851 resultados para Full-time Schools
El presente trabajo de investigación permitirá acercar al lector a un entendimiento más completo acerca de la oferta actual de programas MBA que existen en las principales universidades del mundo. Con un enfoque más segmentado y especializado en la Escuela de Administración de la Universidad del Rosario; se pretenderá analizar el impacto profesional que ejercen estos programas, los cuales han tomado una relevancia significante en el campo laboral de las empresas, tanto nacionales como internacionales.
La tesi presenta una descripció i reflexió històrica de les diferents iniciatives que en educació en el temps lliure s'han donat a la ciutat de Girona des de començament de segle XX fins a l'any 1981 quan té lloc el traspàs de competències en matèria de lleure i joventut a la Generalitat de Catalunya i des d'aquesta instància es realitza la primera normativa pel que fa a la constitució d'Escoles d'Educadors en el Lleure i es legisla també respecte a la formació de monitors i directors d'activitats de lleure infantil i juvenil. Les iniciatives son presentades a traves de tres grans capítols segons la instància promotora de cada activitat: L' administració (entenent per aquesta les diferents instancies de l'aparell administratiu públic a nivell municipal, provincial autonòmic o republicà i central), l'església (reduint-se en aquest cas a les iniciatives promogudes per l'església catòlica, majoritàriament a nivell diocesà, i en alguns casos a nivell parroquial) i finalment, la societat civil (entenent en aquest sector les iniciatives que han estat promogudes des del sector privat i de l'associacionisme). Des de cada un d'aquest grans sectors s'estudien les intervencions que amb una intencionalitat educativa clarament explícita s'han portat a la pràctica durant el temps lliure dels infants i joves gironins a través d'activitats i moviments coneguts com les colònies, els casals d'estiu, els campaments, l'escoltisme, etc. En cada una d'aquestes experiències analitzem les finalitats, la proposta metodològica, la formació dels responsables i els infants i joves que hi participen. A través d'aquesta recerca es pretén aportar un material que ajudi a configurar una petita part de la historia de l'educació no formal tot recuperant també un material vàlid per a la reflexió i teorització sobre l'educació en el temps lliure. Pel que fa a les iniciatives de l'administració sobresurten les obres que es promouen a nivell de l'Ajuntament de Girona: les colònies escolars municipals i les guarderies-casals municipals d'abans del franquisme, les colònies organitzades des de serveis socials durant la transició democràtica i la constitució i els primers passos de l'Àrea de Joventut. Es presenten també les iniciatives realitzades a la ciutat de Girona des d'altres instàncies: a nivell de la Diputació de Girona les colònies de la Llar Infantil a nivell provincial les colònies promogudes per la Delegación Pronvincial de Enseñanza Primaria de Gerona i pel que fa a l'administració central es presenta l'impacte de l'actuació que el moviment feixista del regim franquista va tenir a Girona a través del Frente de Juventudes, la Sección Femenina i la Organització Juvenil Espanyola. També en aquest capítol de l'administració es comenten les primeres actuacions de la Generalitat de Catalunya a Girona a partir de l'any 1981. En el capítol de l'església les obres que s'estudien són fonamentalment de caire diocesà. Hi trobem els Casals d'Estiu -obra genuïnament gironina-, l'Escoltisme Catòlic Català, la Federació de Joves Cristians i els Avantguardistes gironins, la Joventut d'Acció Catòlica, la Joventut Obrera Catòlica, el Moviment Infantil i Juvenil d'Acció Catòlica, Hora-3 i el Servei de Colònies de Vacances. Hi ha també l'estudi d'altres moviments al marge de la pastoral del bisbat. En aquest cas parlem de l'Oratori Festiu dels Salesians, la Congregació Mariana de Girona -amb els Lluïsos, els Estanislaus, eIs Montañeros de Santa Maria i l'Acolliment Centre de Joves- i els Exploradores de España de "La Salle". Tot plegat fa que la iniciativa de l'església sigui la mes àmplia i la protagonista de bona part del moviment d'educació en el lleure de la ciutat de Girona. Pel que fa a la iniciativa pròpia de la Societat Civil es molt més minsa