978 resultados para Full-length Receptor


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Over the last decade a significant number of studies have highlighted the central role of host antimicrobial (or defence) peptides in modulating the response of innate immune cells to pathogen-associated ligands. In humans, the most widely studied antimicrobial peptide is LL-37, a 37-residue peptide containing an amphipathic helix that is released via proteolytic cleavage of the precursor protein CAP18. Owing to its ability to protect against lethal endotoxaemia and clinically-relevant bacterial infections, LL-37 and its derivatives are seen as attractive candidates for anti-sepsis therapies. We have identified a novel family of molecules secreted by parasitic helminths (helminth defence molecules; HDMs) that exhibit similar biochemical and functional characteristics to human defence peptides, particularly CAP18. The HDM secreted by Fasciola hepatica (FhHDM-1) adopts a predominantly alpha-helical structure in solution. Processing of FhHDM-1 by F. hepatica cathepsin L1 releases a 34-residue C-terminal fragment containing a conserved amphipathic helix. This is analogous to the proteolytic processing of CAP18 to release LL-37, which modulates innate cell activation by classical toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS). We show that full-length recombinant FhHDM-1 and a peptide analogue of the amphipathic C-terminus bind directly to LPS in a concentration-dependent manner, reducing its interaction with both LPS-binding protein (LBP) and the surface of macrophages. Furthermore, FhHDM-1 and the amphipathic C-terminal peptide protect mice against LPS-induced inflammation by significantly reducing the release of inflammatory mediators from macrophages. We propose that HDMs, by mimicking the function of host defence peptides, represent a novel family of innate cell modulators with therapeutic potential in anti-sepsis treatments and prevention of inflammation.


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G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) constitute one of the largest groupings of eukaryotic proteins, and represent a particularly lucrative set of pharmaceutical targets. They play an important role in eukaryotic signal transduction and physiology, mediating cellular responses to a diverse range of extracellular stimuli. The phylum Platyhelminthes is of considerable medical and biological importance, housing major pathogens as well as established model organisms. The recent availability of genomic data for the human blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni and the model planarian Schmidtea mediterranea paves the way for the first comprehensive effort to identify and analyze GPCRs in this important phylum.


Application of a novel transmembrane-oriented approach to receptor mining led to the discovery of 117 S. mansoni GPCRs, representing all of the major families; 105 Rhodopsin, 2 Glutamate, 3 Adhesion, 2 Secretin and 5 Frizzled. Similarly, 418 Rhodopsin, 9 Glutamate, 21 Adhesion, 1 Secretin and 11 Frizzled S. mediterranea receptors were identified. Among these, we report the identification of novel receptor groupings, including a large and highly-diverged Platyhelminth-specific Rhodopsin subfamily, a planarian-specific Adhesion-like family, and atypical Glutamate-like receptors. Phylogenetic analysis was carried out following extensive gene curation. Support vector machines (SVMs) were trained and used for ligand-based classification of full-length Rhodopsin GPCRs, complementing phylogenetic and homology-based classification.


Genome-wide investigation of GPCRs in two platyhelminth genomes reveals an extensive and complex receptor signaling repertoire with many unique features. This work provides important sequence and functional leads for understanding basic flatworm receptor biology, and sheds light on a lucrative set of anthelmintic drug targets.


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Deregulated NOTCH1 has been reported in lymphoid leukaemia, although its role in chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) is not well established. We previously reported BCR-ABL down-regulation of a novel haematopoietic regulator, CCN3, in CML; CCN3 is a non-canonical NOTCH1 ligand. This study characterizes the NOTCH1–CCN3 signalling axis in CML. In K562 cells, BCR-ABL silencing reduced full-length NOTCH1 (NOTCH1-FL) and inhibited the cleavage of NOTCH1 intracellular domain (NOTCH1-ICD), resulting in decreased expression of the NOTCH1 targets c-MYC and HES1. K562 cells stably overexpressing CCN3 (K562/CCN3) or treated with recombinant CCN3 (rCCN3) showed a significant reduction in NOTCH1 signalling (> 50% reduction in NOTCH1-ICD, p < 0.05). Gamma secretase inhibitor (GSI), which blocks NOTCH1 signalling, reduced K562/CCN3 colony formation but increased that of K562/control cells. GSI combined with either rCCN3 or imatinib reduced K562 colony formation with enhanced reduction of NOTCH1 signalling observed with combination treatments. We demonstrate an oncogenic role for NOTCH1 in CML and suggest that BCR-ABL disruption of NOTCH1–CCN3 signalling contributes to the pathogenesis of CML.


