988 resultados para Fractional Integral


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Recently, many new applications in engineering and science are governed by a series of fractional partial differential equations (FPDEs). Unlike the normal partial differential equations (PDEs), the differential order in a FPDE is with a fractional order, which will lead to new challenges for numerical simulation, because most existing numerical simulation techniques are developed for the PDE with an integer differential order. The current dominant numerical method for FPDEs is Finite Difference Method (FDM), which is usually difficult to handle a complex problem domain, and also hard to use irregular nodal distribution. This paper aims to develop an implicit meshless approach based on the moving least squares (MLS) approximation for numerical simulation of fractional advection-diffusion equations (FADE), which is a typical FPDE. The discrete system of equations is obtained by using the MLS meshless shape functions and the meshless strong-forms. The stability and convergence related to the time discretization of this approach are then discussed and theoretically proven. Several numerical examples with different problem domains and different nodal distributions are used to validate and investigate accuracy and efficiency of the newly developed meshless formulation. It is concluded that the present meshless formulation is very effective for the modeling and simulation of the FADE.


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This paper aims to develop an implicit meshless approach based on the radial basis function (RBF) for numerical simulation of time fractional diffusion equations. The meshless RBF interpolation is firstly briefed. The discrete equations for two-dimensional time fractional diffusion equation (FDE) are obtained by using the meshless RBF shape functions and the strong-forms of the time FDE. The stability and convergence of this meshless approach are discussed and theoretically proven. Numerical examples with different problem domains and different nodal distributions are studied to validate and investigate accuracy and efficiency of the newly developed meshless approach. It has proven that the present meshless formulation is very effective for modeling and simulation of fractional differential equations.


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Recently, because of the new developments in sustainable engineering and renewable energy, which are usually governed by a series of fractional partial differential equations (FPDEs), the numerical modelling and simulation for fractional calculus are attracting more and more attention from researchers. The current dominant numerical method for modeling FPDE is Finite Difference Method (FDM), which is based on a pre-defined grid leading to inherited issues or shortcomings including difficulty in simulation of problems with the complex problem domain and in using irregularly distributed nodes. Because of its distinguished advantages, the meshless method has good potential in simulation of FPDEs. This paper aims to develop an implicit meshless collocation technique for FPDE. The discrete system of FPDEs is obtained by using the meshless shape functions and the meshless collocation formulation. The stability and convergence of this meshless approach are investigated theoretically and numerically. The numerical examples with regular and irregular nodal distributions are used to validate and investigate accuracy and efficiency of the newly developed meshless formulation. It is concluded that the present meshless formulation is very effective for the modeling and simulation of fractional partial differential equations.


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A standard method for the numerical solution of partial differential equations (PDEs) is the method of lines. In this approach the PDE is discretised in space using �finite di�fferences or similar techniques, and the resulting semidiscrete problem in time is integrated using an initial value problem solver. A significant challenge when applying the method of lines to fractional PDEs is that the non-local nature of the fractional derivatives results in a discretised system where each equation involves contributions from many (possibly every) spatial node(s). This has important consequences for the effi�ciency of the numerical solver. First, since the cost of evaluating the discrete equations is high, it is essential to minimise the number of evaluations required to advance the solution in time. Second, since the Jacobian matrix of the system is dense (partially or fully), methods that avoid the need to form and factorise this matrix are preferred. In this paper, we consider a nonlinear two-sided space-fractional di�ffusion equation in one spatial dimension. A key contribution of this paper is to demonstrate how an eff�ective preconditioner is crucial for improving the effi�ciency of the method of lines for solving this equation. In particular, we show how to construct suitable banded approximations to the system Jacobian for preconditioning purposes that permit high orders and large stepsizes to be used in the temporal integration, without requiring dense matrices to be formed. The results of numerical experiments are presented that demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach.


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Determining the optimal of black-start strategies is very important for speeding the restoration speed of a power system after a global blackout. Most existing black-start decision-making methods are based on the assumption that all indexes are independent of each other, and little attention has been paid to the group decision-making method which is more reliable. Given this background, the intuitionistic fuzzy set and further intuitionistic fuzzy Choquet integral operator are presented, and a black-start decision-making method based on this integral operator is presented. Compared to existing methods, the proposed algorithm cannot only deal with the relevance among the indexes, but also overcome some shortcomings of the existing methods. Finally, an example is used to demonstrate the proposed method. © 2012 The Institution of Engineering and Technology.


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This paper aims to develop an implicit meshless collocation technique based on the moving least squares approximation for numerical simulation of the anomalous subdiffusion equation(ASDE). The discrete system of equations is obtained by using the MLS meshless shape functions and the meshless collocation formulation. The stability and convergence of this meshless approach related to the time discretization are investigated theoretically and numerically. The numerical examples with regular and irregular nodal distributions are used to the newly developed meshless formulation. It is concluded that the present meshless formulation is very effective for the modeling of ASDEs.


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Recently, some authors have considered a new diffusion model–space and time fractional Bloch-Torrey equation (ST-FBTE). Magin et al. (2008) have derived analytical solutions with fractional order dynamics in space (i.e., _ = 1, β an arbitrary real number, 1 < β ≤ 2) and time (i.e., 0 < α < 1, and β = 2), respectively. Yu et al. (2011) have derived an analytical solution and an effective implicit numerical method for solving ST-FBTEs, and also discussed the stability and convergence of the implicit numerical method. However, due to the computational overheads necessary to perform the simulations for nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) in three dimensions, they present a study based on a two-dimensional example to confirm their theoretical analysis. Alternating direction implicit (ADI) schemes have been proposed for the numerical simulations of classic differential equations. The ADI schemes will reduce a multidimensional problem to a series of independent one-dimensional problems and are thus computationally efficient. In this paper, we consider the numerical solution of a ST-FBTE on a finite domain. The time and space derivatives in the ST-FBTE are replaced by the Caputo and the sequential Riesz fractional derivatives, respectively. A fractional alternating direction implicit scheme (FADIS) for the ST-FBTE in 3-D is proposed. Stability and convergence properties of the FADIS are discussed. Finally, some numerical results for ST-FBTE are given.


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In recent years, it has been found that many phenomena in engineering, physics, chemistry and other sciences can be described very successfully by models using mathematical tools from fractional calculus. Recently, noted a new space and time fractional Bloch-Torrey equation (ST-FBTE) has been proposed (see Magin et al. (2008)), and successfully applied to analyse diffusion images of human brain tissues to provide new insights for further investigations of tissue structures. In this paper, we consider the ST-FBTE on a finite domain. The time and space derivatives in the ST-FBTE are replaced by the Caputo and the sequential Riesz fractional derivatives, respectively. Firstly, we propose a new effective implicit numerical method (INM) for the STFBTE whereby we discretize the Riesz fractional derivative using a fractional centered difference. Secondly, we prove that the implicit numerical method for the ST-FBTE is unconditionally stable and convergent, and the order of convergence of the implicit numerical method is ( T2 - α + h2 x + h2 y + h2 z ). Finally, some numerical results are presented to support our theoretical analysis.


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Percolation flow problems are discussed in many research fields, such as seepage hydraulics, groundwater hydraulics, groundwater dynamics and fluid dynamics in porous media. Many physical processes appear to exhibit fractional-order behavior that may vary with time, or space, or space and time. The theory of pseudodifferential operators and equations has been used to deal with this situation. In this paper we use a fractional Darcys law with variable order Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives, this leads to a new variable-order fractional percolation equation. In this paper, a new two-dimensional variable-order fractional percolation equation is considered. A new implicit numerical method and an alternating direct method for the two-dimensional variable-order fractional model is proposed. Consistency, stability and convergence of the implicit finite difference method are established. Finally, some numerical examples are given. The numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of the methods. This technique can be used to simulate a three-dimensional variable-order fractional percolation equation.