i amb una incidència reduïda fonamentalment en dos períodes concrets: la II República i la transició i etapa democràtica. Amb tot, en el primer terç de segle trobem l'obra dels Exploradores de España, les Padrines de Girona i els Pomells de Joventut. També a finals dels anys vint cal parlar de la iniciativa de les Colònies Escolars a través del diari EI Autonomista. Durant la II Republica podem parlar Palestra i dels Minyons de Muntanya. En el trist període franquista sols cal parlar de dues iniciatives que malgrat no ser autènticament promogudes des de la societat civil, les hem presentat en aquest apartat. Es tracta dels casals de l'associació Amigos de los Niños i de les colònies del Patronato Escolar de Suburbios de Gerona. A partir de la transició democràtica neixen iniciatives esporàdiques amb voluntat de fer una tasca educativa en el temps lliure i és també en aquesta època quan s'estructura el moviment de Rialles a nivell dels Països Catalans. A través de la recerca es detecta una manca de propostes d'educació en el lleure per part de la societat civil. Sobresurt l'acció de l'església que ha sabut adaptar-se als diferents períodes socio-educatius exercint a través d'aquest àmbit diferents funcions: compensatòria, d'adoctrinament i control o de suplència. S'evidencia també com el temps lliure passa a ser considerat un àmbit plenament educatiu quan el carrer deixa de ser considerat un entorn negatiu a evitar i passa a ser entès com un espai educatiu a aprofitar. Pel que fa als participants, no es pot concretar a nivell general quina de les tres iniciatives és la mes popular o elitista. Hi ha experiències de tot tant per part de l'Administració, com de l'Església i també de la Societat Civil. Val a dir però, que les iniciatives promogudes des de l'administració municipal han estat majoritàriament properes a la població gironina més necessitada. També en aquest sentit cal ressaltar el treball realitzat des del bisbat a partir dels anys seixanta a través dels casals d'estiu i de les colònies de vacances.
The ongoing reforms, which were introduced under the Bologna Process and have already been extended outside of Europe , are a unique opportunity for reinforcing and structuring a common platform of understanding among members, based on the full time undergraduate courses in ( Urbanismo) Urban and Regional Planning. The training programs at this 1st cycle level, will obviously continue with the 2nd and 3rd cycles (Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree and PhD Degree or 3+2+3 years). The training programs at this full time 1st cycle level, can also becomes the framework of understanding for the development of research in the urban fields at national and international levels.
O presente estudo investiga os principais tipos motivacionais de valores dos alunos que freqüentam o 1° ano no IFAM – Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Amazonas - Campus Manaus Zona Leste, e a relação com o desempenho escolar dos alunos. Fundamentou-se em Schwartz (2006) e Tamayo (2007) que apresentam os tipos motivacionais de valores como valores universais e organizacionais. A pesquisa tem um enfoque exploratório-descritivo já que tem o propósito de proporcionar uma visão geral acerca de determinado fato. É considerado o primeiro estágio da pesquisa, onde se conhece o objeto de estudo tal como se apresenta, os seus significados e o contexto onde se insere. A amostra compõe-se de seis turmas das primeiras séries do curso de formação técnico-profissional representadas por setenta e cinco alunos. Os dados foram obtidos através de questionários com variáveis para análise quantitativa, que descrevem as características de uma população. Para a tabulação dos dados estatísticos foi utilizado o software ABD do Windows SPSS e a planilha do EXCEL. Verificou-se que o IFAM – Campus Manaus Zona Leste representa um lugar onde os alunos dos mais longínquos locais do Amazonas e até de alguns estados vizinhos vêm em busca de conhecimentos na área de agropecuária. Na opinião dos pesquisados o espaço físico, o horário integral, as dificuldades financeiras, a distância dos familiares interferem no processo ensino aprendizagem. Da mesma forma afirmam que os tipos motivacionais que caracterizam as suas opções, interferem no desempenho escolar.
