narzuconych z zewnątrz reguł. Po zakończeniu zimnej wojny i utracie na znaczeniu ładu jałtańskiego rozgorzała dyskusja nad kształtem jaki ma przybrać ład postzimnowojenny. Z poczynionych rozważań wynika, że polityczny i gospodarczy ład międzynarodowy w najbliższych dekadach będzie wielobiegunowy. Szczególne znaczenie odgrywać w nim będą USA, Chiny , a także Unia Europejska, Japonia, Indie i Brazylia. Obecnie UE odgrywa jedną z najważniejszych ról w budowie ładu międzynarodowego. Widać to zwłaszcza pod względem gospodarczym jako że Unia UE jest obecnie największym światowym eksporterem i drugim (po USA) importerem. Wydaje się jednak, że tradycyjne opisywanie Unii Europejskiej jako przykładu obszaru sukcesu gospodarczego może w najbliższym czasie ulec zmianie. Europa w długiej perspektywie ulegnie marginalizacji jeśli nie wróci do projektów ściślejszej integracji, nie wykorzysta lepiej swojego potencjału intelektualnego i gospodarczego oraz nie przyspieszy rozwoju poprzez stawianie na nowe technologie. Dla podtrzymania swojej pozycji powinna ona aktywniej współpracować z USA, utrzymywać poprawne stosunki z krajami azjatyckimi a także zaangażować się we współpracę z organizacjami między- i pozarządowymi, które w najbliższych latach będą zyskiwać na znaczeniu


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Psicologia, ramo de Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde


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Physical oceanography is the study of physical conditions, processes and variables within the ocean, including temperature-salinity distributions, mixing of the water column, waves, tides, currents, and air-sea interaction processes. Here we provide a critical review of how satellite sensors are being used to study physical oceanography processes at the ocean surface and its borders with the atmosphere and sea-ice. The paper begins by describing the main sensor types that are used to observe the oceans (visible, thermal infrared and microwave) and the specific observations that each of these sensor types can provide. We then present a critical review of how these sensors and observations are being used to study i) ocean surface currents, ii) storm surges, iii) sea-ice, iv) atmosphere-ocean gas exchange and v) surface heat fluxes via phytoplankton. Exciting advances include the use of multiple sensors in synergy to observe temporally varying Arctic sea-ice volume, atmosphere- ocean gas fluxes, and the potential for 4 dimensional water circulation observations. For each of these applications we explain their relevance to society, review recent advances and capability, and provide a forward look at future prospects and opportunities. We then more generally discuss future opportunities for oceanography-focussed remote-sensing, which includes the unique European Union Copernicus programme, the potential of the International Space Station and commercial miniature satellites. The increasing availability of global satellite remote-sensing observations means that we are now entering an exciting period for oceanography. The easy access to these high quality data and the continued development of novel platforms is likely to drive further advances in remote sensing of the ocean and atmospheric systems.


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The secondary stars in cataclysmic variables (CVs) are key to our understanding of the origin, evolution and behaviour of this class of interacting binary. In seeking a fuller understanding of these objects, the challenge for observers is to obtain images of the secondary star. This goal can be achieved through Roche tomography, an indirect imaging technique that can be used to map the Roche-lobe-filling secondary. The review begins with a description of the basic principles that underpin Roche tomography, including methods for determining the system parameters. Finally, we conclude with a look at the main scientific highlights to date, including the first unambiguous detection of starspots on AE Aqr B, and consider the future prospects of this technique.


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