929 resultados para Formative constructs


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This paper is focusing IT-supported real-time formative feedback in a classroom context. The development of a Student and Teacher Response System (STRS) is described. Since there are a number of obstacles for effective interaction in large classes, IT can be used to support the teachers aim to find out if students understand the lecture and accordingly adjust the content and design of the lecture. The system can be used for formative assessment before, during, and after a lecture. It is also possible for students to initiate interaction during lectures by posing questions anonymously. The main contributions of the paper are a) the description of the interactive real-time system and b) the development process behind it.


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This paper constructs new business cycle indices for Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico based on common dynamic factors extracted from a comprehensive set of sectoral output, external trade, fiscal and financial variables. The analysis spans the 135 years since the insertion of these economies into the global economy in the 1870s. The constructed indices are used to derive a business cyc1e chronology for these countries and characterize a set of new stylized facts. In particular, we show that ali four countries have historically displayed a striking combination of high business cyc1e volatility and persistence relative to advanced country benchmarks. Volatility changed considerably over time, however, being very high during early formative decades through the Great Depression, and again during the 1970s and ear1y 1980s, before declining sharply in three of the four countries. We also identify a sizeable common factor across the four economies which variance decompositions ascribe mostly to foreign interest rates and shocks to commodity terms of trade.


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Presents the discussion of practical and social dimensions that comprise the instrumentality (formative; theoretical and intellectual; investigative; technical-instrumental; and ethical-political) Social Work from research in social and occupational areas in which they operate social workers in Natal in Rio Grande do Norte. Chapters expose positions, experiences and reality of the respondents and the theoretical constructs and analytical, to understand: the evaluation of the training process, relating the teaching practice, the role of knowledge and the importance of research in professional practice of social workers, the seizure of technical-instrumental dimension, articulating demands, duties, powers and instruments, as elements that comprise it, and finally the ethical-political dimension, discussing the challenges of ethics and materialization of the ethical-political in daily work. In this sense, the dissertation sought add to production and academic debate about the work of the social worker, as well as contribute to their own professional practice, revealing how professionals articulate the practical and social dimensions that comprise the instrumentality in their daily work


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The use of transposable elements (TEs) as genetic drive mechanisms was explored using Drosophila melanogaster as a model system. Alternative strategies, employing autonomous and nonautonomous P element constructs were compared for their efficiency in driving the ry(+) allele into populations homozygous for a ry(-) allele at the genomic rosy locus. Transformed flies were introduced at 1%, 5%, and 10% starting frequencies to establish a series of populations that were monitored over the course of 40 generations, using both phenotypic and molecular assays. The transposon-borne ry(+) marker allele spread rapidly in almost all populations when introduced at 5% and 10% seed frequencies, but 1% introductions frequently failed to become established. A similar initial rapid increase in frequency of the ry(+) transposon occurred in several control populations lacking a source of transposase. Constructs carrying ry(+) markers also increased to moderate frequencies in the absence of selection on the marker. The results of Southern and in situ hybridization studies indicated a strong inverse relationship between the degree of conservation of construct integrity and transposition frequency. These finding have relevance to possible future applications of transposons as genetic drive mechanisms.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Neste trabalho tenho como perspectiva, contribuir para a discussão da formação continuada de professores centrada na escola, tendo como lócus de pesquisa a Escola Cidade de Emaús, em Belém/Pa. Com o objetivo de conhecer o processo de formação continuada realizado nesta escola analiso documentos primários da Instituição, que tratam de sua filosofia, do estatuto social da entidade mantenedora, do projeto político-pedagógico, dentre outros e entrevistas com 06 professoras trabalhadoras dessa experiência que passaram a participar do espaço escolar no decorrer do período considerado, nas quais se inclui autora e suas próprias memórias. Para a reconstituição do processo utilizei a pesquisa narrativa, buscando evidenciar a experiência sócio-pedagógica implantada desde a década de 1980 que se configura, desde então, como uma outra/nova proposta educacional até 2003. Foi considerado para o estudo do processo os seguintes eixos de análise: a organização de espaços e tempos escolares e as ações formativas na escola, considerado aí o trabalho coletivo, a produção de materiais didáticos, o envolvimento político-social e as atividades realizadas no/com o bairro. Discuto os avanços e limitações da formação continuada de professores centrada na escola e busco apontar caminhos para a construção do professor necessário à proposta de um projeto políticopedagógico pensado para esse espaço educativo, que procura, ainda, aliar competência técnica ao compromisso político. Essa formação deve assegurar a permanente reafirmação e avaliação da filosofia assumida pela escola, bem como toda fundamentação teórico-científica do trabalho ali desenvolvido, concretizando as ações a partir da própria vivência de um trabalho coletivo. Essa formação, portanto, adquire um caráter imprescindível dentro da comunidade escolar. Penso, inclusive, que a partir de um projeto político-pedagógico internalizado, de fato, pelos diversos segmentos de uma instituição escolar haja maior condição para que se construa um eixo central para a formação continuada de professores, que são apenas parte integrante de um corpo de pessoas que devem concorrer para a mesma finalidade. Acredito que a escola possuidora de um projeto político-pedagógico, obriga-se à necessidade de formação dos recursos humanos responsáveis por seu desenvolvimento.


