964 resultados para Fungi enzymes
Pohjoisella havumetsävyöhykkeellä typpi on usein kasvien kasvua rajoittava tekijä. Metsämaan typpivarannot koostuvat pääasiassa orgaaniseen ainekseen sitoutuneista typpiyhdisteistä, erityisesti aminohapoista. Ektomykorritsasienet osallistuvat metsämaassa tapahtuvaan typenkiertoon hajottamalla orgaanisia typpiyhdisteitä ja kuljettamalla niitä kasvien käytettäväksi. Sienisolun sisällä tapahtuvasta aminohappojen mineralisaatiosta tiedetään toistaiseksi melko vähän. Aminohappo-oksidaasit katalysoivat aminohappojen mineralisaatiota. Eräissä ektomykorritsaa muodostavien kantasienten suvuissa on osoitettu L-aminohappo-oksidaaseja (LAO). Toistaiseksi LAO-geeniä ei tunneta kantasienistä. Työssä kuvattiin ensimmäistä kertaa LAO-geeni kantasienistä. Hiekkatympösen LAO1- geenin cDNA:n 5´ ja 3´ päiden emäsjärjestykset määritettiin RACE-PCR -menetelmällä, josta saatujen sekvenssien perusteella suunniteltiin alukkeet koko geenin cDNA:n ja genomisen DNA:n monistamiseksi. Genomisen DNA ja cDNA -sekvenssien perusteella määritettiin hiekkatympösen LAO1-geenin rakenne. Hiekkatympösen LAO1-geeni koostuu viidestä eksonista ja neljästä intronista. Hiekkatympösen LAO1-geenin yläpuoliselta alueelta löydettiin typpimetabolian säätelyyn osallistuvan proteiinin sitoutumiskohta. LAO1-geeniä edeltävä geenin osittainen genominen DNA-sekvenssi määritettiin. Kangaslohisienen genomissa LAO1-geeniä edeltävä geeni oli ennustettu pyruvaattidekarboksylaasiksi. Lisäksi työssä määritettiin hiekkatympösen toisen LAOhomologin cDNA:n osittainen emäsjärjestys. Työssä tunnistettiin myös toisen kantasienen, kangaslohisienen, LAO-geeni. LAO-geeniksi tunnistettu kangaslohisienen geenimalli oli aiemmin ennustettu NCBI:n tietokannassa toiminnaltaan tuntemattomaksi proteiiniksi. Proteiinien sukupuun perusteella hiekkatympösen ja kangaslohisienen LAO:n kantamuoto on kahdentunut. Työstä saatu tutkimustulos tuo täysin uutta tietoa molekyylibiologian tasolla ektomykorritsasienten aminohappojen katabolisista reaktioista. Aminohappojen mineralisaation seurauksen muodostuneet ammoniumionit saattavat olla merkittävä typen lähde myös maan muille mikrobeille ja kasveille. On mahdollista, että ektomykorritsasienten LAO-entsyymi on yksi merkittävä tekijä metsämaan typenkierrossa.
Oral administration of pulegone (400 mg/kg) to rats once daily for five days caused significant decreases in the levels of liver microsomal cytochrome P-450 and heme. Cytochrome b5 and NAD(P)H-cytochrome c-reductase activities were not affected. Massive hepatotoxicy accompanied by an increase in serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase (SGPT) and a decrease in glucose-6-phosphatase were observed upon treatment with pulegone. A significant decrease in aminopyrine N-demethylase was also noticed after pulegone administration. Menthone or carvone (600 mg/kg), compounds related to pulegone, when administered orally did not cause any decrease in cytochrome P-450 levels. The hepatotoxic effects of pulegone were both dose and time dependent. Pretreatment of rats with phenobarbital (PB) or diethylmaleate (DEM) potentiated the hepatotoxicity caused by pulegone, whereas, pretreatment with 3-methylcholanthrene (3-MC) or piperonyl butoxide protected from it. It appears that a PB induced cytochrome P-450 catalysed reactive metabolite(s) may be responsible for the hepatotoxicity caused by pulegone.
The phosphate-inhibitable neutral protease activity of the heavy mitochondrial fraction of rat liver is of lysosomal origin. The activity is essentially due to the thiol proteinases of the lysosomes. Digitonin treatment of the mitochondrial fraction results in the release of about 85 per cent of the neutral protease activity and the residual activity has an alkaline pH optimum and is not inhibited by phosphate. Clofibrate feeding at 0.5 per cent level in the diet results in enhanced levels of lysosomal enzymes. The increase is however restricted to the lysosome-rich fraction such that the activities associated with the heavy mitochondrial fraction show a significant decrease. It is suggested that clofibrate inhibits engulfment of mitochondria by lysosomes and this results in enhanced mitochondrial protein content.