The resilience of family farming is an important feature of the structure of the farming industry in many countries, due largely to the 'smooth' succession of farms from one generation to the next. The stability of this structure is now threatened by the widening gap between the income expected from farming when compared with non-farming occupations in an economy like Ireland, operating at almost full employment. Nominated farm heirs are increasingly unlikely to choose full-time farming as their preferred occupation. To identify the factors that affect this occupational choice, a multinomial logit model is developed and applied to Irish data to examine the farm, economic and personal characteristics that influence a nominated heir's decision to enter farming as opposed to some non-farming occupation. The results show a significant negative relationship between higher education and the choice of full-time farming as an occupation. The interdependence between education and occupational choices is further explored using a bivariate probit model. The main findings are: the occupational choice and the decision to continue with higher education are made jointly; the nominated heirs on more profitable farms are less likely to pursue tertiary education and therefore more likely to enter full-time farming. The model developed is sufficiently general for studying the phenomenon of succession on farms.
Following earlier work looking at overall career difficulties and low economic rewards faced by graduates in creative disciplines, the paper takes a closer look into the different career patterns and economic performance of “Bohemian” graduates across different creative disciplines. While it is widely acknowledged in the literature that careers in the creative field tend to be unstructured, often relying on part-time work and low wages, our knowledge of how these characteristics differ across the creative industries and occupational sectors is very limited. The paper explores the different trajectory and career patterns experienced by graduates in different creative disciplinary fields and their ability to enter creative occupations. Data from the Higher Education Statistical Agency (HESA) are presented, articulating a complex picture of the reality of finding a creative occupation for creative graduates. While students of some disciplines struggle to find full-time work in the creative economy, for others full-time occupation is the norm. Geography plays a crucial role also in offering graduates opportunities in creative occupations and higher salaries. The findings are contextualised in the New Labour cultural policy framework and conclusions are drawn on whether the creative industries policy construct has hidden a very problematic reality of winners and losers in the creative economy.
In 1594, major decisions were made by the governors of London and the country about plays and playing. We need to learn what lay behind these events, such as what led James Burbage to build his Blackfriars theater in 1596. That initial fiasco might tell us much about what lay behind Shakespeare’s decision to join the new Chamberlain’s Men in 1594 and his subsequent commitment to them as a full-time playwright. When the Globe burned down in 1613, a majority of the shareholders decided to rebuild it at great cost, but Shakespeare withdrew. The rebuilding was old-fashioned thinking, reverting to the company’s desire, asserted in 1594, to play indoors in winter, which helps to clarify their decisions and Shakespeare’s own—to write plays rather than more long poems. The few surviving papers of the Privy Council and the London mayoralty from the time suggest that one of the two new companies of 1594 preferred to play indoors during the winter instead of at their allocated open playhouses in the suburbs. They tried to renew this traditional practice, first in 1594 and again in 1596 when James Burbage built the indoor Blackfriars playhouse for them. The renewal of the Globe in 1614 was part of the same thinking, although Shakespeare evidently opted out of the decision.
NO2 measurements during 1990–2007, obtained from a zenith-sky spectrometer in the Antarctic, are analysed to determine the long-term changes in NO2. An atmospheric photochemical box model and a radiative transfer model are used to improve the accuracy of determination of the vertical columns from the slant column measurements, and to deduce the amount of NOy from NO2. We find that the NO2 and NOy columns in midsummer have large inter-annual variability superimposed on a broad maximum in 2000, with little or no overall trend over the full time period. These changes are robust to a variety of alternative settings when determining vertical columns from slant columns or determining NOy from NO2. They may signify similar changes in speed of the Brewer-Dobson circulation but with opposite sign, i.e. a broad minimum around 2000. Multiple regressions show significant correlation with solar and quasi-biennial-oscillation indices, and weak correlation with El Nino, but no significant overall trend, corresponding to an increase in Brewer-Dobson circulation of 1.4±3.5%/decade. There remains an unexplained cycle of amplitude and period at least 15% and 17 years, with minimum speed in about 2000.
