374 resultados para Frustration


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In line with the claim that regret plays a role in decision making, O’Connor, McCormack, and Feeney (2014) found that children who reported feeling sadder on discovering they had made a non-optimal choice were more likely to make a different choice next time round. We examined two issues of interpretation regarding this finding: whether the emotion measured was indeed regret, and whether it was the experience of this emotion rather than the ability to anticipate it that impacted on decision making. To address the first issue, we varied the degree to which children aged 6-7 were responsible for an outcome, assuming that responsibility is a necessary condition for regret. The second was addressed by examining whether children could accurately anticipate that they would feel worse on discovering they had made a non-optimal choice. Children were more likely to feel sad if they were responsible for the outcome; however even if they were not responsible, children were more likely than chance to report feeling sadder. Moreover, across all conditions feeling sadder was associated with making a better subsequent choice. In a separate task, we demonstrated that children of this age cannot accurately anticipate feeling sadder on discovering that they had not made the best choice. These findings suggest that although children may feel regret following a non-optimal choice, even if they were not responsible for an outcome they may experience another negative emotion such as frustration. Experiencing either of these emotions seems to be sufficient to support better decision making.


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The crisis in Ukraine has three separate but closely linked causes, which must be understood before any long-term solution is found. The three causes are unstable post-Soviet borders, Ukrainian difficulties in state- and nation- building, and Russia’s frustration with the post-Cold War status quo, believes Dr Alexander Titov, who insists that the search for a new international system is taking shape through this current crisis in Europe


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A problemática que constitui o ponto de partida do presente estudo evidencia a importância de se conhecer e compreender a forma como se processa a inserção profissional dos recém-diplomados em Ensino Básico - 1º Ciclo. De entre distintas ópticas possíveis, considerou-se importante assumir, como elemento estratégico deste processo, e na linha do pensamento de M. Alves (2001), o entendimento de que o processo de inserção profissional assume um carácter dinâmico, que envolve três actores fundamentais: os diplomados, os empregadores e os estabelecimentos de ensino superior. É tendo como base de trabalho esta perspectiva (conceito de inserção profissional articulado com o paradigma da aprendizagem ao longo da vida) que se edifica o presente estudo, estruturando-se em quatro partes. A primeira delas visa, embora não de forma exclusiva, a explanação dos principais referenciais teóricos relativos à temática em questão; a segunda parte explicita as opções metodológicas adoptadas; a terceira debruça-se sobre a análise e interpretação dos resultados e a quarta remete para algumas conclusões que emergiram de todo o processo de investigação empreendido. Procurando desenvolver-se uma investigação descritiva assente numa metodologia integrada e complementar com abordagens qualitativas e quantitativas, a recolha de dados incide num questionário e numa entrevista, tendo-se sempre em consideração os objectivos subjacentes ao estudo e optando-se, para tal, como sujeitos, pelos licenciados em Ensino Básico - 1.° Ciclo que realizaram a sua formação nas instituições formadoras do Alentejo (Escolas Superiores de Beja e Portalegre e Universidade de Évora), no período compreendido entre 2001 e 2003. As trajectórias profissionais destes licenciados ficam marcadas por sentimentos de ilusão, incerteza e indignação, mas também por um forte sentimento de frustração. Não foi pacífico, para muitos deles, aceitar que a realização do curso não lhes conferiu o acesso ao emprego esperado. A sua maioria encontrava-se integrada em sectores profissionais que não estavam directamente relacionados com o curso ou, então, permaneciam desempregados. A esperança de virem a exercer a profissão docente parecia ser cada vez mais ténue. /***Abstract - The problem that constitutes the start of the present study emphasizes the importance of knowing and understanding the way it proceeds the professional insertion of the new graduates of the Ensino Básico — V Ciclo (primary school).Between several visions, it has been important, as a strategic element of this process and following the line of M. Alves (2001), the understanding that the professional insertion assumes a dynamic character, that envolves three fundamental elements: the graduates, the employers and. the universities. This study, structured in four parts, is based in the concept that links profession insertion with life long learning. The purpose of the first part is to expose, not in an exclusive way, the several theories connected with the theme in question the second part explains the methodology used; the third consists of the analysis and interpretation of the results and the fourth and. last one, exposes some conclusions that carne out of the investigation process. It has been tried in this study to develop a descriptive investigation, based on an integrated and complementary methodology that includes a qualitative and quantitative analysis. Therefore, the gathering of data is based on a questionnaire and an interview. Always considering the underlying objectives of the study, we have chosen, as subjects, the graduates in Ensino Básico - 1º Ciclo that performed their formation in the institutes of Alentejo (Escola Superior de Educação de Beja, Escola Superior de Educação de Portalegre e Universidade de Évora), in the period between 2001 and. 2003. The professional trajectory of these graduates is full of uncertainty, indignation and also full of strong feelings of frustration. It was not easy for many of them to accept that the course they have completed doesn't open the doors for the job they've dreamed of and expected. The majority was integrated in professional areas not directly connected with their course or then remained unemployed. The hope of becoming teachers was turning more and more tenuous.