Enzymes offer many advantages in industrial processes, such as high specificity, mild treatment conditions and low energy requirements. Therefore, the industry has exploited them in many sectors including food processing. Enzymes can modify food properties by acting on small molecules or on polymers such as carbohydrates or proteins. Crosslinking enzymes such as tyrosinases and sulfhydryl oxidases catalyse the formation of novel covalent bonds between specific residues in proteins and/or peptides, thus forming or modifying the protein network of food. In this study, novel secreted fungal proteins with sequence features typical of tyrosinases and sulfhydryl oxidases were iden-tified through a genome mining study. Representatives of both of these enzyme families were selected for heterologous produc-tion in the filamentous fungus Trichoderma reesei and biochemical characterisation. Firstly, a novel family of putative tyrosinases carrying a shorter sequence than the previously characterised tyrosinases was discovered. These proteins lacked the whole linker and C-terminal domain that possibly play a role in cofactor incorporation, folding or protein activity. One of these proteins, AoCO4 from Aspergillus oryzae, was produced in T. reesei with a production level of about 1.5 g/l. The enzyme AoCO4 was correctly folded and bound the copper cofactors with a type-3 copper centre. However, the enzyme had only a low level of activity with the phenolic substrates tested. Highest activity was obtained with 4-tert-butylcatechol. Since tyrosine was not a substrate for AoCO4, the enzyme was classified as catechol oxidase. Secondly, the genome analysis for secreted proteins with sequence features typical of flavin-dependent sulfhydryl oxidases pinpointed two previously uncharacterised proteins AoSOX1 and AoSOX2 from A. oryzae. These two novel sulfhydryl oxidases were produced in T. reesei with production levels of 70 and 180 mg/l, respectively, in shake flask cultivations. AoSOX1 and AoSOX2 were FAD-dependent enzymes with a dimeric tertiary structure and they both showed activity on small sulfhydryl compounds such as glutathione and dithiothreitol, and were drastically inhibited by zinc sulphate. AoSOX2 showed good stabil-ity to thermal and chemical denaturation, being superior to AoSOX1 in this respect. Thirdly, the suitability of AoSOX1 as a possible baking improver was elucidated. The effect of AoSOX1, alone and in combi-nation with the widely used improver ascorbic acid was tested on yeasted wheat dough, both fresh and frozen, and on fresh water-flour dough. In all cases, AoSOX1 had no effect on the fermentation properties of fresh yeasted dough. AoSOX1 nega-tively affected the fermentation properties of frozen doughs and accelerated the damaging effects of the frozen storage, i.e. giving a softer dough with poorer gas retention abilities than the control. In combination with ascorbic acid, AoSOX1 gave harder doughs. In accordance, rheological studies in yeast-free dough showed that the presence of only AoSOX1 resulted in weaker and more extensible dough whereas a dough with opposite properties was obtained if ascorbic acid was also used. Doughs containing ascorbic acid and increasing amounts of AoSOX1 were harder in a dose-dependent manner. Sulfhydryl oxidase AoSOX1 had an enhancing effect on the dough hardening mechanism of ascorbic acid. This was ascribed mainly to the produc-tion of hydrogen peroxide in the SOX reaction which is able to convert the ascorbic acid to the actual improver dehydroascorbic acid. In addition, AoSOX1 could possibly oxidise the free glutathione in the dough and thus prevent the loss of dough strength caused by the spontaneous reduction of the disulfide bonds constituting the dough protein network. Sulfhydryl oxidase AoSOX1 is therefore able to enhance the action of ascorbic acid in wheat dough and could potentially be applied in wheat dough baking.
The enzymatic pathway for the synthesis of sn-glycerol 3-phosphate was investigated in developing groundnut seeds (Arachis hypogaea). Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase was not detected in this tissue but an active glycerokinase was demonstrated in the cytosolic fraction. It showed an optimum pH at 8.6 and positive cooperative interactions with both glycerol and ATP. Triosephosphate isomerase and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate phosphatase were observed mainly in the cytosolic fraction while an active glyceraldehyde reductase was found mainly in the mitochondrial and microsomal fractions. The glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate phosphatase showed specificity and positive cooperativity with respect to glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate. The glyceraldehyde reductase was active toward glucose and fructose but not toward formaldehyde and showed absolute specificity toward NADPH. It is concluded that in the developing groundnut seed, sn-glycerol 3-phosphate is synthesized essentially by the pathway dihydroxyacetone phosphate ? glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate ?Pi glyceraldehyde ?NADPH glycerol ?ATP glycerol 3-phosphate. All the enyzmes of this pathway showed activity profiles commensurate with their participation in triacylglycerol synthesis which is maximal during the period 15�35 days after fertilization. Glycerokinase appears to be the rate-limiting enzyme in this pathway.
