974 resultados para Forensic Medicine.
Cochlear implants are the best treatment for congenital profound deafness. Pediatric candidates to implantation are seen as vulnerable citizens, and the decision of implanting cochlear devices is ultimately in the hands of their parents/guardians. The Brazilian Penal Code dictates that deaf people may enjoy diminished criminal capacity. Many are the bioethical controversies around cochlear implants, as representatives from the deaf community have seen in them a means of decimating their culture and intrinsic values. Objective: This paper aims to discuss, in bioethical terms, the validity of implanting cochlear hearing aids in children by analyzing their vulnerability and the social/cultural implications of the procedure itself, aside from looking into the medical/legal aspects connected to their criminal capacity. Materials and Methods: The topic was searched on databases Medline and Lilacs; ethical analysis was done based on principialist bioethics. Results: Cochlear implants are the best therapeutic option for people with profound deafness and are morally justified. The level of criminal capacity attributed to deaf people requires careful analysis of the subject's degree of understanding and determination when carrying out the acts for which he/she has been charged. Conclusion: Cochlear implants are morally valid. Implantations must be analyzed on an each case basis. ENT physicians bear the ethical responsibility for indicating cochlear implants and must properly inform the child's parents/guardians and get their written consent before performing the procedure.
Con questo mio lavoro di tesi ho voluto esplorare il fenomeno del maltrattamento e dellabuso sui minori delineandone, sulla base della letteratura scientifica nazionale ed internazionale, gli aspetti clinici, epidemiologici ed i fattori di rischio. Un breve excursus giuridico illustrer, poi, gli articoli di legge relativi alla tutela dei minori; in particolare, ci si soffermer ad illustrare quegli articoli che normano i doveri dei sanitari nei confronti dellautorit giudiziaria nel caso si sospetti un abuso su minori. La conoscenza della semeiotica dellabuso, il suo riconoscimento allinterno di una diagnostica differenziale clinico-forense, la corretta repertazione e la consapevolezza che, un approccio autenticamente tutelante verso la vittima, deve sempre realizzarsi allinterno di una cornice giuridica fanno si che, il ruolo della medicina legale, competente in tutti questi ambiti, diventi senza ombra di dubbio primum inter pares allinterno dei team multidisciplinari ed interistituzionali che si occupano di minori vitti. Il gruppo scientifico in cui sono stata inserita e con cui si proceduto alla redazione del manuale il Gruppo di lavoro per labuso e il maltrattamento dellinfanzia coordinato dalla dott.ssa Maria Rosa Giolito ed ha coinvolto professionisti italiani afferenti a tre differenti aree sanitarie: quella ginecologica, quella medico-legale e quella pediatrica. Il testo elaborato stato immaginato come un aiuto ai professionisti medici che si trovano a valutare un soggetto prepubere con sospetto di abuso sessuale. Non costituisce una linea-guida per la diagnosi di abuso sessuale, ma definisce alcuni requisiti essenziali e diffonde alcune conoscenze per evitare errori che possano ripercuotersi negativamente sulla valutazione clinica e sulleventuale conseguente iter giudiziario.
