978 resultados para Fractal geometry


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A robust visual tracking system requires an object appearance model that is able to handle occlusion, pose, and illumination variations in the video stream. This can be difficult to accomplish when the model is trained using only a single image. In this paper, we first propose a tracking approach based on affine subspaces (constructed from several images) which are able to accommodate the abovementioned variations. We use affine subspaces not only to represent the object, but also the candidate areas that the object may occupy. We furthermore propose a novel approach to measure affine subspace-to-subspace distance via the use of non-Euclidean geometry of Grassmann manifolds. The tracking problem is then considered as an inference task in a Markov Chain Monte Carlo framework via particle filtering. Quantitative evaluation on challenging video sequences indicates that the proposed approach obtains considerably better performance than several recent state-of-the-art methods such as Tracking-Learning-Detection and MILtrack.


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Theoretical and experimental results associated with the studies of different properties of surface-type waves (SW) in plasma-like medium-metal structures are reviewed. The propagation of surface waves in the Voigt geometry (the SW propagate across the external magnetic field, which is parallel to the interface) is considered. Various problems dealing with the linear properties of the SW (dispersion characteristics, electromagnetic fields topography, influence of the inhomogeneity of the medium, etc.); excitation mechanisms of the plasma-metal waveguide structures (parametric, drift, diffraction, etc. mechanisms); nonlinear effects associated with SW propagation (higher harmonics generation, self-interaction, nonlinear damping, nonlinear interactions, etc.) are presented. In many cases the results are valid for both gaseous and solid-state plasmas. © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Study region The Galilee and Eromanga basins are located in central Queensland, Australia. Both basins are components of the Great Artesian Basin which host some of the most significant groundwater resources in Australia. Study focus This study evaluates the influence of regional faults on groundwater flow in an aquifer/aquitard interbedded succession that form one of the largest Artesian Basins in the world. In order to assess the significance of regional faults as potential barriers or conduits to groundwater flow, vertical displacements of the major aquifers and aquitards were studied at each major fault and the general hydraulic relationship of units that are juxtaposed by the faults were considered. A three-dimensional (3D) geological model of the Galilee and Eromanga basins was developed based on integration of well log data, seismic surfaces, surface geology and elevation data. Geological structures were mapped in detail and major faults were characterised. New hydrological insights for the region Major faults that have been described in previous studies have been confirmed within the 3D geological model domain and a preliminary assessment of their hydraulic significance has been conducted. Previously unknown faults such as the Thomson River Fault (herein named) have also been identified in this study.


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Red blood cells (RBCs) are nonnucleated liquid capsules, enclosed in deformable viscoelastic membranes with complex three dimensional geometrical structures. Generally, RBC membranes are highly incompressible and resistant to areal changes. However, RBC membranes show a planar shear deformation and out of plane bending deformation. The behaviour of RBCs in blood vessels is investigated using numerical models. All the characteristics of RBC membranes should be addressed to develop a more accurate and stable model. This article presents an effective methodology to model the three dimensional geometry of the RBC membrane with the aid of commercial software COMSOL Multiphysics 4.2a and Fortran programming. Initially, a mesh is generated for a sphere using the COMSOL Multiphysics software to represent the RBC membrane. The elastic energy of the membrane is considered to determine a stable membrane shape. Then, the actual biconcave shape of the membrane is obtained based on the principle of virtual work, when the total energy is minimised. The geometry of the RBC membrane could be used with meshfree particle methods to simulate motion and deformation of RBCs in micro-capillaries


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A fractal method was introduced to quantitatively characterize the dispersibility of modified kaolinite (MK) and precipitated silica (PS) in styrene–butadiene rubber (SBR) matrix based on the lower magnification transmission electron microscopic images. The fractal dimension (FD) is greater, and the dispersion is worse. The fractal results showed that the dispersibility of MK in the latex blending sample is better than that in the mill blending samples. With the increase of kaolinite content, the FD increases from 1.713 to 1.800, and the dispersibility of kaolinite gradually decreases. There is a negative correlation between the dispersibility and loading content. With the decrease of MK and increase of PS, the FD significantly decreases from 1.735 to 1.496 and the dipersibility of kaolinite remarkably increases. The hybridization can improve the dispersibility of fillers in polymer matrix. The FD can be used to quantitatively characterize the aggregation and dispersion of kaolinite sheets in rubber matrix.