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The cable equation is one of the most fundamental equations for modeling neuronal dynamics. Cable equations with a fractional order temporal derivative have been introduced to model electrotonic properties of spiny neuronal dendrites. In this paper, the fractional cable equation involving two integro-differential operators is considered. The Galerkin finite element approximations of the fractional cable equation are proposed. The main contribution of this work is outlined as follow: • A semi-discrete finite difference approximation in time is proposed. We prove that the scheme is unconditionally stable, and the numerical solution converges to the exact solution with order O(Δt). • A semi-discrete difference scheme for improving the order of convergence for solving the fractional cable equation is proposed, and the numerical solution converges to the exact solution with order O((Δt)2). • Based on the above semi-discrete difference approximations, Galerkin finite element approximations in space for a full discretization are also investigated. • Finally, some numerical results are given to demonstrate the theoretical analysis.


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In this paper, the multi-term time-fractional wave diffusion equations are considered. The multiterm time fractional derivatives are defined in the Caputo sense, whose orders belong to the intervals [0,1], [1,2), [0,2), [0,3), [2,3) and [2,4), respectively. Some computationally effective numerical methods are proposed for simulating the multi-term time-fractional wave-diffusion equations. The numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of theoretical analysis. These methods and techniques can also be extended to other kinds of the multi-term fractional time-space models with fractional Laplacian.


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The field of fractional differential equations provides a means for modelling transport processes within complex media which are governed by anomalous transport. Indeed, the application to anomalous transport has been a significant driving force behind the rapid growth and expansion of the literature in the field of fractional calculus. In this paper, we present a finite volume method to solve the time-space two-sided fractional advection dispersion equation on a one-dimensional domain. Such an equation allows modelling different flow regime impacts from either side. The finite volume formulation provides a natural way to handle fractional advection-dispersion equations written in conservative form. The novel spatial discretisation employs fractionally-shifted Gr¨unwald formulas to discretise the Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives at control volume faces in terms of function values at the nodes, while the L1-algorithm is used to discretise the Caputo time fractional derivative. Results of numerical experiments are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach.


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In this paper, we consider a space Riesz fractional advection-dispersion equation. The equation is obtained from the standard advection-diffusion equation by replacing the ¯rst-order and second-order space derivatives by the Riesz fractional derivatives of order β 1 Є (0; 1) and β2 Є(1; 2], respectively. Riesz fractional advection and dispersion terms are approximated by using two fractional centered difference schemes, respectively. A new weighted Riesz fractional ¯nite difference approximation scheme is proposed. When the weighting factor Ѳ = 1/2, a second- order accurate numerical approximation scheme for the Riesz fractional advection-dispersion equation is obtained. Stability, consistency and convergence of the numerical approximation scheme are discussed. A numerical example is given to show that the numerical results are in good agreement with our theoretical analysis.


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A number of mathematical models investigating certain aspects of the complicated process of wound healing are reported in the literature in recent years. However, effective numerical methods and supporting error analysis for the fractional equations which describe the process of wound healing are still limited. In this paper, we consider numerical simulation of fractional model based on the coupled advection-diffusion equations for cell and chemical concentration in a polar coordinate system. The space fractional derivatives are defined in the Left and Right Riemann-Liouville sense. Fractional orders in advection and diffusion terms belong to the intervals (0; 1) or (1; 2], respectively. Some numerical techniques will be used. Firstly, the coupled advection-diffusion equations are decoupled to a single space fractional advection-diffusion equation in a polar coordinate system. Secondly, we propose a new implicit difference method for simulating this equation by using the equivalent of the Riemann-Liouville and Gr¨unwald-Letnikov fractional derivative definitions. Thirdly, its stability and convergence are discussed, respectively. Finally, some numerical results are given to demonstrate the theoretical analysis.