Die alkoholische Leberzirrhose ist eine anerkannte Indikation fr eine Lebertransplantation. Die Prognose dieser Patientengruppe ist bei sicherer Langzeitabstinenz besser als diejenige von Patienten mit einer Leberzirrhose anderer Genese. Jeglicher Alkoholkonsum stellt eine absolute Kontraindikation fr eine Transplantation dar. In vielen Lndern gibt es die Forderung nach einer sechsmonatigen Alkoholabstinenz sowie einer guten Compliance vor der Lebertransplantation. Zu deren berprfung stehen in der Praxis meist methodisch unzureichende Standards zur Verfgung. Mit der seit den 80er Jahren in der Rechtsmedizin etablierten Alkoholbegleitstoff-Analyse werden die Serumkonzentrationen von Ethanol und anderen Alkoholen und Begleitstoffen, wie z.B. dem Methanol, bestimmt. Methanol ist ein sensitiver und spezifischer Indikator fr einen rezenten Alkoholkonsum, da es aufgrund von kompetitiver Hemmung der ADH durch exogen herbeigefhrtes (konsumiertes) Ethanol im Serum akkumuliert. Die Alkoholbegleitstoff-Analyse eignet sich im klinischen Alltag zur berprfung eines rezenten Alkoholkonsums bei Patienten mit Alkoholismushintergrund. rnIn dieser Studie wurde der Methanoltest standardisiert bei 41 Patienten mit einer ALC auf der Warteliste fr eine LTx angewandt. Es wurde bei 32 von 92 Blutuntersuchungen ein Rckfall nachgewiesen, whrend die Selbstauskunft und der Ethanoltest jeweils nur in 3 Fllen positiv ausfielen. Der Methanoltest wies also in 29 Fllen (1/3) einen rezenten Alkoholkonsum nach, der weder in der Selbstauskunft noch durch den Ethanoltest aufgedeckt worden war.rnEs konnte gezeigt werden, dass der Methanoltest als Bestandteil der Alkoholbegleitstoff-Analyse fr die berprfung des Abstinenzverhaltens von Patienten mit alkoholtoxischer Leberzirrhose auf der Warteliste vor Transplantation besser geeignet ist als die Selbstauskunft und der direkte Nachweis von Ethanol im Blut der Patienten. In der Praxis zeigte sich, dass mit einer unangekndigten Untersuchung mehr Rckflle diagnostiziert werden knnen als bei lnger im Voraus geplanten Routine-Untersuchungsterminen. rn
In den letzten Jahren stieg in Deutschland der Gebrauch bzw. Missbrauch von Opioid-Analgetika zunehmend an. Das entwickelte Verfahren sollte unter Einbeziehung neuer Substanzen mglichst viele verschiedene Opioide und auch ihre pharmakologisch aktiven Stoffwechselprodukte bercksichtigen.rnVor Analyse wurden Blut-, Serum- oder Urinproben mit Phosphatpuffer versetzt und mittels Festphasenextraktion an C18-Sulenmaterial aufgearbeitet. Post-Mortem-Gewebematerial wurde mit isotonischer Kochsalzlsung versetzt, homogenisiert und anschlieend durch eine Festphasenextraktion aufgereinigt. Haarproben wurden nach Zerkleinerung mit Methanol unter Ultrabeschallung extrahiert. Die Flssigchromatographie gekoppelt mit Tandem-Massenspektrometrie (Elektrosprayionisation im positiven Modus) erwies sich als geeignetes Verfahren fr die simultane Bestimmung der Opioide in biologischem Probenmaterial (Krperflssigkeiten, Gewebe und Haaren). Der Multi-Analyt Assay erlaubt die quantitative Analyse von 35 verschiedenen Opioiden. Die Analyten wurden durch eine Phenyl-Hexyl Sule und einen Wasser/Acetonitril Gradienten durch eine UPLC 1290 Infinity gekoppelt mit einem 6490 Triple Quadrupol von Agilent Technologies separiert.rnDie LC/MS Methode zur simultanen Bestimmung von 35 Opioiden in Serum und Haaren wurde nach den Richtlinien der Gesellschaft fr Toxikologische und Forensische Chemie (GTFCh) validiert. Im Fall der Serumvalidierung lagen die Nachweisgrenzen zwischen 0.02 und 0.6 ng/ml und die Bestimmungsgrenzen im Bereich von 0.1 bis 2.0 ng/ml. Die Kalibrationskurven waren fr die Kalibrationslevel 1 bis 6 linear. Wiederfindungsraten lagen fr alle Verbindungen zwischen 51 und 88 %, auer fr Alfentanil, Bisnortiliidn, Pethidin und Morphin-3-Glucuronid. Der Matrixeffekt