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A investigação tem demonstrado que os enfermeiros tendem a interagir menos e a centrarem-se mais em cuidados físicos na prestação de cuidados a idosos dependentes, confusos e/ou desorientados. Contudo a literatura em enfermagem demonstra que a interacção social com pacientes dependentes é importante, pois permite melhoria da sua situação clínica e melhor reintegração. Este estudo exploratório procura contribuir para compreender melhor como se pode promover a qualidade dos cuidados de enfermagem a idosos dependentes em três contextos: hospital, cuidados continuados e em centro de saúde (domiciliares). Procura-se contribuir para a sensibilização e formação de enfermeiros na prestação de cuidados de qualidade a idosos dependentes e melhor definir cuidados relacionais a estas pessoas. Especificamente este estudo procura: i) identificar os cuidados de enfermagem a prestar aos pacientes idosos dependentes; ii) aprofundar o conhecimento sobre as dificuldades/obstáculos (emocionais, institucionais, relacionais, …) dos enfermeiros na promoção de uma relação de cuidados mais expressivos a idosos dependentes; iii) identificar factores que facilitam e dificultam a prestação de cuidados mais relacionais; iv) identificar modos de fomentar, sensibilizar e motivar os enfermeiros para a prestação de cuidados a pessoas idosas dependentes. A metodologia adoptada neste estudo é o PhotoVoice, aplicado a 3 grupos de enfermeiros que prestam cuidados a idosos dependentes em 3 contextos: hospital; comunidade (centro de saúde); cuidados continuados. Assim, abrangem-se os três principais contextos em que o idoso dependente pode estar inserido e o enfermeiro presta cuidados. A amostra envolve 12 enfermeiros (3 de contexto hospitalar, 3 de cuidados continuados e 6 de centro de saúde), com idades entre os 22 e 43 anos, 10 do sexo feminino. Os principais resultados sugerem que a promoção dos cuidados de enfermagem a pessoas idosas dependentes envolve: i) trabalho e decisão em equipa multidisciplinar; ii) mais recursos materiais e humanos; iii) melhores condições físicas e formação adequada. Paralelamente, o principal obstáculo à prestação de cuidados de enfermagem de qualidade nos três contextos centra-se na escassez de recursos e na desorganização, que se traduzem em falta de tempo, desordem e frustração. Além disso, os participantes salientam a importância do envolvimento da família, considerada parte da unidade de cuidado.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Departamento de Antropologia, Programa de Pós-graduação em Antropologia Social, 2015.


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Relatório da Prática Profissional Supervisionada Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Gestão Estratégica das Relações Públicas.


