993 resultados para Former
During the first Kibaki administration (2002-2007), a movement by the former Mau Mau fighters demanded recognition for the role that they had played in the achievement of independence. They began to demand, also, monetary compensation for past injustices. Why had it taken over 40 years (from independence in 1963) for the former Mau Mau fighters to initiate this movement? What can be observed as the outcome of their movement? To answer these questions, three different historical currents need to be taken into account. These were, respectively, changing trends in the government of Kenya, progress in historical research into the actual circumstances of colonial control, and a realization, based on mounting experience, that launching a legal action against Britain could turn out to be a lucrative initiative. This paper concludes that, regardless of the actual purpose of the legal case, neither of their objectives was certain to be achieved. Two inescapable realities remain: the doubts cast on the reputation of the government by its decision to lift the Mau Mau‟s outlaw status – a decision that was widely seen as a latter-day example of the „Kikuyu favouritism‟ policy followed by the first Kibaki administration – and the popular interpretation of the involvement of Leigh Day, well known in Kenya ever since the unexploded bombs case for its success in obtaining substantial compensation payments, as a vehicle for squeezing large amounts of money from the British government for the benefit of the Kikuyu people.
Como un agente más del ecosistema híper-referenciado nacido de la revolución digital, el arquitecto contemporáneo crea nuevos significados a partir de la recomposición de fragmentos y símbolos existentes. El uso crítico de referencias nutre una metodología de proyecto basada en la adición de nuevos significados a formas ya producidas. En este contexto, el uso de recursos formales relacionados con obras mediáticas se manifiesta como un mecanismo proyectual de gran relevancia Se trata de recursos ‘prêt à former’, soluciones formales capaces de insertar cualquier obra en el lenguaje contemporáneo. PALABRAS CLAVE: forma, prêt à former, moda, repetición, postproducción, copia In a context dominated by the presence of references, the contemporary architect introduces new meanings into existing symbols. The critical use of fragments nourishes a design methodology based on the transformation of previously produced forms. Thus, the utilization of formal resources related to well-known buildings proves itself as a very important design tool. These are ‘prêt à former’ resources; formal solutions capable of inserting any project into the contemporary language. KEYWORDS: form, prêt à former, fashion, repetition, postproduction, copy
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Lists books borrowed by many individuals, including Governor William Shirley, Colonel Brinley, General Brattle, Secretary Willard, Judge Danforth, Colonel Wendell, Thomas Oliver, Christ Bridge Marsh, and Francis Foxcroft. Entries include the author and title of the borrowed volumes.
No abstract.