lag zwischen 86 % (Ethylmorphin) und 105 % (Desomorphin). Fr fast alle Analyten konnten akzeptable Werte bei der Bestimmung der Genauigkeit und Richtigkeit nach den Richtlinien der GTFCh erhalten werden. Im Fall der Validierung der Haarproben lagen die Nachweisgrenzen zwischen 0.004 und 0.6 ng/Probe und die Bestimmungsgrenzen zwischen 0.1 ng/Probe und 2.0 ng/Probe. Fr die Kalibrationslevel 1 bis 6 waren alle Kalibrationsgeraden linear. Die Wiederfindungsraten lagen fr die Opioide im Bereich von 73.5 % (Morphin-6-Glucuronid) und 114.1 % (Hydrocodon). Die Werte fr die Bestimmung der Richtigkeit lagen zwischen - 6.6 % (Methadon) und + 11.7 % (Pholcodin). Przisionsdaten wurden zwischen 1.0 % fr Dextromethorphan und 11.5 % fr Methadon ermittelt. Die Kriterien der GTFCh konnten bei Ermittlung des Matrixeffekts fr alle Substanzen erfllt werden, auer fr 6-Monoacetylmorphin, Bisnortilidin, Meperidin, Methadon, Morphin-3-glucuronid, Morphin-6-glucuronid, Normeperidin, Nortilidin und Tramadol.rnZum Test des Verfahrens an authentischem Probenmaterial wurden 206 Proben von Krperflssigkeiten mit Hilfe der simultanen LC/MS Screening Methode untersucht. ber 150 Proben wurden im Rahmen von forensisch-toxikologischen Untersuchungen am Instituts fr Rechtsmedizin Mainz analysiert. Dabei konnten 23 der 35 Opioide in den realen Proben nachgewiesen werden. Zur Untersuchung der Pharmakokinetik von Opioiden bei Patienten der ansthesiologischen Intensivstation mit Sepsis wurden ber 50 Blutproben untersucht. Den Patienten wurde im Rahmen einer klinischen Studie einmal tglich vier Tage lang Blut abgenommen. In den Serumproben wurde hauptschlich Sufentanil (0.2 0.8 ng/ml in 58 Fllen) und Piritramid (0.4 11 ng/ml in 56 Fllen) gefunden. Auerdem wurden die Proben von Krperflssigkeiten und Gewebe von 13 verschiedenen Autopsiefllen mit Hilfe des Multi-Analyt Assays auf Opioide untersucht.rnIn einem zweiten Schritt wurde die Extraktions- und Messmethode zur Quantifizierung der 35 Opioide am Forensic Medicine Center in Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) etabliert. Insgesamt wurden 85 Herzblutproben von Obduktionsfllen mit Verdacht auf Opiatintoxikation nher untersucht. Der berwiegende Teil der untersuchten Flle konnte auf eine Heroin- bzw. Morphin-Vergiftung zurckgefhrt werden. Morphin wurde in 68 Fllen im Konzentrationsbereich 1.7 1400 ng/ml und der Heroinmetabolit 6-Monoactetylmorphin in 34 Fllen (0.3 160 ng/ml) nachgewiesen werden.rnSchlielich wurden noch 15 Haarproben von Patienten einer psychiatrischen Klinik, die illegale Rauschmittel konsumiert hatten, mit Hilfe der simultanen Opioid-LC/MS Screeningmethode gemessen. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung wurden mit frheren Auswertungen von gaschromatographischen Analysen verglichen. Es zeigte sich eine weitgehende bereinstimmung der Untersuchungsergebnisse fr die Opioide 6-Monoacetylmorphin, Morphin, Codein, Dihydrocodein und Methadon. Mit der LC/MS Methode konnten weitere Substanzen, wie zum Beispiel Bisnortilidin, Dextromethorphan und Tramadol in den Haarproben gefunden werden, die bislang nicht entdeckt worden waren.rn
Non-contrast post-mortem computed tomography (pm-CT) is useful in the evaluation of bony pathologies, whereas minimally invasive pm-CT-angiography allows for the detection of subtle vascular lesions. We present a case of an accidentally self-inflicted fatal bullet wound to the chest where pm-CT-angiography revealed a small laceration of the anterior interventricular branch of the left coronary artery and a tiny disruption of the right ventricle with pericardial and pleural effusion. Subsequent autopsy confirmed our radiological findings. Post-mortem CT-angiography has a great potential for the detection of vascular lesions and can be considered equivalent to autopsy for selected cases in forensic medicine.
We report a case involving a spring-gun device (muzzleloader) loaded solely with gunpowder, installed next to shoes to prevent the neighbors' puppy from removing them. The booby trap was triggered by the 15-year-old dog-owners son when he tried to put the shoes out of the reach of the puppy. The boy suffered second degree superficial burns located mainly at the dorsal side of the right hand and fingers. To estimate the danger of the used weapon, several tests were undertaken on soap blocks from different distances and with different loads of black powder. The particle density per mm and the depth of black powder tattooing in the soap was compared with the boy's injuries, and found conclusive with the gun-owners statement regarding the loading of the weapon. Furthermore, our experiments indicated that the gunpowder load involved was not able to inflict permanent damage, not even to the eyes, at the here estimated firing distance.
Homicide followed by the suicide of the offender is a well-known phenomenon. In most cases, it takes place in the context of the so-called "family tragedies." A recent series of such family tragedies in Switzerland prompted an intensive debate in the media and the Swiss government concerning the Swiss Weapon Law, in particular the requirement to keep personal army weapons at home. The present study of Homicide-Suicide cases in Switzerland, thus focuses on the role played by guns, especially military weapons, in such crimes. We investigated retrospectively 75 cases of Homicide-Suicide, comprising 172 individuals and spanning a period of 23 years in western and central Switzerland. Our results show that if guns were used in 76% of the cases, army weapons were the cause of death in 25% of the total. In 28% of the deaths caused by a gunshot, the exact type of the gun and its origin could not be determined. Thus, the majority of Homicide-Suicide cases in Switzerland involve the use of guns. The exact percentage of cases were military weapons were involved could not be defined. In our opinion, a stricter weapons law, restricting access to firearms, would be a factor of prevention of Homicide- Suicide cases in Switzerland.
Although postmortem imaging has gained prominence in the field of forensic medicine, evaluation of the postmortem lung remains problematic. Specifically, differentiation of normal postmortem changes and pathological pulmonary changes is challenging and at times impossible. In this study, five corpses were ventilated using a mechanical ventilator with a pressure of 40 mbar (40.8 cm H(2)O). The ventilation was performed via an endotracheal tube, a larynx mask or a continuous positive airway pressure mask. Postmortem computed tomographic images of the lungs before and with a ventilation of 40 mbar (40.8 cm H(2)O) were evaluated and the lung volumes were measured with segmentation software. Postmortem ventilation led to a clearly visible decrease of both the density in the dependant parts of the lungs and ground glass attenuation, whereas consolidated areas remained unchanged. Furthermore, a mean increase in the lung volume of 2.10 l was seen. Pathological changes such as septal thickening or pulmonary nodules in the lung parenchyma became more detectable with postmortem ventilation. Intracorporal postmortem mechanical ventilation of the lungs appears to be an effective method for enhancing detection of small pathologies of the lung parenchyma as well as for discriminating between consolidation, ground glass attenuation and position-dependent density.
ABSTRACT: Horse kicks are rare incidents-especially, if they end in fatality. In this case, a 13-year-old girl collapsed 3 minutes after sustaining a kick to the chest from a pony. Resuscitation attempts were unsuccessful. Postmortem computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging were performed before autopsy.Imaging revealed a 3-cm long laceration of the left ventricle and a large pericardial effusion. Using segmentation techniques, the amount of blood inside the pericardium was determined. These findings correlated well with the autopsy findings. Pericardial tamponade was determined at autopsy to be the cause of death.Postmortem imaging may prove useful for the diagnosis of these types of injury, but further studies are needed to document accuracy.