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Bakgrunden till avhandlingen är att andelen äldre ökar i Finland, vilket medför ett behov av nya ekonomiska lösningar samtidigt som vårdkvaliteten tryggas. Närståendevård är en för samhället förmånlig vårdform som möjliggör att äldre får bo hemma längre samtidigt som institutionsvården minskar. Det är i enlighet med den finländska regeringens målsättningar och närståendevården ska därför utökas. I forskning om närståendevård har man främst fokuserat på vårdarens upplevelser och det finns ett behov av att öka kunskapen om vårdtagarnas upplevelser. Avhandlingens syfte är således att undersöka äldre vårdtagares upplevelser av närståendevård och åldrande genom att tillämpa livsloppsperspektivet och den sociala utbytesteorin. Avhandlingens fyra frågeställningar är ifall närståendevård upplevs som en god vårdform sett ur vårdtagarens synvinkel, vad som upplevs som positivt och negativt med vårdformen, vilken betydelse reciprocitet har för vårdtagaren och vilka möjligheter hon eller han har till reciprocitet i relationen till närståendevårdaren samt vilken betydelse vårdtagarens tidigare livsskeden har för hans eller hennes upplevelser av närståendevård. I avhandlingen behandlas även utvecklingen inom socialgerontologiska teorier. Två av de mest använda socialgerontologiska teorierna på 2000-talet är livsloppsperspektivet och den sociala utbytesteorin. Livsloppsperspektivet innebär att man tar i beaktande många olika faktorer såsom t.ex. samhälleliga förändringar och en individs tidigare livsskeden när man studerar åldrande. Den sociala utbytesteorin utgår från att det en människa ger åt en annan, förväntar hon sig tillbaka. I en obalanserad utbytesrelation uppstår missnöje och en känsla av maktlöshet hos den som enbart är mottagare. Det är en situation som äldre riskerar att hamna i, då deras resurser inte alltid värdesätts av den yngre, arbetsföra generationen. I denna kvalitativa studie har semistrukturerade temaintervjuer genomförts. Sju svenskspråkiga närståendevårdtagare i åldern 71-80 har intervjuats i Österbotten. Materialet har analyserats med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultaten visar att vårdtagarna överlag upplever närståendevård som en god vårdform med många fördelar. Vårdtagarna uppskattar framför allt att få bo hemma och tryggheten i att vårdas av någon anhörig som känner dem väl och hela tiden är tillgänglig. Flera vårdtagare upplever oro inför framtiden, eftersom de inte vet vad som händer om eller när närståendevårdarens hälsa försämras. Flera vårdtagare upplever frustration över sitt hälsotillstånd och hade inte förväntat sig att åldrandet skulle se ut på det sätt som det gör. Missnöjet tycks inte vara en följd av avsaknad av reciprocitet i relationen till närståendevårdaren, utan de negativa känslorna handlar om att acceptera det försämrade hälsotillståndet efter att tidigare ha levt ett aktivare liv.


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A good teacher was once described as being like a candle; consuming itself to light the way for others (Author unknown). But as Knox (2005) says, far too many yoimg flames flicker out before they ever get the opportvmity to bum their brightest. This self-study explores the phenomenon of teacher attrition through the stories and lived experiences of one elementary teacher. I strive throughout this self-study to delve deeper into the significance of my story and lived experiences in order to enhance our understanding of why teachers exit the profession. As a result, the guiding question throughout the study is, "Why do teachers, particularly those who have only taught for a few years, leave the classrooms they worked so hard to enter?" Through the writing of a narrative entitled Sarah 's Story, I was able to identify and give voice to a story openly sharing the feelings of despair; disappointment, frustration and disillusionment. This study has identified areas of tension that lead to dissatisfaction, discontent, and teacher disillusionment. It confronts the issues of complexity, uncertainty, and conflict that are experienced in teaching. It discusses the puzzling, powerfiil and upsetting experiences, highlighting the importance of talk between all members of the education system.


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Throughout their schooling experiences, students with learning disabilities (LD) face numerous academic and socioemotional challenges. Some of these individuals rise above these obstacles to obtain a postsecondary education and become professionals. Recently, there have been a number of individuals with learning disabilities who have chosen a career in teaching. There is a lack of research that documents the experiences of teachers with learning disabilities. The purpose of this qualitative study is to gain an understanding of the challenges that the teachers with learning disabilities strive to overcome and the supports that they receive ^^^ch facilitate their inception into teaching. Four teachers with learning disabilities were the participants in this collective case study research. Data were collected through semistructured interviews. These data were coded, collapsed into themes, and the results were presented in a narrative form. The resultant 9 themes are: (a) Perspectives on School Experiences, (b) Identification and Effective Accommodations, (c) Isolation, Frustration, and Support, (d) Awareness of Learning Disability at Age 18, (e) Disclosure of Learning Disability, (f) Negative Impact of the Learning Disability Label, (g) Desire, Drive, and Obstacles, (h) Empathy, Compassion, and Self-Concept, and (i) Critical Views of Colleagues. The themes reflect the common experiences among participants. The discussion brings forth new information that is not found in other research. The impHcations of this research will interest teacher federations, parents of students with LD, teachers, and educational researchers.


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As a result of the current changes taking place in the delivery of acute care services, the emergence of acute ambulatory care (AAC) settings is expanding. According to a literature review, the volume, acuity, and complexity of patient care in these settings is increasing while the time the patients spend under the care of nurses is decreasing. Two forces, hospital downsizing and advancing technology, are identified as the major contributors to the shift in acute care delivery. The effects that these changes are having on the clinical nursing practice of registered nurses working in AAC settings are not known. Given that AAC settings are rapidly expanding, it can be anticipated that the delivery of nursing care will continue to be compressed into a shorter time frame. Therefore, the following qualitative research question was formulated: What are the problems and issues related to clinical nursing practice in acute ambulatory settings? The purpose of this study was to explore the problems and issues associated with change and clinical nursing practice including the educational needs of nurses working in MC settings. Specific objectives of the study included the following: (a) to explore the problems and issues related to nursing practice in select AAC settings; (b) to explore the similarities and differences in perspectives related to role expectation between nurse managers, nurse educators, and staff nurses; and (c) to develop a conceptual framework that will guide the construction of an instrument needed for further research. This study used semistructured individual interviews and focus group sessions to collect data from the three categories of registered nurses. More specifically, data were collected from one nurse manager, two charge nurses, two nurse educators and fifteen staff nurses, working in three different MC settings of a major teaching hospital. Collected data were separately analyzed by the researcher and an external rater following grounded theory methodology. By using open and axial coding, the problems and issues identified by nurses were grouped into several major and minor themes. In final analysis, by using selective coding, the four core themes (intensification, moderation, frustration, and adaptation) were extracted. Each core theme was presented and discussed in relation to hospital downsizing and advancing technology. The relationships among the four core themes were discussed and depicted in a model termed the "Impact and Consequence Model on Nursing Practice in MC Settings." Implications for further research are discussed and research hypotheses, based on the research findings, are presented.


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The effects of a complexly worded counterattitudinal appeal on laypeople's attitudes toward a legal issue were examined, using the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) of persuasion as a theoretical framework. This model states that persuasion can result from the elaboration and scrutiny of the message arguments (i.e., central route processing), or can result from less cognitively effortful strategies, such as relying on source characteristics as a cue to message validity (i.e., peripheral route processing). One hundred and sixty-seven undergraduates (85 men and 81 women) listened to eitller a low status or high status source deliver a counterattitudinal speech on a legal issue. The speech was designed to contain strong or weak arguments. These arguments were 'worded in a simple and, therefore, easy to comprehend manner, or in a complex and, therefore, difficult to comprehend manner. Thus, there were three experimental manipulations: argument comprehensibility (easy to comprehend vs. difficult to comprehend), argumel11 strength (weak vs. strong), and source status (low vs. high). After listening to tIle speec.J] participants completed a measure 'of their attitude toward the legal issue, a thought listil1g task, an argument recall task,manipulation checks, measures of motivation to process the message, and measures of mood. As a result of the failure of the argument strength manipulation, only the effects of the comprehel1sibility and source status manipulations were tested. There was, however, some evidence of more central route processing in the easy comprehension condition than in the difficult comprehension condition, as predicted. Significant correlations were found between attitude and favourable and unfavourable thoughts about the legal issue with easy to comprehend arguments; whereas, there was a correlation only between attitude and favourable thoughts 11 toward the issue with difficult to comprehend arguments, suggesting, perhaps, that central route processing, \vhich involves argument scrutiny and elaboration, occurred under conditions of easy comprehension to a greater extent than under conditions of difficult comprehension. The results also revealed, among other findings, several significant effects of gender. Men had more favourable attitudes toward the legal issue than did women, men recalled more arguments from the speech than did women, men were less frustrated while listening to the speech than were ,vomen, and men put more effort into thinking about the message arguments than did women. When the arguments were difficult to comprehend, men had more favourable thoughts and fewer unfavourable thoughts about the legal issue than did women. Men and women may have had different affective responses to the issue of plea bargaining (with women responding more negatively than men), especially in light of a local and controversial plea bargain that occurred around the time of this study. Such pre-existing gender differences may have led to tIle lower frustration, the greater effort, the greater recall, and more positive attitudes for men than for WOlnen. Results· from this study suggest that current cognitive models of persuasion may not be very applicable to controversial issues which elicit strong emotional responses. Finally, these data indicate that affective responses, the controversial and emotional nature ofthe issue, gender and other individual differences are important considerations when experts are attempting to persuade laypeople toward a counterattitudinal position.


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Chronic low back pain (CLBP) is a complex health problem of psychological manifestations not fully understood. Using interpretive phenomenological analysis, 11 semi-structured interviews were conducted to help understand the meaning of the lived experience of CLBP; focusing on the psychological response to pain and the role of depression, catastrophizing, fear-avoidance behavior, anxiety and somatization. Participants characterized CLBP as persistent tolerable low back pain (TLBP) interrupted by periods of intolerable low back pain (ILBP). ILBP contributed to recurring bouts of helplessness, depression, frustration with the medical system and increased fear based on the perceived consequences of anticipated recurrences, all of which were mediated by the uncertainty of such pain. During times of TLBP all participants pursued a permanent pain consciousness as they felt susceptible to experience a recurrence. As CLBP progressed, participants felt they were living with a weakness, became isolated from those without CLBP and integrated pain into their self-concept.


