960 resultados para French Contemporary Literature
In French contemporary poetry, some poets have wished to return to —and so to increase the value of— the enunciation of the poetic subject. In such poetic scenario, the poet James Sacré exemplifies a new approach that tries to re-establish contact with the expression of the poetic subject, albeit always avoiding the pitfalls of excessive ornamentation and poetic effusiveness. Based on the use of simple language, this approach attaches value to legibility and does not hesitate to tap into the most banal or dullest aspects of reality. This article studies one of the procedures used by the poet to reestablish the expression of the poetic subject. This procedure seeks to rewrite life gestures—a technique that evinces an unavoidable relationship between life and poetic words in the work of James Sacré.
Natural light and its provision within asylum and other buildings is a neglected aspect of the historical archaeology of institutions. An Edwardian asylum in the north of Ireland is analysed for the management of natural light through the siting of buildings, window design and placement of interior glazing. A close reading of selected contemporary literature relating to natural light is employed to assess the significance of light provision within institutions of this period and contemporary discourses are in turn illuminated by the material practices recorded in the case study.
This thesis examines how married couples bought and created a modern home for their families in suburban Glasgow between 1945-1975. New homeowners were on the cusp of the middle-classes, buying in a climate of renters. As they progressed through the family lifecycle women’s return to work meant they became more comfortably ensconced within the middle-classes. Engaged with a process of homemaking through consumption and labour, couples transformed their houses into homes that reflected themselves and their social status. The interior of the home was focused on as a site of social relations. Marriage in the suburbs was one of collaboration as each partner performed distinct gender roles. The idea of a shared home was investigated and the story of ‘we’ rather than ‘I’ emerged from both testimony and contemporary literature. This thesis considers decision-making, labour and leisure to show the ways in which experiences of home were gendered. What emerged was that women’s work as everyday and mundane was overlooked and undervalued while husband’s extraordinary contributions in the form of DIY came to the fore. The impact of wider culture intruded upon the ‘private’ home as we see they ways in which the position of women in society influences their relationship to the home and their family. In the suburbs of post-war Glasgow women largely left the workforce to stay at home with their children. Mothers popped in and out of each other houses for tea and a blether, creating a homosocial network that was sociable and supportive unique to this time in their lives and to this historical context. Daily life was negotiated within the walls of the modern home. The inter-war suburbs of Glasgow needed modernising to post-war standards of modern living. ‘Modern’ was both an aesthetic and an engagement with new technologies within the house. Both middle and working-class practices for room use were found through the keeping of a ‘good’ or best room and the determination of couples to eat in their small kitchenettes. As couples updated their kitchen, the fitted kitchen revealed contemporary notions of modern décor, as kitchens became bright yellow with blue Formica worktops. The modern home was the evolution of existing ideas of modern combined with new standards of living. As Glasgow homeowners constructed their modern home what became evident was that this was a shared process and as a couple they placed their children central to all aspects of their lives to create not only a modern home, but that this was first and foremost a family home
Pancreaticoduodenectomy with or without adjuvant chemotherapy remains the only modality of possible cure in patients with cancer involving the head of the pancreas and the periampullary region. While mortality rates after pancreaticoduodenectomy have improved considerably over the course of the last century, morbidity remains high. Patient selection is of paramount importance in ensuring that major surgery is offered to individuals who will most benefit from a pancreaticoduodenectomy. Moreover, identifying preoperative risk factors provides potential targets for prehabilitation and optimisation of the patient's physiology before undertaking surgery. In addition to this, early identification of patients who are likely to develop postoperative complications allows for better allocation of critical care resources and more aggressive management high risk patients. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing is becoming an increasingly popular tool in the preoperative risk assessment of the surgical patient. However, very little work has been done to investigate the role of cardiopulmonary exercise testing in predicting complications after pancreaticoduodenectomy. The impact of jaundice, systemic inflammation and other preoperative clinicopathological characteristics on cardiopulmonary exercise physiology has not been studied in detail before in this cohort of patients. The overall aim of the thesis was to examine the relationships between preoperative clinico-pathological characteristics including cardiopulmonary exercise physiology, obstructive jaundice, body composition and systemic inflammation and complications and the post-surgical systemic inflammatory response in patients undergoing pancreaticoduodenectomy. Chapter 1 reviews the existing literature on preoperative cardiopulmonary exercise testing, the impact of obstructive jaundice, perioperative systemic inflammation and the importance of body composition in determining outcomes in patients undergoing major surgery with particular reference to pancreatic surgery. Chapter 2 reports on the role of cardiopulmonary exercise testing in predicting postoperative complications after pancreaticoduodenectomy. The results demonstrate that patients with V˙O2AT less than 10 ml/kg/min are more likely to develop a postoperative pancreatic fistula, stay longer in hospital and less likely to receive adjuvant therapy. These results emphasise the importance of aerobic fitness to recover from the operative stress of major surgery without significant morbidity. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing may prove useful in selecting patients for intensive prehabilitation programmes as well as for other optimisation measures to prepare them for major surgery. Chapter 3 evaluates the relationship between cardiopulmonary exercise physiology and other clinicopathological characteristics of the patient. A detailed analysis of cardiopulmonary exercise test parameters in jaundiced versus non-jaundiced patients demonstrates that obstructive jaundice does not impair cardiopulmonary exercise physiology. This further supports emerging evidence in contemporary literature that jaundiced patients can proceed directly to surgery without preoperative biliary drainage. The results of this study also show an interesting inverse relationship between body mass index and anaerobic threshold which is analysed in more detail in Chapter 4. Chapter 4 examines the relationship between preoperative cardiopulmonary exercise physiology and body composition in depth. All parameters measured at cardiopulmonary exercise test are compared against body composition and body mass index. The results of this chapter report that the current method of reporting V˙O2, both at peak exercise and anaerobic threshold, is biased against obese subjects and advises caution in the interpretation of cardiopulmonary exercise test results in patients with a high BMI. This is particularly important as current evidence in literature suggests that postoperative outcomes in obese subjects are comparable to non-obese subjects while cardiopulmonary exercise test results are also abnormally low in this very same cohort of patients. Chapter 5 analyses the relationship between preoperative clinico-pathological characteristics including systemic inflammation and the magnitude of the postoperative systemic inflammatory response. Obstructive jaundice appears to have an immunosuppressive effect while elevated preoperative CRP and hypoalbuminemia appear to have opposite effects with hypoalbuminemia resulting in a lower response while elevated CRP in the absence of hypoalbuminemia resulted in a greater postoperative systemic inflammatory response. Chapter 6 evaluates the role of the early postoperative systemic inflammatory response in predicting complications after pancreaticoduodenectomy and aims to establish clinically relevant thresholds for C-Reactive Protein for the prediction of complications. The results of this chapter demonstrate that CRP levels as early as the second postoperative day are associated with complications. While post-operative CRP was useful in the prediction of infective complications, this was the case only in patients who did not develop a post-operative pancreatic fistula. The predictive ability of inflammatory markers for infectious complications was blunted in patients with a pancreatic fistula. Chapter 7 summarises the findings of this thesis, their place in current literature and future directions. The results of this thesis add to the current knowledge regarding the complex pathophysiological abnormalities in patients undergoing pancreaticoduodenectomy, with specific emphasis on the interaction between cardiopulmonary exercise physiology, obstructive jaundice, systemic inflammation and postoperative outcomes. The work presented in this thesis lays the foundations for further studies aimed at improving outcomes after pancreaticoduodenectomy through the development of individualised, goal-directed therapies that are initiated well before this morbid yet necessary operation is performed.
In this dissertation, I examine how migration narratives make an ambiguous contribution to the democratization of French national borders. National borders are essentially spaces of crises from which it is possible to study the constant evolution of national identity. Migration narratives, regardless of their ideological dimension, offer representations of the border and of the foreigner that result from a tension between the difficulty to think identity outside of the national frame and the questioning of such a strong tie between identity and the nation. At the border, identities are fundamentally unstable. The first part is focused on the north-eastern and the southern borders of France at the end of the 19th century. The French nationalist literature at the time, advocating for the return of Alsace-Lorraine to the Republic, is characterized by a tension between nationalism and regionalism. The ideology of latinity constitutes a second major feature of the discourse on French identity. Developed by Louis Bertrand, it claims that France can only be regenerated in Algeria. However, a gap between his fictional works and his essays reveals latinity as hybrid and heterogeneous. Borders are also polysemic, namely, they do have the same meaning for everyone. The second part of the dissertation focuses on the southern border of France from the 30s to the 90s. The study of films and novels demonstrate that former borders are still active, especially colonial borders. Finally, the third part of the dissertation addresses the representation of migrants who were trapped in the north of France, at the border of the Schengen area, from the 90s to 2009. Migration narratives bring attention to the totalitarian tendencies of the state, but they also struggle with the contradictions of the humanitarian discourse and the analogies made with previous immigration waves.