We report a case of an accidental death or potential suicide by revolver with subsequent injury of another person. A 44-year-old man shot himself in the head while manipulating his.38 caliber special revolver in the kitchen in the presence of his wife, standing approximately 1.5 m next to him. After passing through the husband's head, the lead round-nose bullet entered the region underneath his wife's left eye. When the bullet left the man's head, it retained the energy to penetrate the soft tissue at this distance, including the skin and thin bone plates like the orbital wall. Owing to the low energy of the projectile, the entry wound was of atypical in shape and without loss of tissue. Only a small line-resembling a cut-was externally visible. The man died in the hospital from his injuries; his wife suffered visual loss of her left eye.
PURPOSE: The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that computed tomography (CT) and three-dimensional (3D) CT imaging techniques can be useful tools for evaluating gunshot wounds of the skull in forensic medicine. Three purposes can be achieved: (1) identifying and recognising the bullet entrance wound - and exit wound, if present; (2) recognising the bullet's intracranial course by studying damage to bone and brain tissue; (3) suggesting hypotheses as to the dynamics of the event. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ten cadavers of people who died of a fatal head injury caused by a single gunshot were imaged with total-body CT prior to conventional autoptic examination. Three-dimensional-CT reconstructions were obtained with the volume-rendering technique, and data were analysed by two independent observers and compared with autopsy results. RESULTS: In our experience, CT analysis and volumetric reconstruction techniques allowed the identification of the bullet entrance and exit wounds and intracranial trajectory, as well as helping to formulate a hypothesis on the extracranial trajectory to corroborate circumstantial evidence. CONCLUSIONS: CT imaging techniques are excellent tools for addressing the most important questions of forensic medicine in the case of gunshot wounds of the skull, with results as good as (or sometimes better than) traditional autoptic methods.
The objective of this study was to estimate the potential of method restriction as a public health strategy in suicide prevention. Data from the Swiss Federal Statistical Office and the Swiss Institutes of Forensic Medicine from 2004 were gathered and categorized into suicide submethods according to accessibility to restriction of means. Of suicides in Switzerland, 39.2% are accessible to method restriction. The highest proportions were found in private weapons (13.2%), army weapons (10.4%), and jumps from hot-spots (4.6%). The presented method permits the estimation of the suicide prevention potential of a country by method restriction and the comparison of restriction potentials between suicide methods. In Switzerland, reduction of firearm suicides has the highest potential to reduce the total number of suicides.
PURPOSE: Currently, in forensic medicine cross-sectional imaging gains recognition and a wide use as a non-invasive examination approach. Today, computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging that are available for patients are unable to provide tissue information on the cellular level in a non-invasive manner and also diatom detection, DNA, bacteriological, chemical toxicological and other specific tissue analyses are impossible using radiology. We hypothesised that post-mortem minimally invasive tissue sampling using needle biopsies under CT guidance might significantly enhance the potential of virtual autopsy. The purpose of this study was to test the use of a clinically approved biopsy needle for minimally invasive post-mortem sampling of tissue specimens under CT guidance. MATERIAL AND METHODS: ACN III biopsy core needles 14 gauge x 160 mm with automatic pistol device were used on three bodies dedicated to research from the local anatomical institute. Tissue probes from the brain, heart, lung, liver, spleen, kidney and muscle tissue were obtained under CT fluoroscopy. RESULTS: CT fluoroscopy enabled accurate placement of the needle within the organs and tissues. The needles allowed for sampling of tissue probes with a mean width of 1.7 mm (range 1.2-2 mm) and the maximal length of 20 mm at all locations. The obtained tissue specimens were of sufficient size and adequate quality for histological analysis. CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that, similar to the clinical experience but in many more organs, the tissue specimens obtained using the clinically approved biopsy needle are of a sufficient size and adequate quality for a histological examination. We suggest that post-mortem biopsy using the ACN III needle under CT guidance may become a reliable method for targeted sampling of tissue probes of the body.