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Over the years, researchers have investigated direct, conditional, and meditational pathways of adolescent aggression in relation to both temperament and parenting behaviours. However, no study to date has considered these relations with respect to a measure of aggression differentiated by form (e.g., overt, relational) and function (e.g., proactive, reactive). The present study examined the differential association of adolescent temperament and authoritative parenting on four subtypes of aggression. Participants included mothers, fathers, and one adolescent (between the ages of 10-19) from 663 families, recruited through random digit dialing. Parents reported on their child's temperament and occurrence of aggressive behaviours in addition to the perception of their own authoritative parenting. Adolescents reported on their own temperament and aggressive behaviours as well as on both their mother and father's authoritative parenting. Multiple regression analyses confirmed predictions that some aspects of temperament and authoritative parenting provide motivation towards the engagement of different aggressive behaviours. For example, higher negative affect was related to reactive types of aggression, whereas a strong desire for novel or risky behaviours related to proactive aggression. However, differences in effortful control altered the trajectory for both relationships. Higher levels of self-regulation reduced the impact of negative affect on reactive-overt aggression. Greater self-regulation also reduced the impact of surgency on proactive-overt aggression when age was a factor. Structural equation modeling was then used to assess the process through which adolescents become more or less susceptible to impulsive behaviours. Although the issue ofbi-directionality cannot be ruled out, temperament characteristics were the proximal correlate for aggression subtypes as opposed to authoritative parenting dimensions. Effortful control was found to partially mediate the relation between parental acceptancelinvolvement and reactive-relational and reactive-overt aggression, suggesting that higher levels of warmth and support as perceived by the child related to increased levels of self-regulation and emotional control, which in tum lead to less reactive-relational and less reactive-overt types of aggression in adolescents. On the other hand, negative affect partially mediated the relation between parental psychological autonomy granting and these two subtypes of aggression, supporting predictions that higher levels of autonomy granting (perceived independence) related to lower levels of frustration, which in tum lead to less reactive-relational and reactive-overt aggression in adolescents. Both findings provide less evidence for the evocative person-environment correlation and more support for temperament being an open system shaped by experience and authoritative parenting dimensions. As one of the first known studies examining the differential association of authoritative parenting and temperament on aggression subtypes, this study demonstrates the role parents can play in shaping and altering their children's temperament and the effects it can have on aggressive behaviour.


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The current research investigated whether the interaction between adolescent temperament and parent personality, consistent with the goodness of fit perspective, differentially predicted overt (e.g., kicking, punching, insulting) and relational (e.g., gossiping, rumour spreading, ostracising) forms of reactive (e.g., provoked, a response to goal blocking, unplanned and emotional) and proactive (e.g., unprovoked, goal-directed, deliberate and relatively unemotional) aggression. Mothers, fathers and their adolescent child (N = 448, age 10-17) from southern Ontario, Canada filled out questionnaires on adolescent temperament (i.e., frustration, fear, and effortful control) and aggression. Parents reported on their own personality traits (i.e., agreeableness, conscientiousness, and emotional stability). The form and function of aggression not encompassed by the subtype under investigation were controlled in each regression analysis. Consistent with the hypothesis, results indicated that a poor fit between adolescent temperament vulnerabilities and lower parent personality traits, including agreeableness, conscientiousness and emotional stability, was predictive of greater levels of differentiated aggression. For instance, lower father conscientiousness strengthened the relation between higher frustration and reactive overt aggression. Unexpectedly in some cases, temperament risk factors were more strongly associated with aggression subtypes when personality scores were at higher levels, particularly agreeableness and conscientiousness, traits normally considered to be at the optimal end of the dimension. For example, higher father agreeableness strengthened the relation between higher frustration and reactive relational aggression. At the main effects level, low fearfulness was significantly associated with only the overt subtypes of aggression, and unexpectedly, higher frustration and lower effortful control were related to both proactive and reactive subtypes of aggression. A temperamentally vulnerable adolescent was also at greater risk of displaying aggressive behaviour when the father lacked emotional stability, but not the mother. These results are broadly consistent with the prediction that temperament risk factors are more strongly associated with aggression subtypes when an adolescent predisposition does not fit well with parent personality traits. Mechanisms pertaining to stress in the family environment and the fostering of self-regulation abilities are discussed with respect to why a poor fit between temperament and parent personality is predictive of adolescent differentiated aggression.