The Scots pine bark beetle, Tomicus piniperda is a secondary colonizer of pine and other conifers. It is a native species from Europe and Asia that was recently introduced in North America. Although it is necessary to understand this insect's interactions with other organisms, few studies have focussed on its fungal associates. This study focused on the effect of latitude in the occurrence of fungi associated with T. piniperda. T. piniperda were collected from Pinus sylvestris in Northern (Rovaniemi) and Southern (Hyytiala) Finland. Both endo- and epi- mycota were isolated. The fungi were identified using a combination of morphological features and molecular data. The results revealed a great diversity of fungi species associated with T. piniperda, with a total of 3073 isolates representing 23 species. The most frequently isolated fungi in the bark beetles from Northern Finland were Beauvaria bassiana, Kuraishia sp. and Penicillium sp. whereas P. brevicompactum and Mortierella sp. were mostly observed in the South. Ophiostoma canum and O. minus were also observed. The number of isolates per insect in the north was 2.83 epi- and 2.38 for endo-mycota fungus. In the south, the number of isolates per insect was 4.1 for epi- and 3.5 for endo-mycota. Statistical analysis indicated that there was significant differences in fungal populations associated with the beetles in Southern and Northern Finland. There was however no significant difference between the epi- and endo-mycota fungal populations. The highest richness and diversity of the fungal species was observed in the South. However, the overall fungal diversity index analysis revealed that the mycobiota was undersampled.
The ability of DNA sequences to adopt unusual structures under the superhelical torsional stress has been studied. Sequences that are forced to adopt unusual conformation in topologically constrained pBR322 form V DNA (Lk=0) were mapped using restriction enzymes as probes. Restriction enzymes such as BamHI, Pstl, Aval and HindIII could not cleave their recognition sequences. The removal of topological constraint relieved this inhibition. The influence of neighbouring sequences on the ability of a given sequence to adopt unusual DNA structure, presumably left handed Z conformation, was studied through single hit analysis. Using multiple cut restriction enzymes such as Narl and Fspl, it could be shown that under identical topological strain, the extent of structural alteration is greatly influenced by the neighbouring sequences. In the light of the variety of sequences and locations that could be mapped to adopt non-6 conformation in pBR322 form V DNA, restriction enzymes appear as potential structural probes for natural DNA sequences.
An attempt has been made to forecast the potential of thermophilic fungi to grow in soil in the laboratory and in the field in the presence of a predominantly mesophilic fungal flora at usual temperature. The respiratory rate of thermophilic fungi was markedly responsive to changes in temperature, but that of mesophilic fungi was relatively independent of such changes. This suggested that in a thermally fluctuating environment, thermophilic fungi may be at a physiological disadvantage compared to mesophilic fungi. In mixed cultures in soil plates, thermophilic fungi outgrew mesophilic fungi under a fluctuating temperature regime only when the amplitude of the fluctuating temperatures was small and approached their temperature optima for growth. An antibody probe was used to detect the activity of native or an introduced strain of a thermophilic fungus, Thermomyces lanuginosus, under field conditions. The results suggest that although widespread, thermophilic fungi are ordinarily not an active component of soil microflora. Their presence in soil most likely may be the result of the aerial dissemination of propagules from composting plant material.
Oral administration (250 mg/kg) of menthofuran, a monoterpene furan, to rats once daily for 3 days caused hepatotoxicity as judged by a significant increase in serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase (SGPT) and decreases in glucose-6-phosphatase and aminopyrine N-demethylase activities. Administration of menthofuran also resulted in a decrease in the levels of liver microsomal cytochrome P-450, whereas cytochrome b(5) and NAD(P)H-cytochrome c reductase activities were not affected. These effects of menthofuran were both dose- and time-dependent. Pretreatment of rats with phenobarbital (PB) prior to menthofuran treatment potentiated hepatotoxicity suggesting that a PB-induced cytochrome P-450 catalyzed the formation of reactive metabolite(s) responsible for the hepatotoxicity.