European labour markets are increasingly divided between insiders in full-time permanent employment and outsiders in precarious work or unemployment. Using quantitative as well as qualitative methods, this thesis investigates the determinants and consequences of labour market policies that target these outsiders in three separate papers. The first paper looks at Active Labour Market Policies (ALMPs) that target the unemployed. It shows that left and right-wing parties choose different types of ALMPs depending on the policy and the welfare regime in which the party is located. These findings reconcile the conflicting theoretical expectations from the Power Resource approach and the insider-outsider theory. The second paper considers the regulation and protection of the temporary work sector. It solves the puzzle of temporary re-regulation in France, which contrasts with most other European countries that have deregulated temporary work. Permanent workers are adversely affected by the expansion of temporary work in France because of general skills and low wage coordination. The interests of temporary and permanent workers for re-regulation therefore overlap in France and left governments have an incentive to re-regulate the sector. The third paper then investigates what determines inequality between median and bottom income workers. It shows that non-inclusive economic coordination increases inequality in the absence of compensating institutions such as minimum wage regulation. The deregulation of temporary work as well as spending on employment incentives and rehabilitation also has adverse effects on inequality. Thus, policies that target outsiders have important economic effects on the rest of the workforce. Three broader contributions can be identified. First, welfare state policies may not always be in the interests of labour, so left parties may not always promote them. Second, the interests of insiders and outsiders are not necessarily at odds. Third, economic coordination may not be conducive to egalitarianism where it is not inclusive.
The creative industries have attracted the attention of academics and policy makers for the complexity surrounding their development, supply-chains and models of production. In particular, many have recognised the difficulty in capturing the role that digital technologies play within the creative industries. Digital technologies are embedded in the production and market structures of the creative industries and are also partially distinct and discernible from it. This paper unfolds the role played by digital technologies focusing on a key aspect of its development: human capital. Using student micro-data collected by the Higher Education Statistical Agency (HESA) in the United Kingdom, we investigate the characteristics and location determinants of digital graduates. The paper deals specifically with understanding whether digital skills in the UK are equally embedded across the creative industries, or are concentrated in other sub-sectors. Furthermore, it explores the role that these graduates play in each sub-sector and their financial rewards. Findings suggest that digital technology graduates tend to concentrate in the software and gaming sub-sector of the creative industries but also are likely to be in embedded creative jobs outside of the creative industries. Although they are more likely to be in full-time employment than part-time or self-employment, they also suffer from a higher level of unemployment.
This paper presents an analysis of ground-based Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) observations by the Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) in South America from 2001 to 2007 in comparison with the satellite AOD product of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), aboard TERRA and AQUA satellites. Data of 12 observation sites were used with primary interest in AERONET sites located in or downwind of areas with high biomass burning activity and with measurements available for the full time range. Fires cause the predominant carbonaceous aerosol emission signal during the dry season in South America and are therefore a special focus of this study. Interannual and seasonal behavior of the observed AOD at different sites were investigated, showing clear differences between purely fire and urban influenced sites. An intercomparison of AERONET and MODIS AOD annual correlations revealed that neither an interannual long-term trend may be observed nor that correlations differ significantly owing to different overpass times of TERRA and AQUA. Individual anisotropic representativity areas for each AERONET site were derived by correlating daily AOD of each site for all years with available individual MODIS AOD pixels gridded to 1 degrees x 1 degrees. Results showed that for many sites a good AOD correlation (R(2) > 0.5) persists for large, often strongly anisotropic, areas. The climatological areas of common regional aerosol regimes often extend over several hundreds of kilometers, sometimes far across national boundaries. As a practical application, these strongly inhomogeneous and anisotropic areas of influence are being implemented in the tropospheric aerosol data assimilation system of the Coupled Chemistry-Aerosol-Tracer Transport Model coupled to the Brazilian Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (CCATT-BRAMS) at the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE). This new information promises an improved exploitation of local site sampling and, thus, chemical weather forecast.