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Teoria Literária e Literaturas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Literatura, 2016.
Se señala la pertinencia, cultural e histórica de las letras costarricenses, y el escaso conocimiento en el entorno europeo. A partir del análisis de la traducción al alemán de la novela Los Peor, de Fernando Contreras, se estudian dos aspectos: la localidad esencial en la discursividad literaria del texto original, y las operaciones respectivas que desde ese mismo punto de vista se ejerce en la traducción. Se comenta como rasgo destacado el efecto de extrañamiento que emite la obra, favorable como expectativa estética en el lector europeo; ello propicia interés literario, traductológico y editorial.Reference i s made to the cultural and historical relevance of Costa Rican literature and the fact that it is not well known in Europe. With the analysis of the German translation of Los Peor by Fernando Contreras, two aspects are addressed: the essential place of the literary discourse of the original text and the respective operations which take place from that same perspective in the translation. One outstanding feature mentioned is the effect of estrangement that this novel conveys; this is considered positive by the European reader and promotes interest from the perspective of literature, translation and publishers.
Le présent mémoire porte sur la réécriture par Vickie Gendreau, auteure québécoise contemporaine, de deux genres funèbres, le testament littéraire et le tombeau poétique. Dans ses deux récits, Testament et Drama Queens, Gendreau met en scène des narratrices qui s'apprêtent à mourir des suites d'une tumeur au cerveau, ce qui soulève plusieurs questions : de quelle manière tisse-t-elle des rapports intertextuels avec les genres évoqués plus haut ? Comment l'appropriation des genres funèbres permet-elle de vaincre l'angoisse associée à la mort proclamée par les médecins ? Comment penser l'écriture du corps et la fictionalisation de soi à l'aune de deux genres datant de l'époque médiévale ou de la Renaissance ? Dans le premier chapitre, nous nous attardons à la construction par Gendreau du testament littéraire dans sa forme médiévale dans Testament et à la reprise dans Drama Queens d'enjeux testamentaires ; l'héritage, la filiation et la transmission. La réécriture permet l'incorporation dans le récit de l'autodérision et de la mise en scène du devenir-cadavre. Dans le second chapitre, nous explorons le tombeau poétique, tant celui de la Renaissance que celui des poètes modernes. Ce faisant, nous abordons les discours de commémoration du défunt et surtout l'appropriation de la commémoration par les deux narratrices, et ultimement par Vickie Gendreau.
L’empreinte d’une expérience performative en littérature : le cas de Sophie Calle et de Miranda July
Le présent mémoire propose de croiser les démarches de deux auteures et artistes contemporaines, Sophie Calle et Miranda July, dont les quatre œuvres à l’étude – Douleur exquise (2003), Aveugles (2011), Rachel, Monique (2012) de Calle et Il vous choisit (2013) de July – se fondent sur des expériences en amont de l’écriture qui mobilisent le corps même des auteures, les engagent dans une action concrète et, bien souvent, dans des interactions avec autrui. Cet art de la contrainte, cet art action qui devient le sédiment de leurs écrits s’inscrit dans la filiation hypothétique des théories du philosophe pragmatique John Dewey et de celles de l’artiste Allan Kaprow – l’un des premiers à réfléchir l’art de la performance. L’écriture intermédiale qu’elles pratiquent – ce jeu de relations entre différents médias au sein même de l’œuvre – permet à la fois de réactiver la valeur performative de l’expérience qui a impulsé la création littéraire et d’embrayer une expérience de lecture qui devient elle-même performative. Exemplaires d’une esthétique relationnelle, polyphoniques dans les voix qui s’expriment, les quatre ouvrages du corpus donnent à sentir le bruissement d’une communauté. Il s’agit d’une littérature interdisciplinaire et intersubjective, mais surtout performative dans son questionnement incessant sur le pouvoir de l’art pour transformer la vie.