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Este estudo está vinculado à linha de pesquisa Currículo e Formação de Professores, do Programa de Pós Graduação do Instituto de Ciências da Educação da Universidade Federal do Pará. Defini como objetivo geral analisar se a formação continuada de professores, desenvolvida no Programa “Conhecer para Acolher: capacitação de educadores para atuar junto a alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais no contexto da escola regular da Rede Pública Estadual do Pará”, trouxe contribuições para a prática pedagógica docente no processo de inclusão dos alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais em escolas públicas da rede estadual do Pará e como objetivos específicos identificar como os professores articulam o vivenciado no processo da formação com sua ação docente; avaliar que aspectos da formação podem ter favorecido (ou não) sua ação docente na perspectiva da inclusão e investigar se processo formativo gerou mudanças atitudinais nos professores. A investigação configurou-se como pesquisa qualitativa de abordagem descritiva, apoiada nos teóricos que discutem a formação de professores e inclusão, para compreensão dos fenômenos educacionais e do papel da formação continuada para a ressignificação das ações do professor no processo de construção da educação inclusiva. Foram sujeitos participantes quatro professoras que participaram da referida formação, selecionadas a partir dos critérios: participação na primeira formação do Programa, ocorrida em 2002; participação em módulo de aprofundamento; não ter participado de outras formações sobre educação especial/inclusão; ter no momento da pesquisa aluno com necessidades educacionais especiais em suas turmas. Elegi como instrumentos de coleta de dados a pesquisa documental e entrevista semi-estruturada. Considerando a importância da pesquisa como possível auxiliar em formações continuadas para o processo de inclusão educacional de alunos com necessidades especiais, para análise dos dados me apoiei nos constructos teóricos que são veiculados sobre a educação inclusiva e busquei pontos de interface entre esses constructos para a compreensão dos aspectos da complexidade que envolvem o processo de formação continuada de professores e seus reflexos na atuação profissional dos mesmos. A análise dos dados permitiu perceber que a formação proporcionou às professoras o repensar de suas práticas pela assimilação e uso dos conceitos teórico-práticos como recurso para sua ação, ao afirmarem que ativaram postura mais reflexiva, mais participativa em seu contexto profissional; ao se perceberem como mais sensíveis às diferenças que se manifestam em suas salas de aula; ao recorrerem a estratégias diferenciadas para efetivar o processo de ensino e se perceberem como co-responsáveis pela organização da inclusão educacional.