Entrepreneurs are portrayed as salient drivers of regional development and for a number of years nascent entrepreneurs have been studied in a large number of countries as part of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor project and the Panel Study of Entrepreneurial Dynamics. Scholars have devoted much effort to investigating factors that determine how individuals engage in entrepreneurial activities, with most of the discussion limited to business start-ups. However, since this type of project does not follow identical nascent entrepreneurs over time, limited knowledge exists about their development and whether they stay in this nascent phase for a long time. In practice, it is common for entrepreneurs to run a business and at the same time work in wage work, so-called combining entrepreneurs. In Sweden, almost half of all business owners combine wage work with a business. However, not all combining entrepreneurs will eventually decide to leave the wage work and invest fully in the business. Consequently, much research has focused on the first step of entering entrepreneurship full time, but less has focused on the second step, the transition from the combining phase to full-time self-employment. The aim of this thesis is therefore to contribute to the theory of entrepreneurship by gaining a deeper understanding of combining entrepreneurs and their motives and intentions. In the context of combining entrepreneurs, the theory of identity, resources and choice overload has been used to examine how entrepreneurs’ age (when starting the business), entrepreneurial tenure (the length of engagement in the side-business), hours spent (weekly involvement in the side-business), involvement in entrepreneurial teams (leading the business with one or more partners) and involvement in networks (business networks) influence their passion for engaging in entrepreneurship while sustaining wage work. Different categories of combining entrepreneurs and their intentions have also been examined. A survey was administered to 1457 entrepreneurs within the creative sector in two counties in Sweden (Gävleborgs County and Jämtlands County). Since there were no separate mailing lists to only combining entrepreneurs, the survey was sent to all entrepreneurs within the chosen industry and counties. The total response rate was 33.5 percent and of them 57.6 percent combined, yielding 262 combining entrepreneurs who answered the questionnaire. The survey was then followed up with eight focus group interviews and two single interviews to validate the answers from the questionnaire. The results indicate three types of combining entrepreneurs: nascent – with the intention to leave the combining phase for a transition into full-time self-employment, lifestyle – with the intention to stay in the combining phase, and occasional – with the intention to leave the combining phase for full-time wage work and close down the business. Transitioning fully to self-employment increases with the individual’s age. Also, a positive interactive effect exists with involvement in entrepreneurial networks. The results also indicate that the ability to work with something one is passionate about is the top motive for combining wage work with a side-business. Passion is also more likely to be the main motive behind the combining form among individuals who are older at business start-up, but passion is less likely to be the main motive behind the combining form among individuals who spend more time on the business. The longer the individual has had the side-business, the less likely passion is the main motive behind the combining form, and passion is less likely to be the main motive among those who are part of an entrepreneurial team.