Dans la première décennie du XXIe siècle, à l’ère des nouvelles technologies de communication électroniques, le courriel est devenu le moyen par excellence pour envoyer et recevoir du contenu privé, remplaçant dès lors l’envoi de lettres papier. Dans ce contexte, pour quelles raisons un individu souhaiterait-il partager ce contenu privé en le publiant ouvertement, publiquement, de plus, dans un format papier, le rendant désormais disponible à l’ensemble des lecteurs désirant en consulter le contenu? Pourtant, telle est la genèse du recueil Lettres à l’Indigène de Joël Des Rosiers dans lequel l’auteur fait don de lettres d’amour qui « deviennent alors des objets communs que partagent la destinataire et l’homme qui lui écrit, le livre et le lecteur » (LALI, p. 7). Ainsi, c’est par la réappropriation d’une pratique épistolaire ancienne que cet ouvrage rend compte d’une écriture intimiste dans laquelle lettres intimes et lettres ouvertes se côtoient. Les lettres intimes comportent plusieurs ressemblances avec les lettres conventionnelles, mais s’en distinguent sur certains points. Les lettres ouvertes, quant à elles, s’apparentent davantage aux publications libres que l’on retrouve dans les divers périodiques papier ou Web, ainsi que dans les divers blogues. Dans les deux types de lettres, nous voyons quelle est la place du destinateur et celle de l’Autre, nous présentons les différentes constructions de l’espace liées à chacune des formes de lettre et nous dévoilons les diverses stratégies formelles qui laissent voir un jeu entre les sphères publique et privée. Nous démontrons ainsi de quelles manières ce recueil questionne l’intimisme du XXIe siècle, ainsi que la pratique d’une écriture intimiste dans le cadre actuel.
Soon after joining the Canadian Confederation in 1867, the province of Quebec adopted the phrase « Je me souviens » ("As I recall") as its "national" motto, although many Québécois do not remember today what they were supposed to memorize, as collective subject, when their government voted this motion. My thesis is that contrary to other countries which have a strong sense of history based on a secular tradition, this process was more complicated in Quebec — as if a collective memory loss lied at the heart of it's history. Through a rereading of Hubert Aquin's cult novel, Trou de mémoire (in its English translation Blackout), first published in 1968, I try to illustrate this paradox and to emphasize the heuristic functions of memory blanks, gaps and lapses in certain postmodern narratives, after the historical breakdown of "the great narratives" (Lyotard). In this perspective, the example of Quebec, through the voice of one of its more gifted yet controversial novelist, can be seen as emblematic of what happens when the mnemonic impossibility of rewriting history opens up new possibilities for writing fiction.
This dissertation analyses, through a theoretical framework and a critical approach, letters of Cuban writers Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda and Juana Borrero. While love letters have captured the interest of some scholars, such as Claudio Guillén, Cintio Vitier and Alexander Roselló Selimov, the conflict that the analysis of non-literary texts poses has prevented further research in this field. Therefore, I propose a systematic method of analysis encompassing but not limited to evaluating letters based on their purpose, intent, interpretation, and temporal and spatial composition; analyzing the perspective and function of epistolary entities, and examining the textual signs that distinguish the epistolary forms from the literary forms. With this analytical tool, I examine a selection of letters of Gómez de Avellaneda and demonstrate that the writer displaces her identify from the autobiographic self to the epistolary self, in order to manipulate the perspective of her addressee. Caught between the Neoclassical way of thinking and the Romantic aesthetics, her assertive discourse, also reflected in her epistolary work, contributed to the incursion of women writers into the social and professional life of the nineteen century. Following the same method of investigation, an analysis of letters written by Borrero proves that, by building a world of delusion, hallucination and fantasy the writer brings to prose what first generation of female modernistas had done in poetry. In both cases, my focus is on the strategies that turn these letters into instruments of power, process that transformed the love-letter paradigm and forever renovated the women epistolary genre. This dissertation further explores the possibility of initiating a cycle in the study of personal letters to uncover a forgotten genre, mission that might build a bridge to embrace the new forms of written communication that scholars have already begun to explore in contemporary literature.
Le présent mémoire porte sur la réécriture par Vickie Gendreau, auteure québécoise contemporaine, de deux genres funèbres, le testament littéraire et le tombeau poétique. Dans ses deux récits, Testament et Drama Queens, Gendreau met en scène des narratrices qui s'apprêtent à mourir des suites d'une tumeur au cerveau, ce qui soulève plusieurs questions : de quelle manière tisse-t-elle des rapports intertextuels avec les genres évoqués plus haut ? Comment l'appropriation des genres funèbres permet-elle de vaincre l'angoisse associée à la mort proclamée par les médecins ? Comment penser l'écriture du corps et la fictionalisation de soi à l'aune de deux genres datant de l'époque médiévale ou de la Renaissance ? Dans le premier chapitre, nous nous attardons à la construction par Gendreau du testament littéraire dans sa forme médiévale dans Testament et à la reprise dans Drama Queens d'enjeux testamentaires ; l'héritage, la filiation et la transmission. La réécriture permet l'incorporation dans le récit de l'autodérision et de la mise en scène du devenir-cadavre. Dans le second chapitre, nous explorons le tombeau poétique, tant celui de la Renaissance que celui des poètes modernes. Ce faisant, nous abordons les discours de commémoration du défunt et surtout l'appropriation de la commémoration par les deux narratrices, et ultimement par Vickie Gendreau.
L’empreinte d’une expérience performative en littérature : le cas de Sophie Calle et de Miranda July
Le présent mémoire propose de croiser les démarches de deux auteures et artistes contemporaines, Sophie Calle et Miranda July, dont les quatre œuvres à l’étude – Douleur exquise (2003), Aveugles (2011), Rachel, Monique (2012) de Calle et Il vous choisit (2013) de July – se fondent sur des expériences en amont de l’écriture qui mobilisent le corps même des auteures, les engagent dans une action concrète et, bien souvent, dans des interactions avec autrui. Cet art de la contrainte, cet art action qui devient le sédiment de leurs écrits s’inscrit dans la filiation hypothétique des théories du philosophe pragmatique John Dewey et de celles de l’artiste Allan Kaprow – l’un des premiers à réfléchir l’art de la performance. L’écriture intermédiale qu’elles pratiquent – ce jeu de relations entre différents médias au sein même de l’œuvre – permet à la fois de réactiver la valeur performative de l’expérience qui a impulsé la création littéraire et d’embrayer une expérience de lecture qui devient elle-même performative. Exemplaires d’une esthétique relationnelle, polyphoniques dans les voix qui s’expriment, les quatre ouvrages du corpus donnent à sentir le bruissement d’une communauté. Il s’agit d’une littérature interdisciplinaire et intersubjective, mais surtout performative dans son questionnement incessant sur le pouvoir de l’art pour transformer la vie.
Dans la première décennie du XXIe siècle, à l’ère des nouvelles technologies de communication électroniques, le courriel est devenu le moyen par excellence pour envoyer et recevoir du contenu privé, remplaçant dès lors l’envoi de lettres papier. Dans ce contexte, pour quelles raisons un individu souhaiterait-il partager ce contenu privé en le publiant ouvertement, publiquement, de plus, dans un format papier, le rendant désormais disponible à l’ensemble des lecteurs désirant en consulter le contenu? Pourtant, telle est la genèse du recueil Lettres à l’Indigène de Joël Des Rosiers dans lequel l’auteur fait don de lettres d’amour qui « deviennent alors des objets communs que partagent la destinataire et l’homme qui lui écrit, le livre et le lecteur » (LALI, p. 7). Ainsi, c’est par la réappropriation d’une pratique épistolaire ancienne que cet ouvrage rend compte d’une écriture intimiste dans laquelle lettres intimes et lettres ouvertes se côtoient. Les lettres intimes comportent plusieurs ressemblances avec les lettres conventionnelles, mais s’en distinguent sur certains points. Les lettres ouvertes, quant à elles, s’apparentent davantage aux publications libres que l’on retrouve dans les divers périodiques papier ou Web, ainsi que dans les divers blogues. Dans les deux types de lettres, nous voyons quelle est la place du destinateur et celle de l’Autre, nous présentons les différentes constructions de l’espace liées à chacune des formes de lettre et nous dévoilons les diverses stratégies formelles qui laissent voir un jeu entre les sphères publique et privée. Nous démontrons ainsi de quelles manières ce recueil questionne l’intimisme du XXIe siècle, ainsi que la pratique d’une écriture intimiste dans le cadre actuel.