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In this work, we study the fractal and multifractal properties of a family of fractal networks introduced by Gallos et al (2007 Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 104 7746). In this fractal network model, there is a parameter e which is between 0 and 1, and allows for tuning the level of fractality in the network. Here we examine the multifractal behavior of these networks, the dependence relationship of the fractal dimension and the multifractal parameters on parameter e. First, we find that the empirical fractal dimensions of these networks obtained by our program coincide with the theoretical formula given by Song et al (2006 Nature Phys. 2 275). Then from the shape of the τ(q) and D(q) curves, we find the existence of multifractality in these networks. Last, we find that there exists a linear relationship between the average information dimension 〈D(1)〉 and the parameter e.


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Based on protein molecular dynamics, we investigate the fractal properties of energy, pressure and volume time series using the multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis (MF-DFA) and the topological and fractal properties of their converted horizontal visibility graphs (HVGs). The energy parameters of protein dynamics we considered are bonded potential, angle potential, dihedral potential, improper potential, kinetic energy, Van der Waals potential, electrostatic potential, total energy and potential energy. The shape of the h(q)h(q) curves from MF-DFA indicates that these time series are multifractal. The numerical values of the exponent h(2)h(2) of MF-DFA show that the series of total energy and potential energy are non-stationary and anti-persistent; the other time series are stationary and persistent apart from series of pressure (with H≈0.5H≈0.5 indicating the absence of long-range correlation). The degree distributions of their converted HVGs show that these networks are exponential. The results of fractal analysis show that fractality exists in these converted HVGs. For each energy, pressure or volume parameter, it is found that the values of h(2)h(2) of MF-DFA on the time series, exponent λλ of the exponential degree distribution and fractal dimension dBdB of their converted HVGs do not change much for different proteins (indicating some universality). We also found that after taking average over all proteins, there is a linear relationship between 〈h(2)〉〈h(2)〉 (from MF-DFA on time series) and 〈dB〉〈dB〉 of the converted HVGs for different energy, pressure and volume.


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Many studies have shown that we can gain additional information on time series by investigating their accompanying complex networks. In this work, we investigate the fundamental topological and fractal properties of recurrence networks constructed from fractional Brownian motions (FBMs). First, our results indicate that the constructed recurrence networks have exponential degree distributions; the average degree exponent 〈λ〉 increases first and then decreases with the increase of Hurst index H of the associated FBMs; the relationship between H and 〈λ〉 can be represented by a cubic polynomial function. We next focus on the motif rank distribution of recurrence networks, so that we can better understand networks at the local structure level. We find the interesting superfamily phenomenon, i.e., the recurrence networks with the same motif rank pattern being grouped into two superfamilies. Last, we numerically analyze the fractal and multifractal properties of recurrence networks. We find that the average fractal dimension 〈dB〉 of recurrence networks decreases with the Hurst index H of the associated FBMs, and their dependence approximately satisfies the linear formula 〈dB〉≈2-H, which means that the fractal dimension of the associated recurrence network is close to that of the graph of the FBM. Moreover, our numerical results of multifractal analysis show that the multifractality exists in these recurrence networks, and the multifractality of these networks becomes stronger at first and then weaker when the Hurst index of the associated time series becomes larger from 0.4 to 0.95. In particular, the recurrence network with the Hurst index H=0.5 possesses the strongest multifractality. In addition, the dependence relationships of the average information dimension 〈D(1)〉 and the average correlation dimension 〈D(2)〉 on the Hurst index H can also be fitted well with linear functions. Our results strongly suggest that the recurrence network inherits the basic characteristic and the fractal nature of the associated FBM series.


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A computed tomography number to relative electron density (CT-RED) calibration is performed when commissioning a radiotherapy CT scanner by imaging a calibration phantom with inserts of specified RED and recording the CT number displayed. In this work, CT-RED calibrations were generated using several commercially available phantoms to observe the effect of phantom geometry on conversion to electron density and, ultimately, the dose calculation in a treatment planning system. Using an anthropomorphic phantom as a gold standard, the CT number of a material was found to depend strongly on the amount and type of scattering material surrounding the volume of interest, with the largest variation observed for the highest density material tested, cortical bone. Cortical bone gave a maximum CT number difference of 1,110 when a cylindrical insert of diameter 28 mm scanned free in air was compared to that in the form of a 30 × 30 cm2 slab. The effect of using each CT-RED calibration on planned dose to a patient was quantified using a commercially available treatment planning system. When all calibrations were compared to the anthropomorphic calibration, the largest percentage dose difference was 4.2 % which occurred when the CT-RED calibration curve was acquired with heterogeneity inserts removed from the phantom and scanned free in air. The maximum dose difference observed between two dedicated CT-RED phantoms was ±2.1 %. A phantom that is to be used for CT-RED calibrations must have sufficient water equivalent scattering material surrounding the heterogeneous objects that are to be used for calibration.