The problem of semantics is inherent in any discussion of ethics. The general term "ethics" is itself commonly confused. In addition, systems of ethics must be built upon assumptions, and assumptions are necessarily subject to lengthy debate. These two problems are encountered in my investigation of the ethical practices of the modern business community and to remedy the situation I have taken two steps: the first being an attempt to clarify the meaning of terms used therein;-and the second being a clear description of the assumptions utilized to further my analysis. To satisfy those who would disagree with these assumptions, I have attempted to outline the consequences of differing premises. The first assumption in my discussion is that the capitalistic economy is powered by the motivation supplied by man's self-interest. We are conditioned to basing our courses of action upon an orientation toward gratifying this self-interest. Careers are chosen by blending aptitude, interest, and remuneration. of course, some people are less materially inclined than others, but the average member of our capitalistic society is concerned with the physical rewards derived from his employment. Status and happiness are all-important considerations in pursuing a chosen course of action, yet all too often they are measured in physical terms. The normal self-interest natural to mankind is heightened in capitalism, due to the emphasis placed upon material compensation. Our thinking becomes mechanistic as life devolves into a complex game played by the rules. We are accustomed to performing meaningless or unpleasant duties to fulfill our gratifications. Thought, consequently, interferes with the completion of our everyday routines. We learn quickly not to be outspoken, as the outspoken one threatens the security of his fellow man. The majority of the people are quite willing to accept others views on morality, and indeed this is the sensible thing to do as one does not risk his own neck. The unfortunate consequence of this situation has been the substitution of the legal and jural for the moral and ethical. Our actions are guided by legal considerations and nowhere has this been more evident than in the business community. The large legal departments of modern corporations devote full time to inspecting the legality of corporate actions. The business community has become preoccupied with the law, yet this is necessarily so. Complex, modern, capitalistic society demands an elaborate framework of rules and regulations. Without this framework it would be impossible to have an orderly economy, to say nothing of protecting the best interests of the people. However, the inherent complexities, contradictions, and sometimes unfair aspects of our legal system can tempt men to take things into their own hands. From time to time cases arise where men have broken laws while acting in good faith, and other cases where men have been extremely unethical without being illegal. Examples such as these foster the growth of cynicism, and generally create an antagonistic attitude toward the law on the part of business. My second assumption is that the public, on the whole, has adopted an apathetic attitude toward business morality. when faced with an ethical problem, far too many people choose to cynically assume that, if I don't do it someone else will. "The danger of such an assumption lies in that it eliminates many of the inhibitions that normally would preclude unethical action. The preventative factor in contemplating an unethical act not only lies in it going against the "right course of action", but also in that it would display the actor as one of the few, immoral practitioners. However, if the contemplator feels that many other people follow the same course of action, he would not feel himself to be so conspicuous. These two assumptions underly my entire discussion of modern business ethics., and in my judgment are the two most important causal factors in unethical acts perpetrated by the business community. The future elimination of these factors seems improbable, if not futile, yet there is no reason to consider things worse than they ever have been before. The heightened public interest in business morality undoubtedly lies in part in the fact that examples of corporate malpractice are of such magnitude in scope, and hence more newsworthy.
Através de pesquisa de campo, que teve como sujeitos professores da UFF, buscou-se classificar os fatores organizacionais básicos que facilitam e/ou inibem a pesquisa na Universidade, tanto gerados no âmbito interno como externo da mesma. Para levantamento de dados foram utilizados, como instrumentos, uma entrevista semi-estruturada, feita com docentes-pesquisadores e administradores de pesquisa, e um questionário fechado aplicado tanto aos docentes-pesquisadores e administradores de pesquisa, e um questináriofechado aplicado tanto aos docentes-pesquisadores e administradores de pesquisa, quanto aos demais docentes. Da análise dos resultados conclui-se como forças positivas para os desafios da pesquisa: a ampliação do percentual de professores em DE e a existência de programas de bolsa de indiciação científica. Como fatores negativos: a falta de recursos internos e a pouca valorização da pesquisa como fonte geradora de novos conhecimentos e práticas, levantados pelos professores que participaram da amostra.
In 1980, housing prices in the main US cities rose with distance to the city center. By 2010, that relationship had reversed. We propose that this development can be traced to greater labor supply of high-income households through reduced tolerance for commuting. In a tract-level data set covering the 27 largest US cities, years 1980-2010, we employ a city-level Bartik demand shifter for skilled labor and find support for our hypothesis: full-time skilled workers favor proximity to the city center and their increased presence can account for the observed price changes, notably the rising price premium commanded by centrality.