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas (Neurociências), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2015


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Tese de doutoramento, Medicina (Neurologia), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2015


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Tese de mestrado, Neurociências, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2016


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In vertebrates, signaling by retinoic acid (RA) is known to play an important role in embryonic development, as well as organ homeostasis in the adult. In organisms such as adult axolotls and newts, RA is also important for regeneration of the CNS, limb, tail, and many other organ systems. RA mediates many of its effects in development and regeneration through nuclear receptors, known as retinoic acid receptors (RARs) and retinoid X receptors (RXRs). This study provides evidence for an important role of the RA receptor, RAR~2, in ,( '. regeneration ofthe spinal cord and tail of the adult newt. It has previously been proposed that the ability of the nervous system to regenerate might depend on the presence or absence of this RAR~2 isoform. Here, I show for the very first time, that the regenerating spinal cord of the adult newt expresses this ~2 receptor isoform, and inhibition of retinoid signaling through this specific receptor with a selective antagonist inhibits tail and spinal cord regeneration. This provides the first evidence for a role of this receptor in this process. Another species capable of CNS ~~generation in the adult is the invertebrate, " Lymnaea stagnalis. Although RA has been detected in a small number of invertebrates (including Lymnaea), the existence and functional roles of the retinoid receptors in most invertebrate non-chordates, have not been previously studied. It has been widely believed, however, that invertebrate non-chordates only possess the RXR class of retinoid receptors, but not the RARs. In this study, a full-length RXR cDNA has been cloned, which was the first retinoid receptor to be discovered in Lymnaea. I then went on to clone the very first full-length RAR eDNA from any non-chordate, invertebrate species. The functional role of these receptors was examined, and it was shown that normal molluscan development was altered, to varying degrees, by the presence of various RXR and RAR agonists or antagonists. The resulting disruptions in embryogenesis ranged from eye and shell defects, to complete lysis of the early embryo. These studies strongly suggest an important role for both the RXR and RAR in non-chordate development. The molluscan RXR and RAR were also shown to be expressed in the adult, nonregenerating eNS, as well as in individual motor neurons regenerating in culture. More specifically, their expression displayed a non-nuclear distfibution, suggesting a possible non-genomic role for these 'nuclear' receptors. It was shown that immunoreactivity for the RXR was present in almost all regenerating growth cones, and (together with N. Farrar) it was shown that this RXR played a novel, non-genomic role in mediating growth cone turning toward retinoic acid. Immunoreactivity for the novel invertebrate RAR was also found in the regenerating growth cones, but future work will be required to determine its functional role in nerve cell regeneration. Taken together, these data provide evidence for the importance of these novel '. retinoid receptors in development and regeneration, particularly in the adult nervous system, and the conservation of their effects in mediating RA signaling from invertebrates to vertebrates.