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We tested the hypothesis that the osteoblast differentiation status of bone marrow stem cells (BMSCs) combined with a three-dimensional (3D) structure modulates bone formation when autogenously implanted. Rat BMSCs were aspirated, expanded, and seeded into a 3D composite of poly(lactide-co-glycolide) and calcium phosphate (PLGA/CaP) to produce a hybrid biomaterial. Calvarial defects were implanted with (1) scaffold without cells (SC/NC), (2) scaffold and BMSCs (SC + BMSC), (3) scaffold and osteoblasts differentiated for 7 days (SC + OB7), and (4) for 14 days (SC + OB14). After 4 weeks, there was more bone formation in groups combining scaffold and cells, SC + BMSC and SC + OB7. A nonsignificant higher amount of bone formation was observed on SC + OB14 compared with SC/NC. Additionally, more blood vessels were counted within all hybrid biomaterials, without differences among them, than into SC/NC. These findings provide evidences that the cell differentiation status affects in vivo bone formation in autogenously implanted cell-based constructs. Undifferentiated BMSCs or osteoblasts in early stage of differentiation combined with PLGA/CaP scaffold favored bone formation compared with plain scaffold and that one associated with more mature osteoblasts.


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With this dissertation research we investigate intersections between design and marketing and in this respect, which factors do contribute that a product design becomes brand formative. We have developed a Brand Formative Design (BFD) framework, which investigates individual design features in a holistic, comparable, brand relevant, and consumer specific context. We discuss what kinds of characteristics contribute to BFD but also illuminate how they should be applied and examine: rnA holistic framework leading to Brand Formative Design. Identification and assessment of BFD Drivers. The dissection of products into three Distinctive Design Levels. The detection of surprising design preferences. The appropriate degree of scheme deviation with evolutionary design. Simulated BFD development processes with three different products and the integration of consumers. Future oriented objectification, comparability and assessment of design. Recommendations for the management of design in a brand specific context. Design is a product feature, which contributes significantly to the success of products. However, the development of new design contains challenges. Design can hardly be objectified; many people have an opinion concerning the attractiveness of new products but cannot formulate their future preferences. Product design is widely developed based on intuition, which can be difficult for the management of design. Here the concept of Brand Formative Design can provide a framework which contributes to structure, objectify, develop and assess new evolutionary design in brand and future relevant contexts, but also integrates consumers and their preferences without restricting creativity too much.


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The self-regeneration capacity of articular cartilage is limited, due to its avascular and aneural nature. Loaded explants and cell cultures demonstrated that chondrocyte metabolism can be regulated via physiologic loading. However, the explicit ranges of mechanical stimuli that correspond to favourable metabolic response associated with extracellular matrix (ECM) synthesis are elusive. Unsystematic protocols lacking this knowledge produce inconsistent results. This study aims to determine the intrinsic ranges of physical stimuli that increase ECM synthesis and simultaneously inhibit nitric oxide (NO) production in chondrocyte-agarose constructs, by numerically re-evaluating the experiments performed by Tsuang et al. (2008). Twelve loading patterns were simulated with poro-elastic finite element models in ABAQUS. Pressure on solid matrix, von Mises stress, maximum principle stress and pore pressure were selected as intrinsic mechanical stimuli. Their development rates and magnitudes at the steady state of cyclic loading were calculated with MATLAB at the construct level. Concurrent increase in glycosaminoglycan and collagen was observed at 2300 Pa pressure and 40 Pa/s pressure rate. Between 0-1500 Pa and 0-40 Pa/s, NO production was consistently positive with respect to controls, whereas ECM synthesis was negative in the same range. A linear correlation was found between pressure rate and NO production (R = 0.77). Stress states identified in this study are generic and could be used to develop predictive algorithms for matrix production in agarose-chondrocyte constructs of arbitrary shape, size and agarose concentration. They could also be helpful to increase the efficacy of loading protocols for avascular tissue engineering. Copyright (c) 2010 John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd.