914 resultados para Formal concept analysis
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar o processo de inserção de pessoas de baixa renda moradoras em comunidades do Rio de Janeiro no mercado de trabalho formal, alunos e egressos dos cursos da Educação Profissional oferecidos no âmbito do Programa SESI Cidadania (PSC), implantado pela Federação das Indústrias do Rio de Janeiro (FIRJAN), em 12 de agosto de 2010, por meio do acordo de cooperação com o Governo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. O objetivo do programa é levar projetos sociais para as comunidades com Unidade de Polícia Pacificadora (UPP); dentre eles, projetos educacionais com oferta gratuita de cursos na modalidade Qualificação Profissional, respaldada no Decreto n 6.635, de 5 de novembro de 2008. Por conseguinte, este estudo visa a propor iniciativas no sentido de facilitar o ingresso e a permanência dessas pessoas no mercado de trabalho formal e a geração de trabalho e renda. A experiência da autora com processos de inserção de alunos e egressos de cursos da Educação Profissional oferecidos pelo Programa SESI Cidadania sinaliza que as dificuldades enfrentadas por moradores das comunidades do Rio de Janeiro estão relacionadas às condições históricas, sociais, econômicas e culturais. Diante dessa problemática, adotamos a seguinte hipótese: as competências comportamentais, dos moradores das comunidades do Rio de Janeiro interferem na sua inserção no mercado de trabalho formal. Nesse aspecto, o foco de investigação foi verificar as competências observadas pelos profissionais de recursos humanos que interferem na inserção e permanência desses egressos nas empresas. Adotamos o conceito de competências entendido por Joel Souza Dutra (2001) bem como por alguns teóricos da Administração, que o definem como um conjunto de conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes necessárias para que a pessoa desenvolva suas atribuições e responsabilidades. O recorte empírico se constituiu de dez empresas de pequeno, médio e grande porte sediadas na Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro. A abordagem metodológica incluiu pesquisa de campo com base em dados de entrevistas semiestruturadas, sendo incorporada a técnica de análise de relato verbal. Formulamos um questionário para realização de entrevistas semidirigidas com profissionais de Recursos Humanos e dirigentes de empresas as quais nos permitiram identificar os fatores que interferem na inserção dessas pessoas no mercado de trabalho formal. As conclusões apontam dificuldades de inserção e permanência de moradores das comunidades do Rio de Janeiro no mercado de trabalho formal por aspectos relacionados à formação educacional básica, e sobretudo a competências comportamentais desenvolvidas no contexto sociocultural no qual estão inseridos, as quais se encontram desassociadas das competências comportamentais demandadas pelo mercado de trabalho formal. A relevância da pesquisa consiste na possibilidade de subsidiar a formulação de políticas públicas da Educação e do trabalho destinadas à formação profissional de pessoas de baixa renda moradoras das comunidades do Rio de Janeiro para geração de trabalho e renda.
There has been much progress in recent years in the analysis of complex random vibro-acoustic systems, and general analysis methods have been developed which are based on the properties of diffuse wave fields. It is shown in the present paper that such methods can also be applied to high frequency EMC problems, avoiding the need for costly full wave solutions to Maxwell's equations in complex cavities. The theory behind the approach is outlined and then applied to the relatively simple case of a wiring system which is subject to reverberant electromagnetic wave excitation. © 2011 IEEE.
Although Common Pool Resources (CPRs) make up a significant share of total income for rural households in Ethiopia and elsewhere in developing world, limited access to these resources and environmental degradation threaten local livelihoods. As a result, the issues of management, governance of CPRs and how to prevent their over-exploitation are of great importance for development policy. This study examines the current state and dynamics of CPRs and overall resource governance system of the Lake Tana sub-basin. This research employed the modified form of Institutional Analysis and Development (IAD) framework. The framework integrates the concept of Socio-Ecological Systems (SES) and Interactive Governance (IG) perspectives where social actors, institutions, the politico-economic context, discourses and ecological features across governance and government levels were considered. It has been observed that overexploitation, degradation and encroachment of CPRs have increased dramatically and this threatens the sustainability of Lake Tana ecosystem. The stakeholder analysis result reveals that there are multiple stakeholders with diverse interest in and power over CPRs. The analysis of institutional arrangements reveals that the existing formal rules and regulations governing access to and control over CPRs could not be implemented and were not effective to legally bind and govern CPR user’s behavior at the operational level. The study also shows that a top-down and non-participatory policy formulation, law and decision making process overlooks the local contexts (local knowledge and informal institutions). The outcomes of examining the participation of local resource users, as an alternative to a centralized, command-and-control, and hierarchical approach to resource management and governance, have called for a fundamental shift in CPR use, management and governance to facilitate the participation of stakeholders in decision making. Therefore, establishing a multi-level stakeholder governance system as an institutional structure and process is necessary to sustain stakeholder participation in decision-making regarding CPR use, management and governance.
Time-series analysis and prediction play an important role in state-based systems that involve dealing with varying situations in terms of states of the world evolving with time. Generally speaking, the world in the discourse persists in a given state until something occurs to it into another state. This paper introduces a framework for prediction and analysis based on time-series of states. It takes a time theory that addresses both points and intervals as primitive time elements as the temporal basis. A state of the world under consideration is defined as a set of time-varying propositions with Boolean truth-values that are dependent on time, including properties, facts, actions, events and processes, etc. A time-series of states is then formalized as a list of states that are temporally ordered one after another. The framework supports explicit expression of both absolute and relative temporal knowledge. A formal schema for expressing general time-series of states to be incomplete in various ways, while the concept of complete time-series of states is also formally defined. As applications of the formalism in time-series analysis and prediction, we present two illustrating examples.
The paper presents a dynamic study of the Spanish labour market which tries to determine if it matches the characteristics of transitional labour markets from a fl exicurity approach. Employment trajectories of Spanish workers during the years 2007-2010 are studied using the Continuous Sample of Working Lives. This period covers the end of the expansion of the Spanish economy and the beginning of the current employment crisis. From the combination of the chosen topic, the approach, and the database used, this is a novel perspective in our country. The article shows evidence of the evolution of the employment and unemployment spells, the Spanish labour market turnover degree, and the diffi culties of some groups for carrying out transition between employment and unemployment. The results obtained show a labour market in which a) transitions have come to a halt, and b) there is high job insecurity.
The increasing emphasis on academic entrepreneurship, technology transfer and research commercialisation within UK universities is predicated on basic research being developed by academics into commercial entities such as university spin-off companies or licensing arrangements. However, this process is fraught with challenges and risks, given the degree of uncertainty regarding future returns. In an attempt to minimise such risks, the Proof-of-Concept (PoC) process has been developed within University Science Park Incubators (USIs) to test the technological, business and market potential of embryonic technology. The key or the pivotal stakeholder within the PoC is the Principal Investigator (PI), who is usually the lead academic responsible for the embryonic technology. Within the current literature, there appears to be a lack of research pertaining to the role of the PI in the PoC process. Moreover, Absorptive Capacity (ACAP) has emerged within the literature as a theoretical framework or lens for exploring the development and application of new knowledge and technology, where the USI is the organisation considered in the current study. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to explore the role and influence of the PI in the PoC process within a USI setting using an ACAP perspective. The research involved a multiple case analysis of PoC applications within a UK university USI. The results demonstrate the role of the PI in developing practices and routines within the PoC process. These practices and processes were initially tacit and informal in nature but became more explicit and formal over time so that knowledge was retained within the USI after the PIs had completed the PoC process. © 2010 The Authors. R&D Management © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Most parallel computing applications in highperformance computing use the Message Passing Interface (MPI) API. Given the fundamental importance of parallel computing to science and engineering research, application correctness is paramount. MPI was originally developed around 1993 by the MPI Forum, a group of vendors, parallel programming researchers, and computational scientists. However, the document defining the standard is not issued by an official standards organization but has become a de facto standard © 2011 ACM.
The REsearch on a CRuiser Enabled Air Transport Environment (RECREATE) project is considers the introduction and airworthiness of cruiser-feeder operations for civil aircraft. Cruiser-feeder operations are investigated as a promising pioneering idea for the air transport of the future. The soundness of the concept of cruiser-feeder operations for civil aircraft can be understood, taking air-to-air refueling operations as an example. For this example, a comprehensive estimate of the benefits can be made, which shows a fuel burn reduction potential and a CO2 emission reduction of 31% for a typical 6000 nautical miles flight with a payload of 250 passengers. This reduction potential is known to be large by any standard. The top level objective of the RECREATE project is to demonstrate on a preliminary design level that cruiser-feeder operations (as a concept to reduce fuel burn and CO2 emission levels) can be shown to comply with the airworthiness requirements for civil aircraft. The underlying Scientific and Technological (S&T) objectives are to determine and study airworthy operational concepts for cruiser-feeder operations, and to derive and quantify benefits in terms of CO2 emission reduction but also other benefits.
Work Package (WP) 3 has the objective to substantiate the assumed benefits of the cruiser/feeder operations through refined analysis and simulation. In this report, initial benefits evaluation of the initial RECREATE cruiser/feeder concepts is presented. The benefits analysis is conducted in delta mode, i.e. comparison is made with a baseline system. Since comparing different aircraft and air transport systems is never a trivial task, appropriate measures and metrics are defined and selected first. Non-dimensional parameters are defined and values for the baseline system derived.
The impact of cruiser/feeder operations such as air-to-air refueling are studied with respect to fuel-burn (or carbon-dioxide), noise and congestion. For this purpose, traffic simulations have been conducted.
Cruiser/feeder operations will have an impact on dispatch reliability as well. An initial assessment of the effect on dispatch reliability has been made and is reported.
Finally, a considerable effort has been made to create the infrastructure for economic delta analysis of the cruiser/feeder concept of operation. First results of the cost analysis have been obtained.
This research illuminates the relationship between female adolescents' self-concept and their experience of physical education. This was accomplished through three stages of interviews and a Qsort. The topics through which the research was categorized included peer support, teachers as significant others, meaningful connections to the body, and curriculum content. During stage one female physical education specialists, curriculum coordinators, and adolescents were interviewed to develop Q-items for the Q-sort. The second stage Involved two groups of females between the ages of 12 and 14 years who participated in the Q-sort. The final stage involved an insight group that consisted of four Q-sort participants who interpreted the highest ranking Q-items. Critical to this research was giving these adolescents the opportunity to voice what was important to them. The results of the research included descriptions of the elements in physical education that were deemed most important by female adolescent students. The topics of "peer support" and "meaningful connections to the body" were ranked the highest. By interpreting the rich insights of the discussion group, it was found that peers were most influential to these young girls. Perceiving and bestowing respect were imperative in this stage of their lives.
Narrative therapy is a postmodern therapy that takes the position that people create self-narratives to make sense of their experiences. To date, narrative therapy has compiled virtually no quantitative and very little qualitative research, leaving gaps in almost all areas of process and outcome. White (2006a), one of the therapy's founders, has recently utilized Vygotsky's (1934/1987) theories of the zone of proximal development (ZPD) and concept formation to describe the process of change in narrative therapy with children. In collaboration with the child client, the narrative therapist formalizes therapeutic concepts and submits them to increasing levels of generalization to create a ZPD. This study sought to determine whether the child's development proceeds through the stages of concept formation over the course of a session, and whether therapists' utterances scaffold this movement. A sequential analysis was used due to its unique ability to measure dynamic processes in social interactions. Stages of concept formation and scaffolding were coded over time. A hierarchical log-linear analysis was performed on the sequential data to develop a model of therapist scaffolding and child concept development. This was intended to determine what patterns occur and whether the stated intent of narrative therapy matches its actual process. In accordance with narrative therapy theory, the log-linear analysis produced a final model with interactions between therapist and child utterances, and between both therapist and child utterances and time. Specifically, the child and youth participants in therapy tended to respond to therapist scaffolding at the corresponding level of concept formation. Both children and youth and therapists also tended to move away from earlier and toward later stages of White's scaffolding conversations map as the therapy session advanced. These findings provide support for White's contention that narrative therapists promote child development by scaffolding child concept formation in therapy.
We apply to the Senegalese input-output matrix of 1990, disagregated into formal and informal activities, a recently designed structural analytical method (Minimal-Flow-Analysis) which permits to depict the direct and indirect production likanges existing between activities.