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Trois protéines de la famille TRIM (Motif TRIpartite), TIF1α, β (Transcriptional Intermediary Factor 1) et PML (ProMyelocytic Leukaemia¬), font l’objet de cette étude. TIF1α est connu comme un coactivateur des récepteurs nucléaires et TIF1β comme le corépresseur universel des protéines KRAB-multidoigt de zinc dont le prototype étudié ici est ZNF74. PML possède divers rôles dont le plus caractérisé est celui d’être l’organisateur principal et essentiel des PML-NBs (PML-Nuclear Bodies), des macrostructures nucléaires très dynamiques regroupant et coordonnant plus de 40 protéines. Il est à noter que la fonction de TIF1α, β et PML est régulée par une modification post-traductionnelle, la sumoylation, qui implique le couplage covalent de la petite protéine SUMO (Small Ubiquitin like MOdifier) à des lysines de ces trois protéines cibles. Cette thèse propose de développer des méthodes utilisant le BRET (Bioluminescence Resonance Energy Transfert) afin de détecter dans des cellules vivantes et en temps réel des interactions non-covalentes de protéines nucléaires mais aussi leur couplage covalent à SUMO. En effet, le BRET n’a jamais été exploré jusqu’alors pour étudier les interactions non-covalentes et covalentes de protéines nucléaires. L’étude de l’interaction de protéines transcriptionnellement actives est parfois difficile par des méthodes classiques du fait de leur grande propension à agréger (famille TRIM) ou de leur association à la matrice nucléaire (ZNF74). L’homo et l’hétérodimérisation de TIF1α, β ainsi que leur interaction avec ZNF74 sont ici testées sur des protéines entières dans des cellules vivantes de mammifères répondant aux résultats conflictuels de la littérature et démontrant que le BRET peut être avantageusement utilisé comme alternative aux essais plus classiques basés sur la transcription. Du fait de l’hétérodimérisation confirmée de TIF1α et β, le premier article présenté ouvre la possibilité d’une relation étroite entre les récepteurs nucléaires et les protéines KRAB- multidoigt de zinc. Des études précédentes ont démontré que la sumoylation de PML est impliquée dans sa dégradation induite par l’As2O3 et dépendante de RNF4, une E3 ubiquitine ligase ayant pour substrat des chaînes de SUMO (polySUMO). Dans le second article, grâce au développement d’une nouvelle application du BRET pour la détection d’interactions covalentes et non-covalentes avec SUMO (BRETSUMO), nous établissons un nouveau lien entre la sumoylation de PML et sa dégradation. Nous confirmons que le recrutement de RNF4 dépend de SUMO mais démontrons également l’implication du SBD (Sumo Binding Domain) de PML dans sa dégradation induite par l’As2O3 et/ou RNF4. De plus, nous démontrons que des sérines, au sein du SBD de PML, qui sont connues comme des cibles de phosphorylation par la voie de la kinase CK2, régulent les interactions non-covalentes de ce SBD mettant en évidence, pour la première fois, que les interactions avec un SBD peuvent dépendre d’un évènement de phosphorylation (“SBD phospho-switch”). Nos résultats nous amènent à proposer l’hypothèse que le recrutement de PML sumoylé au niveau des PML-NBs via son SBD, favorise le recrutement d’une autre activité E3 ubiquitine ligase, outre celle de RNF4, PML étant lui-même un potentiel candidat. Ceci suggère l’existence d’une nouvelle relation dynamique entre phosphorylation, sumoylation et ubiquitination de PML. Finalement, il est suggéré que PML est dégradé par deux voies différentes dépendantes de l’ubiquitine et du protéasome; la voie de CK2 et la voie de RNF4. Enfin une étude sur la sumoylation de TIF1β est également présentée en annexe. Cette étude caractérise les 6 lysines cibles de SUMO sur TIF1β et démontre que la sumoylation est nécessaire à l’activité répressive de TIF1β mais n’est pas impliquée dans son homodimérisation ou son interaction avec la boîte KRAB. La sumoylation est cependant nécessaire au recrutement d’histones déacétylases, dépendante de son homodimérisation et de l’intégrité du domaine PHD. Alors que l’on ne connaît pas de régulateur physiologique de la sumoylation outre les enzymes directement impliquées dans la machinerie de sumoylation, nous mettons en évidence que la sumoylation de TIF1β est positivement régulée par son interaction avec le domaine KRAB et suggérons que ces facteurs transcriptionnels recrutent TIF1β à l’ADN au niveau de promoteur et augmentent son activité répressive en favorisant sa sumoylation.


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There are a number of genes involved in the regulation of functional process in marine bivalves. In the case of pearl oyster, some of these genes have major role in the immune/defence function and biomineralization process involved in the pearl formation in them. As secondary filter feeders, pearl oysters are exposed to various kinds of stressors like bacteria, viruses, pesticides, industrial wastes, toxic metals and petroleum derivatives, making susceptible to diseases. Environmental changes and ambient stress also affect non-specific immunity, making the organisms vulnerable to infections. These stressors can trigger various cellular responses in the animals in their efforts to counteract the ill effects of the stress on them. These include the expression of defence related genes which encode factors such as antioxidant genes, pattern recognition receptor proteins etc. One of the strategies to combat these problems is to get insight into the disease resistance genes, and use them for disease control and health management. Similarly, although it is known that formation of pearl in molluscs is mediated by specialized proteins which are in turn regulated by specific genes encoding them, there is a paucity of sufficient information on these genes.In view of the above facts, studies on the defence related and pearl forming genes of the pearl oyster assumes importance from the point of view of both sustainable fishery management and aquaculture. At present, there is total lack of sufficient knowledge on the functional genes and their expressions in the Indian pearl oyster Pinctada fucata. Hence this work was taken up to identify and characterize the defence related and pearl forming genes, and study their expression through molecular means, in the Indian pearl oyster Pinctada fucata which are economically important for aquaculture at the southeast coast of India. The present study has successfully carried out the molecular identification, characterization and expression analysis of defence related antioxidant enzyme genes and pattern recognition proteins genes which play vital role in the defence against biotic and abiotic stressors. Antioxidant enzyme genes viz., Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (Cu/Zn SOD), glutathione peroxidise (GPX) and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) were studied. Concerted approaches using the various molecular tools like polymerase chain reaction (PCR), random amplification of cDNA ends (RACE), molecular cloning and sequencing have resulted in the identification and characterization of full length sequences (924 bp) of the Cu/Zn SOD, most important antioxidant enzyme gene. BLAST search in NCBI confirmed the identity of the gene as Cu/Zn SOD. The presence of the characteristic amino acid sequences such as copper/zinc binding residues, family signature sequences and signal peptides were found out. Multiple sequence alignment comparison and phylogenetic analysis of the nucleotide and amino acid sequences using bioinformatics tools like BioEdit,MEGA etc revealed that the sequences were found to contain regions of diversity as well as homogeneity. Close evolutionary relationship between P. fucata and other aquatic invertebrates was revealed from the phylogenetic tree constructed using SOD amino acid sequence of P. fucata and other invertebrates as well as vertebrates


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Der Janus Kinase / signal transducer and activator of transcription (JAK/STAT) Signal- transduktionsweg wird für viele Entwicklungsvorgänge benötigt und spielt eine zentrale Rolle bei der Hämatopoese und bei der Immunantwort. Obwohl der JAK/STAT-Signalweg in den vergangenen Jahren Gegenstand intensiver Forschung war, erschwert die Redundanz des Signalwegs bei Wirbeltieren genetische Untersuchungen zur Identifizierung derjenigen Mechanismen, die den JAK/STAT-Signalweg regulieren. Der JAK/STAT-Signaltransduktionsweg ist evolutionär konserviert und ebenfalls bei der Taufliege Drosophila melanogaster vorhanden. Im Gegensatz zu Wirbeltieren ist der Signaltransduktionsweg von Drosophila weniger redundant und beinhaltet folgende Hauptkomponenten: den Liganden Unpaired (Upd), den Transmembranrezeptor Domeless (Dome), die einzige JAK-Tyrosinkinase Hopscotch (hop), sowie den Transkriptionsfaktor STAT92E. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Rolle des JAK/STAT-Signalwegs bei der zellulären Proliferation mithilfe der Modellsysteme der Flügel- und der Augen-Imaginalscheiben von Drosophila charakterisiert. "Loss-of-function"- und "Gain-of-function"-Experimente zur Verminderung beziehungs-weise Erhöhung der Signalaktivität zeigten, dass der JAK/STAT-Signalweg eine Rolle bei der zellulären Proliferation der Flügel-Imaginalscheiben spielte, ohne die Zellgröße oder Apoptose zu verändern. Bei der Flügelentwicklung während des zweiten und des frühen dritten Larvalstadiums war die Aktivität des JAK/STAT-Signalwegs sowohl notwendig für die zelluläre Proliferation als auch hinreichend, um Überproliferation anzutreiben. Allerdings änderte sich während der späten dritten Larvalstadien die JAK/STAT-Signalaktivität, sodass endogene STAT92E-Mengen einen anti-proliferativen Effekt im gleichen Gewebe aufwiesen. Weiterhin reichte die ektopische Aktivierung des JAK/STAT-Signalwegs zu diesem späten Entwicklungszeitpunkt aus, um die Mitose zu inhibieren und die Zellen in der Phase G2 des Zellzyklus zu arretieren. Diese Ergebnisse legen den Schluss nahe, dass der JAK/STAT-Signalweg sowohl pro-proliferativ in frühen Flügelscheiben als auch anti-proliferativ zu späten Stadien der Flügelscheiben-Entwicklung wirken kann. Dieser späte anti-proliferative Effekt wurde durch einen nicht-kanonischen Mechanismus der STAT92E-Aktivierung vermittelt, da späte hop defiziente Zellverbände im Vergleich zu Wildtyp-Zellen keine Veränderungen im Ausmaß der zellulären Proliferation aufwiesen. Ferner konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine während der Larvalstadien exprimierte dominant-negative und im N-Terminus deletierte Form von STAT92E (?NSTAT92E) nicht für den anti-proliferativen Effekt verantwortlich ist. Diese Tatsache ist ein weiteres Indiz dafür, dass das vollständige STAT92E den späten anti-proliferativen Effekt verursacht. Um Modulatoren für die von JAK/STAT vermittelte zelluläre Proliferation zu identifieren, wurde ein P-Element-basierter genetischer Interaktions-Screen in einem sensibilisierten genetischen Hintergrund durchgeführt. Insgesamt wurden dazu 2267 unabhängige P-Element-Insertionen auf ihre Wechselwirkung mit der JAK/STAT-Signalaktivität untersucht und 24 interagierende Loci identifiziert. Diese Kandidaten können in folgende Gruppen eingeordnet werden: Zellzyklusproteine, Transkriptionsfaktoren, DNA und RNA bindende Proteine, ein Mikro-RNA-Gen, Komponenten anderer Signaltransduktionswege und Zelladhäsionsproteine. In den meisten Fällen wurden mehrere Allele der interagierenden Kandidatengene getestet. 18 Kandidatengene mit übereinstimmend interagierenden Allelen wurden dann zur weiteren Analyse ausgewählt. Von diesen 18 Kandidaten-Loci wurden 7 mögliche JAK/STAT-Signalwegskomponenten und 6 neue Zielgene des Signalwegs gefunden. Zusammenfassend wurde das Verständnis um STAT92E verbessert. Dieses Protein hat die gleiche Funktion wie das STAT3-Protein der Wirbeltiere und treibt die zelluläre Proliferation voran. Analog zu STAT1 hat STAT92E aber auch einen anti-proliferativen Effekt. Ferner wurden 24 mögliche Modulatoren der JAK/STAT-Signalaktivität identifiziert. Die Charakterisierung dieser Wechselwirkungen eröffnet vielversprechende Wege zu dem Verständnis, wie JAK/STAT die zelluläre Proliferation reguliert und könnte bei der Entwicklung von neuartigen therapeutischen Targets zur Behandlung von Krebskrankheiten und Entwicklungsstörungen beitragen.


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Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus (SCoV) spike (S) protein is the major surface antigen of the virus and is responsible for receptor binding and the generation of neutralizing antibody. To investigate SCoV S protein, full-length and individual domains of S protein were expressed on the surface of insect cells and were characterized for cleavability and reactivity with serum samples obtained from patients during the convalescent phase of SARS. S protein could be cleaved by exogenous trypsin but not by coexpressed furin, suggesting that the protein is not normally processed during infection. Reactivity was evident by both flow cytometry and Western blot assays, but the pattern of reactivity varied according to assay and sequence of the antigen. The antibody response to SCoV S protein involves antibodies to both linear and conformational epitopes, with linear epitopes associated with the carboxyl domain and conformational epitopes associated with the amino terminal domain. Recombinant SCoV S protein appears to be a suitable antigen for the development of an efficient and sensitive diagnostic test for SARS, but our data suggest that assay format and choice of S antigen are important considerations.


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Intercellular cell adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) is a cell-surface glycoprotein capable of eliciting bidirectional signals that activate signalling pathways in leukocytes, endothelial, and smooth muscle cells. Gene transfer of xenogeneic ICAM-1 into EL-4 lymphomas causes complete tumor rejection; however, it is unknown whether the mechanism responsible involves the "foreignness" of the ICAM-1 transgene, bidirectional signalling events, ICAM-1-receptor interaction, or a combination of the latter. To begin to address this question, we constructed four different therapeutic expression vectors encoding full-length ICAM-1, and forms in which the N-terminal ligand-binding domains and cytoplasmic tail had been deleted. Mouse EL-4 tumors (0.5 cm in diameter), which actively suppress the immune response, were significantly inhibited in their growth following injection of expression plasmids encoding either full-length xenogenic (human) ICAM-1, or a functional cytoplasmic domain-deficient form that retains ligand-binding activity. Efficacy of ICAM-1-mediated antitumor immunity was significantly augmented by administration of the antivascular drug 5,6-dimethylxanthenone-4-acetic acid (DMXAA), which suppressed blood supply to the tumor, leading to enhanced leukocyte infiltration, and complete tumor eradication in a gene dosage and CD8(+) T cell and NK cell-dependent fashion. Generation of potent cytotoxic T cell (CTL)-mediated antitumor immunity was reflected by ICAM-1-facilitated apoptosis of tumor cells in situ. In contrast, nonfunctional ICAM-1 lacking the N-terminal ligand-binding Ig domain failed to generate antitumor immunity, even in the presence of DMXAA. These studies demonstrate that ICAM-1-stimulated antitumor immunity can overcome tumor-mediated immunosuppression, particularly when employed in combination with an attack on the tumor vasculature. The ligand-binding domain of ICAM-1 is essential for generating antitumor immunity, whereas the cytoplasmic domain and bidirectional activation of tumor signalling pathways are not essential.


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Proteins containing the classical nuclear localization sequences (NLSs) are imported into the nucleus by the importin-α/β heterodimer. Importin-α contains the NLS binding site, whereas importin-β mediates the translocation through the nuclear pore. We characterized the interactions involving importin-α during nuclear import using a combination of biophysical techniques (biosensor, crystallography, sedimentation equilibrium, electrophoresis, and circular dichroism). Importin-α is shown to exist in a monomeric autoinhibited state (association with NLSs undetectable by biosensor). Association with importin-β (stoichiometry, 1:1; K D = 1.1 × 10 -8 M) increases the affinity for NLSs; the importin-α/β complex binds representative monopartite NLS (simian virus 40 large T-antigen) and bipartite NLS (nucleoplasmin) with affinities (K D = 3.5 × 10 -8 M and 4.8 × 10 -8 M, respectively) comparable with those of a truncated importin-α lacking the autoinhibitory domain (T-antigen NLS, K D = 1.7 × 10 -8 M; nucleoplasmin NLS, K D = 1.4 × 10 -8 M). The autoinhibitory domain (as a separate peptide) binds the truncated importin-α, and the crystal structure of the complex resembles the structure of full-length importin-α. Our results support the model of regulation of nuclear import mediated by the intrasteric autoregulatory sequence of importin-α and provide a quantitative description of the binding and regulatory steps during nuclear import.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate differences between abstracts of posters presented at the 79th (2002) and 80th (2003) Annual Session & Exhibition of the American Dental Education Association (ADEA) and the published full-length articles resulting from the same studies. The abstracts for poster presentation sessions were downloaded, and basic characteristics of the abstracts and their authors were determined. A PubMed search was then performed to identify the publication of full-length articles based on those abstracts in a peer-reviewed journal. The differences between the abstract and the article were examined and categorized as major and minor differences. Differences identified included authorship, title, materials and methods, results, conclusions, and funding. Data were analyzed with both descriptive and analytic statistics. Overall, 89 percent of the abstracts had at least one variation from its corresponding article, and 65 percent and 76 percent of the abstracts had at least one major and minor variation, respectively, from its corresponding article. The most prevalent major variation was in study results, and the most prevalent minor variation was change in the number of authors. The discussion speculates on some possible reasons for these differences.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)